Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1918, p. 4

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WHIG THE BRITISH and 'to do Something ives of . wo 85TH YEAR lives of our heroes PENDITURES. y ly pointed out in the} me $9,000,000 have been the estimates be ex- 1 by the Hydro-Eleetrie Power Ontario in develop- This work 13 ned. as follows: mt Exten- ., -$ do. HYDRO EX As prey placed to ipende | Conwy n of { ment extensions 1,600 6,800 | do." 60,000 Mis Ld 0 po CR and AE iia Ea ok 100,000 a | RN Pz i oy Re A Province va ieves . , Rideau System Extensions Porg Arthur do do. | Eugenia io do. St. Lawrence do do. do. do. 116,900 117,945 150,000 233.541 233, Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED. » J. G. Eliott... + +. President Leman A. Guild .. + Hditor and | Niagara do anaging-Director. | Chippewa Power ment a It will thus be Jane san is set asid { Severn do {Central Ontario do Telephones: Business Ofce . . Battoria] Rooms . Job OM ..4,175,000 that over for Hedro de- 1 Ontario and entral Ontario. 243 229 292 seen SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dafly Edition) Ome year, delivered in city ® year, if paid in advance Year by mail to rural offices One year, to ['nifed States (Semi-Weekly Bdition) h velopment in Easte 8.00 nearly $600,000 5.00 | 25 {350 | ear, by mail, cas 1.00 in { |THE FARMER AND GREATER | PRODUCTION. | saults." a sand anit sensible view of the situ-| Berlin insurances companies has ation, and pqints the way to more cor- {deal with 306 cases of burglaty. ; ' & 8 4 : , a > h A - dial relations and a better under-| Dousebreaking every day. eb ol FE . .. {mans believe that there is no mora standing between the two Daw for Governments, and, of course, Canada none for¥individuals who are in Gov- How regrettably different is the at-| ernment service, and they are finding titude assumed by Hon. Charles Mur-! what is the {nevitable effect of such : 41s | @ philosophy on the morals of the phy! In the House pf Commons this individuals, week he made a bitter attack upon Hon. N. W, Rowell and the Englisch press of Canada. The latter, he de- clared, "joined in the hue and cry, and the Pope, Quebec, Catholics races pc cam The Allies' Task. ----= (NeW York With each addition jriumph come evidences of her yhftermination of a world control Laurier were the butts of their as- umerce, and the dommisation of 3 g aly | Prussian imperialism, f the world Mr. ; Murphy Is entirqly is to be free if democracy is to sur- wrong, and it weuld be doing a dis-| Live, the power of Hohenzollernism credit to .his intelligence to suppose must be defeated. The task for the that he does not know it himself. As|allied nations 'never before wah so far as the Whig is concerned--and it! clearly defined. ; believes other papers acted from simi-| lar motives--it supported the Union| (Woodstock Sentinel-Review) Government ~because it was a win-{ And yet proportional represenia- the-war government; and it opposed | tion is not to be so easily disposed B of. It will come up again, and when i the people of the province . realize what it means, and the public senti- ment behind it becomes sufficiently were not willing to do their| Strong, the politicians will be com- smnira | POIled to take it seriously, whether part to defend Canada, the Empire | they like it or not and civilization. Religion had noth-| ing whatever to do with the problem, No daily attacked the] French-Canadians because they were | to Germany's de- of of ein | Must Take it Seriously. | the Quebec attitude because it was compelled to helieve that the Frene ! Canadians, led by Laurier and Bour-| 1584, Source of the Kaiser's Power. ('Philadelphia Record) The German resembles a ruled by his master by mere word or look, without resort to whip or letters. His servitude is in himself in his soul. Worse than bodily slav- .ery is spiritual. The German must newspaper slave {Roman Catholics. They were criticized | because they opposed tue Military 2 and because they wished € Service y a24 a 7 an One year, if Tot paid in advance $150 Oliver Hazelwood been ap- ® year, to United States 1.50 | ted by the Canada Food g x and three months pro Faia | pointe d by the Canada Food Bo ard to tell the farmers of the need for MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE | t food + . R. Bruce Owen 123 St. Peter St, | Brea I food stuffs, r Conroe Pi TITATIVE ix | particularly for a greater production % C sen 5 D) 1 3 UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: | of wheat. F.R.Nomhrup, 226 Fifth Ave, » F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg., nas ter production o York | Chicag: ¢ Farming in Ontario is carried on { lite lines determin- Letters to the Editor are published + > : Wa ¥ y only over the actual name of the| ®d by soil, climate, the experience sof writer. | the farmer and the demands of local Attached is one of d outside markets. 'The dairy printing offices In Canna | become most prominent. The er's crops determined chiefly by the requirements of his ABC The on ring rheat Audit Bureau-of Clreulations 18 growing whea St ---------------------- 101 De€N as extensive as the growing ee : ¢ {of other feed grains which he found Produce, conserve, save. | the best job a The efreulation of THE BRITISH WHIG ts authenticated by the have been stock. of more profitable and which the soil | with &ny man's faith, believing that] to impofe their will upon the rest of be fretd from within: outward of- The Whig fort is useless. No, this is not a re- cent thought of President Wilson's, It was penned by Heinrich Heine during the first half of the nine- teenth century. | Canada. has no quarrel 15.4 : 3 Lis religion is « himself sacred thing between God in whieh no other man has any right whatever to | interiere. Hon. Charles Murphy has done a graye injustice to the English press of Canada, Such utterances are stumbling blocks in the way to| better undgfstanding between the | English~- and' Paén h-speaking peoples of the Dominion. and his Wire us a Heart-Beat. (Los Angeles Times) Rem able new uses for the tele- phone are constantly being discover- ed. Recently a test in London show- ed that it is possible to diagnose i heart troubles by telephone at a dis- ' : tance of 100 miles. Four physicians - on the Isle of Wight listened to the tr ------------ | D€AtINg of a woman's heart in Lon- A stethoscope held over the | don. | heart was attached to a telephone by ! | means of which sounds were magni- fied. This offers a suggestion to was better fitted to produce The farmer knows what has been most | IMME profitable to him as an individual, | | bat i question he is now asked to | . g -- ! considlr ig how much can be done to] Robins are now giving continuous : meet the urgent request of the Food | concerts in the city parks and resi- Board for more wheat as well as for dential districts. an increase in stock and other farm | produce. | tion, of vital importance Canada and the Empire, Ontario tiller of the soil is now ask- ed to consider. "eo Ontario grpw sufficient wheat for her own consumption, but | i depends upon 'western wheat to | -- | which, it is stated, she has no more| An opponent of female suffrage! right than Europe. It is estimated points out that giving the vote to that food animals have been reduc women was the beginning of the fall ied by 115,000,000 since the war be- of the Roman Empire. | gan. While no real acuteness etn | been felt in thig country respecting Why should the province continue paying three license commissioners $18,000 per annum to boss the sale of 2% per cent. beer? { Ireland would soon resemble Rus- sla If the Sinn Feiners had th way. Spring was due to-day, and arrived promptly on time, and with a bright and smiling countenance This 'is a national gques- she = 2 I' ques-| most to which the | Kingston welcomes the soldiers, home on. furlough. smiles for the living and the dead. returned She has tears for does not has (ication of what is bound to come if efforts to repair the appaling loss are neglected. The Resources Com- {mittee of the Food Board state that production is the. demand of the hour, and every man capable of farm | work should be impressed with the great fact that his labor is needed in this work to sustain the Allied na- tions as well as the home population. » IH Hindenburg is going to fulfill his promise to be in Paris by /ipril | 1st, they will have to take him over in an airship and drop him. "I hate war and always did," de- clares Henry Ford, "but I hope this war continues yntil there are no more idle exploiters of others left upon the earth." \ Great Britain has already spent one-third of her national wealth in this war for human freedom. And she is prepared to spend the other two-thirds before she quits. MORE WATERWORKS TIONS. The waterworks department since it became of age under municipal control appears to some people to | have bpen "milked." The City Coun~ cil itself took the first round out of it when during two successive years REFLEC {| supply, the figures are a striking in- |; [loving couples, Doubtful, | -- : (Guelph Mercury) { Unless the German Sword be Broken. The 'ornamental pile at Toronto, | (New York World) known as_ Government House, cost| We do not yet know the full price the country $38,000 to keep up. The! that has been : exacted from the 960 tons of 'coal consumed there in | helpless and demoralized Russians a year would have kept over a thot for their folly in believing that their and families in fuel and comfort fi liberties could be safeguarded by a month. It is doubtful if Govern- | bargain and barter with the enemy, ment House is worth the expenditure, | but it is no greater than the price -- Me | that all other democracies will have Retribution, | to pay if the German sword triumphs. (Philadelphia Record) | What has happened to Russia will Continually come complaints from (happen to all Burope--it will Hap- Germany of the increase o crime. {pen to unless the sword be This is especially among the young | broken. whose "Tathérs are not at 'home to | sn chastise them, and in the violation of | F. M. Holland, general manager regulations due to the war. But | of the [Dominion Permanent /Co., To- these gre not all. There have been] ronto, has been arrested for illegally Jdoud complaints in Germany that! paying dividends when no dividends there is no security for packages had been earned. Mr. Holland is ill sent through the mails, One of the| and is held at home. Nt cm Rippling Rhymes WASTELESS MEALS My table sees no wanton waste, I do as Hoover tells; I eat my eggs with eager haste, and: then con- sume the shells. Three times a day I drop my Hirp, and hush its golden tones, and eat my sharé of kip- pered carp, and then I eat the bones. But casting levity aside, since it's in rotten taste, I take a patriotic pride in cutting out the waste. We used to have a garbage can---forninst the barn it stood--and there the hired girl often ran, to dump all kinds of food, Big chunks of steak we failed to eat, sh'd throw there- ing kersplash; but now we take such hunks Of meat and make uplifting hash. of old, 1 used to blow my pay; and when they grew a crop of mold, we threw the lot away. But now I'm careful of the dime, I buy just what we'll eat, say two molasses at a time, one egg, one grain of wheat. 1 us ~~ For things in bulk, 'in days] ~~ BIBBYS f Na SEE BIBBYS FANCY P.K. SHIRTS .. .. .. SEE BIBBYS RUSSIAN CALF SHOES, DARK TANS .. . $8.00 Style Headquarters for Men and Boys Society Brand Clothes Always represent the highest standards of quality, style and tailor- ing maintained by the world's foremost clothes makers. rivals of suits and overcoats illustrate the latest style and patterns that are wonderfully attractive. Young Men's Suits $12.50 up See Bibbys $25.00 Belmont Suits---Real Beauties Recent ar- it vr 92.50 BISURAT MAG NED FOR DYSPEPSIA, INDIGE oN Heartburn, Belching, Sour Acid Stomach, Gas in Stomach, etc., take a teaspoonful of Bisuratel Magnesia in a half glass of hot water after eat- ing. Is safe, pleasant and harmless to use and gives almost instant relief It neutralizes stomach acidity and sweetens thé food contents so that digestion is easy and painless. Sold by druggists everywhere. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 king St. ne a 02 Rung i Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Instant reliet--no warting. our clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and Wise is th Endowment J. B. Phone 503 man, who buys for his later years. sooner the cheaper, be IMPERIAL LIFE e young man, any an Imperial Policy provide And the to COOKE 332 King Street. Residence 842 £7 Baked Meat Headcheese; Cooked Ments of Jellied Tomgue; "d Bologna; Jellled Hock, AT THE Maple Leaf Grocery All Kinds, Loaf with Cheese; Pork Sausage; Cooked Shoulder; Empire Frankforts; Cooked Ham Fredh assortment aiways om hand, Alex Potter. Phone 752. 12 Rideau SC A tt AAP Pci rn et Vy For the Boys at the Frout Ae ne oo hhh a A Stafford's Annihilator For Removing Ink From wood, white or ii als. 4 DR. 'CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess St. Phone 343 hdd A hhh dh aaah hd 4 Ad a A Windsor school tristee.told the Board of Education that some of the | teachers allowed their sweethearts to | hug and kiss them in school. How shocked our trustees would be if this huggy-wuggly epidemic should break out in Kingston! Beginning next month, Canada will receive twenty-five farm tract- ors a day from one American plant, which has already sent over 6,000 of these machines to England, where they have rendered splendid service. No farmer may buy one for his in- dividual use and employ it for the 'purpose of raising food to the dis- advantage financially of his neigh- bor who is tractorlass. When a man . 'has had his work done by a tractor, * the machine is Immediately put into action on another man's farm. They must be used only to help produce more food for the Allies. ------------------ OUR MILITARY INVALIDS. 'The attention of the citizens of Kingston is called to the fact that we have in our midst some hundreds of soldiers who are more or less dis- abled. It Is the duty of our citizens to remember that these inen are our guests and te treat them according- ly. We know that some poor fel- lows have been here for months and have never received any attention at the hands of the citizens. Many of them have never been invited insides a private house. Our sin in this matter is one of omission rather than of commission, 'and it Is only necessary to bring it to the notice of the public to insure a remedy. These men have risked their lives for the rest of ms who were unable to go, and nothing that we can do is too good for them. 18 us resolve to know something of the it removed the sum of $19,000 from its rest-fund to keep the tax rate from advancing too sharply. Since the water department came under the Utilities Commission, it is claimed that it has had to stand more ex- pense than it should have had to do, Just what that expense has been one cannot determine. The Commission made a slight reduction in water rates in 1914 when the water revenue began to get top-heavy, but in 1916 the water department received quite & crack when over $17,000 was charg- ed up against fevenue for the Uni- versity avenme water main. The supposition is that the gas depart- ment benefited by this exeavation, but the waterworks paid the piper, Then in 1917, coal became expen- sive and hydro power came to the city. In order to yjilize the power, tiie waterworks must be electrified, and thé cost has mounted up to $30,000. "The waterworks must py the piper again out of its revenue un- Iéss the Utilities Commission can find another way. And if the waterworks was electrified for the benefit of the electrical department, would it be fair to charge the whole cost of the electric pump to the waterworks? These are some of the questions the aldermen are thinking over in con- nection with the Utilities Commission request for $30,000 for the electrical pump machinery. ibis shui HON, ME-MURPHY'S ATTACK, "Le Devoir poses still as the champion of the French-Canadian. Our champions are the soldiers who fight for us against German barbar- Jans, and not the cowards who stab the soldiers inthe back," declares L'Evenement, of Quebec. u If there was more of that sentiment in our sister province, criticlsm of the French-Canadians would soon inside appearance of our military disappear. The Quebec daily takes A always save the coffee grounds, and boil them o'er and o'er; no wasted provender abounds, back of my kitchen door. The vil lage dogs that once waxed fat on what I threw away, now through their skins show every slat, and they must live on hay. The grocer's bills have ghorter grown, the butcher feels an ache, when he wraps up a cheap soup- bone, where once I bought a steak. It is no faddist"s path I tread, no scheme of fitful gusts; I gladly eat my plain brown bread--the children eat a --WALT MASON. TEE TTT TTT ree THINGS THAT NEVER .APPEN By GENE BYRNES I WEAR THIS SWEATER BECAUSE \ DONT WANT EVERYBODY TO TALK ARovT THE SIZE OF MY<{MUSCLES you can breathe ache, dryness. disappears, . Get a small bo Balm from your d healing cream in penetrates throug of the head comes instantly, It's just fine. up with a cold or I~ hawking, snuffling, breath at night; your cold or catarrh a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, » Soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief freely. No more blowing, head- No struggling for ttle of Ely's Cream ruggist now. Apply Prepared Inst Bolling your nostrils. It h: every air passage yyy Phone 78 haa Don't stay stuffed nasty catarrh, CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk and ar. tly by Adding ater Only. I" No Cookisig or Milk Required. For Sale By D. Couper 4 Princess St. prices Phone as any catalogue house. 338 away. Sold only at BUNT"S Hardware FOR GREATER PRODUCTION USE. BUCKEYE Incubators 65 and 120-egg machines, Prompt delivery from stock. Same No need to send your money Kingston "BLUE BONNETS" -- 4 New Fabric with New Featares. ye Boones" of el fn 7 petectly He overmgr he Castabion dren 4on doesot carry "Blue Bonnets" send desler we will scad hin samples and notify biz of your request. LESHER 3 os this ad with same of desler gad WHITMAN & CO. lsc. 881 Broadway, New York coats, ete. de variety of ex~ rT WN ny The Best for Pie or Cake. : Ask your "GROCER" For SUNKIST SEEDED and ~ SEEDLESS RAISINS VY ay aaah dh ah a aa aaa "+ CANNED 'VEGETABLES Tomntoes, per tin ... Corn, per tin. .,. .... . . Standard Peans, per tin . Early June Peas, per tin Wax Beans, per tin ... Green Beans, per tin .. Lima Beans, per tin . Spinach, per tin ... Snccotash, per tin oN Ta 20¢ Asparagus, per ta ... Soe Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 900, WY VY YY YY ye WY TTT TTY YY TY YY YY 4 4 Adhuiaudhudadd dd a Aa a a

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