Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jan 1918, p. 5

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2 _THE | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, 'PROSPERITY OF FARMERS AS THE RESULT OF THE WARIS VERY MARKED. Chatiel During Mortgages In the Past Frontenac Three Years Have Been Reduced From $2350. 000 to $50,000, One often hears arguments tween city and country residen & the present prosperity of A armer. ts bes as 'the No one can dény that these three years of war have been years of a tremendous harvest of to the farming community. what an enormous extent there féw means of determining. The Government returns Department of Agriculture ever, gives one an insight to in years. It money To are the how- the amount of gold thag has poured in- to Frontenac County in the last few has never been: so pros- perous and the biggest step towards vhat goal has been made since Can- ada declared war on German 1914, when the whole world y in seem- ed 'to go war crazy and every nation prepared itself for The farmers of this commmunit that time owed the world chattel mortgages,setc., on cattle, equipment, barns, houses over $230,000, or alme quarter of 4 milion dollars. years of desperate fighting gone by. for men great cause. farmers of Frontenac y th 81 a long--conflict, at through er farms and a Three have t The cities have been bled and money to fight in the In that same time made enough he money to reduce that big -indebted- ness from almost a quarter of a mil- lion dollars to less than There are today only eighty ers who have chattel against them. $50,000, farm- mortgages In this connection the Whig a few weeks citizen over nked ago heard remark: a well "There is in" the village bank - informed. to-day a quarter of a million dollats at of ot and practically all by the little colony he immedia'e sector ywhaship." " time of prosperi f the, county. Sydexhauu, that is 'held farmers of< Loughboro It: Bas he 'to 'the farmers na oO THREE, WEEKS! COAL SUPPLY. Kingston May Have to Burn Soft Coal if Cold Continues. There probably three weéks' supply of hard coal in the pity now, and small if any prospeeis of much more coming. This is the state- 'mient made by a prominent coal dealer whe is following the situation very closely. He added: "There are some three or four humdred tons of soft coal in our yards, and this is not all in the ci It is inconveni- ent, but the citizens have been using it and can do so partieplarly when the military buildings are all warm- ed in this way. There is no wood to speak of. All hard coal that is-be- ing shipped is liable to seizure for people of places who are so sorely in need. On the wholq I think the city is pretty well fixed, and uniess the improbable happens and we have three weeks more of this weather there should be no trouble here." is RETURNED TO CANADA, Gunner W. Bowman - Leaves Two # Sons in France 10 Return Home. Gunner W. Bowman, who left Kingston in August, 1914, with the 3rd Battery, C/F.A., and who spent thirtytwo months in France, has been sent to England, and is expecl- ed in Canada about the last of the month. He has a son, W. Bowman, in the 21st Battalion, and now in France," Another son who was a fireman on boats out of Kingston enlisted in the 72nd Battery, and has had many close calls while the war zone. Gunner W. Bowman served with th@ Mounted Rifles in the South African war. PASTEURIZED MILK AND "Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself, ---- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ofeinl Teat'hy H. B, Smith. Milk test- ed 3.2 Dutter Fat Phone 2083 34 JOHNSON STRERY ERR TT TRE TCT TOR STRATE PO TS " Security First" EXCELSIOR! INSURANCE | | FE Bead Offices Toronto, Can. o COMPANY Twenty-four millions of insurance Protecting sixteen thousand policyhold- i pa piaa3 NEW BOOKLET Interesti and sell, ete. Jor a copy. 74 Broadway "CANADA'S WAR LOANS _ Including VICTORY BONDS" This booklet includes tables showing the Total Funded Debt of 'Canada, the Domestic War Loans of Canada, Income Tax Tables, a Comparison of the Price of British Consols, French Rentes and United States bonds prior to, during and after war peribds, Record of subscriptions to the Victory and Domestic War Loans by prov- inces--Record of subscriptions to the Victory Lodn--How to buy 0.0% people out of total population of 7.891,000 beught Victory Bonds. Lanadian people's practical interest in their own loans. Every Victory Bond holder should call or write if you are interested, we shall be glad to supply a copy on request. A. E. AMES & CO. Union Bank Bldg., Transportation Bldg, - s about them This is a measure of the Established Toronto 1889 Montreal New York ALLENBURY'S FOODS ALL SIZES SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Is Yours' ? 1 your child is backward in school, strain. 0 Sang the "Our Examinat ion Tella." THE WEATHER MODERATES IT WAS JUST NINE ' ABOVE ZERO TUESDAY: MORNING. -------- The Snowfall on Monday Was Quite Heavy--Trains . Were Several Hours Late, and the Storm Was Quite General. The weather was quite pleasant on Tuesday morning. Monday morning the official record showed seventeen degress below zero, while on Tues- day would be colder, but then, the 'people will not be at all sorry if heiis out in his calculations. Monday was just about as rough a day as we have had all winter. The snowfall was quite heavy, all day. 5 The city engineer's detfartment has! been busy clearing the down- town streets of snow from the big snowfall of two weeks ago, and it is well that this was carted off, as the snow of Monday would have resulted in quite a blockade. The storm on Monday seemed to! be quite general. Toronto reported New York late in the aftefnoon also reported a big storm, with a tie-up of traffic. = All the trains coming into the city were hours late, THE BATTERIES WIN AGAIN DEFEAT QUEEN'S IN EXHIBITION GAME BY 7 TO 6. {Small Crowd Attended---Great Hopes Are Held Out For the Soldiers in Their Future Games. An exhibition hockey match on Monday evening resulted in the Bat- teries defeating Queen's by 7 to 6. It was an interesting game, but be- cause there were no further honors to be gained in an exhibition match the. crowd was small and not overly enthusiastic. During the game con- siderable froughness developed but this was overcome by 'George van Horne's diplomacy and strict method of dealing out penalties, The line-up was: Queen's (6) Batteries (7) Goal Taylor . Ryan PPurvis .. Millan .. Defence vee le aw ete »COOMDE Defence "ee tan . . Spence Wings MeCualg .. ... . . Derry : Wings Paul .. widaiiie an .Hughes Centre Stinson . Williams Substitute Taft ++ «Mecliroy Substitute Campbell... ... .. The scoring: Queen's 0, Batteries, 2; jod, Queen's 2, Batteries 6; Period, Queen's 6, Batteries 7. -- Stewart Lyon Is Here. Stewart Lyon, of the Toronto Globe, who lectures to-night in Queen's Convocation Hall, before the Canadian Club, is in the city, having come down on thé night train. Mr, Lyon was for over fifteen months the Canadian war correspondent at the front and he has some remark- able experiences to relate. He has 2 Whelan. period, second per- third First 9 -{ heen heard in many places wilh great delight, Enjoyable Sleigh Drive. About twenty-five young people left the city Friday at 7.30 o'clock to spend the evening at the home of W, Allum, Wolfe Island. Owing to the bad roads they did not drrive until late. After a few hours spent in dancing ang games, refreshments ware served and the party started for the.gity. Mr. Allum kindly brought half load heme. e -- A. O'Rourke, formerly of Peterboto, a deaf and dumb em- ployee at the Government Printing Bureau, Ottawa, has been awarded the Royal Humane Society's medal for rescuing from drowning no few- er than seven persons. The Food System The Source of Life Any Dérangements 'of Liver or Kid- neys That Interfere with Digestion and Assimilation of Food Rob and Deplete the Body. St. Catharines, Onty Jan. 29.--It ! matters not how good your appetite, how you relish your food, or how much you eat, so long as there is any. thing to interfere with proper dig tion and assimilation of the food Hy the body, strength and vigor wi gradually decline and weakness and debility take place. The most frequent cause of disor- dered digestion is sluggish action "of the liver, kidneys and bowels. The whole alimentary canal, through which the food passes on its way through the body, becomes choked and clogged, and the system is pols oned and diseased. Dr. Chase's Kidney/Liver Pills {have been wonderfully successful in exactly this class of disease, princi- pally because they act directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, regulating and invigorating thelr action, and re- storing. 'them to health. E. Husband, Moore St. St. Chinarings. Ont, writes: "I was y afflicted with became 80 bad that I could scarcely eat afything without suffer- distress Grad right side, which adic) men said was liver trouble. I never got relief til 1 began use of Dr. chiae s ney-Liver , and t me at once. By using about 2 eines boxes | was entirely cured. 1 owe my cure entisely to this jreatment, and [ make this Statement with the | that some poor sufferer may benefit by my experience." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25¢ a box, 5 for $1.00, at all: dealers, or while it was bitter cold; {are Dan Maguire, an American a big storm, while a despatch from| LT yntinued from Page 8.) "Come Back. Ta Erin." A trled and true star of the the- atrical firmament, Walter Lawrence, will be seen in a new vehicle next Thursday, January . 31st, at - the Grand, for one night only, where he will present .a new Irish comedy drama entitled 'Come 'Back to Erin." Mr. Lawrence, Who possesses a re- markably fine singing voice, brings into this play the atmosphere of the Old Sod, and the attractive charac- teristics. of the real Irishman, The story of the play carries with it the freshness of the shamrock, the vision of the smoking turf, and the.-green_ hills and dales, It i8 a thrilling play of the present day, abounding in | gripping situations, unusual heart interest and a Leen vein of whole- some humor.. The chief characters of Irish parentage whose marriage was forbidden, and their legal union doubted; Kathleen Donald, Dan's sweetheart; her brother Roy, a cham- pion of Dan's cause; Clement Fairly, a fortune hunter; Con O'Neil, sexton of the old Dunmorre church; the Earl of Dunsmore, grandfathes of Dan, and-pumerous other incidental characters, "Bringing Up Father Abroad." if you don't roar over 'the side: splitting anties of John S, Cain as "Jiggs" Mahoney, the funny little Celt in the newest "George McManus comic cartoon musical comedy, "Bringing' Up Father Abroad," you'ye lost your funnylbone, accord- ing to the newspaper eritics of other cities, The piece is scoring knoock- out hits everywhere. It comedy to the Grand Opera House on next Sat- urday, February 2nd, matinee and night, A clearing house for mirih, a terminal for talent and a gep/olf place for the best effects in aagfosont feminine chorus attractiveness, are some of the nice things the critics of other cities are saying about the new production, "Bringing Up Father Abroad," the newest #equel to the famous" George McManus cartoon musical comedies, KATINKA AT THE GRAND. One of 'the Best Musical Productions Ever Seen Here! L For a big musical production jike "Katinka" to play two nights in Kingston shows how highly it is re- garded as-a show town. Kingston has assuredly graduated from the ranks of the one-night,stands when it can regularly give the big produc- tions full houses for two anc 'hree performances. Mast night at the Grand, "Katinka't was witnessed by a very large and appreciative audi- ence. This musical play of Hammer- stein's is one 'of the seasua « very best. It is deliciously tunefui. Its musical numbers are all of merit, 1t has sparkling comedy and clever dancing. The settings are in a Rus- sian village, § Persidn town and a Paris café,' and thé story Is of Ka- tinka, a Russian mdiden forced in- to marriage with an ekierly states- man, Boris. Katinka is stolen away by her lover Ivan, and his American friend, who proceed to Persia in search of Boris' first wife, who is discovered to ¥e in a harem in Paris the 'straightening: out" of things takes place. "The role of Katinka is taken by Eye Lynn, a dainty little lady with a charming presénce and a sweet so- prano voice, Howard Langford as "Hopper," the Amevican traveller, and Bernard Gore "Antonio Medice," the cafe Norietor are comedians of high Srdor and add spice to the production. Clara Palmer as "Mrs. Hopper," is a clever singer and dancer. Nicholas Kovae and Elmore Vincent contribute a Russian and \a Circassian dance that won them much applause,® One of the musical Bymhers that was very striking was I Want to Marry a Male ratte while "Racketty Coo," the fedfure of the score, is a beautiful and lingering melody. The company is one of the best seen here in a musical play, the chorus girls being decidedly stunning. . The production is of the kind that one wishes to see a second time. To the Congregation of St. Church, Montreal. The Montreal Gazette says: There were large congregations at St. Paul's church Sunday morning and evening when Rev. Dr. Bruce Taylor, principal: of Queen's « University, Kingston, returned to Montreal to bid farewell to his old pastorate. Dr. aylor in the evening made his fare- well, and in the course of a sermon of | thoughts of the past and plans for the future, gave an interesting series of views as to the work of thé Présby- terian church and the position it must take if it were to continue the same 'work in the future, with changing 'conditions that it had made in the past, re oo Rev, Dr. Taylor referred With ap- proval « to the coming union of St. Aundrew's churches, as a union of two historic Presbyterian churches, which had done noble work in the past, and Paul's He especially spoke with pl of the fact that his old col- lege jate, Rev. George Duncan, was be pastor of the united con- . | gregation. "And now, my friends," concluded Rev. Dr. Taylor, "1 thank you that' you thought me worth being' mia a Bare va wi your rs of Phun 1-3 bry 3 pro many of an 80; out, some never to return "We have often had our own th ped | to settle between ourselves, bat I future. o er's veracity or sincerity, and 1 thank you all for the confidence you have, placed in me. 1 shall always back to my period th thic chron | as the crowning ut of a happy ministry." 3 Wind Prine Pot Duin. fEterprise won first | DJL: Lyon prize for step dancer the hed PRINCIPAL TAYLOR'S FAREWELL | would have a great work to do in the JANUARY 29, 1918. Mahogany PAGE FIVE ---- Young Ladies' % Tan Boots with Neolin Soles We are showing several up-to-date lines of Ladies' Boots with neolin soles at $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00. The popular winter boot. > Abernethy's Shoe Store EN u Furs ow At the recent large sales of Raw Furs, the prices have ad- vanced materially on practic, ally all furs, and this means that nil furs for next season will be ad- 'vanced in price. Take advantage of our pres ent low prices. | CampbellBros L Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. A "TOOTH BRUSH and NYAL'S TOOTH PASTE Will keep your teeth clean and white. We have a large as- sortment of the best brushes and lots' of tooth paste. Prouse"s Drug Store. Phone 82. ER KINGSTON EVENTS 25 YEARS AGO - A haudsome colt, owned by 'J. McCaul, butcher, had one of its legs frozen while standing in the stah.c. MoGlynn Bros, Wolfe Island, have shipped fifty tons of hay ta Cape Vincent. They pay $1 a on duty, The county roads are in excellent condition. The sleighing is fine. Sergt.'Major Morgan is instruct- ing Deserontd men in Whysieal exer eises, Our New Flour. In the .past Canadian {lour has been divided into five grades, whereas now these five will be com- 'bined into one. There will be no other ingredients added, and the flonr will retain its former white- ness and flavor, while the flour used as pastry and cakes are concerned, there will be no difference discern. ible, the only difficulty experienced will be by bread bakers, which will be very slight, if any. Queen street Méthodjst church Sun- ad fot think we ever doubted each oth-| ease i removed | ° 3 in England is \auite rey. As farig ~ Our Big Furniture Sa le Opportunity Beckons to You. If you are go- ing to- buy furni- ture at any time 'within the next twelve months, - you cannot af- ford to neglect the opportunity offered at JAMES REID Big Furniture Sale, as we propose to make January Discount Sale an Event of Impor- tance. "Phone 147 ih n purchasing an instrument tor sound re- production the main point ik to secure one which faithfully reproduces. There is no instrument which in this respect approaches ' NEW FDISON If there were, the fact would doubtless be dem- onstrated by "tone t8sts" similar to those cone ducted by the makers of this marvelous in- strument. No other manufacturers subject , their prodct to this searching trial. . No other instrument could successfully meet it. A demonstration at our store implies no ob~ ligation to purchase. J. M. Green Music Co., Ltd Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. > Ask your "GROCER" For SUNKIST SEEDED and SEEDLESS RAISINS The Best for Pie or Cake. Choice av to J. A. BOYD ~ 611 Phone 847. .i0 be used in the South Ambricsn Se An agreement has been feached ' 'the United Sta and Sweden providing for the charter of Swedish ships to the United States

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