Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1918, p. 14

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SMI ai deh v WES THE DAILY SE IR a R77 OU, too, should study this ma good travel. Firestone Tires dependable; built for wear and tear of all kinds. The Non-Skid letters hold the car trie in all weathersand the Firestone "extras" of material and building insure long wear, which means lowest cost. Suddaby Bros. Phone No. 1988 177 Wellingtén St., Kingston k of Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, U.S, A. The new improved Firestonesaretruly economy tires. LTR, a The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of AT and has been made under his per- A heii Suga) supervision since its infancy. . OW no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and * Titre pd: ? are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants [hat is CAS ageiust Experiment. ® What is CASTORIA Castoria isa harmiess substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatyl ency, Wind Colic' and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishne arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Auways Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Y The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPAYY, NEW YORK CITY, 7 JR PRE, B¥nchitis; h, Asthma, Ete. Pisa sovereign tonic combining ries of TAR and the Strengthening neglected or badly treated give rise to of sucha grave character that you should using inferior preparations. Sen Tal a BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, -- ---- A -- { From The : {Countryside & * -- | Frontenac | LAKE OPINICON. March 25.--K number of farmrs have tapped their sugar bushes and report a very good run of sap, The | Tecent warm Weather has spoiled tife sleighing . Miss Emily Hughson Is here from the west to spend some time at her prother's, M. Hughson. Mrs. A. Darling and Kora Darling spent Sunday at Spaffordtown. Mrs, Tyo and Mrs. Jackson, who came fo attend their father's funeral, have returned home, accompanied by Miss Eliza-Smith. PARRMEFIELD. 25. --Willlim McIntosh has the home of Thomas Turner. G. Walker, city, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Quinn Mrs. 'W. Medley, who 'has been on the sick list so long, 4s able to be around again Mrs W. Hunter, Isle of Man, visited with her moth- er, Mrs. 'W. (Norman, sr. The ladies of the Red Cross Society are turning out well each week and certainly doing their "bit."" The many friends of Ross 8ibbitt, who underwent an operation, are pleased to hear he is improving. ™Mr. and Mrs. D. H, Me- Caugherty, of Streetsville, and Mrs. Hamblet, of T.owell, 'Mass., who were I'here for thie funeral of their mother, {the late Mrs. Hutton, have left for | their homes Mr. and Mrs. L. L. | Price, of Mountain Grove, who spent week-end with 'Mr. and rMs. A Leader, has returned home "March purchased {the ST. GEORGE'S LAKE. March 26.--8ugar making is now expected to be the order,of the day. A number from Crow Lake and Tich- borne passed through here en route to Munroe's sale at Sharbot Lake, A {special service will be given In Oconto church Sunlay next on "Food Production." Ross MeGinnis is draw- ing hay and potatoes. A number from here attended the movies at Sharbot Lake Monday evening. Mrs. {Holland and Mrs, Reilly left for the i former's home in Regina. Visitors: |. Dawson at Fall River; William | Tryon at his home here; Miss Maude { Reilly, New York, at her mother's; Tryon, George Hamilton, Frank Dawson and Miss A. Vinkle at R. {McGinnis Miss Reilly and Mrs. Hol- { land at R. MdGinnis; A. Strang the jguest of his sister, Miss Strang. George Hamilton at Tichborne Sun- day last, Masters A. Tryon, T. Al- len, BE. and 8. and H. were at George McKiver's Sunday. HARTINGTON. March 25.--VanLuven Bros., Holliford, is doing a rushing busi- ness sawing wood in this vieinity. The farmers are tapping and some report a good run of sap. A gang of men arrived from Toronto to work in feldspar mines. R. McKinley has lost another valuable cow. Mr. Cook has moved from «. Moore's farm to take up residence in Harrow- smith. The many friends of John Dowker are glad to see him around again, after heing confined to the house for some months with a brok- en limb. Mrs. George Brown is very ill. Ethel Brown, Moscow, is stay- thg with her. family have come to reside on the farm purchased from G. Trousdale. Last week a number of the young people from this place visited Mrs. Mellville Ellerbeck, Pleasant Valley, in her new home and spent 'a very enjoyable evening. Visitors: Ress Freeman and wife, recently returned from the front, at D. Freeman's; Mrs. C. Purdy, Flint, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson at Earl Leonard's; Elmer Freeman and fam- ily at George Brown's; Fred Clow, Kingston, was in the village to-day; Arnold Shillington, Westbrooke, at M. Trausdale's. Leeds 4 PHILLIPSVILLE. March 25.-- Miss Margaret Nolan, «who has been on an extended visit {to her sister, Mrs. Dowdhire, in Bluefield, Va., returned home ¥Fri- day. Miss A. Alguire made a flying visit to friends in Ottawa last week. Miss Anna PBtevens thas returned from a visit to friends in Trenton. The roads are in places almost im- pa le either with cutters or buggy: The water is two feet or more deep over the roads in places. The tapping of the sugar bushés has been the order of the day during the lovely weather of the past week, The fiftieth 'apniversaty 'of ' the Farmers' Pride cheese factory was held on the 20th inst. by the pro- prietors, Messrs. Archibald Stevens William B. Phelps, who gave a few items of interest in a short >ai€tory of the factory since established in 1867. In the year 1870 the whol season's cheese wis sold fo : 9 1b., 2c going to the maker k to the 'patrons. Quite a difference between those and - present-day peices. The usual business was dis- posed of. e manufac ir Mr. Preston, is to get r Mb. this year, which Is a stight advance on Jast year. hy : " 'LAVANT STATION. : March 25.--Mr. Haines, Colling- wood, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. AE. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul and James Paul, who 'have ' been with relatives here, have returned to their homes ' in Saskatchewan. Mrs. A. E. Reaper and Mrs. J. Lat- tin, of Monireal, arrived here Thurs day to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs; J. Paul, add also to meet their or, Tanee-Corpl. R.° RB. Paul ance-Corpl. B. I, Paul, who was x for six J. G. Walker and-lable to report that Willlam Clark Hin dt her - | Miss Evelyn Fion fs at her sister's, | Mrs. James Ev [ Mrs. CF "les Kilgannon. last weok. spending thé last vouple of months | Dee BRITISH BATTLE LINE GORNELIEY * ROISEL ® AIJERY PERORKE POINT WHERE GETMAN! THROUGH oe HAM ROX. / Royo , ny © paris sss SEE 650,000 men) are following into the 205 states that the British are falling bac area to previously prepared positions. troops on the northern front of the | The Germans foreed their way ioto tack drove them out. . A large party captured. months, and who was fortunate en- ough to make hiis escapearrived here Wednesday evening. His chvm, Pte. Waters, Toronto, who also escaped at the same time, arrived on Satur- day to spend a few days with his friends. Mrs. T, Gilpin and daugh- ter, Ollie, who were visiting Mrs. Gil- pin's brother, A, E, Jackson, left last week for their home in British Co- lumbia. Mr. Jackson accompanied them to Renfrew, Mrs, J. E. Lee ispent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Leslie, Watson's Corners, Mrs, R, J. Wil- son and baby are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. George Sproule spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Horne, Poland, The ladies of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Sproule, Satur- day afternoon, and quilted a quilt for the Red Cross. They have real- ized $27.30 in getting names for each block. Miss C. Lawrence, Can- onto, and Miss L. Gray, Clyde Forks, visited Miss Elsie Lee:last week. A. Borland, Toronto, representing the Dominion Alliance, conducted ser vices here on Sunday evening. Miss Ina 'Watt, Snow Road, and Joseph Burke, Oso, spent He week-end at William Thomas, "Hillview Farm." Mr. and Mrs, William Roche, Wilbur, visited Mr, and Mrs, T. Lee one day last week. MABERLY. March 25.--We are glad to be and son, Robert, are both improv- ing after a severe attack of' pneu- ymonia. Miss Clarke, nurse, is in at- tendance. Miss Frizelle, trained nurse is in attendance at Howard Morrow's. Mrs. John Palmer was called to Kingston on Thursday throtgh the death of her sister, Mrs. Gillespie. There will be a moving picture show in the Town Hall on Tuesd.uy evening. | Lenox and Addington] ENTEF SE EAST. March 21. --~Kveryone having teaming to do is improving the time as the snow 18 Eoing, fast Sugar making will soon be in full swing. peveral are endeavoring to do their bit for more production as they have purchased evaporaters. The high windé on Wednesday night played havoc with the telephone lines here. Bdward Finn sold a valuable team of horses on Thursday. Michael Sagrift has been at Patrick Dowling's the past week. Miss Eva Cassidy, Cen treville, ig at A, C. Fimm's. All are pleased to see Miss Kaile Dillon home from Hotel Dieu, Kingston, after up- dergo an operation for appendi- citls. ward Foster, Edward Fin, 'Misses Annfe and Evelyn Finn, P. M. day evening at Thomas Breen's. James Murphy and sister, Edwina Croydon, were at George Perratilt's on Sunday. Miss Florence McDonald sister's, Mrs. J. B. Pishér's. , Moscow, i -- ODESSA. a 'March 25<-Mrs. Buck, Sydenham, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willian Vrooman. Noble Bond, Detroit. Michigan, is spending a short time with his brother, Sher- nd. 'Miss Kate Donohue, uest of her cousin, . © Malcolm Den- ter Spending a few days with his parents, returned to his home In Milton last : her sister; Mrs. Ba ord, who has been spend- ing the nast month with her daugy- ter fm \Fenlon Falls, returned e last Weinesday. E. M. Gordon spent the -end in oe " e Mas purchased "nr lake 4 Charley. or Saha Mr endall's 'of Mrs. Kendall's po ois, Aeut<Col, afd Mrs. "Cizde. Mrs, § D. Lockwaed willl bold her millinery Saturday, Magach 30th s tu i ¥, Magaeh « NORTH March 25.-- My 2s T and' Mrs, - ad Mrs, Claude > WHERE GERMANS CUT THROUGE 2p. RARGICOURT i Byoxy wep \W There is reason tu believe that fifty German divisions @pproximately more approximately 325000) are in close reserve on the whole front and with fresh ( and the same distance southwest of Bullecourt), but a dashing counter,at Sagriff and sister Mary spent Thurs-|' M. Kenyons Easter | ich 30th. ed MARCH 28, 1918. AND POINT PAGE THIRTEEN TT Ens EE Es FoR TIEaIRE Rese. oe GUISE, SY QUENTIN : © RIBEMONT [OLAFERD ®L AON CHAVIGHON ze SoLSSONS The Note of Refinement An air of quiet distinction hangs around some cople like an atmosphere. So it is with Liril Toilet peor. Its subtle odour of Parma Violettes is an out» ward indication of inward elegance. VINOLIA LIRIL SOAP Delicious sweet oils and scents used in the manufacture of Vinolia Lirii Soap make it the outstanding toilet soap for the com- plexion. Its continual use soothes the tender skin of youth just as it aids to retain the bioom of youth to the elderly. Just try Vinolia Liril Soap todayr CRADNNE REINS bu struggle and probably balf as many War Office a devastated The British k in good drder across With very heavy fighting in progress serman forces in action, the British attlefield are holding their positions. Morty four miles west of Lagnicourt 1H Druggists sell Vianolia Livil 10c. a cake. was surrounded and probably was Royal Vinolia Tooth Paste 250. Royal Vinolia Face Creams 25¢ and up. Vinolia Face Powder 50c and up nn A Alkombrack and Masters Douglas | and Bruce, spent the day at William Both's, Pred Wood and Miss Jones attended church at Northbrooke on amy xe Sunday. Noah Kimmerly treated VINOLIA COMPANY LTD. himself to a fancy driver last week. Loadon TORONTO Kenneth Ellis is spending a few| 8 Eo Rat days in Northbrooke. Mrs. Arthur GanssuarRERsERRER BEES ERE Perkins returned last week from aiwijljam Both has been getting in trip 'out front. This place was visit-| his simmer supply of ice, prepara- ed by a man, in khaki, who is look-| tory to butchering. Mrs. HarVéy + fter ti Jackers. This is a bad Fuller and James Parks, Borden- ing after the slackers. 8 a ba wood, spent Friday at her father's, place to come, as Northbrooke can- George Selman. Mrs. Wilson Wood not boast of very many of that type. has returned home, after spending WRIGLEY For Your Soldier! ENE REOERENELNtARRALERRINEEACERE RARER Sons at le EanRRRsRRdnRE Paris WN THE KE EH --------_------ -- > the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Barr, Parham. All are glad to hear of Miss Stella Smith's rapid Im- provement, Miss Grace Wood has gone to Parham to visit her sister. All are sorry to hear of Mra, Casher Thompson's illness. "Bless the girl! She never forgets to keep me well . stocked with LEYS PETITETE ERE

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