J {0 _eara more ir EARNING Money SAVING x economy and a Bank of 1 oO provide the way 00d earning days will 1 today In your Savings A ind RR against possible fut to save more { always the fun need. i SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED = Interest added to balances half-yearly, » McKay, Manager. (neered dwe Jling, with eleven rooms, hot air fur. 6 x 132, wit h barn at rear. This property is on 1 such a wa y that it can very easily be converted dee $8300. F place in th , 2 a Canadian Ro. kie "Or for th a . . 108e Who think of sum, 3 ier days playin» sonata, afterncon as at the hotels bridge 1 age and dances f interest Having spe t spent the Summer ina in the Mountains naking my gragy. ating cj to be mb of 0 and spendin 801 a & the ; a fr the Club ot | . ad 8 - taing and n.m. cach from Bantt to Fel fon wl seve ' night 0 hours berdd. Ye wale Was said to be 4 » and being fond Started on trail t alone at pacent all the tim 8AYY and 'heaytyr,. | tints on Poplar trees Bave just the Be ie Fl i Added to the ten, orist vere high banks d re 3 hiy s Shales of green an mr TIBht scarlet of # rial attention +88 seen along su H ~onomomamnn Wednesday, and fa) : ll} (aro; Smm------ F.J. JOHNSON @lled promptly. street. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Open Every Saturday Evening. AUCTION SALE February 20th at 100¢ No. 181 Queen Street. 1 Te x water r y head 1¢ WM. tens yw nu 8 MURRAY, Auctioneer, Fn a. SWIFT'S . Oleomargarine Brookfield Batter, Cotosuet, Lard, Premiom Hams and Bacon, Bologna, Headcheese and Sausages, can be had fresh Friendship's The Leading Florist Wedding Bouquets Phone 230, 115 Brock me bur there rst Tine Malcoln ed up » Sunday uy goal ome nt over 0 5ave the po par of .p,) 28¢ 1h. list 10 v 1 23¢ Ib. ao cool buy in ds, ptities. cash. HURRAH The Problem Solved. Reduce the High t of Living. - By Buying Fresh Fish of Al Kinds at UNITED GROCERY, 138 Princess Street. HALIBUT HADDOCK SALMON COD WHITE FISH HERRING SMELTS SHRIMPS HADDIES FILLETS . KIPPERED HERRING Delivery to All Party of the City. United Grocery. Hen Lee & Co. 138 Princess St. Phone 207 TORY Bonds have so many attraciive features they may properly be called the, National Invest ent. The assets behind Victory Bonds comprise every inch of territory, bvery farm and forest, every lake, railway, factory; in fact EVERYTHING in Canada is pledged for the payment of interest and principal of 'ictory Bonds. Victory Bonds are issued in denominations of ty $10048$500, and $1,000, which places them within tia-each of everybody. There are three issues to This" from, maturing in 5, 10, and 20 years respec- Bely.. The investment will yield you 51%. } paid you rwice (st. acessity ar, ably Victory Bonds are the best investment right y. Their value will increase considerably at 2 fie fe signs of peace. Vi of the Bonds ontreal Stock Exchange. tion on I, i -- A yearly, on June Ist and December ey ¢ in readily be turned into cash should the If ther {is any information you would 'like to have about or any other security, write to-day to the The form below is providad jor your convenience. Fill it in NOW. It will briflg yo: valuable injorma- that you should have. 3 : 5 B ¥ 3 + = = 3 3 38. ONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE Interest eg ed Room 203, Stock To the Serrefary of the Montreal Stock Exchange, 5 ack Exchange Building, Mo eg Without obligation, please scnd me information regarding the market for Victory Book on Investing, Bonds, =<bat stove fuel is made are hemp ~ THE DAILY E GRAND TONIGHT Bargain Mat. at 2.30; Exv'g. 8.15. The Cartoon Musical Comedy Success dies, Grown-ups, Every- The World's Greatest Fan Show | - THE-ORIGINAL Katzen- jammer % See the Fashion Plate Chorus Real Beauties. Delightful, Dainty, Darling, Dashing, Dimpled, Dresden, Doll Divinities. Prices--Mat. 23, 35, 50; Children 25¢ Evening, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00. SEATS NOW ON SALE. G Y 1ffin'S Tuesday and Wednesday. William Fox Presents. une Caprice in "Unknown 274" Also Jesse L. Lasky Presents George Beban in 'Jules of the Strongheart' And The Fighting Trail" Tuesday and Wednesday Double Kefiture Bill Charles Ray, in "Son of His Father" "Fatty"' Arbuckle, in "A Country Hero" COMEDY TOPICAL REELS IOOPIODIPIPPPII Dr rrr Japanese Carry Stoves Smoke'e 's Fue! Needed To Provide the Warmt. Piieealrdenlea dr de eine pee lle dela lele ne Ca a HE kwario, or pocket brazier, is used by the Japanese to place in the clothing for heat- ing purposes, and. the ful uged in it is known as kwarlo-bai, there being considerable rivalry as (io who ean invest the best fuel--a very difficult matter, since it must not emit smoke from the tin :tove that looks something like a cigar case of metal. The fuel costs more rin, or about one-third of a sen. and will last for three hours, giving considerable warmth to the part of the body where it may be placed. One put inside the bosom of the kimono prevents a. third-class train journey from feeling too chilly. pils keep one in the clothes while at schoal in winter, aad, so equipped, any one may sit comfortably in an un- heated room. The agod and the cold- footed sleep with the kwairo at their feet. Cramps or colic can be easily sgathed by placing one across the pit of the stomach. In the Russo-Japa- nese war many 2 benumbed soldier saved himself by placing one in h's bosom. In the present war Russia ordered a large supply for ber sol- diers, and immense quantities have been shipped to that country. The excellent fuel now used in the pocket stove was invented in 1882 by Tochigi, in the Province of Shimot- suke, and company was formed by the leadir ; tradesmen of the town for its manufacture. As the article was left to private houses for mak- ing, the quality was not satisfactory, and so the mayor of the town had a proper factory established in 1904, the object being to give work to widows and orplmans of the Russo- Japanese war, and a trust has since been formed for the manufacture of the fuel, and the quality has been greatly improved. The annudl pro- duction rese to a 'value of about 58,000 yen, but the orders fronf Rus- sia have increased the trade a hun- dredfold. Now the output is valued at'about 160,000 yen a year. French missionaries from Japan introduced it into France, and now there is a considerable export to that country. Although Tochigi invented the fuel for the pocket stove, the town has' not been much heard of in the trade, as the Tokio and Osaka merchants bought up the output, and it could only be obtained from them. The materials from which the no than three Delicate pu- stalis; mulberry, the kozu and the fatalpa plants and a kind of vegetable oil, as well as pulverized nut rinds and corn cobs. But the best is made from hemp stalks from which the fibre has been taken. These are turn- od into charcoal.. The method is sim- ple. A big bundle of the hemp stalk is put in a hole in the ground like a furnace, lighted and smothered so a8 to smoulder without air until car bon is produced This is pounded material makes up into goods sold for 2.50 yén. The farmers devote spare time to this occupation, aid make A Great Show for Kid- J in a mortar. « Fifty sen worth of raw | Rice ge IFISH WHIC. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1918. PAGE SEVEN free The People's KF orum 1% CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | First insertion, ic 8 word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent ma word. Minimum charge for 2 hree Insertions, uth, $2. BELL BOY. APPLY RANDOLPH HO- ted A LADY CLERK. APPLY TO CLAPP'S PMeton, Ont. : Shoe Stare COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. ply to Geo. A. McGowah. NO COOKING 178 Barrie St AP- GENERAL laundry SERVANT, Apply GIRLS TO ADDRESS ENVELOPES. AP- ply to N. C. Polson & Co, Ontario street, city. MAIDS FOR DINING ROOM AND KIT. chen work Apply Kingston Gemn- eral Hospital - COOK GENERAL, REFERENCES RE. 1 ivingston, 162 A CAPABLE OUBeWOTY Wellington =u MAID FOR GENERAL ply Miss Bates, 85 A GOOD STEADY MAN AS ster for whole le gre TEA M- « busi- 7 GENERAL SERVANT, NO wo droning yly Mrs llamson { 3 COOK end ¥ : semaid Apply to Mrs i GIRLS + Experienced press feeders and + bindery help wanted. Geod & wages pald. British Whig. + GIRL TO OPERATE TYPEWRITER, one with office experience prefer- red: knowledge of ghorthand not essential State education, experi- € 4 salary requiremnts to Box 218 Whig Office. WHY NOT LET THE RFADERS OF this paper do business with you? Your advertisement in these pages would give them the oppgrtunity to do so. For particulars, hone Or write British Whig Pub. Co. AGENTS: MARVEILOUS DISCOVERY enormous demand; wash clothes white without rubbing Wash day a delight; no fuss, no muss, no cuss One hundred per rent profit. Send ten cents for canvassing samples Garretson, Brantford, Ont LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- street, A. B. and ence produced is sent to town to be made into rolls for the pocket stove, As the raw material from which the fuel is made cannot be used for anything else, the profit is great, usually about 80 per cent. In the final composition of the kwairo-bal a little saltpetre is used to facilitate combustion, and, also, the leaf of a tree resembling the maple is used to stick the powder together, Of the fuel there are two kinds, one used for tI bosom stove, and the oth- er for bed use. The former is soft, and the latter hard. The fuel has to be put into the tiny stove very care- fully, as any mistake or awkwardness spoils the attempt. The fuel is en- closed in a special kind of paper, without which it will not be success- ful. The hard fuel is most difficult to make. The powdered carbou has to ue kndgded into a paste mixed with the leaf of the tree already mention- ed, and then pressed into a pipe mak- ing it like a sausage. It has then to be dried in the sun in a suitable dry- ing place.--Seientific American, Forgotten Country of Khans. There are few regions of the world so little known as Mongolia. Of the great nations that figured as world powers in the Middles Ages few have been so eclipsed and forgotten in the onward march of civilization as the country of the Khans who once ruled the greater part of Asia and half of Europe. In the thirteenth century the great Genhis Khan and hid suc- cessors united the Mongols and changed them from wandering no- mads into a great military nation which conquered China, Tibet, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Russia. Their em- pire extended from Poland to the Per- sian Gulf and Hindustan; from Con- stantinople to the China Sea; from Korea to the Ganges. The great Khans established their capital at Pekin, where they reigned in splen- dor over an empire besides which those of Alexander, Caesar and Napo- leon seem but petty states. Their power was based on ruthlessness. For this reason they were never able to conciliate the nations they conquered. The moment their policy of blood and iron weakened they were overthrown and driven out. Finally, the Mongol were forced to return to the prairies of their native Mongolia where they sank back into that stupor of inac- tivity from which Ghengis Khan had awakened them. : Bulgarian Carpets. Carpets have been woven in Bul- garia for nearly 150 years. In the forty years progress in the indus- has been so marked that Buizar- carpets in design, texture, finish style have surpassed those of Tur] , Roumanian, Serbian or Gre- -------- ep -------------- | turer and acting-manager of the Ca- padian National Exhibition since the death of Dr. J. O. Orr, ms been ap- pointed manager by the executive at $10,000 a year. Dr. Orr $7.500. Sy The funeral of Sir Cecil Spring- at Ottawa was attended by John G. Kent, Toronto Ea WANTED GENERAL FURNISHED "home 1124. WANTED T 4 A i ho give il he FURNISHED FLAT OR ROOMS FOR light house-Keeping. Address HW, British Whig. i WANTED, THREE OR FOUR UNFIU R- | nighed rooms, for light housekeep- | ing Apply Box 21, Whig. SECOND-HAND LvPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in pam yment of new pianos and grafanolas. C. W, Lind- | say, Limited, 121 Princess street. 110 curren mot » new George Hay Phone 1100 har 1, Kingston. | SIUYULE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR bicycles to Geo. Muller, 373 KI street, to be cleaned and for winter: aiso skates ground and sharpened. Phone. 1032, FOUND PAIR OF NOSE GLASSES, IN | front of Whig Office 1 TWO ENVELOPES, CONTAINING i ey Apply 200 Frontenac | | GOLD CUFF LINK, INITTIALED. i Owmer may have same by call- } ing at Whig Office « i WHITE KID GLOVE ON THURS. | day Owner may have same at i 40 Quebec or Phone 1307 | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER TISED FREE, finding anything and wishing to reaeh the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. Anyone clude last dogs, cattle, ete. These, if lost, 4 vertised for iw the ' | TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. chants and business men in East. | ern Ontario can connect with a ood side line by applying to Box . W.,, Whig .Office. Strictly cou- fidential noN'T| i" s and n mall F Baltimore, Md WE WANT TO BRUY ALL KINDS OF | second-hand furniture, stoves, | heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything in the second-hand Hne for sale. 8S Shapiro, 46 Prin- cess street. Phone 1337 MANY BIG ADVERTISERS started with a little ad The cost is so sults so big FIRST this size. little and the re- We will gladly give] you full particulars. Call at the office r drop us & postal today. British Whig Publshing Co. { DENTAL { } A. E. KNAPP. OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS street. Phone 652. | DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, | corner Princess and Bagot streets. | Phone 626. | " | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street Dr. | G.C. Dewar, assistant, Phone 3486.| Sahu | PAPER-HANGING. PAPER-HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN ing and kalsomining. Rooms paper- | ed at lowest prices; 1so wall | paper for sale: a good selection. H. | towiley, 282 Queen St, or 340 Bar- | rie St { FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a ¢ard, 23 John | street. | | PERSONAL HAIR, MOL 5, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS | and all ywths and skin biem. | ishes removed permanently, th-|{ out scar; 30 years 1 Elmer J. Lake, Throat and Skin Bagot street. | TO LET | | OFFICE WITH ALL CONVENIENCES, | G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence street. ¢ | i i i i | | 1 } "Found articles" does i 1 | | | { 1 | } i FOR SALE, y I BSE EFFECTIVE ttle Once, Ibe; one week, $1.00, ADVTS, CoOsT three times 600; STONE D VELLING, STORE AND BAK. and John ery, €orher Barrie West Apply to premises. Clergy St Veale, un AUXILIARY SCHOONER, MAGGIE net tonnage, 100, Apply to Capt. Lewis Orr, 110 Patrick St, King- ston, Ontario ONE BAY HORSE, SEVEN YEARS old; good driver; harness, cutter and Tubber tire top buggy, cheap Enquire at 204 King street. MARKET GARDEN WITH GREEN. house: also house, out-buildings and barn. Sold separately or to. gether. Apply 160 Nelson street. GENUINE GRAFPHONOLA AND TEN selections, your own choice, $30.88. Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess Bt. VIOLIN, VERY OLD AND SWEET toned, complete with {instruction book and fine nickle-plated music stand. Worth ; will sedl for $18 Apply Box 81, Whig Office, WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND furniture, buffets, chairs and ta- bles; will buy all kinds of furnl- ture and stoves, J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers today sometimes use a little ad Yke this. A phone call or a postal will bring you fu'l pare ticulars about this = depariment. British Whig Publishing Co, | FURNISHED BEDROOM, FOR SINGLE! ery central. Apply Box 914 g Office T™WO FURNISHED board if desired ertine St, city. AND Cath- ROOMS Apply 8 St OFFICES IN ULARENCE ST, 'CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. BOARD, locat- FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND all {mprovements; centrally ed. Apply 243 Brock St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, alry rooms; Jour own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, Queen street., Phone 536; res. 989. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking of using classified advertising. Write or Phone us about It. e may be able to help you. British Whig Pub. Co. MUSICAL TUITION | MRS, C. EDSON, TEACHER OF PIANO- forte music; several years experi- ence teaching, attended with much success; special attention to begin. ners. Terms moderate, Apply, 406 Johnson street, cor. Frontenac. FINANCIAL s my -------------------- NOW THEN "YUBAN?" Coffee At All Leading Grocers. FIRST AID CLASS Those wishing to take the First Aid Class should send their names to MISS LUCY WADDELL, 132 EARL STREET. Soar ra For a Choice Line of . Groceries And SOFT DRINKS, Try P. G. Ireland & Co. 388 Princess St. Orange Hall Bldg. ---- MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friddy, the 29th March, 1918, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed con- tract for four years, 3 and 3 times per week on the route Godfrey Rural Route Neo. 1, from the Ist April next. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Pos: Offices of Godfrey, and at the roffice of the Pust Office Inspector, 3 H. MERRICK, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's OfMce, King- ston, Feb. 11th, 1918. - THOMAS COPLEY wanting anything done tery line. Estimates given on all Kinds of and new work; hard- wood Soors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 40 Queen street, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; incorporated - 1863; resident, olonel . R. Smith, i W. F. Niec- one: kle, KC. and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and In- terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kin LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Pire Insurance Company. Avallable assets $61,187,215. In addition to which -fhe polloyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from range & Strange, Agents. Phone 326. BUSINESS CHANCES DR. REEVE Nerve Specialist Years of experience enables me to treat difficult cases success fully. Call, or state case by let- ter. 18 Csriton Street, Toronte. SNAPS IN MANITOBA FARMS, 32v acres choice land, nearly all culti- vated. Good water and buildings. Close to school and élevator, Price - per acre Terms arranged, Seed and feed at a valuation. Ap- ply to H. J. Dignem, Brandon, Man., lands in Alberta Fruit Ranch lands in British Columbia, FARM FOR SALE for OR EXCHANGE modern dwelling in good loca- thon. $7,000 will purchase 100 aec- res of good choice land, situated 2% miles from one of the most thriving towns in the county of Lanark; good stone 'house, barn, cow byre, horse stable, drive house, ice house, hennery and pig house, This is a beautiful summer home, with large shade trees, good water and fruit. Apply to H Wartell, 338 King St, Kingston. FARMS, IN TOWNSHIP OF STOR. rington, 3rd con. about 12 miles from city of Kingston, known 8s the Edwardg Farm containing 162 acres, more or less} buildings are in a fair state of repair. There in a lot of valuable timber on the farm. One of the best stock farms in the county, Also adjoining farm, coptalining 183 acres These pro- perties can be bought en bloc or separately. Immediate posses sion, For full particulars apply to D. A. Cays, 57 Brock St, King- ston, Ont, $1,400---BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, $LA00--FRAME, TWO TO CHOOSE from; ome jith stable, $1.000--SEVERAL BRICKS; 8 ROOMS, improvements. 1 7 ROOMS; IMPROVE. ments. $3,500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; ALL MO- dern. $4,500--DRICK; ALL MODERN; GAR. age; 3 to choose from. $5,000-BRICK; 183 ROOMS; MODERN improvements, #5,500--BRICK) 8 ROOMS; ALL MO- ern. VERY LOW PRICED to quick buyers on easy G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence. SEVERAL houses terms. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicits orders for fall and winter work. Address 202 Alfred street ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank Building, corner ee) Brock and Wellington Sts. Try Us for Anything in the Electrical Line Halliday Electric Co. ASK THE FUEL CONTROLLER 'Telephone 39 * o---- many representatives of the British, Canadian, United States and other an extra peany, . e The material thus! Te A