Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1918, p. 8

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"PAGE EIGHT . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1918. THE BRITISH W HIG! clubs, sociables, picnics, Concerts, salom debouches ito the plain. On| RUSSIAN CAPITULATION . large interests, it 1 bringing the |the west and nary of Jericho rise 35TH YFAR. young people together in friendly | high limestone hills, one of Whi h, or iat o t 300 of Cunning. é and co-operative recourse. the dre: y 'Quarantana, 12 oF A Petrograd. Feb. 23 -The Pravda ' Human nature is much the same {500 féet high, derives its name ITOW | yougpaper believes the apparent ca- meen servation elimi in all grades of life the world over. | the modern tradition that it was the pitulation of Lenine and Trotsky is TITER ERR DERE R ERE REE The bashful y« , man of the coun-! scene of our Lord's forty days' fast a bold and super-cunning stroke, be- ee ret -------------------- try whose soul i lis gaze across | and temptation. No doubt , cause Germany, after her declara- t tions regarding the protection of civ- Is Regarded as a Stroke of Supers the meeting house al e girl of his{ hills have been converted into strc ; : : > | ilization from Bolshevism, cannot d Pri \ | choles in her Sunday best, and who | defensive positions by the Turks eas Teace. with Russa anti! Bok- The Store That Keeps the - 1Ces Down i! i . FIC FI at last generates enough courage to and some heavy fighting may be ex- ghevism is destroyed. Thus Ger-] i} 3 ; i | walt for her at the door and ask £5] pected in this locality. Jericho was, many's refusal to accept Russias bq Pr a - x . : 4 ¢ dor itil 4 ' i | { | in instifiet or in temperament from} amazingly fruitful, Under British | goon will enable ft to raise a re- For Men and Boys Men S Wool rt rr = the more polished and more bold| rule it may regain something of Hs |yolutionary army. see her home, is not different either| in ancient days, well Ww atered and Plea for peace at any price places a { id + + young man of the big city. Love| former grandeur and prosperity. | oe = wa AR AR weapon in the hands of the Soviet, | : : o 1 | levels us all. it No Difference. | DENTS 1) 2 : Sweater Coats i M In the country and the | small} ¥ " { "I see you're moving," said Smith x 2 eh {to his neighbor, w was superin- fii towns the church is the centre of SEVEN SENTENCE SER- BO ai BO ua NE ® : social intercourse. And to thou- MONS. zoods in a large furniture van. 1 e Vo Shawl sands of young men and young wo- Yl "Yes, I am, I'm sorry to say." re- pe 3 '{ men who have gone into the cities | plied the neighbor, "I hate to leave pn ' collar, etc., grey, Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by THE ERITISH WHIG PUBLISHING to Work, and have few connections Don't let us make imaginary evils, this district, too, Everything has al- 5 : 3 . - . iv 6 ow y have 8 8 3g ways been s leasant, the neighbors 3 ; cardinal, blue, plain <0, MMITED. or acquaintances there, the church when wé know we have so many real ya 50 plensant, U1 He Gloves one te encounter.--Goldsmith, {so friendly, and I don't know how it J ' : : Leman A. Guid serves the same social purpose. { will be where 1 am going." or combination . pi . » ---------- There will be sleeping enough in! "Oh, it will be the same," said ' \ trims. Special Telephones: KINGSTON'S FIRE INSURANCE| the grave.--Franklin. Smith, going on his way. A little Dome fasteners, 1 2 75 Business Office , vaiue, $ . . I Ro is RATE. i he [later he met another neighbor who Editor! ooms . . : ai . Black as the Pit from pole to pole, | away. "I see you're moving," .he - ) ewer a ) SUBSCRIPTION RATES the Civie Fire and Light Commitee, |; thank whatever gods there be, said. Ne rg : ; Be tehT Tot covers Hie OE Ee i carte Special value, 50c. Job Office iinn 2 In a communication addressed to Out of the night that covers me, { was also having his furniture carted K + (Daly Edition) : wi alls attentio 8 ni ss Ais p . { ad : Gn ie | One year, delivered in city 0 Ald. Hewitt calls attention to an in For my unconquerable soul | Yes," said the one, "and mighty One yoar, if paid in advance i justice that should be remedied. Af- Wm. Henley. | glad, too. I never lived in such 2 ® One year by mail to rural offices $2.60] ,, 3 y 5 OF a... - { neighborhood in all my life. Noth- 1 a r pointing out various errors--and i : | One year io ited State 2.5 tp EB h a If men can be induced to believe ing but bad feeling, back-biting and One year, ) 4 ee RY ah $100] 2H 0us errors at 1 at--made by In-| i, the love of their fellowmen, they slander. 1 don't know how it will One year, if not paid in advance $1.50] Spector Wilson, of the Fire Under-|are well on the road to believe in the : 1.5 | be where 1 am going.' One year, to United States $1.50 | writers' Association, in his report of love of God.--Marcus Dods, | "Oh, it will be the same," said Six and three months pro rata . . ; | Qmitt a test made in this city last summer, { Smith, MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE Love heareth all things, believeth | mise -------------- R. Bruce Owen ... 123 St Peter St the new alderman concludes his re-| a1 things, hopeth all things, endur- ( : TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE port with this significant statement: | eth all things.--I Cor. 13-7. No Hard Feelings 'rowaras Anybody. ¥. C. Hoy .... 1005 Traders Bank Bldg ers , { : : : : UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: When the city took over the BE. | An old Baptist deacon in the South ® P.R.Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave, New York | waterworks in 1887 there were forty "Tis sweet to feel that we may be where negro Baptists abound, had a 'R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago artnershi sar . 4 he ge . 9 aila = & hydrants, nearly all three inch, and n partnership, dear Lord, with mule whose temper was rather un Le ' Ai bli Thee; { certain. Oné day the good man was ' ' oni over the ~sotual 'are published | oor pressure, so that it took the | Tis sweet to feel that all we do corte y the g0o¢ Men's and Young Men's Overcoats. Reg. $20.00, $22.50 Garments w er, ¢ : | driving the animal along a street on full capacity to supply one steamer |To make our lives sincere and true. which there was a slight incline. His Attached 1s ono of the best job|at the corner of Princess and Mont- Is known to Thee, and that we share muyleship balked. Thé deacon de- ® : > printing offices in Canada. real streets. A volunteer fire de- As partners all Thy Jove Bad $820. | scended from the wagon and reason- . ES------------------------------------E S ¢ ead ~Mary D. Brine. {ed with tha 18S val The circulation of THE BRITISH || partment was called by ringing the " jd with wat mule. 7 w a8 of ao avail. . WIIG is authenticated by the City Hall bell. There was only one| 'He that will pot reason is a bigot; 2 2 UL : ABO . y 3 wat will pot reason is a bigot; was obduratée. He even prayed over Audit Bureau of Circulations. fire station. THE INSURANCE |he that cannot reason is a fool; and him, but still the mule did not stir. ' ;| RATE FOR A BRICK DWELLING he that dares not reason. is a slave. A white man, who had been watching a Rem----emmmmemmoerlas toc wor Tamm YEARS, TV UIE ERS some stones tn : Asia Minor, and its dread shadow is 23ND IT 48 THE SAME RATE France Not Bled White. | his tail he will soon move on." The " néw falling across Europe. YET. Letter to the New York Evening 'deacon had very definite views con- Since 1887 extensive and import-| Sun from an American officer' in cerning the future of the wicked, but S--_-- nr . 1 SJ 3 ant improvements have been mad: France: he had a 'kindly heart. Perhaps Milder weather is promised by the 21 . "Don't let thém kid you with this that was why he repli s he did: - , i 4 i. t 3 $ 2 as y he replied as he did: rr a er - weather man. But milder weather by she sith . Many thousands of dol-| qiaq white stuff regarding France. 'White folks, let de man dat has no # ' has a habit of not keeping its ap- lars have been expended in perfect-| «yi's German camouflage." | sin tie de fust stone." Ear, : pointments. ing the service. New hydrants have "The first thing that struck me Stn eer 1 9 > ' been installed, mew mains built, a about the men in French uniform|™ S i As x Watertt ' y vas i re Size sneral fi Sq r Ar i wi, Fhe "good German sword" is|second fire station erected, addi- as er Jape in and gene ral fine} i atertown. 0ys ; " y8ica appearance nade ' en- Josepn Load 2k \ Si again at work in Russia. She court- tonal equipment purchased, the lqyuiry of American officers who had Sailing, sailing over Miltand Main, 3 8 yn od It, she invited it, and we hope she | number of firemen increased, the|been pretty much all over ' France, Not many a slippery step 1 take will like dt. pumping capacity extended and oth-pand they all said that the samples Lj I fall down again. ® a ie : ° © ler-efforts made to safeguard the city | had seen were not ahove the average. uit a 3 5 Are y iling. saili 88 > o 1 1 . 'The Kaiser has succeeded in put-|against possible fire Toss: Yet, Of course, there are youths of the Sailing, sailing across the Public Zi aC naw . v 1918 clags-- just as there are youths | Square, 3 ting the trot in Trotzky, but, as far |amazing as it appears, the insurance N as the Allies are concerned, he is|rate remains the same, Americans. of the same age in this company of |My hat flies ofi--aone rubber gone, I have been greatly sur-| And then I start to swear. ~» trotting in the msvrong direction. This matter should be taken up |Prised, and.,eyy sguch encouraged to : i ! by' the Fire and Light Comittee, | find things asithey are. Both: in Sailing, sailing through all the slush | a e jit fe ; The dogs in Germany have all{and fought to a finish. physique and spirit the Fremch sol-! and slop, y A ; ee ers Kingston i8} qiers are built to win. And while I'd rather be a soldier boy agoing y : being unfairly treated by the tariff|the people have suffered cruelly O'er the top crow is a delicacy. Well, didn't we companies, and the ity will never | their one thought seems to be: How! ) all want to see Germany eat crow? | got justice until an intelligent, vigor- long will it take to win the war.) Sailing, sailing, no more verse in ------ EWE | i : mr Sr en ous campaign is a 8 1 There is no idea of simply ending it, rhyme, Special values : Hi ! Fancy plaids ~Are you reading the Whig's Mew |p, oostor Wilson has made grave Killing thg boche off may take some| I'm going to stay in bed, HR, " story, 'The Woman Who Changed," i" i 3 time yet, but it's got to be done." Until the summer time. i A % Si 26 By and startling mistakes in his report, [ b ( a which is appearing daily on the Pp AA AAA AAA AAA A 1Z€eSs . ] Dp as. Ald. Hewitt glleges, then the ~ Jy d Woman's Page? [If mot, you aréig.,or ought to be submitted to the ° dS le lear} . nifssing a treat. . Underwriters' Association and an * : . Clearing price, ' » - . : Yt : ™ : I dor 10s toi acknowledgment and correction of e securing of an order for 1eN}lgame should be insisted . Thi i Patt y locomotives for the Canadian Gov- pen 8 2 D1ZES 28 to 35. $5 00 : » 3 been eaten up, and now even the 48 a matter that effects practically ernment Rallways, just -announced "| every honie, every business, every by President Harty of the Canadian industry and.every piece of property Rdcomotive Co. i's matter fOr SOMS11y Risgaon. - a saving Sf way] FOLLOWING THE RULES - -- A genuine snap. gratulation. : thousands of dollars each year can If Uncle Sam appoints a man to work out conser- - b ey i § a vation, 1'll follow that appointee's plan, and try to . Ne. J) It 1s disquieting to Toma that the | accomplished if our city authori S t oRaiY save the nation. Perhaps the rules he may lay down enstern part of the United Sjates is jes are alert and aggressive, Ald. will seem like gentle kidding, but I'll be first man in "fate to face with a food shortage, Hewitt has set the ball rolling. Now 'our town tp hump and do his bidding. I'll do what due to railway congestion and tie is the time to follow it up. 0 that official says, and blithely, tao, doggone it; if he hi : insists I'll wear a fez, gnd soak my Sunday bonnet. rr ne Ag rN era reluctance of farmers to release oF If he declares that eating fowl three days a week is grain holdings. THE CAPTURE OF JERICHO. wo © useless; I'll cut out chicken, duck and owl, and make = o The next unost important develop- the three days gooseless. No doubt there'll be some A ating enn. keen Headly Curfew will not ring tonight or [ment in connection with the British : funny rules, by rushed offidlals handed; each rule is FARMS FOR SALE welling sprung before it cools, and jars us when it's landed. any other night, ds the decision of campaign in Palestine, following the And contradiction® will arise, confusion worse con- 4 : y . the Montreal City Council Evident-| fall of Jerusalem, has been the cap- ¥ t¥unded; but we'll pbey, if we are wise, as soon as Neart the cit tl 3 1 Our Own Special ly the ringing eof the curfew bell in|ture of Jeriehip, which was aecom- 5 they're propounded. I is not ours to reason why, the : eal e Cl VY, at iow Blend and our Club Montreal, as in Kingston, ppoved to plished bn Thursday, when Aus- loyal man is whyless; but it is ours to cut out pie, on - days appointed pieless. Some rule to me may seem rices. 3 be only a farce, tralian troops enteted the city. Little 4 absurd, it leaves me dazed and frozen, but he who p ] Blend at 40c per Ib. A ---- i rg fighting occurred, 80 the meagre de-| made it is a bird, or he would not be chosen. He knows much better where . Gen. Maurice announces that the |spatches tell us. we're at, than I, so weak and giddy; at his behest 1 cut out fat, and eat an - British captured 4,642 guns during Jericho fell once before with little ancient biddy. At his behest I sell my shoes, and barefoot glardy wander, W.H.Godwin & Son the past year. That sounds good |or no fighting. Sacred writ relates and hope my trials may amuse the soldier boys out yonder. 29 Brock Street Phone 24 until we remember that during the |how Joshua, a son of Nun, one of L 7 --WALT MASON. past week alone the Germans took | Moses' miniaters, was ordered by Em. 5,000 motor {the Lord te go over the Jordan and THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN take possession of the land for the By GENE BYRNES 1 for v Rit Compnre this With the ' high CONSTIPATION || i desis iS = ™ $1.00 Large Bottle {|| j,, REDDEN & Co. T, less and odorless. + Phones 20 and 990, Pleasant to take. Does not upset digestion. Absolutely cures Constipas tion. children of Israel.. Jericho had first Suggestion Our idea of an optimist is the|io be conquered, and in those far-off Man rhe ikea he war sumY i Gave 15 ma = ywontal city wh a] | 1 i. on Eczema ie. wa ito 1g And our idea of 2 [king of its own. Sunday sohool Hu . 5 It will take just a few moments pessimist is the man who writes the | scholars and Bible students all know } : " v : to step in and ask us what our ex- fa in the Toronto Telegten: the story at dow the sir walls tan] J. ,./L0 vow Love, | i Perister' bup tees iu tho way of - ¥ al i in bg 2 3 3 i «1B eful custome! w e Sooin- Sher Sant _ sed Syves days byl 4 "IY MAY BE cool : fn ing wash of oils, D.D.D. Your money ot Joshu » * -1n,the Book AT. OVR cAMP AND THING -ANDREW. back unless the first bottle relieves oshua we read: i ; No 4 \ GO : you. Mahood's Drug Store, King. "And they burnt the city with tire, : } 'WANT TO BUY TO THE ston. : and 'all that was therein; only the 11 AN EXPENSIVE SET silver, and the gold, and th 2 . A CHANG oD and ae oid, wad fre rons) Ji SF ponte fums/ { Sumerconoy | i. e the treasury of the house of the 3 SXal BIT Licuid Wash | "And Joshua adjured them at that| = | : AS REM ? : 4 time, saying, Cursed be the man be- op A x . : » . fore the 'Lord, that riseth up and = 5 2 0 ' Ho 87 J RA nt c wm iW he fa Jericho to-day : : { goog oT : 3 a aa ors, 2 Songs of only 200 or 300 inhabii- 3 : IRON BEDS -- SPRINGS -- MATTRESSES ot an "would appear as if this an- : s p : : An fmrportan in the : S32 5% : Ga Sovran aa. ons cease stip doe. (5 ~N i | | exp Brass Bads, $15 and up. formed by the creation of the Depart was a city of the Canaanftes,| | ~~ ~~ © y : : {da 3 . ment of elders i situated on a plain on the west side] | Springs, No. 91 Special, g went, of which Sir James Lougheed of the Jordan, near its mouth. After RA : g : : J 2 pllliDe the head, It will have VOINS. dusttoyed by Joshuf. it was : 10 : of all matters pertaining to] *r hit inthe thue of the judges, and = 1.+, 1 | E55 sre. PLL Best grade Iron Frames, 1 ed soldiers and to the wives formed an independent frontier fort: % : : ] 7 PET RO ' : $6 50 } and childven dependent upon them. ress af Judea. It was again destroy-| phd ny py 5 1% me od by Vespasian, rebuilt wunder| ; £7 Mattresses, all felt, $9.50 OUPID AT THE CHURCH. {Hadrian, and finally destroyed dus! . EAL ae _ Iviattr y elt, »7. City people are learning what has ing the Crusades. The site of Jericho Ly 3 J : : $1 2.50. - Been known to the way-back country | a8 usually been fixed at Rihah, a} JE : Sa ' folk from time immemorial---that| Mean and foul Arab hamlet of some ET Dixie, no tuft, $25.00. churchgoing leads to love and matri- | 200 inhabitants. Recent travellers, : : = RR TY DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess Phone 343. LG 0 8 J Sh Jb 8 cb 46 0 dh de 20 Vv x

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