Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1918, p. 20

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PAGE FOUR : | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1918. bo Solve This Puzzle And Win a Phonograph. ist Prize % A ; bi : : 3 : LAST EDITION : ont : _/ AP \ ; 4 : _-- XLIFAAH Sessigig ey : 3 7 nd Prize : HE WORLD'S NEWS LEMORTAR | 2" Size ator ; iy aR : 12 N_SAIEF FORM THE SCHOOLS . WATATO i 3rd Prize-- : a f : ' i ROTTONO | Camera 4 : : : 4 A ; fidings From All Over Told in A : win ; Worm : . | aPithy and Pointed NEWPIGN | 3thtotg Frise: ft : : nan : : Way. : : each, 5 pe Poy § 3 E § a ------ ee 8 . h 3 i ; / " ' « 5 2 2 * | King George hopes to solve the . Nisa 3 Great Wany Consolation Pris, a " : BS mb § 2 : 4 fn Deoblow. of a Provincial elect- The Board of Education Has the Ali you have to do to win one of these A : i ' : ¢ #% Onis likely to be deferred for three | splendid prizes is to rearrange the idly" 4 - Gad 5 Set : Years, : above letters so that they spell tha : / TAL 5] oe N ; 3 The post of food controller is names of five Canadian cities and ey : 3 : : polished and a food board is sub- fulfil one simple condition, : / A ; : : \ 3 4 tituted at Ottawa. { \ } There Are No Entrance Fees $B ve oR a ° 2 { The Opposition leader in the Que- A 00 W i : Fyors person sending in a correct a : So x Ni Jec Legislature is to be given a sal- AL solution will be awarded a prize if_they » : > Pas: Se EE $ ry of $4,000 a year, fall ane simple condition. hie eed go 2 : fo a La A p § An American steamer is reported fost Bdge oid judged with the utmost care 4 Er > . { : 4 S a § P0 the rocks off the New 'England | WITH MAYOR HUGHES AND URL | snd the prises will be awarded scoording 5 v ; | i 10 merit, Neatness will be considered. so : : Se : ast and leaking badly. CONTROLLER NICKLE. be sure to write plainly. This contest wil % : fi * Robert Ardigo, one of the most re- ------ | riome shortly. . Send in your answer af | E : 20d 5 s owned philosophers of Italy, has Coal Is On the Way, But the Stormy smes snd win one of thése handsome prizes : 7 : 3 A ommitted suicide in his ninetieth| ~ weather Has Delayed ts Arrival . 3 3 SX i Ae Hi oar : a . ~Mayor Hughes Orders Twenty- Seif st Specialty Co Dept C IRANPRFATHES'S (LOCK AT THE FRONT Earl Reading, British high com- eo ayes i pec . AFTER BAGGING PORTY-TWO FOE AIRMEN 1 king tintepie f British auto deivers in Bolgitn issioner and special ambassador to M Hughes and Fuel Controller he United States, arrived safely Sat-| Mayor Hug Brower 331, Ba. F, Capt. P who comes ngxt to Major Bishop of Canada (whose rday. Hugh Nickle had a conference wi record was forty seven illard was injured on the field of sport The Chilean Government has|the members of the Board of Educa TORONTO , laced an order for twenty engines tion, af a special session of th * : ' ; TY the Montreal Locomotive board held Saturday afternoon, whe Sir Joseph John Thomson, Pro-|the closing of the schools in ord €880r of Physics at Cambridge, has|to help out the fuel shortage, was) een appointed Master of Trinty Col- under discussion. ege, Cambridge. 1 ingston as' At Philadelphia Adalbert K. Fisch- Aftor the 2 ualtiug . K A -- T, a wealthy German, was arrested |regards coal supply, ha , : 2 A ¢ 3 E HB nd ordered into intergment for the] plained by Mayor Hughes and Mr. ° . . g by @ 23 4 ; % eriod of the war, Nickle, the board decided, on mo-} 97 Piece ATR ol Ny X 3 RA J er Lo > Sélection of Gag, Hoadley tion of Trustee Robert Meek, to de- ; f/ . A ; ; ab orgs, i ember for Okotoka, as the session-| - bel § y Xi ; * he, en : Ya : 1 leader of the.opposition in Al- (17°F Action until the regular meeting Dinner Set HEL 3 a J { lie ¢ 3 HS id ria, is announced. jof the Board on Thursday evening -- RQ ) £7 : od : ¥ gS Z ; a. YT a 4 The crew of the steamer Sebas- | next, and in she meantime the Prop- ' : al ro : i gc. ; Ly da BE : in, sunk in the Mediterranean by ferty committee, which has to deal and lovely ! Sel : = % , ferty - ed Nr] 3 = + SRE We ot an Submarine, nando at {with the coal supply for the schools, re A 9 aC =i f i RRA : . E h LAADATY . vill meet wi he mayor and the Silverware >) Pa 0 \ Ya goo UN Casa fy ar AA PNA - EW A A ; Canada has get back nearly 6,000 x } ay vith He a to the s PRE GE ~ EA ss rd 2 : ; FW a the 23,000 Canadian cars said to Tue conlyg i Given To Yeu SABA ; SEERA. Ee - N k 448 ii E si Sa in'the United States. Many are|matter, und report at the meeting of - LT ----- ; Ve xe..2 SL of (Ze, WX td = : ? SE ming loaded with anthracite. {the Board Thursday next. Y by " 7) Reins J a N ad = 4 $ 2 a : R. pe 3 That warships will 'be used to The hoird is at the back of the nsport Canadian soldiers to Can-| ' = I en- a after the war is predicted by | 22Yor 2nd Mr, Nickle in their en teaspeons. Eac service 5 hird Vice-Pres pdcavors to cope with the situation, h dinne gua full size for family use, its 97 pieces comprising 12 cups and 12 saucers, 12 tea plates, 12 dinner - e 3 THT YORE PAG Tep FOTN TTIONE Reha a plates, 12 bread and butter plates 12 het Sanaiend | es amily Ye, its 2 Fae covered vegetable dishes, a cream jug, covered sugar bowl, a d a salad " Fk ndeavored to give a straight-forward t 1k pickle dish, an: bowl. It is handsomely decorated in rich floral design and will surely delight the most fastidious housekeeper. ; . oH 3h avo) a sa Hash rar talk Road set of Teaspoons are in the famous Wm. A. Rogers French Carnation design with French grey handies and brightly polished bowls. married, a concise compendium for self: . = on. ur friends reference, a . perfectly plain discourse w, Read our Wonderful Offer - 'eB Will you sell just 2 house am «Ada ; upon those important, personal matters 4 Nena a a ery or Dr. Edeou's Famous : at only per 3 2 : relating to vital strength of men, the pre- pacts of Ganda who wil hel ou orb ete ore famous rem. eae Le oe rary bo Ju know will be glad to learn of this pee ; Fax : servation of virility, ite possible self-re~ypig THE MAN e------ | EE EEE SR le Ra ey stioation, 'its legitimate "waes' nd iis THAT premium. ia. In all run down conditions of the system it be found a gramd blood wanton abuses. Every man should be in builder and revitalizer, and as a general tonic for blood and nerves it has no equal. AVE A AF EPL tarie = a : . possession of this book. One part de- NSPORT IN THE NEAR scribes a little drugiess mechanical vital i a Friar ore a sick condition of the mind and the izer which I wake and distribute, but ™ ¥ Sa a heth t ish . g Derves and a lowered state of the whole Colonel Pietro Gleifeses, with French officers, in a trench fae ng the these vila Bo Jo ae oie > body all combined. My free book, tells Piave River. foie termine. Foun you tsju what you may do However, aside from anything it con- The vitalizer er a a ach ---- tains in reference to my vitalizser, the book | make and dis NOT THE CLOTHES COUNTS, Camels bearing sick and wounded in the campaign near the Suez do nol -------------- rr referred to above, which t tribute, is a little appli you with our goods until sold and it for 4 : should be read by all for its real worth. ance that men who desire to restore lost pops ws will ake them back and give you beautiful pr Therefore, please use free eoupon below. vitality are useing everywhere to day, The nt aman. of the JuaRtNE you do exit units of a life time. Address X16 PRBS RMSE a a Se mimsmseaan SANDEN, Author. 00k in une part fully describes it. You || The International Mfg. Co.,Dept.D 17 Toronto, Ont. Reader, the whole world is to-day alive wear this vitalizer comfortably upon your FOR PURE, HEALTHFUL INDOOR AIR--USE THE to the importance of a better general body all night. It welghs but a few ) understanding of sex hygiene, The mush ounces, and ap; rently pours a great, RADI ATOR HUMIDIFYING' P AN discussed science of Is gentle stream of FORGE 'oy VITALITY i fhe, grom , into i Jour blood; yeur nerves, your r ealthy, rugge: muscles and organs while you sleep. Men Pits between radintof and sturdy children, : say it drives away the dd aka wall. Out of sight. Out Manhood, no matter where or in what or pain in small of back, that vigor is ' Se aondition of life we find it, is the single restored in 60 to 90 days. With special of the way. ves your power that most fascinates both men snd siachments, my vitalizer is also used for health. Saves your eeal women, The one who rediates this manly rheumatism, kidney, liver, stomach, blad- » " tal te i influence, this result of a vigorous, . der disorders, ete. It is a wonderful little sturdy nerve foree, is the one who forges appliance and generates and sends out 8 fort and health as is heat to the front, while weaker people stand marvelous force. Possibly You might} Itwelf. aside, : want to use ane of these vitalizers in It is my opinion that any man may hope your own ease. If 80, ou can, after Used by hundreds of for a vomplete restoration of his man- reading the free book, let Te know anil banks, offices, facteries, hood and vigor if he but make up his will make a special roposition whereby hospitals, and he E 'mind that he WILL conquer himself. Of you may have one if you live in or near course 1 do mot inelude the man of ex- this city I should bes pleased to have you treme old age, or the one who is ineurably call and get a free demonstration of the Lost li i . di ine i inches Between sections. PATENTED, ° 4 vitality is according vitalizer, otherwise write. Hours, 9 to 8, A ys to my theory, An organic disease. It is Satisfaction guaranteed in every cane, 69 Bay Street, TORONTO ; : : \ Let Us Send You This Book FREE ! @ 1 PARCK MY FORD © ROAM oR DIE 4 a 7 E = 3 : i - ah In the Supon,, Jet ne snd TON 31 snee my ale Booklet in plain sealed : envelo) pro illustrated "wi "tone photos; keep it in your pocket @ATOUDAGASSBRK DFUN MUST DRAIN " for sas reference; réad the shapier on Vitality; read the chapter on Debility ; 'read the chy fer on those subjects which interest every man, young or old, who would be strong in manly vigor. It is & word ef hope, a carefully written, interesting : it N EW FRO NT booklet, which should be in sveryone's possession, Therefore send to day, , THE B. 0. SANDEN 00. While investors have remained out of the tock market, the tech. eA 148 Yous M., Toronto, Ont. nical position of securities has strengthened twofold. This is espe- : ! oA : Pear Gir: --ease forward me cially true of Porcupine gold companies, because prices of these have 4 4 . yous Book os advestioed free, work down to exceedingly low levels, and mean while the physical \ ® ' ; Sans hain evs status of leading properties has materially strengthened, \ : ps : > ¥ "Of these gold issues we recommend Davidson stock most strongly = STO i + Ae ------------ at this time, because the mine is about to go on a producing basis, h = - n it is a large property with extensive bodies of good commercial ore, : it has a small capitalization, no debts, and can be bought, if purchased immediately, at between 33 and 35 cents per share. We advised the purchase of this stock a week ago, when it was offering at 30 cents. We advise its purchase now, because we believe that the upward movement of the issue has just commenced. Liberal investment orders continue to come in. » 1 HHH HTH i . a fox Wire us your order for Davidson. You will make i li i 1 on "a dreater profits by doing so immediately. F. C. SUTHERLAND & ¢o._. 12 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. New York Stocks ~~ N.Y. Curb Stocks "Porcupine Sto ks Cobalt Stocks' Weekly Market Lotter seat without charge on request KEMERER, MATTHES & CO. '°8 Big, 3s 5

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