Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1918, p. 17

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Ty CUTICURA HEALED VERY ITCHY SCALP Burning Kept Her Awake Nighes. Hard Lumps Came hen T urned to Scales, "My scalp be Ver and burming WO nights it was so First-thare little" hard Awake bothersome. would come lumps = and when | , scratched them they would turn to flaky scales and dry. "I got no relief until 1 got Cutieura Soap and Ointment, They gave instant relief and in a week 1 was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs, Alired Berthelotte, Ed RiverCrossing, N. B., February 11, '16. Most skin troubles might be prevented by using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for every-day toilet purposes. For Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post-card: "*Cuticura, Dept. A, on, U. 8. A." Sold everywhere, goo Im PS mnt [FRR | The "Wilhelmina," | i e 1 na, | 242 Mountain St, Montreal, | Warm, comfortable rooms, res- sonable rates, A home for tran. | slentn, Tel, Uptown 5344, | | Bread Zutoo | Tablets Are used by thousands of good Canadians and cure thousands of bad headaches, ZUTOO curesany Headache in 20 minutes. 25¢ a box, at dealers RATLWAY GREETS LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLA IN EFFECT JAN. 6TH, 1918. Depat, Foot of Johnson § Golng West. Lve. City 12.20 a.m. Traine will leave and arrive at Oly treet, Arr, CY Mall 1557 am Express , R Loca} Intern] Ltd. Msi, . er oe » 288 TEP g Shh vy BEES 2 BEEBEG Mall .. . Ex Pair tg CAD oTed DTV RONDO OTRO a coves Direct route to Toronto, Hamliton Buffalo, London, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montrea Ottawa, uebeey Portlanag, St. John, Halifax, Boston, and New York. or Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other information, apply to, J. P. Hanley: Agent. Agency for all ocean steamship Mues. Open day and night CANADIAN PAaCiFic Reductions and Altera- tions in Passenger Train Service Sunday, Feb. 24, '18 Particulars from F. Conway, C.P.A,, city ticket office; vor, Princess and Wellington Streets, CUNARD LINE 4 Passenger Service Halifax and Bristol Money remittances made by mall op enable. Apply to Local Agents or The Robert Heford Co, Limited, Genera) Agents, 50 King St, East, Toronto, Ont. | ~-- --~ A yyy bh ib ob a Fer the Boys at the From, CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Containe the Chocolate, Milk nud r Prepared Instan By Adding Bolling Water ORLY. Ne Cooking or Milk Required. ' For Sale By ; D. Phone 76 Couper, Wil $41-3 Prinecss St yy hahahah LING COST | | | official j than in any i European { Prunes .. | Sugar |. ed with'doors so hung that it also platinum. jeause the hair to HERE THAN ELSEWHERE {Comparisons Show That Food Prices Are Lower in Canada Than in Any Oother Country at War Incl Ottawa, Feb figures other 8: (Canadians gr Ottawa show that country at war at country and per cent, higher than in Canada, The following is a comparative { United States Food Quantity 4 lbs, . Yih... 11h... 2008 2 doz. 6 qts.. Beef . Lard . Kggs Milk .. Butter Cheese Ibs. 2 Ihe. . 1b:1bm,. .10 lbs, . 5 Ibs. 21s... 1 1b 4" lbs 4 1b. He... pecks Flour . al Rolled Orts | Rice . . Tea Coffee . . Potatoes A 9 Total budget , . . *As the standard quart in use in adian quart. Most Commoditie: In a report of shown that prices are higher in the fourteen commodities (viz. bread, flou recent tea, pork chops, round steak, lard, milk, butter and cheese), while on seven | commodities prices are lower in the United States (viz. on canned tomatoes, | tries has been established in Barcel- canned corn, canned salmon, canned p Pr a * & NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE Porcelain money has been made in Siam for circulation among the na- tives, Detachable uppers enables a new shoe to be worn as a slipper when dé- sired. There are salt mines in Poland that have beén worked for more than six centuries. To prevent nursing bottles break- ing a soft, rubber guard has been in- vented to enclose them, Six per cent. of the line of a Swiss railroad is over bridges and 13.5 per cent. through tunnels, Pads to be worn inside trousers to prevent the knees bagging are a Mas- sachusetts inventor's idea. Resembling a large tracing wheel is @ German inventor's device that accurately measures irregular lines. A light wardrobe has been invent- can be used as a screen in a bedroom. The importation of cotton seed oil unless rendered unfit for human con- sumption has been prohibited by Spain, The United States bureau of stand- ards has developed a delicate ther- mo-electric test for 'the purity of A muscle from a frog's leg is util- ized by a French inventor in a de- vice that receives and records wire- less signals. In a single year 4,472 hours of sunshine are possible, but only a few places on the earth ever experience the maximum. Japanese are planning to link two of their islands with a railroad tun- nel, 4,000 feet of which will be un- der'the sea. An X-ray method to determine the relative values of different kinds of coal has been developed hy French scientists. Por bathing the eyes tight fitting CRIS HOBTEN A CLOTH AND DRAW IT THROUGH HAIR It Becomes Beautifully Soft, Wavy, Abundant and Glossy At Once. Save Your Hair! Al Dandruff Goes and Hair Stops Coming Out, "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil--in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abun- dant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and duxuriance. Besides beautifying hair, one application of Da e disso! every particle of dandruff; invigor- ates the scalp, stdpping itching and Bll a : nderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain Bd ed are to vegetation. Tt goes right to the Souts, ivigorates and | ith ens m, s exhilf : . ing and pre 18 tate / grow long, strong and beautiful. . ; You can surely have pretty; soft, lustrous hair," and lots of it, it you will spend a few cents for a bottle of Knowlton's Danderine .at sny drug store or toilet counter and try it as directed, = i Keep it looking Surely try a Save your hair! a charming and beautiful. You will say this was the best mon official comparisons } Canada are lower than in the United States | month of January the cost of food in the United States Food uding the United States. imble at the high cost of living, but living is cheaper in Canada to-day It is much cheaper than in any indicate that food prices in Statistics show that for the the United States was nearly fourteen table of prices in Canada and the January, 1018 Prices U. §. price as per- centage of Canadian "% 107.35 126.4 107. 99.36 115.23 126.00 111.7: 110.2 32. 100. United States $ 1.168 415 483 662 A480 S00 Canada $ 1.088 a9 ud 448 666 1.024 Al4 1.450 637 1.140 650 350 106 173 428 246 101 727 10.369 11.796 113.76 the United States is only 65-6 of the' { Canadiad measure, the price here given is for the equivalent of the Can-} 4 Cheaper Here, Administration it is » United States, than in Canada on r, oatmeal, rice, potatoes, beans, fish, eas, sugar, coffee, and eggs). A Ad ct A NA NNN i goggles have been invented into which water or lotions are admitted through a tube, A machine that turns the rims and bores and finishes the hubs of wood- en wheels gt the same time is an English invention, A bracket to hold a pocket electric flashlight in almost any position and leave its user's hand free has been patented. By using two refleoting prisms a French scientist has invented a mi- croscope giving steroscopic views of objects examined. An' electris fan. and lamp have been combined by an inventor in such a manner that both can be oper- ated from a single socket, Because of tidal variations, a car ferry in Europe uses a deck that can be raised with six loaded freight cars more than sixteen feet, The kitchen gink, drain board and laundry tub have been combined in, a compact affair to economize space by a New York inventor. The building of concrete sea-going vessels having proved successful in Sweden and Norway, Denmark is em- harking in the industry. If a curved piece of wood be fast- ened to the underside of a snow shovel,it will provide leverage and help in prying up frozen snow, Wireless apparatus for spherical balloons invented in. Europe uses loops of wire that encircles the gas bags vertically for antennae. In a new system of incubation, chickens are hatched by the 'heat of an electrie light under a glass bell in which the eggs are placed. A fund has been "urnished in the University of Birmingham, England, for the promotion of scientific re- search in relation to motorcycles. Both in quantity and value, the United States set new high records for lead production last year, min- ing about 640,000 tons of the metal. According to medical authorities in the Philippines, an increase in pul- monary diseases in the islands is due to dust raised by automobiles, A Texas inventor's tooth brush is made of fabric to fit over a finger, one side designed to apply a powder and the other to rub the teeth, The firet automobile manufactur- ed entirely in New South Wiles re- cently made its in#tial run from Syd- ney to Melbourne, a distance of 600 miles, An easily attached shield has been invented for protecting the glass windshield of an automobile from rain without interference with the vision. 'Each pew in a church in Europe is heated separately by an individual electric unit which can be regulated to suit the comfort of its occupants. A patent has been granted for a stretcher that can be moved in the same manner as a wheelbarrow and that also will serve as a bed or re- clining chair. The most extensive deposit of an- thracite ever found on the main is- Jang of Japan recently was discover ed, extending for eighteen miles along mountain ranges. The otion of quicksilver in the United States last year, 2,726. 335 nds, was the greatest in quantity since 1883 and the greatest in value since 1875. It has been found by some' rail- roads in Europe that the mainten- ance of electric an ¢ locomotives is more 2 o an operat cars fit- 'with individual Motors. produced mi $391,000.00, $41,700,000, the highest of any sin- gle year except 1916. 2 A measuring instrument has been invented in and that can be used as dividers, in IHpérs, surface or depth guage. square, bevel pro- tractor or straight edge. .° | AS a new cotton picking machine is worth more than ey oution In 33 years of mining Alaska bas L year's figures heiig ple. SATURDAY, FEB TROUBLED Pwr. CONSTIPATION FROM 16 TO 20, Constipation is one of the com- monest ills of mankind, and one too often allowed to go unlocked after until some serious complication sets in. If the bowels are properly looked after there will be no constipation, jaundice, sick or billous headaches, heartburn, coated tongue, sour stom- ach, floating specks before the eyes, ete, . Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will keep your bowels so regulated that in no time the constipation will dis- appear entirely. Miss Emma E. Melanson, Halifax, N.S., writes: "I dm now 20 years of age, and since I was 16 [| have been greatly troubled with constipation, so much so that at times I would be in bed three or four days a month. 1 tried all the old'fashioned remedies, castor oil, cascara, ete, with only temporary relief until my sister-in- law gave me some of Milburn's Laxa- i Liver Pills. From the first they seem- {ed beneficial and I gave them a fair jtrial, This was two years ago, and with an occasional dose | have kept jentirely free from constipation for | the period mentioned." | Milbufn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26¢ {a vial at all dealers, or mailed dir- ject on receipt of price by The T. | Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, AAA AA eA A AA AAA At apr | atus with which it 18 equipped. | Europe's largest dam, a t forced concrete structure 330 feet high, and 700 feet long, has been built by American engineers in Spain for power and irrigation purposes, | The United States produced about 6,946,000 short tons of sake last year, { the Geological Survey has estimated, an increase of about 9 per cent, from | the previous year, The central port of the most north- ern of the Hawiian islands is be- i { rein- test spots as it has an average ann- ual rainfall of about 506 inches, To protect orchards from frost an electrical system has been invented, current switched into terminals planted in the ground near trees causing warm vapor to rise around | them, An institute | of electrical indus- 'ona in connection with the Spanish schools of textile industries, dyeing chemical industries and tanning. Geological Survey estimates put the petroleum production of the Uni- ted States last year at 341,800,000 barrels, or 14 per cent. more than the record that was established in 1916; The possibility of charging storage hatteries by exposing them to sun- light has been advanced by a Europ- ean scientist who has charged ex- perimental batteries with ultraviolet mys. Almost Helpless From Rheumatism Only Able to Mave About Crutches ww DroWilliams Pink Pills" Restored Activity. on Inflammatory rheumatism, acute rheumatism and rheumatic fever aie different names for practically the same thing. It comes on with hardly any warning. The pain is excruciat- ing, and there is a tendency of the disease to attack 'the heart when it may have fal results. Any one who has suffered from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism knows that the wmsgal treatment is highly unsatisfactory. External apph- cations of "hot cloths and Hniments and interncl doses of salicylates to relieve che pain are not enough, for they do aot drive tae poison from the blood, and the sufferer is liable to renewed attacks whenever exposed to cold or dampness. To cure rheumatism so that it will stay cured the rheumatic poison. in jthe blood must be driven out, and the blood made rich and red. When the blood is pure there can be no rleu- matism. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up the blood, make it rich, red and pure and in this way cure the most obstinate cases of rheumatism. Mr. George Harbottle, R. R. No. 1, Feversham, Ont, is one whose cure through the use of Dr. Williams' Rink Pilis is most striking. His mother gives the particulars of his attack and cure as follows: Some years ago while my son was working as a blacksmith in a Michigan lumber lecamp he was attacked with rheuma- tic fever, He was at once taken to a hospital at Marsenett, and was there under medical treatment for four months with but little or no re- lief. He then decided to go to Mount Clemmens, where he took the baths for nearly three weeks, but did not get any benefit from them. By this time he felt that his 'case was hopeless and decided to return home. When he reached home he could only move around by the use of a crutch and a cane. One knee was so stiff that he could not bend it, and most of his joints were swollen out ef shape. He could neither dress nor undress himself and had to be helped like a child. I urged him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and finally he been taking the pills a few weeks when he could limp about, without the crutch, and his appetite greatly improved. This gave him new cour- age and as he continued the use of lieved to be one of the world's wet- | consented to do so. He had only!report will be a big wrestling mateh py 1918. ' ee AND BECOME THE GODMOTHER | OF THAT FRENCH VILLAGE. This Desolated Place Has Been | Sanctified By Uanadian Blood and | Consecrated By = Canadian Self. | sacrifice. { Aside altogether from the: phil-| antrophic, the humanitarian, the ro- mantic, or the sentimental duty ana | pleasure in happy combination, which will fall"to Ontario as god-/| mother. to obliterated Vimy, Ontario | being made responsible for the re-| creation of this historic French vil-| lage, is offered opportunity for per-| manent, practical, profitable publie- ity, the importance of which is a plain business asset not to be under- estimated. Vimy to-day Is merely a heap of] charred and shattered debris mark- ing as an uncouth monument the presence and passage of Teuton bar- barism. It is, even in its desolation however, a shrine sanctified hy Can- adian blood and consecrated by Can- adian self-sacrifice on the alter of freedom. It is a shrine which count- less thousands will visit in the years of peace to come and that should be made worthy of the spirit of true Canadianism, which it will typify to the world and of which Ontario is admittedly the foremost eivie expon- ent, In the rehabilitation of Vimy, On- tario has an unique epportunity un- ostentatiously to attraet to herself, as well as her French godchild, the admiring attention of the world, and to benefit thereby in proportion to the degree of scientific intelligence displayed in such rebuilding. The ancient village being completely razed, occasion is afforded for its re- construction upon the most approved | modern lines. The Vimy that is to] rise from the grave of the old vill- age as Ontario's ward should be, in- deed, the madern village of France and of all Europe. Just at present Ontario must do much for Vimy. It is a high honor and a distinguished trust to he per- mitted to do so. Vimy 'herself is prostrate, exhausted, bleeding from multiple wounds, but with the un- conquerable spirit that is France and Freadom undimmed and untarnish- | i i i GREY AND GOLD. I watched the clouds at the close of day, Floating out on a sky of blue: They were chiefly white with a ruby ray, But one seemed grey right through. The rays from the sun did not seem 3 to light ; This one with her luminous ray, It just seemed to be drifting into the night A sombre, unbeautiful grey And right o'er the hilltops extended the glow, Of the sun as it sank in the west, But the grey cloud still lingered as . if loath-to go, had beem with beauty more blest, Then just for a moment a glorious "Till it ray Seemed the whole of the cloud to enfold, And over the hilltops it drifted away, A wonderful, radiant gold. I watched a life near done, I had watehed it for many a day And no little pleasures seemed ever to come To color with bright tints the grey. But month after month and year af- ter year, "Twas the same dull, round, Full of labor for others, but never for her, the 'time for a found. whose course was monotonous Could service be Yet as she drew nearer the end of Lite's day, : The glory from heaven above, Came into her life, and she went on her way Showing always the. touch of His love. And when she lay dying the light on her face Was a wonderful thing to 'behold, For it showed how the infinite touch of His grace Could illumine the grey life with gold. --Christina Warren Partridge, R. R. 8, Brockville. FAIRBANKS AS REPORTER. Movie Star To Wride Articles on Sporting Events, Douglas Fairbanks is about to en- ter the field of journalism, He has been engaged to write a series of ar- ticles on sport for a San Francisco aper.. 1 Tt "Doug" can make a typewriter || act the way he does on'the screen his copy should be worth reading. | One of the first things that he will] to be staged in "Frisco. 'Fairbanks knows a lot about wres- tiling, He has had 'Bull Montana," a well known' loeal grappler, working with him for a long time. provement, and was able {about outside. He continued to use the pills for some four months, by. trouble had disap Ce well ki to th case w nown to 6 ne around here and his cure was looked 'that at the best he 5 he a rheumatic crip use they have made such bwonderful cures as Mr. Harboitle's that Dr. Williams' ig Tills have u world wide reputation, and are the only medicine used in thousands and thousands of homes. You can get these pills Sheough funy medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes. for $2.50 from The Dr. ms' dicine Co., Brochville, % ills 'he showed constant im-! t the pills to walk articles will be attractive. The movie A e ymiptom of the Waking Which time hemo wh ion he went|{ doesn't do it especially well. cured "il "as marvelous, for/your boy Josh since he wen: into the It is a cipoh that the Fairbanks star has proven conclusively ere this that he cannot do anything without it interesting, even: if he Always Ready. #4 "I suppose you are very proud of army?" 3 . L. "Yes, sir," replied Farmer Corn- tossel. "And I recall with satisfact- ion a fact that once worried me, an' that fs that if anybody wanted g fight the'd dlways find Josh in a mighty accomodatin' frame - of mind." X 3 ONTARIO 70 REBULD VMY! ful Bust and Shouldets pon will wear a scientifically. constructed Te, Beauti are possible Bien Jolie Bis The dragging weight of an unconfined hist so stretches the supporting musches tat the contour of the figure is spoiled, EN put the bust back where it be B «/0 longs, prevent the fail bust from having the appearance of Sab = biness, eliminate the ger o G3 = he dan BRASSIERES dragging muscles and confine the i flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body, » They are Nie daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi- nable--comie in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, ete. Boned with * Walon," the rustiess boning --permitting washing without removal Have your dealer show yon Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock. ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. po co hah 4 Wy Have Your Car Over- | hauled and Stored for the Winter AT THR Central Garage, p 15 Kin, } ED, WALSH Save Your Coal James Soward's Coal Co. Phone 155. St. - Proprietor. A good cough remedy is one that can be de pended upon to cure coughs. Not one that cures some particular cough, but coughs in general While the causes of all coughs are primarily the same yet the condition of the patient is what makes the difference in the nature of the cough itself. Coughs of healthy persons are easier to cure than the coughs of invalids. The more powerful convulsive cough of a big man is harder to cure than the cough of a baby. If you get a remedy that will cure a big man's cough and yet not be too powerful for the baby, you have a good cough remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is just this kind of remedy. It is good for any member of the family. It relieves coughs of all kinds. It is composed of things which cure easily and soothingly without harming the delicate tissues of the throat, and is the ideal remedy for coughs, colds, croup, influenza and whooping cough, fours fr PAL Gan) Clim The SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD Also the Cheapest! -- are EDDY'S "SILENT 500'S" Safest because they are impregnated with a chemical solu tion which renders the stick "dead" immediately the match is extinguished Cheapest, because there are more perfect matches to the sized box than in any other box on the niarket. War time eConomy and your own good sense, will urge the necessity of buying none but EPDY'S MATCHES. MATHIEUS SYRUP OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL CURES Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Etc, MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of such a grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. ? MATHIEU'S SYRUP is the only genuine remedy whose ree putation has caused tg crop up many imitations of doubtful value, 3 ~ ON SALE EVERYWHERE A Piano of Merit & weer Quality This beautiful 'Williams Master Touch player in very different the elod) from 1 brafns and expert work. Call and see {he many Ne WI' arvAnke. fern * wi ers to sult your puckethook, Many people wait in vain for their ship to come in because it was never launched, Men are made to make that women may spend it. i money | JM. Greene Music Co, Ld Cor. Sydenham & Princess Sts., Kingston

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