PAGE FOUR : j } ILLUSTRATED SECTION Solve This Puzzle FREE TO MEN And Win a Phonograph. Would You Like to be a Strong, Husky 1st Prize-- Manly Fellow Once More ? i . Phonog h | XLIFAAH - } i ea HERR LENOATAR | weit waeen | | New Method Without Drugs WATATO | sed Prize-- 3 Camera The attached coupon entitles you to ROTTONO | one illustrated copy of my pocket com NEWPIGN] | 4th to10 Prizes-- pendium and guide for the self -restora- : | A Fountain Pen N ton of lost strength. (See description i below.) Upon hearing from you; this each. ; 3 valuable little book of private informa- ton for men will be sent by return mail Aso : Breit Many | t Pri 5. 0 » nam ed envelope. Please call or : There is a new and marvellous method All you have to do to win one of these : a. for 'restoring lost manly sirengin. for splendid prizes is to rearrange the x renewing vigor, which evvey man should above letters so that they spell the know Ht self restorer which operates . i % EL SE without ® use of drugs or medicines, a ames of five Canadian cities and 4 : Dew way to treat yourself for ne Tis fulfil one simple conditjon. and weaknesses. See description below. » Yo 5a ' ' Please remember WALTER E. I BLAND, ° here Are No trance Fees . that & man is not one Formerly holding' - as_ assistant Fryers person sending in a correct : 8 : day older than he superintendent fa the T. Eaton Co.. solution will be awarded a prize if they s ; 3 feels, and therefore who has been appointed by the Canada fulfil one simple condition. This need not v no matter what your Food Board to take charge of the ex- cost you ome cent of your money. All 3 3 age, if you are young rt and license bureau under its replies will be judged with the utmost care ; 5 RN: or elderly, married or farisatetion. and the prizes will be awarded acoording i single, large or small, mo & em to merit. Neatness: will be considered, so 3 3 it 1 can show you, be sure to write pais This contest will E SE Joaraciy, may actoad MPA (OF Nm y Q A ' Q close shortly, end in your answer at y a to your ays- DETACHMENT OF FAMOUS ITALIAN ALPINE: once and win one of these handsome prises, : RNR tem, nerves and blood Y % the very nerve force OOURAGE NEVER FORSAKES THE MANL MAN. ra ve fate t ig 1g 1 2s. The re a os fir realize the gsibilities of t camouflage $ r f bh * bave been drained away, and which is necessary to make you strong, vigorous an the fighting forces. They were among the first to realize the possibilitic 7 : y 3 Selfast dpecialty Co. Dept. C capable again, then I have shown you the real secret of perpetual strength, and how the Italian successes in the mountains have resuiied from their surprise attacl Flam hy ! The white-clad Alpine soldiers of the [talian mountain forees are probably the you can again be filled with vigor, and again be just as powerful in your influence and just as thoroughly manly in your capacity as the biggest, fullest blooded, most Drawer mm Sta. f successful fellow of your acquaintance. ! " The new self-treatment for the restoration of marily Stremgth, to which i refer above, is a little light-weight VITALIZING Appliance of my invention, which is TORONTO now meeting with : on ous demand, and being used by men everywhere all over the world. This little VITALIZER, weighing only several ounces, is comfort ably buckled on the body and worn all night. It is so small and so compact that even a room-mate would not suspect that you were wearing it. If, however, this VITALAIZER is small in size, it is not small in power, generates a great tangible FORCE, which can be measured on scientific instruments, a POWER which I call VIGOR or NERVE ENERGY, and it sends this marvellous FORCE into your blood, organs and nerves while you sleep, All you have to do is to lead a de ent, many man's life, free from excesses and dissipation, then use the VITALIZE nothing more. If this is followed out and the VI TALIZER does for you what these others asy it does for them, them all the pain or weakness w Il disappéar from the small of your back--possibly from the first night's use--and you will be restored to a strong, vigorous, manly, capable man, without a single ache, pain or weakness Please remember, 1 am not asking you to buy one of the VITALIZERS, but merely request you to first send for the free book described below & section of which is devoted to an explanation of this VIT ALIZER, and gives you its whole wonderful story, so that you may khow what intelligent young and elderly men everywhere ave saying about it This Is the Book You Get Free ® § My 86-page illustrated booklet (pocket size) was compiled by me to answer GIRLS! epg fully and b correctly those questions which are asked privately by any man needing / new strength and who secks personal advice pertaining to the ailments and weak- Without spend. © nesses he wishes to overcome. The book, fully illustrated, with photo reproduction, ind a single containing much that a single or married man should know It also fully describes ' my VITALIZER and tells how you MAY secure one to use in your own case, should A you decide you want to use one, Remember, the book is sent absolutely free in ndact and \ plain sealed envelope. Why not write for a copy to-day! Satisfaction guaranteed Niagara Falls Yeon e- N i in every case, mentioned by Gen g for gallantry. filled \ - nn - em -- ibn = En Brillant Ring --_-- " rr --------------. $24 a handsome mportcd Dracelet Watch, just Hike the finest Jewellery. stores a-1l at $5.00 to THE B. 0. SANDEN CO. $10.00 oach. This handsome gol 1 finished Pendant ia the 3 3d 140 ¥ Yoi¥ io west doaign, as a ki Ruby or Sapphire ct wih Iovalh® manufactured y » - 40 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. chain hag fine close I: n . l v beautiful ring is w 'ranted A and : --. Dear Bir:--Please forward me three besutifal bril'innte ti P . 5 your book as advertinnd free girl can als v in the heartitul hits Vi A oo . with ite reliable nrort d movement a ~just the prettiests d neatest watch yo 8, write to-day end wa will send you just 95 bi handsome bottles of our delightful Pree ovale' perfumes, which wo wa 't you to lure riends at-only 10c per bottle, W. White Rose, Lily of tha Vall ete. and they are sp swoe or two at once. A Return, our iter, only $2.50, when the perfume ic S0'd, and we will at-once send, all post id, the beautiful Pendant and Chain, and the oid filed Ring, 9 v just as represented the lovely W, ly well, ALONG THE MARNE, ER Eide mon iit oc 2 Gres PEDAL BILE Butranes to a French underground shelter 5 : : Eon oar oe Enttingonly ¢ vi Ea THE REGAL MANUFACTURIN ; 0 ) REGAL A CTURING CO ~ C., 17 TORONTO ne \ WIN &= of ffiese new 1918 anfos| tin Or their : full value in Cash! [= "me wr : ." of | London, Feb. 19.--Prsmier Lloyd 8 } : Solve ths Great ] loving, I icture wi 10 } George announced in the House of The great racing Pedalmobile is bull Quer 3100022 in ARE THEY? | comin dulomiss : ee BREET hy : Henry Seymour Rawlineon had been G E d J tank, three lever, steering wheel, To be given FRE @ I PARCK MY FORD @ROAM OR DIE | pon our Baws toa hat been Don't Get Excited, Just ei a @ AFOUNDAGIASS bhi on the Supreme War Counts or Sain . y HERES THE GRANDEST PROPOSITION EVER MADE > 4 N THIS particular BRK FUN. MUST DRAIN suiiics Advertise That's All. Bors eonermui sumone ro rea Ss oy Ana o RRR. tet ck Moving Picture ~ @MAKER A CUTER GIRL ®ALETS BEN CHEW| ---- mag 18 8% rishi ari eve teste Mahan pacing cs mig sou ris Theatre the names ' : : [orion pedaband go srioning sloag to at the | "Fairy Berries" yoursel aad thes ask all | er ad ut OB your coaster ake the hills w them. rs who would soon : A BAD HEART @NEVER LYE BABY | EE Ed en SR ie en och hot caro wt ho + & "eo Ye tis be appearing in the pic- % l WET A SATIN RAT @1 PREACH CHIN pe Erbe | fev: easy. Return our $3.50 when your sales are ing a real auto will do but burn up we! the tures were each night i do a and 1 send you Beats bicycl hy ink of | Kn! 1, id, and the big Pendalmobile you can ho 2 ! ¢ it, boys, you aa} get a racing Pega a bh itd bi Al a ehout 'sciiing any mors 000s by Simply flashed on the screen. 1. py v x ? ; freaands fimdandy World's Knife 1 ing your fine prize to your friends and getting oaly this particular night the Cr 4 oN : - anybody would beproud lovwa, 14 has two strong steal] 3x Of them to sell our goods and cara our fe premiums i s \ A (Ck : metal k 'Hurry Boys. Be the first Pedaimobile driver In your operator, wanting to pla » J ) ' HAR : : : r A 5 Joncan town. Other boys are a little joke on his aud- #% Eg | rd { i : hop Sd shes = Ir ake no risk. 1 ience, took the names of Cote prises or cash for what you do sell. W. the players and so mixed Ea : 5 f and ger | rr x up the letters in each ; D7 RTI ' he : : : . TORONTO, ONT. 108 name that they spelt © JN /¥ -- out the funny sentences - b= 7 ' ; you see above, 6 \) aS Time and time again this ' \ li Q film was flashed on the screen p ) TR RT only to be demanded bac ss Many of the audience are still trying to solve the mys- ry 77 {ll JH V+ have selected the Davidson Gold Mines and the Lake Shore per | >» LILA | ei igy a Astious fames: Can you help a | of Mines as especially valuable speculative investments now, them / because the former will go on a producing basis this month, and the latter probably next meénth. / are not familiar i lar moving picture actors and actresses, the list belgw may help you, In case you with the names of the popu | mw : 3 a Both these mines have p small capitalization, are highly These Magnificent Prizes given for the Best, Correct or Nearest e developed, have extensive ore bodies, and an assured future. ' PRIZE ' Davidson ean be bought now-at 35, and jake Shore at > Tot Prize: 1918 Chevrolet Touring Car, Value $750.00; at ee 2,000 shares of Davidson and 1,000 shares of Lake Shore wou he 13rd Prize, $100. hi Sd 1918 Chevrolet . I By, cost you $1,100. We advise the immediate purchase of these Teh Prine: 00; Sh Prive: 15.00, ot Prize: be Toiring Cor.on its AZ issues, as we are at the beginning of an advancing market. 10th Pome too! tan Prize: §ib.0s 13h Prine: $16, ? \ (Zaid Wire us your érder. 13th 100; 14th : } you 19th ; | | | i i Es ! i | F. C. SUTHERLAND & CO. 12 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. { ke GREAT WATER Piston New York Stocks Tn he Bn 4 N.Y. Curb Stocks gt | Porcupine Stocks Cobalt Stocks Weekly Market Letter sent without charge on request I a . KEMERER, MATTHES & C0. ro gd (Mesbers Standard Stock Bixcha ), (Members Philadelphia Stock