Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1918, p. 8

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_ PAGETWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1918. | and visit his home here. RA wm : ; | i 4 The. latest figuras of the Military . tres | Hospital Commisssion show that they 4 : od population of the military cenval-| $ cent hospitals and sanatoria has : Ea At the Grand | deapessed 631 since the previous cen- ; r = : sus. The population pn January Sth : ' - Exquisite Emmy Whelen, one of |, ion.q 11,350, with 9.857 patients . E | the cleverest and daintiest of Metro in the convalescent hospitals, 1,350 % stars, is the principal attraction in | in the sanstora. and 643 in other '- E | "The Outsider," the six-act Wonder- Inospitals. ® E | play which will be seen at the Grand | on Monday and Tuesday of next | sd Sock ot thatines sad ison. Tho | oc cormectin wa the rocattomalif From 7,30 Till 9.30 p.m .we will give the fascinating feature is a screen ver-| rio Department of Agriculture has = : ° Cg - EB | sion of the novel, "Nobody," by the announced that sixty farm tractors : he WOMEN OF THIS CIT Y e aX a. a § | povular author, = Louls Joseph |ieve been sent to Guelph, London. (iil An exceptional opportunity to compare the qualities and HII HIE . ar Whitby and' Kingston for the pur- : bosugp and thrtlhs. . Never before | poe of urd] mon 1 prices, and all the little points which will be found to rep- hei Mach scenes been photographed in conor, ei ogre a Tieatlan, i ine resent the best values offered in the retail market of today the handsomest private homes in places. The Government will have in HIGH GRADE America 'was used as-a background | 130 farm. tractors in operation. next ' for the story, and it provided the spring, and men who have done their : ideal setting for the star's dainty bit overseas will have first call when © ® : charms, There will also be the | the time somes tor selecting the usual Pathe News and comedy reels, | ToW5 Drova . ey have t i Nests: while an excellent act of vaudeville sary oy Da net . witl round out the programme. these machines, pe SE Underwear Another double feature bill that LATE IAL NEWS. will appeal to lovers of the silent art A ally rv 4 n will be seen at the Strand for the | oo Nuyor Tally, of Corel, is the Go FOR ALL THE FAMILY, TONIGHT ., firs three days of next week. Head- | Rijeqn street * 4 ' i § ing the bill is that superb actress, ol Leo > Madame Petrova, in a five-act Metro wondér 'play, "The Silence Sellers." Frontenac Chapter, Daughters of { - . ,» [the Empire, certainly scored a suc- In the case of iThe Silence Sellers" po any two points of view when: secre serylce .agen's baffle: the a they met at Mrs, Colin Macpherson's, forts of society, blackmailers, ang u niversity avenue, - on Thursday climax is reached that is tir in evening The: main abject was the unexpected. The way in #hich the | aieing of funds to carry on their Tattle Tale," a soclety urnal of | oa The party was exclusively gossip, comes into the Etory members of the Chapter, and over guides the destinies of all concern. thirty . were present Nearly all ed Is unusual and amazing. Mad-| ere in fancy dress and masked . . I s ame Petrova has the part of Laura tire P was ® ; ipa During This Month. Sutpher, the brilliant The first hour was spent in guessing L and hostess at] « he #1" Rei who 1s who. The regent as "Bri- whose week-end party the events of tannia" received the Xr which Shia sdsc in atl Be Shay Xulminaie. | amounted to $210. The rest of the |] § Laprice also be seen in her | ovoning was spent in games, music ADIES' WOOL AND ALL WOOL latest screen success, "Miss U.S.A." and charades. Light refreshments and comedy also will also be shown. | qoiniile sarved brought the evening | C A SHMERE HOSE v g bs "OS > At Griffin's. to a close. Among the costumes were Japanese, French, Old English Furnishings, Etc., Blue and Black Suits ' R ' .y te £iupeudous dramatic Speciatie and Dutch ladles, little girls and 61d FULL FASHIONED he Lane olf, was 5 night Mar /ashington, bronounced. by the ER EU | Tks In four of the well known makes: Penman"s, Mer- Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, mE-- "+ Excepted. which filled this s Come, See What's Doing. erp lg bed oop BRB pion ) cury, Crown," Radium. Tonight 50c, 5%, 75c, ; creation," and a number , . ever before seen in Kingston. It is{of funny characters, among whom 90c, $1. 00a 'pair. All Sales for Cash ream ara Ie Tor the ST re Thi 00 . A a J . Tho: : offering. Re & ass by Reel, Pebnont daw Mrs. T. G. Smith, the MEN'S WOOL AND ALL W L. CASHMERE "The 'Lone Wolf," is t trict ; 'Mrs, Colin ) herson, : | dramatic picture, bl BB Coin hiring i onl lr SOX, full fashioned, spliced heel and toes. These { well every accoutrement necessa Laidlaw, Mrs. Joh McKay, Mrs. : De i oT Ea Lada, mR a: are extra values tonight, 45¢, 50c, 59¢, 75¢c a pair. {ture. Chief amongst the charm is| Miss Crothers, Miss Kidd," Mrs : he thal which ollow fast upon | David Murray, Mrs, L. T. Best, Mrs, ' CHILDREN'S WOOL AND ALL WOOL FINE = | eac t ti i irpl East rns, 'Mrs. 'Hobs Dyde, Lg | fight from Franc to i ines Daves Mr le de. | AND HEAVY RIBBED CASHMERE STOCK- { t fact t 11 th y, Mrs. R hton, Mrs. Charles IVings on & | harm and greatness of every proced: | Livingston and Mee Uglow. (Rl _ INGS, in Penman's and Mercury. Tonight 35c, {ing great pla bined d -- BR Ct WITH THE CURLERS. 40c, 45¢, 50c, 55¢, 60c, 65¢, 70c a pair. | mind and geniys of the wonder pro- Brock Street. , Qucer, Herbért Brennon. - Don" miss | The Games Played. o on Friday Night | "The Lone Wolf,' this evening, when at the Local Rink. it will be shown for the last time. : If Off Your Route, It Pays to Walk. : a In the Curling Club series M. P. = ! hy a NE --R--n--innmmns Reid won on Friday evening from w | W. P. Hedley. | In the club games the following inte Mik were played: tary ews A. McMahon J. B. Newell ; G. Lawes M. Johnston G. 8. Searle, W. G. Anderson 1 Ty flit. 4 uth it i W H Montgomery W. R. Givens Wakily an effort to gga i (Skip)--15 (Skip)--13 Sussssssssesssanssnvvsursnant duction problems of the dountry. | © po oT np Carnovsky While farmers are being drafted it | H- N, Robertson * 1. &. LArnovsky i their intention fo, try and release | @: A. Thompson FP. H. Macnee t oN ., available megfeally unfit men for | EO Sliter W. H. Wormwith their work on the farms. An order G. Hanson J. W. Power (Skip)--19 (Skip)--38 issued on Borutdoy reads: 'Men in the Special Service .Company In Tat hoes Tooth. x _ LADIES' WOOL AND ALL WOOL VESTS Sing. "CG," whether married or st Three Teeth. { LOREEN IME ei bli AND DRAWERS. 8 t 'Was as n a i : . v . Be oun %0 hair Hive oh order 16 Queen's Friday night, he had shred, v In Zenith, Turnbull 8, Watson 8. Tonight, $1 .00, 8 LT their services can | teeth knocked out, and also suffere : $1 25, $1 50, $1 75 a garment: severe cuts on his lip. He will spend. -- : the week-end with his parents, | floor in the CIF. In Contd. In | et "|* ~'MEN'S WOOL AND ALL WOOL AND COT- SPECIAL VALUES .IN UNDERWEAR oners appears o notice that there All loved. = TON SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. are no class I. W.0's. in the C.E.F. in| ¢ "The old, old story of a Saviour's . AND STOCKINGS "ll Canada, and theréfore all warrant | love grows sweeter as the days go In Cee-Tee, Turnhull's, Tiger-Brand, Penman"s, officers returning from overseas | py" Thé story will be told in Gos- muss revert. : pel Hall, ground floor, new Orange Watson's. Tonight; 75¢, $1. 25, $1. 50, $1. 3, } - building, Sunday evening. Speakers, | Soldiers who are enlist under | F, G. Lockett and F. Owles, $2.00, $2. 75a garment, : the Military Service Act, and, who eee Feira . 4 WOMEN'S WINTER VESTS AND is 2bsequentiy "categorised! by| James Allen, employed by the Nom m as > y drawers, 'in white and natural, at'35¢; IE eet cor | GER Cafloton Face, et en 40¢, 50c, 60c and 75c¢. on YL bo. tusidrred 10" the | Vor peintal Gocunt. whon a, mit TONIGHT -- 200 COPIES OF BUT TERICK'S SPRING 4 weighing about 900 pounds fell on - © | bis toot, crushing it badly. : SUARTY with all the latest spring fashions. . i : Lieut. M: 1. MoGiude, attached to gl | y Tonight, 2 25¢c a Copy. _ CHILDREN'S VESTS AND DRAWERS, Bl iuve becu' tiien on ite strengts o| PATTY MEMORANDUM | : "Robinson Crusoe," Grand, 8.15 Sal : . the C.E.F: in Canada. | warm and comfortable, at 25¢, 35¢, 40c, See top of page 3, right hand corner, for Drobabiittien. on i 50c, 60c and 75c. Frontenac Chapter, LOD.E., ar-| on brovaviuies. -------- A - . cTanged a pgogramme fnd treat for MARRIED. 1 3 the patient¥ in Otfigwanada Hospital, | SOMERVILLE-WARD -- on Tuesday, | | : 0 g Friday evening. Those who took Jan. 15h, 1918, at the home of : MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, fleec- part in the programme were: Miss{ +805, Mi, [f, RK: i J Parrot, Miss Craig, Master Andrews | Tory (Rex J 0 Hae B. * Ward, ed lined, union and all pure wool in abd Mrs. Clatk sud Mr. Rankin, with = nous of this city. [|| LIMITED. wanted weights and best makes. From arcompanists. A special feature of : DIED. Hl 'the entertainment was a boxing con- | BOWMAN--At Montreal, Que. on Wed- | Jj 65¢ to $2. 50 per garment. ; test by the wonderful little boxing | , jestay. Jan. A I nt Harry E-{} : . fil] champions. "the Fawcett brothers," | paras from is tate residence, o st [Hi aged only eight and nine years, sons fe h z tharine street, dily, on Monday il : \ : of Sergt.< 3 a (HI WOMEN'S CASHMERE HOSE, plain and BH, Sit scica™ se snalrims orning at ten o dock, acted as chairman, ribbed, at 35c, 45¢,, 50c, 60c and 75¢ MW sa ater, Bo posmoe | Memorial Cards BR ments were served and cigarettes [| passed to the boys. Acknowledgment of per pair. a Cards, Bordered Calling gi The RC.H.A. band. will go to St. Seo our smiplen 2 : MEN'S CASHMERE AND HEAVY "7: "imo sme WOOL SOCKS, in black and colors, at . Hl} trom Ihe veterinary diteotor general $256 35¢, 50c, 60c and 75c per pair. BR rnlusd Jo wks away mil: ES Bea Ww. A R Mark, Lieut. S. CHILDREN'S RIBBED Bou. ed shad Corot. [*** Fone 14 5 a pec AND HEAVY Woo! TOCKINC RE mn ara vat] T J. REID 2 | pr 1 , Lanark, whol a great many different styles to chooss at Kington aking a course : = PoE per pair. 4 BE RR roct 3 On i= We ace olf » scsaber of pele of woteats' thoie in. Fotent, Re Re ET le ER = prices. t 00. price x Colored'Satiu Shippers. . 88c. = a's N | ett Shoe Store

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