Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1918, p. 4

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BEST'S SEASON- ABLE SPECIALS Dr. Hiekey's Speedy Cube for colds and € iehitls, is easily &, leader iis fleld, The quaMty has been maintained and the price the same. 25 ets Mentholnted Halm always finds & ready sale for burne or frost bites, and is splendid for rough or cracked hands, Large pack- age for 25 cents. Chiibiain Cure ig again demand. ed. It ts wonderfully and is inexpensive, 28 Short Stop cures ¢ ways and costs cents, The ff the same Best's Popular Drug Stores. ne. Branch Phone 2018 Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ience, And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr., LOD. 226 Princess Street John Shannon Munn, of St John's, Nid, sifrector of, tha Red Cross Steamship Line, and his daugh- tor, are among those drowned on the steamer Florizel, Ta SN TE i Gompers, preside TO A GERMAN WHO SENT HIM AN INVITATION the International To Attend Peace Conference--He Told the Hun to Get Back into Germany. New Y« Feb. rk, r, announced yes- en, head of th ns mocratie leas Federat terday t Ka Federated Tr many, and @ er in the Rei invitation to presentative of tend a peace attended, i ies Un of yeial De 22, hi Allfed co the German w eplied to Herr L an workers' deleg: would meet with the Germans. The invitation the American workers to indulge in peace talk feame to Mrs Gompers from M. Oudergest, of Amsterdam, a labor leader in Holland Mr Gompers said he knew that Oudergest was speaking for Legien It under- { stood that the same invitation went to the labor leaders of England and France. Mr. Gompers refused to say ! whether he had knowledge of what their reply to Legien was, but he made it very plain what the tenor of the reply of the American Federa- {tion of Lahor was. He said tha: reply made it plain that Amerfean -----. A HNN NA CHILDREN HAD WHOOPING COUGH is his Whooping cough, although spec- fally a disease of childhood, is by no means confined to that period, but may occur at any time of life, It is one of the most dangerous diseases of infancy, and yearly causes more deaths than scarlet fever, typhoid or diphtheria, and is more common in female than male children, ' Whooping cough starts with sneezing, watering of the eyes, irrita- tion of the throat, feverishness and cough. The coughing attacks occur frequently, but are generally more severe at night, On the first sign cf a "whoop" Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be administered, as it helps to clear the bronchial tubes of tie collected mucous and phlegm, Mrs, George Cooper, Bloomfield, Ont,, writes: "It is with pleasure I can write and tell you that there ever was a better cough medicine made than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Our children had whooping cough last winter, and that is the only thing that seemed to help them. It loosens up the phlegm so that they could raise it easily. 1 will never be without it." "Dr. Wood's" is 26¢ and Ge a bottle; put up in a yellow wrapper; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, workers were now very busily en- gaged in the task of defeating the Kaiser and had no wish to attempt to modify the. situation by parleys with delegates of German workers. Legien is a pro-war Socialist, inas- much as he is supporting the Kais- ér's war programme, and there was special force in the observation of Mr. Gompers that, on the fact of it, it was plain that the Kaiser would give passports to no delegates to a labor conference who were - not bound to be his minions. When asked when he had received the invitadion from Legien, Mr. Gompers replied 'very recently." The matter was referred tq the ex- ecutive council of the Federation of Labor, which was responsible for the reply Mr. Gompers sent to Herr Legien. Mr. Gompers sald that his speech at the Washington's Birthday Labor meeting on Friday night had been a reply in effect. In that address Mr. Gompers said: "And let me say to you in talking of international conferences with re- presentatives fo the enemy couniries we are not going to permit ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of security and under the guise of rad- icalism go back a hundred years. Why, the Kaiser's minions would not give a passpéorh to anyone unless he would carry out the policy of the autoeracy of Germany. "Then, should we meet in council with these men, gaining from ug our confidence, swerving us from the path of duty, trying to infldence us that the «overnment of these demo- cracies are, after all, omly capital- I have said, and I say in the name of the American labor move- ment: 'You can't talk peace with us now You can't talk internaticnal conferentes with us now. Either you smash your autogracy, or, by the gods, we will smash it for you. Be- fore you talk peace terms, get back from France, get back from Belgium, into Germany, and then we will talk peace." i ie? 18tic hth hh fh ifr ALL OVER SIXTEEN +» REQUIRED TO REGISTER. # * +* (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ottawa, Feb, 26.--A board + has been appointed to have % charge of the regisiration of the # man and woman power in Can- # ada. All over sixteen must re. gister, + PEEPS PrPrad - esfesfoe doe sferfesfusdisdedoerdioaode fee feodeodede desde ded CANADIAN BLUEPRINTS. The Posséssor Held for Investigation in Kansas. Leavenworth, Kansas, Feb. 26.- Charles Beck, 32, whose home is said to be in St. Louis, was arrested here and is being held pending investiga- tion of his possession of blueprints of a torpedo marked "Operation $2 in., mark IX., Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Company, New Glasgow, N.S." three pine trees the trade mark; | manufactured by The T, Milburn Co, ¢ Limited, Toronto, Ont. AAA An At AMA AAAS SAAN A A SAAS pr You Must Think the Children, Too Little bodies cany in attacks of gri hood days. Dry-shod is the great preventive of colds. Dry-shod during March and April, means "Wear Rubbers" Make sure that the children's rubbers are free of cracks or worn spots. Rain or slush will seep through--and a leak may mean a [IN ON! EEE severe cold, or worse. Take the children down and have them fitted with rubbers. There's a style and shape for every shoe--for men, women and children-- in these six brands of staunch, well- fitting rubbers, carried by the leading "Jacques Cartier" ~~ throw off colds easily. Many cases of deafness and chronic bronchitis had their beginning pe, tonsillitis and earache of child- 'Merchants' which the authorities are examining. Beck represented himself as a secret service agent, the authorities say J: rs A oon < ena "uy pf AMARA AAAS =| atack of pneumonia. A | min, TRACTOR, HOWEVER, WILL STILL, MEAN A BIG SAVING In the Plowing Cost--A Conference Called--Farming Experts From All Over the Province Meet Tues. day, . Toronto, Feb. 26.--The terms on which the Ontario Government, with its tractors, will plow farmers' fields this spring will be officially announe- ed at a conference of the distfict re- presentatives of the province at the Parliament Buildings to-day. The new rates for the use of the plows will be somewhat in excess of those charged last year--which provell to be considerably below the cost of the service--but plowing by Government tractors will still mean a decided sav- ing to all farmers lucky enough to get their work done that way. This spring, it is understood, the farmers will be asked to pay 50 cents an hour service charge and 50 cents an acre in addition to a certain amount for oil and gasoline. Under the new scale it will, it is estimated, cost the farmer about $2.25 an acre for the land plowed. Even this will probably be slightly less than the cost to the Government. The old rate was 45 cents an hour and the plowing cost the farmer an average of about $1.60 an acre. The tractors are expected to give better service this year. They are to he divided into groups of eight or ten, each group under an expert me- chanie, and the operators, made up of the best of last year's men and quite a number of returned soldiers, specially trained, will be a more ex- pert force in every way. The conference of representatives will continue for two days and on Wednesday will hold a joint session with the agricultural and labor com- mittees of the Organization of Re- sources Committee, to discuss plans for greater food production. C. F. Bailey, assistant Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture, will submit to the representatives ga plan for secur- ing farm tractors for farmers who desire to purchase them, The On- tario Government has put in a re- quest for one hundred of the thou- sand" Ford 4ractors ordered by the Dominion Government. These 4rac- tors will be supplied to farmers at $750, f.o.bh,, Dearborn, and deliveries will 'be made early in April, the Ford plant now being busy turning out an order for 6,000 tractors for the Brit- ish Government, The tractors are 10-20 horse power, and for similar machines last year the Ontario Gov- erinment paid $1,200, The conference will also discuss the shortage of seed, particularly of seed corn, The Department expec:s to be able to complete an arrange- ment, through the Dominion author- ities, by which several hundred thou- sand bushels of American corn will be available for seed. This will be southern crops, that will not ripen a8 éarly in Canada as is desirable, bet it will suffice for ensilage. GREAT OVATION FOR BRITISH IN ITALY Massed Guards Band Score Biggest Triumph at Allied Concerts in Rome. | | Rome, Feb, 26.--~The Allied con- ference at Augusto was a brilliant success. The great hall was packed with an enthusiastic audience, and there were tumultous welcomes for the various bands taking part. As far as music was concerned the Garde Republicaine carried off the honors. American representatives. in a small band put together for the occasion from the forces in France, gave the "Star Spangled Banner," Sousas's 'Stars and Stripes Forever," and a couple of other pieces. But the triumph of the evening was won by the massed bands of the British Guards, * They had intended to play music, but the promoting committee insisted on "Tipperary," with which we are now indentified for better or for worse. So they played not only "Tipperary," but 'Tipperary with nemerous variations," wherein the part of the low comedian was taken by the bassoons. Other instruments played pranks and the bandsmen sung and whistled. Leader 'Rogan brought the audience to its feet in a volley of applause when the 250 'bandsmen crashed out the opening bars of Garibaldi's. Hymn. "Rule Britannia" received equal enthusi- asm, The programmes were sold by Red Cross dames in uniforms and the proceeds certainly exceeded £4,000. The bands will play at Florence and Milan next week, and eager re- quests for visits are being received from other towns, The welcome here has been very warm. The eagerness to entertain the Allies and find out what they like is delightful. Port is 'provided for the Guards at the bar- racks and port is not easy to get in Italy now. - B.C. PREMIER STRICKEN. = ---------- Taken Il on Train; Now in Hospital at Calgary. ' Calgary, Feb. 26.-- Premier Brow- = | ster, of British Columbia, while en route home after atte ding the con- ference of provincisl Premiers with e War Cabinet, was taken ill ou the train, and after being examined at both Regina and Moose Jaw, the ailment was diagnosed as a slight He was re- moved from the train here this afier- noon and taken te a hospital for treatment, : SPAIN HOLDS SHIPS, Action Due to Delays in American b Is. Madrid, Eek 26.--A despateh to tiie Imparcial says offic- ial ordeis have been given postpon- ing the departure of Spanish stexm-| ==! ships which were about to sail ii the United States.. This measure is for} 1918. Probs: Wednesday, cold then rising temperature. EW i i NEW SUITS . . COATS .. ... SERGE DRESS SILK WAISTS SERGE SKIRT SILK SKIRTS . NOVELTY SKI RAINCOATS . LE BEST FOR LIVER, BOWELS, STOMACH, HEADACHE, COLDS Liven the Liver and and Steaighten You Right Up. They Bowels Don't Be Rilious, Constipated, Sick, with Breath Bad and Stomach Sour. EWORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Tonight sure! Take Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Wake up with your head clear, stom- ach sweet, breath right and feeling fine. Qet rid of sick headache, bil- fousness, constipation, furred tongue, sour stomach, bad colds. Clear your skin, brighten your eyes, quicken your step and feel like doing a full day's work. Cascarets are better than salts, pills or calomel because they don't shock -the liver or gripe the bowels or cause inconvenience all the next day. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious feverish children a whole Cas- caret anytime as they can not injure the thirty feet of tender bowels. WOMAN WAS LEADER IN LW.W. OUTRAGES ---- One of Party Who Went to! Ignite Million-Dollar Lumber Plant. . San Francisco, Feb. 26 --A woman was named as leader in alleged de- structive acts of the Industrial Work- ers of the World along the Pacific Coast in. a confession of Fritz Hager- man, a German, who was taken into custody by Federal authorities. The confession, they said, detailed plots 'to burn grain and buildings and poi- son cattle in four states. The woman was named as one of six persons who rode to Lassen Coun- ty last September to ignite the mil- - lion dollar plant of the Red River { Lumber Company, Her name, as well as those of the others of the | party,is withheld by the Federal authorities. . i Hagerman confessed, the offickls said, that he had been paid $75 for, nelping to burn the Red River Mill, ! that he set fire 10 a farm house. ar White Cave, Cal, in 1917, and that he had poisoned eattle in California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. The authorities said Hagerman, admitted thawat the last meeting of | the Independent Workers-- of the! World in this district, thé members knew he was <onnected with' the! burning of the Red River Lumber | Company's lumber at Westwood. | i i f General's New Post, i London, Feb. 28 Major-General' == said to be due to delays extending in Sir Perey Girovard is a member of, ys, vessels have been subjected American, ports, nights ave to hie to which what is known as section three of the \ advisory council, which has just Leen inted by Dr. Addison, minister tof reconstruction. Sir Perey's shaore 'deals with Wbor and Se js SILKDRESSES .. .. .. .. VOILE WAISTS .. .. ... CREPE WAISTS .. .. Sea YORK WEARING PPAREL For Discriminating Women and Misses. The spring assortments are now ready for selection -- in antici- pation of the setting aside of winter wearables. Unusual care has been exercised to meet the demand for garments correct in every fashionable detail. .. $17.50 to $45.00 .. $12.50 to $50.00 . $10.50 to $39.50 . .. . $13.50 to $50.00 cover 98¢10 $6.50 .$148t0 § 9.50 . $2.98 to $15.00 .. $2.95 to $12.50 .. $6.50 to $18.50 . $7.50 to $30.00 $7.50 to $25.00 S... RTS... May we have the pleasure of showing you this wonderful display -- say tomorrow ! Steacy's - Limited AA ii 1 -- uv You Will Save Money Buying Now. Odd Dressers, Buffets, Tables, Chairs, All specially marked to clear out. Ends of pet, linoleum, oil cloth, Make your purchases now and we will store for spring delivery in April or May. Victrolas and Victor Records The Largest Stock of Records in the city. T. F§HARRISON CO.,, LTD. 229. 2 xiidths Street. one . YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE By placing your order early for store or house swalugs aid curtains. Supplies and help are scarce and prices will be 2. J. Turner & Sons, Limited Tr Tent, Awning, Flag and Waterproof Goods i. (F. W. Cooke, Loenl Agent) ONTARIO, " Security First™ EXCELSIOR INSURANCE LIFE corar EXCELSIOR FACTS, NO. 4 Increase in Premium Income largest in the Company's history. : ef Bead Gff1oes i 8 Toronto, Can. | - Spice foi ¥ for 25¢, Lemons, Se and 40g All kinds fresh home-made candies, CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE Phone 2168. ; Prompt. Delivery.

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