® PAGE FOUR | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1918. Ey aso i a ---- 1 other words, we have 'made &| ne " t aa H tes] the THE BRITISH WHIG : : . in treating aislovalvt fie sch ; s r will feel 85TH YEAR. 2 mistaxe anguage of . - and sedition too lenfently 5 the st serious obsta Je | the sacred. soil of their forefathers.| " ; " faces the in :thelr own. country." {the French in 'Canada, inflwenced by a ------------ « tS -- st 1 the pe F ; Those Wh fe haste to con- | irresponsible and egotistical leaders, | Af , buy, i yhib yn referendum would | , kale . er- jare hampering her effort in every \ Wor : : i x +4 elu ha zky g a pro-Gen 4 § . apparently have a hard time of it. A i cause hi actions have ap- { possible way. The fiots taking place despatch from Montreal states that 'one Ss oh injury to {in the eity of Quebec are a di 10 | over 400,000 of ' Ontatjo's male : will dls lto that province, mo less than tol { adolts he bong liquor din that pri he hates Ha ,jem al- [Canada and to civilization. Prope rty| & ' 2 ky Bice ¥isce adopted pro. most as bitterly as he hated + ar- | 18 being burned, wfficial doc uments| K ¥ | N K C ! | ) 4 H kK 5 §( b R : my Sul viany of these may 1 o denounce Aus tro- Hi 1 destroyed, citizens and soldie rs| 5 : 4 u orders. : . ol he 8 star _twounded or killed, in a senseless and| A p ; : : rluence that has caused much of the fatuous attempt té obstruct the B wv In describing the failure of the misery tf Europe; ~ and devotes a workings of the Military Service Act i / 4 German's desperaté attempt to take | ey ts vio of His work. to} Is this the answer the Frenc h-Can- 1 . : BR = 7 Arr a Britist rar correspondent considerable portic : Fras, a Hritish wa BEreSpoOREEen. 1 discussion of , intrigues in tha |adians at home should make to the ; | snedaing her best blood in wetptue} . {to drive the ruthless invader fromj writes: "Storin divisions came over, Batkaps. Although he acknow- stimulating appeal of Pte. Aube? every man carrying six days' rations Tis debt to the dheorise" 'of Britain and her Alifes are to-day] ledges ty " ts han g gh Bn exira pais o t boos And Tou German socialism, he. makes ? at death grips with the enemy. Were evidently mean 0 stay Ang Frith H i . . Sp ne BYidantiy am i ; ' scathing attack on the German social-| we to lose this war, nothing else fad . fine satire, he adds "Ang: =H VETY | ists of to-day who supported the war would mater. We would all be vas- heavy proportion of them will--for and apelogized for the actions of |sals of a brutal Germany, "living," Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by! all time." ene tHe also recog-|as Kipling well puts it. "a dog's life LIMITED. 4 ? Canadian Tare! s don't need any |nizes that the hopes of the "Inter- with a dog's death at the end of it." ; 8 3 J. 0. Blilott . ve ees o. President! po ciiony Saving Bill to hélp them, nationalists" have heen killed for And the French % anadians would not kaman A. Guild | Ang DI and becanse ffom time immemorial they the tims being because so few 4 | be exempt. Let them remember that. . Telephones: | nave atitized every minute of dar their leaders were faithful to the We feel Sule that the great majority Business Office ... sees 2481 Hiont and at times have levied up- tdeal when the test came in spite of the people of Quebec appreciate Bdioria A . . 3 of the failures, however, he sees com- that fact, and 4re therefore not in : ; on the hours of mooniight as well. : : ; rh sympathy with the present serious TES Any fetlow raised on the farm will plete triumph in the uture, wita |= ah mT : : | BR ric) substantiate that But the dwellers the Might, coming from the country outbreak. They, too, must realize Our Society Brand Clothes ~ solve your clothes problem. They ' Tis a : irst . . "houreeoie'" | that the Military Service Act has Year, if paid in advance 001 in the cities, whose nights are too | fal Ht. crushes bourgeois . S lary Sen. holm ead to excludiveness. [hey are stylish, yet conservative, ° and we year by mail to rural offices §2. long and whose days are too short, | gevernment, and he says optimistic- been endorsed by an overwhelming 380 ; se $ : st - One year to Nitohy * ally, "To this work we will apply |majority of the electorate of Canada, have a model to satisfy the tastes of men of eyery age and proportion. eekly dition) Lr will be vastly benefitted by the con- 4 3 . # ow One year, by mail, cash templated change. If they are will- ourselves amid the mad roaring of land that the people of this Dominion 828 JE If SSE BH ne devon the xt hr of dy. macho £108 0 CINE rn mt sone tn sever, or ASK TO SEE ASK TO SEE OUR ASK TO SEE OUR - fer 2 canse yp gs a . .. | cathedrals and 1e pa otic' howl- 2 € p evers - light to the cause of greater produc-|® avitalist jackals." What- |vinces, but in each and all of them. OUR YOUNG MEN' S YOUNG MEN'S MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE tion, why should our farme; friends-| 0&8 of the « RB Te REPRESENTATIVE, | | object to It? =¥ "lever may be thesuitimate verdict of [There will be no exception permitted) STOUT MEN'S BELTER SUITS SUITS --The Banker ». C. Hoy 1005 Traders Bank Bldg, . history regarding the Bolghiviki, |in the case of Quebec, and Quebec pb Ea ATIVE) -- ie TE cord to-duy {8 80 {might as well realize that, now asl SUITS The Derby The Broker R.Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave, New York det ---- a their place in the world to-day is so |g it as we realize hat now as : ¥.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago . unportant that no well informed per: |later. The opposition they are mak- | $22.50. $20.00 $27.9 eet et-------- { : " i 3 PART ia "Letters to the Editor are published BRITAIN'S NOBLE PART. sin ean afford . fo misunderstand {ing to-day id useless; it is more, be-| only over the actual name of the ¥ or thre ya and lent them. A new and alaMwing type of cause it is fraught with grave dan-| months France and Grea ri- toh 3 . . character has become influential in |ger to themselves and to the especial} PE to's Sa Jou iain have been ou defenders world politi privileges they enjoy under the| ou 's Irs ong ai ul S just as' though every ;Tommy nme tres Brifish North America Act. Cardl-} The elreulation of THE BRITISH and every French soldier wore I'l wat SHALL WE y a WHI te Suthentichted hy the : WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH QUE- THE mirris WHIG PUBLISHING Ys their government. ©, a Ome year, delivered in city ....... fi if tthe S 3 nal Begin is right, when, in a pas-| ve uniform of the Sammies, BRC? toral dealing with these ricts he! . . i 16. 50 They have constituted our na- Pte. George Aube, of the 22nd|says: "Such tactics are particularly| Beiter Style. Sizes 33 to 39. Te . $12. 50, $15. 00, $ French-Canadian Battalion, a bat- {harmf ul'to those who employ them." AB Audit Bureau of ireulations. tional defence, Great Britain rn A big butcher bill is being con- may have bigen slow, but Any a p ¢ py talion that has won undying fame on It is to be regretted that a diffie ult] - tracted in 'Europe to-day, and eriea was so much slower ths account of its splendid record inland dangerous situation is being| » eventually Germany will be called it does not lie in the mouths of France, writes an open letter to the|further aggravated by the hys steri-| we upon 'to pay the account. any American citizen to ntter people of his native province, from [cal appeals to passion of a section of 7 -~ ' ini ---------- ore word of depreciation, one which we select the following quota-|the English press, The occasion does | In the hour of adve ty our boys word of callow, thoughtless tions: not demand that these fellow-Can- at the front are showing a fine spirit criticism of the conduct of any "Come on, boys of military age.|adians should one and all' be shot af optimism. They are confident of part of this great war by Great We want vou all over here. We|down by machine guns and rifle' "bul the final outcome. ' Why, then, Britain. have done our best, but want a rest|lets. There are, we believe, in the! , should we doubt? --@swego, N.Y. Daily Times. y archy in Quebec city. These rioters now, and don't let anybody from |province of Quebec a large number should be firmly and severely dealt ant 2 of Canada 8 . | y * : * . _a |Other parts of Canada sdy that you|of sane and sensible people who sin-| with, but to mercilessly. shoot down 7 ime away C a 3% a ; y ~ | With the going away of another re have cold feet . . .Come on, French-|cerely deplore this crude attempt at|a)l who, in a moment of excitement, « sroup: Bi Rg Tow re THE BOLSHEVIKI AND WORLD |Canadians, the 22nd need you 'to mob rule. A few firebrands, a few | show apposition to law and authority Celer narks ta gens g. NOws, ul PEACE. keep up the name; so come on; don't|disfoyal leaders, whose liberty the {is not according to British tradition girls will hein to gain 8 yiesut €08Yd he whole world is-keenly inter-|{be called shirkers. Come and do|government should long ago have|and usage, nor in accord with the n 4 r us. { (3 g ai a £ - : oy . T : . corner fdea of the war-time phrase, | ested to-day in Russia and her fut-lyour bit. Now, hoys, have a heart; |curtailed, have exerted a harmful in-|gentiment of the rest of the country "No Man's Land." ~ ure and in the men who are attempt-{ ks . : ; $ y, ' . a ing to guide thé destinies of that we are waiting for you; don't de-{fluence upon the impressionable and | Granted, however, that the irrespon- THOMPSON S Returned soldiers bear testimony |Breat nation. Among the national ceive us." : temperamental mind of a portion of|gibility of youth is amr explanation of GROCERY to the splendid work of the French- | leaders who have played an import- That seems to us a particularly the younger and more excitable ele-|the lawlessness, the fact still remains Canadian _ battalions in- France |Gnt part In shaping the destinies of | fie appeal--one that might well bej ments in the community. Quite |that such lawlessmess should be sup- 294 Princess Street. Think of tlie shame these men will | Europe, Leon Trotzky stands 'ont |expected to stir the hearts of hisf clearly, this youthful but misguided pressed with a firm hand: The situ- Phone 387, feel when hey learn of the vile ac- | boldly, partly on account of his sen- compatriots in the province of Que-] zeal is mainly, if not wholly, respon-iation requires"the exercise of the ; { tions of (he slackers at home. gationial career, and partly beeause|Dec. But though Britain is to-day|sible for the present outbreak of an-| greatest tact, if a serious climax is to Ie is the chief exponent of the policy -------- bé avoided.' General Lessard, a most Here's a cheerful fellow. Prof. {of the Bolsheviki. He stands play . capable_man, is now in harze. and CLOTHING ON "EASY Stephen B. Leacock, 6f McGill Uni-|as the one man capable of explaining we believe he has behind him the sup- TERMS . " versity, tells an audience that the |the apparent madness of the Rus- port of the responsible and sober- Ladies" Suits. Dresses and Furs war pay last for ten years, But | sian revolutionary socialism, which > minded people of his province. The Gentlemen's Suits and Overcosts, fsn't Leacock supposed to be Can- [has turned that country-upside down. . Government should give him a free ada's greatest humorist? Chaos has been the result of the rule hand, after making elear to him their N. Morris, 374 King St. : ! of the Bolsheviki, and the majority : determination that disorder and Isn't it time that Bourassa's paper, |of people in Allied countries, look- THE WEARY WORLD rioting must no longer. be tolerated. v : vv Le Devoir, was suppressed. and its |ing qn with feelings of indignation ; "Phe war is breaking the world and making it| en aaaiisien proprietor interned? He has already | and incomprehension, have come to sicker than an owl; the farthers nations are short of | ro ; \ : heen showhn-a thousand times more | the conclusion that Trotzky is a too! rations, and putting up a howl. I've just been reading | LOT FOR SALE leniency .than he deserved, and hé for Germany. His rise to power Lak soloing dam dade PUBLIC Sigh Tro lig a AA has shamelessly abused the liberty. | would appear to, justify the assump- on the blink. 'No land so humble, it does not grum:| 40 ft. x 120 ft. Enough stone iy tion that he is an adventurer. On ' blé; no country's so remote it isn't reeling, and madly] on it to build a house, account of his' revolutionary doet- 3 feeling that. it will lose its goat. In every dwelling | . \ ernment had enforced the Military | ; .c he was driven from many some gent is yelling that war's a frightful frost;-in| Problem of ~Condugt, Sna for $150 \ > hen 4 . 4 . mountain cottage the peasant's pottage costs twice : pipritish Weekly) z i P Service 'Act in Quebec when it WaS|.,untries after leaving his native . h > Dolly Travers goes to lunch at a - first made law, thére would not to- , i , Ww at Gace it cost. The lone Nyanzas, as well as Kan-| w.ctarn restaurant alone. To her 1 CANNED TE FrenchCan- Russia. He lived for a while in h sas, have felt the deadly chill; in Chinese Canton they | surprise she preceives her brother Ww H Godwin & Son A day be so many young French<Can- |p. nee in Switzerland, and in Spain, "get a slant on a vastly bigger bill." The shepherd * * 4 < : in-law, Ti Comes p y adians at large in the province ol. + siiany he resided in New York lonely whose task is only to guard his wooly bunch, | iy" save im Riv to Dolly Insuranee and Real Estate. VEGETABLES engage in rioting h 3 i al feels Wilhelm hitting when down he's sitting to eat] «oy av' Dolly he assed YOi08i 39 Brock St. Phone 424 ! s : where he made a precarious living -. his frugal lunch. The arctic hunter, 'whose spear is or 0 1 shail be oylized it Eh ha ai A : Holland Brent isals| #8 @ Journalist. For a short time he |\_WALLMASCH, 4 blunter than any spear should be, thinks war costs| ip. vo no! mention to ¥iorence - Ahn Tomatoes, per tin Holland... shrestens reprisals} cas the unwiling guest of the Can- trying when Ts goes buying a brand new snickersnee. There is no tavern, | U. Saw. me to-day." Florence 2 Lorn, per_tin United Stat b BE h is Tim's wife and Dolly's sister, What Standard Peas, per against the Unit ates because adian Government when our mill no hole or cavern, no jungle dense and dark, no river dismal, no gulf abys- should Dolly do? 'Early June Peas, per t that country seized interned Duten mal, where war's not left its mark. ou'a: Jolly €o. - Wax. Beans, per tin ... . tary "githorities had him interned - ; 3 m------ a, : : Green Benus, per tin ships. Reminds us of the story of --W I Z Li » . the rabbit who spit In the face of a [2 Halifax, just when he was pre ALT MASON. i Crime And -Defectives. 5 rrr Tog i ring to return to Petrograd to aid 5 : | (Chicago Tribune) : Succotawh, per thn ... .... "bulldog. It world be a shame to paring . : : The average man's reluctance to ave ou Aspuragus, per tin ... . the Bolsheviki in seizing the reigns bel iss : ARs ha east happened to th TBI. | 10 po THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN |maoinimi ime nl = aoa) Jas. REDDEN & Co. . " '. ok # The history of Trotzky's activities : By GENE BYRNES, - . loriginal sin places a serious obsta- The report of City Auditor Muir ; b 5 th rt paved cle in the way of establishing a scien : Phones 20 and since the war began, the pa aye en : on the business methods and finan- 8 part pay tific system for dealing with mental : 'a in the peace parleys and the ¥ elal position of the Civic Utilities, as | PY him : detectives. it is true wo have hos-| | THE SOWARDS published in the 'Whig yesterday, many accusations brought against ¥ ie pitals for the criminally insane, but H will be read with keen interest by his motives combine to 'make his . . ~ 2 the very name .of these institutions Co COAL CO. every ratepayer. He has called to book, "The Bolghiviki and World ¥ Rk Kab, . {indicate a kind of tacit assumption rr Peace," recently? published b e . go that insanity chooses between good i 3 he Uh Shr |, Sr ERI | Phone 155. Staftord's } Annihilator "For Roaming Ink' A meray From paper, wood, white or colored materials. 25¢ Box. «DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess St. Phone. 843 a Ah A Ra a a AAA TY WY » Ahh dA a If Sir Robert Borden and his Gov- a FERUSYE: Musson Book Co., Toronto, ondof the NEVER La . line 'ested. most: important contributions to the ' * Figs Sg A literature of the great struggle. Its Even though we produce to our interest lies in the fact that it is a ; > ! . utmost capacity this year, there wil confession of faith and a statement : : : / We have just received a complete line of MeClary's not be enough food to sustain' us | of policy written by a man who little TENAN and our heroic Allies. The world is [dreamed when he wrote the book INNER / H A v face toface with a food famine. To |how soon he would be in a position i, ; - ; A supplement the efforts of the farm-{to give practical expression to his : - NG i Hu y better finished n the ki ither Amerien ers, every backyard and every vae- |doctrines. When Trotzky prepared a ob © roy and Bh rue on ihe a et, either Am " ant lot should be intensively culti-| his message a Romanoff still oceu- her en : Sold Only By vated. 5 : pied the throne of Russia. The : » author regarded the fall 6¢ the Czar. -- fies ; : ; B U N T® 8 The supreme issue ot this war is |as only the first step towards "the" : ] ei "being fought out on the fields of jrevflition. When Trotzky speaks Pw " : : ; hone 388 ® Hardy are France. It is in "keeping, therefore, of "the" revolution, he refers to a Re -- $ : P Wi or tat 'the supreme command should great revolution, by which the pro- : y a French general.~ It {detariat will take charge of the af-| easy for the Brit- | fairs of the nations, driving out the Prop present "capitalists' and "bour- geois" governments, id , Trotzky declares that in the 3 war the capitalist and imperialist states have been using the people to far- ment, of Quebec (whase. plant was ther their own ambition, but he also 'yecently wrecked by rioters), "it the contends that every capitalist state _-Alligs wonid not have heen victorious | must in the end overreach itself and WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF - erat _ countries The Russian Soclal-| FE {EF 8 fae : ; Sars a 8, Such as | Is 1S Limited. : i PI yw YY TY TT TTT YY YY YY YY YY > | he says: "A been through