Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1918, p. 2

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SE Ra we Ca { f Established 1859 "Raw Furs Advancing! Every mail brings advices of an advane- aw fur market. : If you need furs now is the time to order. We are still accepting orders at 1917 prices. From present indications and prices being offered, Muskrat, from which Hudson Seal is made, Fox, Beaver, Wolf, Fisher, Mink, etc., will advance from 50% to 1009 on 1917 prices. « The scarcity of raw furs is due mostly on account of the heavy general snow fall blocking the trap lines and causing the ani- mals to den earlier than usual, small impor- tations of foreign furs and the large number of trappers being drafted. ! in John McKay, Limited. 149-157 Brock Street. Kingston's Reliable Fur House. Dollar on Glasses, And lose a million dollars' worth of eyesight! You cannot calculate eye- ,- sight on. the dollar and cent basis. 'When you need glasses, go to the best optician, have an accurate examination and take his advice; get the best service yon can, and when you do all that you will come to us. Our seryice is the best, Registered Optometrists, 392 King St. Kingston DECIDE NOW to -- SECURE A HOME * And avold the werry of looking for one in the spring. Here You Might Save a | } ie TE WER Ch 4 {thug taking advantage of their con- i | charge: great amount of discussion ll! ting the returned soldier to Bo back i offer a | situation | "Why not suggest que public that ll sity would i} garden fll! soldiers. This would answer the dual ii purpose of assisting in the Greater ji giving an interesting and instructive | Yoreed by their wounds to s Hl day after day vainly hoping it cupled." {| operate | structors to keep the men's efforts i sults JUNIORS SHOULD GO FAR ll WITH WELI-BALANCED LINE-UP | Would Enjoy the Work, iH} ! '| Friday , night. This "dope" shows SUGGESTION MMDE THAT IT BE | UTILIZED AS A GARDEN. | Many of the Men Undergoing Treat. ment at Queen's Military Hospital There are six returned soldiers, i namely Sergt. Leonard, Pte, Peters, | Pte. Convery, Pte. Lett, Bdr. Row- {land and Bdr. Dalby, attending the {annual course of agriculture instruc. | tion held by A. W. Sirett at the rooms lon Market street. These men are { for the most part farmers who are valescent time to gain a more intim- {ate amd advanced knowledge of the | work that they will do on their dis- time there has been a of the problem confronting Canady of get- For some to the farm. This course seems to solution. In discussing the with a returned soldier, who gwas formerly a farmer, he said: the lower campus of Queen's Univer be an ideal pldce for a worked by returned to he Production movement and also in amusement for the soldiers who are around or some amusement to keep their minds oc~ The suggestion is made that the Vocational Training staff might co- with A. W. Sirett in this movement, and with competent in- properly directed, it might prove A be @;movement with far-reaching re TO (LASH WITH BELLEVILLE | Batteries Have Intermediate Honors Cinched So Far, Though There Is One Game to Play. The hockey season is now well un- der way with a number of the local games decided, The Kingston Jun- fors in their game on Wednesday evening against Queen's interthedi- ates proved to be of very fast calibre and with a continued earnestness in practise great things are expected. Robinson is improving splendidly while of course sudh men as Shewell, Brewn and othens need little to make them of the championship kind.. Con- nell proves to be an efficient goal- keeper. The defence with Hall and McKelvey proved heartbreaking to Queen's and should do the same to Belleville. This is a well balanced team and will probably give Belle ville a decided licking. Home and home games are to be played 'with Belleville and the winner will then play Cornwall. In the intermediate series, though the Batteries are scheduled to play a third game against Queen's Interme- idiates, there is no doubt as to the outcome. Queen's nosed out a vie- tory a week ago by scoring two goals in the last minute of play. The bat- teries retaliated, however, on Moy day by winning by 22 to 2. This in- dicates very clearly that the soldiers can defeat the students on Friday evening. There is now a Tumor that Queen's will default this game on batteries to be the best team by long are one or two good proposi- tions, ¥ og $4100, new brick, hardwood floors, © rooms, furnace, open plumbing; lot 40 x 120; west 4 near trolley line. , frame, 8 rooms, elec. tricity, furnace; one block from street. ey Possession May 1st 'or pos. sibly earlier. A choice selece tion of homes on our list, List your property with us HONEY now. 1.5. R. McCANN 86 Brock St. Phones 326-021 Fresh California Evaporated Evaporated nice and PR vou 40¢ W.R Mckea & es Fancy Clover In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Prunes, tone ns 100, 123e, 15¢ Ib. Peaches, 2 1bs for Re: gal Golden Lion Grocery ne mS J Ae wy i odds. The soldiers will on that "dope" play either Oshawa or Belle- ville intermediate teams. - The senior series is lost to Kings- ton. The locals were nosed out of the cellar position by St. Patrick's on Tuesday night. The Dentalls, how- ever, carries Stewart, Millan and Box, all local 'men, and the victory in the seniors 'may in this way reflect credit on this city. FAILED TO SHOVEL WALK. Angl a Citizén Was Suinmoned Before the Police Magistrate, A citizen was before tue police magistrate on Thursday morning charged with failing $0 shovel a walk on Montreal street pelir Thomas six hours after the storm, as required by by-law. The case was enlarged a day to permit the city engineer to secure further evidence, Lillian Kish, a former Harrow- smith young woman, was sentenced > 2 months in -reformatory for eft, "Bishop Horner Il. Bishop R. C. Horner. Ottawa, one of the leaders in the Holiness Movement with pneumonia in the Alice Hospital in Malome, N.Y. Bishop orner went to Malone to preside at the Holiness Moverhent convention, and became seri ly dll after his arrival there. He was removed to the hospital. sh Horner is sixty-four years of age, and is wide- | ly known. General Hospital in James ambulance. LI New 'Orleans, Euterpe, church, is critically 11 {}i Fivde THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1918. - LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity «What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. 2 The weather ia reported milder in the west, : Pianos to Lid. . A liner in the Whig will get you anything, even coal. Col. Ross, D.D.MS. in London on leave, Miss A. Sutherland, 389 Brogk street, is critically ill in the Hotel Dieu. Reeve David Gemmell, of Snow Road, 1s in the city attending the County Council. W. Swain, plano tuner, 100 Clergy siréet wést. Orders left at McAu- ley's, or phone 664. This cold weather Is getting on people's nerves. There are many cases of neuritis now. ¢ The 'walks are dangerous just now. hey are full of slippery holes and many falls are the result, Ring up 645 for all kinds unfer- mented wines. Miss Bennett, Toronto, com- mercial traveller, is spending a few days in the city on business, The son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, 19 Plum street' was removed to the Reid's rent. C. W. Lindsay, in France, is Now is the. time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert turners and will assure entire sat faction, C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. Mrs, W. S. Reed, of Portland township, wife of the warden of Frontenac, is seriously ill at her ome. owned Dr. Robert Hanley, ran one of her good races on Tuesday and finished second to Waterproof, We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price; and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. S. J. Polland, Adolphustown, left for his home Monday after spending the month withehis daughter, Mrs. Charles Sanders, Princess street, A goodly portion of the "white way" is turned off these nights, The Utilities Commission and the City Counci)l are using every 'effort to economize, : We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months If you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, ard arrange easy terms op balance, C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. Don't stop advertising because of dull times; advertising is a creative force and so long as there are people to experience needs, and merchants and manufacturers to cater to these needs, there is a field for the profit- able work of advertising. Simpson-Maxwell Wedding, The marriage took plaee on Wed- nesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. G. W. Maxwell, 56 Rideau street, of Miss Daisy Wil- helmina Maxwell to William J. Simpson, of Pittsburg township. The ceremony was performed in the pres- ence of immediate relatives and friends by Rev, Dr. Macgiivray. The bride was attended by Miss Marion Matthews, of this city, and the groom by his brother George. The bride 'was formerly a valued member of the Kingston publie schools teaching staff." Mr, and Mrs. Simpson left on a honeymoon trip to western points, Oitly. One "BROMO QUININE." To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE, Cures a Cold in One Day. 30c. ° At Queen's Thirty Years AgS. Thirty years ago thére were 401 students in attendance at Queen's University and affiligted colleges. an increase of twemty-elght over the 'Previous session. Forty-six of the students were ladies, nineteen in arts and twenty-seven in medicine, Dinna Forget on Friday night, At Kingston's City Hall, You can dance till early At Bobby Burns' bail: Tickets, $1 per couple (ladies morning free). -- In order to bring the n United States and Canada. lication on the market. Phone 919. mber of Kingston i oe ---- : On $1.75 You Save $1.16 | Continued - advances in paper, inks, labor, Canadian subscription price to $1.75 -- sri sh si i ne 13¢c per copy. Subscribe today for one or two years. "Send a tion as a valentine gift to your friends. y Open Nights - / ' / Newman THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Going On t All Oddmients, Broften Lines, Broken Sizes, being cleared out at special low prites. : Anticipate Your Wants and Stock Up While the "Going is Good." & Shaw, ALL OWANCES INCREASED. Important Changes Are Announced by Patriotic Fund. A number of important changes to the schedule of allowances allot- ted to dependents of soldiers have been made by the executive com- mittee of the Canadian Patriotic Fund. By the new regulations the maxi- mum allowance for dependents in Eastern Canada has been raised to $40 per month, instead of $35 as formerly. . This increase, which amounts to $10 within the last two months, is due fo the increased cost of living, and will materially assist those wives of soldiers who have large families. Another regulation{\yprovides that the different Branches shall not da- t $5 per month from the wives of non-commissioned officers, with the rank of sergeant or sergeant-major, as has been done in the past, This is due to a uniform scale of separa- tion allowances having been adopted for privates and non-commissioned | ofticers. { "It fs also provided that there shail " convalescént been raised from of fhe subsistence | | pees BUILDERS SUPPLIES weg . . ; MADE-TO-ORDER GOODS IN WOOD Counters, Tabies, Desks, Cup- boards, Oak Mantles and many other articles of furniture made in good stylé and finish. wT for years as one of the lending Fashion Journals As an all round magazine the Designer compares with any ladies' pub. i etc, compels the Designer shortly to advanéé (hed subscribers up to seven hundred and fifty, we are ' permitted by the publishers to offer the Designer at the SPECIAL PRICE OF The Designer has been recogn 88%c per annum. of the year's subscrip- College Book Store, Phone 319 Harmonola The basic patents, which gas one or two tiking machines a monopoly for years, expired some tinie ago. Since then numerous machines of merit equal to the original makes have appeared nt greatly reduced prices. Foremost among these is the HARMONOLA----completely Cane dian, plays any type of record without extra appliances, solid mahogany, full size cabinet and At two-thirds price of alder types, Let us demonstrate the Har. monola for you, RBI BGs $5 ere ele Smith Bros. Jewelers HUDSON SEAL COATS W. F. Gourdier Renting Is One of the Problems of the Day. Why not own your own home? We can sell you on easy terms: A semi-detached dwelling on Ordnance St., (near Park) plciic "gh, mprovep: arge ya ¢ mn, for $2300 » A detached rime on Lower chee. a furnace, + cellar ¥ good and yard for EW alin .% Son and oe

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