Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1918, p. 5

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I'ties eollector si tion, take - -- Rig UTIIATIES COMMISSION TRYING TO GET THEM STRAIGHTENED. City Anditor Muis- Delegated to Make Matters Right and Get Ne- cessary Assistance--D. TL. Wilson Resigns as Collector. The Public Utilities Commission finds that its accounting office wark is in such a mess that City Aunditor Muir is unable to secure statement of the finances of jast year. Owing to the various changes in the collectorship of late, things are in a muddled condition. The water department is the worst of the three utilities, as the arrears have not been followed up, and at yester- day's meeting of the Commission, Auditor Muir stated that the only pope of getting things in shape was to secure the services of either Ald. Thomas Hewitt, ex-superintendent, or W. A. Newlands, who was col- lector for years and is now the city's tax collector. These were the only ones who could straighten out the wuddle. The Commission finds that the water receipts for the December quarter of 1917 are $2,500 leas than those for the same quarter of 1918, and 'without apparent reason, except that there is a large amount of rates uncollected for that quarter of 1917. A resolution was passed that the | 'Commission be furnished statement of the arrears and that Auditor Muir engage what assist- ance he deems necessary in order to seours this information. D. L. Wilsor} who has been ntili- She Is Always Readv To Tell Reason Why SHE IS RECOMMENDING DODD'S | KIDNEY PILLS | Miss E. Démers States They Cured! Her of Sick Headache and Rheuma- | tism From Which She Suffered for with a Six Months. | N. | W. Hull, Que., Mar. 11.--(Special.) Cured of chronic indigestion, sick] headache and rheumatism, from | which she had suffered for six mon- | ths, Miss E. Demers, of 190 Mai-| sonneuve St., here, gives all the cre- dit for her cure to Dodd's Kidney | Pills. She is recommending them to! all her friends who suffer from kid- ney troubles of any kind. "1 am always ready to te Dodd's Kidney Pills did for me," | says Miss Demerf. "1 am never with- | out them in the house. My case was, one of the worst. i "lI had tried severel 2 Sictues | | | from the doctor and was geting no. better when I decided to try Dodd's! Kidney Pills. I took seven boxes.and all my rheumatism, sick headache and indigestion Was gone. "When my father saw how Heh good Dodd's Kidney Pills had done me he began to take them for kidney a correct | e the 17th of De rod his resigna- , on the first of n was accepred. assistance in the ghtening up mat- i to ' | May. Hi {He will | | meantim | ters. { A comm { from Fuel ( { that "it to call upo {some of ifs {ers were not {could be tak ever they are Mana I {on the sci received » stating was till working Iimg the city's ipower line t s0 as to | connect up with 3 penitentiary, i Mowat Hospital and Rockwood Hos- { pital. Arra y be made | with the G.N. e ph Company [to erect a line of poles out Union { street to be used in common. | These accounts were passed: {Pay list to Feb 25 ......33915.74 | Canadian Customs . . 45.58 {Canadian Customs .. 88.81 i Moffat Stove Co 37.04 | H. Wage & Co. .. 27.20 | Sarnia Street Ry 3,007.50 Ontario Government 124.23 Canadian Customs 136.73 { Kingston Construction Co. 1,000.00 | Canadian Customs 90.83 |W. R. Billenness Tis 125.00 | Dominion Government 124.00 | Bell Telephone Co . | Bradden & McKegney {British Whig Pub. Co {Burke & Graham A. Chown & Co. . 'ous Canadian General Electric REE a Dominion Express F. A. Fish Coal Co Grand Trunk Ry G.N.W. Telazraph Co. Hydro-Eleetric Power mission .. "via Imperial Oil, Lid. .. Jackson Press .. ... .: Kingston Window Cleaning 00... «. . P. H. Klein, Jr., Co C. 8. Kirkpatrick L. W. Murphy . New England Cafe J. M. Patriek "aii C. Polson & Co. .. P. Peters «a J. Seeley Mfg. Co : The 'Shedden Forwarding Co., Ltd va . Uglow & Co ca . The Valley Camp Coal Co. 1,304.4 R. Waldron 3 Com- $15,104.77 In the absence of Chairman G. Y. 11 what | Ohown, R. F. Elliott presided at the | meeting, and also in attendance were T. J. Rigney and R. N. F. Mac- farlane. ---- Received The D.S.0. Lieut. Allen Cockram, under heavy fire from a machine gun, took men with him and personally killed the gun crew, then noticing a booby trap, was attached to the gun, thre it backward, whereupon the trap ex- ploded and he then brought in the gun. 'He was wounded but refuséd two | trouble. He is better now." | Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy | kidneys. Healthy kidneys strain all] the impurities, all the poison, out of the blood. They are the greatest of all tonics. to leave the platoon, Later the same day he killed an entire party of the enemy. Next day he was wounded in 'heavy fighting. Cockram belongs to Broek- ville. Government Standard Flour FFF Made by Kingston Milling Co. Limited Is Eminently Satisfactory To All Users. HUNGARIAN--For mg WHITE ROSE---For Bread and Cake. CROWN--Winter Wheat Pastry. For Sale by All Dealers. (BARRYMORE AND COLLIER IN A VERY FINE DRAMA AT THE GRAND. "Peter Ibbetson™ Proved to be the Dramatic Event of the Season--It Will be Produced Again This Evening. Undoubtedly the best dramatic - | production that has come to Kings- ton 'during this season is "Potern Ibbetson," which was shown on Mon- day evening at the Grand and given a deservedly big reception. John Barrymore and Miss Constance Col- ier, who are starring in this drama, exceeded the expectations of the local theatre-goers in their masterly handling of their "difficult parts. Perhaps no one else could have taken the part of "Peter" in the satisfying way in which it was taken by Joan Barrymore, and Miss Collier was equally ideal ag ""Mimsey." The production is a dramatization of George du Maurier's novel, 'Peter Ibbetson," by John N. Raphael. The book and play employ psychic pheno- mena as a motif, the theme concern- {ing a man and woman who, com- panions in childhood, meet but twice in adolescenge, but who in dreams --controllable at will--meet and i know a communion of spirit more {real to them than their separate | waking existence It is to these dream scenes especially .that the drama owes much of .its effective- ness. John Barrymore brings to the delineation of the title role a person- ality ideally fitted to such an imper- sonation as that of the dreamy, romantic Peter, a voice of musical and vibrant quality. The part is one requiring the most discriminating and judicious treatment, and that Mr. Barrymore meets its demand at all points is a proof at once of his artistic restraint and his dramatic equipment Miss Constance Collier as the Duchess of Towers, the Mim- { gracious and tender portrayal. speakable Col. Ibbetson with broad- ly-marked strokes which left no doubt as to the utter blackness of the character. Wallis Clark as Major Duquesnois won applause for his assumption of the senility "4 ex- treme age, and Miss Alice John made the part of Mrs. Deane a most agreeable and natural one. Miss Alice Augarde Butler as Mrs. Glyn {impressed her individuality upon the role. In the dream 'scenes the act- ing of Master Joseph Monahan ' as Gogo, and little Miss Mildren Kahle as Mimsey, was refreshingly un- studied for such juvenile performers. The production fs to be repeated this (Tuesday) evening | NO ROOMS LEFT. | Commercial Travellers Complain of | Lack of Sleeping Aecommodation. i The trains into the city were near- {ly all delayed on Monday as a result jof Sunday's storm and the conditions | were strikingly reflected in _an utter {lack of hotel accommodation 1h the One traveller said: A tried several hotels and finally j had to take the Randolph's offering ,0f a bed in the parler. There were {others who did not reach the city { until later than 1 did=--nine o'clock-- and had.to go to boarding houses or | sit up all night.- This is a condition { which should be.remedied i Kings- ton is to hold its own as a centre for | commercial travellers." | Sending Parcels. | Several citizens have given parcels {to the American Consul to be for- Mwardedn to American soldiers in | Prande. This \action shows the ap- | preciation of Canadians of the Am- | erican soldiers. | J. W. Skinner, Brockville, has pur- | chased the McClearly famm pear | Domyville. RA 0 NY NN NNN NINN . Overseas' Boxes Safety Razors, Shaving Soap, Antiseptic Soap, Antiseptic Powder, and all the little comforts that £0 to make life bearable for the boys in the trenches SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Sts, Telephone 41. Aiud A 4 A 2 4 4 4 A a OUR BEST Advertisement comes from our hundreds of satisfied pat- . "ASK ONE" and "YOU" will come to us for your EYE GLASSES. We examine your eyes and make your glasses. . J.J. Stewart, Opt. D. Opposite Post Office. Clarence and Wellington Sts, "Maker Kingston. TTT TTT YY YT YTYTYY enn ' of the Better Glasses." 'For Marmalade BITTER ORANGES GRAPE FRUIT LEMONS ORANGES ~ Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things to Eat" Phone.26 Moxley's and Wilson's Chicago Oleomargarine. SR Blood Poison Developed {As the Result of Accident -- Nerves Break Down After Three Weeks of Suffering -- A Glowing Tribute To Treatment Used. Kingston, Ont., Feb. 12.--Blood poisoning seems to become more common from year to year, and the dread of it is ever on the increase. In the case reported here the doctor did not seem able to get rid of it, and after three weeks of suffering the patient was almost a nervous wreck. Mrs. Susie Thompson, Smith street, Kingston, Ont., writes: "Early in the fall of 1916-1 had a painful accident. 1 ran a sliver un- der my thumb nail, and neglected having it extracted. My thumb fes- tered very badly, in fact my arm was fearfully swollen up to the elbow. It developed into blood poison, and I had the doctor:lance it several times, but it failed to get better. With the intense pain and loss of sleep I became a nervous wreck. : After fol- lowing the doctor's orders for three weeks and not getting any: benefit 1 wrote my mother about it. By return mail she sent me a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment. The very first application eased the pain and I slept that night quite easily. 1 kept using the Oint- ment regularly, and by the fifth day" all the swelling was gone, and also the inflammation. , "During this time 1 had become so weakened and run down that my whole nervous system seemed affect- ed. 1 was very nervous and rest- {less, appetite became: poor, and I had frequent headaches. 1 decided to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and this as from the Ointment. Using the Nerve Food internally built up my Svstem, and made me strong, while using the Ointment externally heal my sore thumb. I am now quite oll, thanks to your wonderful reme- dies--the only regret I have is that I did oy using them earlfer; sa to box, § Tull treatment of § es for 2.75, at 4ll dealers, or Bdmanson, ates & Co. Limited, T Do not be into accepting a substi- tute, Tmitations only disc; aint. nothing of Doctors' bills." * {sey of Peter's boyhood, gave a inost | Ed- | i mund Elton drew the part of the un- | KINGSTON IS WITHOUT EERESORENRY STREET CAR oo 3 : Breakdown Of Generator Caus~ ed Tie-up of Line on Mon- | day Night. | 'As the result of a break down of | the generator at the power plant, ! Kingston was without a ear service on Monday night, and all day Tues- day. There is a chance of the ser- vice being resumed by to-night, but! this is not certain. : Following the snowstorm of Sun- day, a drizzling rain set in on Tues- 'day morning, and made tifings very disagreeable for the citizens. The power ran off at 5.40. p.m. Monday, and not a wheel was turned after that time. The company's big broom as well as the cars were left stalled on the tracks. 3 : GREAT WAR VETERANS rene Secretary Topping Cdt Off From Line Of Communications, At its weekly meeting on Monday evening'the Great War Veterans' As- sociation discussed resolutions that had been drafted by a special com- mittee regarding food conservation and production, and the alien ques- tion. "It was decided to call a special general meeeting on Wednesday to complete the discussion and decide For Wednes day Only Abernethy's Shoe Store ot 39¢c -- WEDNESDAY ONLY -- 200 pairs Children's Second Grade Rubbers, 39 Sizes 4 to 10. what to forward to the Government to show the local attitude regarding these all important questions. A case of evasion of the Military Service Act was brought to the atten- tion of the meeting, and the associa- tion intends to find out by what an- thority the O.C. of the depot battailon here granted leave to a recruit to complete his medical studies when Judge Lavell refused it, Early in the evening a long dis- tance telephone mesage was received from Secretary Topping that he was snowbound about thirty miles from the city LOOKING TOOOLD Many girls and women look old long before they should. Their faces hecome pale and drawn, wrinkles ap- pear, and their eyes are dull and lus- treless. The cause of this is weak, watery blood. This is also the cause of the headaches and backaches, and the general feeling of wretchedness that afflicts so many women and girls. From one cause or another the blood has become thin and wa- tery, and the victim has a premature- ly aged appearance. People with good blood are energetic and cheer- ful---people with poor blood despond- ent and unhappy. It is most important blood supply of girls should be regularly replenished important not only on the score of good looks, but to restore robust health which is of still greater va- lue. To obtain a supply of new, rich, red blood, nothing can equal Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. © These pills im- NEW SPRING HATS MOBILIZED An "army" of all the latest styles and eolors in men's hats for spring, are now mobilized here reddy for your inspection. SMART CAPS of the new kinds. A great va- riety of patterns. Prices as' usual -- Come in and see. that the and women had the same splendid results from | months of suffering, ¥ Chase's Nerve Food, 50 gents a |4 part a glow of health to the cheek, brightness to the eyes and - make tired, weary, breathless girls and woniep feel bright and happy. Any woman or girl who looks ill or feels ill has only herself to blame if this condition continues. because Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills will surely and speedily restore health and strength. This has been proved in thousands of cases, some of them in your ovwn neighborhood. 1f you are weak, or pale or ailing, or aré looking old be- fore your time, you owe it to your- self to give these pills a fair trial. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer. or by mail at 50 cents a box or six Boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MISSIONARY €ONCHRT - Spleidid Programme Rendered By Queen Street Epworth League. Under the auspices of the Epworth League, the missionary department of the league entertained a large and ap- preciative audience last night with a splendid programmg of solos, recita- tions, and dialogues. The feature of the evening was a dialogue entitled, "The Reception of Miss Canada," in which each of the nations at war against Germany were representated by ladies in appropriate costumes, It was a very patriotic and inspiring number, and was roundly applauded. Great credit is due to Miss V. Pryes- dell for her untiring efforts in arrang- ing such an excellent programme. It is expected that the Foreign Missions fund will benefit to the extent of some $40 or $50. Judge H. A. Lavell acted as chairman. | Milk Inspection. The milk inspector is efigaged in making tests of mll milk delivered in the city. "The fiscal year ends March 31st, and upon his recommen- dation depends the renewal of li-} censes for mext Year. He rts that the dairymen claim that the great difficulty they now have is in sécuning sufficient help to keep their herds and dairyies in proper condition. The regulations must be carried out. Cooke, Union street, receiv- ed a 'cable on Bunday notifying him of the'safe arrival in England of Capt. B. Cooke, late of New York. Capt. Cooke is serving with British AMC: tiffrfl som which Mr. and Mrs. Cooke 'h curred at Whittier, Mackie was notified of This makes the | Campbell Bros Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers ---- GAS ON STOMACH SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION HEARTBURN Instantly Relieved by BISURAT AGNESiA IN 5 GRAIN TABLETS AND POWDER FORM BISURATED Magnesia is Magnesia especially prepared for the safe, speedy and certain correction of dan- gerous stomach acidity. It comes only in the form of five grain tablets and powder in sealed blue packages. Do not confuse with commercial mag- nesia, milk of magnesia or citrate of magnesia. Look for the word BIS- URATED and get the genuifié from DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Knitting has revived its interest in aprons mow and it has immensé poc- kets on each side, 'is tinted tunic ef- fect on side and covers the waist. It 15 a slip-over and held in place about the waist with a sash, tied in front. Silk poplin suits and coats are selling for the early spring wear Fruit clusters are favorite€ for hat trimming. Boleros and Etons are being dis- plaved extensively, especially in silk: Silk and wool embroidery floss trim many of the bands of hats. Twing, dyed, is used to make floral novelties for hats. Dotted Swiss is beihg offered for Summer wear and promises to be the favorite. 2 'Challis dresses are among those being shown by the exclusive houses. From the winter resorts comes tLe information that astrich and feather boas are gaining in 'favor. Jet is used extensively as a trim- wing for millinery and dressmaking | Some Tips For Spring. purposes, Rickrack braid, dyed in rich shad- es, is used Ona straw shape to good. bat "Cloth s po, al Sale Another repeat in our big spring order of car- pet squares, oil cloths, linoleums and art blinds are in evidence of the ser- vice we are giving during our big sale. \ The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for Ambu- lance. JAMES REID A yy A Ask your "GROCER" For SUNKIST SEEDED and SEEDLESS RAISINS The Best for Pie or Cake. For the Chap Use Seely's day and night cream. See our window and come in and let us explain the alternating method which makes the face soft and smooth. Phone in your drug wants, We deliver. Prouse's Drug Store. re ---- mn. ( How Any Woman Can RemoveHairyGrowths \ (Beauty Culture) it is not longer necessary for a woman to visit a beauty specialist to have superflous hairs removed, for, with the aid of a plain delatone paste, she can, in the privacy of her \ own home, remove even a stubborn growth in a very few minutes. The paste is made by mixing some water with a little powdered delatone. This is applied to the hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes removed and the skin washed, when it will be left clear and hairless. Be sure you buy real dela- tone. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. A NN A Nt ttt tt IMPERIAL LIFE A father's biggest creditor is his family, which should he se- cured by adequate life insure ance in The Imperial Life. J. B. COOKE 832 King Street. Phone 508 Residence 842 Age t Have Your Car Over- hauled and Stored for the Winter CENTRAL GARACS ED, WALSH Proprietor, Aarau A dubai Anda effect. Plowers trim the hat. Knitting bags made of straw braid are being made to match the hats worn by the women mew. They are lined with cotton or silk. Handles are of braided straw. Rose and blue are the favorite colors for the plated ruches used with' organdie dresses for summer. They are being worn extensively at Palm Beach. Foulard with light ground and dark figures is being displayed for dresses and made in the new models is very attractive. . 4 Many new coatless hlouses are he- ing shown made of heavy material. Fine tucks are used t8 trim the 'dresses and blouses. At Belleville, Samuel Rogers. ac- cused of murdering James Gallagher on a Marmora township road on the death of his mother in Scotland. ¥ \ = 5 $a 3 June 30th, 1917, was acquitied by a Jary. : 2 i $

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