4 No. y Express , .. 258 am: Public Library Bulletin "Pay Dupifeate Collee thon' " them hj the parate be taken » Jaitest novels wi included collection. ect _finls seheme the demand fc "THOMAS COPLEY . Telephone 987 wanting Anything done In the okrpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds hard- All orders Sooy il be, to be popidar curren' fig. of repairs and new work, also w floors of all kinds. 11 recelve prompt attention. $0 Queen street. The ilhelmin » ; Wi a, 242 Mountain St, Montreal. Warm, comfortable rooms, rea~ sonable rates. A howe for tran. slents. Tel. Uptown 5340, COOK MEDICINE CL TORONTO. ON". (Farmer Windus i, = For the Boys at the Frost. CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocol Contains the Chocolate, Milk y Sugar, | © Prepared Instantly by Adding . Bolling Water Only, Ne Cookt Milk Required. ror "Sale By D. Couper, LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABL) IN EFFECT JAN. 0TH, 1918. Mraine will leave and arrive at Oty Depot, Foot ot Johnson Street, + Golug em, a. City A 1 No. 19 Mall " Ry 20 a.m > 12.67 a.m 8 No. No. 37 Lo 0. 1 Joon "Lid. Lom 7 Mall 3 2.12pm 00 p.m. aa ax aw 8.40pm Lv: Sity A | . rr, No. 18 Mail .. ,. .. 1L40a 2.17 a. is 3.35 am No, ,20 pom. 12.62 all . .63 pum. Ro. 11 14 Intern't 'Ltd, 1.08 pm. 1.38 p.m Loeal . 6.48 p.m 7.27 p. 2 1, 13, 14,18) 18,19 run daily. Other trains dally except Sunday. grout, Pet ed . Montrea - Halifax, hd, St. Jo Yor Pullman Tote * iokets For all other information, apply to, J. P. Hanley, geht. Agency for all' ocean steamsh sn day and night Chicago, Bay ory Ohya, uebee, BETWEEN Halifax and Bristol Money remittances made by mail or table. Apply to Loenl Agents or The Robert, Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, [0 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. Save Your Coal Jarhes Soward s Coal Phos 155. TE ---- <I ting shoulder tp shoulder with min. | wonder, and | Weil yes. What Kingston steno ; Braver for direction on sueh.& ques: su I THE HOUSE ON THE HILL. | By Margaret Rr Piper. "425 pages. ! Price $1.50. The Page Company, | Boston, publishers. The Knights of the Round Red upon as i s 'of almost'm in this book we modern band who try to their own ic ulties in andard, im late o a longing to the old nd thical history | 1tesses" 3 way. { 'he Cary of thei to their knightly lures asd of the makes delightful re Hy a childres roes and heroines cheerful, so and the chief ¢ lively and lovable. They fall ingo every possible kind of mischief but the spirit of the chivalry of old which governs their companiopship brings out the best that is in ther. The chief knight e tale a young doctor, i5 a story, dian tt y four children, and who acts as mentor and father-confessor to the other knights. How he points out the knightly road to them and lays down rules of conduct which any boy girl might be benefited in-adopting is admirably told by the author, who is | already a great favorite as a writer for young people or | ams Fom New Ds. If They Could Have Known. There was silence again. Presently Jobby spoke "When our boys get back! Some of them are never coming back again, worse luck!" "Stull," said Wagstaffe, "what they did was worth doing, and what they died for Was worth while. 1 think their one regret to-day would be that they did not live 10 see their own fel: lows taking the offensive--the line go- ing forward on the Somme; the old tanks waddling over the Boche trenches; and the Boche prisoners throwing up their hands and yowling, 'Kamerad'! And the Kut unpleasant- ness cleaned up ,and all the kinks in -~ After vioWiag the work of the snow plough, the Lampman holds up both hands in favor of the hand shovel, The girl conductors of the street railway company who wielded the snow-shovel this week should shame those lazy citizens who do no: shovel their sidewalks. If someone would only offer $5, 000 to the Kingston Public Library Board there time in the Httle brick building on Bagot street. Mayor- Hughes did' not have the Council inaugural meeting opened with prayer. 'Perhaps he recalled the fact that the war broke out fn 1914 when Mayor Shaw was chief magistrate. More than the police magistrate wag 'missing at the Council n- augural © Perhaps it was because Monday was wash day, but there was no sergeant-at-arms present, and there was a general lack of dis play all round. It looked more lik? a meeting of the Russian Bolshe- s viki. 3 "If you want to get a real warm- ing on a cold Sabbath, come mp to tour church," sald a Chalmers mem. | ber to a citizen oh the market square the other day, and now the citizen 'is wondering if there is anything besides coal stored in the cellar of | the Barrie street ¢hurch. A village aQorrespondent Who in telling about the big storm shutting i the churches ahd the schools, added that there was also "no visiting." = What memories are re- vived upon hut wo word "visiting." The Lampman feels at home sif- isters of the Gospel and even saying ss word in their:presénce. He 160 Teels at home with' them in the playhouse, whieh | ven a higher tone with the clergy in attendance. "Beware of imitations." read vari: ous . advertisements, Sometimes il] is hard to discern jmitations 13 in goods, but che can easily discern the difference between the natural accent of a cultured Englishman and the acquired one of a Canadian. The latter is a cheap tation 'to be sure, and sounds the real thing as Soat looks like ihe genuine In a play presented here a fou | time with the a rich fan or. & poor man,-both {whom were in, att | imagine such a situation! Ii UD lof both of them WC rout { coming | could, of § Victims, of Indigestion Often Dislike would be a high old [to eat, your stomach is rebelling. You toba mn 1877. {days ago some goons things were! ading f ) HERTHA the old Salient straightened out! "And Wytchaete and Mcasines! You re- member how the two ridges used to | ook down into our lines at Wi ipers and | publicatic we're on top|} Plugstreet And now Some of our friends friends who are not hiked to I wish they! there--the back--would have know about that, Bobby. somehow." Perhaps they Bobby, do," said Fein nply, -lan Hay Beith: in Kl Cafries On: -------- Public interest mm William J. Flynn has been manifested recently gwing to his resignation from the Secret Ser- vice because of the prominent mes | tion Mr. Flynn received in -G Barton's "The World's Greatest Mili- tary Spies and Secret Service Agents, dedicated to Mr. Flypn by the author, a personal friend But if Mr. Flynn is to he without his laborious duties as a detective his friend, Mr. Barton, maintains an unflagging interest in crime and criminals, for he the author of. a new detective story, "The, Mystery of th® Red Flame," * which, his publishers, the Page. Company will bring out this month, and of s another mystery tale, scheduled fall publication, ; ai New Publications. The Page Company, noun for publication 20th a new volume in the ica First series, "Florida, the Enchantment," 'by Nevin O. Winter, also for 'publication on the 21st, a second mew volume in the same se- ries, "Colorado, the Queen Jewel of the Rockies," by Mae I. acy Baggs, the fourth and last of the Blogsom Shap stories, "The Mt. Blossom Girls," by Isla May Mullins, and a juvenile volume in the Cosy Corner series, "Seven Little Wise Men," by Fran- ces Margaret Fox, The list 'for the month will be completed on January 25th with the. publication of a detec- tive story, "The Mystery of the Red Flame," by Geotge Bartoh, Authors in War Work. Among the authors doing war work are Irwin L. Gordon, of Philadelphia, who is in'the naval reserve, and ex- pects a commission shortly, and Brewer Corcoran, of Springfield, who A DISLIKE FOR FOOD "All In it, » -- Is Joston on January See Anier- Land of ces the Sight' and Smell of Food. Every healthy man and woman should have a natural desire for food at meal times, This means that the digestion is in working order and that the. blood is in good condition. But it you feel a dislike for food-- if the sight and_smell of wholesome food repels you---then you may be sure that all is not well. If after a night's rest you have no appetite for bregkfast, your digestion requires attention. If your food is distaste- ful, or if you feel that it is a trouble do not digest properly the food you are taking and therefore not hungry, - All these symptoms of a disordered digestion mean that thé blood is not absorbing proper nourishment from food, for the work of the blood is to collect préper nourishment tron) food and impart it to the system>-- The stomach tries to refuse food the nu- triment from which the blood cannot absorb, and this causes the lack of appetite. If you force yourself to eat the undigested food becomes a clog to the system. Nature is warn- ing you. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone giva the blood the richness ahd purity that it requires to perform its natural function. That is why Dr. Williams® Pink Pills cure the most obstinate cases of indigestion--why they will cure any trouble due to poor blood. Miss' Lizzie Ashton, Thamesyille,. Ont,, says: "1 suffered for years with stomach trouble. At times the distress was so great that vomiting would follow, and there was always severe pain after eating. tried several remedies but they did not help me. On the contrary the trouble was growing worse, and got so bad that I could not keep anything on my stomach. Finally I began us- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and gradually the trouble began to leave me; and [ regained in all respects my. customary good hvalth, and enjoy- ment of food. 1 make this state- ment voluntarily so that others may know of the wonderful results that follow the use of this medicine." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by nfail at 50 cénts a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Western Hotelman Dead. Winnipeg, : Jan, 19.--Archibald McLaren, joint proprietor of the Me- Laren Hotel, died last night, aged sixty . Mr. McLaren was a na- tive of Perth, Ont., Soming to Mani- ieorge I usually -aaluable, HH TT Em is devoting all his energies to Hed | Cross work. Both of these authors hive new books scheduled for spring he Page Company, ntersting to note their i tendencies are ' ifested also in their books, for Mr. Gordon's new volume, "Maine of the Sea and the Pines," is an addition See America First series which | to stimulate American rather | foreign travel, and Mr Corco-! an's is a story for boys, "The Boy s of Kendalville," ston Scout The Canadian Almanac, 1918 1ssue of The Canadian. t hand e enty-fi st The rman | the of the and series, is un- is indispensable to every office minion, Many of the lists given are not found elsewhere and in no other volume can much information about Canada be found in se small a space A The Canadian Almanac has publislred continuously since and is indispensable to 'every Cana- | SO heen {dian engaged in professional or busi- { ness life among other things Astronomical' Calculations, Fetipses, Star Tables, Latitude Ta- bles, Complete Customs Tariff, Banks with Branches and Names of Mana. ! , the New Income War Tax Act, atents and Copyrights in Canada, | Canadian Militia List, the New Mili- tary Service Aet, Postal Jaformation, Complete List 6f Post Offices, Railway on 'which located, or nearest Railway Station, carefully revised to date, List of Newspapers in Canada, with their circulation and politics, Ti- It contains officials ,with "their salaries, Foreign Consuls in Canada, Complete Clergy ! List, Legal and Judicial Information, County and Township Officers, Bar- risters and Solicitots, Educational In- stitutions, Misceljalieaus Societies, Chronology of the Great War, Char- tered Accountants, Life Assurance; with Rates of various Companies, Bank and other Stocks, showing divi- dend and chest and lowest prices at which sol¢ The ~anadéan Almanac is published by the Copp, Clark Company, Limit- ed, Toronto, consists of 568 pages, and retails at $1.50, Fa 5 ' NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE + London has a laborasory. that is de- voted to the study of ozone. A frame Tras been invented to en- able one man to operate a two-man saw 4 Iceland codfish are dried and! ground into a flour for use in bread, A walking stick has been invented that can be converted into 'a camera tripod, has been made in' Europe from pine cellulose. Immersion in a solition of carbo- nate of soda will restire the color to turquoises. Deposits of potash that much have béen discovered of Spainis provinces, An at ment to be filled with- oil to quiet rough 'water features a new lifeboat ancuor. ; - Copenhage.1 maintains a perma- nent exhibition of devices to protect workmen irom accidents. A chemical process for making salt- promise in two tented by a Virginian, Bolivia is to have ifs fivst mill for the praduction of woollen and cotton textiles and yarns, By drawing a toothed scraper across prints of butter small cone; shaped portions are formed. An Englishman is the inventor of a pitcher for wines with dn ice com- partment to cool its contents, One pocket for umbrellas and' ap- other for overshoes are combined in a bag that ghn be hung on a wall The Japdnese Government has es- tablished aMactory for the production of carholic acid from coal tar, hack of a new glove for automobile drivers fo aid them in signalling. Several varieties of grass that grow prolifically in India have been found to make excellent paper pulp. Spring clips inside it make it pos- sible to hold a new reflector and shade at any angle on an irrandescent Tamp. . watt, chemically treated, fire- proofed and made into pads, forms a new material for Sound proofing walls? Switzerland will spend nearly $4.- 000,000 for the further electrification of its railways the coming year: er as a monoplane or hiplane has? been designed by a French atgme | bile builder. » So that restaurant tables can 7 iven clean linen quickly a long ta- doth, mounted on rollers, has been invented. : 2 Paris is planning to. get 300.000. electric horsepower by damming the River Rhone at a point 300 miles from the city. "The ited States vice maintains aids {0 along $7.1 192 miles of coast line ille fos {grapher would utter a. mournful Your couldn't tind one here or anywhere else. THE TOWN WATCHMAN. rr no The Montreal La Presse abproves of the proposal to pay the leader of the opposition In the Quebec legis Tature 'a salary, & The cost of read shows an ine crease, 'and bakeries' profits for the - Fle: are thus Ee Te SE esas ae ia] with train for Tweed leaving Yarker at 1.30 ine Tweed 8.55 pm.} bg 0 os Sod see latest tine table S30 om, duly any Ser Sm mongers for past year sre being Tusentigated, a a io M. €. Dunn, City Agent, Kingston. 2 {mate orl aif q ce one pave 3 nvgitor in The combined garment Poses. 3 ni' Am artiicial wood ah 'heen invent- ed in Edrope thay is of autumn leaves, dried, d, grognd 3 compressed th binding materials, Inventor ip 'new telephone amp fier claims if eliminates all harsh sounds and transmits the hu- mais voice in its na tones, - Eoglih inventor's ot sof a gong that mounted nearly the cooling 1a Ab a: struck by tx blades whe no hl Al; and which forms ° and library in the Do- | 1848, | f with ! tled Canadiaiisy, Dominion and Pro-| vincial Governghents, and names of in A substitute for absorbent cotton proof against dampness has been pa- An aeroplane that can he used eith- % heal: x that ean be lise ig aised for Roth | 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1918. a long series To pre heen invented they are enclos cases filled with 1 For use chine a w with a pw smaller ed in tight trogen > Ol 4 sewing mented : COVET, which ang spindles on now and high the g taugh 1 the un iversit ¥ schools of Wales on same basis as ipins that ca jor wood have lators in temporary + Though Egypt's irr about $33,000,000, it for iwsu- 1 work { as cost possibly ele th tion by skin hy eetr ngreased| { second skin with nl k. {land values irom $1. 000,000,008 1 1 2 oF + 000,000,000 Jess shan lye ars. Of 6,000 living le United States bur Maine to the Pacific coast' in Na! vember, only 300 died aon the way. Sweden's last census showed fewer | {hirths in proportion to population | than at any other time in the 170] years such statistics had been record- ed, By m « the fi es rom all the oil gears i its Inven A 25 per enclosing 0 farmy tractor in claims he has made it fe efficient than most machines of its kind. | | An instrument to measure the in- | {tensity of X-rays when used on deep-y | seated human organs at any Idesired has been invented by Ise ientist. A New York max is the inv of a wooden lente queezer works horizontally 'Stead of cally, equal pressure with {hands being possible An Anstralian experimenter {succeeded in producing print paper from native grasses and in the coarse of his experiments found some new | ve getable dyes. To take care of the steam gener- jated by the radiator of a familiar au- tomobile an auxiliary cooling system, Ito be mounted in the car's false door, { has been invented i An 'electrical annunciator. operated by push buttons on chairs through- lout a hall ,is used in Holland to aue- | tion eggs awithout the us sual noise and | confusion of such sales. | Supported hy floats and driven with a pedal operated propeller, a Cali- fornian' has invented a board upon which a man can lie and travel con- siderable distances while bathing. A glass for X-ray photography has! Veen invented in Europe which ab-| sorbs only from 10 to 15 per cent. «of the rays, permitting much sharp-: Ar pictures to be made than hereto-} fore, i i To help in adjusting the bearing of ; car wheels when away from a repair shop is the purpose of a new device that locks a wheel firmly to, the track| and prevents it being moved. Padlocked. pockets, with slots through which coins can be dropped, have been patented for use by per- sons employed in public places who | Lust share with employers tips they receive. An English astronomer of promi- nence has advanced the theory that | there are airquakes entirely indépen- dent of 'earthquakes, that are caused | by the explosion of meteors in the? atmosphere. Fractureless a Swiss entor that, verti- | both | 1 goggles for metal | An arrow has been painted on the | I with for 1 for Ww erated by chine nve will spac up wer i Ex-Official omitted Suicide, Jan, vice- Telegraph jand former secretary of the Western] depth | Union Telegraph C shooting | the head In a room in the Hotel An-| Baker had nervous the consequence New Baker Postal York, former ted suicide by sonia. Mr. ing from a Lyndhurst person died following ground, y Open 3 t and pack the of lost has | respected citizens on Monday in: the of Willinm a short ceased was about eighty-thrée years! of age and had carried on an under-| taking business for | > | _PAGE SEVENTEEN, ---- -- --- "| DANGER TO SYSTEM UNLESS "ACTION IS TAKEN re ----------------. Ignor nee alone can excuse neglect of 1 h when all indications point Kidney trouble. Everyone should w that from the hour the Kidneys ail to remove the poisons from the | hlogd stream, these poisons areaccnmn- | lating ready to cause sickness, pain and re you to knot that the system is in danger irom poisoning? One or | more of tire following sympteis « Lond leave no doubt fn-your mind. II yon ire the victim of backache, Deis ns in the * hack or sides, or Lun gure nas ture is calling for better Cudney action, Take Gin Pills, At the first twinges of Rheumatism, swollen ankles and joints, or any other manijestation of uric feid poisoning, take Gin Pills. Dozens of Testimonials prove Gin Pills 10 be the sovereign a ren niedy, v Take the warning given by constant headaches, restless "nights, dizziness hen you stoop, frequent chills, bladder ry trouble, or consti on, and turn to the remedy which is so sure i that it.is sold on the money-back guar | antee--Gin Pills, Gin Pills are sold by all dealers---flic, a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. A free 'sample will be sent if you address your request to the National Drug & Chentical 5 a. of Canada, Limited, 'Toronto; or to he U.S. a Adress, N Na-Dru-Co Ine, . 202 Main St. , Buffalo, N.Y. 121 marking d msenip- I other il Aust produced works £3 rays break the furrow, plant see« € earth in ag: 19, --William H.| president of thej Cable Company Have Your Car Over- hauled and Stored for the Winter AT THE Central Garage, ais King st ED, WALSH P ompany, commit- } himself in} heen breakdown an operation suffer-| as| one: of its highly Wetherell, illness. who { De- | 3 years. i Color'ess or Pale Faces = Age Advances the Liver Requires occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLR LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. Sn enor Carter's Iron Pills usually indicate the abseacs of Fron in the blood, 8 condiien which will be greatly helped by gr the box." EDDY is the only Canadian maker of these stick of 'which has been dipped in a chemical solution positively ensures the match becoming dead been lighted and blown out. \ Look for the words "Chemically ri MAYBE BUYING MATCHES ~Never Struck You As Being An Important Job. Butltls. it is important that you buy, none but EDDY'S -CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING "SILENT 500s" The matches with *'no after an "olution which wood once it has Self-Extinguishing" on "When Seis Needs You Most, --Conserve Your Energy | : When success means straining nerve force to the utmost ~-when minutes given to your affairs are preci precious [-vhen your #irength is the driving force of Your tore of factory --then you must have a motor car. A motor caf saves valuable time--saves gor » And--after business } f * % » » * = you ality ding recreation and Vigor--give botrs---provides ing 'outdoor enjoyment that helps you in the daily battle. y ® » The economy, durability; and saeclnsical perfection of the stand SSS nies se so gt de a line cr witht wader full steam, autamebi'e Toi oss; Roadster co Botie fio; Sedan $1670: per fot the wan whayis working. re ods