Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1918, p. 11

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> PAGE ELEVEN Ee -- PE = nm GRAND HOUSE " : SAVING TONIGHT The People's Forum The Woodhall Amusement Co. " | Politely Proffers * oney The World's Greatest Impersonator . i A. 4 : CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES WANTED GENERAL REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE oman First insertion, 1¢ a word, Eseh con-| FURNISHED FLAT OR ROOMS FOR FOUND i f ever light house-Keeping., Address HW, Lo these days secutive insertion thereafter, haig- HEH house 3 i 'FF ON BROCK ST. ble. Your Bix Hilarious Fon and Girl Show cent a word, Wnt shurge for British Whig. A CHILDS MUTE ON BROCK ST, } Mido Sa 5 nt will one inse hy 4€} " s WE may have same by calling at strengthen natio 1d help "Win th Sov six $1; gue mouth, $2, BOARD AND Rooms RY SDYEX ; : ere STEPHEN ST. DOUBLE ROUGH CAST Ww : = oly Corp, Dredge, 1st Depot Bat. SING SEY. OWXER WA) $1100, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1918 AL : fis fon hone 265 have same by ecalllng at Whig ---- HELP WANTED capitan Phone 2454 of Office : ' ELM ST. FRAME, LARGE LOT, $1800, ESTABLISHED 158K. NANT ABDI ang | SECOND-HAND uPRIGHT PIANOS, A GENTLEMAN'S BROWN SOLE - SERVANT, APPLY 254 for cash or In part payment of new | rubber, on cor. Johnson and BARRIE ST, BRICK: VENEERED, Lina. Sydenham streets. Owner ow $2060 ; ¥ ! janos and gratanolas, C. W, 3 . George B. McKay, Manager. | Y Y = ee | A eas rian [Il ~~ Srdenitam sweets. Opuer tala | compe TENOGRAPHER. "AP. Hl wenn © LINK, INITIAL DARRIE ST, FRAME, $2100, oe ply 1 A. McGowan, Sane may be had at Whig {HE $ at ---- A SINGLE PHA 110 VOLT, 66 Office, JOHNSON ST. FRAME, $2200. i A LADY CLE APPLY To CLAPP'S : alternati current eleciricll] LADIES ROOT, IN W. J. REID'S Starting at a fast pee and increasing Shue St 2, Picton, nt. i new or second hand, D.| ey Owner may hte Same by BURTCH AVE, BRICK, $3030. i 1 and no 3 g jay, R. It. No. 1, Kingston. calling a " eid's Store, * m-- ¢ [1s speed every m Jute Tor twa sng EXPERIENCED MAD -- ONE CAP- : Sia TS. gston Cor. Division and Pine streets SITY AVE. BRICK-VENEER. i half hours, : 1100 9.2 Te abl wad £ on table. Apply i Y Le PRA { 4 il Yea, a yak . Enh \ 1 OF \ | Nothing But Fun and Girls. 2 ock St, SIUY CLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR FOUND ARTICLES ADVER | i " \ . A -------- SA ------------------------ ---------- evel : a ' at We : | PATRICK ST. hw - Ka VEN. RENEE REE ERE EEE 2 Conny | Da EVER AT. | bees 0 no duiter Sr Ring eh PATRICK ST. DOUMLE BRICK-VEN ie rr TT ply to N, ©, Polson & Co, Ontari for winter; aiso skates hollow { v an 2 RA Ything.. AN RH . a Yi nae | . Bargain Prices: street, city. ground and sharpened. Phone 1033. | Anyone finding anything and THE J. K. CARROL! RS TR { | Sis Wishing to reach the owner may Brock St Phone 68 S FOR DINING ROOM AND KIT-| 1 ELLE y LIA PON ® i do so by reporting the facts to 25c¢, 35¢, 50c¢. MAIDS POR DI RAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. The British The | AGENCY, 5a , work y Kingston Gen- chants and business men in last h t Whig. adyer- wiwg Lewy SEATS NOW ON SALE. eral Hosp ern Ontario can connect with Usement will be printed in' this we Cs good side line by applying to Box column free of charge, J => = i GIRL FOR VERY | LIGHT = Wn fice. Strictly cou- : Fre : rT F 0 R S A L E ) UN o m Kk : Good wages Apply odential . of tly. wo i "Found articles" does not in. 2 J REAL ESTATH--OUR SER. | 3} ; y | clude last dog cattle, horses, 5 Are at your disposal A well-built brick-veneered dwe ling, with eleven rooms, hot air fur | Nl d e . VANTED-OLD FALSE TEETH, DON'T | ete, Th if lost, may be ad- ' 4 - | re 4 Sk TERPH, " . : * "ap | #850 -- BELLING x TS- nace, electric light, lot 66 x 132, with barn at rear. T his propeety is on | 3 ° COOK GEN ; matter if broke 1 $2 t, $15 rtise n the "Lost" column. BN DWELLING NEAR PORTS i os = pay } a corner and was built in such a wa y that it can very easily be converted 8 : ! miauth, with three lot fred. Apply M on, 162 per set, Send by parcel post and J : a ay. iarrie t Lb » check b return mail F.} i into nice dwellings, Price 83500, largain Mat. 2.80; Ev'g. 8.15, i check nu - - -- 2. rie 8 : Pie TLR gr ML a] S0--DWELLING, CHERRY ST, Apply to J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St.. | HALTON POWELL |" i oy bon tr worse | bi Los. lotoon -- yrowe: ivnLLING, rows. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHI | mount, Phones: Office 658; residence S71, Open Every Saturday Evening, 3 man, Rte A SLIDE RULE, > 2H . re 18 « . In the Musical Comedy Pe Luxe " T reqtived, Silly oct oa and Bar ahd U SI20--DWELLING, RAGLAN ROAD, HR -------- th SALESLADY FOR SHO STORE. MUST gle small . : | I i yn hn Ye i at | LADY FOR SHO TORE. | ' le snail house preferred. ; "= 1 . | BE00--DWELLING, MARKLAND ST. a. een. Apply Lockett Hotel \ HAND BAG CONTAINING [#1500 -- DWELLING AND wramLE, oe i EEE : A COOK GENERAL. MENCES | WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF BRUISE, With & sum of m I tol Spuen. i " EN pt tr Mg, PAIN lp EAP A Sar i St -- ine A, reduired to Mrs, t, 144 second-hand furniture, stoves, - from Barrie on Stuart rr LO SINR WE LM ST Sem e------ Lower treet, . OF to 1 heaters, clothes, etc. We also have G 4 losyit TP I Kindly { Sens A 3 t . everything in the second-hand eave at als nee and receive! gag y oy He: SE no To ite. "a hn. paccond-han reward ; us | 20-DWR AING, ORDNANCE ST, 3 Ch : cess street, Phone 1237. B2600--RNICK hl wADSTets, ------ | t » ® ) a DWELLING, MONT. Experience any: is | WANTED, TWO SMALL ROOMS, FUR- FOR SALR, { eal § = 5 ry Us for Anything in the FE | Fen Tw et We FO bo oe aie fe Comp Kin ge P p = i ast, year 1 satis. | THESE EFFECTIVE ADVIS. COST | the rest. Full list at office FI . Li Joslooteoe fiofuole doofeesfesestosfooforfoots de dots factory, nan. State | Hitle. Once, i three times 60¢; | trical Line : You full particulars, Call at the | TA Oe one week, $1.00" [B. W. MULLIN & SON, COR. JOMN- ! * & Aeeolededete | 1 Stee dese fe den | T RETYOR = rs . . eed de deed doled belles office or drop us ® postal today, | ONE BAY HORSE, SEVEN YEARS (AT HHUTTON'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY a ay ectric 0 30 fun-makers, singers and dancers. [gi7o0 3 XY INCOME FROM ONLY British Whig Publishing Co. | old; good driver; harness, cutter) w-- . RE -- ~ { Beautiful Girls Galore six s a day. Big fiekl. No com- RE and rubber tire top buggy, I x == mm GIRLS reeset. pes || Sct --erm ns tems eerie Experienced press feeders and WANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST [STONE DWELLING, STORE AND B AK. ry help wanted, Good started with a liitle ad this size. | ery, corner Barrie and C}) { wages paid. British Whig. a The cost is go lilile and the re- West, Apply te John and Division Sts Phones 639 sulls so big. We will gladly give | premises cheap, | 2 : ! { RR RAuire as 4 ir $1000 -- %0 PP, LOTS KENSINGTON "he ap. petit : Exclusive termitory to Enquire at 204 King street, in « 14 . "NE x ] Avalanche 'of Laughter, Proaucers Write -quick for local Place, er on At A Tidal Wave of Beauty. nicy. Combination Products Co, MARKET GARDEN WITH GREEN. -- i | Pp -------- Bargain Prices: OFFICE WITH ALL CONVE INCES, douse; als se, out-buildipgs | T { 3 0 E08 BT TR. EE Matinee--Adults 25¢: children 15 G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence street. | and barn I separately or to. | 86% oy $730--33 FT. LOTS, VICTORIA Night, 25c. 35¢. 0c. WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF - | __Bether. Apply 16) Nelson street. | this paper do business with you? OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAN. | . . = V SEATS NOW ON SALE, Your rt aint in these pages bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND Tha 000 "K SR Ni anLu i en Bros An No would give them the opportunity to 79 Clarence street. B ! selections, your own choice, $30.66 se 9 BRICK HOUSE, MODERN, MACK ® ® ® do so. For particulars, phone or ere tenes. | Terms: §5 cash, $1 per week. C. W . : J write British Whig Pub. Co FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, | Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. - all improvements; centrally locat- | es ---- by INTY Ford Touring Car $595 00 X 1 4 in AGENTS: MARVELLOUS DISCOVERY ed. Apply 242 Brock St 7 i | #4000, BRICK, 206 UNIVERSITY AVE. ® enormous demand; wash clothes {GROCERY BUSINESS, GOOD LOCAL. | ny white without rubbing Vash day | NO, 2385 COLBORNE ST. SEVEN ROOMS ity, in the city; all new stock; meat | a delight; no fuss, no Muss, no cuss. and bath room: possession 1st of shop in connection, stock, fixtures, TO REN --- py Ford Roadster $575.00 FRIDAY, SATURDAY One hundred per ¢ent profit. Send March. Apply § Princess St. i and rigs, all new Apply Box 212, EN aco TORE, PRINCESS ST, Arteraft Presents ten cents for canvassing samples i Whig Office. * Garretson, Brantford, Ont, GARDEN LAND FOR ig . acres, two miles from Ki AWE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND |vICTORY AND nC v ELSIE FERGUSON PROBATIONERS WANTED IN THE Apply to R. A. Marrison, Cataraqui, | furniture, buffets, ohairs and ta- bought and ) oid THER BONN, i White Plains ® Hospital Training Ont. bles: will buy all kinds of furni- : School for nurses, Two years ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 i mn rine " HOT OTHER: HOUSES AND LOTS SELEOT "Rose of the World" high school for éntrance. Affilia. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULBAN | Princess street. Phone 1600. 1 18 Market St, Kingston, ' ted with the N@w York Hospital, ary, airy rooms; your own lock ané | . oR HG = AlSO -- New Yark City. Apply to the Sup- key. rost's City Storage, 20f | DOMINION EXPRESS FOREIGN FRR A Nr pe erintendent, White Plains Hospital, Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 cheques are accepted by Fleld " TY] TY 3 1° @ VALESKA SURATT | _ While ERNIE Woon Sows| | paiers and pevmasiers dh prance| LTC ® ee eet ili. | ONE FURNISHED ROOM, DOWN | for their full value. There is no |g; coo BRIG PR : GET OUR PROPOSITION FOR RE- stairs, suitable for married couple | better way to send money to the| os ONT, BOWS AWN, -- i -- sponsible men and women, Per- or two fadies, Terms reasonable, | boys in the trenches. |_| SLA00--FRAME, TWO TO CHOOS® manent repeat order business that Apply 282 Johnson St, ¢ Divigion. | from; one sith stable, : 8 "A Rich Man's Play- pays big profits. Hundreds enjoy- Ei A "| SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. -- ing big money earnings from the i ers today sometimes use -a little $1L,900-SEVERAL BRIC hing"' . Business wo have hoiSs, fom the | URNISHED ROOMS. WITH EVERY | #0 like this. A phone call or 8 | © impresenmy KS; @ Rooms, t g build, Why net 'you? Leswerk convenience, for Hght housekeep- | postal wi hing full par. -- Manufacturing Co. Foster, Que. Ing, on bath room flat, in good lo- culars ou 8 epariment | §2,000-FRAME; 7 . yg 3: Touer, gu cality. Apply. Bow 233 Whig Office.| British Whig Publishing Co. Vmente, 01.7 ROONS, INPROYR. We beg to notify you that there is not available suflicient fuel to meet Twelfth Chapter : ------ the city's normal consumption until the close of winter. There is no guar | SNAPS "IN MANITOBA FARMS, 226 | $3,500 Rr antee of further supplies. Every effort must be made to reduce oa "THE FATAL RING" WOULD YOU LIKE $1 TO $2 ONE FURNISHED ROOM WITH THE | acres choice land, nearly all cults BRICK, 10 ROOMY, ALL NO. sumption where reduction is possible, in the hope that a fuel famine, which RALLY AT HOME, KNITTING SD stave ne ar | oy. water and Juanes. 500 nL > Will inevitably bring distress and suffering; may De averted. COMING WAR SOK Naat ey IP Offfear >. Arply Box: 156, Whig | 35 per Sore ore arranged. », NE eBRION; ALL SIODERN, GAR. All places of business with the exception of manufacturers, are most 6 »»" SARY. BID. 2-CENT 'STAMP | Seed and feed at a valuation. Ap- : --- : earnestly requested to observe the 9 « 5 closing; this includes law, insurance Joan the Woman : ADTMENT 24 ©, : i Ply to H. J. Dignem, Brandon, Man, | $5,000--BRICK; 13 ROOMS; MODERN and real estate offices; and wholesale houses, For the next two Mondays at deg "TER COMPANY THIS AD ETARTHENT 18 ALWAYS anch Aids in Alberts. Fruit improvements, A ---------------------------- ; 3 OLE 8 0 ! glad to hear from any one thinking lands in British. Columbia, wo least all wholesale and retail stores, shops and offices are requested to. cons ; =. ST TORONTO, of using _ classified mdvertising. rarer " S5.500--BRICK; 8 ROOMS; ALL MO. dudt their business in accordance with heatless day regulations issued by tut ---- a ) Write or Phone us about | ¢ FARM -- BEAUTIFUL SITUATION dern. t. A i : Ay be a ha x summer home, 7.000 wil -- the tovernment. > - Wie Pup or" Mein You, British A et of Sie Bone' T00-nr SEVERAL VERY LOW PRICED Cooperation is preferable to compulsion; each should do his utmost. RUSINKSS CHANCES farms in the county of Lanark, sit. | © houses to quick buyers on eas: This notice becomes necessary owing to the unwillingness of many affected 1 d } poise ITT ITT uated 215 miles from a thriving | terms. Gy A. Bateman, §7 Clas to comply voluntarily with the Fuel Commissioner's request for shortening n order to co-operate iv orn sin or TOWN SUPPLIFE . : a 4. et othousand, Gaod a business hours, ith the fuel controller with Dominion Express Money + Blacksmith's shop and prem. noise and rn, cow byre to hold Tn an xpress Mi # ises, 54-56 Queen street, King. ALL Riade or ay natdings of DRESSMAKING : : 2 cents. # ston, at present oceupied by dwelling and the difference. For J. M. Hughes, Mayor, Sowards Coal Co., the Sand wil he Slosed : "1% John Kelly. Possession on May particulars appiy to HB. Wastol, Jiss RICHARDSON, DRESSMANER, reyye rom Saturda e / % 1st. For particulars apply to > -- HAE. s Slang resumed business, solicits James Swift, William Drury, At 10.30 p.m. until NY Feb, a6, DR. REEVE # Nickle, Farrell & Day, 194 On. k rans, IN TOWNSHIP OF STOR-| Adress 201 hapand winte R Work. R. Crawford and Co. Frontenac Coal and at 7 p.m. * Nerve Specialist bbb tom. Ont. PL vingion, Srd con. about 12 miles | ' Coming Years of experience enables me a Ee a a ES .---- the Edwards Farm, containing 152' ¥ Walsh Coal Co., Lumber Co. Constance Talmadge in "Scandal." to treat difficult cases success- : acres, more or less, buildings are " MUSICAL TUITION ' -- 1 » Call, or state case by let- PERSONAL in a fair state of repair. There is Booth and Co., H. C. Nickle, fan wn (ls Cartin sires, 70 : fas Sh, Saisie Sinker J tnd TEACHER oF Fave: ) a ly route. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS farm. One of the best stock. farnis e several years experi " . . . " in the county. Also adjoining farm,! ;. chee te y 4 y So s------aa) and all growths and skin -blem- - Sid ence teaching, attended with mue S. Anglin, F uel Commissioner. --_-- daha 7 oneal permanently, with- containing 153 acres. Thess pro-i success; special attention to bach NCW THEN . ot scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. perfies can be bought en. bloc or ners. Terms moderate, Apply, 406 3 Elme ; Sve, Ki separataly. Immediate posses Joh streed, cor, 3° . AL Ed in Ee, ear, Nose. sion. For full particulars apply Wnech reel, cor, Frontenac, { Bagot street. to D. A. Cays, 67 Brock St. King [14 As BE. KNAPP. OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS ston, Ont, FINANCIAL ° ® i -------------------------- : street. Phone 6532. MARRY IF LONELY, FOR SPEEDY Yo - marriage try my club, Very sug- LEGAL | . oe DR. J, LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, ceAful eat, argent in, SONG, je A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY 1 .cading Fl v ul pts. established 2 Vears, - thousands order, he are - a ist Coffee Phone a2a Cts and Hagot streets wealthy wishing early marriage:| A B, CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER where, 0) Are vayable every " i Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets Ste confidential descriptions free, Old and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- md Cut Flowers our speciality. Orders Reliable Club, Mrs Wrubel, 732 ence street. lied promptly, Phone 238, 115 Brock DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- Madison, Oakland, Cal $ ) : : i - At All Leading Grocers. tists, 158 Wellington street. Dr. i Wishing to accede to me BI Ammon : ; SC Dewar, assistant, _Phons 346.1 ony 10 soni, ron Retire FURNITURE PINISHING . > . . ! ' "On § TE | messes eset 4 cont v's wishes we have F fy me; best and most successful! P, DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. fuel con Sollét wishe Seb ve | or a Choice Line of ARCHITECT Home Maker; hundreds rich wish er. Cait or drop a card, 23 John marae soon; strictly confidential: ee # a.m. and close at 9 p.m. each most reliable; years experience: by e | shag A ae ma ct suit POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- | desoring frac om 3 ¥ 5 { and ine day (Saturday Bxcepted) nti And SOFT DRINKS, Try chants Bank _ Bullding, corner Ib Me Paris The OA ' i dR. C Cartwright, further notice. . P. G. Ireland Broek and Weilingion Sig, land, Cant. | Tue Box bis, Oak PAPER-HANGING. 8t.. Kin ¥ . . ~ : : PAPER-HANGING, PAINTING, AND, LIVER 3S8 Princess St. Orange Hall Bldg. | 3 ' A h k. ining, ' H. Janeway, oh oP : 2 POOL, LO A -- 4 e Insu Compan 9 : 125 W, Cherry street. Phone 2126. Jom P61 180 2 ; Hagton St. ' 3 s i -- which the poileyholders | designe Rs PAFBR-HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN-| Security 'ther uniim] i y of re 2 i 7 i ing and kalsamuning. Roots paper. | pd a Per, insu ; i at lowest prices; also wa possible rates, Drug Stove. COAL CUSTOMERS a a Ey Og Go io - AR : LT i er for sale: a good selection. H. | old or givin Branch Fant, Dillee. : s+ ; ay Vednesday, Ses owiey, 252 Queen Bt. or 340 Bar: | rates from trange ; Please Notice ! bo i Telephone > 7s d st A re St. ents, one 825. fuything done in the carpe » Estimates given on all kinds | § ter General, will ype all Kindn AN crac a 9 2 . -- a eh toi, ie he on : Bom and 3 March, ; for the comnvey~ receive prompt attention. Shop| Tenders will . | h ance of Mis Majesty's Mails, on a Pron Queen street. : wig) 3 posed" Contract for four Years. 25 and specifi wi is Jimes pet week bra Napanee and Radiway Station (G.T.), and Nap- anee and Railway Sta {C.N.O), ~ the anee, and wt ce Inspector; H. MBRRICK, Post OMce Inspector's Of Hroscior. Py C bor" oe, 3 2nd Feb, 191% 4 on Choice assortmes of apples, by peck - also pote toes by the bag. « ° - J - ' : 3 pan , Friendship's | === . x ' News-Telegram, died at Ca Phone S45 | : was a mative of Almont Riv Division 81. - ulmonte iy to have "4

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