eS -_-- PAGE SEVENTEEN EE ------maa enh {4 r a In The Automobile Wor mov m---- mm me a : . : ; Cg | e heiwce much of MOTOR CAR BUILT FROM - ALL ELECTRIC CARS | For Ton Trucking Purposes f MOTOR TRAFFIC i She a a ; pid ey FARM MACHINERY SCRAPS | tu" 3 -- | Hope of Change to That Plan Ex- | taxed railrc f tru Ee can or Cot 0 Maine Man Did Practically All| pressed. . Eo ik . UCKS can pe : sel . b There are two réasons why every | More miles of travel by automobile] efit to themselves and of impor | the Work Himseif~--Spent } authorities Sons Woy ever) in use and rat appreciation of | to the coun r portat 1 B¥S~y fi i F § ta r BY, and individual ate gre Bon. [01 [1a the country Be | Litlie For Material. iterested in el trical development come with the war, says | plows éf 1 ! r hi Ee aa tnd g re the 8! inate opp) field Republican. With five | open streets r is in ir own TINE a ' on } he win y aiding the progress of the million motor cars and trucks avail-| r 191¢ 1 $ e tric veh One is connected vicini . Si OF ERR n I 0 d 3 8 avail-| vicinity after he 10 storms f Rezent, Me. butir the war, and the Gthey io: ONE-TON TRUCK able and plans for all lines| the present tical 1ffic cong terial collect od : _ thas / ndustrial and isl of business being based on|ion, it is imperativ® that main high- wot re Toe. trom 8 ie . ide ° whic: anc. sacha 4 : | > | nery Pr i iy all the £ 1 to which we all look the use of motor vehicles | Ways be mdintaine n yd condition | rk wag don J M D oes py war fe | W I va qaone bh r te =} i : Va failure , to use them n every | to ensure the largest $sible move 5% oat > ATR »ssible : ; "land very little cash was ext possible way would lesgen the effi-| ment of fre ght t 10tor vehicle. | eg 1 xp Sr 'fene f the i e I the opti - i a fr ul : rind fa Fons Ballon Salty the op | For power he use S 1d-hand | traction in every form of shortradius 8 Le Fears Ag0, V f1€ v " . oh 3 : 3 & rt a 3 . xf, molor cars were Xted Ins selyfor out PROVES BENEFIT TO WOMEN. | tour-borse power, t yele rine ranspo I we could transfor inlaid a n> y enginé, connected to t s ir str cleansing and other 3 ings, dared predict that it would bel . : get Tne ; + ini ek. '3 aim 8 ade ii nada" ins vitally Bary ti Amer an | Many of the Fair Sex ¥ ind Rest in| 108 by an internal expandin . y A er ¢ 3 using eld "Made in Ca; a business as it is to-day. Scientific Driving Cars, operated b pedal. : TH Il our coal ca \ Ng RS en : a Rial ' » | mission ec sof t} ring fr oods tion, and other loc 3 ; Heys engineering, greater production and | My experience in n IT CAIs wy ola on od é L g X 3 ¥ i _-- a ther o ' : | £3 ' 3 a 1:4 speed mo rive ¥ ar DY battery peonomica ni cturing have bro-jsaid T. C. Kirby, i} Mia ve I fet iv Be z 3 « - ry a _ Sufactufing ha : iefe | Montreal Automobile T soci- | 1Wo forward speeds ) I there would be an enormous saving > u oe] De as si ral ¥ : ation, a day o NO age - Bp twelve miles per hour at revol- in petrol, horses, and feeding-stuffs, its Ug has be AS general : i Ras oy i aid utions per minute of the | In addition to economies in laboury telephone and telegraph LB&L ariving a car 3 I ene- Phe gear n a and other ¢ 8 ' As requested by the Railroads'| ficial to the nemves of womankind sd by & Band lat pn | Suei lete transformation 8 ar . uting ton.o- Whether woman has been buss ti Mg evar, | Pets ie os lf T TQa BO n War Board, sommuting by au "i iether a woma a8 been pus, = i , of course, impossible at short USINESS men everywhere who have hauling or pile and going to and from the off nousenol € ) oppl Just | » unde- - con a By i ; rid I iY . in cities by motor cars will cut down ' tired p wetivities ret | HOW IT WAS DONE fies unde; war do 1d tions. Bat | 4 delivering problems to consider--whether operating railroad and street AT f {1 re to a ( ir for a v alll indertaking in the allroad and street-ca ffi # ; i ---- io 8 ; lom were fully equipped. for a wholesale business, a retail store, or a farm--will wels ducing « a1 consumption and ig | refreshes J AD amazing way U-Boat Menace Offset By 3 work; if every elec- come the arrival of the Ford One-Ton Trucl clear the I for grea A ta ¢ y : J { P 1 1 1 Most efficient | raw material titute fo 0 petrol and f my own, Ii 2 \ freight 10% Tod 1 have beer id 1 ¢ s by many | Farm Traciors, | g 1Zinee emph d the fact one-half million automobiles now in| women who dri ca One of t g nome: ¥ : ¢ I Naas tue Was Ae aa] b n 2k loa : , Heretofore, the Ford user who wanted to carry | use in America have a combi, sat women recen tated h Ww lf bai of facior a I > RE . ' Le electric ing capacity greater than . the rai driving 7 up to a ton found it nece r to get one of ¢ readvand street cars togethe i Lhe nind MIL r of t ad DRUCIRG ¢ % Binn Ore "Ti ABROd: P § <Q attachr 118 p 5 nsions which were on the going to be difficult for th nited § thing, but driv ] g behin eatern 3 I I y I ar=f gt ee : : AY arouse ) = ; States Army to get all the h aud the wh e " tant f H mules it need Foreigt Ver attentive ) y far, : 1 ( t Wt ul would ments have con 1 t an 1 ( 1 e dee and my I 1 2 ( 1 1 oads cial ¢ et. ie standard Ford truck is available--a carthat can F. O. B. vit nd the drudgeries of commercial use, and yet 3 compelled yf mattopr Y ny " acks erfluous + and is easily he Ned ave com » nd 4 + re H : n : yf farm tractors. phreed : ; . i aly ro FORD, ONT. lackssuperfluous weight, and i easily handled, and one-half million 1 and | a : ty. ; of electri ¢ les on . or va a rive a Aig - x . mules have been exported ice th I do not ve any un 'driv. | day ht for we ' 3 8 'arge sce ---------- [he truck differs from Ford passenger cars in that it is i ' Prin 2 of . ' : ----------t I y war began Kvery horse dispiaced | er feels any fear « t I p ih HHL 0 €3 € means five acres more land that can | nerdes or h » takin y 3 . 34 : * Hose Trouble, Supplied as be devoted to raising human food-| € motor ca lay, | : © had enough food 3-0 Ph who ai n doubt as 0 . stuffs, 118 8 y to operate and 1 ds | stand any blockade of sr tines! wiother their enginecdriven tio chassis only Universal use of motor « v c- | nickly to every touch it inspires | for rer { dit we ¢ ) mp for oil {hrough the hose+ ; . : | ' Es . 4 1 {1 ( rougt & 8 ee -- RE ---- AYE OOH: with ad he " i tors will enable doctors who rem 'ont in t] ar. { the-trs e ! 8t° effectiv fld examine the end of the late + | SS wheels are equipped with solid tires. Front tires are at home to take care of ths patients| = Mr. Kinby I that an ever | Weapon of » yet discover | Usually this hose rubber lin ' pneumatic. Standard Ford motor, transmission \ and 61 the doctors who go to Kui in | increasing ny € > om 1 3 oa 5 ence. | jy, 1d oil hed pumped, the 3 Army and Red Cross work ls r $a ri E cal we 4 iy ites the Che governing sut iz the n | Aine he 1 tened perhaps to a great shortage of doctirs on inost| fact not entirely to the hea ¥ 11 niactyre ¢ tors | ar or | h an extent that it will not hold of the fighting fronts appointments ur, but also be- | # for reratior | to the » 0, éven though wire isl The largest Travelling salesmen vi ng the} cd > women had discover 1at = specially designed throughout in proper pattern and strength for heavy-duty service. It has a final drive of the worm gear type, so that all gears are enclosed. Rear ignition. track and automobile company in the : i hecause the first | Smpire. with an or ; Yr ¥ smaller cities and towns nol use : tfort was needed perate | Rn Mp boc pet British Empire, with an or ition of more than 700 tomobiles. By doing 50, one rales line 1 to-day ree hundred { bh i tion. The Canadian dealers stands back of every: Ford truck man can do the work of A ; ng a good purchased. - to carry on the Keeping communication f to-day 18t he vd t} y bein Use } bo r y of hose 1 having the pump | doubly ential in ws: o, "ii 1 it ue « ers f he | sid o : 1 ae aes, not I 1 tor | ana n xamined for leak motor vehicle is an impo: fe rlw an iver, to cater only ) | ts Ib in this work. The Pos partment, In wiabliiis posta scr | ot Set Tat sex wo mor enor Loy Cmted Saas vam Le i [Van Luven Bros., Kingston - Moscow vice by motor truck helw W a « d sh ) t the Japane vernment. | f« Y > York and Piladelphia, Ne preve Tk az : Ner husband Rad] hoon Iver melt, W eo. sading of 5 ; G. H. Richardson, Tamworth. Hartford, Conn., Detroit 2 1 Toledo | th ht but there 1 Ar ut ' ? 2 f The and ou two long 701s but of Pitts-| not a make of motor on was merser | halCyl CIDSI entento ligorentaf ads for 3 glass tor : Le. J J. A. Goodfellow, Parham. burgh. \ extenzloa of is 8 have 130.600. £1 ¥ ; : ut & woman is driving one of them.| the central powe Flour, Govt, star FINANCIAL MATTERS. dard. ewt. .., .. Bd 6.00 HRS ! Hay baled, ton .. 4, 17.00 Goodwins, Ld, Barned 8150983 Hay, loose, ton .. 3.0 15.00 Middiings,.ton .. . 54.00 Oats, Man., bush . ia 1.10 $nireal, Mar Oats, local, bush.. 1 Limited, department = > 5 Shorts, ton .. . . 45, real earned a net { No. 1 feed. $8 adit. $7.5 : : Straw, baled, ton 1 | crued interest, yielding 8% per cent, fi This deb ire stock is callable the company's option Yor redemp- Net Profit. tion at 116 and accrued interest any not later than March, 1921, af- Which the holder of debenture | stock shall have the right at any time pre f $150, : after March, 1921, to exchange dis 0 0. in the year ended J st tl holdin of debenture stock, par for ; 1 3 30; nners, | Owen Sound, baled, $12 to $13, | Straw, loose, ton ' 8. after interest f mm American corn NO. 3 i r $5 6 Oo 8 fed calves £19 S 2 . pi ot th - ! and I i r, for {« stock, | 18.A. War B . Wh IY 9 5, 312 to! loose, $ 10.50 to $12; St. Thomas. Wheat, local, bush. "a 4 allowances for ery As com The I ar el Reports tation. Yi : Eis vi aes 5 pnd of d, $15.10 $18, loose, $12 to $14; a 1 L £h d a gain Standard Os Best Year, Nt au fa fi ret . » : : > ( £4, "| Siratiord, baled, $16 to $18, loose, Meats. 25.631 and repre i York, March 2%.--The bal a ) ). 2 i c 9 11 1 10 i Kk, 22. 1€ # hed Fadebati * Pu #11 to $13 per ton. et bf the Standard Oil Com-~ RTO VETS Sd Sr y 3 4 ---- 8 tae 5 pany's $1,750,00( preferred! pany 1a 7 indicates the LIVE STOCK MARKETS. : Eki. 3154. Coarse Grains At Toronts. , nH som s 3 errad| pany un 1517 indicates the - ly 3a --Ma ng, $1.7 L ' falting barlev is he ri EN xz a t 3 . LL : ¥ \ ir this Toronto, ntar wheat---No M real. Mar "Oa Se Malting barley Is Ge lower at $1.78 Local, hinds, 1b: ve $1, § against rren rb oa : rnings in the ws to, Marvel 2 t Heavy sleors basis i store. X Montreal, March 2 ats, Cans to $3.80 per bushel at outside points | Local, fronts, ib. . ie i dits of of yrhood of ,800,000, after Toronto, 3 oN As 1 BYY mers An ag s lan Western, !% A Steady at $1.78 to $1.80 per | Western carcase 1b : a or depreciation No in- t 2 6b I No. 2 g ' ¥ A % g to $11. 75: ao cording to frei 1 ) $1.08; N : - shel on the street at Toronto, Western front, 1b, . ! Big Deal in Elevators, Ome it is issued. The surplus WT de. Ps . pki "21 | 3 . 8 +1.04%; Peas are unchanged at $3.70 to t hinds, 1b. "a : Winai oe M ' reas 46,608,921, which was 0 91.3 G0. COMO, §. FH Elo» No. 1 . 30 pe she atiide : 1 live, cwt. . iG Bi innipeg, March 22 It was } iRCrea *H.0us, 301, heifers, good to choice, --No, 2, § A ' wheat : te per bushel at outside Ontario = : to $10.75; - butcher cows, Manitobs r quality, > the nt he a a a] f 8.6 pe : dressed. cwt 26 01 nounced at the din ex ge this] equ iv hull pay yalue 3 the ¢ ' y Sata pd : * et * re Srhi . he N \ ain | Stock, and the 86,600, over. choice, $9.25 to $10.25; do. medium Toronto, new bags . ) 1.20. Rolled oats, Buckwheaj, is steady at last week's | Mutton .., ... ou morning Biat th : y 3 2 28 0. rd un, : ¥ ), new bags 0 Ihe SF BI a 25 a0 3 PER 3 a 8 or om ? i . any have wght atl the T to $7.50; butcher halls Ontarto flouwr--4War quality] 3 $p.50. Bram, $35.00. Shorts, | advance, selling dt Ontario points at Sen----. Company have boug] ; | i be ina f $7 to $7.50; butcher bulls, wh, © to-Mantras] Ally, 1340.00. Middlings, $48.00 to $50.00.1 $1.83 to $1.85 r husha pi vators, 32 in number, of the Imperial Large Packe Profits, 8.50 $10.50; do. good $10.70, Toronto-Montreal, $10.70 114 : . : v © 91.55 per bushel, and $1.85 Poultry. . a. ~ ok 55 . ; $8.50 to '$10.50; do. good, 34.60 Radin LO Tr PRUE Mouillie, $60.00 to $62.00. Hay, No.| per bushel on the street at Toronto. Chickens, dressed Elevator Company of Alberta. The Boston, March 22.--The financial $7.75; do. medium, 36 to Ban pane ¥ Dhgs. . tie 2, per ton, car lots, $17.00. fy : ' 30 price was not given out. statement for the packers for 1917 8 and cutters, 5.50 to $6.50; Millfeed--Car lots, delivered, { Chickens. Yive. bv. 2 . shows the biggest year generally in ders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. $9.50 to | Montreal; shorts, $40; ran, $35; ARE oy nite] 5 Beal rs es am h ' i $10; do. Medan, 600 to 700 Ibs. | feed flour, not ' quoted; middlings, i 4 Red o Seeds 34 Toronto, - | Hens, dressed, 1b . . g Exchange Seats Sel} Far | 000. 16d or Jhon trom the sind. $8 to $8.50; do. light, 600 to 650 |not quoted. ar Tcondiod Aga. & See clover, $20 to'$21; alsike, $11 | Hens. live, Ib, .. | 20 , New York, March 22 ~The New| enlarged busines nd o ; $7 7.25: mile} 8, $35 to Hay---Baled, track, Toron car | C-W., i No. 3, do, 88%c¢; 1 to $14; sweet clover, $14 to $14.50; Turkeys ay a, 31 York Stock e membershi Thus the five big packers io 50 to Fre fambs, lots, No. 1, $17 to $18; 2, $14 {tro No. 1 feed, 87%e; N °d, | nd timothy, $3.50 to $4 per bushel, pe of the late Sci *r Quackenbush | A ir, Swift, Morris, Wilson and $18.50 to $20: sheep light, $10 to |to $16; mixed, $1: $16; straw, 85 Yeo; No. 2 do. 80%ec. Jarley- No. The selling price quoted by this firm, - Vegetables. | has been poste transfer to Wil udabhy--did a combined business in eid od and 'watered $20 to |car lots, $8.50. to $9. 3 C.W,, $1.87; No. 4, do, do, $1.83; | for recleaned seeds to farmers, -age Beets. bus A 7 lam J. Wilson. he seat owned byl 1 f practically $2,000,000,000. DES, re oars "$20.25 to] ho ob rejected, $1.56; feed, $1.53. Flax--{as follows: No. 1 red clover, $24 10 Cabbage. head vo : Samuel D; Babcock was t wb years they have dnereased $20.50 So. fob. $19 to $19.95. + New York, No. 1 N.-W.C., $3.85; No. 2 C.W.,] s2¢ per bushel; No. 2, $23; alske, Cor asad a a go to Herbert G. Eir stein. 1e pri their gross business in the neighbor ne ; , bunch ., . .w n each case was ) ' d| hood of 42 per cent. Common share : or 78; No, 3 $3.61, best, $17; other grades, $1 i; i ow a. Amway a9 our , = ' : grades, §14 to $16; : New York: larch 22.--Flour Dhneh from the last preceding sale, profits ranged frofm 21.8 per cent, an adn me in sweet clover, 30c to 40¢ per pound laffalo Market steady, government basis, 100 3 % 8 sal A. b I y : v =r . Minneapolis, acgording to quantity: ti ; n ts on the Armour stock to 180 pel cent. 4 Mar. 28. .-Ci --Re- | per cent. springs. $10.75 $ : Egor quantity; timothy, 14¢ parsnips, bushel is { ] yp . Buffalo, Mar. 23.--Cattle--Re-{per cont. springs, 5 .10:%11.20 |p anipe, oki " New. Paper Offering, on the thinly capitalized Morris! & atoes, bush. .. : : | Minneapolis, March 22.-- Flour un- to 15¢ per pound vai ar h anil > ark 5 re rintérs 85 { $1 5 {ansas Pea 5 " T ° - : 1 3 ceipts, 200 he ad; market steady : winters, $10.1 > to "$11.15; Kansas, changed. Tran, $32.98. Corn, No. 3 - { Onions, dry, It Montreal, March 22 The Roval Company, In a large measure the Calves---Receipts, 250 head, mar- $10.90 to $11.25. yellow, $1.70 to $1.75. Oats, No. 3 nions, dry, 1b. .. . ket steady, $17.00 to $10.00. Rye Flour Markei unsettled: fair white, 8514 to 8614 Hogs--Receipts, 2,200 head; mar-{to good, $14.50 to 00; choice to ---- ; K i P 9 r on) is fering $1.( he tremendous advance in prices - ! Hides, Furs, Ete. written and 48 now offering $1,000 to the tremend 1 : 5 'A | v » ' 000 Abitibi Pulp and Paper Com-|of its due to the foreign demand, ket slow; heavy, $18.50 to $18 i ancy, $15.10 to $15.75. Jute spot GENERAL TRADE, | he \ingston Market {500s down, per 1b y p ' mixed and Yorkers, $18.90 to $19.00; | i ---------- Securities Corporation has under: | increase in sdles and profits was due + Cm sr cent. convertible mort-| ale ith increased earnings of by- ry Red Foxes, Prime pany + per cent, convertible mig th : b : and to arrive. : No 1 up to gage debenture stock at 85 and ae 1¢t subsidiaries. light Yorkers, $18.75 to $19.00; pigs, Barley Flour---Market unsettled at Butter, | Rae DOOR. yp. to 2s an} er Ae A A er Ss i $18.60 to §18.76;: roughs, $16.75 t0 [813.50 to $15.00 in 98-1b. bags. Kitchener, 46c to 48¢; Guleph, 44¢ "Kingston, March 23nd. Skumks : > to .. i THE $17.00; stags, $13.00 to, $14.50. White Corn Four--Market steady, |to 48¢; Hamilton 47¢ to 55¢; Owen In 4, uf xe Sheep and Lambs---Receipts, 3,-136.05 per 100 pounds, Sound, 40¢ to 42¢; St. Thomas, 45¢ Dairy Products | Mink, Bp io he : i E 000 head; market active; lambs, $12 Corn. Meal Market steady: yellow | to 0c, apd Stratford, 46c to 46e per Butter, creamery, Lamb. skins fresh ? | i fay |e 3 to. $19; others unchanged. granulated, $4.67%; white granulat- 1b. me, ey 2 up to .. Ee ENE R % a Sean ed, $5.80. Teagan Butter, rolls, Ib, . Veal Skins, 1b. .. ois | : Chicago. Nominal. Kitohonce. 40 gms, Gdns 4 Cheese, b_.. fe Deacon skins, No 1 : r> OF CANADA Chicago, Mar. 22. ----Hogs--Re ¥---Market easy; Jeeding, to 500: Humilion 5 Sey Hii and Bags. re dos. iz ; Horse Mides, No. nw HEAD OFFICE » TORONTO ceipts, 20,000 head; market firm; {$1.85 to $2.00; malting, $2.00 to Ge , ri Lh = (ron, Storage ,. . : ATED... oe of sales $17.15 to $17.85: light, [$2.30 cost and freightiew York. 40c to 42c; St. Themas: -43¢ to 45e,| Oleomargarine Rr Tallow Cakes $17.30 to $18.05; mixed, $16.90 to| Corn--Spot market quiet; kiln | 204 Stratford, 43¢c ta. 46¢c per dozen : Wool, washed, 1h. it FARMERS $18.00; heavy, $18.36 to $17.60; dried, No. 3 Yellow, 31.81 %: No. 4 (Nickens, Cod," +... 0 Wout. upwashed, 0 a Ad f rough, $16.45 to $16.55; pigs, $13.75 | yellow, $1.77%:- No. 3 white] Yisnover. 306 to 32¢; Guelph, | Bels, 1b, |. we 2. Genstng, wild dry re y vances to farmers are made to $17.35. $2.01, cost and freight New York. . Bs = : A Owen Bound, 25¢ to 30c; Hamilton.| Flounders, 1b. .. . u Cattle---Receipta, 3,000 head; mar- | Argentine, $2.50 f.o.b. cars. 28¢ 10 82¢; Startford, 27¢ to 20¢ per Fillets, be .. DOT: oe ner 3 7 vp ian Beeswax, 1b. up to s J ket strong: native steers, $9.50 to| Oats Spot market easy; naturallip, Finan Haddie, Ib, Shearing. 0 to bs ; EST'D 1873 a special feature by this Bank. a8 $14.76; stockers and feeders, $3.25 (§1.05 to §1.061%, nn Hake, th... .. .. Kips, 1b. ' : toe a wate wp 2 10 $12.10; calves, $10.00 to $16.16, * Clea! TANI Lp org ad dock, tres i. Beaver, ap to... | 'KINGSTON BRANCH, '0 $15.10; calves, $19.50 to $16.75. . Uhleago, Kitchener and Stratford, $2 ped Halibut, fresn; Ib. HOHer wpto, ., -. 00 . : a 5,000 head; mar- Chicago, March 22.--Corn---No. 2 | bag: Guelph, $1.90 to $2; Hamilton, | Herring, fresh, ib. Black Ar up to > ; J. F: ROW LAND, ! Mana ket strong; sheen $11.00 to §12.50; | vellow nominal; No. 3 yellow, $1.53; | $2.20 to $2.25; Owen Sound, $1.50 Kippers, dos... .. Fisher, up to... . 5 ep lambs, $14.50 ta $18.40. No. 4 yellow, $1.25 to $1.45. to $1.60; St. Thomas $2.25 to $2.40 | Oysters, ot... ross Poy op tas = ? a Oats--No. 3, white, 8784 to 89% ¢; | per bag, Perch, 1b. .., .... * : New York Seiad. 87% to S0%e. Tg Fike, > joie Marten, upto... : < rork, Mare ~--~Beeve Rye No. 3. 31.80. "1a ock-fish Ib. .. .. olf, up to ne ad A re Barloy--$1.75 to $2.12. Kitohener,"$2.12 to $2.15; Guelph, Salmon, 'h, ...... ; a ; . Badger, up to ... 1 : § 18 in th Calves -- Receipts, 00 head; mar-| Timothy $5.00 to $3.00, $2.10; Hamilton and Stratford, $3.2] Smeits, Ib, .. + . Weasel, up to... .. 13s |i Fhe SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD Mover. &3R 20; Qwen Sound, $2.10 to. $2.11.| Tilefish. tb. . ... / -- i Also the Cheapest! -- are ' C1 --$38.00 31.00. . : . ket steady; veals, $15.50 to $19.00; aig Nom ta, $91.00 and St. Thomds, $2.10 to $2.12 per} Trout, salmon, 1b. Chinese Proverbs, ee culls $12.00 Se celpta 1778] Lard--$25.32 _. { bushel, Norway Cods ,. , * q0 'Hurried men lack wisdom. Regard |! pan Bone. yh 5 = oa ot ak : a : White fish, Ib... . righteousness as gain. Man pro-|! head; market steady; sheep not quot- Ribs---$23.55 to $24.05. > Barley. : (iresh) .. .. . poses, heaven disposes. - Do not be ed; lambs, $19.00 1 Sings. ah Ns ath Kitchener, $1.10 to $1.15; Guelph, wn afraid of going slowly, but of stand- Hogs Receipts, 1, ead; mar- Duluth. 8 $1.25; Hamilton, $1.65 to $1.79; Fruit. ing still . § Wealth is as dross, right- a : ket steady; tops, $18.90; roughs,| Duluth, March ,22.-- Linseed, $4.-| Owen Sound, $1.35 to $1.60, and} apples. doz... .. eousness is worth untold gold. If 66 9 > $17.95. = 08% to $4.17%; arrive, $4.08%% 1 Stratford, $1.50 per bushel. Bananas, doz... . ene does not learn. in youth, what ti 7 § : Nina to } 17%; arrive, $1.08%: May, "jDates, 1b... 3 i y ; . ' ' : Soa $412 2 y i . will one do when old? If you do not i GRAIN QUOTATIONS Poe asked: July, $4.081% ask- Oats, Grapefruit, each -scale the mountai you cannot view! : ed: October, $3.60 bid. Kitchener, $6¢; Guelph, 87c; Ham-| Lomons, doz. . . 3 the plain. Time flies like an arrow; : Safest because they are impregnated with a chemical solu- Toronto. ] ¥ y : ilton, $1 to $1.02; Owen Sound, 95¢ Oranges, doz. .. . J days hnd months fly like a, weavers tion which renders the stick "desd' immediately the match is Toronto, March 22. Manitoba Montreal, to 97¢; St. Thouias, $1.07 to $1.00. Pears. esch .. shuitle.. The instructor leads to the extinguished -- wheat----No. 1. Northern, $2.23%;| Monreal, March 22. -- Cholce| and Stratford, 95¢ per bushel, Gram, . door, but aptitude rests with the 'yn-|| Cheapest, because there ate more perfect matches to the oy $2:20%; No. 3, $2.17; No. [stebrs, $1150 'to $12.50; "good ' age: ete . Barley, bush .. | dividual, When you drink water sized box Than in guy other box on the Tarket 4, $2.10 1-4, including 2%-cent tax. Steers, $10.50 to $11.50: mediom, Hay. Bran, ton. .... think of the fountain---be mindful of War time economy and your own good sense, will urge the in store Fort William. 8 $8.50: choice Butcher bulls, $10.50: | Kitchener, baled. $33.50 to $18. Buckwheat, bush. y the source of your benefits. To rise secessily of buying mone bul KODY'S MATCHES ni oats--No. 2 CW. | good bulls $9 to $9.75; medium, $8 | loose, $14 to $15; Guelph, baled. $15 Corn meal, cwt . betimes means full Hlumination: to 95 "Re; No. 2, 81 1-de; extra No. 1ito $9; choice butcher cows, $3.50 to} to 318, loose, $14 to $15; Hamilton, | Corn, yellow feed rae too late means naught by pér- fee, 30 J-4c, store, Fort William; 1 $10.50; goog cows, $3.50 to $9.25; baled, $15 to $20. lose, $14 to $18; bush .,. ,. ,.. fui turbation, ; . : lynx, up to'. > po---- ; 5 £4