THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1918. LE PAGE ELEVEN CEE ENNNEENENEERSEANERENN » G R A N D OPERA [2 A O22 HOUSF |= = EE - Jie | ToNGHT E |Jg{ The People's Forum B | Last Chance to See OD 3 in EERNEE { OF | CLUNE'S cinema production of = Ah | marowp nvr, wri Ey A Head Office, Toronto, Canada CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES - WANTED GENERAL ° EE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE pital . $5,0 srt ig | A SKIFF. , STATE PRICE AND! First issertion, le 8 word. Each eom-' FF. : on py FOUND un t tion th ft half where #t can be seen to Box ABC,| ' Reserved RL nh 38 Bs soe » Eyes 0 Cont u werd. Wiatmue, charge Stor | Whig Oce | Lh mean, DY oy Blsrerurs sr. poune ROUGH CAST one Insertic 23¢; three!insertions, | - AWING 1 3 A SECOND HAND SINGER SEW i have same at 4 Birch Ave. 1700. Soe; mix $1; one month, $2. : ach drop. head. Apply Box | Arce $17 Business Meh are offered i in this Bank \ =. M. Whig uffice ADY'S WHITE RUBHER ON ELM ST, FRAME, LARGE LOT, $1500, } King Street wner may have > ] HELP WANTED Is : » CART. APPLY (© sami by calling at Whig of- i : ST. BRICK VEN the satisfactory banking service pro- ume or ro BLY 4 GOOD DUM CARY, Street, : by calling at Whig of Sannin ST. BRICK VENEERED, i M GIRL. APP RON- | or Pho 2 Hl s» L oF (LTO or vided by our complete facilities and ex- A DINING Ren aim ond [reat 5% Phone | x, end EL BARRIE ST, FRAME, $2100, t ti 2 . | WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUE BUFFET Owner ave same = ensive connections. - - In wine splendid acts of COMPETRNT STENOGRAPHER. AP- and dining room ' chairs] Ar Montreal street, JOHNSON ST. FRAME, $2200, motion pictures. ply to Geo. A. McGowan. . Hex 185 Whig Office FOUND ARTI } Y $300 ) CLES ADVER. 8 G | | The wild ride of the Forest Rangers. | poRTER AVD BELL BOY WANTED, 70 BUY BABY CARRIAGE, MUST BE | URTCH AVE, BRIC K, 30, eorge B. McKay, Manager. : | The fight on the mountain cliff. Apply Frontenac Hotel, City. | in 'As1 condition; state description | TISED FREE, UNIVERSITY AVE. BRIC CK-VENEER. and lowest cash price, Box $40 ed, $3100. ... . J In CCROrY . | d 2 Iagnificent scenery of romantic DRIVER wr ONCE FOR CAKE WAG- Whig Office. | Anyone finding anything and lifornia. ivid scene fh ror ly Neo 3 akery, . y quEm Rn JPL 2 OO En ARNERARY m Galitoraia, Nid Leeues of huthan B. yo xnglang Fae | GOOD MOATHOUSE, ALSO SMALL Bo so. v repering the facts iu PATRI $3500. boURLE Ami K-YEN. clash, CLERK: GOOD ! row-boat. State where to be seen The British Whig. The adver- el Absolutely the greatest photo-drama |A- N1eHT YG v a ¥ car bimini? pl a paid. Appiy Prince' George + and cash price, Apply Box W. F, tisement will be Ente in this THE J. K. CARROLL AGENC r staged. -- Wiig Office column free of charge. Brock St. Phone 68. e for S Evenings -- 15¢, 25¢, 5c, 50¢. | § COOK GENERAL: REFERENCES gfe. : ¥ 4 Me 2 » und articles" does not in- Hous S s for ale Seats nuw on sale. required. Apply Mrs. Best, 144 Al- SECONDHAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, | clude Jost dogs, oats. NOTOR, Sl bert street for cash or in part payment of new etc. These, {f lost, .may be ad. | ARS ERE : > pianos and grafonolas, C. W. Lind- : oo '4 - Bafrie Sty Frame . = $2100 TWO NIGHTS ONLY say, Limited, 121 Princess street. (| Yortised for in the "Lost" column. Myo yyppon's REAL ESTATE AGENCY um St ent Block | . wa elie 5 who will work for a | ; - t 5 hy Thursday and Friday Apply P.O. Box »2, Kingston. | WANTED -- WILL GIVE $2.00 FOR __.___ EE &---- 50 FT, LOTS. KENSINGTON {} tenac Hotel, city. A STENOGRAPHER, A YOUNG MAN > 12 g i J) r advancement, Ww Barn 1e of Jd St. Andre hurch | : Nelson St., ith SRT EL i APE a Pe SS April 11 and 12 i one of the oid : WS CRyroh; LORT uo i I", gy 9 MIDDLE AGED WOMAN TO ACT AS | SUG. Rever ie of token ha a Burtch Ave., Brick Bungalow .. .. .. .nousekeeper for home fn the coun-| "Kingston, U.C." Address Wm. A.| $650 TO $750---33 FT. LOTS, VICTORIA st, Whig Office. i "116 Genmain St., St. John, N.B.| A ROLL OF BILLS CONTAINING $39, : ply Box 21, Kan Patrick St, Brick Pair . PE ". "ie . es EY Apply | Ao -- on Sauwurday noon from Loconfative --- . THE PLAY THAT DUTS WE_WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF] Works up Johnson to Bagot Finder JOY. INTO LIVING EXPERIENCED COOK: ALSO|™ "Second-hand = furniture, stoves, | kindly return to Whig Office and{g4000 BRICK HOUSE, MODERN, MACK St. j work. Apply he eaters, clothes, ete. © We also have recelve reward The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Bol IIT A paige for ward worle' Apuly the| Heater elitnes cic a 9 ' \ i [ Ss. Sha i 45 rin- | om : | line for sale Shapiro, Wl . ie ix PUIoh Eom Phones: Office 08; residence 874, Open Every Saturday Evening. Be Loy Fae Rhahine LOST OR STOLEN. $4000, BRICK, 206 UNIVERSITY AVE, A AN ta A A tr rate | cess street." Phone 12 isholm Cus? : RT a = mm | aman | GIRLS 'WANTED FOR LIGHT, PLEAS. | ETO aT ee a : i Thursday | EXTRA VALUE FOR QUICK SALE. | 3 | ro he world-famo» 7 | CARD OF THANKS 3 - glad hid it nn ant work Highest wages paid SITUATIONS VACANT. | a ail, city hall 5 3 " A # nk we sh by Eleanor H. Porter « Apply N. C. Pulson Co, 265 On- nig A rr black fur was left 64 William street, ank th al Friel r 3 Jnviror 1 tatio St cy MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO SELL | in dts pl! 4 srson Kindly --- thei: leal Cast and Bavironmen To ; s 8 I lur their 5 Dr. Chase's Receipt Joo k ant ur B i - BN 3 a hereavemen Including P u Oswald | CONDUCTRESSES, BETWEEN THE Hoasehold ~ Physician Laggest | seem mm === | 70 RENT = STORE, PRINCESS BT, ry ncluding Patricia, Collinge, Oswale . ts Fig a at] sale of any book except the- Bible 4 . = ' 2 x at a 28; must . ai Food will win the war and Dr. TO LET. + -- . -~ House and Premises wt F R ALE Yorke, Jos. Jefferson, Beatrice i \St wo references to character. { vood | 3» 5 --- y " . Av | Chase's wk saves Food as well o------------------ VICTORY AND OTHER BONDS arg 1 f tc : ok Morgan. Apply & c¢ Railway | as lives 50% commission and UNFURNISHED ROOMS, EL- bought and a0 1 No. 310 University. Ave, | CATARAQUI DRIVING PARK Seats Ready Tuesday. April 9. | oo oC RMEN, - RETURNED | fifty! dolas Victory Bond free with ctric lights. 'Apply 450 Division Prices: 25¢ to $1.50. sold the necessary qual.- | sale of, 200 books. Fine oppor-| street. Ww THE R HOUSES AND LOTS SELECT, Comprising 22 acres good garden i -- me Heatons will be given 'tine prefer-| nity xn rerarned 4 rig : y le 3 Market st. Kingston, Apply Ekledaic Railway. 1 experience necessany, for people|pEpICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM. Ap] = . { are anxious to get this well-know ud | bers. Apply to A. B, Cunningham, undersigned up to Saturday, 1 3th | land and building lots; Iarge horse of - enc inst, at noon, for the purchase of [barn and other bulldings: also one of : { book. Write for te 7 : + g 3 , w . - : ¥s on - & | e r terms and exclus- Clarenc a this desirable property. For terms, the best "half mile tracks in Canada; MEN, g : TO A E RPERIENG ive 'territory. Edmanson, Bates &! 79 Clarence street. elty pter; price rengpnable. For full ° 4 8s y e Bec { Co., Ltd., Dr. Chase Bldg. Toronto, | FIRST.C 8S N HOOMS AND HOARD, 5 apply to W. MUNDELL. ¥ particulars enquire on premises, ns, rep rs Sa ano | ont all improvements; centrally locat . MUNDELL, EXECULOY. } evita expenses American Foreign es ' | . a T T 8 93 Clarence St AUCTION SALE "Bargain Matinee at 2.30; Ev'g. 8.15. tective Agency, 740 St. Lows | | ed. Apply 243 Brock Si $559-PORT SHO TH, DWELLING AXD | Household Furniture, At Island Mar- The Biggest Minstrel Show Ever --tn 1 FOR SALE i -- o- . two lots Ket, Wednesdny, April 10th, at = Seen Here ye AGENTS, CALIFORNIA. VLOWBR| ____ eens. (2 OB 4 BRIGHT, 1 Ny #900--CHERRY sr. : . Kk yms, suitable for ouse- a . 10 a.m. Bead Necklaces, § sellers | THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, COS) keeping. Box 46, Wikig Ofice _ Black hep and other > : @ 9 Irofit, absolutely mew. 4 8 kttle. Once, 5c; thres Limes 80e, $1075-- PORTSMOUTH. his ia not charity: it 1s war, [ff 202 oa and « tes, Sg b 15, 2819W, Lem Angeles, | One week, $1.0 FURNISHED, HOUSE NO. 480 JOMN-1 Lo RoAD ' 2 4 ar LR . 5 lt Oh) ic 2 a VE gon street, om 1st May 4 ly . Canada Food Board. {iron beds, +t lavenport oi sed table, {Calif | PILOT BRILLIANT. HEATER, NEAR- on End Tbs Sa Gam r BIW - EE TE Ta $1500-PATRICK ST, (DOUBLE). ha chin i wien sils 3} box and MAN TO WORK THIS CITY RE FIN. | iy new. Apply 41 Division street, yi J 2 SIN NY | God 8 + articles ose. pletures ~ : e chande rs s b Er FROM 18T OF MAY, HOUSE NO. 70 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Hfin 1 our ¥ pictures, ® ishing chandeliers, brass reds, TO MOTOR HOATS FOR SALE vou P' Barrie firget, AX HOLA NO I iSTo LIVINGSTON AVE. autombiles, by new method " . » . ah nee. particulars apply to 232 Brock St. Nocatedss Apply 90 Barrie street, 1 thout capital or experience. | PAIL * a $1500--MARKLAND ST. . { ALLEN, The Auctioneer. : ence. | T ¥ stal o, "Elm, | Telephone meat { TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS ' ! $2000---MARKLAND y BUNGALOW, Easter [TENDERS FOR RENT WOT [PORTABLE GREEN HOUSE, 20 x | "jh or without privileges for light : or TAT THE WORI FOR A SONG. nuwily painted Apply 506 Johnson housekeeping; centrally located AREA: Sa AT BOTH ® ¥ . street west Apply Box 14, Whig Office. $2200--QUEBEC ST. Sealed tenders w be received We qwrise music and gyparanbee street fhe undersigned ade fressed to Ald. J J pablishér's acceptance. .., Submit an = a vs a Chocolates Livin, Chairman Commitieé on » poems on war, love or any subject. | SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE ON EARL W : | $2300--ORDN ANCE 4 x 3 o'clock pm. T Chester Music Co., 538 So. Dearborn, streét, near Barrie; w ith. all Im- | LARGE FRONT BEDROOM, OPEN ) : by i We have an exceptionally 8 { for concrefe floors. at Suite 1713, Chicago ¢ © provements. Phone 824. fireplace, electric light, telephone, | $2100=EARL ST, (BRICK). { rock st t ; - . - ete, suitabl¥ for business man, 140 --- large and varied stock. It rock street st oh TE sione ad ON MONDAY, STH, DELUIVERY HORSE, Wellington Street. | PROPERTIES AT ALL PRICES AND will pay you to see them. pate i. ana ps : YOIMIR ALT IN -- AGENTS OR waggon, harness and other equip- locations at } on Ontario street station POINMIR AIT ME Wenl "Phe Wm, Davies Co. 14d.| LARGE FURNISHED . BED ROOMS « vce and eave trough on tie : crew mandgens write today for our A -- § i of Ott a ot stat oy 60 People, All White 60 new propesitiim. ° Frames and con- Phone 597. and § tng vei i oe: I N & SON, COR. JOHNSON specications may be &e With vexed glass at factory prices C CG RBGGS 3 iH Ri Re , id APY ws sion Sts, Phones $539 and fli omice of the city engineer, city bulld- George Wilson and Eddie Mazier Guaranteed portraits; prompt Saip- HA a ROM HORULEH. Wellman street , ings, daiing office hours als ag os ments. Williams Portrait & Frame deemed hi Py Poultry Asrnois - URNITURE. CLEAN » tender wil be gougidered if ie- Direet from the New York Hippo- Co, 2662 Taylor St, Ohicago. : Jes red BEston fhry Asn. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, : ; Sei ator aus. ud, date ; Sirome: AMAZING SELLER & TABLETS THAT iad . Ny ry Toomsl Your aah 989 he and not accompainded with a marked « » 4 a 4 + <u eX . a. : 2a. snap gh ae amp +: vi Hwy 1 i Hoar the' Rreat ore hestra of 20, wash clothes spotlessly clean with. BABY « ARRIAGE, LARGEST Sie, Queen street. Phone 526: res. 9589, | g1450 -- BRICK FRONTED, SEMI-DE- The| lowest or amy tender nist néces- Watch for the big street parade. _ out rubbing. Promise to solicit or- Jade from nest Joell, oo Wie m--p---- ------ me tached, 7 mooms, central. sarily aceepted, Toronto World says: "Worth going deds with ten cents AV] ring Hoe and Padded, pply 5 il- | SRV EN ROOMED HOU n ON faving. Ww. W y Cle miles to see. gainbies * fur Jour washings. Make m-- A TR TE ond gar. | $1900 -- BRICK, 6 ROOMS, IMPROVE- Kingston, Ont, April 5th, 1918 Prices: Matinee 23¢, 50c. doliay a1 Sour, Biers Louly REVERSIBLE WICKER BABY CAR- den, Possession May 1st. Apply 2% ments, yard and lane, Pa . A REE FT ge + V 25¢, 50c, T5¢, $1.00. v # 1 s, dn first class condition; prac- Livingston avenue, Ea ET ING Night, -- Bo Mon 4 » AGENTS--HERE IS A REAL OPPOR- ically new. Apply in the evening Aye i $2200 -- FRAME, 7 ROOMS, CEMENT the nde rei ened oy ; > boc K, D m.. Seals on sale Monday. : tunity to make large increasing in- to 183 Division stress. THIS DEPARTMENT 18 ALWAYS cellar; lot 80 .x a3 stable; shop 'edho : 3 y Foy ig -------- me V a hear from any one thinkin and hen house. Fruit trees, nort Ferns, patms, funeral designs, gs) Fednostiay fr) gle 3 tue DRY rare gs EEWERK LALN A THIRTY.FOGF hoTOR boar. ySED 3 q tod To laamfiod AIL end i sprays, wedding bouquets made to Rural rors oberate nf rateri nough for five large washings. Un- very e. Good working order, Write or Phone us. about it. We s-- divers to operate the city watering Two Days Commencing a anny guaranteed - 8 give Price less than half of cost, = Apply may be able to help you. British [$2450 -- NEW PRAME, SEMI-DETACH- waggons for one year, according t h F. J. JOHNSON, Florist hom. ions 2 'be ses * gov the citw] satisfaction or full cost 1 be ¥ Gibson, Court House Whig Pub. Co. ed: Improvements. 1 rooms enginélr's office, wity 'building ] refunded. Send lfc for ample ~ : OCK STREE vr Mon dy April 5 FRC Bi Cor Famer. aderoor | 3 rooms. good yma "hed: ' AD OR FURNISHED, 9-|8$3700 -- BRICK VENEER, 8 ROOMS, Tenders wlil be received by No ténder will be considered if re- I 3 113 Brock Phone 230, ceived after the above mentioned time} Leswerk Mfg. Co, Foster, Que six rooms, good yard and shed | UNFURNISHED . \ oe 7 ¢ Yove ention « # A . hy y A . e > ; . 3 r all improvement hot water -heat- ---- Ee secre | ad ABLE. ARG AOCOmpaniad with a do Apply to F. W. Meagher, 99 Lower room brick house, bath, pantry, I or lt: ligal: posit as per 5 p ations 'y Albert street. Phone 1406. laundry in basement, gas and el- ebtric ght, hot water heating; lot 33 x 132 ny te ar no oR. POSITION OPEN FOR YOUNG TROM- A ATR " : on TT a he 4 Accented. any. tender not neces Daily at y > 7.30 pam: . oe graduate in mechanical en. | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN trge garden. Apply to Mrs. Rus- -- LE UCE RAD- ar RIM ple 'LELLAND, City Engine . . gineering, in large sulphite and selections; your own choice, $30.65 well Forster, Kensington Ave £4500 -- BRICK, ALL IMPROVE Kingmton, Ont. Apr 5th Big ned Polite Vaudeville paper mill in Canada. Work to be Terms: 3b. cash, 31 pér week, C. W. kD - H..W. flours and garage. ISHES and CELERY A A A Five-Act Metro Wonderplay partly in office and partly in mill Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. |303 ALFRED STREET: HOT WATER LT 3 y a A gee .heating; gas and eleotricity; large | g4500 -- SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM, MENTS State age, experience, *ducation, hte age, exp TArY capeeon COTTAGE, EIGHT ROOMS, WELL sleeping porch; solid brick garage, maried 'ar single, 3 3 ¢ y -- i .dend Cbw « fo 28, whic i nice locality, on Montreal 32 X 22 ft. on Street car line. Pos. | ae o . . EE HAROLD wil Hebd « 44 hry on tlenteny street. Apply to ¥. W. Meagher, 99 session immediately. Apply Rev. ave. - BRN K, ALL IMPROVEMENTS, ' Lower Albert street. Phone 1408. ¥r. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. Phone sith a * Apply , care Whig Office SEP an ®, 1100, r 1-2 I OCKWOOD 7 Lr E $5500 -- BRICK, 5 ROOMS AND ATTIC, RESSMAKING MOTOR BOAT, 22 PT. x 5% PFT, All new improvements; hot water y " equipped with § h.p. motor, for Skle THAT DESIRABLE BRICK RESI- heating. V n y " . - cheap, etther together, or engine, dence, No. 178 Barrie street, with po In the most vigorous role of his MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, hull, or any part separately. Ap- IT CP npravements suitobly either 3 -- PRESSED BRICK. 7 ROOMS. career having resumed business, solicits ply. Davis Dry Dock 0 : for a large family or boarding double floors throughout: hard- '" 3 3» Sere. for Fi aud wie: Work, = house; deep lot, separate driveway, wood surface; electric Mghts: hot ; ' ES ¢ on .M 1st. App! K ting: . dee . The Avenging Trail FARM, NINE ACRES, FRAME HOUSE, Ne May ror rad water heating. deep lot, right of 'arroll Agency, 56 Brock stre way; cholee central locatbon # x FINANCIAL bank barn, good well, orchard and 2 : tans A thrilling drama of the lumber % I rout 8 Miley trom 144 UNION & LID BRICK HOUSE, | GEO. A. BATEMAN, REAL ESTATE camps in the north. ply Geo. "Phompson, R-5, Kingston 8 rooms, bright and sunny; all mog- and insurance, 67 Clarence Bt. The Pathe News, comedy and other | .. " > AND INVEST. - . ern conveniences; near college, : FRONTENAC LOAN 3 i collegiate and street car junction i ~ Em ---------------------- corner William and People's 5. . reels. pl ; vrated. 1863. . ; 215 : . 1S incorporated - y ; re v 3 Apply to 215 W PA PS Sa ep oat Smith, | LARGE' STOCK OF PERFECT, ATH-| ) _eor and atts, Florist Matinee 10¢ Evening 10¢; : we, Colonel MH. F. "Nie - lete and Princeton Bicyeles on easy | Fae Ste) afternoon or evening FURNITURE FINISHING ty kle, KO. X 4 o "ty terms: also bioyele accessories. | ee ei 179 Wellington St. 2 4ny Sent Sent Reaerved, Je Extn and farm i a Te wd George Muller. Bicycle Store and|™ 8 wv DRISCOLL FYRNITURE ¥INien. Fresh cut flowers dally; foneral deslgns |, 00. (ment of Saltwarw und Canals, county debentures; mortgages pur- Livery, 371 and 313 King ft. | TO RENT preet OF 91% 8 tanh, on and wedding bouquets to order. Out adn 9 Shased: investment ~~ bonds for i ' of town orders given special attention. |, \iaN GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS sale: deposits received and inler- | WEST EXD CONFECTIONERY STORK, | $33500--F URN ISHED HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, J 5 COPTAGES AT GRAHAM . oe "87 Clarence St. Rio Gananoque, ice cream parlor at-| all Jmprovements, central. Bate: : MUSIC. ager, 3. . . , tached with store, soda fountain, | man's Real Estfte Agency. _- Sealed tende addressed ro the un- dersigned and marked on the vatsale, F . d ete, oly .reasonable Hiice, Apply | a = HAROLD PACKER, TEACHER oF "Tenders for Cottages, Graham' wi { : 5 Be Hox 514, Gananoque, Ont, { vanofarte SEDATE or Toronte . ; Th Satur LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE oN pian t Prepares for Toronto YOU WILL MAKE ae oh S Sige oD ane in urs., n, ay Fire Lustirance Company, Available DENTAL Comservatery exams. 65 Arch. St, ang ats ne , ay > $61,187,215. In addition tuo : | er ATE % day, Apr , 1918, for the construction The Distinguished Artist assis the policyholders have for | NEW SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW, ON 258 . A BIG MISTAKE Iv g ian a Sanam. tm boioits the antimited Tiability of Frontenac street, north of Pesca 4 B. KNAPP: hi PRINCESS © FOR BALE of i pag hi : ity propery, imsured at biwest 7 rooms, bath; furnace, electric | | * if you *Peterhare. 2 Wuild Tris g Offic Cf ref Engl) Pei ot PAULINE possible Prates. "Before renewing lights, gas, good garden. Apply on | . ci ig cos ite ungineer, ept. : oo ad a J "we oR a i a a o arr Your awnixas BRE and Canale Ota on Ad 1 Biving Det Tames 3] premises. or 38 Elm street. DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, OMOBILE MADE IN KINGSTON. Chief Engineer, Canadian Government FREDERIK A ae he ' ¥ - | corner Princess and Bagot streets. = REN x hetp Binatiways, Moncton, NRT ReSaent En: Agents he WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-fANL | _® [hone 626. g a chs. gmeers at Fort William, Ont. andi -- in -- 5 furniture, buffets, chairs and ta- TOPS Qochrane, Ont; ithe General Western £" 1] PERSO! - iv bles; will buy ali kinds of furni- | DR. GORDON CO, DEWAR, DENTIST \ 4 ? R|Azent. Toronto. Ont. and the General Madame Jealousy' ONAL ' ture Bnd stoves. J. Thompson, 337° .oiner Princess a * Wellington 8 0 Awning Maker, 211 Nelwon St. Manager Western Lines, Winn peg. --r AMSO MARRY IF LONELY, FOR IspeEDY Princess street. Fhone 1800, streets. Phone 167%, Man. sordid fie soiffeas marriage try my club, very suc. All the condit?.ng of She specifica, & DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tons a 1 "GRA ct forms must b 3 CUmM= cessful; best, largest in- country, 2 .. s, . . $ ! bie wine forme mast be ome QRIQQY JIE SEAL SIE Sutil sone ov Tuk BuGEer ApvemTIs.| DRS SPANKS AN seams DY. wealthy wishing early marriage; ad Loe this. A phone call or a Carno y's, Phone 346. . i --- ok Tenders must be put in on the blank form of tender, which may be obtained} HAYAKAWA confidential descriptions free, Old Atal wil bring you. Tol par Phe hand that rocks the ] [from any of the offices at which plans] Rellable Club, Mrs. Wrubel 732 ticnlars .about this department. , . cradle" may save the world. -- ach faced tb anted | -- in -- British Whig Publishing Co. : . oh Tem s he Recoomp. uw ae YY y ¢ Canada Food Board: Ai asvisd dank oii aasabin i tinh "Hidden Pearls" +. |HlanysS aR sunauns |=" cron e ecormmen ° orvrable nister w allways "JCLYDESDALE STALLION Vv 0! and Canals for an amount eqnal to ten And ish ed * Wiillam (Imp) 16377, rising six SA' per cent (10%) of the tender. That. eh Class Serial rie years old. Sire, Lord William - 500 LBS. wal Tees oe 'any Tome sn mesen-| (Et ME i' ond "E81 re (imp): "asm. cumveriand Roser | For the Forge . . . . Georges Creek Smithing Coal accepty atal Ring ; (Imp). right hoarse ai tha By order, right. price kJ. dive. woitet For the Factory . . . Pennsy 3-4 Lump Coal F s from sel- A . x Fresh tenderloin J. W, PUGSLEY, MARRY 1 a FOR RESULTS. Island, Ont. ect farmer's fed pork. Fresh Secrelary. try gme: best and moat furl - : e can make delive of pork in cuts apa « sizes. § | Devartment 5¢ Railvary 3m Canals, . 5h YAP Bo is Streit ho IMPORTED adc STALLION, WwW - these coals from stock. Bp TPP PRR Rh Phd £100.00 REWARD Notice to Mariners and Others. Lost four oan' Buoys, painted red, numbered respectively, 2, 4, 6 and 8, from the wicinity of Toronto Harbor during whe Win- te of 1817-18, 0.00 Reward offered for each y returned fob Port of To ronto, or liberal rewar fered ¢ information resulting in the sdovery of same. Advise Harbor Master, Main 228 nights, John AR 356 Lippincott St, Oollege 300 « 'Toronto Harbpr Commissioners, Vegetables a Spec- ialty. Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 54s dbl feel edesde dod foie dee 3 pb Ghd? edd ob bd d todd $ * 3 Bi 3 3 3 Ottawa, Mare rein 26, 1918, % marrtage Boon: strictly confiden- color Brown stripe, four white 4 tial; most reitable; years experi- é bh 1000 Ibs. cholte veal; best WH pve io 5 oT rine ar The Suc stockings, welght 1400: will sell * Western beef, mutton, lamb, " -- i cessful Club Mrs Purdie, Box chesp. Also & few voung horses tid and choice fatted fowl. - All the CA Mon, Wednesda © 556, Oakland, Calif. > Apply to W. Mclhjuham, 241 Vie- Govemmene |] 'ANOTHER CAR es, ly. Soin res as 0 : oan s : » . above bearing Stamp. £ Canada Aupesed. he or . fy Te ; ; , Jakent WE 18 8. p.m. OF DR. B . PAPER-HANGING, ilk THAT WONDERFUL : Nerve Specialist : i z ; . Sy : 3 Tie , 'Tears enables me |! PAFER-HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. . Nf ~~ ng 4nd halsomining: Room - || NOTICE--I have mov- : i 1 : "EGG Oo" ER y | aii" Gail or 'sate ca case by let- od or tor sale; a ise wai i | Cor. Princess and Division : . Rowley. ge . ; Phones 434 - i BAKING POWDER 8 Also 2 a ned fects and will purchase ail ||f ed to 281 Princess St. . +. JUST_UNLOADED, FoR cu : . AROHXTRCR | Will follow the same business. ! we ound ork with the same - G. CRAIG & CO. Limited. o ' errs - our -- 0% Distributors W. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER & SON, ARCHITECTS, WER ||. tes To Chatham St. J. TURK, Phone 705. | : Ar] se enerky that we play mare Bi odo and solicitor. Law office, 79 CAF» an ane. cornes oe E 1 i piahtae, : use street. SEK 3 ana. Welling pL