Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1918, p. 9

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12 Pages KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1918 + A ] The Baily British Whiy [ass THE STANDARD BANK HEAD OFFiCE - TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you & guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. E8T'D 1873 KINGSTON J. F. ROWLAND, ~ OF CANADA TORONTO | ] { 239 BRANCH, Manager. | | INFORMATION ON INVESTMENTS fl == | | When vou have full information and stocks from at your disposal to en: particulars. world. It will be mailed money to invest you can get us on all The services of our Statistical Departmefit are ble Our Market Circular will enable you to keep + in touch with the developments in the financial Canadian bonds yout to" secure all he free on request. Thornton Davidson & Co. Members Montreal Stock Fichange. | Transportation Bullding, = = « - MONTREAL. | po For the Boys at the Front CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk and hi Sugar. Prepared Instantly hy Adding Bolling Water Only. No Cooking or Milk Required. For Sale By 4 4 4 4 << 3 = 4 D. Couper 1 1 4 RY Phone 78 341-3 Princess St. ddd duhuhaha Save Your Coal THE SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155. Fresh Haddock and Cod, t Whiting, Tom Cods, Smelts, Oysters. Dominion Fish Co. Ad Ah A ad bh bh hd RAILWAY EI LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH SRD Trains will leave and arrive at City Station, Foot of J Golug Wes Live. ty Arr, ony No. 19 Mail .. .. .,1230 am. . $257 a No. 13 Express . .. S10 am, 382 am No. 237 Local S45am 10.17am fo 1 Intern 'Ltd. $20 pam 33mm. 7 « ae es 5.00 pom. Golng Sity Arr, City No. it MBSE » vive AT No. Tress + 6 Mal . pin Noid 14 Interi's ily Sy. 11 Dircet rout @ Hamilton, Buffa Fe Say, cn City. Sagi Su Hult Boston' {you say. |and women who, immediately upon | { AA \ Eczema Come in and tell | something about what D.D.D. Pre-| scription, made in the D.D.D. Lab-| oratories of Toronto, has accomplish-/ ed in your own neighbothood. .Your money back unless the first bottle] relieves you. Mahood's Drug Store, | Kingston. | ED. 1D. The Liagauid Wash we will yom | CREAM FOR CATARR OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! In one minute your clogged nos- trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can 'breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry- ness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gune. Get a small bbttle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh--Re- lief comes so quickly. The Telgmann School of Music. Plano, violin snd other stringed instruments; Elocution and Dra matic Art. Fall pupils may begin at any date. Terms on ap plication. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1610. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Millions of folks bathe internally now instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an inside bath?" Well, it is guaranteed to perform miracles if you could believe these hot water enthusiasts, ~ . There are vast numbers of men arising in the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate. in it. This is a very excellent health measure. It is intended-to flush the stomach, liver, kidneys and the thirty feet of intestines of the ' previous days waste, sour bile and indigestible terial left over in the body which if if not eliminated every day, become {food for the milllons of which infest the bowels; the guick result is poisons and toxins which are them absorbed into the blood, causing headache, bilious attacks, {foul breath. bad taste, colds, stomach 'jtrouble, kidney misery, ments. People who feél good one day and {badly the next, but who smply can not get feeling right are GERMANY EXPECTS People Told Loss Wi Will Be, at Least, ALLIED ARMY OF MANOEUVRE {man newspapers take it for granted | that the decisive offensive has come {at last, | the beginning of the ling the tremendous losses involved, { whieh, it is admitted, {in hundreds of thousands, { paratively confident as to the result. {Tt is generally believed that Hinden- | burg would not Ilrave | tensive unless | breaking through, | siderable arms," "1 in_France as undoubtedly grave, {when von Hindenbupg has shattered bacteria || sleeplessness, impure blood and all sorts of afl-| HUGE CASUALTIES Hundreds of Thousands. MAY PROVE DECISIVE FORCE OF THE BATTLE. The Allied Commanders May Be Holding, in Hand Reserves Enough to Deal a Crushing Counter-stroke, The Hague, March 26.--The Ger- All the headlines intimate greatest battle the world has ever scen. ide According to late reports receiv here, the German public, while dread- will be counted | gy are com- started: the of- he was certain of There is also con- talk of new methods to be introduced at the "final passage at and of surprises which the | Germans have in store for the En- tentea.. * A military writer in the Deutsche | Tages Zeitung says "Germany awaits the events that will bring a final de- cision with unshakeable confidence in her strength, which takes it for granted that there can be but one result--success for the German ar ms, They may not succeed at once by one sweeping attack, by one grand ir- resistible drive, but by hard fighting, demanding great sacrifices." Critical Hour of War, London, March 26.--The official reports represent the battle position The newspapers recogn'ze this, but do not attempt to appraise the situation or prophesy the course of events. They consider this the critical hour of the war: The German seizure of Chauny may compel the withdrawal of the French lines in order to preserve con- tact and alignment with the British. Much rests on the use of the Allied "army of manoeuvre," organized by the Versailles Conference, which may prove the decisive force of the battle, Crushing Counter-Stroke. Londong March 26.--The Times says: "In all previous great assaults the chief success has been gained at the first thrust, but in this battle whereas the Germans were unable to issue a flowery report at the close of the first day, it has to be admitted that their second and third communi- ques will be more satisfactory from their point of view. The German mili: tary caste are out for victory, even if to gain it they must destroy the people to whom they promised its fruits, They have alteady flung near- ly one-third of their entire western resources against the sector measur- ing one tenth of the Western front, and must continire to fling fresh divis- fons into the blood bath, "With time on our side and fewer troops exposed to the death blast, the Allies may reasonably count on hold- ing in hand reserves powerful enough to deal a crushing counter-stroke his last legions against 'the imprég- nable British wall" Making Wall Of Their Bodies, London. March 26.---Philip Gibbs writes: Many thousands are engaged in defence and counter-attack and the one [thing that is certain is their valor. Whatever may happen, they will have to be paid for by enormous sacrifice, and held, if held at all, against counter-attacks, which the British will make with a most fierce and obstinate spirit. The heart of all the people of our race must go out to these battalions of boys upon whom our destiny pends, 'and who now, while [ wr Jie making a wall with their bodies, enemy. 'Will Check Germans. St. Louis, Mo., March 2 imizing the results thus far obtained by the Germans in their offensive on 'the western front. Brigadieg-Gen- British recruiting mission in the Goneral White is a "By mere massing of men and ar- A SS NNERSASESAARAERRRNNEANSRAREENAARIANAANR RRNA AAARR RENAN EEN NLARREE nst the evil and the power of es; | --Min- | § eral W. A. White, in charge of the = United States, to-night declared as|j§ his belief that the lines of the Entente tillery," ihe asserted, 'it was compar- ANGLO-SAXONDOM- MUST SAVE WORLD Last * Hope of Civilization In Supreme Crisis, Archbishop Tells America. Philadelphia, March '26.--Describ- ing France as worn to the bone, Italy standing at bay, Russia dissolving into the elements from which it was created, and the civilized world fae- ing the greatest crisis in its history, the Most Rev. Cosmo Gerdon Lang, Archbishop of York, in an address here made an appeal for a united English-speaking people as the only possible hope for ending the war with a decisive victory. The time has come, he declared, when the peo- ple of the United States must save the situation. Referring to the situation on the western front, the archbishop said: "There is nothing'in the headlines of the papers which should distress ws. The British line must give, but in giving it takes the frightful toll the Germans can ill afford to pay. It will give again and again, but it must not break. To do give. "We feared that Germany would its work it must elect to settle the war on Some other front. But the German Government ENR RR ERNE ER EEE RENNER REINER EN ISON WAY has decided to try the gr the western front and where the unbeaten and u British army bars the way it means that things are more des perate 'n Uermany than we But it has given us the ¢han wanted." HAVE GERMAN SEC RE TS. Composition of Dyes Discovered by Experiments. Washington, March 26 months of experimenting with German patents for manuf dyestuffs, the proper cor of the patents for comine duction of dyes has been dete and the Federal Trade Comm n has issued thirty licenses for 1 of these patents under the with the Enemy Act. To Wed Lord's Daughter. London, March 26.--The marri of Captain John McNaughton of the Canadiar Highlanders to Hon Kitson, takes place in the chapel of the Royal Savoy on April 4ti The bride is the third of seven daughters of Lord Airedale, of the famous en gineering firm of Kitsons in Leeds A man's dea of sympat is look sad and pat a girl's hy After mined mined Doris toy SECOND SECTION "Tyla _-- "PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself, -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Official Pew hg H. HB. Smith. Milk test- 4.2 Butter Fat. Phone 2083 VE JOHNSON STREET, ovens for same. ea et et Coal Oil Stoves Coal oil is much cheaper to cook with than either wood or coal. with a blue flame and are free from any smoke or odor. We have a complete line of two, three and four burner stoves; Call and see them. : Lemmon&Sons 187 Princess Street. A i a at eta Our stoves burn + » also A A NAA. OAS HN i Sl BY -stood beside the alone. ceased to sing. ew Eicon New Edison took up The Re-Creation of Mr. Ellison's voice was so perfect that ver Every.» in the Edison Catalog can successful make this comparison. GLEN ELLISON The Popular Scotch Ballad Singer 4 3 F An 14 Edison Re-Creation of his voice - was placed on the instrument. Mr. Ellison stood beside the instrument and sang. Suddenly and without warning he ceased singing and the the song those who listened, with eyes clos- ed, could not tell when he had lly Over thirty differ- ent singers, including Anna Case, Marie ed in and Christine Miller, have appear- ublic tests with the New Edison. en artists of this calibre consent to make this comparison in public and i in this = Friday Evening at the City Hall The NEW "THE PHONOGRAPH WITH A SOUL" WAS. SUBJECTED TC THIS SEARCHING TEST EDISON THE NEW EDISON and MUSIC'S RECREATION ALONE STAND THIS CRITICAL TEST singer whose recreated songs are intimate, crucial way it means: The Birth of a New Art, a New Chapter in Musical History. here is but one : Jiteral Re-Creation of Music> Edison's. é Come and hear the performances of great musicians literally re-created. No ' obligation to buy. SAR A RA it At A At I A *

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