Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1918, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, » PAGE SEVENTEEN out Canada. THE UNIVE Complete ¢ Owners Ex OURTEOLX S atte rel i8 something owner you can get it $Y There are more 'than 700 Ford Dealer 8 These are alway .--for gasoline, oil, tires, motor adjustments, The cost of Ford Service the ear itself. Nineteen of $5.40. Just compare thi cars and you will realize tl within easy r« repairs, acce as remarkal s with the cost of 1e advanta TRI wid lh wy W to vour needs appreciate, and being a For You are alwa; among » Station SS0ries 'g a Ford. Runabout - Touring " Coupe - - $770 ~ Sedan - - $970 AR * One-ton Truck, $750 " F.OB. FORD; ONT.. $475 $495 Van Luven Bros., Kingston - Moscow G. H. Richardson, Tamworth. J. A. Goodfellow, Parham. riends"; tions throughs f Ford owners expert advice or y low as the cost of the most call ed for paris cost only '6 parts for i I tt tt Nt A NA PAN ss A Great Soprano and \. A Great Violinist GUProsE i Mme. Marie Rappold had consented io cone to your Home Se sing, bringing Albert Spaulding along to gato. Suppose, too, that, for professional reasons, neither artist wished to be seen by your guests but stipulated their being screened from view. Then you might as well cancel the engagement, for everything else: beyond their personal appearance your New dison can give you. Your. guests will hush spell-bound as 'Place on | e-Creation 82536. ay the violin obli- NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE { tan or brown fifth of Spain's goal ally recorded 'as po is made in "right: [it the feet and ankles mere snugly Motorcycles that weigh less tioan 160 pounds have been invented in y nd for women. g chalr which revolves on base has been invented for d cars is estimated that 1.000,00 se--power could be obtainad from | Scotland's waterlalls A spring has 'been | for casting hing * lines than can be done by hand. In Holland a municipal zas plant {is extracting illuminating gas from {a pe at and coal mixture. nt has been paiented rk man to eaable a person to thread a needle The fibre of species of hemp nat . been found in paper manufacture achine has .been invente qt 1ekl coun seeds and nem oveniy sting trays An associat ton Of Swiss seirntisis | has petitioned Government ofii- | cially to adopt hour time. Trousers car emovel from eir wes invented farther ment ch of the > invention of an Engi lishing with stone gator leather the g japanning nor varnishing tate. _ ' A method has been developed Europe for mamifolding . raised characters for the use blind. Lightness is the advantage of a recently patented tenpin that is ha!- w, the sides being: reinforced by ribs Two Swedish engineers have in- ented an electric machine for clean- ing boilers that works somewhat like a drill. An automatic feeder that places a lotter head in a typewriter : i predecessor is withdrawn has been patented Germany's ytash production this vear will 1,800,000 tons, or 27,000 tons more than in the record year, 191 For carrying oil in automobiles { cone shaped paper container, whi: {also can be used as a funnel, has been invented. An English inventor's electrical tool for, removing boiler scale de- livers 3,000 hammering and tear- ing strokes a minute. An Atlanta man has invented a pneumatic cotton picker that can be attached, to a saddle and operated by a man on horseback. After three years of work a Gov- ernment committee has recommend- ed a uniform system of weights and measures for all of India. An Ohio inventor has patented a machine that enables a . perso: with a player plano \nake his own perforated rolis of mus A barrel organ has been in con- stant. service. since early dn the eighteenth century still is in use in an English church. To enable a. person wearing gloves to operate a typewriter a curved striker that hits but one key at a time has been patented. Experiments are under way in Sweden with the use of paper cans instead of tin ones. in the sardine and other preserving industries. Forcible feeding of fewls to make their weight increase has been made possible by the invention of a ma- chine for the use of poultrymien. Extensivé deposits of high-grade asphalt have been found upon lands in Honduras that are controlled by a resident 'of the United States. Patents have been issued for a sleeping car whieh provides room at the end of each berth for its occu- pants to stand erect while dressing. Vienna clears snow from streets on whith electric cars run by haul- ing plows redembling American road scrapers behind plow equipped. cars. 'A stump puM®r has been invented that uses the same gasoline engine to propel it oveiSthe ground and ex- tract stumps with. block and tackle. Two persons can ride comfortably in & 'motorcycle side car of English invention, which also carries con- siderable camping equipment or baggage. A New York inventor's non-spill- able ink-bottle is featured by a steel ball. 50 inserted in its neck that. it I stop fhe flow. of ink instantly. By 'building a voncrete tank with a window in one side a Scotch physi- ciah succeeded in getting motion pic- tures of otters and other water ani- Toals An over that be fastened around the exhaust manifold of an automobile engine has been invented to permit to cook: food while travelling. 1 flame-re i on a long as been patented by a Californian as an implement to De used as a beater in } for ires » ts for the purification | European e¢iti r in Germany and one attachment machines has a Chicago man to! hasten the dr of the gum on, the | envelope in damp weather. To ing smaller boats inside of large craft an inventor in Holland designed a Vv with hinged | dors at one the hull, through which boats can be floated. be inserted into it to emable a p son to use it without bending over. Winter Hard on Baby The winter season is a hard one on the baby He is more or less! confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms It is so often stormy that the mother does not get him out in! the fresh air as often as she should. | He catches colds which rack his little! system; his stomach and bowels get out of order and he becomes peevish | and cross. To guard against this the! mother should keep a box of Baby's] Own Tablets in the Bouse They | r late the stomach 1d bowels and kK up colds The y are sold by cine dealers or by mail at 25 ents a'box from The Dr. Williams' edicine, Co., Brockville, Ont. Lit i i i i i i i Miss Bertha Steer, who had been a nurse of the Victorian Order in Cornwall for the past three years, died at t®e Gengral Hospital after an | illness of only four days from pfieu-| monia. v WOMEN ARE NEEDED TO HELP IN WAR Women can be usefully employed in soldiers' kits, and a thousand other ways. Many Canadian women aro wea or anemic from woman's ills. . For yoling girls just entering wominhood; for women at the critical time; nursing mothers and evéry woman who is "run- down," tired or over-worked--Doetor Pioree's Favorite Presoription is a spe- cial, safe and certain help. It ean.mow be had in tablet form, progurablp at any good drug stere, or send Dr. Piéres, In valids' Hotel and VSurgieal Institute, Buffalo, N. ¥,, 10 cents for trial pack- age. Branch office, Bridgeburg, Ont. Bt. Oathatines, Ont.--'1 have ken $ Dr. Pierce's Fa orite Prescription | during expectaney | when I felt espoci ally In npecd of a tonie and jit bege- fited mo greatly. I always take pleas ure in recammend- ing 'Prescription' to young mothers, - > because I know it . y will never fail to help them."----Mzs. J. He = Pawcers, 8 Beach St. ° Stratford, Ont!' . think Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ono of the best medicines 1 have ever known for the pilments of women. 1 had; long time been all run-down," weak and pervous. 1 doctored, but nothing seemed to give me relief until I taking 'Favorite Preseription.' medicine gave = suck wonderful relief ibat 3 am am it to others."'-- ~| NEVER { Chrigt and Him Crueifled; The handle of & new dustpan can | be adjusted at any angle and is| tubular so that an extension rod ean | an abstraction; not i sects and factions; but as a mighty { Toree and principle of being, The { Word of God, deliverad by the sentl | Nazarene upon the hi Hsides of Jud oa, { sanctified by the Cross of Calvary, { destruction-- | epiritual | Religion, That | the earth | fifty years { plant it with | Infidelity. | have beeh obsessed wich it. Her | universities have seethéd with it. in { acclaiming nursing the wounded, in making up the.' APPEALS TO *CRRIST. » A Significant Point About the Kai- ser's Religion, Marse. Henry Watterson, looking backward at the fiftieth Christmas of the Louisville Cotirier-journal, ptters words upon the greatest of all wars that must be convincing even to | those whose thoughts have not ran { along the fundamental lines With which he deals. This old observer of men and events feels that we may stand upon | the edge of a mew descent into the dark ages. But he says: "Surely the future looks black enough, yet it holds § hepe, a single hope. One, and one power only, can arrest the descent and save us. That { is the Christian Religion. "Democracy is but a side jsgue The paramount issue, underlying the | issue of democracy, is the Religion of the bed- rock of Civilization; the source and resource of all that is worth having in the world that is, that gives pro mise in the world to come; not as as a huddle of . has survived every assault. It is now arrayed upon land and sea to mee the deadliest of all qults, Satan turned loose for one | final strug- gle. "The Kaiser boldly the gage of battle against the believing world--"Kul tur" agains 'hristianity-~the Gos pel of Hate against the Gospel of Love. Thus is he Satan personified 'Myself and God" merely his way threw down £ Jeelzebub, the Angel of Destruction, iis creed the Devil's own, his aim 1nd end a Hell on earth, Never did | Crusader lift battle axe in holier war against the Saracen than is waged by | our soldiers of the Cross against the | German, The issues are indeed iden- tical "If the world is to be saved from physical no less than destructiou~--it. will bs saved alone by the Christian eliminated leaves to eternal war. For Germany has been organizing and laboriwg ts» sup- "Kultur," the genius of Her college professors 'Myself and God," the Kaiser has put the Imperial seal upon When our armies have run it to its lair--when they have crushed it | ----naught will have been gained .un- less the glorious Banger of the Cross is hoisted--even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness--and the misled masses of Germany are bade to gather about itvand beneath it as sadly they collect the debris of {their ruin for the reconstruction df the Fatherland." When you come right down to it. | without pretense or without senti mentality, you must admit that the old philosopher here pretty well set- ties (he question of what this war is about. Yon will appreciate his acouracy of analysis more truly if you recall ove fact: That the Kaise- is forever calling upon. "God," that he never misses a chance to appeal to "God," to tie | "God™ to his side ofl the argument, to enlist "God" in his armies. But that the Kaiser never appeals to Christ. The thing is fundamental. The old pazanb god, the tribal deity which re- presents "God" in the German kul- tur, fits perfectly into the Kaiser's idea af what God should be. Bug the larger conception of the God of mercy and love, of Jesus Christ with His kindpess and fairness and gentle ness--these conceptions have no place in the kind of thing that the Prussian. junker has labeled 'his theory of life. Of the religion of Christ. demo- cracy isa part, but only a part. Yet it must, perhaps, be our battle cry, as there is something in the races which profess the religion of Christ which keeps them from dramatizing their religion to answer the tribal paganism of the Kaiser. They know in their hearts that they fight to save the things that the good Christ taught." 1" is His life against bar- barism. It is Christianity} against paganism. But so fine, so Holy 13 this inspiration that the. soldiers of Christ, even as they die for Him, will not permit themselves to drag Him into the mire of lies which Kater Wilhelm weaves about the war in the name of Jehovah and in the spirit of Thor or Woden, Inathis mire of lies, which becomas muddier and dirtier day by day through the new filth stirred into it at Brest-Litovsk, thrives the evil thing which old Henry Watterson labels with the plain Anglo-Saxon name of satanism. That label is not untrue. It is no real exaggeration. It but concentrates into an old-fash- ioned word of definite connotation the vague yet bitter dishonestios w ith which Willelm opposes mankind's instinct to hopesty and decency. We Infidel Germany! proclaiming it--for his "God" is | [om ------------------ SUCCEEDED Where Travel and Change of Clindate Failed to Restore Health Bani on, Ont + Apel 10th, 1097, "About four Sw of the kidney than formerly b them right and se S € Gin Pills sell {or 80c at ail good denlery. to National Drug & Chemical © of Canady | Limited, Toronto; or to Un States address, | Na-DruCo,, Inc., 202 Maire St, B NX. x pr 6 bax as for $2.50 ue. if you writs, : LEE LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JAN. 6TH, 1918. Traine will leave and arrive st Ofty Depet, Foot of Johanson Street, Mal)... .,.. Intern'l Local. .. 1, 18, 14, 18, Other trains dally except Sunday' Direct route to Toronto, s Pet erbor. Hamiltoh Buffalo, Londan Detroit Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quabee, Portland, St Halifax, Boston, and New York Pullman 'acc yminadation, tickets all other information, apply to, Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean steamship ines, Open day and night LICR Passenger Service Halifax and Bristol Money remittances made by mall op enable, Apply to Local Agents or The Rolert Reford Co, Limited, Genersl Agents, 30 King 8 50 King St. Enst, Toronto, 4. Ens, Toronto, Sat, L.WANT YOU.T0 TRY MY GATARRH REMEDY [5 DAYS ON MY GUARANTEE It is a new way. Tt is something abso hitely diffe lotions, ick apparatus of any Kind, ing to smoke or inhale. steaming or rubbi jections. © No elact vibration or massage. powder: no lhe . : nw keeping in » h Nothing of at all, ng new and different, , somethin delighiful an health: 21 something stant! the rich tones of Spaulding' s magniiicent bowing stream ont in the prelude to Gounod's "Ave Maria." "Then a moment's pause and Ra pold is there. She is mttering the prayer as one inspired, The Ro Latin phrases, set to glorious music, grip the audience with a» marvellous appeal. You are listening 818 Rappold and Spaulding. ph itself has no more to do with it than Spaulding's 'and string. Never was Edison kinder to the world than whet " sen this instrument. i Have Rappold sing for you ab your will, in solo, duet or in trio, in -apera, dratorio'or Iyric--it is the privilege of all owners of the New Edison. You are welcome to a demonsivation any time, f: French florjeulturists have suc- % Goowin, 60 Brant St. ceeded in breeding carnations with stems suffieiently thick to support HIGH HEELED SF their heavy heads > bloom without The Vossische Zeitung reports that #ball find a help in this plain speak- ing. We shall be strengthened in the good fight by the strength which comes [rom simplifying the issucs, i ------------ta---- Deterioration of Flour. ance, ie maces sa) PUT CORNS ONTOES nexiuity odious iad Pitch Of nich has been in ie pitch of whic complaints about the condition of Ying. Aered. hy an av ator while Lents 'Women How to ta ory Up. a 'Corny the bread in greafer HBeNin are again "An 'electrical device of Buropesii So It Lifts ut oS uhout Pain | increasing. The bread hus & musty invention to enabis a moving train J flavor, which arises from the flour to set a signal makes use of a slight | odern high-heeled foDtWear buck- | used, 'since no stretching nidterials sinking of a rail as a train pases the toes and produces corns, and | are being added af present, It is over it~ of the thousands of hospital provi that the Sfteriotstion of the The sewing machine ahd Kitchen i our is not owing fo prolon; table hava heen combined itt a furni-| Bee by (he Derlin | autharilies, but ture 'novelty, the head of fhe ma-|of ot ryng 'to cut away these painfull that it iz delivered fn this condition. ved wh § CE phen a when UH Is to IMO For little st share can be .oh- 'Felated to Annic Lausie, 5 y Ta clean the waste vil in factories | tained at any pharmacy a quarter of | py. death occurred at Maxwelton Corner Princess and Sydenting Stimots. : : ; # it can be used again an eloctric- {an ounce of a drug called freezoms, | gongs, Glondairs, of the Rev. Sir : ono cent. Write me He © folly driven machine has been in-| Which is sufficient lo rid ope's Teel | pail Laurie ai the advanced age |. NO MONEY 3 FNS E..2 [vented in Sweden that resembles 4 of every hard or soft corn or of 04 years. Born in London in SEND f ) \ ii CREA Separator. : 1828, he was the eldest son of Sir § AY ¢ BL. i Row MOURLIDE pt venience. : : ohn Bayles. Janis Jaurin, oe adend po mney. chon your nevis and : - 3 ae | ron o's a r greine of the ATUOUS 30 ress on a postal card. Har: "Tsar "The Pi Ti ». ol mobile headlights can be swung 1 Aa1Ge. was oie ol ihe Labries of | Tom Kats: Teac teil ine how yom banog coh with a Soul TU waar fo She ide vo Seg of aaggo. | Si Font Shi art, stu . memes ue - ni ~ - ; Le £5 = ought Tos Joriox bls lS : Cl rf lo Rae EP pen i 5 ye : 3 3 Ra 'Al Smith's Falls mand Plant} © Mrs. William Reid; Belleville, wid; The smith s Falls council granted a i and plan. tol d Oo : Beéndict, aged hi REF, at once. Ds Rot delay, earled guilty to a violation bf the fon Thurstay, ased ed eighty hive £5.00 o tho Patriotic Pand, $500 | develop 489,006 horsepower for the -- a i Te i Ea Hans thick ot Ra eo Act and was Hined 3400 | years. - she wap ah Anglican, Three {othe Red Society end $500 to electrical production of, atmospherie House OF Retuge. Detomnad Mail tase until soi TY a arte rr. oo DET a uv ps the Sailor 3 and. Born in. Ireland, bul had lived for | yeu oa oii uoAL hit o ow an tox or oude were IE's WR) twit the ear people pay a wrach for the costainat for veils tu stores ans rs in Hastings ° 'County. Ms wan z. divides 'between the two Aseriak. "fengement ring apd thie wedding, te Shep get fof * nothing. patented that has 5 mirror in En lowes a AN a tess. wa ih ni.

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