Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Mar 1918, p. 3

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Best's Spring Tonics . Are prepared to give the quick- est results --- lasting, too. Sulphur and molasses .. .. 25¢ Sarsaparilla Compound . $1.00 Blood Purifier, 30¢ and $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine, 75¢ and $1.00 Emulsion Cod Liver Gil, 50c and $1.00 Best's Popular Drug Store. Everything Photographic Developing and Printing. Phone 59. Branch 2018 THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the earpen. tery line, Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all kinds, Will receive prompt attention. All orders Shop 60 Queen street. Nn s y y y p Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. | Ry ng WR Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ience, And We Use No Drugs. 226 Princess Street SIK SONS ARE IN KFAK RECORD OF : KINGSTON FAMBLY, PROUD Capt. and Mrs, John Ryan, of Erie, Pa., Has Half Dozen Boys In The Fight, And Two More Eager to Get Into It. Six sons lined up to do their "bit" in the great war, and two more very eager to go, is the proud record of a former well-known Kingston family, who now reside at Erie, Pa. Six sons of Capt. and Mrs. Ryan, of 507 Bassafrass street, Erie, Pa., have signed up to aid Uucle Sam and the Allies The Ryan family form- erly lived at the Grove Inn, and will be remembered by a large number of citizens. They moved away from here fifteen years ago. Mrs, Ryan's parents were natives of County Wicklow, Ireland; and re- sided in Kingston for a great num- ber of- years, 13 are buried in St. Mary's cemetery. Mr. O'Byrne was a veteran of the Crimea war, and en- listed in the 88th Connaught Rang- ers Mrs. J. V. Donoghue, cey, Patrick O'Byrne and Simon O'Byrne who was electro- cuted on one of the city's electric light poles, are sisters and brothers of Mrs. Capt. John Ryan, also Wil- liam, of New York City. And what makes the story more patriotic, is that those in the service enlisted under America's He Mrs. J. Da- the late much Takes a Couple And They Check It WHAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DO FOR MR. BINKLE'S SCIATICA. ' Old Resident of Clifford Finds the Remedy He Has Been Looking for for Years in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Clifford, Ont., Mar. 22.-- (Special) After suffering from sciatica for two years, Mr. Chris Binkle, Sr., a well-known resident of this place, de- clares that he has.found the relief he so long looked for in Dodd's Kidney Pills. '"I have been ailing in all about five years," Mr. Binkle states I had backache and stiffness in the joints, with an occasional attack of rheuma- tism "1 was often dizzy, I had dark cir- cles under my eyes, and I had flashes of light or floating specks before my eves, "About two yeass ago Sciatica was added to my troubles, and I suffered with it till an advertisement led me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills They helped me more than anything I have aver taken. "I took six boxes in all But now if 1 feel an attack coming on I just tiket a couple of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and that checks it. Dodd's Kidney Pills' have given me good satisfac- tion " Al of Mr. Binkle's symptoms are symptoms of kidney trouble. That! is why Dodd's Kidney Pills did him 80 much good. Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely and simply a kidney rem- edy. { Saturday Specials! Sliced Bacon and New Laid Eggs NOTE -- No delivery after April 1st. We adopt this measure to economize in operating charges; also with a view to sell- ing the Davies' quality provisions and fresh meats at lower prices. In Our Densfation. 2% the silent Recreation, as achieved EDISON pture, literature, the drama; all these imitate and interpret life, But life--the living voice--is ac- tually re-created by this new art. Not one person can distinguish be- tween the voice of the artist and Edi- : instrument. Painting, scul Duis o, Lined Phone 597. ~~ ) banner since the United States de- clared war on Gesmany, Casting aside personal ambitions, six members of the original family, which numbered fifteen, but of which only eleven are now alive, heeded the call to Uncle Sam. Following is the honor roll: Peter B., aged thirty-two years, army aero service; William J., aged thirty, at camp Lee, Va.; Patrick, twenty-three years old, navy seaman] on board battleship; Herbert, twen- ty-six years old, army at Fort Han- cock, G.A.; Gerald B., twenty-two years old, chief engineer on sub- marine chaser; Arthur W., twenty years old, gufiner in navy merchant marine of transport service, Ard besides these six boys, there are two others at home. One of them, James D., is twenty-four years old,' and is employed on government work. He wanted to enlist but list ened to the pleading of his mother and father to wait for a time, Another son, Russell, aged sixteen, weighs ninety-six pounds, and is go- 'ing to bed at 9 o'clock every night, and is on a diet to increase his weight to 110 pounds so that he can join the navy, Lee, twelve years old, is dreaming of future service, and two girls, Kathleen, fourteen years old, and Olive, ten years old, complete one of the most patriotic families in the United States, Capt. John Ryan and Mrs. were married in Kingston nearly thirty-four years ago. Capt. Ryan's people settled on Wolfe Island. In his early days he followed the fish- ing trade, and in time followed boat- fng. Later he became a captain of a freighter, and travelled all over the great lakes. Twelve years ago he puit the lakes, and settled in Erie. At the present time he is employed at the Jarecki Manufacturing Com- pany's plant. Mrs. Ryan is a very proud woman and justly so. "If-1 had a dozen more boys, and they wanted to go to the front, I would gladly let them 80," she said. "I have been remem- bered by patriotic people of Erie, and they are just as proud of my family as myself." Ryan His Last Complaint, The hardened malefactor stood up- on the platform awaiting execution. The noose was about his neck, and the hangman was awaiting at his post. But the chaplain decided to make a final appeal to the eriminal to confess his guilt. "My man," said he gently, "have you nothing upon your mind that you would like to confess? Haven't you anything you would like to tell me?" For one moment the doomed man hesitated: then in a confidential whisper he replied: "Yus, guv'nor, 1 'ave. This 'ere platform ain't safe," Prisoner of War. Brockville, March ~Pte, E. G. Olmstead, a Leeds county man, who enlisted in the 59th Battalion, is a prisoner of war in Germany, accord- ing to a letter received by his mother who resides at Portland. Two other brothers are serving with the Cana- dian forces in France. "ENRICH THE BL00D Hood's Sarsaparilla, a Spring Tonic Medicine, is Necessary. 99 <3. Everybody is troubled at this sea- son with loss of vitality, failure of appetite, that tired feeling, or with bilious turns, dull headaches, indi- gestion and other eruptions on the face and body. The reason is that he blood is impure and impoverish- ed. Hood's Sarsaparilla gxelieves all these ailments. It is thé old reliable medicine that has stood the test of forty years,--that-makes pure, rich, red blood---that strengthens every organ and builds up the whole sys- tem. It is the all-the-year-round bload-purifier and health-giver. It embodies the careful training, ex- perience, and skill of Mr. Hood, a pharmacist for fifty years, in its quality and power to cure. Ask your druggist for it today. ---- : SYDENHAM Millinery0 ening Tuesday, Mar. 26th Miss F. H. Joyee in Charge. All Are Invited. MRS. GARVIN. Music's by the and satisfy your>| ¥ | see 0400000 2650 \etssssss Told In Twilight » * Miss Doris Melelland, 185 Clergy street, is entertaining this afternoon the old and new cabinet of Queen's University Young Women's Chris- tian Association in honor of Miss Hammil, Toronto, students' secre- tary. * *« » ve The Bridge Club will not meet un- til the Tuesday after Easter, when Miss Marion Leslie will be hostess, -. * - Mrs. E. J. B. Pense will be hostess at the Reading Club on Mondhy. - LE Mrs. J. H. Madden tnd Mrs. Bu- gene Richardson, Napanee, spent Thursday in Kingston, Mr. and Mrs, Laidley, Kingston, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Vanalstine, Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Delore and lit- tle Marguerite Haley, Tweed, spent a couple of days this week visiting re- latives in Kingston. Frederick Young has returned to Kingston after spending a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. Benn, in Napanee. . Miss Maygjorie Waddell, Chatham, is the guest of Major and Mrs, E. Southey, Earl street. Mr, and Mrs, John Hubbs, Piec- ton, who have been spending the winter in California, are returning hone early in April. Mr, and Mrs. J. Russell Stuart, Al- bei' 'street, expect to spend Easter in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Blakeney, Mr, and Mrs. A, W, Brown and their baby daughter will spend Eas- ter in Brampton with Canon and Mrs, Walsh, Col. and Mrs. Street, Ottawa, are spending a few days in town, nA Miss Staples is the guest of Mrs. D, J. Dick, Earl street. Miss Janet Porteous, who has been visiting her brether, Dr. Porteous, in Montfeal, is expected home on Monday. Major and Mrs. John spent a few days this week with Major and Mrs. Mundell, have re- turned to Toronto and are with Sir John and Lady Aird until Major Aird leaves for England. Miss Myra Dyde is expected next week from Ottawa to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dyde, Johnson street, » * * Aird, who John Lague, Kingston, was a week- end visitor 'with Hugh McPhee, San- ta Cruz, Ont. Mrs. W. H. Reid, Kingston, is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Stew- art, Cobden. Mrs. Harold Rice, Portsmouth, is] the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Westport, Miss M. Oldfin, Kingston, is visit- ing friends in Perth. Miss. Marion Leslie, Wiliam street, left' this week for Burlington, Vt. * * » Miss Violet Dupuy, Brock street, is spending a few days with Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street. Mr. and Mrs, George Mahood and their family, who have been spending the winter in the south, expect to re- ture to Kingston early in April. Brig.-Gen. and Mrs, W. St. Pierre Hughes, who have been overseas since 1914, are sailing for Canada very shortly. Mrs. Jack Meredith came up from. Albany, N.Y., this week and is the guest of her parents, the Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. Bidwell. Lieut. Kenneth Taylor has return- | ed from Ottawa. { - * - Miss Mollie Saunders, Alice street, left fo~day to spend a week in Otta- wa the guest of Miss Beith. Mrs, G. 8S. Oldrieve, who is at pres- ent in Ottawa with her daughter. | Mrs. J. H. Byrne, is expected in King- | ston shortly. Miss Eleanor Lyman is the guest of 'her aunts, the Misses Lyman, King street west. Very many friends will be interest- ed in the birth of a son to Capt. and Mrs. Harry Silver, in Pekin, China. Mirs. Silver will be remembered as 'Miss Sylvia Cochrane, and Capt. 'Sil- ver is a graduate of the Royal Mili- tary College of the class of 1911. (Continued on Page 14.) | Theatrical News (Continued from Page 12.) Two Stars to Grand. Madge Evaps, the World's kiddie star, and Heary Hull, the famous stage star, are both seep In the new- est World-Pleture Brady-made, "The | Volunteer," at the Grand next Mon. day and Tuesday. "The Volunteer" is (a very unique offering, a different sort of motion picture entirely. st Plotires where the stars are seen working in various pictures and The ory starts in the studde of World-| 2 di | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1918. EE ------------------------ __\ PAGE SEVEN @ ------ . Probs: Sunday, fine and cool. LT TT TE TY Ps! 3 TONIGHT AT STE Store Open Until 9.45. BATH TOWELS 10 doz. large white bath towels, extra heavy make; splendid va- lue at 40c each. . Tonight DAMASK TABLE COVERS ' 4 36 only size 64 x 84, fine quality damask covers, with finished border; reg. $3.50 values. Tonight . . Civha 32.19 WHITE FLANNELETTE | 480 yards only fine soft fleecy flannelette, worth 20c 'a yard wholesale -- the last obtainable, at our special sale price. To- night . . +. + .. 1 yards for $1.00 GINGHAMS AND PRINTS 600 yards novelty striped, checked, plaid and plain American gingham and print, in a large assortment of patterns, priced from 5c to 20c a yard. Tonight cian rade LADIES' COMBINATIONS 48 only fine Swiss ribbed cotton lisle combinations in sizes 34 and 36 only; regular 60c value. Tonight . . rain doe SILK LISLE STOCKINGS 240 pair of ladies' black silk lisle hose, with . high-spliced heel and double toe, double garter top; regular 50c values. Tonight Vil . 39¢ 2 S EASTER NOVELTIES Abound in all sections with many beautiful novelties in Neck- wear, Marabout and Ostrich Feather Boas, Caperines, Etc., all specially priced. ~ Steacy's - Limited Ld a Ld A 1' Sn J LY Pero "BLUE BONNETS" -- A New Fabric with New Features. ** Blue Bonnets" meets the needs of the woman who wants a beautiful, durable fabri hat wears witht kl. ees dt vo under ric Ames wae tailor-made es. coals wi 8 garmen , etc, a) Cr, Turnip coven Che, CMABIoed dye ean dahlia Wale west of oo if yout desler dosn't carry "Blue Bonnets™ send us this ad with name of dealer and we will send hun samples and notify him of your request. 5 LESHER WHITMAN & CO, Inc., 881 Broadway, New York Warning After Monday, March 25th, we positively can pot gurantee delivery on any work until af- ter Easter. Don't blame your milliner or your hatter for the high prices this spring. We .- WY Would You like 'know they are not to blame. Let us clean and re-block one of your old hats, Our prices are right. We are the only real hat le Make in mist ike in the nim 163 Princess Street. The Kingston Hat Cleaners Manufacturers Of PAN-A-LAC It Waterproofs and does not rot your Panama, Phone 1488, We have a number of up-to-date designs. - Nothing is more convenient for serving af- ternoon tea. Bedroom furniture in a great variety of designs. We save money for you by mak- ing our purchases months ago. L \ VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock on Hand. 7 Bissell Sweep- | ers Made Over New. All Repair Work Lone. 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 | National Breweries. Manufacturers of the Famous 'T. F. HARRISON CO.,; LTD. A fascinating glimpses of the Ho oe : the stars | dio are given. A 4 > oi.a a, nd Mrs. Ha Bradle i "Cob-{ J. 'H. Schofield, M.P.P., British afnounice the | enEaEEmIAL or] Cotumbis, Io mentioned in connection a ohn Bar oir BAP Same a ar the 0 take} Se a a i er Sciobord, Brockvie p ; ' The death of Nee. Thomas Card: nagh took place at we Tr dapghter, Mrs. Michael Rape, Elgin, on March 18th. Death was due to the infirmities of old age. *

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