Fresh Haddock and Cod, t Whiting, Tom Cods, Smelts, Oysters. Dominion Fish Co. NY) IN BLADDER Hl Pelioved In J ---------------------------------- Bissell Carpet Sweep- ers Made Over New. All Repair Work Done, 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 BEST'S Holl ! Are made with the same care as PRESCRIPTIONS and their popularity grows day by day; and about your doce tor's prescription, please re- member that we are always on the job waiting to serve you and dispense your medicine as the doctor would have it. Let tions. us have your prescrip- Popular Drug Stores. Phone 59. Branch 2018. RETURNED NEN'S RECORDS ISSUED BY THE SPECIAL SER- VIOE HEADQUARTERS, © The Public Are Given Some Interest. ing Information With Regard to Men Who Receive Their Dis. charge. 819,868, Private J in Kingston with "C" Battery, went overseas in August 1816, In England the unit was stationed at Shorneliffe. On proceeding to Franee he transferred to the th Battery on the Somme, He was in action on the Jatter front, also at Vimy Ridge, in both fronts he got wounded, though officially he was only shown as wounded on the Vimy front. He was treated at No. 3 British General hos- pital at Le Treport, aand No. 7 Cana- dian General haspital at Le Havre. In England he was at Colchester Mil- itary hospital, and Epsom Convales- cent, He returned on the 17th of last month, His home is in Man- chester, England. 725,020, Private J. H. Owen, en- listed December 13th, 1915 in the 109th Battalion in Lindsay. He train- SYRUP OF FIGS FOR CROSS, SICK enlisted and Smith, ed at Barrieficld the following sum- mer until the unit went ovesseas in July 1916. In England they were stationed at Oxney Farm and Bram- shott. = From there he was drafted to the 24th Battalion in , France, joining them at Bois-grenier. He was in action at the latter place also at Vimy, at Passchendaele he got gassed, and was sent to Rouen hos- pital, and later crossed to England to Newport hospital, Wales. He was thirteen months a France, return- ing to this country on February Sth last. His home is in Oakwood, Ont. 633,533, Private F, Deslaurier, en- listed 27th of February, 191% in the 154th Battalion in Hawkesbury, He trained at Barriefield before going overseas, In England the unit was stationed at Bramshott, where Des- lauries transferred to the 3rd Lab-! our Battalion and accompanied them to France. He worked at Audrie and around Ypres during ten months in France. He returned to Canada last month. His home is in Hawkesbury. JAPAN SAID TO HAVE SUPPORT OF BRITAIN Washington Draws This Infer- ence From Lord Robert Cecil's Statement. Washington, Mareh 11---Japan has and will continue to have strong British backing for any interven- tion step she contemplates in Siberia. This was the inference drawn to- FEVERISH CHILD If Little Stomach is Sour, Liver Tor- pid or Bowels Clogged. Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs." because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, and they become tightly packed, liver gets sluggish and stomach disorder- ed. . When cross, feverish, restless, see it tongue is coated, then give this delicious "'fruit laxative." Children love it, and it can not cause injury. No difference what ails your little one--if full of cold, or a sore throat, diarrhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath, remember, a gentle "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look varefully and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." We make no smaller size. Hand back, wif contempt any other fig Subscribers To "The Veteran" Subscribers who have not yet received copies of The Veteran should send their names and addresses to the Secretary, G.W.V.A,, P.O. Box 78, or leave the same at the Club Room. Py {LF Cover M---- ¢ Aluminum utensils are. } this saucepan and lk and enameled utensils Cup THE COUPON -- $2. 35 "Wear Ever" inum four quart (wine mea- sure) Straight Saucepan and day from the statement of Lord Rob- ért Cecil, Britain's blockade minis- ter, strongly favoring the interven- tion. He warned that Germany is bent on a stupendous plan of werld conquest, and that Japanese aid will help materially in thwarting it to the eastward, Japan will doubtless seize upon his words as added encouragement for her proposal, despite American views against the step. The State Department early to-day was with- out @& definite answer from Japan, though there were indications that she may be prepared to present strong arguments on the need for a movement in the light of German penetration into Russia, THOUGHT SON. DEAD, Mother Made III by Meeting Her Boy on Street. Ga., March 11.--Mrs. Rosa Holley Whitehead, Saturday, recovering at her home here from the shock of meeting her son, whom she thought dead, walking along the street in perfect health. A few days ago she went to Louisville and buried the body of a man she believed to be her son Aubrey. Some weeks ago Aubrey went to Louisville. Nothing was heard from him for two weeks. Later the body of a man was found in the Ohlo river. Aubrey's sisters viewed the body and hastily conclud- ed it was their brother. The mother then journeyed to the Kentucky city and provided an expensive funeral. Atlanta, The Flax Growers' Association finds a shortage in Indian labor for pulling owing to enlistments, and may seek to obtain Jews from Tor- onto instead. { Hair Coming Out? f{|: . : Dandruff causes a feverish irrita- tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bot- tle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into 'he scalp. After several applications the hair stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Alum- v ~SWear Ever" HIE Weekat MoKolvey & Birch, Limited and Coupon if present- the same.' In ond recard © hrs 1008 fal price, we are requ tory this conpon dred: plainly Address 'That's why so any women prefer "WeardEver, If the difference hei won ""Wear-Bver" ed March [1th to 16th, 1918. Thereafter price will be $2.35. get and other kinds of aluminum ; LEE IST 20 YEMS WAS. CONE LON STRUGGLE Mrs. Bradbury Cheerful And Happy All the Time Now, She Says. "My life has just been one long hard struggle for the past twenty years, and the way I have suffered can't be described in words," said Mrs. Annie Bradbury, living at 24 Wellesley street, Toronto, recently. "There have been many times when it seemed like I would have to give up and quit trying to get well," she continued. "Up to the time 1 started taking Tanlac, no medicine or treat ment had given me relief from my dreadful condition. I was just as near a nervous wreck as a person can be. The least little noise would startle me and Dring on a trembling spell and I would get despondent and blue and just sit down and cry until I would almost go distracted. I couldn't sleep at night amd when morning came 1'd be all wornout and tired until I just had to force myself to keep going. [had no appetite and my energy left me gradually until I was so weak I could scarcely move. My heart would flutter and act queer and I lost weight and got 80 thin that my rings would slip from my fingers. Fifteen years ago I 'was operated on, but my condition was unchanged, and 1 have been going down hill ever since until here a while back, my hus- band got a bottle of Tanlac for me and 1 started taking it, "1 never saw or heard of anything more wonderful than the way this Tanlac has benefited me. My nerves are strong and steady now and 1 am cheerful and. happy instead of blue and discouraged. 1 have a big appe- tite, and enjoy every meal. My strength has increased until the housework is a pleasure to me, in- stead of a drugdery. 1 have already gained ten pounds in weight and am gaining every day. Several of my friends are now taking Tanlac, since I've told them what it has done for me, and they as well as 1 think there never was a medicine made that equals Tanlac. It has done me more good than all the medicine and treat- ments | have taken in twenty years and I'm delighted over my recovery." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- ler, in Battersea by C. 8S. Clark, in Fernleigh by Erwin Martin, in Ardoch by M. J. Sullivan, --ADVT. THE VOICE OF THE PULPIT= REV. C. E, KIDD, GANANOQUE, IN SYDENHAM STREET CHURCH. Rev. Mr. Coates, of Iroquois, Occu- pied the Pulpit of the Queen Street Methodist Church, Rev. C. E. Kidd, of Gananoque, preached in Sydenham Street Meth- odist church Sunday morning and evening. He took as his evening subject the word, "Spending." This, the speaker said, was an indication of the character of a man, his real self coming out in the use he makes of what he earns. According to Isaiah, there are three ways of spend- ing--Tfor necessities, comforts and worship The point that Mr. Kidd brought out was based on the words, "Deliv- er me for thou art my God." If we believe in God, Who can deliver us as we profess to, He should have first place in our thoughts, and in our spending. Our worship should not be a matter of conventionality. Illustrations were drawn by the speaker from some years of his work on the Pacific coast, reference being made to coast Indians. They have] often done as in the text, cut down a tree from which they would make a canoe, a fire and a totem or figure- head. We profess. to despise the heathen in their blindness, but it is quite possible that we are working along the same lines: that a good bank balance or an established busi- ness has first place in the thoughts. . Two Uplifting Sermons. Rev. BE. W. 8. Coates, Iroguols, was the preacher in Queen street Metho- dist church on Sunday and delivered two "uplifting sermons. The morn- ing one on the way of access to God through Christ, and in the cvening in the Soul's consciousness of the presence 6f God. The choir was out in force and the singing of familiar hymns was hearty. In the morning Allan Haffner gave a solo and at night two guartettes sang, the male quartette rendering "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me," and Mrs, Evans, Mrs. Me- Calum, Messrs, Pettigrew and Me- QCalluta offering "Love Divine." At Princess Street Church. Rev. W. E. Loug, of South Pitts burgh, preached &t both services in the Princess stréet Methodist church, 2 ing sermons. At the moriing service he spoke on "The Golden Rule," and in the evening he based his discourse | Probs: 'Tuesday, milder. pre, RANNSANSEENEANNEEARNSNRARSENAANERNAETHNAEN EER & Be, % A Magnificent Display of We now have complete what we believe the greatest showing of New York suits ever displayed in Kingston. Every style tendency of fashion is shown in the most desirable fabrics and wanted shades. The prices, too, are surprisingly small! We invite your most critical comparison. SUITS PRICED FROM $18.50 UP. Alterations Free of Charge-- Any suit will be laid aside until wanted by payment of a small deposit. Choose Your Easter Suit Now! While stocks are most complete. Come ing only to look them over -- you're welcome! Steac Limited § Dteacy's . Limited | EEE RGN ANESAE CARER EY ERENES } DO <Q 51] 9 IS ©) ha © INTTIAL YT Monday is Opening { ! Yo Of The Now Famous WHITE PROGRESSIVE CLUB Twenty-five Cents Is All You Need. Come and let us tell you about it. THE WORLD'S BEST SEWING MACHINE PLL ACED WITHIN REACH OF EVERY HOME. Do your part by doing your own sewing. We are making it possible for every woman to have the best, practise economy and se by over fifty years' roputation. BUY EASY SEW EASY PAY EASY [1St Payment #59, pava 3rd pay +in ya Seven Reasons Why YOU SHOULD JOIN AT ONCH | 25¢ | 5th Fre 1. Because the White is made by a big establish. { od organization. Canadian Factory . Guelph, Ont. Sth baym't] United States Factory . . Cleveland, Ohio e Because no better machine is made. Ther are over five million satisfied ypers of the White all over the world. 3. Because you grt guaranteed quality, backed by over fifty years' reputation. 42 Because the first cost is so low. 3. Becamse the Club Payments are easily made. + 6. Because prices will be higher after the:club closes. 7. Because this opportunity may not come again. THE SPECIAL CLUB PRICES are permit ted by the manufacturers during this Sale only 133 Ind pay m't/SIed parm' t34ch Fe will . You Have Your Choice of Any | De BR WHITE 36th paym'tiiTth paym't ra aa 188 Payment $160 At Specially Reduced Prices Don't Delay -- Only 25 Machines--Only 25 Memberships Are Open this number are enrolled no more will be sold at the Club Prices. Remember the time to take advantage of this offer is lim -ACT Now. remium Re An additional feative of the White Progressive Club is this opportunity to save 10 conts Syecdl Dis- count on each final payment you make before it is due. g Compl Sos the WHITE, And Have Us Explain The Plan. 76d Sth Jn 10th _baym'i{lith paym't} i Tbe o = {| 12th paym'tilSth paym"t/l4th paym'tiisth paym't Toe i $1.00 i $1.00 $1.00 if 16th payne ith paymism paym'tiioth paym't $1.00 $110 $110 { $1. | 20th paym Hus: pavm'ti22nd paym'tiZird pay! $1.19 $1.20 | $1.20 $120 if Mh a Hea prym'y 26th Pam Ain pay] SU RP Ath Parison paym'ti3oth paym' eiad m't 03 ea et Pe +40 { When