I { ~-- | AT THE Maple Leaf Grocery Cooked Meats of an Sind. Baked Ment Lonf with eenel Pork Sausage; Cooked Shouwldery Meadeheene: Lmpire Frankforis; Jeilied Tongue; tooked Ham) Ham Bolognng Jeilled Heek, A Defence of the LB.S.A. | sociation | | { Fresh assortment always om | ehlef press | r { hand, unfavo by link {authors wi { pathy or eonnection | this way doing injustice We that an of would { was brou strong, reason f jeeive in deration N. Morris, 374 King St St. [rerment | ents of == an | BEST'S sEasoN. [san ABLE SPECIALS proper lav mulgated { people, livi { Bible carefully Rom. 13:1-8; | Acts 4:18-20. Dr. Hiekey's Speedy Cure i colds and bron a 3 311 y 1 ® leader flel quality and the 16 Mentholated Balm { Our impartial a ready = for bites, a { are supposed OF Crac government, supposed to age for 25 cents. Chithinin Cure ig a It ' Alex Potter. Phone 752. 12 Ridean St. ph Er a a cat th rr CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS T ndies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, | Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, io t is 0 to all pro= oe welfare their to the tenets of the hese ra loy al regulations of second " SXpe ting ause we @ non- partizan treatmen to ha under have & alwa burr the pro- hat ne 1é oppression Of R. 1. Borden labored | honestly and earnestly bring i ut a kind of government that Id best meet the disturbed al conditions of the ho {LBS.A. Ww king a ne tude in po confinir tention to ain demand- ected from tish € won { great. 'Hon ah is inexy t Short Ntop « 10 ; 1 SELF DEFENSE DEFEAT BACKACHE AND KIDNEY TROUBLE WITH ANURIC. J Many people in Canada have suffered from rheumatism and kidvey trouble and have found Aunuric to be the most suc- cessful remedy to overcome these painful and dangerous ailments, The lucky people are thoss wko have heeded Nature's warning signal in time to correct their trouble with that new dis covery of Dr, Pierce's called *' Anurie,"' You should promptly Leed these warnings, some of which are dizzy spells, backache, irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lum. bago, To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as diabetes or stone in the bladder. To overcome these distressing eondi- tious you shoulil take planty of exercise in the open air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely of water and at each meal take Dr. Pierca's Anuric Tablets (double strength). You will, in a short time, find that you are one of the firm indorsers of An-u-rie, as are. many! of your neighbors. Seid Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., or Bridgeburg, Ont., 10¢ for trial pkg. St. Catharines, Out--For several years I suffered with - gravel and with uric aeid, causing rheumatic pains. Nothing ever helped me until T commenced to take 'Anurie,' and the first thing I noticed was that the gravel had dis- appeared and has never made 8 reappearance. My general health has improved and I have a better nerve condition snd my eyesight seems better, too, 1 used to have such dizzy spells at times T thought I would faint, but these no longer trouble me. My only regret is that 1 did not know of Anuric before.' --Mes. H. MagJoraM, 124 Albert St. , Popular Drag Stores. Phone 0, firanch 2018 (ey R, M0DO. Those people (and they | are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it discomfort, ience, 'auses no pain, or inconven- And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 226 Princess Street \ AT DAVIES F Fresh Pork Hearts 18¢ Ib. Kidneys . 22¢ 1b. Liver . . .. . 15¢ Ib. HOME MADE. PORK SAUSAGE, 24c¢c 1b. FRESH TRIPE . . 15¢ 1b. (F riday and Saturday) Store closed all day Monday to comply with Fuel Controller's order. The Wm. Davies Co, Limited 5 HIGI: GRADE GOODYEAR WELT SHOES FOR MEN leather lined box calf double sd ent hr $17 (3) Jack Johuston s Shoe Store = ' {knows to he in warmest | Letters to the Editor Is | 110 , | complish their believe | are | The | the | sympathy | sdb the above efforts to work a righteous end. Care was tak- aegis vint the Government of itral attituge --the Com- , to wit. Those ert to the fact + is the price of ambition on with all {for en to this {should be mi vig ' because large own part of cal especially the latter, to take advantage of disturbed onditions to gain their ulterior poses, i member their sore experience from about 539 A.D. to the beginning of ithe 19th century. It only changes | its coat for the next occasion. | Pastor Russell, with his co-labor- has for over forty years faith- fully endeavored to place the blame { for the foreseen coming troubles at { the door of the chief offenders, the { clergy, who have not hesitated to | misrepresent and scandalize him to { minimize and destroy his influence with both the people and govern- | ments. The present instance is a case in point. The chief press cén- sor has been made the vietim of mis- representation. Nothing could be further from, the truth than to say that the 1.B.8.A. is pro-German- in its sentiments, Pastor Russell gave it as his conviction that if the Ger- midn clergy had taken a united stand against their government's am- bitious policy of world domination, and earnestly advised them and the | people as to the right course, and | warned them as to the consequences | of their premeditated course, the war would never have taken place. But no, the German clergy, with pos- sible exceptions, were guilty of en- couraging and egging on the kaiser { and his military advisers in their fa- > | tal eourse. The clergy of other countries, in ©" | aligning themselves with matters of © | state instead of confining themselves | to spiritual ministrations, have len into the same error and, therefore, | cannot escape the consequences of | their actions. The other charges and inuendoes that the I.B.S.A. have to do with the book on "Mature Suf- frage," ete,; Is the utmost absurdity; and the linking of alleged disloyal effort on the part of any 1.BS.A. ad- herents with any 'of the parties named in the press of this week is done with evident malicious design to injure us as a religious body, Those who have had the most in- timate social relations with us can give the most emphatic denial to such false assertions, The only thing that we can be charged with is the fact that we believe and preach that consecrated Christians should not en- gage in war and bloodshed. Those who have not taken that position re- ligiously have thembelves to please in such matters, Ministers of the gospel as a class, with a few excep- tions, have failed in their duty in this respect and we have forcibly and clearly reminded of the fact; hence their chagrin. The gospel of the Bible is called the sword of the spirit, it is double- edged and cuts both ways; it is no respector of persons; points out the faults of the high fs well as the low. Righteousness exalteth a na- tion, but "sin is a reproach to any people. 'We have found it our con- scientious duty to place some urgent facts before the people of all na- tions, with love for all and enmity to none, and are prepared to await the verdiet of the issue. Yours most sincerely in the interest of the truth, ~LOCAL BRANCH OF HE 1B. S.A, PER Aud Ci TAYL OR. LITTLE CRITICISM; MUCH MORE PRAISE Debate on Budget in Legisia- ture Marked by Good Spirit Shown. ------ % Toronto, Feb. 16.--Probably for the first time in the history of the Ontario Legislature the debate an the budget closed after a minimum of criticism and a maximum of praise from the opposition. With the agree- ment made by the premier and lead- ar of the opposition that the life of the legislature be extended until af- ter the war came the tacit under- standing that party strife would cease, so that, as one of the Liberal members remarked, 'the house had resolved itself into a love feast." After hearing many speakers on both sides Hon, T. W., McGarry clos- ed the debate Thursday night, and moved thé house into committee of supply at' 10.15, expressing his appreciation of the spirit in all the addresses. A feature of this session was the suggestion made by L. P. Wigle, South Essex, that young men in the cities be compelled to help on the farms suring the coming season; and a suggestion from H. Hartley Dewart that a provineclal smelter be established where miners could have nickel treated, thus promoting the mining industry among other than capitalists, Mr, Dewart also recom- mended that a controller be appoint- ed with power to secure statements covering the past three years from al wir profiteers, and with power to levy taxes accordingly. they commerc Ligious, seek | ers, STRANGERS THOU GH "0 NEAR. Kingston and Cape Vincent People . Are Not Fraternizing Cape Vincent, N.Y,, Eagle.--Not- withstanding the facet that the. ice bridge between the ports of Cape Vincent and Kingston formed early in the season, there been good and 'safe crossing in December, there has heen but dtile travel between here and Canada =o far. In fact, §t has been the Mghtest in" 'sears. It has Ht heen the custom of hoth Cape people Hand Kingstonians to make frequent i pleasure trips from one side to the { other, and there used to be plenty of business for a custom official at the uptown office to keep proper record of the travel. Now, so to speak. Cape vincent people are strangers in sult is that there is little or no busi- ness for either place. With King- 4ton "bpne dry," and Cape Vincent "wat," the natural inference wou H fhe that ou: Canadian friends wo i come over here often for a nip, but! es don't | Maybe ths people over there there gre getting eamelized, Who | | who | given pu included Miss } The world has reason to wt s Helen McKay * Yéral informal ison, F Told In , Twilight yrporations to uae. | $24 EELBESLEPE nent 38 H a . . * A very jolly masquerade dance was | at the Chateau Belvidere on| valentine's night when the guests | Miss Margaret Hemming. | , Migs Ethel Kent, i Miss Katie Birmingham and guest, Miss Phyllis Cole, Miss G dolyn Folger, Miss Doris Folger, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Doris Browne, Miss Mary Taylor, Miss Helen Camp- pell, Miss Marjorie Campbell, Major} Kidd, Maja Birdsall, Captains Bruce Hopkins, Seott, Grant, L. D. Steven- Vrooman, Dr. Hagey, and Messrs, Victor Minnes, Steacy, and Livingston * At the reception which the Oueen's Alumnae gave in Toronto to Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, His Grace Archbishop McNeill, Arch- deacon Cody and Rev. Dr. Chown were among the speakers, s = ® Mrs. N. Caverly, 382 Alfred street, left on Thursday for Bracebridge, to spend a couple weeks with her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Lewis. « + ® of Mrs. Clive Betts was guest honor at a small tea which Mrs. H. Birkett gave on Thursday noon of J. after- . Mrs. Arthur Craig, entertained informally hour on Friday in Clive Betts Union street, at the honor of tea The will mee Arthu: Tuesday evening Bridge Club next week, when Craig will be hostess Mrs. Hilyard has been the Robertson, guest of ffs airs Regina honor at sev- Mrs hostess today Ashby, at the William Saturday street, Bridge was club The Arts dance of he held on Feb. 22nd. apn 8 Dr end in Mr. falo, with street. Miss Dorothy Smith, Kingston, the guest of her cousin, Miss Phyllis Coates, Princess street. Miss Helen Douglas, Napanee, been in Kingston for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guess, Sydenham, spent the week-end Mrs. Parrott, Napanee , &iw Hagey is spending the week- Toronto and Mrs. James Linton, N.Y., are spending a few Mr. Linton's mother, Buf- days Barrie Napanee, is in with Miss Dorothea Bidwell and Miss Marion Macdonald are leaving with the V.A.D.'s who are sailing for England in the near future. Miss Gladys Carroll spent a cou- ple of days in Gananogue this week, the wilted of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Carroll. Miss L. Cunningham, the guest of Mrs. ham, at the St. Barrie street. s v * Several informal, teas have been given this week in honor of Miss Almon, who is Mrs, J. O guest. Mrs. T. G. Marquis, Washington, is the guest of her sister, Miss King, Alice street. The L.C. day, instead Brigstocke, hostess. W. Carroll, day in town. Mrs. Arthur Lingham, Gore street, has been spending the week in To- ronto. Toronto, Henry Cunning- Clair Apartments, Reading Club of 'Monday, Wellington met and Mrs. street, was Gananoque, spent Fri- = * = Dr. and Mrs. James Third, Wel- lington street, have been spending a few days in Toronto, Miss Phyllis Cole, Chatham, is the guest of Miss Kate Bermingham, Bar- rie street. Miss Muriel Robertson and Miss Ewing Macfarlane, Ottawa, both of whom have many friends in King- ston, are leaving shortly for Eng- land to do voluntary aid duty. Mrs. John A. Cooper and: Mrs Frank Yeigh, both graduates of Queen's University, and formerly of Kingston, entertained Principal and Mrs. Taylor while they were in To- ronto. < ® Miss Pansy Jackson, Napanee, visiting friends in Kingston. Miss Edna Johnston, Kingston, spent the week-end visiting friends in Napanee. Miss Minnfe Davis, Napanee, spent a few days this week with friends in Kingston. Miss Dr. Cullis, a guest at the luncheon given by Queen's Alumnae to Mrs. Bruce Taylor in Toronto, may visit Kingston 'shortly. Dr. Cullis is a woman of high scholarly attain- ments and attractive personality. (Continued on Page 14.) THE FISH DEALERS OPPOSE THE PLANS psn spre Letter to Premier Hearst Roundly Condemns Govern- ment Meas Measures. Toronto, Feb. >. 16-5: an open letter to Sir William Hearst, Prem- ier of Ontario, given ott to the Board of Trade, the Canadian Manufaet- urers' Association, the Canadian Fishermen's Assockition, (he press of Toronto and the leader of the Oppo * is sitiqu, the ¥. T. James Ca, Toronto. fish merchants, declare themselves totally opposed to the. Provinelal Government's léy in. com fon with its fish distribution scheme. The Government's scheme is attack pd in every detail. and the adminis- trative expenses aye stated to be un duly hizh. 'The wholé plan is eliar: acterized 'as "quile oulrsweous,' and the opposition of the entire fish- ing Industry is Indicated. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, 3 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1918. Probs: Mostly fair and cold on Sunday ; some snow. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WISHES OF THE FUEL CON- TROLLER THIS STORE WILL REMAIN :§ Closed All Day Monday 10-NIGHT'S THE NIGHT or Bargains at Steacy's STORE OPEN UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK TAFFETA RIBBONS 1200 yards of slightly tender imported French and Swiss taffeta silk ribbons -- in almost every warted shade, the widths vary from 1} suitable for bags and general fancy work. from 7c on up to 25¢ a yard. Tonight B.P.C. CROCHET COTTON We have been fortunate in securing another shipment of Belding, Paul, Corticelli mercerized cro zhet cotton in white only--all sizes from 10 to 80. This we guarantee to be full 'weight, On sale only Tonight ..... ..... ... ROYAL SOCIETY ROPE SILK AND INDIA EMBROIDERY 'FLOSS. 5000 skeins of t to 6 inches: this will make excellent hair ribbon, also is Regularly, prices 5¢ 15¢ ball, . 10c or 3 for 25¢. e famous Royal Society Rope Silk and mercer- ized colored flags, in a large assortment of the most wanted shades -- these are regularly sold at 3c and 5c a skein, to be cleared in lots of six skeins only. Tonight CASHMERETTE HOSE 380 pair extra fine black cashmerette hose, full fashioned with re-enforced toe and heel and heavy garter welt. This is a particu- larly good value at 45¢ a pair. Tonight A limit of three pair to 4 customer. BATH TOWELS . 6 for Sc. 50 doz. extra heavy Terry bath fowels, 3 in white and cream; all large sizes. Reg. 35¢ values. Tonight . SEE OUR NEW YORK SUITS NOW ON OPENING DISPLAY ! Do Your Monday's Shopping Tonight at Steacy's - Limited Yansnnnunnns SERENEEEENNRNEENANRENEEEAN Feb'y Sale ! We all want to get the best values we can. | If you contemplate buying furniture or carpets this. spring you will save 20% to 25% by buying now. We are offering a number of specials and wise buyers are picking them up, We will store your purchases for delivery until next April or May (free). NANA NINN ENN ANNAN MAY SUE ESTATES OF DEAD DIRECTORS Liquidator of Dominion Per= manent Loan Company In dicates Probable Action. Toronto, Feb. 16. probably be taken in the courts to recover funds from estates of form- er directors of tlie Dominien Perman- ent Loan Company, now in liquida- tion, for the benefit of debenture holdgrs and depositors, G. T. Clark- son, "the assignee, said yesterday. The affairs of the company must rémain as they are at present, until after a meeting of the shareholders, debenture holders and depositors, which will be held as soon as the lists have been completed, which is expected to be some day next week. Mr. Clarkson said that, with the exception of the general manager, all officials of the company respon- sible for the investments in the west are now dead, but, he added that it was almost certain that a test case againet one or other of the estates of the men would be taken before the courts, if legal advice {8 secured making such a course wopth while. \ The,Ontario Legislature saved $2, 00000 by deferring thé provin- cial general election until one year after demobilization of the Canadian army ig complete. Ex-Ald. L. A. Lapointe, M.P., has definitely decided to be g mayorality candidate in Montreal in April against Mayor Mederic Martin, Stefansson Is expected to return fo Dawson with the Royal North West Mounted Police who will reach him at Fort McPherson. § A deputation of Polish troops from 'Russia has arrived secretly at Action will 'Warsaw on a special mission to the Potish Cabinet. end peculiarly on fies. enriches and iids np the whole syst gi 's rr tod ihe test of forty years. Ge} it loday "ht s wire Io MAIER: fs in some cases at loss you will be buying actual whole. sale price of the g Victor Records February Records Are In. T F. HARRISON CO., LTD. 229 - 237 Princess Street. Klim is convenient and econ omieal. Tastes exactly like fresh liquid milk. By using daily you save time and money, A pound package makes four quarts. Only 35 cents. Try Baker's Grocery Phone 1016. Princess and Frontenac Sts. A a Roy Cone, for many years chief accountant in the office of ithe re- eolver general, Toronto. has been Tora eld to be isan general, by the Domipfon Government. in sue cession to the late David Creighton. The Government has decided on: a site on Flushing Bay for a hydro aeroplane base for an serial servige between New York and Boston. Some of the heaven made matches got their tips in the other place,