" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURD ---------------- The Season's Best Suit Our suits for young men are made to meet the requirements of the swagger young fellow. They have a swing and style to them that vigorous young men fully appreciate. Price $18.00 to $25.00. Styles that are different. Just arrived -- a limitel quantity Fox Spiral Puttees, best quality. Livingston's, If Off Your Route, It Pays to Walk. | ones which no person should miss : * : | | The Theatres | St aoe 3 "Oly Doctor" at Grand. "Oh Doctor," 'the 'Woodhall Amusement Company's newest of-| fering, with all its trademark im- plies of excellence in miisical com- edy, is the attraction at the Grand Opera. House to-night It has| brilliant, tunefy ngs that you will | hum and ae weeks: a plot | that is censistent and filled to the brim-awith comedy; principals that ean sing, dance and aet and a chorus | of beautiful girls who wear 'ahead | of the fashion" gowns of such start- | ling design and color creation that] the ladies are forced to "sit up and take noftice."" Hal Johnson the fam- ous impersonator, is the featured member of the cast. Don't overlook "Oh Doctor," for if you fail to go to- night you will miss one of the liv- liest fun and girl shows of the sea- son. "Pretty Papa.' "Pretty Papa," the musical eom- | edy de luxe, is a melodic melange of all that is cheeringly inviting, allur- ingly attractive, fuitfully fascinating and altogether "it." There is not a single moment of the performance which is not fraught with interest and full of "pep." y The story is a most ingenious one, highly amusing and absolutely consistent. The big ensembles of male and female choristers\are made up of all that is manly and beautiful, refreshingly healthful and amply competent. The most critical of theatre-goers find the produetion delightful and] catchy. The big cast is headed by Norman Hanley, a most original and unoticus comedian. 'The big show will appear at the Grand Opera House next Monday evening, with a special matinee at 2.30 in the after- noon wild] At Griffins This evening will be the last op- portunity patrons will have to see the brilliantly beautiful and gifted star Elsie Ferguson, in "Rose of the World," This superbly enacted drama has delighted large audiences at the above popular playhouse dur- ing the past two days and is without doubt the event of the season in the world of motion pictures. Miss Ferguson has won most of her laur- els in heavy roles and as '"'Rosamgnd" the heroine of the film story, she has a part well suited to her talents. Another undeniably attractive por- tion of our programme is "A Rich man's Plaything," with 'the queen of fashion, Valeska Suratt, in the leading role. These two pictures are { seeing, as their equal would be dif- ficult to find anywhere in Canada. At the Strand. WEEE EN _ § Do Your Shopping - Tonight : STORE fiosin ALL DAY NomDay Extra Values in i Cashmere i Hosiery 200 PAIRS WOMEN'S BLACK CASH- MERE STOCKINGS; seamless feet, good weight and, finish. For 35¢ per pair. 240 PAIRS WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE CAS HOSE, seamless with re- inforced hes and toes. i ' For 50c per pair. 180 PAIRS EXTRA FINE CASHMERE STOCKINGS, Splendid wearing quali- "ties at less than manufacturers price. ¥ a MEN'S CASHMERE SOCKS, special va- * lues. At35c, 50c, 60c and 75c per pair. _ CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, ribbed cash- ARE wool, in all sizes. mere and heavy ma From 35¢ to 75¢ pair. For 75¢ per pair. Dy i | HEEgE SM which were closed a week ago, as the pu 'For Tuesday and Wednesday of next week at the Strand, Constance Talmadge will be seen in a splendid version of Cosmo Hamilton's great novel "Scandal." Miss Talmadge plays the part of a headstrong self- willed girl' who jeopardizes her rep- utation and the happiness of her fam ily for a whim. It's a story of smart people, wealth and social position. Comedy and topical reels will also 'be exhibited. CITZENS ARE HELPING IN AN ENDEAVOR TO BE SAVING ON COAL SUPPLY: Monday Will Be Observed As a "Heatless Day" In the City-- Shorter ours For the Cigar and Tobacco Shops, There was quite a heavy rush on the fuel controller on Saturday meorn- ing, but only those who aré absolute- ly in need of fuel can be given any as the supply is so low. Judging by the comment on the streets, the advertisement in the Whig on Friday night, calling upon the citizens to use extra precautions in saving coal, caused some stir, but citizens generally understand that the situation is quite serious, and are doing their utmost to cut down in their fuel. "1 try to do the very best I can" said one citizén on Saturday. But when you have two or three people laid up at one time owing to illness, «it 18 a rether hard proposition to save coal," 3 Monday is to be observed as a "heatless' | day by all the stores situation calls for further conserva- tion, : The fuel controller has been no- tified by the proprietors of cigar and tobacco stores, that they will be closed all day Monday and that com- mencing on Tuesday they will bg open from 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. Much depends on the weather as coal being brought into King- The Weather Man handed out a most encouraging report en Satur- day when he reported "fair and mild- er." : : The Frontenfc Law Association members 8 decided to close their 'Batarday at 1 p.m. and nul the following esday mo 'for the balance of the winter, in order to save fuel. | a visitor in the eity on Friday | fans remember { hockeyist.t | by Brig.-Gen. T. D i qualified as armourers | zens in the recent tag day. Lieut. W. 8. Nurse, Belleville, was Local him as a Belleville "C" Battery draft was inspected R. Hemming on Saturday morning. Ptes. CG. E. MacFarland "ud J. R. Desjardins, "Depot Battalon, have Church parade on Sunday will be voluntary. . Sergt. J. G. Murray, C.A.G.8., hs been posted for duty to "C M.H.C.C, Lieut. J. G. Bews has been detail- ed as accounting officer for all C. A. G. 8. stores, etc. in this district. Major W. J. McManus is still in the General Hospital, but improv- ing. dis many friends hope for a rapid recovery. A message has been received by the Military Hospitals Commission that there will be a party of return- ed soldiers, fifty-two in number, ar- rive here about March 1st. The splendid new rooms of the Great War Veterans' Association were thrown open to public inspec- tion on Saturday, as an effort of ap- preciation by the returned soldiers of the help given to them 'by the citi- Refresh- ments are being setved to all the visitors and a large number took advantage of the opportunity to seé the new club rooms. SAY DAIRYMEN ARE NOT RAISING PRICE It Is Not Their Fault If Cheese Is Hoarded They . Claim. Ottawa, Feb, 23.--A surplus of cheese in the hands of speculators should not exist, according to A. E. McGrurer Brinston, of the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association. In commenting on the ' report of the Cost of Living Commissioner, W, F. O'Connor, who found that there was an excess amount of cheese in Can- ada, Mr. McGrurer stated that con- ditions were--beyefi~the control of farmers, : "It is reported {pn the evening pa- pers that Mr. O'Cofihor has found a large surplus of cheese in thé hands of speculators," stated Mr. McGrurer, "This order of things should not ex- ist. The article goes on to say that we are holding up the people. If our cheese is costing the people 35 cents a pound, it is not the fault of the dairymen. We get 2% 3-4 cents f.0.bh. Montreal. The article, as I read it, seems to have a dency towards the belief that we afe holding up the public, and I don't"®gree with it." T. J. Thompson, 'Spring Brook, secretary of the Fastern Ontario Dairymen's Association, offered the 3 opinion that the surplus cheese in Canada. had been bought and paid! for by the British Gevernment, and | the fact that it was not moved was! due to the scarcity of hotltonis, ! ra A Lanark miljtafy voter in the re-| cent election wiote in the name of Hon, Col, Mathgson, who has been! dead of five years and was formerly Provincial Treasurer of Ontario, re- presenting Lanark. The degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Sir Robert A. Fal- coner, president of the University of Toronto, by the University of Penn- sylvania at Philadelphia on Friday. DAILY MEMORANDUM "0 Doctor," Grand, 8.15. Utilities Cammission, Monday, 4. See top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities. Band at Covered Rink on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, 4? Sat- urday afternoon, wedther permitting, a A DIED, CANNEM--In Kingston, on February 22nd, 1918... William Cannem, aged 77 years and 6 months, Funeral from his late residence, 58 {Rideau St. on Monday afternoon, at 2 Frignds and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. EMMONS--At Kingston, on Feb. 20th, 1918, the infant sen of Mr. and aged two months, IN MEMORIAM, wife of J. D. Shibley, who depart- ed this life Feb. 23rd, 1016, trained nurse of the K.G.H. d Two years have passed, still sore; As time goes on we miss her more, One of the dearest, one of the best, our hearts Oftimes we sit and think of her, niwe are all alone. + For memory is the only thing that grief can call her own. Some day, we hope to meet her; me day, we know not when, We shall clasp her hand in a better n And never part again, * ~Father and Mother. arin" Border Cut 2 o'clock to Cataraqui cemetery. |H In loving memory of Jessie 1. Winter, | a -------------- -------- i EE ES AY, FEBRUARY 23, 1918. ar Mis. Jmmons, 328 Ontario street, | Jf We miss her most who loved her best. Jil Your Monday Shopping Here Tonight AS STORE REMAINS CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY. AND PARTICIPATE IN THESE EXTRA OFFERINGS : FOR TONIGHT 250 Men's Flannelette Night Shirts at $1.50 each These are made of an extra heavy quality of pure white English flannelette and are exception- ally good value for this price. In a full range of sizes. Yours tonight, $1.50 each. 200 Pairs Ladies Heavy Black Cashmere Hose at 50c a Pair This is an extra good quality of union cash- mere stockings, and should please the woman who is in search of a cashmere hose of a splendid weight and at a price which should appeal, in all sizes. Yours tonight 50c a pair. ! Sn ri AA 300 Ladies' Warm Winter Vests & Drawers at 35¢ a Garment This is a particularly good value in underwear for this season of the year. It comes in an elastic ribbed, with a nice woolly finish, in all sizes. Yours tonight, 35¢c a garment. ' APA A ANP 150 Pairs Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves at 75c a Pair This is one of the most desirable gloves in the trade. For appearance, service, comfort and, best of all, economy, this glove is unequalled. Shades, white, fawn, grey, black, white with black. Yours tonight, 75¢ a pair. aA on John, Laidlaw & Son r Week End Specials in ys' Boots We have a number of pairs of boys' high cut boots, which we will offer at special price for week-end. Regular value $4.00. ~ Sale Price $2.78 .ockett Shoe Store