Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1918, p. 11

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__PAGE TEN 0 I GAVE TER DELICATE CHD VINOL It Built Him Up and Made | Him Strong Newaygo, Mich.~"My little boy was in a delicate, weak, emaciated | condition and had a cough so we had to keep him out of school for a year. Nothing seemed to help him until Vinol was recommended, and the change it made in him was remark. able, It has built him up and made him strong so his cough is almost entirely gone. We can not recom. mend Vinol too highly."--Mrs, E. N. Hanlon. Mothers of weak, delicate, ailing children are asked to try this famous cod liver and iron tonic on our guar. antee, Children Jove to take it. Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. Also at the best druggist in all On- tario towns, or ts fe cs tl Nat Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now | Patines in aR ase et hres pa B At Because style decrees that wo- men crowd and buckle up their ten- der toes in high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the corn grow hard. This suicidal babit may cause lock- jaw and women are warned to stop it. A few drops of a drug called freez- one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief and soon the en- tire corn, root and all, lifts out with- out pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freez- one, which costs very little but is to remove every hard or soit corn or callus from one's feet. This drug is an ether compound and dries up the corn without inflam- ing or even Irritating the surround- ing tissue or skin. Clip this out and pin on your wife's dresser, A A ANd AMS ltr Japanese Electrical Enterprises. The latest report of the Electrical, Jureau of Japan shows a steady ad- vance in electrical enterprises, At the end of November list there were 674 electrical enterprisedf in the empire in which were invested 680,886,809 yen ¢1 yen éguals @pproximately 50 cents.) Their average daily combin- ed power supply is $22,940 kilowatts, of which 700,870 kilowatts age gen- erated by water power and the re- mainder by steam power plants. Duy- ing the past year there was a greater increase in the steam power plants.' AN i » THE DAY OF THE XXIV. riy 1 if as if woke early I were giving insteid of Ev- was due at ten disgusted me, quite guench inner 3, ny dear Mrs, Howard without poise is never a woman," she told me that and a lot 1 didn't even although I pretended to. I was sure she reported to George, and I was not anxious for a scolding. After she left I few upstairs and laid out everything should wear. I should have to dress early as George would come home to see that I wouidn't disgrace him by not be- ing properly gowned 1 suppose 1 should have felt flattered, but I did- n't one bit I knew he wad going back to the club to dinner, and it seemed so silly for him to come way home just to criticize me. After luncheon went shopping and bought fresh gloves and slippers. 80 that he could have no possible cause to tell me I was not fit. Then 1 lay down for an hour be fore 1 bathed and dressed. I was all ready however when George came in about six o'clock. The dinner was at seven George said it was out- rageously early, but 1 thought it Just the right hour I got so hungry when I waited until eight o'clock for dinner, as we had at Mrs. Loring's. some George Approves. "Yes, you'll do very well," he said, as 1 ran down the stairs. 'I think you look better im it than you did when you wore it before. Your hair is dressed more becomingly per- haps." ' 1 answered, Weevil Loss in Store, In order to avoid loss from weev- ils, grocers should keep flour, meal, rice, peas, beans, and package cer- eals in a cool, dry place, as without heat and moisture the weevil will not propfgate. Proximity to a heat- ed stove will often cause weevils to appear in winter. Scrupulous clean- liness and kalsomining are prevent- atives. Care should be taken to in- spect incoming goods, as a Tew weev- ils in a single package of goods may infect the whole store in a hort | space of time during warm weather A man who sees the keyholes double every time he comes home late has no business with the key to success, A melancholy sight this winter is a bill for a ton of anthracite, a mn, at LIS CURL A little of Sunlight goes e long way; every particle 'is pure; there is nothing to : harm the clothes or impede the rapid progress of the ' wash. CSRS SRE light Soap carries a $5,000 : guarantee of purity. 11 ght Soap Every cake of Sun- ai SPECIAL SALE KITCHEN abinets $20.00 to $52.00 + Twelve styles to choose from. fh Largest and best assortment in the city. Ambulance Phone 577. Phone 577. By JANE PHEI en PAR and thought | would why I looked because I was happier I'h been frightened. awed because kind of people I was to m I knew they 1 claimed. * will seer you were going," pily at him. He bent down and kiss and least expected that alive. Had he not shown some feeling I am would have died out almost as £8 1 was alone with him Bit [ had learned not to be dem onstrative when he gave me any sort of a caress, 80 now | just patted his arm contentedly and sat quietly reading until it was time to go George wrapped me in the same lovely blue cloak I had worn to Mrs Loring's, and after we were in the car and I laid my hand on his knee he took f¥' in his and held it all the way to Evelyn's. '"l am so sorry ing,"I sald as he and I meant it. | later I knew he wouldn't have en. Joyed the evening, and probably would have spoiled it for me, We were altogether too hillarious to please him, too natural. you aren't helped me was sorry out, then; The Guests Arrive. I was a little early. | had prom- ised Evelyn 1 would be, but early as I was, Merton Gray was but a few minutes later. "This is indeed a pleasure," he said as we shook hands. "| hope item this season. kerchiefl linen, EVEN CROSS, SICK CHILDREN LOVE SYRUP OF FICS If Feverish, Bilious, Constipated, Give I'ruit Laxative At Once, Don't -scold your fretful, peevish child. Bee if tongue is coated: this is a sur® sign its little stomach, liver and howels are clogged with sour | waste. ! 11 may be com-, SEPARATE SKIRTS TO BE WORN. The special separale skirt promises to he a very popular It will be worn with dressy blouses of hand- batiste and in some cases, silk. skirt of white morray, box pleat finish, with novel double belt, and worn with a cream Georgette waist. rea -- et TY. t able to console you for your husband's absence." you will!" 1 exelaimed, (then blushed ¢rimson to think how it {sounded \ 'Oh yes wer mind now what you coul ome, $0 you 1 up » 1 to be pleas- ed with his sul ite." J srful, | stood to say e ade thought, me, how to make sv came 'direet- iway by Evelyn t the other and I was car ) be introduced There was a Mr ning youn; and Mrs. Rivers, couple; her name vas Olive, Olive Rivers; his was Peter. [I thought it so queer--*' Peter Rivers"---it didn't sound nice at all, but afterward it seemed as if no other name would have been half so distinctive, Then a Miss Mabel Pratt, and Hugh Emery, then Dick Carter and his cute little wife Lilly, and the two Lawson sisters, Jennie and June, with their fiancees. They were twins and were soon to be mar- ried on the same day, to Frank Ar- den and Chariton Mott--Jennie to Frank, and June to Charlton. I hop- ed they would invite me to the wed- ding. Then there was Merton Gray, Evelyn and Kurts, and myself. Everyone was so gdy over the in- troductions. They all expressed their sorrow at George's absence very prettily, but all of them were 'delight- ed that Merton Gray had taken his place. He knew most of them and soon made friends with the others. Oh, how good it seemed to be in that laughing, chatting crowd, all talking at once, just as we used to do at home. I could shut my eyes and al- most think I was back with the boys and girls. (To be continued.) Here is the A FAIR TAX, Everyone Bears An Equal Share of the Burden, If you were to investigate the claims of those of you scqualntance who object to paying taxes you would find that in nine cases out of every ten the grievances rested om allega- tions of unfair assessment. The great majority of people do mot object to being taxed, so long as they are con- vinced that everyone else in their class and circumstances is made to bear an ental burden. This passion for justice, is one of the chief characteristics of the An- glo-S8axon genius. It has been the determining factor in the up-building "Perfect Coffee-- Perfectly is the Title of a Booklet which we have issued to enable those who enjoy delicious, fragrant coffee, to alwa s have it, | . There are two essentials to the perfect cup of coffee-- the right coffee and the right'way to make it. This booklet tells how to have both. Mailed free if you write 194 CHASE & SANBORN . MONTREAL Blenders and Roesters of "Seal Brand" Coffee FN NN NN NN NPP gnpgngngng Ask your "GROCER" For SUNKIST SEEDED and SEEDLESS RAISINS The Best for Pie or Cake. Living Canadian Models Serve as standards for the various styles of D& A Corsets whose 1917 models embody the best features of leading Paris and New York designs. For economy, as well as for comfort and style, ask your corsetidre to show you the D & A Models. There is a style for every figure. DOMINION CORSET CO. Toronto----QUBBEC----Montreal Makers also of the "La Diva" Corsets and "'D & A" Good Shape Brassiéres. J Ee ------ THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done In the CRATYPOn- tery lune, Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; aiso hard- Wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. . Shop €0 Queen street. moa Bissell Carpet Sweep- ers Made Over New. All Repair Work Done, 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 mn ee LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT. MARCH SRD / s------ Tralas will leave aud sreive at City Station, Foot of Johnson Street, Going West, Lve. City Arr, Citv . 1§ +1220 am. 12 No. 13 Express . .. 3.10am. NO, 27 locad .. .. S.45am. Intern' Ltd. 1.20 pum, Madl , ., «, 3.00pm. Golng East, Lve. City + 1.40 a.m. 3.104a.m, Mail .. .. 10.17 a.m. 1.50 pom. 3.40 pan Arr, City Mail . 217 Express . Mail ,. . Intern'l Lt Local . .. .. 6.48 pm. 2 $s, 1, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily, Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland; St Halifax, Boston and New York. Pullman accommodation, tickets 411 other information, apply to J P Hanley, Agent, Agency for all ocean vteamshio lines. Open day and night. CUNARD LINE Passenger Service BETWEEN Halifax and Bristol Money vemittances made by mall of cable. Apply to Loé¢al Agents or The Bobert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, 560 King St. East, Toroate, Ont, trams, Save Your Coal THE SOWARDS COAL CO. . Phone 155. Boys--Here's a Real Job for You Starvation faces millions of the women and children of our Allies. - The cry reaches Canada for food yet more food. , more food and Canadian farmers are willing to raise every pound of food the soil will yield. But it takes plenty of work to plant, cultivate and harvest the grain and roots. Sr------ - OL, Ep Soldiers: Of theSoil 15,000 boys, from 15 to 19, must be obtained in Ontario' to help in this emergency. Boys, it's a real job--one requiring work and self-sacrifice. Think of your grave responsibility and the awful result if occasion and "do your bit." Thousands of Canadian boys made good on the farm last year. you don't rise to the They were paid from $12.00 to $30.00 a month and board. This year there's an additional incentive for boys to distinguish themselves--A National Bronze Badge of Honour. Enrolment Week, March 17th to 23rd Enrol with your School Principal, or Enrolment Officer whose name will be announced in the local press. ! "When listless, pale, feverish, full (of cold, breath bad, throat sore, does- 'n't eat, sleop or act naturally, has (stomach ache, indigestion, diarrhoea, Farmers-- Apply for farm help to the District Representative in your county, or to the Ontario Government Public Employment Bureau, 15 Xing Street East, a Torpnto; 139 Queen Street, Ottawa; 83 James Street North, Hamilton; 108 of Britain's world empire. It has flamed forth as a torch to light the true way at every critical period in the history of the United States, d to give good advice in urging prospective Ford aceé their orders for cars before an advance, and We ab buyers to once, ax - venture to advise wiose whe did not order to do so at ere Is likely to be a scarcity of Ford cars, and to reduce its produttio thie Onnadian factory at F in thelr orders at the present ig of up on account of the scarcity EF very Tow for n real every day of ad pick out your car now while we The Ford factory n from 3,200 'ord, Ont., is from 4,000 give a. teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul waste, the sour bile and fermenting food passes. out of the bowels and you have a well and play- ful child again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," and nio- thers can rest easy after giving it. because it never fails to make their little "insides" clean and sweet. , Keep it handy, Mother! A little given today saves a sick child tomor- row, but get the genuine. "Ask vonr drugzist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, childpen of all ages and for grown-ups plainly 'on the bottle. Remember there are counterfeits sold here, so surely lopk and see that yours is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company..and back with outempt any other fig syrup. it is the solvent which has enabled the free peoples of the earth to pres. ent a common front to a common enemy, at this epoch-marking period in the World's history. The income war tax of the Domin- fon Government is a logical outcome of this passion for fair play. Tt is' based on the broad principle of Abil- | ity to pay. Every unmarried person! and every widow and widower with-| out dependent children. fu receipt of an income of $1,600 aid aver, and every other person. as well as every money making organization in re. | cept of an income of §8.000 ang over ts Hable to the tax. Moreover, the tax is graduated in such a way that ss the income increases abeye the limits set, the percenage to' be paid the Government increases in due proportion. 2 : Dundas, Street, London. Canada Ottawa "ood Board

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