Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1918, p. 3

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Preparations! Are made with the same care as PRESCRIPTIONS and their popularity grows day by day; and about your doce ,tor's prescription, please re- member that we are always on the job waiting to serve. you and dispense your medicine as the doctor would have ft. Let us have your Hone ppescri p- Popular Drug Store. Phone 59. Branch 2018. a at at a a. Pl. a ata yy yyy yyy Keeley Jr. MOD.0. Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to. find that, as made Y Us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ience. And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr., M0... 226 Princess Street ~ Killed by Robbers. Tampa, Fla, March 21.--Bank robbers blew the safe of the state bank at Zephyr Hills, Fla., and shot and killed qne man , and wounded another. ey got no money. Posses are searching for them. The robbers cut telephone wires leading to the town, and details are meagre. i! By D. I. Berwick Best's IN THE ARMY of iled by The following Army Slangs have be D: L. Berwick for the be weapon, one's head. Bully--Translated in English it means "good." This is also the name of a particular brand of can- ned cornbeef, manufactured by a well-known Chicago firm and served "oceasionally" to the troops. Dough---A necessity maznufactur- fod 'by bakery units and sometimes doled out by paymasters. You can | always procure a good supply of this | "punk" from the bakers, but the paymaster is generally "short" and | "needs" your sympathy. Olo--A greasy substance which has lately been discovered to jeopar- dize the productions of our honest Is | farmers. tor Hun--This does not only apply to the germ of the present , but is also a nickname for rookies of the C : Quarter Bloke (Qua sergeant )--The first obstac rookie to overcome. A deal and second-hand goods. Always an- xious to dispose of second-hand gtock first. Smokes good cigars and amendable to reason If well treated. Hard Tack--A substitute used in the army for bread. Besides its sus- taining qualities can 'be used as poker chips. If short of bombs at any time the hard tack is a deadly eZ Building-up for- the Spring Attack at the Front is a good deal like putting the body in condition Yor an invasion of the germs of grip, pneumonia or * Spring fever" here at home. At this time of the year most people suffer from a condition often called Spring Fever, They feel tired, worn out, before the day is half thru. They may have frequent headaches and sometimes " pimply" or pale skin and white lips. Fhe reason for this is that during the wintertime, shut up with- in doors, eating too much meat and | too little green vegetables, one heaps fuel into the system which is not burned up and the clinkers remain to poison the system -- a clogging up of the circulation --with inactive liver and kid- neys. Time to put your house in order. Forian invigorating tonic which will clarify the blood, put new life in the body, sparkle to the eyes, and a wholesome ekin, nothing does so well as a glyceric herb extract made from Golden Seal root, Blood and Stone root, Oregon grape root and Wild Cherry bark. This can be had in con- venient, ready -to- nse tablet form at all drug stores, fifty cents, and has been sold for the past fifty vears as Dr. Pierce's Goluen Medical Discovery. By reason of the nerves feeding on the blood, when the blood is pure the nerves feel the effect, and neuralgia or other nerve pains disappear be- cause such pain is the cry of the starved nerves for food. When suffering from backache, frequent or scanty urine, thenmatic pains here or there, or that constant tired feeling, the simple way to overcome these disorders is merely to obtain Dr. Pierce's Anuric from your Amavigt, Tn tablets. fiftv cents. Ai RY yy Wy Bh dh bo og Vy é i Mulligan--Strictly Irish. a Would You like Onn 2 Nic Tea Waggon 1 We have a number of up-to'date designs. Nothing is more convenient for serving af- ternoon tea. Bedroom furniture in a great variety of designs. We save money for you by mak- ing our purchases months ago. , VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock on Hand. T. F. HARRISON CO.,, LTD. Phone 90. : Fresh Pork HEARTS... =... 18 RIBNEYS.. .. ©..." 32% ' ® 13¢ The Win. Daves Co, i ted ko Always in a stew. This very tasty dish can always be found on the menu at each meal, One Star Wonder--A very much abused gentleman who endeavors to do his best. Very popular among the female sex and a keen supporter of the flappers' cause. Called in | England "The Flappers' Delight." I 'Flapper--Owing to the scarcity of chickens this name has been used as a substitute, A very precocious lit- tle thing, always stepping outside the age limit. Padre--A most genial person known as the spirit of our army. A dealer in good spirits. Otherwise called chaplain by some, with apolo- gles to Charlie. This gentleman can always be identified by the double iron cross which he displays. Sister--This term does not only apply to a blood relation, but also to an angel of mercy who bears cheer- fly the hardships of war. Sisters sometimes play very important roles in one's life. Lear swinger---An artist. Not a soldier. A tester of medical facul- ties, To swing the lead is no) crime, but failure is generally met with dis- astrous results, Fags---A connecting link between a fool and a fire. A consoler to sol- diers. A great nerve soother 19 -sol- diers, whose lives .are filled with "butts." Non-com--In the majority of cases "non compus meutis." "Nuff sald. Lance Jack--A private camouflag- | ad, 3 'Arf a mo.--In other words "five | American seconds, please." This slang originated among Costermong- ers and is very amusing when ex- pressed by Mr, Thomas Atkins--he of the Yorkshire dialect, The smoke-- (London where the King lives). A small village very central to Canadian camps in Eng- land, and used by Colonial troops for recreation purposes. French leave--Questionable if this did not originate in France. Most expensive form of leave. Blighter or bounder--A gentleman of leisure. Known in Canada as a fast guy. Always upholding the re- putation of "a fool and his money." Very popular among certain classes. Blinkin--A qualifying ~ adjective. For instance, one generally speaks of the blinkin sergeant-major." Blighty--A small wound--*"the scldier's home, sweet home." Jack Johnson--A large German shell. Like the great prize fighter, nore sound than force at present. Whizz bang--A small German shell responsible for Bairnsfather's original saying, "Where did that one one go to 7" Duds--Chiefly German ammuni- tion, Ea Coal box---Anothir, German shell. Like the average coal box of the present day, full of emptiness. S Archies--A new name . given to our anti-aircraft (empty air crack- el) guns. Stand clear below, please. Peace dove--The only animal that Noah forgot to mate in the ark. This specie being extinet now, we must carry on to a finish. GEN, WOOD'S SON PRIVATE. Too Young For Commission He Wanted to Fight. Cambridge, Mass., March 21.--Otis I. Wood, sen of Major-General Leon- ar}. Wood, yesterday enlisted as a private in the regular army and will report for duty at Fort Slocum, N.Y... Saturday morning. He is a sophomore at Harvard University and a captain in tho Harvard regl- ment. Because he is under twenty-ones years of age he was unable to obtain admission to a reserve officers' train- ing 'camp. OVERWORK PARALYSIS Doctors Said His Case Was Hopeless --Could Not Walk or Write-- Speech Almost Gone--How Cure Was Fiffected. St. Ann's, Ont., Mar. 21.--Paraly- sis is far more easily prevented than cured. . For this reason: it is only wise to be warned by sleeplessness, headdche, nervous indigestion and neuralgic pains and begin reecon- struction treatment before the ner- Yous system | becomes too far deplet- This letter from Mr. Hyatt ted to prove 'to "you that Dr. Chinse's Nerve Food 'is effective even after paralysis has set in. It is not advisable, however, to neg- lect nervous disorders until such conditions are developed. Mr. Avery Hyatt, blacksmith, St. Ann's, Lincoln County, Ont., writes: "1 am a blacksmith by trade, and ten years ago became afflicted with paralysis. 1 could not walk or, read or write, and could talk with diff- culty, so that it was a hard matter to understand anything I would say. Being only a young man, I was nearly discouraged. Two doctors told me it was brought on by over- work, and that my case was hope- Tess. yi © One day my father read about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and advis- ed me to try it. I bought 12 boxes, and when the fifth was used I saw that I was getting better. By the time the 18 boxes were uced 1 was cured. 1 am well and strong and working every day, thanks to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food." «i: This statement fs certified to by Elmere J. Hodgins, J.P. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.75, at all dealers, or Edman- son, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be talked into accepting a substitute. Imitations only disap- point, is BOWEL LAXATIVE "Cascarets" Regulate Women, Men and Children Without Injury. Take When Bilious, Headachy, For Colds, Bad Breath, Sour EWORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Instead of nasty, harsh pills, salts, castor oil or dangerous calomel, why don't -you keep Cascarets handy in your home? Chascarets act on the liver and thirty feet of bowels so gently you don't realize you have ta- ken a cathartic, but they aet thor- oughly and can be depended upon when a good liver and bowel cleans- ing is necessary--they move the bile and poison from the bowels without griping and sweeteh the stomach. You eat one or two at night like candy and you wake up feeling fine, the headache, biliousness, bad breath, coated tongue, sour stomach, consti- pation, or bad co:d disappears. Mo- thers should give cross, sick, feverish or bilious children a whole Cascaret any time--they are harmless and safe for the little folks. MORE RESTRICTIONS DUE. London Restaurants to Close Earlier. London, March 21.--The proposal forthe chosing of eating and amuse- ment places at 9.30 p.m. has not yet been definitely adopted. The Coal Controller was in conference yester- day with committees from the re- staurant and amusement organiza- tions on the subject. All the indus- tries affected declare the plan will be ruinous to them, the music hall and restaurant proprietors especi- ally expressing their opposition. Every proposal for 'wartime re- sctrictions has met the same sort of outcry when it was first broached, but 'it is pointed out that the disaster which 'the saloonkeepers and various other businesses had predicted has not loccurred as a result of 'the re- striction upon their activities. If the latest scheme is adopted, London, it is ibelieved, will accept it with the same spirit in which it thas borne other infringements upon old cus toms during the war. FOOD CAMPAIGN. Over $250,000 Will be Granted to Provincial Governments. Ottawa, March 21.--More than a quarter of a million dollars will be Murnished from the Dominion treas- ury to aid the provincial govern- ments to carry on their part of the campaign for greater production of foodstuffs in Camada, Sir Robert Borden announced in the course of his address in the House of Com- mons. The appropriation which has been promised by the Dominion Govern- ment, will be distributed as follow:s To the Ontario Government, $60, 000; to Quebec, $60,000; to Nova Scotia, $30,000; to New Brumswick, $15,000; to Prince Edward Island, $5,000;- to British Columbia, $15,- 000; to Saskatchewan, $35,000; 'to Alberta, $25,000; Manitoba, $25,- 000. MERCHANT AND EXPLORER. Denver Millionaire is Dead in South America. Denver, Colo., March 21.---Wil- liam Cook Daniels, of Denver, mil- lionaire dry goods merchant travel- ler and explorer, died in Buenos Aires, according to a cablegram re- ceived here. Mr. Daniels financed and headed an expedition into the wilds of New Guinea in 1904 under the direction of the Royal Geo- graphical Society and Cambridge University. Mrs. Danlels is conduct- ing, at her own expense, a hospital in Switzerland for 'ipterned British and French officers. Poll as Big Vote as Men. New York, March "21.--Women voted for the first time in elections held yesterday in many villages of this state. In several places they polled nearly as many votes as the men. A woman appeared among the contestants for office in Fort Plain, where 'Ann Waters, a Democrat, was elected tax collector. She was the only member of her pa ty who block- ed the Republicans from making a clean sweep. : In Hempstead woiden brought about the defeat of all the present officials. Big Quantity of Explosives. Paris, March 21.--An officail communique regarding operations on the Macedoitian front says: "Raids were carried out w success in the region of Seres and west of Presba Lake, where a French detachment sutprised an enemy reconnoftering party and took prisoners. There was very great activity on the part of Allied aviators, who threw down more than 1,900 kilograms of ex- 'plosives on enemy establishments in the Struma and Vardar valleys and near Resna, west of Monastir. Im- portant results were observed. Easter Music. You can, if you wish, have a phonograph on terms so easy you will not notice paying for it. The choice of models is large and attrac- tive. Call at our warerooms with- out delay. See and for your- self, i --Co W. dsay, Lad. Women to be Solicitors. London, March 21.--The House of Lords to-day passed on third read- ing the bill qualifying women to act as solicitors. FOR FAMILY USE® and Theatres | Probs: Fair and mild today and on Friday. FRIDAY BARGAINS HOUSE DRESSES WHITE VOILE dainty new sp price .. ©. .. sizes: worth 35¢c. at 75c. NEW MODEL CORSETS ; 150 pair French coutil corsets, made with four strong garter sup- ports, re-enforced front, and aluminum steels. A special value to- day at $1.00 a pair. Sale price. . LADIES' COTTON HOSE 25 doz. good weight black cotton stockings -- medium weight hose, especially desirable for present wear: all Cia Sr ek, Sale price WHITE CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 110 pair fine "Suedetex" white chamoisette gloves -- and finish, and one that looks like new after washing. Sale price . . BLEACHED SHEETING 1015 yds. fine quality full bleached linen finished sheeting of extra good weight; a quality thgt we can highly recommend for wear; full 8-4 width, regularly priced at 60c. Sale price PRINTS AND GINGHAMS 1500 yards light colored American Prints and Sussex Mills ging- hams in a large variety of new checks, stripes and floral patterns; regularly priced to 22¢c a yard. Sale price . . » A rousing list of attractive bargains for Friday, the last day but one of our greatest Spring Fare-Refund Sale. 25 doz. new print house dresses in light and dark colors--all sizes from 36 to 42. A splendid value today at $1.75. Sale price $1.19. 10 doz. smart new embroidered and tailored voile waists: all h. Sale .. 98¢ of a perfect fitting, perfect fit A special +. DBe + .. 45¢ .. 123¢ 1 . a------ a JUST 8 SHOPPING DAYS -- THEN EASTER ! See our display of the smartest NewYork Suits, Coats and Millinery, all specially priced. Huravemusun Steacy's - Limite hee TR matsp toll In Our Generation. drama of the screen; the other, Music's Recreation as achieved by the NEW EDISON Painting, sculpture, literature, the drama; all these imitate and interpret life. But life--the living voice--is ac- tually re-created by this new art. Not one person can distinguish be- tween the voice of the artist and Edi- son's wonderful instrument. Call at our store and satisfy your- self as to these claims. ~ . The J. M. Greene Music Co. Limited Corner Princess and Sydenham Streets < - Two New Births One, the, silent Safe Home Treatment For Objectionable Hairs (Boudoir Secrets) The glectric needle is not required for the oval of hair or fuzz, for with -the use of plain delatone, the most stubborn growth can be quickly banished. A paste is made with wa- ter and a little of the powder. then spread over the hairy surface. In abbut 2 minutes it is rubbed off and the skin washed. This simple treat- ment pot only removes the hair, but leaves the skin free from blemish. Be sure you get genuine delatone. FA A A Ar Count von Berustorff, former Ger- ambassador to the United States, has been deprived of the hon- orary of doctor of laws con- ferred on_bim seven years ago by-the University of Chicago. Kisses and French 80c, $1.00, 81 23¢ pound; Moir's and Lowney's Chocolates, 50¢ and 60c Ib; Molr's, Lowney's, Ganong's and Rob. ertson's Chocolates in boxes, at 23¢, 30c, 40¢, 5G0c, 60c, T0c, , $1.50, and $2.00, at IA FRUIT STORE 2 | Try Our H me-made Candy All kinds Chocol 1480¢c, 40c, BOc; and 60c Ib. ; Mexican That a shortage in Montreal milk supply may be expected in the sum- mer, was the opipion expressed by W. ¥. Stephen, secretary of the Milk Shippers' Assotiation, district of Montreal. ' > - A Daylight Baving Bill along the lines of the bill presenisd last ses sion was introduced by Sir Georga Foster, aand read a first time. The first reading of the bill was seoond- ed by Mr. Carvell, i 16

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