THE UTILITIES COMMISSION CONSIDERABLE ROUTINE TAKEN UP AT MONDAY'S MEETING Prices for Lighting Quoted to the R, M, OC. -- Rates for Penitentiary and Rockwood Hospital to Be Taken Up. The Utilities Commission held a meeting on Monday afternoon, pass- ed on considerable routine business, and then held a private conference on the finances It is expected that a statement on these will be made in the near fu-} ture. The chairman, G. Y. Chown, presided, and also present were | Commissioners R. F. Elliott, T. J. Rigney, R.N.F. Macfarlane and' Mayor Hughes. The chairman and the manager were given power to purchase forty transformers, while the manager was i 180 given power to purchase a meter for the Campbell power line. ' | The chairman was given the au- thority to purchase a 450-horsépower synchronous motor for the water- works pump house. The metor will be secured from a Sarnia firm and will cost $3,000. | The banking business of the com-; mission was under consideration, and | it was decided that it should be car-| ried on by the city treasurer and the | Bank of British North America. i The insurance on the commission's property expires on March 1st, and the insurance will be renewed, and at the same time there will be a few adjustments. The manager was instructed to se- cure a report on the cost of the re- moval of two boilers from the power house, to the old stone building, to be used for gas making. Mr. Bur- nett, the expert, who acted on differ- ent matters for the Commission, ad- vised making the removal, and mr. | Folger was also in favor of it. The] Commission is anxious to know just how much it would cost to make the change. The commission decided to pur chase a generator from Peterboro. A line was out to secure one from Bos-| ton, but it appears that there would be considerable delay in securing it, and thus it was decided to get it in| Peterboro. { The manager reported Raving quot- { . | There is a Message In This Lady's Story SHE TELLS WHAT DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS DO FOR WOMEN. She Was Troubled with Weakness and | Her Daughter Had Nervous Trou- ' ble. Dodd's Kidney Pills Proved Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 25.--(Spec- ial) ~The story told by Mrs. H. Dick- ens, of 70 Tom 8t., this city, carries a message. of hope to every. suffering woman in Canada. "After my baby was born," Mrs. Dickens states, "I used to suffer with my back and had no heart to do my work around the home. Bat I read about Dodd's Kidney Pills and what they have done for others, so I thought I would get a box and see what they would do for me, "1 am pleased to say that after taking two boxes I found such great relief T would not be without them in the house. "My daughter, too, had heen very sick on and off for a long time. Her nerves got so bad 'we were afraid we would see her in the hospital. But I am pleased to say she is better through taking Dodd's Kidney Pills, "I never thought Dodd's Kidney Pills could have done such good work and I am telling all my friends about them." Women's troubles, or nearly all of them, come from sick kidneys. The cure for them is the old established remedy for sick kidneys, Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. | Canadian General 8. 'Samson Cordage Works j emptying the bag one of the potatoes| jhad a string tied around it and a | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1918. ed rates fora supply of electricity to the Royal Military Col. Perreal will take the matter up with the authorities at Ottawd and the iagj 4 teal with > o Smmission will deal with the matter THIS ASSOCIATION AN IT. The ager is also taking up the] ail -------- da Buna ger | for the pe rkIary i br. W. G. Anglin Stated That There and Rockwood Hospital Would Soon be Three Pool Tables Mr. Coulter, who has property at} and a Billiard Table. . > the corner of Princess street and theé| A well-attended meeting of the Great War Veterans' Association Bath Road. wrote asking $200 dam- was held on Monday evening in their ages for trees injured by hydro-elec- tric men in bringing the line into the! splendid new quarters on Princess street. city. The solicitor will be asked to report on this claim. In the communications were a lei The accounts were passed: ter from the brothers and sisters ol National Eleetric Heating the late Capt. H. A. Swaine, thank- Co.. ing the G.W.V.A. for its expression of sympathy; letters of regret for being unable to attend the official opening of the rooms from Dr. J. W. Edwards, A. M. Rankin, W. D. Black and Commonder Nixon, R.N. C.; a letter from W. J. Roche, which stated that the local branch of the G.W. VIA. would be informed of all vacancies in the Civil Service and that returned soldiers would be placed at the head of the list. The list of names of men who had not received post discharge pay, be- calise their names and addresses had been lost, was drawn to the atten- tion of the members, and it was stat- ed that any man who had not receiv- ed discharge pay should see | that his name is on the lst. | The meeting was informed that | government aid would be given to men 'who were in a position to assist | in greater production, A motion prohibiting gambling in the rooms was passed. It was also decided to hold a practice dance on Friday next and a regular dance on the following Friday. The enter- | tainment committee was appointed, with Comrades Westbeare, Eva, Bal- | lard and J. 8S. McDonald as members. The addition of a "Ladies" Chapter" was discussed, and was also the ques- tion of foreign labor. Both matters | o | Will be brought up at the next meet "ling. { Comrade (Dr.) W. (i. Anglin stat- ed that a billiard and three pool ta- {bles would be installed in the near | future. | For the coming ball the hall will | be decorated. The sale of tickets is | pjogressing splendidly. The Com-| | mandant of the R.M.C. has given per-| : | mission for the cadets to attend. | A Kingston lady purchased a bag | Gen. Maunsell and a representative| of potatoes recently from a local} of the 1,0.D.E. will receive the grocer. She paid him forty cents a|Buests. J peck or $2.40 a bag for them. In| INO GAMBLING FOR G.W.YA. THE RETURNED SOLDIERS OF College. Electric 0a... .... \i .. » Turbine Equipment pany, Lad. .. . Anglin & Co. ... Bradden & McKegney Canadian Meter Co. Canadian Northern Drummond MeCall Limited sae Basy Washer Co. .. .. Major H. W. Taylor .. C. Donoghue .. Electrical Equipment Co Great North Western Tele- Eraph 00. =. v1 Grand Trunk Railway Hydro-Electric Power mission an, ' Imperial Oil Co., Ltd Jackson Press .. .. . ningston Milling Co. New England Cafe . New Business Office . . Northern Eleetrie Co Wm. J. Paul Allan M. Reid Com- . 1,330 49. ar eh. 103. Railway 1. & Co, Com- Heating Co. Ltd Simplex Eleetri Standard Meter Co., Geo. A. Wright E. Chown & Son W. C. Rogers Total $: PROFIT OF $1.40 MADE ON $1 Note in Bag of Potatoes Which Shows Grocer Made Big Changes in Train Service. {/ The Canadian NortHern Railway card attached. It bore the wording,|3nnounces the following temporary "I sold at $1 for a 90-1b. bag. What|changes in train service, eflective did you pay?" Signed, Alexander P.{Feb. 24, 1918. Train No. 18, from Burns, Enterprise, R.M.D., No. 3. Trenton, will be cancelled. Train No. The profit on this bag of potatoes 18 will leave Trenton at 7.00 a.m. was almost 150 per cent., being $1.40 | daily except Sunday, arrive Kingston on a $1 bag. Inquiries were made 10.30 am. Train No. 15 will be can- to determine who this profit went to.|¢elled between Kingston, Yarker and ' faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The farmer most probably "pooled" | here in a big load. He may have! himself. In any case this load was] sold to the grocer who retailed them | a few months later with 150 per cent. profit attached. . \ On a Western Trip. Conductor John Craig is away to Marengo in the Moose Jaw section of Saskatchewan where he owns a sec- tion of land. He has gone out upon a business trip, and substituting for him on one of the Renfrew-Kingston trains is Conductor Spooner, 2 Grand Trunk Railway System. A change of time will be made on March 8rd., 1918. Particulars lat- er. W. J. Campbell, Napanee, has ac- cepted a position*in Hamilton, with the G. W. Robinson Co., and will leave within a few weeks. Mrs. Campbell and her two sons, Coburn and Donald, remain in Napanee un- til the end of the school year. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We carry tuners and will assure entire satis- 3 The Best for Aarhaaraihahhaaigh aria Ask your "GROCER?" For SUNKIST SEEDED and SEEDLESS RAISINS nah Wy Wy Ah a hah hha Pie or Cake. dh Aras WR GARD FACE POWDER, TALCUM, ROUGE AND PERFUME, AT. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE ~~ Telephone 41. adh hg ry { Aarau dh dhe A a i' {day night, | oned and d Trenton. No. 17 will operate be- the Remedy They Both Needed. | his potatoes with others which came|tWeen Kingston and Trenton only. i Connection with Toronto-Ottawa {been able to make up the whole load | trains at Harrowsmith remains the same, Further particulars obtainable from. City Ticket Agent er Depot Agent, Canadian Northern Railway. "Pretty Papa' Pleased. "Pretty Papa" was enjoyed by a big audience at the Grand on Mon- There was an abundance of good singing and dancing. The male quartette is deserving of spe- ¢ial mention, The most popular of the musical selections were "Rock- away" and "All Bound Round." The dialogue is very interesting, There are a number of strange mix-ups which prove very amusing. Halton Powell, in the leading role of Alonzo Brown, gave an excellent portral of a tipsy husband. His company was ithe feature of the production. Al the other parts were well taken, and the chorus, which had a great deal to do, could sing well and its differ- ne numbers were liberally applaud- The remains of Mrs. (Rev.) Menzo Ainsworth, who died at Georgetown, Ky., were brought to Burr's, Prince Edward county, for burial. She was formerly Annie Bradley. Fhe Food System The Source of Life Any Derangements of Liver or Kid- neys That Interfere with Digestion and Assimilation of Food Rob and Deplete the Body. St. Catharines, Ont., Feb. 26.--It matters not how good your appetite, how 'you relish your food, or how much you eat, so long as there is any- thing to interfere with proper diges- tion and assimilation of the food by the body, strength and vigor will gradually decline and weakness and debility take their place. The most frequent cause of disor- dered digestion is sluggish action of the liver, kidneys and bowels. The whole alimentary canal, through which the. food passes on its way through a body. bedomes choked clog , and the system is pois- liseased. ' Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills have been wonderfully successful in exactly this class of disease, princi- pally because they act di; on the £5: every {ing Had An Interesting Time, | Last Tharsday afternoon the mem- | bers of the Junior Econoniies class in Queen's university visited the Locomotive Works, and was conduct- | ed through the plant by J. H, Birkett. The visit was greatly enjoyed and ; Mr. Birkett's kindness was much ap-! preciated, his explanations of the various processes being followed with interest and attention. This is the second local industrial plant the class has visited, the mill of the Dominion Textile Company hav- ing been visited before Christmas, when the manager, Mr. Cook, gave the class a most instructive account of the various processes of the cotton spinning industry. These visits to lo- cal plants are highly appreciated and form a most valuable additign to the course in Economics in the Univer sity. The managers who so kindly give up their time to conduct: the visitors around and lecture to them on the work going forward are to be very highly commended - for their readiness . to place their knowledge at the service of Education. SEASON AT PETAWAWA THE PROSPECTS FOR THE CAMP DURING THE SUMMER. A Difference of Opinion As to What Use Will be Made of the Grounds ---Preparations Being Made For a Full Camp. Pembroke Observer : As the season approaches there is considerable speculation locally as to the prospects for Petawawa camp, next summer, During the last two | seasons it was used only for artillery purposes, several thousand men being in training, and it may be that it will be uséd only for this purpose during the season ahead, while some think that there will be very few men in| training dn Canada next sumer. | Draftees under the Military Service; "Act are being sent overseas as quick-| ly as possible and will receive train-| ing there, but it seems most probable that the artillery will again train here. We unde and that an extra' supply of ice is being stored at Peta- wawa this winter, while the other | usual preparations are being made, | so that in all likelinood there will be as many men in training at least as during the past two years. The new Y.M.C.A. building, which cost about} $17,000, will he in readiness as soon | as the camp opens, and the good | work which this organization in the| past earied on under canvas will, 'henceforth be conducted under much more favorable. conditions. v ©0AL, FOR TORONTO. : i Alberta Coal Is To Be Given a Trial | VISITED LOCOMOTIVE WORKS | FENDER BEEEEE. BRE A Class From Queen's University | a $3.9 boots; regular $5.00, day only a FN u Furs OW At the recent large sales of Raw Furs, the prices have ad- vanced materially on practically There. The following is - taken from the Edmonton Bulletin: R. L. McIntyre of McGregor & Mec- Intyre, Limited, structural steel manufacturers of Toronto, who has; heen in Edmonton for. the past month, | has made arrangements to have a car) of Alberta coal sent to him at Toronto, He was . much impressed with the, burning qualities of Alberta coal and! greatly surprised to learn that, on February 9th the first day when the fuel controller's orders restricted the use of coal in Ontario, even to the closing of manufacturing plants, one of the largest mines 1m the Edmonton district was closed down for lack of orders, The people of Toronto will now Yhave an opportunity of seeing Alberta coal burn in their homes. It may be that a new market will be opened for coal as the result of this shipment. It would be indeed interesting if dur-, ing the present year Ontario manu-| facturers came to Alberta for their) supply of coal, ROCKWOOD EXPENDITURES | | ! | { 4 $40,000 Voted For Additional Land and Building Additions. { i In connection with the sipplement- ary estimates of the province for the fiscal year ending October 31st, 1918, appears the following of local institutions: Rockwood Hospital--To increase salaries of assistant superintendent, $100; second assistant physician, $200; bursar, $100; storekeeper, $100; laundryman, $50; painter, $50; engineering staff, $4,000; groceries, provisions and butchers' cattle, $4. 000; fuel, light and water, $5,000; maintenance and repairs of buildings, etc., $1,000; maintenance and re- placement of furniture, etc., $400; maintenanfe of plumbing, ete, $I. 000;; drainage, $500; reconstruction of closets, ete, $2500; of electric light system, $2,000; remadelling and addition to present buildings, $10,- 000; fire alarm and fire protection, ! $1,500; for purchase of additional] land, $30,000, #OR CROP FINANCING. Banks Given Usual Authority For Excess Circulation, An order-in-council has been passed granting the customary auth- ority 'to chartered banks to issue ex- cess circulation from and jncluding Mareh 1st to August 31. A limit is fixed of fifteen per cent. of the combined unimpaired capital ond ves or reserved fund. 0 authority is usually granted year to facilitate crop finane- : » 5 A h : Roman Catholic Socleties are ar- Jansing for « Mg sadn on March =] Laird, painter, purchased a Tamworth. On a trial the minutes' Burchased the stock of D. Day, Nap all furs, and this means that all furs for next season will be ad- vanced in price. Take advantage of our press ent low prices. Campbell Bros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. - wd Fromme Are You Prepared For the Spring - Attack ? If not, build up, your physis, cal resources with . Stearn's Wine of Cod Liver Extract, Wampole's Tasteless Emulsion, 'Nyal's Cod Liver Compound, and Beacon Emulsion with hy« pophosphites. They are all real good builders and excellent ton ics to take right now. Closes at 9 p.m. y Prouse's Dr ug Store. teint) A ee oe eat at Rain, Wind And Snow, Just to let us see that he could change his mind, the Weather Man, who brought Old Sol oft in all his ' glory on Monday, gave us {wo more, rapid changes. Towards night it! rained. . Then followed a ° terrific wind storm and aftey this came a; snow flurry. Kingston certainly had; some variety, but of the kind that citizens do not at all appreciate. Canadian Casualties, Wounded--E. B., Cummings, Al- motte; C. E. Humphreys, Renfrew; Lieut. 8. N. Dancey, Picton; t. A. T. Porter, Lindsay; B. Harrison, Minden; S. Smith; Sydenham. IE. C. Munro, Perth. : Gassed---D, Ross, Alexandria; FB N. Porter, Bloomfield; G. L. Lalonde + 4 Cornwall, r. and Mrs. Archie Caton have closed their home in New: h for the winter, and are staying in Nap- anee at the Campbell House, IT AY Tuesday !- Ladies' lace and brown kid laced values; offered for Tues- A few other good bargains. Abernethy's Shoe Store : PAGE FIVE ENEENEANERNPURNANNMNRNNEN J i ) ' kid button, kid $5.50 and $6.00 $3.95 ny Our Big February Furn BEDDING --Cold Blast Odorless Pillows, 6 lbs. pair -- Only $3.50. MATTRESSES---All Wool, built in layers, assort- ed ticks -- Only $10.00. Hercules Woven Wire Springs, cable edges, best grade, No. 91 -- $4.50. Brass Bedsteads in Velvet, ribbon finish, two inch post, in all sizes, $18.00. REID'S QUALITY -- REID'S LOW PRICES. JAMES REID Phone 147 The Leading Undertaker on ya a Mit 0 i NINN PN "Government Standard Flour Kingston Milling Co. Limited Is Eminently Satisfactory To All Users. HUNGARIAN---For Bread. WHITE ROSE---For Bread and Cake. CROWN---Winter Wheat Pastry. For Sale by All Dealers, KLIM Use it regulacly in place of fresh milk. IT IS PURE, GEN- UINE separated milk in pows der form. A pound makes four quarts. 85 , cents, Reduce your milk bill. H.C. Merriman Successor to J. A. BOYD 611 Princess Street Phone 847. Marmalade | Oranges We received today a small shipment of Seville oranges. they are hard to get, and season will be short, We advise Quick Buying Henderson's 5961 Brock St. Phone 279 A square house to deal with. CLOTHING ON EASY "TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. --" ii Advertisew it comes from our hundreds of satisfied pat rons. "ASs ONE" and "YOU" will come to us for your EYE GLASSES. : ' We examine your eyes and make your glasses, iture Sale '