Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jan 1918, p. 7

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a BANK 0 TORONTO | Capital . Reserved F ands Head Office, Toronto, Canada. $5,000,000 $6,555,000 THRIFT FOR CHILDREN ughter a le he I k of Tor fiive your son and d savings account In "i Ie lar intervals, The Thrift Habit, more thin the dollars it costs you. Savings accounts for small or this Bank. 'George B. McKay, Manager. REE RENEE EEA NER EEE NEE lO PN NB AN | ARE YOU SUFFERING condl- oughs, We would Front a weak run-ie tion, caused hy contin colds or hrounchitisf advise Yha-mup of Wampole's Prepara- tion of Cod Liver Oil it's a good general tonic and tnng tissue builder. Lerge bots ties $1.00, Hoag's Branch Rpst Office, }.* Kingston Ontario. Watts," st 170 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers daily: funeral designs and wedding bouquets to order. Ow of town orders given special attention. rn I lt at Al Fl COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! acq wired by large son i t by (pening for them p them add te it at re > children, will be worth puto sums invited at all branches of r { Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS ' Specializing Store Fronts snd Fie. tings. Remodelling Bulldings of ail kinds. ESTIMATES a" EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. ------------ | CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Suits, Dresses and Furs, tiemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. | mr, -~ FESR FARMS FOR SALE Fa Go jos' Neart the city, at low prices. _----- W.H.Godwin & Son 89 Brock Street Phone 424 Ask Your Grocer for On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for | Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. F.J_JOHNSON The Leading Florist Fioral Designs, Wedding Bouquets nnd Cat Flowers our specialty. Orders Mlied prompity, Phone 230, 5 Hroek stree AT THE Maple Leaf Grocery Cooked Meats of All Kinds, ' Baked Ment Loaf with Cheeses Pork Sausage; Cooked Shoulder; Headcheene: Empire Frankforts; Jellied Tongue: Cooked Mam; Hom Hologan; Jellied Hock. Fresh Assortment alwayy on hand, Alex Potter. Phone TS. 12 Rideau St. [WANTED 1 Move Live Fowl, up to dan. 25th, No. t fut hens, 5 lbs and over . A Noo t fat hens, under 1 'Ths, 226 No. 1 fat chickens, 4 Ibs, 22¢ Under 4{ ths} 08 DRESSED CHICKENS No, 1 erate thited, 5 ibs. Rand aver ass . 28¢ © Under 4 lbs, . Viva BDO No shipment top large for us r to handle. v New England Bread Only the highest material ob- tainable used. ' Manufactured only by The New England. Bread Factory. Collingwood . Streot., Phone 618. SWIFT'S Oleomargarine Brookfield Butter, Cot t. Lard, Premium Hams and Bacon, Belogna, Headcheese and Sausages, can be had fresh Friendships 210 Division St. Phone 543 t THE NORTH AMERI- CAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LIMITED. {The Annunl General Meéting of the Shareholders of the North American Telegraph Company, amiren, will be » No, 118 Notre Pame Street, West, Montreal, on Thursday, the 21st day of February, 1918. {12.30 po Kingston, Jan. 2st, 1018, WANTED 500 New Customers for 1918. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Apply J. H. HOPPES, Secretary, | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, "GRAND | Tonight and Tuesday Polite Vaudeville » i Erm Act Metro Wonderplay Emmy Wehlen,-in "The Outsider' Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features. The I Three Days Commencing | Thursday, January 24th. Polite Vaudeville A Five Reel Metro W onGerplay \ Ethel Barrymore, in | "The Eternal Mother" | : { The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features. | Matinee | Evening 10e; [Any Seat _10c Renerved, Ge Extra Wed. Jan. 23rd at 230; Ev'g Massive Scenic Spectacle mance and Intrigue, A Daughter of the Sun The Story of an 'Hawaiian Butterfly CAST Bargain Mat. { The at 8.15. of Ro- | OF 25 PEOPLE Including Native Players, Hawaiian Ukulele Singers and Dancers. As charming as "The Bird of Paradise." Prices: Mi at. 23¢, ge y dlc; children = 25¢. Evening, 25¢, 350c¢, Seats Now on Sale. Griffins. Monday, Tuesday, Wed. The Film Parent- age 5 A Message: : 3 Wonderful Thought Chapter Eight. The Fighting Trail : . Comedy. { STRAND + Tuenday' and SY equemtay -- FEATURE Mees Petrova, i in ""The Silence Sellers" June Caprice, in "Miss U.S.A." COMEDY REELS Matinee 15¢ Evening 25g) CoveredRink Intermediate O.H.A. Hockey Ma ch | Depot Battery v. Queen's Monday, Jan. 21st. | Admission or Reherved Seats 25 extra. Plan f) stile of sents opens on Monday, J But Game called at Sim. "YUBAN?" Coffee At All Leading Grocers. In the Ratate of Margaret Go he Diy of Kingston, Widow, is] Cha She ata of the said Marg: agains Te Aret Gowdey, who disd on the 1th day of December, 191% are req ul before the 12th x olsFebruary, to deRvern te wadell, 83° CY street, Kingston, solicitor for I Sands and Abraham Shaw, eXe ors of said estite, Shel names and addresses and full particulars of their osims my ad the securities, 17 any, hell bY ti hd Afar whiter said «ast mantiohid date said eseetors wil A distribute the asses of ne hav ing wiven. pursuant ener Is MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1918. PAGE SEVEN WANTED ro "- -- FL AT oR RooOMs keeping. Address H.W CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ------ First insertion, l¢ 8 word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, haif- cent nn word. Minimum charge for insertion, 25¢: three Insertions, wis Shgone month, $2, FURNISHE Dn | ELL "{ isck being finished with a square others avin claims . 2 MONTHS HELP WANTED 3 HOY WANTED FOR RANDOL rH Hotel SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS for cash or in part payment of new pianos and gramMnplas. C W Lind say, Limited, 121 Princess street. AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO on ml goo ing Co. city WORK Apply Kingston Miil- ARO T SIXTEEN TO DRIVE Aix hy DD. Couper, tre A BOX TWO OR THR PURNIHED on Y fi: . Fah TO TAKE Apply Box LAUNDRESS APPLY In| LARGE 5 am and 5 pam Son, Kingston Tan- stone KE iy R WANTED. ROOM SUITABLE FOR had ORK. ' wr retur 1 soidie ¢ be caps ah 1¢ heated, Major ¥. A, . Golden Lion Bleck FIRST CLASS MILLING ny PREPARER z 01 ply to Miss : 'Wel A St BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRD bicycles to Geo. Muller, rtreet. to be cleaned and stored for. winter; aso skates hollow ground and sharpened. Phone 1032. AND Apply 20 Mar. TO ACT MESSENGER y learn r & trade Ldgar, TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. chants and business men In East. ern Oatario can connect with = geod side line by applying to Box W., Whig OMce. Strictly con dential blob bP PER RR bib * Boys and Girls at Oberndorf- 'fer's Cigar Factory, Ontario St. * < FR tad bb ibd You NG BOY WANTED and che to 0k WANTED--OLD don't matter if bre to $15 per set 8 post and receive © mail *, Terl, 403 Baltimire, Md. : FALSE TEETH: pay $2 by parcel by return Wolfe St, » {Fr i] . d + aghes, Dr and k to Day, N. 1 1 Alfred stro WHY NOT this pa READERS OF » business with you? ement in these pages em the spportunity te particulars. phone or {ish Whig Pub. Co. WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, beaters, clothes, etc. We alsn have everything In the second-hand ¥na for sale. 8 Bhabiio. 46 Prin- cess street. Phone 1237. * MANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST started with a little ad this size. The cost is so lttle and the re- sults so big. We will gladiy give you full past iculars, Call at the office or drop us a postal today. British Whig Publishing Co. wovrLp aR You AT LIKE HOME, $1 TO $2 a AU = K NN Ss NE MP DEPAR MNT 24 c TTER COMPANY ST., TORONTO PERSONAL CED BOOKKEEPER WITH edge of wypewriting and and' preferred. Apply | in writing: state experience, Salary $60 to $30 per month. Reference required Apply Box B, Whig. (GIRLS! With or without experience, on sewing and knitting machines, Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, Limited, ees Sasy Prattical | Home Dress Making Lesrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- wih T ishes removed permanently, out scar; 30 Jens! SXPerishoe Imer J. Eye, Ear, Throat tad Skin Specials, Bagot street. + POSITION WANTED. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, FAMILY sewing afternoons from one tp five. Apply Box 91. Whig Office, EXPERIENCED #LADY STENOGRA. pher with knowledge of book-keep- ing, desires position. State salary Apply Box 121, care British Whig. LADY WISHES POSITION AS ekeeper to respectable wid. ower, in or, near Kingston or Ports- mouth; ne'objection to farm wok. Apply Box 116, Whig Office. YOUNG hi go rer -- The Bolero in Attractive Form. "0" perforatio? indicate - cenmter- front. Plait lower edge of front and back bringing the siot perforations to corresponding small "0" perforas tions and tack. Next, take the girdle and plait 'ho ends, placing "T" on' correspond: ing small "o'" perforations and {msck. Arrange over the waist, wila lower edges even anil 'with the up per edge indicated by single larz> "0" perforation wigng the: indicatine somall "0" perforations in fromt and back with cenmter-fronts and conter- backs even; tack invisibly. Clogs on 1. ft side. Single small "0" perfora- tions indicate centerfront of girdis and double small "00 perfora': tans indieate centerback. Then plait the sleeve, placing B on . correspond small "0" perforation and tack. ose dart seam leaving RN 7440 A bolero waist of distinctive pat- torn. developed in iaffeta, dine or lok being cquolly fashionable. Dark blue or black raffets with a ar touch of embroidery could be md to develop Rihis little bolero - vaist with -wondweful affect: The dosing is at the front, the V-shaped the edges free below single ama "o'" perforation and Anish an Closé 'remaining semm . as notedad. Sew sleeve in armbole of waist as notched, with small "o" perloratio at shoulder seam easing in any ful: ness between notches . Hold th: sieeve toward you when basting 't in armhole. spliar. The long. oneplece sleeves lare at the wrisgis and are trimmed Ath buttons. e are no : the bolero, but If has strap exten. ons which are crossed in front and wtened to the wide, bias girdle in 10k. In medline size the waist re iri § yards 36-inch material. The front and Jack of the wast ay be made of lining, to save ex iomao First face the armhole edges Liiaat 3 inched deep. Close under. over the waist oven, cross th front and he rounded ends 15 position on girdle. The lower corneri ~ ad saonider FOams as hotchéd of the fromt of the buiern are tim. Lam {0 {rom at votches. Large med with handembiomery. : 'al Tevigr Thais No. T440. Sizes, 34 to #4 inches bast. with Prise, and n The hi £3 id chim 53 hve : vo pe they shall hot he of such x Wl USPRLL muon Juri 21 198 of 'tour young children, was killed Shile falling. 4 tree in the hush back fhe of Ea re Re aaah any Tor Torani amd % she. jet es will be closed Gill hee rnd 03 FOR Nose 52 FOUND Kas CAP BELONGING TO Te ® on PRIN. or, may have 157 Monty eal 8t AINITIALRD, ON » street; on Saturday, AD. 16 Earl street WHITE RUBBER R. Street on have same by calling at above tl 1 SMALL MITTEN ON Seas st ret ng at Ww ATC i" "Fon, FOUND ARTICLES ADV] TISED FREER. Anyboe finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by 'reporting the facts to I'he British Whig. The adver- tisement ill be printed in ws column fr of charge, " rticles" does lost dogs, cattle, ete. These, If lost, vertised for in the not In horses, may be saa- "Lost" Roluma. A PAIR OF EYE GLASSES wy 8 ASE, beta een Opera H 18¢ # 3 street, Pinder 114 Princess street. A nex SILVER WHS Ww ATCH, SUNDAY y return tog ot and John son streets, and ceive reward INSURANCE of Kingston, and cefve ining prosecu- t NDERW RITERS 5 he: City OfMce reward Any person r the 4 above will be Hable to tion, POX-HOUND, FEMALE, W HITE Ww TTH | black markings, tan head; last seen on Middle notify r Robt ston this nc Road - OFFICE WITH ALL CONVENIENC G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence street. OFFICES iN YLARBNCE ST bers. App.y to A. 79 Clarence street, ST. 'CHAM. | B. Cunningnam, | TWO FURNISHEN AND ONE UNFUR- nished room, le housekeeping. Office, for STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and iry. McCann's | Real Estate Agency, 83 Brook St. | UNFURNISHED FLAT OR 1 NFUR- nighed rooms, heated or wrheaiod: central | Jocation; lnmedivte pos- Sesshon. 202 Wiliam street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULBAN are. alry rooms; Four, own lock and Key, Frost's City Storage. 209 Queen street. Phone 536% res. 989 | THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one iainking wl using classified advertisin } Write or Phone us about it. may be able to help you. British b Whig Pub, Co. vu NFURNISHED ROOMS (2) ELECTRIC Hight; hot and cold water, room floor; about three from car Mne: 'respectable 121, minutes' party, care Whig, Address Box p | 84,500--BRICK i A LL ght | y Box 8, Whig| Phones 326 or $21. { : on bath |. reasonable to good | FOR SALE. ADVES, three case THESE ¥ times §0¢; tt iv Week EFFRE TivVE Ve "$i 00 BLECTRIC MOTOR, AL. will be sold current; 811 Princess streel. FIVE HP, ternaiting cheap, Apply GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEMA selections, your own choice, $30.65, Terms: §5 cash, §1 per week. C. W. Landsay, Limited, 131 Princess Bt SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ra today sometimes use & litle like this. A phone eall or a will bring you, full par. ticulars about this ' department. British Whig Publishings Co. LARGE bleg STOCK and dining OF EXTENSION Ta. chairs, Duffels, china cabinets, also good beds, springs and mattresses We buy "all kinds of second hand furniture, J. Thompson, 333 Phone 1600 CABINET, size 4 foot in, 48 cells; rheumatism, diseases, ete. Cheap for quick Apply evemings between 7 o'clock to 218 University ELECTRIC Black gh by ste GALVANIC walnut case; 0 i 20 Treaxs In $1L,000-FRAME, 6¢ ROOMS, ( ENTRAL location. $1,400--BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, $1L400-FRAME, TWO TO CHOOSE from; one with stable. $1,900-SEVERAL BRICKS: ¢ ROOMS, improvements. 7 200 FRAMES ROOMS; IMPROVE | | $3,500--RRICK; 10 ROOMS; ALL MO. | dern, MODERN; GAR« age; 3 to choose from. | $5,000--BRICK; 13 "ROOMS; MODERN improvements, $5,500--BRICK; 8 ROOMS; ALL MO dern. VERY PRICED to quick buyers on easy G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence. | SEV ERAL Low hoases terms PINANCIAL LOAN AND INVEST. incorpdrated RLY slonel H, resident, we ro Nios oney. issued on 'city DS properties, municipal and entures; mortgages pur- imvestment bonds for re deposits received and in- terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston, | LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND FRONTENAC ment Boclety president, ¥ G7 Sees kle, and ey } otunts polleyholder, security the unlimited city property, insured ible rates, Hetore renewin, old or givin hw usiness rates from * he bps Strange, Agents. Phone 3 LEGAL RB. OUNNINGHAM, RARRISTER and soliclior. Law office, 79 Clarence street. ARCHITECT POWER & N, ARCHIT chants Bank rh rol eorner Bon and Wellington Sts. BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent until you read Successful | Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost bY Investors. trial subscription. Success- tu oh inance, 608 8. Dearbora St. 80. . DR. REEVE Nerve Specialist ¥ears of experience enables me to treat difficult cases success. fully. Call, or state case by let- er. 18 Cariton Street, Toronto. FURNITURE FINISHING BRISCOLL,; FURNITURE r. Call or drop a card, street. DENTAL EH, KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, Slice, 258 Princess street Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, gorner Princess and Bagot streets Phone 628. OS ate, 165 Wellinkion sires ti @ . WAT, D.DS, LDB. ea Phone 4 DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, SMAKER, DEN. G. C, t, orders, for bavi resumed os fall and winter A Address 202 Alfred street. NOTICE 1 have mov. ed to 281 Princess St. Princess street. FNisn. 23 John

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