ASSETS; $50,000,000 RET e ok provide Thi today I's a ESTABLISHED 1855 pDle earn more mo y against | conomy and Kk of ror sive more | ed alw in og B. McKay, Manager. 4 BANK oF TORONTO Houses Barrie St., Frame Plum St., Cement Block . . Nelson St., with Barn Burtch Ave., Brick es Patrick St., Brick Pair . The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Phones: Otfice 88 residence 874, Pras mn rt in Khaki over there ix hurt hy cake here, Cannda Food Beard. OUR KODAK DEPARTMENT Is another department in which we have always taken special pride. If you are interested in Kodaks or Cameras, why not consult us. We develop and print your films with dispatch, using every precaution pos- sible to ensure good results. We open' at 8 am. and close at 10 pm. HOAG'S Drug Stor Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. ee GROCERIES ! Choice Groceries, Smoked Meats, Seasonable Fruits; All orders will receive our careful attention. £4 3 y E. HUBAKER Corner of Montreal and Charles Sts, Phone 1263. | HEE Easter Lillies, Easter Flowering Plants, Ferns, Palms And all seasonuble cut flowers for Kanter. Opén Good Friday. F. J. JOHNSON, Florist Apples! Choice assortment of apples, by peck or barrel; also pota- toes by the bag. Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 548 RS Coie oar Co oid to No pot COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. A fon Soid ™e COOK MEDICINE TORONTO. ON" (Formate Buy Food with a though of the Allles--Canada Food Oleomargarine Is Wed v rever butter Is used for 'fable! for cooking and bak- © butter, and can! be used with equal satisfaction, and at a big saving te the user, ANDERSON BROS. Phones 438 - 1846. £ ae: - rn CATARAQUI DRIVING PARK {and sad building felty | OF household furniture and renal estate, | hogay The sea | | { for Sale $2100 $2250 $2500 $3050 $3500 | Open Every Saturday Evening, FOR SALE ueren good garden lots; Inrge murse barn snd other bhulldings; ®fiso one of the best half mille tracks in Canada; water; price reasonnble. For fall partienlarn enquire on premises, AA in Executor's Sale Comprising the property of the late Miss Anne Juae Kelly, by public auction on Monday, April Ist, 1918, at the premises No. 310 University Ave, At 10 am, I fur paris su'te, w Amt fas, carpets ni ree Ti Thome? f brocate and and T @ consisting jue ture, le a- tapestry lace and ard, cen- sated chairs n cupboard, "8s, iron steel da- wkery, num- rugs ther T van ut side » and othe r "tab te s, cane Fer Sewing mad 1 ers apr hine dr wall and 1 i" Souver 12.10 pom J etirabl » thr tore dwelling, No Te ning dotible Kitehe n, six bedre ry basement and f 'Ss hot waver furnace. inches, depth 185 ft 'er gateway on rear of The at od E bath room, or: F rontage McGTars tip ee 9 of way Bd garage This property will be to a reserved bid Terms, 10 per cent in 30 days mn, March 15 otsuitable for put np subject at time of sale 26th, 1918 W. MUNDELL, Executo Specials for Easter Week Pure Maple Syrup, Prime Western Beef, Swift's Ham and Bacon, Prime Veal and Lamb, English Sauces and Relishes, Fresh Butter and Eggs. Our stock is complete. C. H. PICKERING 400 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530. Watts, Fo. 179 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers dally; funeral designs and wedding bouguets to Srder. ut of town orders given § 3 USE MORE soups, ~Canada Food Board. » Fit For a King's Breakfast YUBAN COFFER. SWIFT'S SAUSAGE TECO PANCAKES, With OLD TYME SYRUP. Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King & Earl Sts. Phone 1844, . SJ Carpenter and Builder Ww. R. BILLENNESS pecialising Store Fron - --_ Remodels Balld ar ESTIMATES 0" EXPERIEN Address, 272 University AJENCE I | | Choice Hams and Bacons , (Extra mild cured) Green Onions, Lettuce, Celery . Bananas, Oranges, Grape Fruit, No. 1 Northern Spy Apples. Griffin's Seedless Raisins . 12%c Ih. pkg. Glassco's Pure Jams, J.R.B. Gage, Montreal Street Phone 349 ER -- of the pérsons who di of matrimony secure pearls, The hero has no title deed for to- Few ye ito manage io L morrow, {In a 3-Act World Picture of Studio | Wednesday & Thursday the spec ially reduced prices for King- \ OPER A HOUSF GRAN TONIGHT Special Vaudeville | THOSE 4 GIRLS 4 Singing, Pancing, Comedy Madge Evans and Henry Hull ONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES « 34 Life "The Volunteer" First insertion, le 8 word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, Sue; wix Bi; one month, $2. Carlyle Blackwell HELP WANTED DTT mm iy The People's Forum REE RN ERE RE E R rE RERRERERS Em ARTETA BARA me POSITION WANTED, BREAD BAKER DESIRE 8 A POSITION! fore sixteen expe #8 Box 52 Office : as day Ad tee Whig WANTED GENERAL June Elvidge In a whizzing story of modern New York. | "The Marriage Market" { The pathe news and comedy reels at each performance. 10c n Evening 10e; ene erved, Se Extra Friday, Saturday MARCH 29 and 30. Matinee Saturday at 2.30. 'Oh Boy' Ir S COMING . The Biggest Hit of Years in New 'York. the effervescence of with all its beauty, charm and v daintiness, Same big cast and production as played in Boston, Toronto and Mont- real By arrangement with the producers, BOY WANTED AT JACKSON PRESS, MAID, et. KITCHEN APPLY drock sire \ 282 ui ef 4 AT ONCE, pl He PORTER, FRON- Hotel PAY APPLY enac | Matinee | Any Seut WTRIC WIREMEN, AP. Blectrie Co. ---- -------------------------------- COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. AP. ply to Geo, A, McGowan. GIRLS TO ADDRESS ENVELOPES, AP. ply wo N. C, Polson & Co. Ontario street, city. « QOK GENERAL, quired Apply Misa Dwyer, '6 A STENOGRAPHER, A YOUNG MAN who will work for advancement. Apply P.O. Box 82, Kingston. REFERENCES REL In the eve Ig to i Barrie street AGED WOMAN TO ACT As ekeeper for home in the coun- Apply Boki2h/Whig Office MIDDLE hot PLY, GIRLS WANTED FOR LIGHT paid. ant work Highest wages ppl) ) AUiL Aas; a SERVANT, z00d wages R Apply Mrs, ot ic street A GOOD ¥ OR family ences Sparkling with youth, M Smith FOR LIGHT a good plain family. Ref. Karl street WOMAN rk A YOUNG w be in 320 only erences requ ston will be: Evenings: 23¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1 and $1.50 Special dollar matinee aturday, hest Seats $1.00, 75, 50, 25¢. Seats on Sale Wednesday. A i a sa Griffin'S Mon., Tues., Wednesday Dustin Farnum The Spy Also Vivian Martin in. "The Fair Barbarian" and Our New Serial Vengeance and the Woman STRAND "The Theatre with the Organ" Mon., Tues., Wednesd 2 Feature Photopdays Dorothy Dalton "The Price Mark" Also Wm. S. Hart : " "Horns and Hoofs MACK SENNETT COMEDY TOPICAL REELS ( NDERGRADU ATE and Reg- New York AND wanted work Wie GRADUATE nurs private istry, 136 City, N.Y st 122nd St. MARRIED farm milk fr Oak Far Portsmouth MAN, EXPERIENCED IN rk. H garden and John Carruthers, Front Road, 1108, Ring 3 vm, one LER «= TABLETS THAT s gpotlessly clean with- Promise to solicit or- ten cents will bping four washings. Make hour Bradley's ( AMAZING wash « out rubbin deds with samples for dollar an Brantfor rd, TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 8, township of Kenne- bec, 8 .to commence April 15th. Salaby $32 year. Apply to John Woadg Deas Creek, Mit. 3 > mer ck, Vi ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank uilding, corner Brock and Wellington Sts. CARD OF THANKS Jeo, W. Smith and family wish to thank their many friends for their kindness and sympathy in their recent sad bereavement, ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to thank the Independent Or- der of Foresters for the prompt and satisfactory payment of the insurance on the lite of my husband, J. N. Bryant. ~IWife and Family. "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the carpen. tery lune. Estimates given on all Kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all Kinds, All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 00 Queen street. Mrs. TIDINGS FROM VERONA. NOTICE. to LOST, STRAYE D OR STOLEN wil the person or persons hold- ing the passport and French Heg- istration Papers please return to owners and save trouble. Family documents. A. BE, HOWLEY, 37 Piue St, Kingston. Public Notice Navigable Waters Pro- tection Act. RS.C, CHAPTER 115, The Public Uthities Commission here- by wives notice that they have, under Section 7 of the sald Aer, Sepanited, with the Minister of Public Works a Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District | of Frontennc County at Kingston, 8 on St. Patrick's Day was celebrated of Cable "matalintion proporch fo be |8t Sand Crop by a number of his io niente across the Oran Cause. | family. Mr. Grant has seen 83 birth- way at Kingston, from the elty"s en- days. He was formerly postmaster tra ee Jo the Bridge. aeToAm the Catar- of the village, And take momarriofiel after he ex-| (Ross Burley and mother have re- Ar lietion si ai Seu ake | Wiliam Watson Jet Friday horn o! 0 m son le y = Pais ie ities. Com nid vet pie ander) ing to join the flying corps in To- ety of Public Works at his office Tonto, Miss Fenwick, Enterprise, In the city of Ottawa, for approval of |milliner, has resumed her position the sald Mite Daa Plans, and for leave|a: T. H. Craig's store. Mrs. Ben- '* Dated at Kingnton. Ont rotten | nett, Watertown, visited her moth- any of en Sry er, in. S. 1. Snider. ote Frid Miss Beau urley left Friday Public Utilities Commission; to take a nursing course in the Geo. Y. Chown, Chairman. | General Hospital. Thadens Reynolds CC. Folger, is doing a rushing business with his Gen. Mgr. and Sect "Isaw mill at South Verona. Pte. | nmin erin nam me ~ 4x | Kenneth Blackhurst is visiting his : ' a grandfather, Anson Grant 1 Miss Leona Trousdale, spending a week v at Sydenham, return- ed Friday. Charles Grant Bas gone to. Kingston to fit himself for an office. 3) Quite a number of people went to the station to say good-bye to Fred Trousdale, the superintendent of the Sunday school. Young Lady inters Hospital Train as Nurse. Verona, March 23.--A recepticn was given last week at the residence of Henry Dickson, Bell Rock, who has lately moved from this vicinity. Mrs. Williams has received word that her son has been wounded for the second time. Elmar Smith has moved to Hart- ington. Mrs. Trousdale has receiv- ed a cablegram that 'her son, Fred- erick, has arrived safely in England. Frederick Simmons, Toronto, visited Verona on Tuesday. A num- ber 'have tapped their maple trees. W. Grantling and Percy and Ross Burley went to Canal Lake Thursday and: secured mon. | Mrs. Douglass Snider and Mrs. Sanderson are quite seriously ill. The birthday of Alexander Grant ~ "OF : THAT WONDERFUL "EGG-0". BAKING POWDER JesT txLOADED. FOR W. G. CRAIG & CG. Limited. About fifty couples attended the | dance at the City Hall on Monday ! evening in ald of the Horry Lauder Scottish Relief Fund. Salisbury's orchestra furnished excellent music during the evening. | | last ' thirty sal-' : \ PURCHASE ting hens io Teleph 476 one THREE OR FOUR fam- Apply PURCHASE MOTOR state price, WANTED TO hoat, 25 to 30 feet long, ticulars and lowest cash Box 322, Whig Office SECOND-HAND for cash or In part pianos and grafanolas. C. W, Lind. say, Limited, 121 Princess street. UPRIGHT PIANOS, A SINGLE PHASE, cycle, alternating motor, new or second George Hay, R. R. No Phone 1100 v-2-2 116 VOLT, current electric hand. D, 1, Kingston. bieycles to Geo, Muller, 373 King| Street, to be cleaned and stored for winter; miso skates hollow | ground and 'sharpened Phone 1032 TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. | chants and business men .n East- | ern Ontario can connect with a | good sides line 4 applying to Box J. . Whig Offic Strictly econ fidential WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have | everything In the second-hand ine for sale. 8 Shapiro, 46 Prin- s street. Phone 1337. MANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST | with a little ad this size. | The cost is go little and the re-| sults so blg. We will gladly give you full Particulars. Call at the | office or drop us & postal today. | British Whig Publishing Co. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, having resumed orders we fall Address 202 Alfred stree MAKER, { solicits | work LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER | Law office, 79 'Clar- A. B, and solleitor, ence street, PAPER-HANGING. PAPER-HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. ing and kalsomining. Rooms paper- ed at lbwest prices; also wall paper for sale; a good selection, H Rowley, 282 Queen St, or 340 Bar- rie St. Have Your Car Over- hauled and Stored for the Winter AT THE CENTRAL GARAGE 3353 King St, ED WALSH 9 Proprietor, Ahura i hdd "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE ean Office, Royal [pyran Bi " MONTREA Bla PERCY J. aN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. « IN FUTURE No Order WILL BE Issued FOR COAL ON Hugh c Nickle, Fuel Controller. IMMEDIATELY, SET. | { UNFURNISHED par-| ayment of new | 60 | rac h GRIP ON CLARENCE OR KING BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR | | | bf | LARGE om 4 4 a i 4 NEARER wind THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. cosy tle. Once, ae: three times &0c; i week, $1.0 PILOT BRILLIANT HEATE R, NBAR. ly new. Apply #1 Division st Street. DESIRABLE CORNER LOTS, oR Wi exchange tor Real Estate. Address Box 3325 3 FOUND GOLD WIRE BROOCH ON SUN. day afternaon, at the corner Queen and OC lergy Stpeets. wn. &r may have same by'valling at the Whig Office LADY'S KID GLOVE, ON JOHN. Son street, Apply Whig Office SOLID BRICK, ON BROCK STREET, SIX rooms, good yard and shed. ly to F. W, Meagher, 99 Lower bert street. Phone 1406 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA selections; your awn choice, $30 uh. Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week, C, W, Lindsay, | Limited, 121 Princess St COTTAGE, "RIGHT ROOMS, WELL built; nice locality, on Montreal Street. Apply to FF. W. Meagher, 99 Lower Albert street. Phone 1408, OR 4 VALUABLE able for all purposes: quiet and well broken in. Can be seen at Anderson Bros, Princess and Dive ison streets FARM, NINE ACRES, FR bank barn, good well, orchard and some wood. About ¥ miles from Kingston, near Mount ¢ *hesney. Ap. ply Geo. Thompson, Rej, Kingston FOUND ARTICLES ADVER TISED FREE, Al AND TEN Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do 80 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- Usement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for In the "Lost" column. ee LOST. | a HORSES, SUIT. | AME HOUSE, streets, bout March 4th. retum -tov-379 King street Pleasc NEW SOLID BRICK BUNGAL OW, ON Frontenac street, north of Princess, 1 rooms, bath, furnace, electric lights, gas, good garde. "Apply on premises, or 39 Elm St RLACK mo ton at PRAYER BOOK, SUNDAY ring, on Johnson or Welling- streets Finder kindly leave Whig Office wan TH M WRIST WATCH WwWiTH n y _®uard on it, fastened by 8 Pp, Sunday evening, between Sydenham street Methodist church and Antillery Park Finder p lease leave at 73rd barracks and receive reward WEST END CONFECTIONERY STORE, Gananoque, fce crédm parlor at- tached with store, soda fountain, ete, reasonable price Apply P.O 614, Gananoque, Ont. THE DESIRABLE SoLID BRICK dwelling and lot, No, 15 Aberdeen avenue, corner of William Btreet containing ten rooms; all improve. ments. Apply on the premises, at Box TO LET. } OFFIC B WITH ALL CONVENIENCES, | . Bateman, 67 Clarence street. WE HAVE GOOD SECOND. HANL furniture, buffets, ohatrs and ta. bles: will buy all kinds of furni. ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 338 Princess street. Phéne 1600, | oFFICIS IN CLARENCE hers. Apply to A. B, i9 Clarence street, FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock St. FROM 18ST OF MAY, Barrie street, 12 rooms; __ located Apply 90 Barrie ST, CHAM. Cunningham, SOME ers THY da y BIGGEST some times 1 A PoStas "will bring ticulars about British Whig ADVERTIS. use a little phone call or a you full par. this department Publishing Co. HOUSE NO, 70 beautifully street. Faom FIRST OF MAY, BRICK HOUSE | No. 250 King street, 10 rooms, Ap- | ply F. H. Macnee, 264 King St FORD TOURING CAR, NEWLY PAINT. | ed, four non-skid tires, hever punctured, speedometer, Stewart horn, Sieverkropp starter, lock lent conditfon. Reasomable price switch, and other extras, in excel. for quick sale. Phone 1072 or call 220 Alfred street. REDROOM, OPEN | fireplace, electric light, telephone, ete. suitable for business man, 140 Wellington Street. FRONT | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CL BEAN, dry, airy rooms; vour own lock and | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY kkey. Frost's City Storage, 299 . Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989, | ov OF LOTS, $10 DOWN, BALANCE on easy payments, { i OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY BU ort | ness, with one of best trades in} eity; good will free. Possession at once if desired. Apply Box 400, | Whig. $3700 ALBERT ST. BRIEK, 8S ROOMS, all modern, gas and electric Hght' hot water heating; hardwood floors. &nap for a quick sale, BATEMAN, 67 CL ARE NCE ST. KING- ston. { | THIS DEPARTMENT 1S ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking of using classified advertising. Write or Phone us about it We may be able to help you, British Whig Pub. Co. FINANUIAL FRONTENAC . LOAN x ment Soclety; | Bald" Soto re ateh ; vice- %. C. He farm oountr, chase AND NVE BRICK HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCAT. ed; eight rooms, hot water heat- ing, gas and electric lighting; large yard and shed. Apply to , Meagher, 99 Lower Albert street, Phone 1406 Ly roperties, municipal ang debentures; mortg: investment bon de 9814 received and wed. C., Cartwrl manager, i Clarence Bt., Ki nge ALFRED STREET; HOT WATER heating; gas and electricity; large sleeping porch; solid brick garage, 82 x 22 ft, on Street car line. Pos- session immediately, Apply Rev, Fr. Sr nisley, Kingston Mills. Phone 1100, r 1-2 LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Sassungurance Company, 61,187,218. which the polic security the unl Avariabie In "addition 32 holders have mited ability yy eity property, insured at lowest Sao rates. Before renewing oa eS Lving a blsingss. uel wet tess ri . Konia. Phone 3 DESIRABLE BRICK RESI- 178 Barrie street, with all improvements, suitable either for a large family or boarding house; deep Tot, separate driveway, Possession May 1st. Apply J. K. Carroll Anenc 56 Brock street. UNION ST, SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 9 rooms, bright and sunny; all mod- ern convenlences; near college, collegiate and street car junction. Apply to 215 corner William and Barrie Sts. afternoon or evening wor phone 785, THAT dence, No, FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er, oH or drop a card,' 23 John PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, PIRFIMARKS and all growths and skin blem. ishes removed permanently, with- out scar: 30 vears' expsrience. Dr Elmer J, ke, Eye, Ear, ose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 254 eet, Bagot street, TO RENT FARM ON SHARPS, 150 ACRES, WITH stock and implements, 2 miles from Barriefield. Apply to R. BE. Draper, R. R. No. 1, Barriefield. ------------ FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON bath-reom flat, suitable for light house-keeping;: in good locality Apply at 380 Alfred street. EASY TERMS, A PROPERTY suitable for market- -gardening. Ap- ply to Dr. R. CC. Cari wright, Fron- tenac Loan and Investment Soc Hety 87 c lar "nee Kingston. Nerve Specialist Years of experiance enables me to treat difficult cases success. Tully, Call, or state case by let- 5 Onariton Street, Torents, DENTAL E. KNAPP. OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS street." Phone 652. DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626, A. DR. GORDON C, DEWAR, corner Princess and streets. Phone 1678, DENTIST, Wellington | | ! | | JUDSON., BROCKVILLE | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. i tists, 158 Wellington street, ovér Carnovsky's, Phone 346, We Recommend : For the Forge . . . . Georges Creek Smithing Coal For the Factory . . Pennsy 3-4 Lump Coal We can' make delivery of d of these coals from stock. Jas. Swift & Gr. Limited | NOTICE--I have mov- ed to 281 Princess St. After THeHling: the averare man 'the average man | started on his hobby nothing short of a steam roller could stop him. Will follow "the same business. | 7 Preis ous [|| 3. TURK, Phone 705. . ot