Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1918, p. 7

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oe -------------------------------- EARNING oney SAVING | Kerrigan in SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED Interest added tp huiances haif-yearly, George B. McKay, Manager. CSTABLISHED 1888. Tae BANK or TORONTO { % FOR SALE. A pair of Rough Cast Houses, six rooms each, improvements. 132 feet, with Gateway. Rented at $20 per month. Price $1700 -- Terms To Suit. Apply to J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Lot 40 x Closely Related There's a closer relationship be tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect, Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your feed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street, SWEET ORANGES SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY 38c Per Dozen CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE 2168, Prompt Delivery. Griffin'S Thurs., F riday, Saturday : Arteraft Presents Marguerite Clark, in "Bab's Matinee Idol," Also Gladys Brockwell, in. "Soul of Satan" and Phone Our-Stationery De- partment. Is one depuriment in which we have made special effort to sup- ply "just the Shing" wantpd. We haive resson to believe we have met with suedess, judging Hi hy results attnined. Why not nee "Hii our stock of paper and envelopes (in. faney boxes) writing pads, envelopes and writing paper, ete. = Price a little dower than the oiler fellpw. Tenth Chapter of The Fatal Ring. STRAND Monday, Tuesday, Wed. | Extra Special Feature Mildred Harris The Price - OF A -- Good Time Fri Directed hog Lois Weber ly and Topical Reels, Matinee 15. 179 _-- St. Fresh cut flowers daily; meal designs and wedding bouquets to order. Out of town orders given special attention NI A att tN NAN GIN Ask Your Grocer for New England Bread Only the highest material ob tainable used. Manufactured only by The New England Bread Factory. Collingwood Street. : Phone 618. Evening 2%e, Kingston Covered JUNIOR OHA, SEMI-FINAY Hockey Match Rogicy vs. Kingston Monday, February 11th. Admission 40¢; Reserved Seaty 20¢ extra Sale of sent Monday at 10 naw. Game Uniled nt 8.15 pan, 1 Coffee AC A ping Groce » | GRAN D os HOUSE ] i by a company of prominent x THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1918, I TONIGHT Polite Vaudeville The First of the New Paralta Plays "Je Warren WANTED GENERAL FURNISHED FLAT OR ROOMS FO Jight hoase-Keeping, Address HW, Brivish Whig J BR CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | Firs? Insertion, le a word, Each con- secutive Insertion thereafter, half- cent 8 word. Minimum charge for ene insertion, 20¢; three insertions, | foe; six $1; one month, { OR A SMALL! Apply Bag 2%, 3 BOARD iN a central | Whig iA gorPLE house, Wiig OF ROOMS, furnished. A MAN'S MAN A Spectacular Romance in Séyen Reels "LOVE, LAUGHS and PATHOS" Two-Reel Lonesome Luke Comedy The Pathe News and a Good Scenic Matinee Eyening 10¢; Any Neat Heserved, S¢ Fxtra Mon.-Tues. Feb. 11th and 12th MATINEE MONDAY 'AT 2.30 The Distinguished Euoglish Artiste Phyllis Neilson TERRY © HELP WANTED A GOOD GENERAL SE nv ANT. APPLY 288 John . GENTLEMAN WISHES private board ocation Apply Office | { | : GIRLS FOR HE WORK ROOM. | ply Polson & Ua, Ontario | BY street, | COOK; | Kan [aca HAD for cash or In pam planos and grafanolas. C, say, 1d Limitea, X WITH ABOUT rally jo- veniences. Ap- MAY IST, A HOUSE pn Or eight rooms modern oon gox 72, Whig wity GENERAL { refe stree Jr vey » . STEACY'S WANT 3. One experienced salesiady for % millinery department. Apply 3 Steaey's, Lad, Fert FER { | GENTLE T 16 YEARS OLD, AS AS. | © IPLEYAN 5 "ship De Apply" Robertsor SERV ANT--PLAIN required. "Apply 87 Ce ayment ot | new W, Lind | 121 Princess street. WA NTED, hou |e SMALL FURNISHED | or fur n 1 ished. flat; possessi or Re able. Apply Box > * 3 3 27, i iy t be reasor Whig Office WANTS FURNISHED! Y tes phone pre- Jox ni GIRL FOR Ho SEWORK | 3 s gor d | $20 Filson, bicycles to Geo. Muller, 373 King street, to be cleaned and stored | for winter; also skates hollow | ground and sharpened. Phone 1032, i i LY. SPARE TIME! TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. | chants and business men in East. arn Ontario can connect with a good side line by a W.. Whig Office. fdentia) i Striotiy oon- GIRLS Experienced press feeders and bindery help wanted. Good wiges pald. British Whig= (Management of Geo. in Maggie: by Tyler) & WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF 3 9 second-hand furniture, stoves, speelrdede ded dodesteaefedeidferdedodds dedoofededdedodedents | heaters, clothes, etc. We also have | | everything in the second-hand WHY NOT LET THE RFADERS OF! this paper do business with you? Hne for sale. 8 Shapiro, 46 Prin- 2 Your advertisement in these pages | cess street. Phone 1237, would give them the opportunity to 4 do so. For particulars, phone or | MANY BIG ADVERTISERS write British Whig Pub. Co. W. ANTE D TO DO PLAIN AND at home, whole or| work s it paid; send, } { | | FIRST | started, with a little ad this sige. |: The cost &s so little and the re- | sults so big. We will gladly give! full particulars. Call at the or drop 'us a postal today. British Whig bHshing Co. new comedy ddward Peple LADIES Hg ht spare any dk stamp for Manufacturing Nationa Montreal Pr rc ne wouLn YOU. LIKE $1 TO's2 ILY AT HOME, PO KNIFE. ulars. ompany, | A. B. KNAPP, OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS | street. Phone 2 652 DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, corner Princess Phone 626. DENTIST, T 24 C, and Bagot streets. KNITTER COMPANY COLLEGE ST., TORONTO, J DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, tats, 159 Wellington street, Dewar, "D.DS, LDS, PRone 3486. DEN-| g..C assistant, GET OUR PROPOSITION FOR 1 sponsi {ble and women, Per- | répea; onder business that! profits. Hundreds joy «| money from the | them Leswerk v Q men DRESSMAKING | MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER having resumed business, solicits orders for fall and winter work Afdress 203 Alfred street. LEGAL . OFFICE WITH ALL CONVENIENCES, Gu Bateman, 67 Clarence street A. B, CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. Law ence street OFFICES In CLARBNCR 8, CHAM. | rs. Apply to A. B. Cunningham LS Clarence street. TWO FURNISHED AND ONE UNFU n= | mished room: eent y Toeated Ap- | ply 284 Joh mn atrent FOR FURNITURE OR MER. | andise, clean and iry. McCann's | Real state Agency, ¥2 Brock ie Phones azé or 621. T WO wi nighe office, ARCHITECT POWER .& SON, ARCHITECTS, M ER-,| chants Bank Buflding, Brock and Wellington Sts, STORAGE ch | i, | FOR SALE. BN SHED AND ONE UNFUN- room, .suitabl for light in located o a A NEW MILCH HOLSTEIN COW, AY. ply J. 8. Yeomans, Collin's Bay, NEW MILCH HOLSTEIN COW. AP. nly cer hy Tomson street, FURNISHED ft WROOW ¥ OR SINC mail very central; atl gonve ences; three minutes from: Post office Anply Box 270. THESE EFFECTIVE little. Once, 25e; $1.00, ADVTS, COST three times H0¢; FLAT OF ¥ or It ROOMS, Wu RNIHED one week, for Wu housekeeping, = for y« d or ladies Ba nie. STORAGY | FOR CUHNITURRE, ULEAN gry, alry rooms; your own lock and Key. Frost's City Storage, 29 Jueen fireést. Phone 526; res. 9% NO. 63 RIDBAU STREET, STONE house, elght rooms and bath room; hot air furnace and ga All rooms newly papered and Sainted. Anply 47 Rideau street. THIS DEPARTMENT 18 ALW ye 1ad to hear from any one think & olassified Advertisi te 6r Phone us about .i ir oi be able Lo help you. Britiet ane, ar Abi one, =9, GENVINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEM selections, Force own chalice, $29, 66 Terms: $6 cash, §1 per week. Lindsa y, Limited, 121 Princess Soe WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND furniture, buffets, ohatrs and ta- bles; will buy all Kinds of furni. ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers joday 'sometimes use a littl ad lke this. A phone call or ¢ tal will bring. you full par feulars about this department British Whig Publishing Co. PUBLIC NOTICE The Annual Banquet of . . . the Kingston Industrial The Brethren of Cataraqui Lodge, . No. 82, AF, & AM, GRC, are hereby summoned to attend an emergent meet. Jing to be held at Masonic Hall Golden Lion Block, on Monday, February Lith, at 9.30 am. for the purpose of attend: ing the funeral of our late Bro ther Robert Hendry. Brethren Hease attend sharp on time. All Masons of good standing cordially invited, By order of Worshipful Master. 8. ECTROTTER Seq: Pro Tem Kingston, February Sth, 1918, Te Agricul will be held in the Fron- tenac Hotel on the even- ing of the 19th of Febru- ary at 8 o'clock. The Associauion has been success. fill awing to the energies of A. M. Rankin, M.P.P., 'in securing Dr. Creel. man, Minister of Agriciture, to ad: dress the gathering. © All interested in Greater Production are particularly requested to anand to hear Dy. Creel man's nena J Mek ee ale at JRmes Redden & Cao's grocery, Princess Wireet, and at the District Agricultural Represcnta- tive's office an Market street. D. ¢, ROGERS, R. J. BUSHELL, President See, and Manager, English players. 26c¢, 50c, 75c¢c, $1; afew $1.50} Evg., 25¢; soc, 78¢, $1, $1.50; $ do Now on Sale. Here is the Big Question FINY THE ANSWE R IN THE i: ~-NOT A MOVING PICTURE~-- ; Direction--Ed. W. Rowland and Bargain Mat., 23¢, 35¢, 50c. Evening 23¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00, Thurs. Feb. 14] Rousing Musical Comedy + By Louis Weslyn Author of The Million Dollar Dell Harvey and Harold Orr "horus of 25 ning Gowns, Haunting Music. Prices, 25, 50, 75¢, $1 Feb. 15h-16th "Matinee Saturday, children 235c. ¥, Stuart Whyte presents The English Prices Monday Matinee: Few $2. Bargain Matinee at 2.30; Evg. 8.15. By Ralph T. Kettering. Lorin J) Howard. Seats on Sale Mond Harvey D. Ore's Original Cast and Production, with 2 People~--i( ' Ww Biri Dancers, Pretty Girls, Stun- Seats on Sale Tuesday. Return by Special Request Pantomine SPALED TENDERS, addresked to the Dust haste General, will be received Oftaws until pool, on Friday, the E Si. Mareh, isis, for the conveyance of Fis Ma, , on a proposed con or. dey years, six times per 'waek on the route ar bank Rural Mail Route No. 2, 4 Mireh Avenue, Thursday; Peh. 11th, fece mabogany suite déntre 1 obtained SERRE hy Br Lier Sok fa AS office of the Post ston. Heri . I, y 3 Mitahen \itensile, garden Toots, roller and wower 2 y 1% yom send your money fo build ss Cae NGS "Doctors State. (hak Theodore Hat: 13} TON, Repsevells condition "is favorable, A ang th Ahpy consider him out of danger. Food Controller is sending farme 000 letters to Western explaining the food tiation, BARRISTER | corner UPRIGHT PIANOS, | walk of | BLACK AND WHITE COLLIE PUP ri BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THRIR | AS THE NAMB PPIYIng to Box | 4 qoaT ON CLERGY STREET, | MARRY i 9 Clar- | to .J. 8 Yeomans, Collin's Bay. I~ tural Association he People's Forum (a FOUND . SILVER MESH BAG, u street. Owner may by calling at 57 Bay oN YORK Ta A PAIR OF SPEC. at Whig Office SKATING RINK Apply at Whig Office FOUND ARTICLES ADVER NSE nD FREE, Anyon finding anything nd wi shing to reach the Owner may do so by reporting the facts ta The Brigish Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed in this column free of ohyrge. "Found articles"? does not in- clude last dogs, cattle, horses, ete These, (if lost, may be ads STU DE NTS ) { 1 i i { { REAL, ESTATE EXCHANGE a I MULLIN & SON IS THE NAME, | $1400 -- ALFRED DWELLING i and two barns, { F100 ST, DETACHED FRAME. 2100--n scot sT, . WITH BARN. | s2a00--onDN ANCE 97. | gusn0--cor LINGW oon modern, ST. ST, RRICK, | $22--QUEBEC ST. bungalow, NEW BRICK | $3400--RROCK ST. | BRICK, vertised for in the "Lost" column. ~~ 'YosT. oN Thursday. Anyone harboring after this notice wi Kindly return to Phone 2 found the op Opera House is knowin g Office the will be prosecuted according to law, " FOUND. LH roving ro i= STRAYED, OLT WITH WHITE STAR years Kindly Ellis A BLACK in Jf old, notif PERSONAL SEND A DOMINION BE XPRESS MONEY 1" order ive dollars costs three cends, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- fishes removed permanently, with- out scar: 30 vears' experience. Dr Emer J. Lake, T tar, N Throat and Skin Bagot street, MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS try me; best and most successful 'Home Makes hundreds rich wish marriage so tly confidens tial; most years 'experi- ence; , "The Buc« Purdie, Box . ry Specialist, IF LONELY, FOR SPEEDY matriage try my club, very suc- censful; best, largest country, established 12 years, thousands wealthy wishing early marriage confidential descriptions free, Old Rediable Cinb, Mrs, Wrubel, 732 Madison, Oakland, Cal. in FINANCIAL WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL send a Domigjon 'Express Money Order. EF | FRONTENAC LOAN AND . INVEST. ment Boclety; incarperaten 1583; resident, Colonel 1. _R, Smith M.G.; vice-president, wr. Nie: K.C. Money Issued oa eoity roperties, municipal and entures; mortgages pur. mvestment bonds for eposits received and In- allow ed. , €, Cartwright manager, §7 Clarence St, Kingston LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance oo ompany, Available Rasets 5L 187518 addition to which the hold fers have for security he i mited Hability of elty property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Befors renewing old or giving new business gel rates from Stran & Strange Agents. Phone 315. - BUSINESS CHANCES PAY YOUR OUT-OF TOWN ACCOUNTS by Dominion Express Money Or- ders. Five dollars costs three cents. " DR, REEVE . Nerve Specialist Years of experience enables me to treat difficult cases success- Sun y. Call, or state cane by let- r, | s1a00--ram. ST, nov BLE BRICK. $5000-QUEEN ST. , BRICK, MODERN, W. MULLIN & SON. COR. JOHN. son and Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456 Y In { { { * | { i they by not return AT HUTTON'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY | $1000 -- 50 FT, LOTS. KENSINGTON ace, $65 0 | " $4000 BRICK HOUSE, St. 0 §750--33 FT. LOTS, VICTORIA MODERN, MACK x $4000, BRICK, 208 UNIVERSITY AVE. TO RENT -- STORE, PRINCESS ST, near Bagot OTHER VIC TORY. bong! AND and RONDS OTHER HOUSES AND LOTS SELECT, 18 arket Si, Kingston, $1,400---BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, $L400--FRA TWO TO CHOOSE from; ME #ith stable, $1,900--SEVERAL BRICKS; 6 ROOMS, Improvements, FRAME; 7 ROOMS; IMPROVE. ments. $2.50 BRICK, 10 ROOMS; ALL MO- #4,500--RRIOK; ALL MOD#RN; GAR age; § to choose from. $5,000-BRICK; 313 "ROOMS; improvements, 95,500--BRICK; 8 ROOMS; dern. MODERN ALL MO- SEVERAL houses terms, VERY LOW PRICED to qulek buyers on easy G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence, srern $17 00, ELM ST, BARRIER $2000, BARRIE ¢ IN ST, DOUBLE ROUGH CAST FRAM E, LA RGE LOT, + $1800, BRICK ST. VENEERED, ., FRAME, $2100, JONSON ST. FRAME, $3200, BURTOH AVE, BRICK, $3050. UNIVERSIEY AVE. BRICK-VENRER- - dy $3100, . " Vier PATRICK ST, corel], "$2500 THE J. K. Brock St . ot BLE BRICK-VEN. CARROLL Phone 68. AGENCY, 8 FURNITURE FINISHING -------- ie -------------------- DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. ar Call or drop a card, 23 John street. HELPERS, HANDY MEN AND LABOR- ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS. "HIGHEST WAGES PAID. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. $2

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