snl AGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY J , FEBRUARY 12, 1918. L ' JOHN Kingston's Reliable COON and FUR LINED COATS FOR MEN Hudson Seal and Muskrat ( ots for Women. Mufls, $2 up. Far Stoles, $2 up 'McKAY, Limited. Fur House. "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE frenn Office, Rove} 1asurance Bldg. PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS HICKORY NUTS The BON MARCHE Cor. King and Earl Phone 1844, For LIFE ACCID FIRE INSURANCE. THINK IT OVER THEN ACT Don't pay rent interminably. - When you reach old age if you could have what you could be saving all thedé years by owning a home of your own, existence would have a differ. ent meaning than it will if you continue to pay rent. The sooner you begin the less you will have to regret. The first step is to come in and talk the matter over with us. You can make an appoint« ment with us to suit your con- v We have a choice lst of . homes to select from. JS. R: McCANN Real Estate, 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 621. Canadian Pacific Railway earn- 4ngs for the week ending Feb. Tth were $2,096,000, an increase of $208,000. - 'This Store Clos- Cancelling Ash Wednesday and Lenton Services in St. George's Dean Starr announce Tuesday morning that the clergy the An- glican church had te to forego ithe services in St, George's cathedral on Ash Wednesday' during Lent or until such time as the fuel situation improved. [It meant, he said a very real deprivation to the members of the Church of Epgland th giving up their helpful Lenten services, but it was felt that conditions demanded fit, An urgent reguest had been received from the Fuel Controller on Monday and it was the duty, he felt, of the church to lead in supporting him, even though it meant hardships and denial. The services, therefore, as announced to be held in St. George's cathedral on Ash Wednesday will be cantelled, There will be a commun- fon service in the winter chapel on Wednesday The chapel will be heated with oil burners. ~ An Unfailing Way To Banish Hairs (Beauty Notes) Ugly hairy growths can be remov- ed in the privacy of your own home if you get a small original package of delatone and mix into a paste enough of the powder and water to cover the hairy surface. This should be left on the skin about two minutes then removed and the skin washed and every trace of hair will have vanished, No harm or inconvenience can result from this treatment, but be sure you buy real delatone. You Might Save a | Dollar on Glasses; And lose a million dollars' worth of eyesight! You cannot calculate eye- sight on the dollar and cent basis, 'When you need glasses, go to the best optician, have an accurate examination and take his advice; get the best service, you can, and when you do all that you will come to us. Our service is the best. Registered Optometrists. 802 King St, Kingston J.5.Asselstine D.0. Regiutered Optometrist. 343 King Street HE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. 4 At the Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY | In ome pound sections, £5 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and «as 10, 123 ¢, 15¢ Ib, Peaches, 2 lbs for 85c. sas sos 1800 Ih WR. Mckea & Co. Evaporated Evaporated ed Saturday and Monday for Busines as Usa- EE eel IE WORKING TOGETHER INCIDENTS ENDEAVOR TO ESTABLISH PER- | MANENT FARM COURSE HERE. Attended | Time Soldiers Started Some | Returnéd | Course and Desire a Continuance Of It. | There is a plan now under th uR-} ie of the Voecatio Train-| jing branch of the Military Hospitals] { Commission and of the local office of {the Department of Agriculture to in- istitute a course in farming for the ex- {elusive benefit of soldiers who have { héen oversess, Some weeks ago the course at tie local office start- ed and every inducemen held out to the farmers of the distriet to attend The e¢ourse developed in- to one almost exclusively attended by foldiers who were undergoing treatment for 'the wounds they re- eeived at the front. Because of this unexpected change in the plans the local authorities intend to take ad- vantage of the opportunity of uniting the work to reach a common ob- jective, The Vocational Training Branch or the M.H.C.C. is trying to re-edycate the returned soldier to fit him for civilian life. The Depart- ment of Agriculture is tring to qualify men to handle farms on a higher standard so that greater pro- duction of foodstuffs will result. The two objects c¢an be reached by such a course The soldiers them- selves are very much interested, and realizing the practical good which would comje from such a venture will do. their best to work up a large at- tendance and thus ensure the per- {mance of the class FUEL ~STURTION BETTER OWING THAT This | Ago! fifth annual TO THE MILD SPELL FORTUNATELY CAME. People Burning Much Less Fuel in an Effort to Conserve--More Coal is Expected This Week. The fuel situation in Kingston thaw, Controller Nickle reports. The demand for coal on Monday and Tuesday was much lighter than it was last week. People find that with the thermometer : above the freezing point they can get along with a very small quantity of coal in "their stoves and furnaces. Many people have closed off most of the rooms of their dwellings and heat only those they actually require. With the clearing of the railway lines and the improvement of trans- portation, it is expected that some coal will reach here this week. Only for the appointment of a fuel con- troller, Kingston would have had a hard time of it, but organization of the city's fuel supply and a just dis- tribution has eased the situation. Some of the smaller stores are us- ing much less coal than they other- wise would do. A few are even get- ting along with gas heaters. MILD SPELL COMES; GLADLY WELCOMED Saving Of Fuel. After the citizens had been doing their "bit" to conserve the coal sup- ply, the Weather Man also zhoulder- ed his responsibility and sent along a mild spell. Monday the weather turned quite soft, and on Tuesday morning citizens found the walking very disagreeable, However, owing to the shortage cf fuel, everyone appeared to be well pleased, for it' will certainly help out the railways to move the cars of coal which have been stalled on the road. A FRENCH OFFICER TO BE APPOINTED As Successor to the Late Prof. Lanos at Royal Military College. 'A special despatch from Ottawa to the Whig says: The French Government has been requested to name an officer of the army to succeed the late Major J. M. TLanos as professor of French at the Royal Military College. One name was submitted to the Militia Depart- ment, but this morning a cable was received announcing the withdrawal of the name. Gen. Fisét announces that a successor possibly will be nominated in a few weeks. Allies Can Break Through, Dr. Allan MacRossie of the Am- erican Red Cross, who: recently re- turned from the French front, speak- ing at the dinner of the University of Pennsylvania in Delmonico's, New York, Sunday night, said: "In a conversation I had with Gen- eral Pershing he said: 'If the French line holds the Germans back until April or May, my predicition is that nothing can stop the Allies from: breaking through the German lines and bringing the Kaiser to his nees." hg MacRossie is a native of Kings- n. display of the Hotel Switches, pompadours, tions, self-dressing. wan | LOCAL has improved wwith the coming of the ! It Will Be a Great Help in the. OF THE DAY NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig, > Ring up 646 for sweet cider. / Pianos to remt, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Hip boots will be required thaw becomes g"flood. Ring up 645 for all kinds mented wines. The January thaw was certainly late in arriving this year Citizens and merchants are busy _¢learing the snow off the roofs and sidewalks. Alexander H. Bush, Godfrey, was one of the rescued from the torped- oed 88. Tuscania, "Business as usual' slogan Tuesday morning tie-up of business, "Some change in the weather" was the usual greeting on the streets on Tuesday morning. In St. Mary's Cathedral no Lenten services 'will be held in the desire of the church officialg to save coal. There was a great demand for shovels to-day, and merchants and their employees had some good ex- ercise in taking off the snow. Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Ripe Bananas, Red Grapes, Sweet Florida oranges, Porto Rico oranges, California oranges, ete., at Carnov- sky's. W. Swain, piano tuner, 100 Clergy street west. Orders left at McAu- ley's, or phone 564. . The man who has been looking after the stove and the furnaces will appreciate this breathing mild spell, for he has certainly been working overtime. The Chinese laundries adhered strictly to the closing as some citizens Who called for their laundry on Saturday and Monday will be able to testify. Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert turners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. ! It remains yet for some person to spill the beans, for eight days have passed without a case before Magis- trate Farrell in the police court. Keep up the good work. The Daughters of the Empire plur- pose canvassing Carleton Place for a small donation from each home. The money to be used for necessaries for the Queen's Military Hospital, Kings- ton. The roads in the country are in a very bad state, A couple of cabs driving out to Cataragui cemetery at a funeral on Monday morning top- pled over two or three times, but luckily no person was injured. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur. chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Lfd. Tuesday morning a small boy had a close call. He was walking along Princess street when a monster, icicle came down with a crash and almost grazed him. The youngster was given quite a fright. *"There is no reason why the stores could mot close at eight o'clock on Saturday night," said a prominent merchant to the Whig to-day. "I think t"e merchants in their move- ment t- help out the fuel situation should decide close early on Sat- | urday." We will refft you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel lik purchasing instrument we wili all low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. That the coal saving order will serve as conclusive proof to the American Government and the pro- ducers of coal in the United States that there is a real shortage of coal in Canada is regarded by coal deal- ers as the invaluable accomplish- ment of the Fuel Controller's order. tt ets 4 The Quinine That Does Not Affect Head. Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. There. is only one "Bromo Quinine." E W. GROVE'S signature is on box. 30¢c. unfer- was the after ®he it "the | i [pu report of the company made Hof the year the 4 -------- Phone 919. - BOOKS FOR VALENTINE GIFTS - ed book stock in the city. : THE DESIGNER AT 59c. Send your friend a subscription to America's Greatest Home and Fashion Magazine. ; ATIONS, ETC. ~ Open Nights Valentine's Tonight THE GIBSON ART LINE OF VALENTINES, PARTY DECOR. -- The largest and best assort- The College Book Store, Phone 319 $1.00 k Blouses Blouses - NOBBY DESIGNS DAINTY SHADES ELEGANT RANGE POPULAR PRICED $7.50 each | Headquarters for Blouses That Please. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ~ = to STAFF IS CRIPPLED. Seven Members of Post Office Staff off on Account of Illness, Kingston's post office has been hard hit by sickness among its em- ployees this winter. At the present time there are seven members of the staff off duty on account of illness, and this makes the work very heavy, in view of the fact fhat no extra men have been provided. To-day Postmaster James Stewart was. busy engaged in sorting mail, while Deputy Postmaster Shannon had to look after the duties at the. general delivery. Monday the night staff consisted of two men, and of course they were unable to handle the big rush. of mail which arrives on the night trains. 130 ARMY LOCOMOTIVES Built in Record Time By American Locomotive Co, - New York, Feb. 12.-----That 150! locomotives for use by.the American expeditionary forces in France were ordered from the American Loeo- motive Company July 24th last 'and were completed in September and October, was revealed in the semi-an- public here. The report also showed that net for the six 900. 'of which $439.35 war mabe « Of. W 476 was profit on munition business. At the h mpany's unfi orders amounted to $75,624,849 ---------- 3 A fine collle dog was corralléd b the police beeause it attacked a lit- te girl and tore her clothing. Poultrymen ! Trap Nests, Feed Boxes, Hen Coops, Window Sash, and Poul- try Houses, built on most ap- proved principles. 5. ANGLIN -&- CO. Woodworking Facto Lum- Yue Bay & Wellington Streets, ' Kingston, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14185. pees BUILDERS SUPPLIDS owoeq months |' Government Orders SAY All retail stores closed Satur day Till Thesday. This means us; and we're satis. fied, We'll reipain open Friday ov- ening till 10 p.m. For anything emergent, during cldsed interval, telephone either 482 or 1593. Jewelers, Issmers of Marriage Ticenses. Smith Bros. Jewelers hoes Lumber, Cetl and Weed weal -- BR 1 REAL ESTATE Here Are Some Good Ones. $2800---Johnson St., dwelling and stable, possession at once. $1500--Stephen St., and stable, $1500---Markiand St, ling, easy terms. $2400--Dufferin 8t., double frame. $2100--Earl St., solid brick, B. and C. $3500--Livingston Ave., dwel- ling, stable and garden. $5200---Ordnance St., detached brick dwelling, and dou- ble rough cast, good yards. See our full list at office, E.W.Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson and Division Sta, dwelling rning YOU CAN BUY CANDY. TRY THE NEW DELICIOUS Patterkrisp MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE TO SERVE dwel-