y Ps rayer meeting is held 1 every week. Alex- 4 is somewhat better. 5 ery thick on the trees. «ey .r80n is working for Rich- « Wilsoa., Mr. Scott, the boss at feldspar mines, has gone on a asiness trip. Samuel Asselstine passed through this widinity this week. aa sANpEIn. Feb. 8.--The farmers are busy cutting and drawing logs and wood. A large nundier from here attended. the oyster supper at Charles Fitz- erald's Glendower on Friday night. {dward Walsh has returned to his home in Oates after spending a few days with his sjgyter, Mrs. Cochrane. D. Hickey fis.3t Thomas Barrett's. Mr, and Mrs."T. Babcock at Thomas Younge's. irs, Thomas Young at Timothy Babcock's, Glendowér. W. Bennett at Mrs, Patrick Egan's. T, P, Young, at James O'Connor's. ELGINBURG. Feb. 16.--Beulah Hawkey, daugh- ter of Joseph Hawkey, bad the ilis- fortune to fall and break her leg. She is in the General Hospital. Mrs. Charles Smith is laid up 'with a hore ankle, Miss Elsie Bearance is clerk- ing in C. Smith's geneml store. James Silver has bought, Herbert Sly's farm. Elgin Stover % visiting his brother, Howard, at Yarker. James McLaughlin has enlisted and expects to go ovelsMs soon, Mrs. Boyd, Kingstan, spending a few days at C. Smith's, HOLLEFORD. Feb. 14.---Snow. ploughs and shovels are the utensils most in de- mand at this season. . Fred Babcock and sisters, Misses Orpha and Helen, spent Sunday with, their grandmoth- er, Mrs, M. Martin. Mrs. J. Peters and son, Wesley, ave at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W. Bab cock. Mr, Creek, Portage Du Fort, Que, is with his daughter, Mrs. John Médcof. Mrs. G. T. Babcock is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. Curren, Sydenham. Miss F. Vanluvan has returned after spend- ing some time in the city. Miss Marion Walker is visiting friends at Pleasant Valley. Mrs. J. W. Bab- cock spent the week-end in the city. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Snider, Union- ville, were Tecent guests at 8. Mar- tin's. Stanley Babcock and Horace Alport made a business trip to Ver- ona this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid were recent guests at the lat- | ter's father's, H. Westbrook, Hart- ington. ARDOOH. Feb. Hl .--The farmers are kept busy reopening the roads after the heavy falls of snow which has visit- ed this vicinity lately. 'Andrew Myers had the misfortune of having his horse break through the ice on Malcolm Lake while driving home Sunday night. With the help of some of his neighbdrs he managed to save the animal. We are sorry to hear of (Mrs. Munro being on the sick list and hope for a speedy re- covery. William Derne has returned after spending some time at Wing- ham. The many friends of Pte. Donley Watkins are g H to hear that he is [rvtoving acer being dangerous) | wounded somewhere in France. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDon- ald, McDcenald's Corners, has return ed after spending a few days with his brother, OD. MacDonald. Miss Mabel Jolinson, Osa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex. Gilmour. Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McDonald and little son, Allan, spent Sunday at Geonge Ham- ilton's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Webers at J. B. Myers'; Mr. and Mrs. W. Tap- ping and family at R. G. Watkins'; W. Derne and sister, Tena, at E. Martin's, Fernleigh. Miss Lizzie Schonaner spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'G. Schonaner. Alex. Gilmour and Allan Watkins are busy drawing hay from Coxvale. Mr. Brown, Carleton Place, and G. Hamilton made a business trip to Myers' Cave MOUNTAIN GROVE. Feb. 15--The village school is pro- gressing favorably under the able management of Miss Rankin of Belleville. Rev. A. Webster visit ed Tweed this week. J. E. Price and Wi T, Hawley attended the Fairs A Sluggish Liver Lots of Trouble When the liver becomes slugsis it is pg Babi Boss en is ith not working properly, and it they do not move regularly many complica- tions are liable to set in. » Constipation, sick headache, bil- fous headache, ei heartburn, "of the stomach A "i a Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are a v specific for all ; di Lig {rou AT EET id and they have been ly t° Can- the great- N.S, writes: "I "in writing you concern- 1(Rev.) Bradford. - _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG,JFUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19; 1918. PAGE ELEVEN _ week. for the The friends | Convention, Toronto this H. Cowdy i 1 farmers in this local of Pte. Frederick Soles, who went overseas with the 146th, and after wards was transferred to the 4th C. M. R, were surpri on Monday when he stepped off the train Pte, Soles was wounded in October, and just reached Canada an Friday. He was hit by shrapnel in the neck, cut- ting some of the vocal cords, so he can oply speak in a whisper. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dawson entertained on Wednesday evening in honor of Pte Soles. Miss Mabel Cox, Belleville, is visiting friends here. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. R. Coulter on Wednesday. As the over- seas boxes had not arrived, the filling of the boxes ¥r the soldiers was post- poned. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dawson and children and Mrs. Crozier, Tren- ton, were recent guests of Mr, and, Mrs. S. Dawson. G. W. Price was a week-end guest of F. W, Read, Syd- enham. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Webster attended the tea meeting at Arden last night William McKnight visit- ed Kingston last week The rain of last night took down the snow a good deal, and will improve conditions for working in the woods. + CHAFFEY'S LOCKS. Feb. 15.--The mild change in the weather is appreciated by all after such a long continuous severe cold wedther, The Red Cross party at A. W. Dwyre's was a success, both so- cially and financially. George L. Simmons, Detroit," Mich., is visiting relatives here. Philip Brady has re- turned from Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Lildan Fleming left for Toronto by C.N.O, this morning , School is pro- gréssing favorably under the man- agement of A, W, Dillon. IS saw LYNDHURST. Feb. 18.--We have had our thaw, but it was a few days late in get- ting here, and it brought a thunder- storm with it. We could have spar- ed some more snow as the roads are very bad. Mr. Harvey is getting in a car load of flour ang feed. The farmers are hauling the feed away as fast as It can be brought in from the train. Mrs. H. Storey is im- proving very nicely after the para- Iytic stroke she hal. Mrs. J. Young had a stroke, but she is not getting along so well. R. R. Tate is under the weather with siatica. Mrs. J. Hunkins is about buying A. Storey's house in the village. WESPORT. Feb. 18. --William Rowley, an employee of the C.N.R., fell from a car last evening near the Brockville and Westport station at the foot of IChurch street and fractured one of hig'ribs. He was taken to the Gene- ral Hospital, Brockville, where Dr. Horton attended him. Dr. and Mrs. 0. Lillie left by Thursday morning's train en route to San Francisco and Eos Angeles, California, where they will spend severg: months. Kenneth Butler, Renfrew, ¥s visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Butler. Miss Mildred Hull, Chantry, is visiting friends in to Mrs. Andy McNally left Friday f Kingston to spend the week-end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Hawley, Syracuse, N.Y., were last week guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Kilpatrick. JUNETOWN. Feb. 15--Rev, P. C. Watson, of Trinity College Toronto, is spending a few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Waltun: Sheffield, Athens, are guests at Jacob Warren's. Misses Beatrice Avery and Fern Warren, Progkvitle, spent Sunday at their anes here. Miss FEvalena Pripe, Mallorytown, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss A. Price. Mrs. M. G. Herbison and J. A. Herbison visited the formers brother in Athens on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Her- bison spent Wednesda im Lans- downe. William Flood has filled his new ice-house with-fine ice to be used for butter preservation) this coming summer, Frederic Stride has moved to Guelph. MALLORYTOWN. Feb, 14~~The milder weather of the past few days was greatly appreciat- ed. The "heatless days" were strict- ly observed here, and the local places of business were closed. The Young People's Association of the Methodist Church enjoyed a so- cial evening recently, when games and music were enjoyed. Miss Chatham, Montreal, is spending a few 'days at the parsonage, the guests of Mrs, A number from here attended the funeral of the late Thomas Franklin at Caintown on Sunday afternoon. Norman Darling and family have taken up residence in their new home recently purchased from H. Dunham. Mrs. E. Gibson feft on Saturday to spend a few weeks with aughter, Miss May Green, in Prescott. Mrs. A. Jordan spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. £. Cook, Morrisburg. Mr, and Mrs, T. Connell spent the weeksend with her rents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stack. enneth Bigford, Tornto, is holiday- at his father's..Henry Bigford's. Barts Lansdowne, is visiting at H, s. rald Miller and the Misses Vel- ma Mallory, Bertha Chick and Ella McDonald spent the week-end at t respective homes. of the young people took in the party at Wi Lee's, Andrewshurg, on Tues- day evening. Th 'preparing fo rtheir Annual a Home" to be held on Feb. 22nd, iss Susie Hollingsworth spent a few days in Brockville this week. : emo sd dng Feb. 15 The fiave been nearly le. Miss w. | Otive Salsbury, Queen's U n Gibson is on the sick list. Mrs. | A number | - ellows are | 'for some dare : niversity, Kingston, spent over Sunday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. P. Marion have returned home after a prolongéd visit with his brothers of this place. Mr. and Mrs." John | Jayne and son, Gecrge, visited for a few days with friends at Hay Bay. Mrs. 'N. Sutton, Toronto, has been with her mother. Mrs. Jackson, who is Hil. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Salsbury and daughter, Daisy, visited recently at J. A. Salsbury's. ODESSA. Feb. 1§.~=The tea 'and entertain- ment given St. lentine's Day by the finance committee of the Odessa branch of the Canadian Red Cross Was a great success, financially and otheswise. From early evening the many tables were well filled and the abundant supply of dainty edibles, 80 generously donated by the kind people of Odessa "nd surrounding country, told of the sympathy that existed for the noble cause. Albert Judge gave a short address, explain- ing the work in general and the ne- cessity of money to carry on the work which depended principally in the generosity of the public and the efforts of the Red Cross workers. The handsome sum of $65.82 was real- ized, the largest from anything of this kind ince the branch was or- ganized. A great deal of credit is due to the enthusiasm of the work- ers. The instrumental selections by Miss Hagerman, Miss Crowe and oth- ers were very much appreciated, 'Wie recitations by Miss Frankie Rose, Miss Bernice Henderson and Miss Phyllis Springs were very creditably rendered. W. G. Clark was chair- man and at the close Sidney Clary, auctioneer, sold the balance of the homemade booth, consisting of can- dy, fancy work and edibles, all of which sold well, thus adding consid- erably to the proceeds. Late T. Franklin, Junetown. Junetown, Feb. 15--~Thomas Frank- lin, of Junetown, died in the Brock- ville General sdospital on February 8th after seven months' illness. The late Mr. Franklin was seventy years of age, having been born at Rockfield, the son of the late John Franklin. The survivors are his wife, one son, W. H, Franklin, at home, and Mrs, G. R. Taylor, at Winnipeg, and his sister, Mrs. H. J. Taylor, of Winnipeg. The funeral was held on the following Sunday from "his late residence to the Methodist church at Caintown, andsto the vault at Mallorytown, Rev, W. G. Bradford, assisted [by Rev. P. C. Watson ,of Trinity College, Toronto, officiating. The pall-bearers were E. Hagarman, J. Haffie, E. Avery, H. Scott, M. Hall and E. Tennant. Plead Guilty to Burglary. Smith's Falls, Feb, 18.-- Five hoys were before Police Magistrate Spar- ham on charges of burglary. Recent- ly a number of places in different parts of the town had been broken into and ended up with a raid on Mrs. Kimberley's grocery in Al- monte, where a can of fruit was taken and found in Mr. Miskelly's store in Merrickville, which was broken into the same pight. The chief went after a couple of boys he had under suspicion, and an invest- igation implicated five of them' He brought them all to the police court, where they pleaded guilty and told the whole story. The magistrate re- served decision. Late MrLgR Dixie, Trevelyan. Trevelyan, Feb. 15--~Nora Dobbs, wife of Robert Dixie, Trevelyan, passed away on Tuesday at her home after a long illness of tubercular trou- ble. "Deceased was born near Ath- ens forty-eight years ago, The fune- ral was held on Thursday from her late residence to the Anglican church at Ballycanoe, and to the vault at Trevelyan. Rev. P. C. Watson, of Toronto, officiated. Henry Best, who passed away in Chicago, was a native of Brockville, He is survived by Mrs. Best, who was Miss Mary Lacey, of Broekville, and three sous and one daughter. Before leaving his Ontario home, Mr, Best was a sergeant on Brockville's police, force and was noted as a clever offi- cer. Women, Prepare! - ~~ th r perhaps, in some far- "+set out together on NEW . EWISH BATTALION. er \ This British Unit is Model of Good 'Behavior. The new Jewish battalion of the British army left during the first week of January for the Palestine front, e The battalion is under the com- mand of Col. J. H. Patterson, an [rishman, 'and a great lion hunter in East Africh in the days before the war. His experience in command of Jewish troops dates back to the Gallipoli campaign, where ha was in charge of the famous! Zion.. Mule Corps, formed in Egypt of Jewish refugees from Palestine. Affer the close of the Dardanclles campaign, the Ziom corps was disbanded, but some of its members managed to make their way to England and form the nucleus of the new Jewish battalion: : As at present constituted, about fifty per cent. of the Jewish bat- talion are British-born or natural- ized. | The remainder includes the members of the old Zion Mule Corps, a large number of Russian Jews, and a curious melange from several Allied afd peutral countries. The level of physical fitness, according to the medical officers, is very high, particularly in such matters as teeth and eyesight. The battalion , is practically tee- total, and a wet canteen which was opened in camp a few weeks ago was closed in a fortnight for lack of busi- ness. Colonel Patterson himself is an ardent temperance advocate. "Crime in the army," he said the other day, 'is due to drink and no- thing else. This is shown by the fact that our guard room has been empty practically from the start, and you would have to (ravél around many training camps to sea thé like, The disused cells have been turned into bedrooms for the guards." A great variety of trades and pro- fessions are represented in the bat- talion. There are more tailors than any other single trade, and this fact is reflected in the excellent fit and smart cut of the battalion's uniforms. There are several artists and sculp- tors, the latter including a leading British sculptor, Jacob Epstein, whose work has been a centre of in- terest in England for the past three years. A prominent concert violin- ist, Anton Tchaikov, ig in the same company with Epstein, which also numbers a young Russian who claims to be a second cousin to Kerensky. Regimental orders for the new bat- talion are issued simultaneously in English and Yiddish, and Yid- dish is used as much as English in instruction. Some of the soldiers hardly knew the English words of command, but all the non-commis- sioned officers and most of the com: missioned speak Yiddish fluently. The languages represented in the ranks are moge than a score in num- ber. One corpotal spéaks nine lan- guages. The food served is strictly Kosh- er, Saturday is.the day,off instead of Sunday, and all the fast-days are ob- served with as much ceremony as the military atmosphere will permit. reap fe eas Nelson's Midshipmep. The follewing extract from a letter written by Lady Hughes, who took a passage to the West Indies on board the Boreas frigate when commanded by Lerd Nelson, will show the man- ner in which the young men In that ship were frained and gradually inured to hardiness and enterprise by their parenial commander -- "It may reasonably be supposed that among the number of thirty there may haye been timid spirits as well as bold... The timid he never rebuk- ed, but alweys wished to show them he 'desired nothing that he would not instantly do himself. And bave known him say, 'Well, sir, I am 'going a race to the mast-head, and beg 1 may meet you there,' No denial could.be given to such a re- quest, and the poor little fellow in- stantly climbed the shrouds. Cap tain, Nelson never took the least notice in what manner it was done, but when they met at the top spoke in the most cheerful tones to th midshipman, and observed how mu any person was to\be pitied w could fancy there was.any damger Or even anything thag epuld be called disagreeable in the witempt."--Fam- ily Journal. 2 At Jerusalem. The surrender of Jerusalem to General Allenby gives further and striking emphasis to the nature of this war as a world-en¥eloping crus- ade. It may not be a mere whim of fate that the allied soldiers; the mor dern crusaders, sliould be brought to the sacred ground where Kast meets West, and the civilization of a mod- ern world be soldered. with a great and sacred past. Of all the races and religions which send pilgrims to Jerusalem, there are. mone more strange and pathetic than those Rus- sian peaasnts who come from the epths of their stedpes to visit the oly places of their faith, They may be seen winding their way in small groups along the camel tract which crosses the Plain of Sharon and the Mountains of Ephraim, singing' theiz haunting Slav laments. These are the moujiks of old Ru¥sia, neighbors, ff village, who grimage, for. whic every kopeck all t Between Edinburgh and brawny, middle-aged Scotch tered a train one day, relates Youth's Con pd ; I "Dinng ye shall?" No," answered the Saxon. "Man," the Soot, "it's un cala- hey ib | ity! for ye hae wonderful accom-| xX i A man who fs supposed leg Talk is scutes during comitahip Su married ite rings up eae aver: a a ag 1h 1jnor: was the Polish docteg who ac- BEOMBOIBIDLLIIDDOVII0 POOP § Wil Austria Go to Pieces? DOOD Ld dDPOdd ddd E are marching against 4 the Russians, but ne~ body knows why." Bearing this defiant banner, "The Children of Prague," *omprising the 28th Czech Regiment from Bohemia, left for the front ear ly in the war. Not long afterwards the whole regiment took an early op portunity and passed over to the Rus sians, The incident is now recalled te illustrate the forces of dis niegra- tien at work in Austria-Hungary and which now show in revolutionary acts which appal the Teutons and give hope to the peoplesiof the En- tente, Of the 46,500,00 in the dual monarchy less than half com- prise Germans and Magyars, the chief stocks, and twenty-four and a balf millions are Slavs. Originally the polyglot empire was created as a bulwark against the Turks, whe were still powerful and conquering twe centuries ago. Such an enemy led to Christian forces uniting against the common foe. The unwieldly empire with its relics of feudalism was tol- erated for generations, despite cruel oppression of the subjugated races, because the other powers did not want to risk a general conflagration which might follow interference. There have been many things ia the past generation to lead up to the present war, but it remained for this powder-can of the Balkans to start the awful blaze. 'Austria sent her ultimatum to Serbia in July, 1914, because she could no more resist the separated tendencies of her own peo- ple," says Pierre de Lanux in The New York Outlook, "and she needed to crush their hopes by crushing the little independent nation with which they wanted to unite. So many other factors have interposed since them that one easily forgets that this was the direct cause of the war." Since that declaration of war there have been many ups and downs for Austria, but internal conditions seem to be leading her nearer peace than is her more powerful ally. Restless races within the dual monarchy have been persecuted mercilessly, and al- ways in her crucial hour Germany has come to the rescue to prevent final defeat. ~Jugoslavs and Bosnians in the south have been brutally treated, and hundreds have died from starva- tion after being driven to the moun~ tains. An illustration of the mixture of races in the Austrian a; ay is given by Dr. De Lanux: "An Austrian arch duke, surrounded by his staff, whien included officers from various pro- vinces, was watching a critical move- ment of the day. A soldier came running up, and, waving his arm, ex- plained something which seemed to be of great importance, The arch- duke, who spoke only German, turn- ed to his chief of staff, who was a Magyar, and said: "I suppose this man is speaking Hungarian. Do translate his words to me." The chief of staff listened, and said: "I don't get a word, and I understand Cro- atian also. Maybe it is Roumanian dialect." He turned to an aide-da camp: "You are a Latin, and can under- stand this, can't you?" : "General, this man is neither Rou= manian nor Italian." A Czech officer was not happier companied the staff. After trying twe or three more nationalities, the arch- duke had to give up and send the man to some professiondl interpreter at the rear to have his message trans< lated. Evidently some province of the monarchy was not represented on the staff, and that soldier was disloyal enough to have been born there-- luckily for the enemy, too. » For generations a gress silemt battle Kd§8 "proceeded between the Teutons and the Slavs for the upper hand in Austria- Czechs have swarmed over the land as silently dnd as irresistibly as a glacier. They remind one of the invasion of northern and 'east. ern Ontario by the French-Canadians. The struggle began first of all in doctrine when John Huss ¢arried the anti-Catholic beliefs ¢f John Wycliffe to the wilds of Bohemia, The' Ger- professors condemned and burat heretical propositions of Wysliffe, but the partisans of the . Czechs brought pressure to bear: on the king, who reduced the voting powers of their adversaries, i be . In recent years the struggle has been mainly the national economie and social contest between the twa races, both fighting for « The tercitory ofsupied by the Czechs. is too small and they are reaching out. In the larger towns there is a super- ficial assimilation, but in the sm towns and rurat districts each ry lives in its narrow fixed little world. As a munfeipal election a new crowd | of obscure people appears one day, raised and organized no one knows Hungary. The |? | resident of Bi WANTS SELF-GOVERNMENT. Finland's Long Struggle for Greater National Freedom. Finland, by detaching itself from chaotic Russia and establishing a republic of its own, is but repeating and extending history, for this is not ber first struggle upward to the light. Alter almost a century under the des- potism the Czars this land of sfowing education and enlightenment tobk advantage of the anarchy which prevailed in Russia after the unsuc- cessful war with Japan to secure in 1905 a complete and peaceful victory for its pew constitution. Under this the country has become comparative- ly radical, with a free press, a single chamber Diet of two hundred mem. bers, elected directly by universal suf- {rage, women being eligible; propor- tional representation and a measure of responsible Government. The So- cial Democrats are strong, and a con- siderable number of women have been elected. It is no surprise that a sountry which has advanced thus far in self-government should yearn for the day of complete deliverance, and should take the first opportunity to 'eave the helpless Russians to their swan fate, France has recognized the 1ew republic, and it is likely that it will be soon looked upon as settled for good. Lying between Russia and the Baltic and Sweden, Finland has been another of the unfortunate buffer states of Europe, whose lands have heen overrun by succeeding warring kings and generals, With an area af 144,000 square miles and a popu~ lation of about 2,750,000, it com- pares in a general way with the set- tled portion of Ontario. It is generally thought that the Lappe were the first inhabitants of Finland, and weve there when the Fions came abo: © 800, but the coun- try had no connection with civilized Europe until the Introduction of Christianity. The turbulent Finns were soon in conflict with Sweden, and warfare and conquest followed. The Swedes took possession in 1157 and introduced Christianity, replac- ing crude, chaotic life with their givilization and laws and substitut- ing agriculture and other beneficent arts for the nomadic life of hun%ers and fishermen. Russia now began to cast envious eyes on the prosper- ing land, and after various wars, in which small portions were conquer- ed, secured the whole of Finland and the Aland Islands in 1809. This was not, however, before the Swedish had displaced the Latin language and certain "fundamental laws" had been secured, which have been held against kings and czars for two centuries. Under Alexander I. Finland bectme 8 semi-independent grand duchy, with the Emperor as Grand Duke, the latter recognizing the Finnish consti tution and undertaking to preserve the religion, laws and liberties of the wountry. All: went well until the "eigh of Alexander III, when the re- ictionaries im Russia began to sub- fect Finland to orthodoxy and auto- racy, and the much-prized constitu- tion was imperilled.. Meantime na- tional feeling and the. Nationalist oarty in Finland gained strength, Fin- 1'sh literature became more wide- 'pread. and the crisis came when the Jzar Nicholas Il, recently deposed, ¢irtually abrogated, in February, 1899, the legislative power of the Finnish Diet. - A bitter struggle tol- lowed. in which Russia sent a mili- tary dictator and an cromy of police and sples to Finland. Illegal arrests ents and the suppression af newspapers were the order of the day. The Finns opposed it all witha dogged and determined resistance un- til, as a last weapon, they went on a "national strike" in November, 1805. Alter six. days of a complete tie-up the unconstitutional Government, al- ready embarrassed by Russian defeats in the Japanese war, capitulated, and the conditions prevailing before 1899 were restored. Since then, with slight interruption in 1908-10, Finland has moved ever onward in her self-gov- ernment. : Though cut off from the western world by the naval operations of the past three years, Finland has been well known to people of this ¢on- tinent from Its emigrasion. There is a considerable cology of Finns in 'oronto, and one of their customs is to hold frequent meetings in their of hall in Adelaide street west, where | national customs are kept fresh and national sentiment renewed, Their land being somewhat remote, lying beyond the Baltic Sea, and adjoining the great snowy plains of Russia, curious habits and costumes are still retained. South Finland is a laby- rinth of lakes and rivers, and the cli- mate is ioderated by moist west winds. Helsingfors, the capital with a population of 111,000, is pro- tected by the fortress of Sveaborg, and the Baltic waters have been the scene of many battlés belween war- ring powers. 2 The Moss Rose. , Tradition gives the origin of the moss rose as follows: Once upon a tiste an angel, having a mission of love to suffering humanity, came down to earth. He was mueh grieved fat all the sin and misery he saw, and all the evil things he heard. Being tired, he sought a place wherein to rest, but there was no room for him, and no one would give him shelter, At last he lay down under the shade of a rose, and slept till the rising sun bh him. Before winging his flight rheavenward he addr i the rose and sald that as it had given him the "|sbéiter which man denied, it shouid receive an enduring token of his pow- er and love, and so, leaf by leaf, and twig by twig, the soft green moss grew around the stem, and there it {is to this day, a cradle in which the '|new-born rose may lie. cpm a-------- A Peculiar Language. . The Maltese 1s mont peculiar lan. guage. It is origin, bic in its chief ebaracteristics, sprinkled all through with Ttalian 1n- corporations, It has no grammar, is phonetic and idiomatic. The total numbér of working mills in Cuba is 201, Frederick Wood, 'a wall-known rockville for sixteen years, passed away during Wednes- day night, after an illness of about six months' duration. He 'was born in England fifty-four years ago. A "CASCARETS" SET YOUR LIVER AND "BOWELS RIGHT They're Fine! Don't Remain Bili- ous, Sick, Headachy and Constipated. Best For Colds, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach -- Children Love Them. Get a 10-cent box now. Be cheerful. Clean up inside to- night and feel fine. Take Cascarets to liven your Mver and clean the bow- els and stop headaches, a bad cold, biliousness, offensive breath, coated tongue, sallowhess, sour stomach and gases, Tonight Fake Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienc. ed. Wake up feeling grand---Every- body's doing it. Cascarets best lax- ative for children also, Needs $34,000 for Schools. Brockville, Feb, 15.--At the Pub- He School Board meeting, the Secs retary was instructed to notify the Town Treasurer that the amount re- quired for public school purposes this year will be $34,000. A resol- ution was alsp passed that after Sept- ember Ist next the maximum raise of teachers' salaries will be $50, The 'salary of Principal Remmer was in- creased to $1,800 per annum. Charles A. Magrath, fuel control ler, was born in North Augusta, fin 1860, and went to the west as a land surveyor as a very young man, finals ly taking up his residence at Leth bridge, Alta. Mr. Cameron, Ottawa, installed an electric lighting plant in the store and residence of E. J. Purcell, Ath- ens, The plant consists of a coal oil engine, dynamo and storage bat- teries. NOSE CLOGGED ra ; A COLD OR CATARRH Cream in Nostrils To Up Air Passages. Appl, Ah, What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air pas- sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely, No more hawk. ing, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness--no more strug- gling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mu- cous membrane, giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's just splendid. A A A KLIM Klim is convenient and econ omical. Tastes exactly like fresh liquid milk, By using it daily you save time and money. A povnd package makes four guar, Only 35 cents. Try t. Baker's Grocery Phone 1016. Princess and Frontenac Sts. pag Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water 'Says~@a glass of hot water and phosphate Prevents iliness and keeps fit, Just as coal, When it burns, leaves behind a 'certain amount of incom- bustible material in the form of ash- es, 80 the food and drink taken day after day leaves in the alimentary canal a certain amount of indigest- ible material, which if not complete- ly eliminated. from the system each day, becomes food for the millions of bacteria which infest the bowels. From this mass of left-over waste, toxins and ptomain-like poisons are formed and sucked into the blood. Men and women who can't get feeling. right must begin to take x side ths. Before eating break- fast each morning drink = glass of réal hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash out of the thirty feet of bewels the pre- vious day's accumulation of poisons and toxins and to keep the entire alimentary canal clean, pure and fresh. { Those who are subject to sick headaches, colds, biliousness, con- » others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiffness, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the store, and begin practicing internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but is suffi- cient to make anyone as' enthusiast on the subject, = |