Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1918, p. 3

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ROMEBTSNS HE JFR mLE CWS SURPRISED Got Rid of His Troubles Soon After He Began Taking Taniac. | "The way Tanlac straightened me out and rid me of my troubles is cer- tainly a surprise to me," gaid Andrew B. Forrest, who resides at 299 Spa- dina Avenue, Toronto, recently, "My system was so rundown." he continued, "that for six months | was hardly fit for a thing. My blood was bad and I suffered from a trouble- some, breaking out on my face and painful lumps all 'over my body. My appetite falled so I' couldn't relish my food and 1 fell off in weight and | £0t 80 weak I had no life about me. I felt dull and sluggish and unfit for work and was In a most miserable condition and getting worse every | day In spite of all I could do, for I took about, everything 1 could hear of, * x COM. SUPPLY RETAIL MERCHANTS ANXIOES TO HAVE PROVISION MADE Committee - Appointed to Interview Local Fuel Controller Sitaation---Associntion regarding His Now One Hundred Members, The Retail held #ts mo of Trade room discussed matters o The Presid Merchants wiatior v meeting ard mn Tuesday interest members R D presideds z retary Bert encouraging report for the to the effect fifty members had been enrolled and the fees paid to the, WwW. Y Mills, This makes a member- ship up to date of 101 President Rodger remarked that this wis in. deed most encouraging The special committee appointed to make a can- vass for new men bas not yet completed its work, so a goodly num- ber is expected to be signed up. The Association is on a most successful S, and promises to be a great ger Abernethy - had a mem -pight mos bers, new that ireasarer, total bers 1&1 phone, which 'was THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1918. to attend Production movement, | Board of" Trade| night \ the meeting | . i 2 + 1 ----n---- wo i ; Endeavor ' Union Hemet. | ¥ | : } * de : + i her inmates of Refuge. |b a rb Rb Shp db bb abd { a happy gathering at} ibe Home for the Aged on Tuesday | even wi the Kingston Chris-| of the Greater d y the Association ft a Enon a 12 pm | | MADE A PRESENTATION. | i i | Christign " dere was (Notlee--Herenrter, the Whig, In common with other papers all ower eavor Union paid a visit to] Canada, will make a charge of boc AVOr ni aid g i | for inserting an engagement, mare Brunswick grama- | Flage or reception Ainouncement,) accompanied by fine selections i the different were present. tion F the ition and made a presenta- of a cabinet Miss Helen McoKay, Sydenham | street, was 'hostess at a delightful tea on Tuesday afternoon. The rooms were prettily decorated wi daffo- and nar {, the same flowers an stic centre fgr the twenty-four Representatives of societies in the union Sergt.-Major Mayer made the pres- .entation, and. the gift was received by Mayor Hughes, chairman of | tea table. Among the guests were board of management, who, in af \ies Harriet Gardiner, Miss Owen- neat address, tendered thanks to the | neth Merrick, Miss Eleanor Phelan, members of the union for their Ane | afiss Lucy and Miss Gwendolyn Wad gift. idell, 'Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Subsequently the members of the! Jean MeLeMland, Miss Katie Ber- Jnion provided an éntertaining pro-| mingham, Miss Helen Strange, Miss gramme for the inmates of the home. | Marjorie Minnes, Miss Nora Martin, Robert Treneer looked after the du-| Miss Ruth (Anglin, Miss Marjorie ties of chairman, and those who con-| Uglow, Miss Alice Goodwin, Miss: tributed to the programme were Miss | Pthel Kent, Miss Margaret Hem- Dora Amey, Sergt. Mayer, John Alex- | ming, Miss Helen and Miss Marjorie | a Probs: Fine 'and cold on Thursday. * . $ of ) ¢ ty PAGE THREE Corsets of Quality - Our high-grade qualities 6f imported cor- sefs stand out pre-em:nently among the finest imported models. Graceful linés that follow the curves of the natural figure without rigidity are desired by all discriminating wonren. " bas 'At last I get me a bottle of Tanlae! strength to the members in their and It-sure started me up hill again, varfous branches of trade 1am now on my fourth bottle and Regarding thessteps taken by the ~ have such a fine appetite 1 eat with] Government to help on the campaign zest everything set' before me. My for .increased 'production: the presi- blood is richer and better, my sKin dent announced that the special healthier and about free fro every! window displays had not yet arrived sign of that old trouble 1 had before. | in phe eity but that they were ex- That sluggish feeling has disappeared pected soon The president alse re my aystem is toned up, I'am strongey marked that he ras very Ziad to and better {1 every way,-1 have more gee 80 many of th ocal advertisers Hfe and energy and can do my work using a portion -of their spacé in the ander, Miss Pearl® Blythe and Miss | Canipbell, Miss Jean 'Wismer '(Bar Lee ' rie), Miss Mary and Miss Margaret The inmates of the home warmly | Taylor, Miss Laura Kilborn, Miss appreciated the kindness of the Gwendolyn Folger and Miss Doris Christian Endeavor workers in re-| Folger. membering them in this. way, The] instrument will provide pleasant en-| A surprise party held on Mon- tertainment for the aged people, and | day evening, at the home of Miss will be the means of helpings them | Goldie Hazlett, 474 Brock street, was {a most enjoyable event. The lady's { prize for the Easter egg hunt was | won by Miss Helen Guild, the prize at { being a handsome ivory mail file. | Charlés Woods captured the gentle- | man's prize, a fine, ebony nail file, | The consolation prizes were won by { Miss Edith Allen and Gordon Hooper, ! * » Quality corsets give guaranteed satisfac- tion -- they are shapely -- they wear -- they mould easily to figure lines." , v | . Inquire from our expert corsetierre about the qualities of LA REINE, KABO, AMERICAN LADY, GOSSARD, FROLASET, NEMO, TREO. : Priced from $1.50 up. All expert fittings free of charge. to while away the haurs King- | of King oF the in for will le Macdonnell, Alwington Log friends. in To- Is visiting A, A it any tre of Best's Spring| Tonics Are prepared to give the quick. est results -- lasting, too. Sulphur aud molasses . . .. 28¢ Barsaparilla Compound . $1.00 Blood Purifier, 50¢ and $1.00 Beef, Tron and Wine, | ES 75¢ and $1.00 ll Emulsion Cod' Liver Oil, Lie and $1.00 Would You Like Wy WYN Yay J. B. COOKE 832 King Street. Phone 503 Residence 842 PAPE DIAPEPSIN FOR INDIGESTION OR BAD STOMACH Relieves Sourness, Gas, Heartburn, Dyspepisa in Five Minutes. MiSs Best's Everything Photographie Developing and Printing. Holly, Mich, is the Richard Waldron, We have a number of up-to-date designs. Nothing is more convenient for serving af- ternoon tea. 3 : . Bedroom furniture in a great variety of designs. We save money for you by mak-. ing our purchases months ago. : VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock on Hand. Egerton Cays have home in Oswego, Mrs Phone 59. Andrews the Dyde and R: «, delegates from Tanlac and Ide 80. every chance I purpose next week, Some interesting | Shipb nd of the plant of the this » RIO ro 3 1a : LD 4 i tae Fins } ' 3 rie ler, in Batterseq by C. 8. Clark, in] brancir of the Work Miss Edna Chown and her guest, in Kiigst their studies a PA lt A AN 55 rn ~---- 3 "tle ather of fan gin relative to this year's exhibition, the Kirtley 'Math let Aah matrimony to Lieut, wW.* Rolph RE) membership fee, and was enrolled as Professor and Mra. I. A. Stone fair managers, at whieh a resolution ig up sensations and sinking spells, who has' been visiting in Toronto, will put up a strong fight against the greatest ai both mind y " , Toronto on Tuesday. a. Captain and Mrs. Morton Hall and | - a re increased production, plete cure in cases of such severity. have returned home del p dk h local fuel controller, regarding the | Pills I suffered five yes with my street, lait this week to spend some Es in Xs 3 Endowment Policy to provide would be serious again next winter, | were smothering. 1 did not get one castie, where they spent the Easter | committer appointed to deal with thi hat I' must take great care of my | street, entertained Informally at the} and A. E. Roney, them I have only taken twe boxes han street, has returned to her home System," which 1s in vogue in many| - Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills | King street Branch 2018 were appointed Ont. | DA. Cays, Barrie street. tm rth with a vim that makes me feel like aljocal newspapers to help on the good Takes Charge Of Plant, new man. It is a pleasure to recom- | work He expeetod that a larger James M. Smith has arrived -mend such a wonderful medicine as number would be using space for this| Fort to take charge of thé Eo lae is sold in. King pamphlets for the campaign has ar-| Canadian and Foundry Com- 3 an Fo BB B Kingston by A rived and would be distributed by | pany, which is under contract to P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- D. G. Laidlaw, the chairman of turn o twelve . trawlers for ihe | e French Government before the close ; ; Fernleigh by Ervin Martin, in Ardoch vel Ban 4 vieatic r Smith is = 4- | Miss Eleanor (Whelman are leaving . R. E Bushell, manager of the 1 navigation Mr. Smith is a na-{ i by M. J. Scullion, ston: Industrial Fair, was present, and | tive of rden Island and well known | to-morrow Toronto to reste ADYVT, had a conference with members > t (Branksome Hall a Pp i oy | Mr. and Mrs At Peterboro 'on Monday Lyla re + lon Tuesday f *Granbill Ohio, i A ay s «| members at a previous meeting, hav " ie i : daughter of Sergt. B. J. Waterman, | ing pledeod Sor SUPport. Li SUFFERED TERRIBLY where they remain until ihe at present overseas, was united in Inet ally Ar" 3 hi y 4 s identally, Mr Bushell ~ paid his WITH HER HEART | is Hot, M.C., who recently returned a worker for the merchants woul : : avenue, : ! é 4 { D x yu v + | from overseas, Mr, Bughell referred to the recent D WAKE UP sMotHI RING ranto conference he. ih; at To with | ' h md at Toronto, with have taken Mr. and Mrs. Mather's was passed protesting against the bill Fhe terrible smothering and chok- Bouse ha Bion Miss Hdith of or or proposed by a Quebec member of the Stones" sister, Miss «dith Morrison, House of Commons to dispense with|the feelings of dizziness and faint : ' sdayv her g all the fall fairs until the end of the |Dess that come over those whose urvived og 1 iesilay to Nu ner Euast. war; The different fair association | heart and ner are deraneed rage + Miss Edith Massie, 3 as bee ; el BL ut up trons Fgh wari oh. prams ire deranged causon| siti Stan: Maketvey. tere tor [SRI ERSENEEENENINSNENENNEE such legislation, taking the ground [and body | that theXairs are doing good mission Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills! : 5: "No c i fry work along the line of inducing | Elve prompt relief and offect a com: | Soret: Major and Mrs. Norman Keef- | IMPERIAL LIFE : 3 8p Fas » On 'motion of N. Noble Steacy and Mrs. A. M. Powell, Norval Station Ya 11d | g 3 N. 1 4 § : , ol pg rs. (2 1D. Fallis have lef Een William Andersoh, it was decided to}Ont., writes: "I cannot speak too! rad rs is Be ais ave ory a.o fttae td wr | high = te dart and Nerv, sng ' . n | y p y appoint a- committee t§ wait on the Iy-of Milburn's Heart ind Nerve Mrs. IR. Easton Burns, Frontenac | ia Is the soung mas aby i, who ys an el supply of coal for next winter, it hav- "heart "and nerves, but the last two. : a \ : g ' St. Catha BS. ing heen intimated that the fuel con-| years I have suffered terribly. It I! the " ow arhariaes Miss Patricia for his later years. Aad thé » sre rte ' 2 situati 76 al ; a g 2 a 2 . ~ 3 troller expected that the situation| went to bed I would wake up as It 1 Rowland have returned from New sooner the cheaper, The Association is anxious to seo|night's sleep out of seven. got 80| \o1iivg 3 what steps are to be taken to make | very weak that the doctor was called! diy * so» » | provision for the city's needs, Thelin, and he said it was my heart, and Mrs. L..T. Best,. Lower Albert matter: 1s composed of B. Nohle|self. I saw your adver ement infec. sour this afternoon Steacy, "Allan Reld, William Ander your almanac for Milburn's Heart h Olive Caven who has been 'harle iving m : % Nerve oa . AN a » i as son, Charles Livington, Thomas Milo | and Nerve Pills] and said I would ITY | visiting Miss "Alleen. Folger, Syden- At the request of the presidént, R. [of them and I feel 4 new woman. I} in Toronto Gi Andrews gave the members some| will recommend them to anyone af- | Mrs. Gaskin Ig a Yoaeh ag ir yp I of ve Blip ATS.. Uras ' information on the "cash-and-carry| ficted with heart trouble i guest of Mrs. plaees in the old eountry, to cut down | are 50¢ a box at all dealers, or maii- Dr. and Mrs expenses, ed direct on receipt of price by The walt p ad: 1 4 he Hobart T. Milbarn Co., Limited, Toronto returned to their : ay ole ' INJY., after visiting Mr. and | Arthur B. Conaingham 8 [turned from Montreal. 8! Miss Edith Hawley, Napanee, is, has re- In"ALG n- = | visiting Miss 'Molly Saunders, Alice xT - | street, : | Mrs. Bulkeley-and her children, | of (Little Falls, N.Y., are visiting Mr. | {and Mrs. A. Maclean, King street H. €. C. Caswell has returned { from) Newtonville after spending 'he wolday there. v Miss Myra Dyde Ottawa, is visit- ing her paremts, Mr. and Mrs. Ho- i bart Dyde, Johfson street. i » a * nS Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indi- | gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia: when the food you eat ferments into gases jand stubborn lumps; your head 'achés and yon feel sick and miserable, i that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsin. It makes all stom- ach misery vanish in five minutes, If your stomach is in a continuous revolt--Iif you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape's Dia- pepsin. It's so needless to have a bad | stomach--make your mext meal a | favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any dis- tress--eat without fear. It's because Pape's Diapepsin "'really does" regu- late weak, out-of-order stomadhs that gives it its rggilions of sales an- nually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's | Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magile---it is a scientific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation which truly belongs in every Home. T. F. HARRISON CO,, LTD. Phone 90. ry Hamilton, | a few Ruttan, Capt. and Mrs. Colin { Albert street, are. spending | days with Mr. and Mrs. Barriefield. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell have returned from Ottawa, they were visiting ° their | Mrs. Staurt Bleakney. Miss Gertrude Palmer returned to Ottawa on Monday. Mrs. Charles A. Low, {Alymer, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Low, Ottawa Charles North, of Picton, spent Easter in town, the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. F. Rowlands, Univer. sity avenue vos 0» ' thai - Aaah dh 4 4 2 CONTINUOUS SESSION. Sittings of Versailles Council Political Unity. Paris, April 3.--The securing of military unity was hard because of human sensibilities, It has been bzrought about, and the Allied arm- {es face the German attack with new |°0¢e, and that is to dissolve it, then Iconfidence and improved prospects, | YOU destroy it entirely. To do this, Political unity Tar aIve ah such , Just get about four ounces of 'plain, peculiar difficulty, but it is no less (COmmon liquid arvon from any drug important. Now, without losing a |Store (this is all you will need), ap- minute, and while our general and [PLY It at night when retiring; use armies are in| the final conflict to|eNOuUgh to moisten the scalp and rub save humanity, a council with power | it in gently with the finger tips. for spot action, and composed of Al- By morning, most if not all, of lied representatives should be set |Your dandruff will be gone, and three. up & Versailles and kept in daily ses- [or four. more applications will com- Battle. sion to deal instantaneously with the | pletely dissolve and entirely destroy jdangers and opportunities that are every single sign and trace of ft, no At the Battle Front in France, arising hourly in this last stage of [matter how much dandruff you may April 3.--""Where are'the Germans?" [the war have. : : ¢ AR ; y a frockle-face You will find all itching and dig- atked Irvin Cobb of a feeckle-faced | The importance of this is so ob- British Totomy guarding the squth| ] ging of the scalp will stop instantly, end of a briige Hover hie Olas gt | ¥IOUS to any ftelligewt person, that and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, Pointoise; a tiny village through Jit is gifficutt for thesé here to under- | glossy, silky and soft and look and which' he, Martin Grees ahd hi stand how such a plan can be "what | oo a hundred times hetter. 2 a avr 25% on ed a single minute, in view of what ; ¥ hal thi Tuesday han i at stake. That it must come soon- The dwelling and stable, No, 477 = Cathedral of Nevon. " {er or later admits of ud doubt. Who Mrs. Sarah "Right there in them woods, | 8 to take the terrible: responsibility rank Fisher raid the tin-hatted soldier; pointing | 1 deferring such aetion? : to a patch of budding trees BIONE | se the north bank, 20 yards diytant iv & « "Our engineers have mined the eS EEE FE RR bridge and the bally beggars won't [| , - not require shipping. Use A Simple Way To Remove Dandruff There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at ahie z ughter, For Mrs. Herbert Coleman and little Miss Alice, of "Roselawn," Kings- ton, arg the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Minnes, of" 'Bloor street, Toronto." Mrs. Coleman's many To] ronto friends have been delighted at | hearing her sing again. . | Mrs. W. J. Foley and little son, Division street, are spending the Easter holidays with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bresée, Lynd- hurst, : * Miss irances Devlin, William stréet, has returned home, after spending the Easter holidays with friends in Montreal. Miss Myrtle Spencer spent the Bas- ter holidays in Montreal, the gnest of her brother. (Cantinded op Page 10.Y . a ir » : Remembe, Crphaus" Home tex and sale, Fri- day, April Seb, 2.39 to 6 p.m. % i A CLOSE-UP VIEW OF THE BiG EVENT A Correspondent Talks Wiih Spidiers During the Great i Johnsow street, owned b Moore, has been sold to by E, W. Mullin & Son. néver get over" 5 i Almost Uy accldent,~yet with al dash of design, we had stumbled in- to the very fromt of the greatest! battle ig the world's hiftory. We! j them ---- Canada Food Boar were at the preecige location whers the Germans, seeking to hew their || da. . . . ® 4 N ® ' 5 : Spring Offerings! way fo Paris down the Calley of. the BARR ¢ : 2 Ole, weve Wil Ligh andl ny : Ee ; A 3 : BLE he Frese oi Bri rong Spring shoes for men and boys, in the Try he ingle Jevdershipunt the ff latest styles, and at our special prices. famons' General. Foch, hero of thed! . f $5 50 to $8 00 Dressy shoes for men, $5. .00. Boys "shoes from $3.00 up. Lo Jack Johuston's Shoe Store Provincial (Ontario) Park is an ith tn 2) Park is Ci who bloeked the German advance fn- . 70 Brock Styect. * + n The White Star line: Celtic, tor- _-. Honey. and Maple Sugar do pedoed by a German submarine, has : arrived safely at. British port. The damage will be repaired shortly. of beautiful lakes and, inte y wi ams 7s to Maly: to the people of the sate wektion of the ntitent' a ; ie 5 tractions for the lover of the out-of-doors. Away ands : ! Reuters correspondint : elevation of two thotisand feet atove the level of army Deadawiriors in Francs sapel] of Square files of pine, ; v long, ! [Tuesday "was the greatest dav sinee while he cool evenings are a time of enchantment. The Park makes an i oftrosive began Sxcont tor the | to an_and the canoeist, but the accommodation is such that BOBATS Soy That or oy: 1 pleased. "Phe Park is two hundred files north of Toronto and one | nS Sun BOMAIRE Paris pea ehh tir Otta _ | range guns bemhing Paris barat, kfil- Wa g re ; : ene ' ing-five of the gun crew, -

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