PAGE FIVE THE "DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1918. "1 A CHILDREN'S FETE HELD), ET $7.50 Special i - i t BEAUTIF UL COSTUMBRS WER « "WORN IN THE CITY HALL. You Always Pay Less Here. Out of the High Rent District. QComnor's Ladies' Exclusive - Take a Look \ Programme Consisted of Games and | Dances -- Refreshments Were | Served to the Little Ones. The (Prince Charlie Chapter, I. O. rD. E., of which Miss Eva Richardson is regent, held a most successful 'Children's Fete" in the City Hall on Thursday afternoon in aid of Red Cross work. There were childreg of | all sizes and of all ages, each one in, a pretty costume made expressly for! the occasion The Big hall filled | with little' tots and larger children | dressed in all kinds of fantastie'cos- | tumes representing everything from ! army nurses 10 butterflies, The programme opened with the grand march to music by thé R. C. H. A. orchestra. Then there was a series of | games such as "London Bridge," "Pinning on the Donkeys Tail," etc. Refreshments were gerv- ed to everyone in the hall during the afternoon. The prize winners for the best ap- pearing costumes went to the follows ing: To Jean Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richardson, who dppeared as a "Lady of Olden Days"; to Morton Hall, son of Capt and Mrs. Hall, as "Uncle Sam"; to Miss Barbara (Clark, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. Clark, as "A Duteh Girl" to Miss. Margaret Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer | Davis, as 'Queen of the Fairies,' | and to Jamie Rigney, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rigney, who was dressed as "Greater Food Production. Master Vokes and little Miss Roland won prizes for pinning the tail on the donkey. The prices were presented by J. B. Walken, K.C. The sum of $230 was realized from the event. BARBERS MADE REQUESTS | N 0 LOCK OLOS- ING OF BARBER SHOPS. . Young ladies' mahogany colored calf laced boot, Neolin sole and rub- ber heels. "The High Schobl Girly' F a~ vorite Shoa"' At Our Spring Display of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Neckwear Exclusive Styles at Low Prices. Millinery Hats to suit every face and every purse. Headquarters for children's stylish head- : wear. - Abernethy' s Shoe Store A NEEEEEEEENEEEESEENNNEEEENEEENENNEEENENERENNNORE 000000 Furniture For the Whole House . And now you will beturning your "thoughts [towards the rejuvenation of your home. The searching light of the spring sun no longer | permits old dingy furniture to pass muster. Refurnishi i in the Réid way enables you to buy tasteful and artistic furniture at very moderate | prices. At the busy store with the large stock. JAMES REID Phone 147 and we will call for your repairs. A a Teeth Like Pearls Attract attention and are de- sired by everyone -- yet a good brush and a little powder or paste (we can supply these) and a few seconds each day, will soon make you proud of your own and justly so. Un- clean teeth cause ill health and foul breath, while a clean mouth assures good health and sweet breath. Get the best at Prouse's Drug Store. Phone 82, » "HAT NEWS For Men Who Want Stylish Hats. Our shapes are original in style and the new colorings are distinctive. Choosing a hat is | an easy job here for you select I from the finest display eéver shown in Kingston. . I. J. O'CONNOR | == Haber Up Street, But Always Lower in Price. Bosses Say That This Is Too Great An Inconvenience to the Public-- Agree to Rate Proposition, The barbers of the eity 'are now asking the boss barbers for shorter | {hours and more money to meet the | {war conditions of living. In the first | application there seems to be a dis-| agreement which may require a 're sonable attitude by both the bosses | and their employees to straighten | out. The barbers union asked the boss- | es for three things at a meeting Held | this week. They asked for Closing | ACS IN STOMICH CAUSE INDIGESTION 5 sy 5 2 and on Saturday at 10 p.m., and that | he wages should be a guarantee of fifteen dollars and "half over twen- | ty-one." The bosses agreed to the ten o'clock on Saturday closing, gave a guaraiitee of fiteen dollars and "hal over twenty-two," but could not agree to the seven "o'clock clos- ing every day [Forms Prin- cess Bt. New soft hats in green, grey, brown, tamarae, fawn and all the leading colors, NEW DERBIES, NEW CAPS, SWELL NEW PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Official Test by H. B. Smith. Milk test- ed 3.2 Butter Fat, Phone 2083 ; 14 JOHNSON STREET. HATS, From $1.25 to $6. Campbell Bros | Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How To Treat. Medical authorities state that near- ly nine tenths of the cases of stom- ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc The Lid are presenting the ar- are due to an excess of hydrochloric| gument that eight o'clock closing acid in the stomach and not as somefPdoes not give them ordinary privil- believe to a lack of digestive juices.|eges for the evening as it prevents The delicate stomach lining is irri-|them attending a show or otherwise tated, digestion is delayed and food |enjoying the entertainments that sours, causing the disagreeable symp-| others can take in. The bosses on the toms which every stomach sufferer|other hand claim that they would knows so well, rather close for any other three hours Artificial digestents aré not needed |of the. day than that one hour in in such cases and may do real harm. {question in the evening. The bar- Try ldying aside all digestive aids and [bers are to have a meeting to con- instead get from any druggist a few sider the matter, ounces of Bisurated Magnesia, and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after eati~g This sweetens the stomach, prévents the formation of Excess acid, and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form ---~ never liquid or milk) is Harmless to the stémach, inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stom- ach purposes. It is used by thou- sands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. ON STILL HUNT FOR MEN MILITARY HELPING IN THE PRESENT CRITICAL CRISIS, Overseas' Boxes Antiseptic Powder, and all the little comforts that &o to make life bearable for the boys in the trenches . SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Sts. Telephone 41. hhh dike hh hhh Use it regularly in place of fresh milk." IT IS PURE, GEN«~ VINE separated milk in pows der form. Mg pound makes four Judris. cents. Reduce ur kb bill .C.Merriman Buccessor to J. A. BOYD 611 Princess Street Phone 847. daha ddd dA a A If you only want Tea if you Glasses Broken ! DREW ANOTHER BIG HOUSE. "Eyes of the World" a Great Attrac- tion at Grand, "The Eyes of the World" is at- tracting great attention at the Grand, The wonderful production was put on, for a second time, on| Thursday night, was witnessed by a very large crowd, and is regarded by all who have viewed it as one of the finest photo-plays that has 'been seen in Kingston, There is a heart inter- est in the story from beginning to end. There are several most strik- ing scenes, especially that of the escape of the convict over the moyn- tain. "The Eyes of the World" will 'be presented again to-night and Satur- day, matinee and night, and theatre- goers should not fail to take in this great treat in the line of photo- plays, 5 Ask any grocer for it, : want Good Tea Buy it from Mest --_-- Government Standard Flour Made by Kingston Milling Co. Limited . | Is Eminently Satisfactory To All Users. HUNGARIAN--For Bread. WHITE ROSE--For Bread and Cake. CROWN---Winter Wheat Pastry. For Sale by All Dealers. [oy z= en We aré e uipped to feplace any broken lens, no matter where it was made. | Quick and sure service, "EYES EXAMINED." J. J STEWART, Opt.D. OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Opposite Post OfMce, Kingston. % w eanut Butter Clark's fresh made Peanut Butter, 35¢ Ib. Also in glass jars . . 15¢, 20c, 25¢, and 35¢ - Crawford' s Grocery "Good Things To Eat." Phane 26. = Lolyd-George's Plea For More Men Is _ Bringing a Close Inspection of All " the Departments Here, - . In this campaign with such heavy casualty lists, the demand. for men for France is stronger than ever be- fore. From ng until every avail- able man is sem® overseas, there will be an overhauling of every possible A meeting of the War Relief Com- supply of medically fit men, so that| mittee was held on Thurdday, when the Canadian Expeditionary Force it was decided to make an appeal to can be reinforced as rapidly as pos-| the churches on Sunday, April 14th, sible and to the fullest possible ex-! on bebalf of th¥® British Red Cross tent. Society. A subscription list will also The staff of the district and of all] be opened at the city treasurer's of- the units in the district is receiving] fice for citizens who would like to very close inspection. A list of all; contribute to this most worthy cause. employees is being made and- every pe 5 man who is. fit, and can be spared, Chalmers Anniversary Services. will be sent overse This -also ap- The anniversary services of €hal- mers church will be held Sunday plies to all departmental 'units, next The' preacher for the day will though these for the most part are pretty well depleted of medically fit| be Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, of Vancou- ver, B.C. There will be special music men. Sich Ufits as thé Army Ser- at morning and evening services. vice Corps and the Army Medical Boys' Black Rubber Coats. ==' Corps have few if any category "A" men, as all in such categories have] 100 boys' fireman's rubber coats on sale this weék at $2.49. Sizes 6 Henderson's 2 Grocery 50-01 Brock St. Phone 279. A square house to deal with. Gents' F urnishings Our new spring stock includes the npattiest of ties, the finest of shirts, Systo.she-minte hats, fancy socks, kid gloves, etc. Best of it is you can save money by trading here, Also big stock of boots and shoes. ISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess St. FOR BRIFISH RED CROSS. War Relief Committee Will Appeal to the Churches, Aa a s pring Cleaning . ; Housecleaning. You need a .Of House and Garden broem, pail; serub brush, sell wringing mop, oil mop, whisk, step-ladder, tack lifter, carpet bealer, hammer, tacks and brush- es of all kinds, > Gardening-->Start early to clean up your garden. You will need a rake, wheel- barrow, spade, hoe, spad- ing fork, trowel, ete. These {ovls are low in Make x o AE been transferred to other units, revision of medical examinations, of _ "ATTENTION, CLASS." exemption decisions and a general t Fail To See | ERR "$7.50 lone. up inspection of all civilians : | the colors. | to have the houses on certain streets : | numbering is taken up. f draft age, should bring in several thousand more men immediately to we might stagger worse than he does. to 11 years. --Corrigan's. If we had the other fellow's trials, NUMBERING OF HOUSES. Western Portion of Clergy Street in + Need of Attention. In connection with the move made re-numbered, it has been pointed out that Clergy should also he re-num<| bered when the question of re- It was stated to the Whig by a resident of -that street that there a n of the street at the west: other likely that the after. parties who have been shoot-, ing pike In the marsh. He has the names of forty persons. dou 10 get the § 2 rulable for the camp te be held in A The of his death. Al the Ontario will be unit- Game Ir Brickliand is out Lieut «Col. tes abarie. DAG. is very best men 10,000 Macdgnald Club, of thix sr : will decorate the grave of the Sir John A.. Macdonald, on the ani v4 versary ] donald clubs in ed to send delegates to aid in the memorial service. h Carrington of. leather to Bri }, Eng. F-0-c+h Is Pronounced "Fosh," "Folk", , General Foeh's name 1s mot pro- nounced like "Folk" in English. Stephane Lauzanne, editor of Le Ma- tin, of Paris, explained the pronounc- iation' as follows: A "The correct pronouncement of the name of General Ferdinand Foch is with a medium 'o" and with the final 'eh' as though it were®'sh,' a trifle shortened. - It will Foyle 'with the Not * name for gions, 1 price. | Poulisy Netting--in all "widths. sell any length. hid save money by buying full rolls. Painting Time Is H Freshen up inside and o 'Paint is a beautifier and preservative. Use good paint, it pays. Secure your supply early from our splendidly assorted stock of paint. and painters' supplies, | This has been. proved by all Repairing--Our tin shop in ready to do repair work of all kinds. styles of "Happy Thought Have your: roof fixed before the 'spring rains. Expert workmen. Prices right. . McKelvey & Birch, Limited 69.71 Brock Stect |