Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1918, p. 5

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WHEN THE RECIPE | CALLS FOR MILK vu LY READ IT BACKWARD For instance here is a pudding you can make even though ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1918. 7] [AGA DEFEAT CORNWALL NEANS 1S OFFERED KINGSTON JUNIORS WON. MON- DAY NIGHT BY 9» TO 3. And Captured the Round By a Ma- jority of Nine Goals--A Fistic En- counter Was a Feature. Kingston Juniors defeated the Cornwall Union Jacks here last night by 9 to 3, and thereby won the round by nine goals, having defeated the Cornwall's by three goals in the first game of the home and home series. In last night's game the locals show- ed their superiority all the way through. After they had the game safe they gave the spectators a dem- onstration of nice combination plays A PAGE FIVE sists ne OFFIZENS AND FARMERS WORK- ED FOR GREATER PRODUCTION, Took Up Hog Question In a Success. ful and Business-like Way--De- tails Are Given. Raise hogs and still more hogs is the ery of the Government now. To answer that -cry is the intention of every citizen, but the method is where the halt has been brought to their good intentions. Being out of the question to increase the produe- tion of hogs in the city the farmers must take up the work. They already know the financial gain of greater production in bacon and cannot do pERMEENNREER a " c the = : 2 Specials at $3.95 Ladiés' Brown Kid Laced Boots, regular $6.00 for $3.95. . A few odd sizes, etc., in men's lac- ed boots, regular $5, $5.50 and $6.00, for $3.95. there is not a drop of liquid milk in the house: GRAHAM PUDDING Graham flour. t jespoonfuls of dry Klim. Teaspooniul of salt | 1-2 Teaspooniul of soda. 5. 1-2 Cup of Water. I Cup of raisins, seeded and cut and in effective team work. Cornwall scored first, but it was not long till Elmer came back and made one from a scrimmage in front of the visitors pets. Gratton got the next from a short rush, and Cornwall came back successfully and made the first period a tie with the score two all. A McLaughlin and Gratton combined for some nice work in the second period, the former shooting and Grat- ton waiting in the centre position for the rebound. From a face off far out Elmer bored through and beat the Cornwall net-guardian, making the|in purchasing brood sows. tally four to two. Cornwall began to The sows were to be bred, and as fade at this paint. The local defence soon as the litter could be removed weight told on the visitors. They| from their mother, one little pig-- resorted to long-distance shooting.|if enough were available--to be giv- The forwards were lucky in getting|en to one boy in each rural school in their last score against Connnell.|the county. The game became faser and then The boy to be given charge of the Brown registéred twice. This nap-| pig signed an agreement to take pened when two Cornwall men were| proper care of same, to dispose of it on the fence for tripping. After|in the fall, and to return enough a face-off Brown and McLaughlin | money to make up his proportion of collided near the Cornwall nets and! Four Hundred Dollars ($400), col- both deceived nasty cuts and had to| jected as above, go in, Spewell being put to use. The| It was estimated that $400 would period ended without more scoring.|purchase at least nine brood sows. Just before the third period open-| Nine members of Agricultural Sec- ed the spectators were treated to ation of the Board of Trade would little amusement on the side. The|keep these sows until the litter ar- rival goaltgnders were standing to-irives. There should be at least 54 gether near the<Cornwall nets when| little pigs. Each one should be worth suddenly a bit of a fistic encounter| $35 when eight months old, showing was taged which soon involved al-|a total income of $1,890. The esti- most. the entire two teams. The| mated cost of keeping each pig until incident last but a moment and. Nno|eight months old is $12 or $648 in one was hurt.' One of the Cornwalllall, together with $400 loaned by the men was penalized. members, leaves a balance of $842, Content, the speedy visiting wing|to be divided among the fifty-four man went up the ice a few minutes) boys for their work or giving each after the third period opened and|boy a little over $15 for his trouble. got one past Connell The crowd The sow can be sold for more gave him some deserved applause. than enough to pay the farmer for It was the only case of the whole| keeping her until the little pigs are game in which McLaughlin and Mc-| horn. The costs of feeding brood Kelvey were beaten. With Brown and|sows for six months is $225. They Gratton off Elmer had to work hard|ghould then be worth amount paid to keep the puck up, and he was|for as above $400, leaving a credit warmly cheered for his splendig play-| balance of $175. This .améunt ing. Connell was kept busy for 'ajwould further increase the fit few minutes but he did his work well | each Ho Bro 10 a Hivauage of 'qur press and blocked all of the visitors long| All the citizen loses is the interest shots. Cornwall was, getting tired on $10 for one year. The result and slackened up very much. Then|ghould more than be worth this the locals started end to end rushes| amount. in Which two and three men com- bined. This spectacular work was spoiled by the lucky Golinger in the] --y nets, McKelvey and Grdtton com- 4 2 bined for two nice ruches and Mc-| Pie GA Fitagerald Tells About Kelvey .did the pet finding. Just a| Some of His Experiences. few minutes before the game ended| Writing from Seaford, Sussex, McKelvey came down almost the! Eng' Pte G. A. Fitzgerald tells of length of the rink and notiched up a some of his experiences to his sister, nice one, making the final score Mrs, Stanley Husband, of Harrow- nine to three, : smith. The letter was ~Written on Lawson Whitehead, Toronto, re- December 4th. He says he went to fereed the game. France on Jan. 12th., remained in The teams lied up as foljows: { camp three days and then was sent Kingston Juniors: goal, Connell: | up the line. He travelled ten days defence, McKelvey and McHaughlin; | by train (box cars) and after a stop- centre, Gratton; wings) Elmer and over of a week, in a small French Brown; spare, Shewell. town, reached the line. Here he re- Cornwall: goal) Gollingar; de- | mained till March 17th afterwards fence, Lane and Atchison; centre,| making an advance through Bapus- Tilton; wings, Content and Slogn; lian and was there until June 20th, spare, Perry. afterwards going to Newpont, Belg- ium, staying there until July 19th, 7 , On the latter date, Pte. Fitzgerald Canadian Casualties. was wounded, and was her a Wounded--J. W. Carey, Sharbot| hospital in France, 'where he remain- Lake; J. R. McFadden, Carleton|{ed for two weeks. 'He was then Place. f _ | sent to England, and was confined Wounded and Gagsed---J. P. Mc-| to Edmonton hospital for three Grath, Peterboro. weeks, and from this institution he IF, 0, Reid, was sent to the Canadian Convales- Doyle, Cobourg. cent Hospital, Uxbridge, and from Reported died there to the Canadian Military Hos- sources--E. N. pital, Basingstope. On Nov. 14th. Lake. he was discharged from hospital, given ten days leave and then had to come back to the depot. The writer spent his leave in Ireland and had = | good time there. more very convéhiently. Through the kindness of A. W. Sirett, District Agricultural Repre- sentative, the Whig has been given a copy of an agreement which gives much light on the method which proved very successful in Wentworth county and which promises well for this district. The campaign went un- der the title of "Greater Hog Pro- duction." It brought forty men to subscribe $10, each thus raising -the capital of $400. The regulations were: The entire amount was to be spent 1 2 Cops 3 Ta ¥ Abernethy's Shoe Store EERE ENE EERE TRE RA = 3 OUR BIG FURNITURE SALE u Furs OW Thoroughly mix the dry i gredients; wid the beaten egg. molasses, water and favoring: beat all thoroughly, add the raising; blend well; tum into buttered molds. Cover snd steam 2 1-2 hours. \ Use Klim in place of liquid milk for milk soups, cream sauces, puddings, gravies, cakes, bread, cookies, candy and all other recipes which call for liquid milk. Mix Klim dry with other dry ingredients, or dissolve in water and use as liquid. Klim is all the food value--and nothing else---of pure separated pasteurized milk in powderfform. It will not sour, spoil or freezg, Use from the tin as you need it. See demonstration at Kingston ett] . MARY GARDEN FACE POWDER, TALCUM, ROUGE AND PERFUME, AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Sts. Telephone 41. THIS DINING ROOM SETT IN SOLID BLACK WALNUT OR FUMED OAK In William and Mary Style in nine pieces, in dull or polished finish. Also odd pieces to fill out your | gett at manufacturer's prices. James Reid The Busy Store with Large Stock. Phone 147 -- The Leading Undertaker. KLIM "Use it regularly in place of | fresh milk. IT §S PURE, GEN- VINE separated milk in pow der form. A pound makes foar quarts. 85 cents. Reduce your milk bill, At the recent large sales of Raw Furs, the prices have ad- 9 vanced materially on practically all furs, and this means that all furs for next season will be ad- vanced in price. J | Government Standard Flour al hi Made by Kingston Milling Co. Limited Is Eminently Satisfactory To All Users. HUNGARIAN~--For Bread. WHITE ROSE---For Bread and Cake. CROWN==Winter Wheat Pastry. : For Sale by All Dealers. CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. IN SEVERAL HOSPITALS. i NN Beef, Iron and Wine No wrong can be done with a combination like this. It is Lil ed for all indications of ill health, and is a reliable combination for everybody. Eczema Wash A touch of IAD.D. to any eczema sore or itching eruption and you'll be able to rest and sleep once more. Think--just a touch! Is it worth trying? Get a trial bottle today. Your money back if the first bottle does - not rglieve you, Mahood's Ww ite) ¢ & ampole's Beef, Iron and Wine Drug Store, Kingston, is a fine tonic to take. A good appetizer and just what you B® ® 8 en A rrr Prouse's Drug Store. The Easiest Way To End Dandruff There is one sure way that never | fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This des- troys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, agdin- ary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to mois« ten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com- pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandrufi you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp H.C Merriman Successor to J. A. BOYD 611 Princess Street Phone 847. Advertisement comés from our hundreds of satisfied pat. rons. "ASK ONE" and "YOU" will come to us for your EYE GLASSES. ~~ We examine your eyes and make your glasses, J.J. Stewart, Opt. D. Opposite Post Office. Clarence and Wellington Sts. "Maker of the Better Glasses." Kingston. a ------ a A RECORD REVENUE. FOR THE PROVINCE Hon. T. W. McGarry to Bring Down Ontario Budget on Tuesday. : Toronto, Feb. 12.--With the de- bate upon the speech from . the Throne out of the way the Ontario Legislature will settle down this week to real business. To-day Hon. T. Wz McGarry will move the House into supply and bring dowa On- tario's fourth war budget. The financial statement this year will prove a very satisfactory one of the people of the province. The Pro- vincial Treasurer during the fiscal year emfng October 31st last was able to pile up a very substantial surplus on ordinary account due to large revenue increases. The new nickel taxation--which brought in cheques for over $1,300,000--and increases from succession duties and the amusement - tax, brought the year's revenue, it is stated, close to $15,000,000, the' largest total in the history of the province. $ Fronténac, W. P. | >. jj ~ through Badour, German Sharbot A A AN CLOTHING ON EASY . TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. The Food System The Source of Life Any Derangements of Liver ar Kid- neys That Interfere with Digestion 'and Assimilation of Food Rob and Deplpte the Body. St. Catharinds, Ont.. Feb. 12.--It matters not how good your appetite, how you relish your food, or how much you eat, so'long as there is any- thing to interfére with proper diges- tion and assimilation of the food by the body, st h and vigor will gradually decline and weakness and debility take their place. . The most frequent cause of disor- dered digestion is sluggish action of the liver, kidneys and bowels. The whole alimentary canal. through passes on its way through thé body, becomes choked and , and the system is pois- The Two Steamships. Both the Canada Steamships Line's issues are imteresting just mow. The preferred has lost much of its specu- lative nature since dividend arrears were wiped out. Nevertheless, with the financial position in good whape and preferred yielding nine per cent. on the present price basis, it appears an attractive looking proposition to many on the st The common has, or will, have the full benefit of speculating interest. Mr. Nercross stated that the directors would short- 'ly consider the feasibility of paying a dividend on ordinary shares In this way he did not kedp the share- holders in suspicious suspense, but allowed them every advantage in common with the insiders. This open policy is too seldom practised in the affairs of companies. . 2 Dr. © s idney-Liver Pills | Women' s Canadian Club. have been wonderfully successful in Madam Bielar of Montreal, will exactly this cldss of disease, prilici- address the Women's Canadian Club y because they act.directly on the|in Canyention th 2 Hall on Friday, Robe d r ¢ ating | Tuary 156, .m., r A a if the wife of Professor Charles Pre fan College, Mont- real, and daughter of Dr. Merle d'- | Aubigner, the well known historian of the: ». Subject, the 4 , wil stop no ECONOMY : stantly, and your hair will-be fluffy. Just to keep our name before lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and "you, and to remind you that look and feel a hundred times bet- : ter. You 'can get liquid arvon at any drug store. . It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. 40c, 50c, 60c a Dozen Crawford's Grocery, Phone 26 ~WHEAT WASTAGE ALLEGED. Through Feeding of Hogs at Stock y Yards, Toronto, Feb.- 12.--Uniform feed- ing of hogs at the Union Stock Yards is possible in the near future if a probe started by the Food Controller into the reported waste of wheat justifies it. Enough wheat, it is claimed, to feed 20,000 people is 'wasted in « year at the stock yards through the feeding of hogs, and the result -is only an addition to the weight of the animal, bit no greater L ue, CSA WE CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get from Head-Colds. It £ Relief Splendid 1d In one minute your clogged nos- trils will open, the air passages of your head will ¢lear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, " Iness.- No struggling for breath a | might; your cold or catarrh will | gone. a + Get a small bottle of Balm from your druggist of this fragran FERRER £5 i h trouble for sixteen years. Proceeds to go became so bad that I could ; h war "relief 'work. Non anything without suffer- s 26¢. : : Graddally I eo -- i if £2 . i | 5 arp SR d 8 crowd. of Kingston peaple he Firemen's ball at Cape in Ontaro. g 137 ti fi i 2 » | penetrates of the head, soothes + swollen mucous Mi't stay stuffed instantly,asty catarrb--Re- It's just L J up with a es 1 Het ission dealers are ottawa to confer with the Iiviof Agriculture on feeding] afte hogk before selling. : £3 y my Dr. Chase's i 's Kidney-Liver Pills, one a dose, 25¢ a box, § for $1.00, at AAU LL LL bl lbh bb bdo Co. talked

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