THE STANDARD BANK 'OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO News And Views Of And For a a RE OW, nominal 3 { ; i 3 Kingston, Féb, 8th. i | --_--. a Minneapolis. i 8. --Corn--No. | { } 34 16.00 5.00 300 5.00 JOURNALISM [IN JAPAN. GENERAL: TRADE. 22%¢; 70 to 60} 20 | Apples, peck 0 Bananas, doz. S81 Dates, 1b, .. | Lemons, doz. turkeys, | Oranges, doz to 35¢; , a0c; geese, A Tribute To The Cow | I'he following credited to | M. Woods, the. well-known auction- eer of Lincoln, Neb, in opening a sale of cattle some time ago: 'Grand -and noble brute, of man's aximal friends she is = the greatest! To her we owe the most. { Examine all the channels of trade in- | to which she enters and note the re- { sult should she be blotted out. A | Sunday stillness would prevade the | great stock yards of our large cities { and grass would grow in the streets. | One-half the freight trains that plow the continent from ocean to 'ocean ' | sidetrack, for there would be nothing J. W. Johnson, M.P.P. for West { for them to do. Fifty per cent. of Hastings, will not be able to attend Catedh..:. | the employees would draw no pay on | this session-.of the Legislature. He Local ecarcase, Ib. 5 | Saturday night and our tables would | Das been confifled to' the house with | \. | Local, hinds, 1b. . Ws y i be bare of ene of the greatest Jux-|a severe illi®ss for some months. ; | Local, fronts, ib. . od 5 | uries with which they are new load- Western carcase 1b 191% 4 ped. The great plains of the west, hb. : {that the cow has made to blossom 1b. { like the rose, would revert to the In- age Du Fort, Que., died on Wednes-| Hogs, live, cwt, . {diams from whence they came and day morning at the residence of her | Hogs, dressed, cwt { millions of a would . bags, 317 00 Col. ¥. @ On a Ta 82 all 14.00 13.00 OF Chicago, Feb. 8.--Cattle--Re- ceipts, 16,000; market unsettled: beeves, $8.60 to $14.15; stockers | and feeders, $7.50 to $10.50; cows and heifers, $6.50 to $11.90; calves, $5.50 to $11.50. Hogs-- Receipts, 25,000; market strong; light, $16.45 to $17.20; mixed, $16.70 to $17.25; heavy, $16.60 to $17.25; rough, $16.60 to 317.25; rough, $16.60 to $16.80; pigs, $14.00 to $16.1 ; bulk of saled, $17.00 to $17.20. Sheep Receipts, 18,000; market steady; lambs, native, $1475 .to $15.75. - Buffalo. Buffalo, Feb. 8.---Cattle--Re- ceipts, 60@ easier. Calves--Re- ceipts, 100; steady; $7.00 to $17.50. 43.00 Sommp ora oa . sieats. Jeef---- ---- Dividend on Coniagas, Toronto, Feb. 8.--Directors | Western front, Port- | Western hinds, son, Claude H. Brabazon, Ottawa. Mutton .. ... | be destroyed. ---- . Tr ! her hoof makes glue, and ber tail | makes soup. She gives us our cream. | | ' armers Ler flesh is the-meat of all nations. | . Her blood is used to make oar sugar | : . : : make valliable fertilizer, and even | : \ eaten RC an TT : the content§ of her paunch she has! | [No.'s, do. to $1.79." Oats--No. Hens, live, Ib. cal process for the manufacture of) : ds R 3 white, 86% to 8746; standard, | . st Market Turkeys, 9b. the host ality of White barey soporl" Money Orders and Drafts are 181% 'to 89¢ Rye No. 2, nominal, ; on : 3 - s | Barley--%1%5 to $1.78 Timothy--!% _ | ! this paper can be made into the best ---- { : { - Ee hic ro false teeth. LIVE STOOK MARKETS. t jL » P: " ---- | ols | ana UR, 1 wish that I could for once take! EST'D 1873 all parts of the world. | Dairy : . } ' Reve from your table, as you are about to | . { Gi Toronto, Feb. 8.--Extra cholic yellow, $1.75 to $1.80. Oats--No.| Butter, creamery, Lettuce. bunch i i KINGSTON BRAN H, heavy steers, $11.25 to $11.90; do. white, 84 to 85c. Flour unchang- Sw i the cow has placed thereon. I would | { Butter, .rolis, 1b. . | Rotatces, bush." . ve take the cup of milk sitting by the! ers' cattle, choice, $10.75 to $11.00; J | Cheese, 1b. niens, dry, Ib. .. vs do., good, 10.25 to $10.50; , }] a Le biscuit, the custard, the cream for! - - - 8 $ 5 com-| Duluth, Feb. 8.--Linseed on traek,| Eggs, storage. .... 2% |Hides, Ete.~John McKay, Limited.| ;¢r0n' the butter, the han the | PAID GOVERNMENT ,Coniagas Mines announce a dividend mon, $8.00 to $8.50; Butchers' bulls, | $3.54 to $3.66; arrive, $3.5 May, | Olecmargarine 2g ot 75 ' : : i of 2% per cent. This is the first ' oi , . i i 2 . : {Red Foxes, Prime the sweet corned plate of juicy meat. | Ee, b : bulls, $8.75 fo $9.00; do, medium mee | | No. 1, up to i ion Took two and a half per cent. was paid bulls, $7.60 to $8.00; do, rough bulls] New York, | Cod, 1b. . 133 | Raccorn, up 3 your meal upon Irish potatoes, beet | Us 8. Steel Corporat on 00K | The November dividend was passed. 2h 8 0 .ckles and icks."" choice, $9.50 to' $10.00; do, good, |Z: $1.80; No. 3, 51.70, nominal: | Piannasrs. ib... | 12% | Mink, up to .. eS 209 Wothyickn |. 10 Nearly Sixty Millian Tuo company said tWeive andy aie oF 8.50 to $9.00; do, medium, $7.76 shipping, $1.50, nominal. Other ar-| gillets, Ibs . .. : 2 - +o i 000. "The present two and a half : 18 | med. 3 lbs. Ib. <h 2 { 3 ¢ ; -- 'ew Y. p $.--The Unite , 00,000. feeders, $9.00 to $10.00: canners | {Make, Ib... .. .. 123% | Lamb skins, fresh Withheld Ste of Suicide, But | s New York, Feb. 8.--The United | ment of $1 0 and cutters, $5.75 to $6.25; milkers,| | Haddock, fresh, 1b. {ved du ta 5 Dry § | States Fuel Corporation paid to the + A 30 eal Skins, he, a 2 < i y { o ski io 1 To ascetizia the tastes of his | rg tinal t f The Nati 1 Refini C v ; an od., $65.00 to $80.0C: | Montreal. It fresh, Ib 10 | Deacon skins, No 1 50 ; Ban breodi 3 of its earnings in the final quarter o 16 Nationa efining Compan; APHnEELs: Gr 7] ' $140.00; light! Montreal, Feb. 8,--Fggs --Strietly | Kippers, dogs. 1k i readers with regard to sensational}jgyz, according to a statement of has declared a stock dividend of 4 004 large... dos . 3 ! " £9 7 iat 2 t Cakes West News ay, 'Motono Eikieh- | Total i + that fod | dividends in cash at the rate of $1% $6.00 to $7.25; yearlings, $11.76 tol tra, 52¢: No. 1, 48¢: No. 2. 46e. | Perch, 1b. ... +... 1214 | Tallow Cakes .. \ : si The. ¥ sets 4 otal earn ngs for that perio vi 8 In cash at the rate ¢ $12.76; lambs, $1730 to $18.50; Butter--Finest creamery, an Wool unwashed PP unjtar pr yh in {amounted to $59,724,125, after mak-(a year. | Rock- 4 10 | VWool, raghed, satel 2c Dotw ¢ a + t $16.50 hogs, fed and watered $18. Oleomargarine, per pound, 30¢ to] Sack-Bat, Ib 30 Ib. . suicide pact between the daughter {into the government treasury as war|ed many months ahead on domastic 50; do, weighed off cars, $18.75. do, | 2c. R s 30, of the privy council, and her chaut {income on excess profits. Net income | business, and it also has shrapnel ' , i ja 9 perlb. .. . : 8. bed ¥ £ Bil, BF. Shan'. Montreal, | twins, 24¢; Stiltons, 52¢. |S hesh, ib ox 1b 13% | Hecswas, 1b. up to teur, with the result that the follow- | employed, and the semi-monthly Montreal, Feb. 8.---Butcher cattle] Lard--In tubs, per Ib., 30c. : ee 1 50 from Hdicans ders of his paper. |3Mounted to $16,258,272, payrool is around $1,200,000. a5 hit Bh. Ib... { Kips, 1b, : 13 ht Wncignant readers of his paper, | "pis pmpares with total earnings| : AL Brake is | 11.50 (few at $11.75): zoo 10.1 Honey-- White clover, 30-1b, ' an { Beaver, up to .. rartine hrs . : - 5 | ton where in 19 it is almost cer- HRA a 25.5 io {1b. tins, 19¢; comb, 21e. {tnal)i., . 20.00 Fo et Sage Sosikava { 245,377, and surplus of $21,824,554 tain to have a much bigger year than cwt, Bulls, choice, $10.50 to $11; | ' Fruit, | Black Beat) pe 24.50 rokio ted the American | i Iu the faet that the com 's good, $9.50 to $10; medium, $8.75|dium, 31¢; small, 33c. | Fisher, up to 3 fashion In keeping with expectations, the pon the fact that the co ApARY'S Bacon--Per 1b., breaklast, 40c : gh Bkichichiro based his action on a {directors declared an "extra" divi-| War orders now on its books involve cwt. Cows, good, $0.50 to $10; - jayux, up to .. 4 i y a ban i : 2 dium, $8 oh: 4. 3380 w 31 Pp 45¢ { Marten, up to .. scandalous conduct. It is said the |StoCH: in addition to thé regular con- | . During the first nine months of : &f . Dressed poultry--Per. 1b; Bad t 19.90 wg or poe) od ae {mon dividend of 1%, ana preferred| 1917 the Pierce Oil Corporation ang a a adger, up to .. 2.50 34 2 i. | owt, | Weamen i , ther g Sheep, $11 to $11.50; culls, $9.50; fowl, 28¢ to 30e; ducks | Weasel, up to .. Charles A. Dana that "whatever the | 1d of one per cent. voted in the, Sarued a or aa 28e $18, ze. : s : Almighty rmits to en is fit t {second quarter, total disbursements] Profits a LA "ED, ' and Quebees, $14.50 to $15 ear load | Barley, bush print? fo deny tha rain 2 iod of 1916. This i i y 8, - 0. a 4 es ae 1a : o period of 19186. is is an increase Hogs, selects, $19.25 to $19.50 (70 $1.90 to 32.18. { Buckwheat, 'bush. thet the Yoshikawa family paid him [Moudled to 18 per cent. gq.,01 $187,722, a gain of about 9 per io Corn, meal, cwt to leave out the story, he printed: | T0'al earnings for 1917 aggrega., ort runs, Sows, $17.25 50, ; " nie 1 0 > § ile tir and --_ $16.25 » fia hi? pi Toronto, Feb. 8.--Butter, chivice bush gaged a press agent and supplied the [3212.467,249 to povernmint, taxes, to The es, "iioniubile 1126s gh " end dairy, 46¢ to 47¢; marg: Jas, Ib, She | Flour, OWL, paper with complete details of the ©it. It is expected this amount will - alves, few grass-fed at $8; milk-{ 0 >' fe: : er | hm : Pa - {be in excess of $500,000,000. In fed, $13 to $15 owt. cheese, 1b., 26¢; do. Yancy, th., 35¢; { Hay, loose, ton . He later indulged in a long ar | final returns: are made taj 22¢ to 25¢; spring chickens, 28¢ to Middlings, ton icie about the aims of «a newspaper, | In 1818. when no anpropriat ions | 30h last, the Yalen a the gh b., 23 > Oats, local, bush daring one. He confessed that if he | Were made for war fncome anc ex-| es Banutictured during 4 b., 23¢ to 25c¢; 8. bkt., 85¢ tc aca, Lie i of § 1 ow 3 : ie : 70¢; a. or apples, bit, bate Shorts, ton .. . [ce nings were $342.997.092 | The Geneyit' Electric Company in ; BLS, readers who approved his COUISe, HR i Gay stated that the | 1917 did the, largest business in its celery, Cal, bunch, 10e¢; do., Can. |BStraw, loose, ton. he would have no hope of continu- a Eh = aw ' » Lal, i, > ve an., he nua) Ii 245 » i doz., 50c; cabbage, each, 10¢ to 15c: | Wheat, local, bush teontemplation and that its lHquid as- | 106 fo 3208 000.000 compared with oh 5, {sets ere more than sufficient to meet | a? ath 3 JN%, Bu t., 6be; ., pickli it. | do. Rr Eng bit {to about $195,000,000, compared ; ; ' 3 [with $132,242,200 in 1916. This peck, 30c; potatoes, bag, h : amr of "prev ar. rhubarb, bunch, 13e; sage, ro . Arner oT SY 10US yea! s At Prescott on Wednesday the - Ne "None other i8'like the cow. There \ : . " Aloge~Rucelpis. gaa: ans: death; took place of a highly esteenr- Poultry, le not a thing from nose to tail but ' ; y 40; =. . | Was seventy-two years of age and . wa ke horns to comb out hair; her skin is 31a78; Jom a TR a was born at Glen Buell. Chicker live, ib. <a on our feet and horse's Backs; her \ r ' 0.49; ES, i » $14.00 to $14.50. Sheep and Jans | A AAA Ae "Canada Weekly" offers a series of cash rizes, of which the first is » $14.00 30 $18.30; tow ar) op Ms. $500.00, for the correct solution of the fol wing mysterious message ers unehanged. ie Thi Vinnipeg, Feb. 8.--Live stock of: 3 Ss fdrings at the yards were 350 cattle : ¥ Y 1 y and 1,781 hogs. Cattle and hag IS ° ill: : os f naKgiill taecndhd cow 'trade dull. Quotations: Butch- a S . . e C z vy ers' steers, $7 to $12; helfers, $7 to' = dn oor yp wos priony pl - Tod we Bio Ta So etrhooedmra sy . stockers and feeders, $7 to $8.50; 7 s 2 + Calves, $6.50 to $11.50. Hogs---Se- / lects, $18; heavies, $13.50 to $14. M to TT $14.50. : " : Ei _ ' -- NG German Spy TRG : * a. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. N J Criminologists Suggest "Toronto, -- Manitoba Selecting a E > i ng a capital letter as a starting point and count. Wheat ih store, Fort William, nom- ing every second. or third letter until all the letters rps ding 2%gec. tax); Used up would surely produce some result. Inspector it, (Continued from Page 1, Col. 7.) and apong the papers seized was a torn folded and worn "scrap of paper." i Inspector Donlan for the first time in his many years of service bowed his bead in defeat. He was Somifistely baffled ; and the hifiden message of the uncanny Begi oh A) : oh | jumble of letters remained a profound letter or every third letter. 1 believe | shou Ontarle wheat--New crop, No. 2, Re i . fF k S 2 < ~ Y - ! $2.22, basis in store, Montreal. : : : id i ; + solve this . Ontario .cats--=No. 2 white, 91¢. to ; TOLL wea A : a F RS I I R 1ZE % 50 0 0 0 02¢., nominal: No. 3, 90¢c. to 91c. { * : : ot Fo : 1 : Barley-~-Malting, new. $1.58 lo! 2 ! ; $1.60, according to freights. bad Int 2+: 5500 Pens---No. 2, $3.70 to $3.80, ac- hair keeps the plaster on our walls; our milk, our butter and cheese, and} white; her bones, when , ground | $1.77%;) . + | Hens, dressed, 1p . Lierself put through the first cheml-| ] 3 and now it has been discovered that! . . ee [paviey 4135 5173. Sime issued by this Bank payable in kt M "Oy you who would abuse the cow. | Carrots, buys... Toronto, Minneapolis, Feb P sit down to the evening meal, all that | ib, 3 0 | Parsnips, bunch £004 heavy, $10.50 to $11.00; buten-|ed. Bram, $22.50 : J. F. ROWLAND, vi Manager. : I se, I dor. baby's chair, I would take the cream do.,{ . {EE , ssh, ag ---- medium, $9.50 to $9.75; do | Goose down, per 1b ! 8 , 1 smoking roast e ' | ivi i eholce, 39.50 to $10.00; da, good | 33.34; July, $348% & of beet or stake or} HALF OF EARNINGS i ccnd' since last Ausuet waoh 1234 | Raceoon, up to In fact, I would leave you to make | $6.36 to $6.85; butchers' cows,| New York, Feb. §. Hay firm; No.lgels, 0b. ;. .. .. The company paid twelve and a half a 22 | Hides, green trim- Dollars.- to $8.00; stockers, 7.50 to 8.50: |ticles unchanged, Pinan Haddie, 1b. per cent. dividend means a disburse- 12% | up to .. es 50 People Demanded News. good to choice, $90.00 to $125.00: | | Flalibut, fresh, Ib, » eben . {federal government more than half Commercial Notes. 80 | Horse hides, No. 1 boned - 10 the EB owes, $12.60 to $14.00; sheep, heavy new laid, per dozen, 65¢ to 0c; ex-! Qysters, qt. Stories, acco: E to the East and the corporation. per cent. on common stock; former per | Pike, 1b. . , | 121% | Wool, washed, 1b. 3 . . Goma calves, good to choice, $15.00 to| pound, 4%¢ to 50c. id 2 {ing allowance for $60,950,364 paid Westinghouse Electric Co. ik book- | patimam, * 20 Gensing, wild dry 0 of Count Yoshikawa, vice-president f.0.h. $17.60, | Cheese--Per 1b, large es, ih. 1 . {for the final quarter was $48,035) contracts. Almost 28.000 nien are 32 : 1 | 344 and surplus for the same period [Fou sine | Shearlings, up to, -. 2, ing day he was deluged with letters --f . > 5 to] Shortening--Per Ib., 26c. I B Bek. ees . J New York Air Brake is in a posi- Steers, choice, average, $11.2 2 oriening er ih.,, 26¢ IW 12.00 many of them charging him with ae- fof $68,243,784, net income of- $5 » , £ Otter, up to 50 to $11; medium, $9.50 to { ------ . i wep i uh Hams Large, 3c per pound: me-| 20.00 Tokio printed the story {for the previous quarter. | in 1917. This statement is founded : i 7 { Cross Fox, up to . to $9.26; and canners, $7 t 7.60 } ; 5 p ines : 13 42¢; Windsor, 44c; Windsor bonele 30.00 | desire to protect the public from |0€8d of 3 per cent. on the common|over $50,000,000 of business 30. BEIT 3 he : ! - . = Wolf, up to to $7; and canners, $5.50 to $5.75 ox Ey ' s 'gp : the Plerce-Fordyce Oil Associati oN 2 a ickens, 1.25 . [the truth of the saying of the late!" !%. Including a Red Cross divi al Suotistiall and lambs, Ontario, $15.50 iE i i agains 38 6 oO $15.50 to $16; Potatoes--80 It ! Barley, by print." "To deny the insinuation OP the common shares for 1917|%8ainst $2,038,096 in the same for long runs, and $19 to $19.25 for " : aq & a La | cent, Toronto. Corp, yellow feed "The Yoshikawa family at once en- | 121 $531,668,131, after charging off | wei y, ine, 1b., 35¢ ara i 3 : R wd y ghed off cars. to 87¢; eggs, new laid. | Hay Daled. ton. . affair.' {be increased to $235,000.000 when | States during 1918 will undoubtediy ay d, air, t ; 2 turkeys, 1b., 36¢ to 38¢; fow!, 1b., ngten. {the automobile season ended June {80¢; ducks, spring, 1b., 25¢: geese, | O8tS, Man., bush omitting that his attitude was a . 5 followed the advice of its very few |€¢8s profits, the corporations total | Period Wis plaged at $450.000,000 bag, $1.15 to $1.25: do. peck, 30¢; | Straw, baled, ton tory oh . ing in business." jcorporation has no new financing in | history with orders booked amount. onions, 75-1b. bag, 2.25; ). larg i § - « 18, 75-1b. bag, $2.25; do. larg all yequiremonts {sod sales billed in 1917 amounted unch, 10¢; parsnips, bag, i bunch, 10¢; parsnips, ba {is far above the Increase in any one 5¢ to 10¢;. savory, bunch, 5e 0. ; ed resident in Albert Westlake. He Chickens, dressed, { that is utilized by man. We use her 2 few, $17.50; light yorkers, $16.50 to Ib. ' } oJ". 4 ou ® ~--Recelpts; 1,200; steady; lambs, - Child T a Teaching The ildren To Farm on the scrap of paper. . Winnipeg. ----- . " " market steady. Stockesr and milk : ig . $5.50 to $8.76; oxen, $5 to $9: " it e £ z 4 ? 75; sows, $12 40 $13; light, $18 to ataate, mr r i TT Ta KITCHENER'S DEATH Solutions Feb, 8, : ; (Cy) fn : ao i A ] No, 1 . northern, $2.22; Na, 2 northern, $3.20%; No. 3 nonthern, $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.10. Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W.89 We; No. 3 CW, 84%¢c.; extra No. 1 feed, 83%ec.; No. 1 feed, 803e.0in store | Fort William. . Watson and I would procure a mirror and Fellect the "scrap of paper' endeavour to eri the Nctide message. --Sherlock Holmes. inning at a selected one I should read every other soon a) NINETY-NINE OTHER CASH PRIZES cording to freighis Ontario nie, in new promp ment, war guality, B10 00 Toro tiv: quality, Montr, prompt shopment. Bucky at-31.60 ia $1.82. i : Aa ity, $11. 10, Toronto. Sr Wally. H | Millfoad--Cariots, delivered, Mont- Be: Sm BE ly AOL 4 5 i white middlings, $46 to $46; good feed flour, per bag, $3.40 No. 5 | ; : i; 318 10-$17; mixed. $13 to $16. Straw. Carlots, $8.50 to $9. | "of the fair. | competiticns was the baby ARE " : a Hy (0 $55. Has, ] rac) ew say the front M en ts being added to tis at : : 4 elds of " tractivaness of life on farms, Fy TR : ; 2nd cih os Ee ' especially to. children, by the children's competitions which have become a feature of dhe fairs and ex- hibitions in Western Canada during the past year. At every place at which these competitions were beld they were the centre of interest, net aly to the children thenfssives but also to adult visitors, In fmct. many of the older exhibitors Jisplared a By greater interest in the exhibiis of the F& children than in their own. 896 competitions are Seneraily arranged by breaders' associations. sometimes with the assistance of the Department of Agriculture of the pro vince and other public bodies. Usu: ally they are confined to boys and girls between the ages of ten ard ff teen, who are required to feed. care for and lock after'a' calf, a pig or a lamb, as the case may be, for a cer tain period previous to the opening most suceessfurot these 3 Boel yok tition held at the €algary Winter Fur fo Biecgtaber. The competition was for ers. 'pure cr grade, [1 born in 1316 and fed betwesn No. goat tll hi : girls bev sige" or of -P One of the seventean yours of age.' Fo prizes from 325 to $100 were 2 ed. Altogether thera wore ffty-three $xhibhigrs to le tdmperition. ¢ wen by Samuel: Heal, of Brandon, Manitoba. Iu ths class of eal ves shown by girls the first prize ae Both these in the open : 0 valuable are these : 9th Prize. ..$10 | 13th 10¢ ... 10 | 14th 11 "ie 815th £5 12th " -5 |\16th ~ 21gt to 100th--$1 each, Roh SE prise, and the other For points 2d 4th seen competitive A me ba magazine a CR SR Ee re seas, Peo IRE te ag LR ed $1,117.00 altogether Prize... $4 | 17th Prize. .$2 Mov Si18th M31 10th Ge.) "La 3. Y 20h To ligation, on, your