Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1918, p. 4

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SRE C--O PAGE FOUR THE BRITISH WHIG/ GERMANY CANNOT WIN. to aroohecy he result. One, sean | we - These are blue days for thé people. | only hope that under the stupendous i {There were. anxious days late ialonslaught the forces of Britain will | PUBLIC (OPINION | August, 1914, when the Germans stand firm and steadfast, and that | : moved towards Paris, but during:the {when the time comes they will turn | past few days the people seemed to|upon the enemy and inflict a crush- | Huns. Love the Irish. be more fearful of the big German fing defeat The anprote. ted Hon schooner offensive than they were in-'those| fhe main idea of the German of- | Nanny Wignall was torpedoed; by the early days.bf the conflict when de-|fensive seems to lie in an endeavor | Germans, and the drowning sailors mocracy was in greater danger than |to drive a wedge between the British | Were shelled as they struggled in the : now. To the Britisher who long ago | and {French armies; and to assault | 3%, She Sermans love the irish, re - oa "~lwas convince | that there ean be but|both wings of the salient between | : I~ | one resyllgin this war--and that in {the Scarpe and the south end of | The Efficient Jap. : g - ! a a A 3 be heavy losses in sacrifices to | turning movement from both wings | Japan at Germany's back door is AEE LE Lad, attain the vjerhrgt which will come |they might well hope to capture a [that the Japanese might finish their in due time, ard-this crash of arms | great number of our men and guns. | job before the rest of us had quit se 4 : | talking over the way to dO it. is but one of the moves in the final | To effect "this result, as shown by | Nk ed Ua ers game. The next may be still another | plans found on enemy prisoners, the Grafting and Watering Stock. blow at the Allies, but every true |Germans counted upon an advance of | (Toronto Star) i ' A Montreal ma ests that titles Britisher believes that the Allies ontreal man suggests . - : eight miles the first day, twelve OD igp4y14.be given to farmers who pro- Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by lwill survive these blows and eventu-| the second and twenty on the third. | duce large quantities of food. Such THE WRITISH Sng, PUBLISHING ally deliver the knockout to the |But the plans miscarried; the oppo- | farmers may find themselves.in the { -- oy . | X \ 8 ind---Ge , ov. et Wa . 3 | company of other knights skilled in foe. Keep this in mind--~Germany | sition they met was too stubborn and} ting ane in watering Stock. re a , Allies--a sethack come: tesa ui $s Ri in © 3 { (Rochester Herald) - favor of 4! Ities back comes | Flesquieres Ridge in order to cut off | we only embarrassment that we ? | i as a matter of course. There must | all intervening ground. By a rapid {can see to follow the turning loose of pi et -- - a. Fijost ahh ates : * ph odidont cannot win this war, for the Al-|determined." At the end of four days Managing-Director.| mighty will not permit it. Na-|of furious fighting, when fresh divi- _ Removing the Safety Valve. Telephones: poleon had his successes, but Pro-|sion after fresh division was flung | (Toronto Telegram) aris vidence intervened and made Well: | into the fray utterly regardless of iCompetition was represented - as FOR BOYS FOR MEN {the safety valve on the boiler of i. ington the victor. When the Gers|the frightful toll of life exacted by [Canada's bank system. L | : TTT SUBSCRIPTION RATES mans were marehing on in the early | the British, their progress had been | Too many of Canada's banking THE OXFORD 4 THE WHINTON (Dafly dition) og| 42Y8 of this great conflict to bver- only from three to fourteen miles on | leaders seem to be intoxicated With . One Joan Sollvapes my jiu whelm France, anil when it appear-|a-fifty mile front. So far as obtain- jor. ambitien to Temers | ie Sale Pinch Back Styles, LR Bb) $22.50 Sue year by Sal to furs) offices HH ed that Paris simply must fall, Pro-|ing their objective is concerned, the | ers built out of the Bank Act. Sizes 28 to 33. . H EGENT (Semi-Weekly Edition) vidence again intervened and stayed | Hun has failed. But the danger isl A -- $8 50 ! ¢ T E R Soe Year. Ww a advance $130 the German advance, just as the|not over; the great test, we believe, Favors the Ladies. . . AN ! $25.00 One gear. to United states covo.; $180) hosts of Pharoah were halted when | is yet to come. The oI re ont FY Le - the sea, divided for the Israelites,| A war isnot won until the enemy's aliout the Government order abolish- THE ACTON THE BUDD a MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE gt-fclosed in upon them. No 'military | armies in the field are either cap-iing high shoes. The season has come Ti h Style, Si Weg TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE power at the time available could | tured or destroyed. 1f the British |for the low kind mow and look at renc yie, Olizes 75 Yi $27.50 Er AT ABNF ATIVE: have stayed the German hordes at|line can be retired stage by stage the opportunity of displaying the 28 to 33. Wil F.R.Northrup, 225 Fifth Axes New Tork that stage. The God of Battles was|and remy intact, no German vic- E0rEcona. Silke HOBIGH ¥ that Tobeds $10 00 WN ] THE POOLE mm ti 5B Bor oo surely with the Allies. The Allied | tory is possible, for, during every shoes. The Government always : WY | tters to the Editor are publishe § 8 in | 2 © scause | | » offensiv > . ps | ne time. p HIN | only ern to, the EQitor are PUL ihe Cause must win in the end because | hour of the offensive enormous loss- | steps in at the opportune t | $28.50 writer. we believe it is for righteousness | es are being inflicted upon the at- THE BEVERLY renter en A , 2S ! y Attached | t the best job Sake. ' tacking forces. Germany is far less ~~ FOCH'S ARMY RESERVE i iY THE MONARCH printing oMces tn Canada . > able to stand these losses than are a Sizes 28 to 33. . x ' PIN ISS Is the Final Battle Aim of the Ger- \ | The circulation of THE BRITISH A MATTER OF HAPPINESS. | the Allies. Her man-power cannot B Wie mans $12.50 (LA At $30.00 WHIO is authenticated by the With so muchisorrow, desolation |be augmented, Ee while t 0 . 4 ' . ABC and death in the world, it may not| western powers is hile Slat ae Amsterdam, March 26.--The mili- LA Young Men 8 First Andit Bureau of Circulations. be amiss to look for a moment at|day. It is only a matter of a short gary correspondent of The Vossische THE VARSITY y Long Pant Suits Ne ---------- ' 8 01 é Zeitung (Berlin), commenting on the . | to -- "| the other side of the picture. From | time before the weight of American |German offensive, says: : Pinch Back Style ; Belter Style. y Cute, miranes and torsade ths begining of the word mankind | otto thrown into te stage Whethe e, owenr, BA lf | $15.00 and $18.00 $15, $16.50, $18. are iqualities much needed to-day. has sought for perfection and happi-| Germany understands' that and He a PL dria at the th -- . 4ness. To free the world from error | realizes that for her it is now or|same spot need not be discussed. i : A mew and happy order in human |and to bring. the individual nearer |never. If it is not now, theh never [Maybe von Hindenburg will drive ' . atfairs may date from these tragic|to absolute perfection, is the dreaia|may she hope for victory. It is a|the wedge further into the enemy Li i days. . of every generous idealist. Man has|case of standing fhst, of enduring | front, but it is just a plodable thet Snciinins erm been the unhappy architect of his|for a short time, for 'joy cometh ie REX) Sou wi Ty ey Even if everybody In Canada does | own sufferings. The scientific ma-| with the morrow." battle around Verdun, 'the fighting his very best this year, the food pro-|terialist may sneer at the Adamite | The promises of broken faith in Lorraine, at the Chemin-des- blem will still be acute curse--Dut it is there, iA 'writer in] Ou ands of tine are strewn: [Dames ang In the Champagne, may ee the Rochester Post Express says that | What wed them? Blood, our own! |@ll be precursors of fresh blows. . » Egg shampoos have been abolish-| it is the inexorable law of our race's Across the seas, on every strand, | Our object is, not to 'win ground | ~ - - . c 2 bones men bleach white, | or towns, but the destruction of the ed in Canada.t Loud cheers from |destiny that when we pursue joy The sign posts of our Motherland, TTT TTY TY Y enemy forces and his means of the - p who fear the fos Into the war game she is DIa¥INg, | jjving for self is the surest way of [Of women who would fain deny serve will form our battle aim.™ Germany has mow put her all. For her it is either victory or oblivion. re ------------ i = That God had made them so. Sr sa-- destroying happiness. 'There may |stand fast! for all that Britain's worth. Fears of Dutch s..powners that] be a sort of happiness in taking up, SIAn4 fast amid this night. in the ships seized by the United States some hobby and riding it to death.| Stand fast, O Guards of Right! ' are lost to them, are quieted in a "Thus the spiritualist and the nti sna Et esommunication - to the Dutch press i eat nc the probibia]. Wilim Volght, a shoemaker who from the Ameriean'legation af The, hI 8 pro caused the whole world to laugh at | Hague. : tionist and the anti-smoker, he | the expense of German militarism by Field Marshal French has paid a concludes, "may be 'happy' in lilting | his escapade at Coepenick, in 1906, fine tribute to the Canadian cadet at the windmills of~human custom, | is dead, according to an, announce-| school at Bexhill, stating that excel- but they are just as devoid of 'sweet ment 'made in Berlin, lent work dis being done there. BUCKEYE Incubators 65 and 120-egg machines. Phompt delivery from stock. Same prices as any catalogue housé. No need to send your money away. Sold only at : The British armies are putting up a gallant defense, well worthy of the congratulations of King George and President Wilson. Annihilator For Removing Ink BUNT?'S Phone 338 Hardware Kingston Peace [proposals these days are just about as welcome as an out- hi ' -~ break of smallpox, and a thousand Eedgonablencas as Don Quixote him- self. Real happiness can be found only - ® i . : : | y "Cellars that were .the thyone|in unselfish service for others. "It .- N YOU LL MAKE NO rooms of King Coal must now yield | is the product of a philosophy precedence to King Alcohol," re- founded on humility and love of | " " MISTAKE marks the Foronto Telegram. . humanity. This service and this ponent / By placing your order early tor 5 love of humanity is being demon- - Store or house awnings and curtains, pplies and help are scarce and Emperor William says Germany | strated on countless thousands of VERNON CASTLE : mm prices will be higher. wants no "soft peace." The peace |occasions to-day. The war, with its : 1 used to think, in olden days, that Vernon Castle y / . lived in vain; I didn't like his fiddling ways; his 4 ld A J J Turner & Sons 1 h ' " she will ultimately get will no dolubt | appeal to the best as well as to the dancing stunts gave me a pain. Press agents boosted i . . Li ~ ed » be hard enough to satisfy her. worst elements in human nature, has him go long, and so extolled his skill and grace, I felt AES y imited. : taught us how to sacrifice and suffer p - as one who suffers wrong, when I beheld his pictured s Tent, Awning, Flag and Waterproof Judging from his persistence at|on behalf of others. Because of face. "He ought to do some useful thing," I often Goods Manufacturers. Verdun, the German will take a °F A said, in accents grave; "let women dance the High- (F. W. Cooke, Local Agent) ONTARIO, Andnirininininindndnibibdndndniddndtth din ood deal of beating before he aban- this, the world will be a better place : ' land Fling--a man should like a man behave. Let \ E 24 to live in after "the captains and the \ women in the ballroom bask, and foxtrot, bunnyhug dons his present attempt to break| yings depart" and war's red, ruth- the British line. the baldheaded men. with insatiable eagerness, we gl and fas, O Guarda of Right! continuation of the war. From this) , . t Sure hi pip ES gr ols Stand fast! nor heed the whining ery pom of vv Gen, Foch's bhoirt re- FOR GREATER PRODUCTION USE 4 Staff d -- From paper, wood, white or colored materials. 25¢ Box. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 183 Princess St. Phone 343 times more dangerous. TTT TY TTT EE Ad had Ahhh L and waltz; a man should find a useful task, and climb " less reign has ended. Only in the i it like a dose of salts." Ah, well, he saw the useful o ; i suppression of self and selfish in- : chore, and grabbed it like a house afire; he'll be for- / --o--- CANNED At any rate, the Allies can't com- TL . p gotten nevermore,- while there's a bard to twang a | TRE plain that the Germans didn't: wart terests and the rendering of services lyre. He quit.the tinsel and the gilt without a mur- ; lf : VEGETABLES '| to others can contentment and happi- mur or a sigh, forsook the fanie his legs had built, to 3 | can bé no better than the flour you ; them of the present drive. The ad- -- ki . : ness be found. fight with farmer boys--and die. 1 scorned him when - A son? . vance advertising was on an exten- J AX 4 he used to flirt through endless films of movie art, but ; BE A ee The coun Tomatoes, pir thi ».. give scale. " 2 a "Neafh his seven-doliar shirt there beat a grand heroic heart. He doesn't m " Corn, per tin ... .. * THE CRISIS OF OUR FATE. care a tinker's whoop what I may think, what 1 may say; but, mourning p Aird { flour, and the unrivaled esteem in Standard Peas, n pe The present hour is fraught with which it is held everywhere, by Early June Peas, per tin Even the weatherman condescends P & him, upon my coop I hung nine yards of crape today. : : housewives who know these facts|§ Wax Beans, per tin ... great and igrave possibilities. The -- WALT MASON S / should be sufficient to convince you Green Beans, per tin to greet the returning soldiers with decisi t 1 1 . : Lima Beans, per tin a sunny smile of welcome. It's a sapreme. and decisive struggle . be- pa that its use is indispensable in get- Spinach, per tin ... ,. y 8 come, tween the champions of civilization --_ oo BY ting best baki Its. , ny Same pv hak tr wat: and the exponents of brute force and THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN y ; DE Asparagus, "pee nL vere barbarism is now being waged on WwW. Military authorities insist that oJ.| the fields of France. Perchance . F. McBroom Jas. REDDEN & Co. emption should not be granted to van before this article appears a Phones 20 and 990. divinity students, evidently convine- print, the issue may have been de- ed that if these young men are plan- termined. Millions of people the Sine fo fight thedevil there is no Yide. world over .uie. anxiously, . better place to begin the work thai breathlessly awaiting the outcome. | - HOW'S IT i 1 , : tn Fiance and. Flanders. The Teuton has decided to settle the You NEVER NEVER WAS : EY question of world supremacy with MARRIED Et LUCKY ENOUGH EXC E LS 4 oO Rr Kingstowhas been blessed the past | the AngloSaxon. Once again, as : Be HAD TO HAVE A . week: or two 'with bright, 'warm, |Many a time before, Britain stands DOZENS OF FELLOW IN te te springlike days, which give ground | between all that is worth while in FELLOWS! . MY LIFE. INSURANCE LI FE COMPANY t o hope that we have shivered our the world and the forces that would . rene last winter shiver. Then, again, it rend and destroy the fabric of civili- f - ude ' May only be Spring's attempt to ation. Entrenched in the rightous- J Sffian Is an income to your : ; J . guaranteed practice the new game of camou-| Ness of her cause, Britain has been : : Toronto, Can. Wife or child? If not, enquire from "tlage. t i the saviour of humanity in past mo- - : Ly v I + 2 ments of great peril. She Is fighting ; es 3 W. H. GODWIN & SON. Thousands of people around towns | the battle of righteousness to-day no : - and villages and in small gottloments | 1ess than in the past, and the great- could, and should. do their bit by |est calamity that could befall the keeping a pig. It is now a time world would be a defeat of Brijish when everyone should do his ut-| arms at this fateful moment. But : : most. Do not allow kitchen refuse, | Wo do not-----we can not--believe that A gy BE J ko ' . or garden weeds or waste to go un- defeat is possible. British courage, : Fr HEA " 3 Sawed into Stove used. Feed {hem to a pig. | British endurance, (British leader- ; ] : ! ; yl : = ship, must and will prevail, for It was the'Canadians who first en-| . . "behind the dim unknown countered the German use of gas, |Standeth God within 'the shadow, and it Is therefore fitting that they keeping watch upon His own." should he the ones to administer It| Yesterday's news from the battle: "EE I : : ' ; Cc ; to the Huns in daantities hitherto) front, as passed by the _pensor, wad |/ 8 : a : 2 ; y FF ; unheard of. On Saturday night our not of a character that enabléd one = : ; : 3 i. boys drenched the German lines with [to judge whether the result so far : £000 'drums of gas, and, to completo | had hden good of bad. It is going to ; | : she work, followed it up with ar-| be either a great victory or a great ss ] ea : F : of Q St. * Security First" Ahhh WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF WY tillery fire and bombs. The enemy defeat. 1f it ends ina defeat for . : wer : LS acing the Canadians will not be per-| Germany, it will me: that she has Ep a 2s e g Unde ; >hone _mitted any rest while the Hun Is|lost the war. At this writing be : ni © buy elsewhere. ; would be a rash man who would dare

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