Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jan 1918, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR 54 __ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1918. THE BRITISH WHIG 80TH YEAR. Published Dally and Semf.Weekly be THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING €0., LIMITED he 1it should get #t | iniquity, should remain unchallenged and undisturbed in the very heart of Joyal western Ontario is something that surpasses comprehension, The duty of the Goyernment is obvious: the roots of the trouble, and take steps to suppress or intern the enemy sympathizers and thus protect the interest dnd the jgood name of that portion of the population which is loyal to Canada and the Empire. Idle dalliance with such a menace only intensifies the danger. 7 KINGSTON'S INDUSTRIAL FAIR. Time was when Kingsten could boast of many public entdrprises, in- cluding eity fairs, street fairs, mill- tary reviews, anniversary celebra- tions, aguatic sports, ¢ These seem to have of late years pretty well narrowed down to one annual event--the Kingston Industrial Fair Assochation's fall exhibition. And it is not at all to the credit of the eity to admit---as it must be admitted--- 43 | that this enterprise is controlled and SUBSCRIPTION RATES {Daily Bdition) delivered in city if paid in advance .... , by madl to rural offices to United States - Semi-Weekly Edition) Ong year, by mail, cash One year, if not paid in advance One year, to United States' and three months pro rata, MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE . ae Owen 123 St. Peter Bt. RONTO REPRESENTATIVE F.C. Hoy ... 1005 Traders Bank Bldg. UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: PR. Northrup, 226 Fifth Ave, New York -¥.R.Norihrup, 1510 Asw'n Bldg. CRlcago relies iovarevms vermeil Letters to the Editor ar only over the actual name writer, Attached "is one of printing offices in Canad: R published of the the best job a. The elrculation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by 'the ABC Audit Burean of Cirenlations. No use trying to kill time. He'll kill you before youre through with him; Te the use? It is dfttimes difficult to determine whether it is courage or folly that prompts a public man In his course of action, North Dakota has abolished the teaching of German in her:schools. Perhaps she considers German is go- « ing to be a dead language hereafter, Switzerland on her storied Alps maintains her posture of strict neu- uplityait te seat ig cold and slip- pery, romaFks the Chicago News. ¢ Phere's a silver lining to every cloud, Bven if the food controller should compel us to eat snowballs for a living, the supply is at least abun- dant. Sa ¥. J. favitz, provincial forrester, foresees {the day when airplanes will patrol. Ontario's forests .. and thereby ald in the work of fire prevention, How our forefathers would have scoffed at such an idea! The United States is speeding up her war preparations. She recog- . mizes that any war, even the bloodiest 'and most horrible, is preferable to 'peace with the kind of Government that could sink the Lusitania. X There are six Dominfon senator- ships to be filled. The Government, if sincere in its desire to' abclish partizanship, must fill these vacan- cles, pot with Conservative polticians, but with the best men avaliable, ir- respective of their parky affiliations. "The Board of Trades delegation to Ottawa would have been immeasur-| ably strengthened by the inclusion of a man versed in marine matters. The building of @ public wharf is prim-| arily a work that requires the guid- ing hand of experienced myrine men. RTE . a ER A "King Street Association" has heen formed in Toronto to make and keep King streeet one of the pricipal down town thoroughfares. King street, Kingston, doesn't require any such artificial stimulus. Even Prin- cess street will admit that, The Sh German preparedness and British unpreparedness for the présent war remind one of Swift's, undeniable » fundamental, that eleven men fully rméd are a match for ome man in ate shirt has also got his armor on, and is proving himself quite equal to the eleven men fully armed. THE MENACE OF KITCHENER, £1 Sh OR ag The Joyal citizens of Kitohéner, 'Ont, have heen placed in a very try- ing situation on gocount of the pro- German activities boldly earried on * throughout the city and also the riding of North Wsatenloo. To clear »up the situation' would Seem to re- quire some action on thé part of the Dominion Governshent. It has been proposed that a broad, wide-open Somilelo en od be appointed to examine : he and suggest a remedy. Meantime a' Dominign-wide boycott of Kitchener and all her products is in effect, and tae toy! manufacturers, . business men and citizens are being Injured quite as much, if not more, he pro-Germans. All of which estly unfair. Why such a element, 'sacl a nest of shirt. At last, however, the man managed solely by county men. To their ¢redit be it said that they have gone steadily from one annual suc- cess. to another, every year enlarg- ing the prize list, adding new at- fractions, increasing gate re- ceipts amd the attendance and in other ways extending the scope of their activities. This splendid work has been ac- complished under the directing hand of the popular and energetic man- ager, R. J. Bushell. The township of Kingston, no less ghan the city, may deem itself fortunate in ipossess- ing such a capable secretary. En- thusiasm is his middle name. Not only during fair week, but all the year through, he devotes his time and his talents to the enterprise he 'has so much at heart. The success the short of phenomenal. At the an- nual meeting on (Friday it was an- nounced that the association had 2a balance to its credit of $1,327 as a resiit of last September's fair. That is a splendid showing, espécially dur- ing war time. This surplus, the manager was quite justified in point- 'ing out, was equal to the sum fre- quired to run the entire fair four years ago. He promises still greater things for 1918, and his record com- pels one to believe, that the expecta- tion will be fully realized. The city and the county ewe much to Mr. Bushell. The least Kingston can do is to spend a few thousand dollars .in putting the fair grounds and building in a presentable posi- tion for this year's exhibition. The merchants stand solidly behind the proposal, cleanly recognizing what. a valuable asset the fair -is and what a lange volume of trade it attracts to the city. A HANGMAN'S JOB. The "hangman's job is recognized as being about the most unpopular and undesirable one that could well be imagined, yet it seems to have found worthy rivals tos day. The positions occupied by food and fuel controllers whether - in Britain, in' Canada or in the United States, are not to be coveted. These men are entrust- ed with heavy responsibilities, and the very mature of their duties are bound to bring them into conflict They need to be men of broad vision, men of strong will power and men who will mot flinch or yield in the performance of a disagreeable but necessary task. No matter what-de- cisions they make they will be wrong | in the estimation of some people: Critics will be many and vociferous. | Nearly every man labors under the ! delusion 'that! he could control - the supply ani distribution of food, and fuel far better than the. men whom thé Government has chosen for 'the thankless task. On the street and in the public press the self-opinfon- ated critic' freely expresses his dis- sent and dissatisfaction, and quite frequently his diggust. In demo- cratic countries he has a perfect right to do this, Free and open dis cuséion never injured any cause t was founded on right and just- . But these critics should remem- 'times, when small issues are magni- ormous proportions; that ofir whole éoclal and economic world is upset; that new and vexatious problems confront us on every side. Under and on cannot be expected. Every innovation, every measure tending to advance the common good, every step Jlorward in the march of progress, has in the past, and doubtless ever shall, meet with 'opposition. . For this reason, if for none other, the: orders issued by food and fuel controllers are sure to provoke a cerfain amount of caus- tic criticism and to arouse a con- siderable volume of hostile resist- ance. , The public 'should, however, not Jose sight of the fact that thes controllers are serving a thankless taskmaster, and are, after all is said and done, men who are honestly and strénuously striving to serve the great purpbse to which the nations talents are dedicated. 1f we of rank and fyle cannot help them, us at least not burden themi. They also serve who only stand that has rewarded his efforts is little }. with the people they seek to serve.| ber that we are Hving in abnormal fied until they appear to assume en-{ such trying circumstances harmony | have called them and to Whish theis ¥ but, while waiting, declifie fc fhcer.] fere and obstriet. { PIBLC. OPINION How Te Prove It. : (WE pipe - Tribine) Quebec never shall be a slave, says a French paper in that "province That's right. One way not to he slave is to get out and fight the Cer man $ a Trotsky. (Toronto Star) Mr. Trotsky's real name is said to be Braunstein. He is described as a German Socialist A good deal deems™yQ «depend on whether he mostly German or mostly Socialist, Under Orders te Steal. CIndiar ) 8). That the Germar ldiers are steal: ing upder official orders is not sur- prising. A natién that has. robbed the world of its peace is not likely | '0 have any qualms about taking ther belongings olis 1 SO Under Provocation. ; 1 (New York } That one of the prof yrs at Prin- 'eton 'has had his domestic trials was recently evidenced when a young woman of rather serious turn endea vpred to involve him in a theological liscussion. "Professor," she asked, 'do you or do you not believe in in- 'ant damnation?!' "® believe in it," said the professor, "only at night." Women in New York. (Montreal Gazette) The newly enfranchised women of New York city are becoming insistent n their demands that Mayor Hylan rive adequate recognition to them in naking appointments. It is evident hat in politics the women are pro- eeding in the paths followed by their wrothers. The worries of the political ob-givers are being multiplied. RAISED HALF THE FEND Protestant Churches Have $33,000, 000 For Pensions, Chicago, Jan, 21.-- Protestant hurches now have approximately $33,000,000 of the $65,000,000 prea- 'hers' pension fund which is being raised, it is officially announced. By enominations present pension funds wre: Protestant Episcopal, $8,500,- 100; Methodist Episcopal, $12,000, 100: Presbyterian, $6,559,933; Nor- *hern Baptist, $2,000,000; Congre- rational, $1,900,000; Methodist Epis- ropal (Church South, $1,200,000; Jeneral Synod, Lutheran 'Church, $150,000; Augustana Synod, Evan- selical Lutheran, $265,000; Church »f Christ, $316,000, " Ansnniffamnioaatt wast Half a million is the objective set yy the women workers in the coming *atriotic and Red Cross campaign in Toronto, as their part in the general ollection. Mmm mA | markable speed dogs { { been | French scientist, | hours. SPEED OF THE GREYHOUND. The Swiftest of AN . Creatures, Few people realize Four-footed of what re are capable, ome statistics in regard to this have by M. Dusolier, a After pointing out the marvelous endurance shown by little fox terriers who followed their masters patiently for hours while they were riding on bicycles 'or in carriages he says that even greater endurance is shown by certain wild animals that are akin to dogs. Thus the wolf can run between fifty and sixty miles in one night, and an Arc- tle fox can do quite as well, if not better. > Eskimo and Siberian dogs can tra- vel 45 miles on the ice in five hours, > and there is a case on record in which gathered a team of Eskimo dogs traveled six and One-half miles in 28 minutes, According to M. Dusolier, the speed of the shepherd dogs and those used on hunting ranges is from 10 to 15 yards a second. English setters and pointers run at the rate of 18 to 19 miles an hour, and they ' can maintain this speed for at least two Foxhounds are extraordinarily swift, as is proved by the fact that a dog of this breed once heat a thor- oughbred horse, covering four miles in six and a half minutes, which was at the rate of nearly 18 yardg™ a second. BE Greyhounds are the swiftest of all four-foeted creatures,,and their speed is equal to that of cartier pigeons. English greyhoumds, which die used for coursing, are able to ¢over at full gallop a space between 18 and, 20 yards every second. Crewless Raiders. Once more the Germans have sprung a surprise on the allied forces, this time in the shape of a crewless raider that is electrically operated through a cable from a shore station. Already several of these craft have been encounteerd hy British war- ships cruising off the Belgian coast, but at the moment: of writing all such attacks have failed of result. We learn from statements of the British Admiralty that these crewlesgs raiderd are electrically - controlled boats propelled by two gasoline en- gines, partially closed in, and are capable of traveling at a high rate of speed. Hach raider carries a drum with between 30 and 50 miles of in- mulated, single-core cable, which is paid out in the wake of the vessel and through which the mechanism is eontrolled from shore. The fore part carries a considerable charge of high explosive, probably from 300 to 500 pounds, which is'arranged to explode on impact. ! 2 > The method of operating the erew- less raider is to start the engines, after which the men leave the boat. A seaplane, protected by a strong fighting patrol, then accompanies the vessel at a distance of from three to five miles and shgmals to the shore operator of the helm. Thesé signals need only be "starboard," "port," or « Steady." By an obviously ¢lever grouping of the wireless idea. the high-speed gas- Rippling Rhymes' MISPLACED 80 virtuous I shi sets your nerves #No man who's t filthy smoke. guage rich and despair. The m eit), 4 "ho out from the rid and water, ing from the scene of slaughter, he'd iights his trusty briar, some moralist higher than pipes and noxious fumes. mans, in rain and mud and sno some charity willknow." : AV wis with his old briar pipe. rifle and sat upon my head. old fat slacker," he said, while seated there, "find peace and comfort in tobacker---it saves them from PREACHING I met a soldier from the trenghes one day, when full of tripe; he filled the air with noxious stenches I always am severely moral, ne; with every form of vice I quarrel, till it-takes in its sign. 'Oh, man of war," I cried, with fervor, "throw: that old pipe away! great unnerver--it kills its hosts each day. Tobacco is the Tobacco ayuiver, it's full of nicotine; it forms a spavin on your liver, and turns your whiskers green. ruly. self-respecting will make the la- dies choke, or go alpng the street ejecting a cloud of The s6ldier handed out a trifle of lan- red, and then he smote me with his "The men who fight, you an who spends ten long hours croak- fig the coarse, unpolished foe, looks forward to his hour of smoking, when evening whistles blow. He where he has crouched all day; retir- smoke his grief away. And when he uplooms, and says he needs a solace Go forth and fight against the Ger- w; and then perhaps your little sérmons --WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN 'By GENE BYRNES * q VING THARKSE TOO MUCH AND | WAN TLIABLE TO Mm ME FEEL. Jet| | CANTRHELP IT, | ATEZJUST A LITTLE THAT HOT MINCE PIE - BECAUSE ITS AY~- \ DONT 4 of the war." {mined tb put down all intrigues. In B _ b ¥ eps the 7 Young Men's Trench Model ~ Overcoat $15 : Size 35, 37, 38, 39, 40. Fabric rich'dark gréy cheviot. Don't miss seeing these coats. Le ¥ "Bibbys The Store That Ke Prices Down ' . MEN'S FIRST QUALITY 'Rubbers-69c a Pair Size 6 to 10. | Bibbys " - Limited oline craft, and the electrically con- trolled plan, the Germans have made use of the crewless-raider scheme in a 20th century way.' They have not overcome the disadvantages of a trailing cable, to be sure; but they have overcome the problem of vig- seaplane which convoys the raider is at all times within visual distance. Sinte power to drive the craft is cn- tirely self-contained and need not he transmitted through the cable, the Germans have been able, to use a come the difficulties in this direction. It is evident that they use a one-wire cable, depending on the salt water for the return current to° complete the cireuit., Just how effective the Gqrewless raider is in practice still remains to be proved,-- Scientific American, eM i The Curious' Mistietoe, There are about three hundred kinds of mistletoe in the world, and each variety grows on the branches' of trees and has little white or pink berries. But the pink berries are found on only the cedar-trees. The mistletoe, unlike other plans, gets no food directly from the ground. In- stead, it gets its mourishment from the trees on whiche it grows. Another curious thing about the mistletoe is that though it blossoms earlier in the year than the tree on which it grows, yet the little berries do not ripen before December. May- be this is because it has to steal its food from. the trees, -and : therefore cannot ripen early. :The very name significance. In Anglo-Saxon lan- guage "mist" means gloom, and it comes in midwinter, the gloopliest time of the jear. d The gathering of mistletoe was a very important ceremony among the ancient Druids. About five days after the new moon they marched in state- Iy procession to the forést and raised an altar of straw beneath the finest mistietoe-bearing oak they could find. The Arch Druid would ascend the dak and, with a jeweled knife, re~ move the gacred mistletoe. The others stood beneath the tree and caught the plant upon a white cloth, for, if a portion of it touched the L earth, it was an omen of misfortune to the land. And this is doubtless the reason why it is still the custom to hang it from the ceiling, and why it is sup- posed fo lose its charm if it touches the flogr.--8t. Nich-'1s, : IS The English Language, Additional evidencé of the .in- creasing nse of the Englsh tongue as the most nearly universal id language is furnished by the Ameri- can Consul at Guayaquil, Ecuador, who reports that at the beginning of the collegiate year at the Vicente Rocafuerte College at Guayaquil one hundred ard thirty-nine students ma- triculated, of whom nineteen enter- ed the French classes and one hun- dred and twenty the 'English. No Piker, | "I'm worrying about' the outcome "Better worry about your rent." = "Oh,.hang the rent! When I bor- row trouble I Borrow a hunk of it worth while." : =y ttt The French Government is deter the Chamber of Depnties it was de- tlared that Socialist Deputies had founed a newspaper at Limoges with German money, and had eollabornted ibility, for the aerial observer in the | much smaller cable and -thus over H mistletoe' gives some idea of its] {and running sores appear on ie ; \{ Why Hair Falls Out | Dandruff causes a feverish irrita- {tion of the scalp, the hair roots |shrink, loosen and then the hair {comes out fast. To stop the falling | Hair at once and rid the scalp of ev- ery particle of dandruff, get a small [bottle of Danderine at any drug store {for a few cents, pour a little if your {hand and rub well into the scalp. | After several applications all dan- ydruff disappears and the hair stops coming out. AA AA ree A A A, Conscientious Objectors, Although Holland is not at war, it has its conscientious objectors, and the problem which they conaNtute may be brought more prominently before the Netherlands Parliament. An instance is related of a struggle between a party of soldiers and an | civilian for his military clothes. In the end the man sat naked in his cell for a.day and a night, and was trans- ferréd from one prison to the other in like condition. Men who have refused to do mili- tary duty in the Netherlands now number 150. Some proved not strong enough physically to endure impris- onment, The will of others was broken, and they were induced to take service. Others persisted in tences of months of imprisonment. Eider-Ducks. Elfler-ducks are numerous every- where in Norway. Being the produe- ers of the valuable eiderdown, a staple article of trade in Norway, they are rigorously protected by law, and are in consequence so tame as in many .plages to approximate to do- mestic fowl. birds are regarded with far from friendly eyes by the fishermen, by reason of the damage they work among the spawning~beds of the fish. Lobsters in particular suffer severely from their depreda- tions, the "fruit" of a female lobster boing an, especial dainty to the efder- uck, WOULD HOLD HEAD DOWN FACE WAS SUCH A SIGHT. Pimples are caused by the blood being out of order. Those festering the forshead, on the nose, on the chin ahd other parts of the body, and al- though they- are not a dangérous both you and your friends. There is only one way to get rid of this obnoxious skin trouble and cleansing by the 'use of Burdock Blood Bitters, : : This sterling remedy has been on the market for over 40 years, .dur- ing which time we have received thousands of tedtimonials 4s te its curative powers over all skin dis Mrs. Victor G. Fry, North Battle ford, Sask., writes: "I used Blood Bitters when I was about eighteen. objector, who refused to change-his_ i L | i their attitude despite repeated sen- trouble they are very unsightly toifl this is by giving the blood a thorough {|| 31 | I was so bad with pimples || and running sores, that when I went down town I would hang my head idown when I would see anyone com- ling, my face wae such a wight got two bottles, and my face to clear, so 1 kept on until 1 had a beautiful complexion. I have re. a randown condition, as ft Al the face is clear." 2 with Swiss newspapers that were no- Manufactured only burn Co., Limited, T. Pe Hi commended it to everyone who is inl} by The T. dite] Save Coal Re Ru your fires by the ther- mometer; many places are Kept at a temperature of 75 or 80 de « greex when it has heen proven that 68 degreen, with proper hun. idity, is a healthful temperature, Maintain a normal, even tem perature in your home, store or bullding, hy the use of our gunr« anteed ' 'Tyco' y Thermometers DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess Street. " Phone 343. OUR BLEND of JAVA and MOCHA COFFEE -I8 STILL IN THE LEAD The guslity the same as always, |. _.and no advance in price. , 40c. REDDEN & Co. Jas. up the blood. and when the blood fall]

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