Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1918, p. 2

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E DAILY BRITISH WH ig uality Furs: STORE CLOSES DAILY 5 O'CLOCK JOHN McKAY, Limited. Kingston's Reliable Fur House, } | { | IN VERY BAD STATE | Have Trouble in Making! Trip to the City, i Farmers who » not compelled| to make a trip to the eity these days| do not care much al naking the} journey, for tt t the roads] are in a terrible ; a result of the recent snow ste i "Suow is piled in some places," ed on Tuesday quite a time to-day. The to go down, but Sunday's storm | made conditions even than | they were before, | "Rauks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Tiena Office, Royal Insurance MONTREAL as PBRCY )J. QUINN, Manager, Ontaric Branch, Terente W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ PEE At The BON MARCHE pa Cor. King and Earl There is a possibility of there be-| ing a deposit f coal in ti ¢ ty. | Phone 1844. z Both si rigs' Bators > dist regi brought into the Ame in Consulate | ceesee---- Farmers er remark-| 1 had the elty| commenced | getting Snow worse titties | Quinine That Does Not Affect Head. | Because of its tonic and laxative ef-| fect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE | (Tablets) can be taken by anyone | without causing nervousness er ring-| ing in the head. There is only one| "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S| gignature is on box [ some samples of slate which, accord ing toauthorities, are a sure indica-| tion of coal. The slate appears to] be very close to coal and it uld | indeed be a splendid thing this heating material ) Kingston, to close to UNITED GRO- CERY SPECIALS e For Two Weeks. Clayton Garrison, Morven, shipped one hog last Saturday which brought $99.80, EPP'S COCOA, 15c size reduc. dU ed to 10¢, 10¢ size, 8 for 25¢. Baby Vinola Soap, regular 10c cake, 8 for 25¢. Glycerine Oatmeal Soap, regu- lar 15¢ box, 2 for 25c. UNITED GROCERY 188 Princess Street. BEN LEE, Mgr. TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY TO HAVE YOUR EYES FIT- TED WITH GL/ TODAY IS BE Why put off having your eyes properly and carefully tested? Why put off the impor- tunce of bettering your eye sight. We are fully equipped to render you all the aid that glasses will give. Come in TODAY. J.S.Asselstine D.0.S Registered Optometrist. 342 King St. The Busy Optical Store. Is the best investment in King- ston today. We can show you some good properties. Here are a few brick residences from our lst: $8800-Alfred St.,, 8 rooms, hot air, $8700--Beverly St., 8 rooms, .. hot water. $8400-Collingwood St., 7 rooms, hot water. $8500--Garrett 8t., hot air. $2500--Ear] 8t,, R.C., 8 rooms, hot water, garage. A few dwellings from $750 up Also double dwellings, see office list. a McCANN'S + Some people try to 'hide their ignorance by saying that they are superstitious, At the Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and .oo 10e, 123% c, 15¢ Ib, Peaches; 2 lbs for 25c¢. pricots ... ... 1Be Ib, cea & Co Bweet Older at oN == That you should prepare for your Spring INCDENTS OF 1ooan jed the find | for | ment of the accused, stating that no OF TH NOTES AND ITEMS OF) GENERAL INTEREST. > od Ww Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the] Readers of the Whig. ! £ Lindsay, Pianos to rent, C, W. Itd. There was no session of the Po-ij lee Court on Tuesday morning W. Swain, piano tuner, 100 Clergy | A. Elmer at McAxu-{A. G ley's, or *phone 564. IF. A. : : ) Ladouceur's|J. F. McDonald J. A, street west. Orders left Mr. and Mrs little ven-year Hotel Dien His Now is the time plano tuned. Bert old home to | son is in the| is in Toledo. | tuners and will assure entire satis-|J. Gibson Iindsay, Ltd. i}, M, faction, C, W ] Mrs. A, Hanley, Wellington street, | is seriously ill pneumonia, but] strong hopes are now held for her of the late Robert on Tuesday to Rev. J. D, Ellis ey Wi held Cataraqui cemetery, officiating. score 13 to 6 We carry two expert! H. 8. Crumley J CURLING GAMES DAY! SEMI-FINAL | Stopped Because of Lights Going Out Are Finished. re much discussed Gildersleeve- gh semi-final carl game, sie. would have heen ed Sat y night H the Hght , was finished on M( The two énds pl sach rink one point, mes for Dr. W Two other semi-finge! gam ylaved on Mon y night as J. F. Rowland E. A. Stone WwW. P. Hedley McRae (Skip)11 ng ad the final were follows: Dorland Palmer (Skip) have your(J. E. Austin A. McMahon MeDonald H. Angrove Dr. Waugh (Skip)--8 ther 3 nere Elliott (Skip)---14 In the curling club series two semi-final games to et. The standing of the ri Won. Lost JM. Rotts... ., '2 1 J. A. McRae"s .. .. ] W. P. Archibald, parole officer of|{J. McDonald's .. the Department of Justice, Ottawa, is at the Portsmouth penitentiary, investigating cases for clemency, We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The funeral of the late Miss A, J Kelly, University Avenue, was held on uesday afternoon to Cataraqui cemetery. rev. J. W. Jones conduct- service, The Weather Man is handing out a variety of weather 8 week. Early Monday night it turned quite soft, and on Tuesday morning commenced to rain. Prevost, Brock street, has an ex- tra fine assortment of tweeds, cheviots and blue and black serges r his order clothing department. | His ready-made clothing aand gent"s | furnishing department are well as- | sorted with new goods at low prices. | An amendment to the Truanéy | act is proposed in the Legislature to | bring truanc y officers under the jur-| isdiction of trustees and women can| act as truancy officers. | Mrs, A. W. Bremmer and daugh- *, Montreal, have returned home, + spending a few days in the They came to see Mrs, Willlam Cammon, who is ill in the Gen-| eral Hospital, i We will rent you a piano, and at! { end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- | low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms | on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Id. cértainly Dr. F. Waugh's .... 0 1 x3 In the event of there being no ice, the rink with the'highest number of points to its credit wins the cham- pionship. The last chaneé for those who have not yet tried . for the points competition honors wilt be this evening. In the doubles there are only three games to play as follows: I. Jackson and E. Mooers 'play W. H. Mont- gomery and J. McDonald. The win- ners play J.*M. Elliott and A. Fowler. The winners of this play off with T. Slater and F. Lumb for the ¢ham- pionship. - THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. Expert of scrap iron f has been prohibited entirely The Spanish Cabinet will continue in office at the. King's request F. B. Secord, of the Meaford Ex- press, for common libel charged by a military officer, was committed for trial. The Ontario Government Depart- ment of Agriculture urging the production of ten million bushels of spring wheat. Grand Trunk Railway fic earnings from March 1918, $1,12 :s 18117, increase, $f The Unitec 3 is demanding a Canada om gystem traf- 1st to 7th: $1,063,190; { William Peach, who was born in i England, but recently had been liv- i ing at-Camden Bast, died in the Ho-! { tel Dieu. The funeral was held on| | Tuesday to Cataraqui cemetery, the | service being conducted by Rev. W. T. G. Brown. | A. AND 'N. VETERANS | { Criticize Dominion Alliance For Bringing W. J. Bryan to Canada, A large number of new members| were accepted for the Army and Navy Veterans' Association on Mon- day night's meeting, The members severely criticized the methods of enforcing the Military Service Act,| citing various cases to back those | charges. They also criticized Capt.| G. T. Bailey, now under arrest in Toronto, for his remarks about Ca- nadian soldiers being drunk on Christmas Day, The bringing of W. ' J. Bryan to Toronto by the Dominion Alliance at its convention was also before the meeting and a resolution of condemnation of the Alliance was passed. In recognition of St. Patrick's Day the veterans will hear, on Satur- day evening, an address by Father Casey on "Ireland." NOT AT KHAKI CLUB. Statement That Man Served Liquor There is Denied. In the police court on Monday a man named Waddell who was arrest- ed for being intoxicated, when ques- tioned by the magistrate, stated that hea had secured liquor at the Khak! Club. : One of the. men connected with this club called up the Whig by tele phone on Thursday morning and gave a strong denial to the state- person had been served with liquor at the club, The case was adjourned. by the magistrate in an endeavor to secure more evidence. Entertained Friends. A very pleasant time was spent on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilsen, 88 Quebec street, when their daughters entei- tained about twenty of their young friends. The hours were whiled away with music, games, ete, re- freshments being served about mid- night. The affair came to a close about one o'clock, all having spent a very enjoyable time, and voting the Misses Wilson very jolly entertain- ers, needs in Rugs and Linoleums while stocks are large a race low. The advantage of Rugs is obvious. They can be taken up and cleaned frequently. They can be ificrenily placed so as to vary | the appearance of the room. Our Rug collection embraces every style and weave from Ingrain Art Squares to the highest quality Wiltons. {two matinees Matinee ¥or Ladies Only, Dr. Zell Hunt will appear at only at the Strand this week, Wednesday and Saturday, The Wednésday matinee will be for ladies only: Dr. Hunt and Miss Burke will. answer -all legitimate questions "concerning health, busi- ness, friends, enemies, love, lost ar- ticles, travel and prospects. Dr. Hunt will also invite local young la- dies to try the experiments in hypno- tism. Paks | minister for fifty-one years, guarantee for the withdrawal of Ja- panese troops from Siberia immedi ately the Russian crisis is over, Some twenty the and soldie discharged as medically or physical- ly unfit for further service are to be brought back to (Canada this spring. tev. R. Robinson, Methodist died in Westmount on Sunday, aged seventy- eight years, His ministry was spent in Quebec Province, Toronto Council has endorsed a recommendation that J. W. Lyon, i presidppt of the Hydro-Electric Rail- way ASsociation af Ontario, be elect- ed to the Senate, . Capt, William Redmond has be- come a candidate for. the Parlia- mentary seat for Waterford, made vacant by the death of his father, John Redmond, Ontario has set the aim of inecreas- ing its acreage of cereals and other cultivated crops by 1,000,000 aeres, Quebec by 600,000, and the three Maritime Provinces by 400,000 acres. Eight thousand five hundred pounds of chicken, held in cold stor- age at Winipeg by thé Wm. Davies, Co. since October, 1916, was last week destroyed as unfit for human food. The Rumanian Premier, General Averesco, will resign as soon as the question of the new Rumanian fron- tier is settled. It is probable that Alexander Marghiloman, leader of the Conservatives, will sueceed him. At Camp Dodge, Towa, eight na- tional army men from St. Paul, Minn.; 'all professional Socialists, have heen sentenced to long' terms of imprisonment in the Leavenwarth henitentiary for refusing to obey or- aers, ra Buy Furs Now And Save Money Death of Rev. C. E. Mcintyre. Rev, Charles E. Melntyre, To- ronto, died on Monday, aged seventy years. ' He was a brother of D. M. Mcintyre, K.C., and of the Misses McIntyre, Johnson street. He was a Queen's graduate and entered the Methodist ministry in 1870. His eldest son, Lieut. D. N. Melntyre, was killed at Passchendaele last | Novémber. The remains will come hete for burial. i a ------------ Pte. V. N. Wenzel, Stratford; de- ranged through shell shock, suicided on Monday by outting Gis thraot. her p on all kinds of furs for next season. is the time to order your Hud son Seal Coat. (We Buy Row Furs) eph's Hospital, London, fH] teur hockey championship here ment of Agriculture points out that the fall of snow on Saturday and -- Delicate and momentous questions of Allied diplomacy < 1 bilities are raised By the proposal that Japan iro clutches the great military stores accumulated at and to forestall the German penetration of Asia Such intervention, of course, might produce friction, sia, and Germany is quick to see the advantage, for i Volkzeitung, either to a Russo-German agreement Japan and Germany. On the other hand, the Bosto DE Vladivostok ¢ Japan © ript against Russia. The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST fof March the Russian situation and summarize Other topics of immediate natic the first United States officer was wounded in France and the sign pla spot. Secure a copy at Phone 919 Open Nights What Will Happen if Japan ~ venes in Russia 16th ta 8 expert opinions in Japan and America. 1] interest in this number of "The Digest" ith military am Gern > Cologne between perhaps Japan's ermany"s operations latest phase in HE UNITED STATES SOLDIERS UNDER FIRE Sidelights upon their first engagement with the Germans and a picture showing the dugout where ced by the Franch to mark the The College Book : Store Phone 919 Hosiery LADIES' NIGGER BROWN CASHMERE HOSE, all sizes .. . . 50c¢ a pair LADIES' WHITE CASHMERE HOSE, all sizes .. 95¢ a pair LADIES' FINE LISLE HOSE, with silk boot; dainty shades, including canary, nigger brown, navy, all sizes. Special, .. .. $1.00 a pair RRC wae a se ee AA AA Pr PM Pa AANA NN LITTLE DARLING HOSE FOR THE KIDDIES, white, pink, sky, tan, car- dinal, black; all sizes. Popular prices. Newman & Shaw . THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE nd WV RY YY YY YY YY YY YY Vv CONFIDENCE IN SFR ADAM. | patna BUILDERS' SUPPLIES wey And Favor Taking Over Three of the i d Canadian Railways. | 0 S an (Canadian Press Despatch) | Ti I er Toronto, March 12.--The Toronto hydro-radial and Ontario municipal! Sawn to your. order electric association committees \meet-| ing here to-day passed several reso-!| lutions expressing confidence in Hon. | Adam Beck and the policies of the! Hydro-Eleetric commission, They | expressed some alarm over attempts to curb the power of the Hydro-elee- tric Commission, and also favored| taking over the G.T.R. and combine] ing it with the G.T.P., Canadian] Northern and Transcontinental in| one system. President J. W. Lyon! argued that the nationalization reso-| lutions at this time should not in-| clude the C.P.R., and the meeting! agreed with him. | 5. ANGLIN & C0. Woodworking Factory, Lum- ber Yards. Bay & Wellington Streets. Kingston, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14145. KITCHENER AND WINNIPEG To Meet To-night n World's Cham- pionship Hockey Game. Suesses Lumber, Coanl and Wood WATCHES For over 70 YEARS this same firm has held public cons fidence. Our guarantees have had all our stability behind them and we have lived up to every one. We know watches "from the ground up," in every detail. We can quote you unequal. led prices for all new watches, We can handle your repairs reasonably, quickly, and as efliciently us we always have. Pa pte Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, I {Raw Furs W. F. Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. I Own Your Own -Home and Be Con- tented. Why pay rent when you esn Own your own home. Rent re- Célpts are valueless. A. deed to Your home is better than money in the bank. A mew detached frame, trally loented, with farge den, for $1750, Livingston Ave, frame, ~ rooms, 4 plece bath, cellar, Bar. den and stable, 84500, Dotible brick, Harrie St, 6 bed roows, electric light, Improve. ments, gos, furnace, $5200, ; Montreal street, brick, 7 rooms, urnace, gas, electrie 1 entrance, $2000, ht, Side Call at office for roll list. We well all Kinds of Insurance. E. W. Mullin & Son Cer. Johnson snd Division Ste. Phones 530 and 1454, cen. gare 4 (Canadian Press Despateh.) Toronto, March 12.-----All is set for the first round of the world's ama- to~ night between Winnipeg Y pres, thampions of the west, and Kitchen- ers, champions of the O.H.A. Joth teams, In the opinion of local critics to-day, are in great shipe, and show beiter hockey ability than seen here fer years. The betting is about even, with. Kitchener having slightly the edge. ay $ Forget Corns ---------- Helps Fall Wheat. . Toronto, Mareh 12.--The Depart- Sunday will not hurt the fall wheat, but will rather protect it from the damage usualy caused in thé thaw- 1] ing and freezing process. $700,408, and floating debt $29,203 1] 983,255. Smith's Falls' debenture debt is Rateable property is assessed at $3.- Nesdn't cut them----which fs Dr. J. A. Devlin, a prominent Stratford physician, died in St. Jos- The death occurred at Timmins, Ont., on Tuesday. of George Hazel- ten, a former resident of Westport. Duty very & Y and per- aften re and' mits curiosity to get e ghead of it. ves Sah By getting rid of them. Forget the ; cause by using REXALL CORN SOLV according to the very simple directions the corn still annoys you, comme back 5 A Rexall Stores y moe Ae RA eS ae a Your pain and diseg and in a ory ud Money, : nd get your MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE A -- PR i i

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