Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1918, p. 10

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AAA Is _THE D DAILY SRI) ISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1918. Peel Off The Old Skin; Bring Out 'i Se New X¥ou know that bepeath 'that muddy, over<red or blotchy complexion you - Bidve a skin that's clear, soft and white I ou could only have this more beau- tifd skin exposed to view instead of the horrid old skin you now behold ir your mv r! You can~and by a v ample, mlesy process, whiah. a ean use urself, Ger an ounce of Samer on Thercolized wax al*your drug. . Bls's and this evening spread a thin Puting of it over your faced Tomor- dw morning wash #t off with warm water. Small powder-like particles of this Mlfeless top skin wil come off with the wax. Hepeat this 'dally until all thé worn-out schrf skin has been ab- Aarbexi. Then you'll have a lovelfer, healthier ooking complexion than you now think possilile Chaps, pimples, Spots, freckles or ather surface dis. figurements are of course removed with the skin itself If your skin be wrinkled or flabby, Bathe the face daily for awirile tn a Jo- tion made by dissolving 1 oz" powder "8d saxolite in 3 pt. witoh hazed. This is Just splendid. i For Women's Ailments Dr, Martel's Female Pills have been ordered by physicians and sold by reliable Druggists everywhere for over a quarter of a century, don't accept a substitute. hl Tells How to Stop a ¢ Bad Cough bd hb a of SEED ES SAS oo you have a severe cough or chest accompanied with soreness, throat oH hoarseness, or difficult breath- Fh Ti child wakes up during with croup a you want Leip, Just wy ar . le ashnt tast- Any he ish can supply i. with 3% ounces io worth), Pour this to 8 eX an. Toile and fill" the bot- with plain: granulated sugar syrup. ] prepared, you have 16 ounces if really temarkable Fis remedy--- one that can be nded upon to fix atigk and nen relief at all f on feel this take hold ot a in & way that means business. l ne Sind raises fhe ph , tops h k Sek e; Land het es and mls t! . ales e roa bone al ta h such prompt- . and hey Wit that it is astonishing ha and Dick) x is a pec a A concen: trated compound of 'genuine. Norway Boner Xtras and is noted. for is speed n throat and RI Li re 4ré many warthless tations is noted mixture. uate ~ "with full dire id fii. and ig AH in gun ion or money le Pinex Co., {il take just a few moments step in and 'ask us what 'our ex- has been in. the way of Betul rvs a Jeo sooth- of olls, our money oe unless the first bottle relieves Mahood's Drug King- » Leon BRING OUT : THE HIDDEN BEAUTY 3 rl or woman hasn't héard i Brg 2nd, in St. James the Apo ni Told In J will J Mrs. Seth Richards, Shrewsbury, etn Twilight ee A CLOTH AND DRAW TIEEE i i a KAS * (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of 50¢ for "inserting 'an engagement, mar- riage or reception announcement.) vos (Continued from Page 7.) The members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, whose president is Mrs. George \. Bateman, will receive in the Y. W. \. parlors, Johnson street, hiireday, Jan. 24th, from three till six, when they will be pleased to welcome all those who are mterested in the silver thimble and trinket organization, the purpose of which is to supply hot cocoa and soup to the boys as they move back to their - billets from the front trenches . Mrs J. W. Jones, 292 "Albert street, receive next Wednesday with Mrs. Austin Smith from 4 ill 6 o'clock » * * The Dean of Ontario was one of Sir Henry Pellatt's party at the Princess, Toronto, to witness the play "Seven Days' Leave," on Tuesday night last. Miss Helen and Miss Elizabeth VanlLuven, Napanee, are guests for the week-end of 'Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ( Dunn. > Mrs Walter Cooke and Miss Mima Cooke, Cataraquj, spent last ¢week- end as the guests of Mrs. H, E. Day and Miss Hilda Day, Alfred street Mrs. Philip Leadbeater, of Seeley's Bay, has returned home after spend- ing a few days in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Watson, 328 University avenue. * * . Miss A. M. Waldron, Deseronto, has come to Kingston to reside. Aemilius Jarvis has succeeded Lord Strathcona as Dominion head of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society. Mrs. Thomas Gardimer, Cataraqui, was the guest for a few days of Mr, and Mrs, W, C. Stratton, Deseronto. Miss Florence Potter has returned to Detroit, Mich., after spending the past three weeks with her sister, Mrs, Edward Hartrick, Division street, . The Duke and Duchess of Devon- shire entertained at dinner at Govern- ment House .on Wednesday and Shuceds in honor of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice. : Brig.-General Maunsell. who went to 'Ottawa from Kingston to atténd the wedding of Bis daughter Muriel, is feturning shortly. = Mrs. Maunsell will accompany him, and will spend several weeks here. Miss Mollie Cartwright, Kingston, spent the week- end in ttawa. The Maris ind Mitfehioness of Aberdeen, who have been in New York for seyerdl months interesting themselves in procuring * funds for Child Welfare in Ireland and Scpt- land, are shortly leaving for Scotland. Mrs. Willoughby Comming has been appointed by the M. S. C. C. as- sociate editor of their aie. the Mission World. "This is the first time the position has been held by a wo- ior and Mrs, J. MeIntosh Bell are at Almonte, ind will spend a few days at "Pinehursy' with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Rosamond. Major Bell will [shortly return to England. Marion, only dawghter of "the. late Arthur Meredith and of Mrs.~Mere. dith,now Mrs. (Capt) James O'Reilly, Cornwall, 'isa fiece of Sir Edmund Osler, and has been active in war work in London, Hon. and Mrs. Frank « Cochrane and Miss Edith Cochrane are expect- ed back in Ottawa from New York next week, when Mr. Cochrane has recovered sufficiently i travel. Miss Laura Nioolle, who bas been spending the past two months with arrived in Tampa, Florida, 'his week, where she will re- tn for the* winter. ova L. C. Farthing is spendipg w days with Mrs, Sanford Cat "Rutlands," King. street. a «May. Maced 11 trea). is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Macdonnell, University avenue, Miss Francis Sullivan, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Crook- all, fn New York, has returned home. Miss Macauley, King street, has Jetorhed item ap ehoraush, Mrs, oie is Abbots are now her Buests. . 'Knight, Youngston, Ohio, is ied Ry few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. & H. Smithedy real, have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mar- tha Georgina Smithers, to Major Ar tur Lennox Mills, D.S.0., on Satut- 8 has been tert urch, "Miss Smithe e raison d'etre of many ments, in iw v The mariage was tly sole ized Wednesda fa IT THROUGH HAIR! It Becomes Beautifully Soft, Wavy, Abundant and Glossy At Once. Save Your Hair! All Dandruff Goes and Hair Stops Coming Out. . Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you Wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair, Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw: it earefully through your hair, taking~one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil--in a few minutes you will he amazed. Your hair will be wayy, fluffy and abun-| dant and possess an incomparable! softness, lustre and luyuriance, Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissoFves every particle of dandruff; 'invigor- ates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair, | Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and, sunshine are to vegetation. It .goes right to the roots, invigorates and strength- ens them. Its exhilirating, stimulat- fng and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, seft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you, will spend a few cents for a bottle of Knowlton's Danderine "at any drug store or toilet counter and try it as] directed, Save your hair! charming and beautiful. say this was the best ever spent. Keep it looking | You will] money you | THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN on 5 It is being claimed that women make best soldiers. American women spent over $1, 000,000 annually seeking beauty. There are three times as many widows as widowers in the United States. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit com- ome Dhan yi ORG ge rH ALerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review hb the Fi ashionable Silhouette. ..Qonforming to the fdshionable sl houette is this costume of satin fin- ished viothk «ith shawl-coller and cuffs of gun-métdl silk, The skirt is nlaited track and Tront and gathered at the sides Q a Since every woman knows that her gkirt is to be narrow, although plait- ed or diaped and her walst more or less fitted, she seeks the new designs emphasizing these . features, tha frock shown has an open neck finished with a shaw! collar of gun metal silk. The eoilar extends to the edge of the front and the one picee sleéves pave cuffs of =ilk 'to correspond with t lar. The four- piec2 skirt is plaited front and back, the sides being gathersd and trim med with pockets. In medium size the design requires 45, yards 5¢- iach material. For th: maj jor.ty of the ithe patiera, y foll the n aterial houg is arrengal differently tor the front and back gores of the skirt. a gora of the skirt into with the large "O a le engthwiss thread of the development of here. The waist Place the s position firs, forations on fron it of the wa the large "0" langithwise thread, front of the walst the the l2ngthwise foll Next to the back comes tha pocket, with large "0" perforations on the l:ngthwisc thread of material gnd = cbove tho pocke!, the cuff and beit, in th: samo positions. +To aveld a s2am, the cok lar must sest on the lengthwise foll of the goads. The remaining spac? ofr the material {3 divotel to the pocket and the sleeve, which cre laid on a lengthwise 'thread of material. Now, take the : remaining cloti 1 and fold in quartars sd that the s2 vages will meet over tha canter, fold. Place the front and back gores into position, as shown in the cuiting guide, so that the triple "TTT" per- forations will rest aloaz the length: wise fold. The piecings for the gores are laid along the slop2d sidas. If the skirt {3 desired shorter than jllustrated, the hem may be turned back rests on } Township Councils | FPresident, Miss Cuar- | Mont- | pany is now employing women as subway guards. The harvesting of the Canadian crops is being dond mainly By wo-| men add' girls, i The Chicago Grand Opera com- | pany has a chorus composed entirely | of American girls. Mary Pickford, the motion-picture star, has subscribed $90,000 for Lib- erty bonds, i Women track hands have made their appearance on the northern di- vision, of the Pennsylvania railroad. Since, the war began the employ- ment of women in the British metal industries has increased 84 per cent. The gain in the number of British woman workers since 1914 has been 1,240,000, or 27.6 per cet. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the has sent her personal cheque to the District of Columbia's woman's national Liberty Loan com- CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother? See if Tongue is Coated, Breath' Hot or Stomach oo » bins "California Syrup of Figs" Tan't Harm Tender Stomach, Liver, 2% cents the second Liberty Loan. Of the 200,000, women and girls employed in the district of Birming- ham, Eng. over 25,000 are organ- ized. being operated by women motormen. More than 300,000 girls are & g- ed in cutting moss in England, w after being dried, it is used for fuel, Mrs. William P. Snyder of Pitts- burgh secured in one day subscrip- tions amounting to over $3, 000,000 for Liberty bonds. Munition makers in the United States claim they can operate their plants successfully with 70 per cent. of women as employees, in the Franch factories it is claim- ed that 'the output of females on small work equals and in some in- stances exceeds that of men. A talented woman artist is 8m- ployed by the department of agri- culture to reproduce various plants in their natural and exact forms. In the shell factories of England | night work by women 18 common, but in general engineering women as a rule work only on the day shift. Mme. Frances Alda, the opera singer, has a flower and: vegetable garden on her estate, which she per- sonally attends to when not on the stage. Women over eighteen years of age {employed in the large shell factories Jin England in unskilled and semi- skilled capacities receive $4.87 per week." Mise Lucy Hunter, a young Indian woman, is field secretary of the Young Women's Christian associa- tion for the southwestern district of the United States. Mrs. E. T. David, of -Douglas, Wyo., has been elected president of the Sourd of trustees of the University of | 0 Wyoming. She is the first woman to hold such office. The. Home Economics department of the University of Kansas lias been converted into a scientifie army Kit- chien, where the girl students are being taught to become army cooks. Mrs. Eunice Clark, mother of two 'children, attends school:every day the public Hic school | in Slevaland, < 0., 50 as to with: the | methods ws used intize teaching ner ehlid- her SET 14 fvernand bow- heres Gd téverish, or momar! hh operators and French, for! France, will be Te Ly Wag with Ger eye ration of ox tial nd tief for of re an rele Red Cross in Paris. army. A in Seattle, 'Wash, in« cent. in the last Fo city a gain:of 33 per gent. was ot we, again. n the: "of cold, throat s diarrhoea, indig, Sch net bers over 400,000; ! a The Cuban Red Clos. s whigh Mme. Menocal, Soft satin finished cloth fs~used in - Pletoral Review Costume No. 0. T47T. "Sizes. 34 to 44 inches bust. mittee as a subsecriptibn for bonds of On some of the street railways {in Great Britain.over half the cars are e, |, women, wh tn [Order under deeper than indicated. va FOLD OF MATERIBL FRONT GORE. . TRI LWAL y Price, / pip Jing Wives of soldiers employed in the French munition fgctories and other military establishments will be grant- ed leave of absence with pay for the same period that their husbands are | home on furloughs from the battle fro Because of ther scarcity of men on account of the war a large painting firm in New York city has hired two are acting as painters and giving sdtisfactory service. They receive $4 a day for their work. Women have entered a railroad field in Kansas City that heretofore has been occupied by men as one of their few remaining masculine en- deavors. Clad in overalls, American, Italian, Greek, Russian and negro wo- men nay be seen daily in the Santa Fe shops and the Pullman company's yards at Argentina helping to keep in motion the wheels of transporta- tion. ---------- EN pin A Soldier's Food, e general knows to a nicety just art each regiment is to play in a campaign, and the girl may learn to marshal the foods tepresented in the five groups 80 that she knows just which group of foods will: provide strong muscle to carry the . soldier into battle, which will furnish strong bones to meet the onslaught, which the heat for the struggle, and finally, how much driving-power is needed to carry it through, So, then, when we marshal our' forces we find that a man needs in a day twelve ounces of one, or of a combination, of the following; meat, poultry, cheese, dried vegetables, fish or eggs. To vary the above he may count every glass - of milk drunk | equal to an. ounce of auy one of the others, : . The soldiers, either In home or military life, must have four pounds. of fresh fruit and vegetables in drder to" keep thé bony structure in good condition. © He will need the three- quarters of a cup of fat (this includes butter, oil, the fat of meat eaten, or any other fat in the daily diet) to keep him warm, and to this groupde must one and one-fourth pounds of bread or cereal; and finally, in r to. complete the necessary amount of driving-power, he must have two ounces of Tuga or ohe- third of a cup of syrup: Sd y| JE a RB AALS : | POWDER | EW a CO.LTD. TORONTO CANADA WINNIPEG MONTREAL ston in connection with pool tables, | township engineer and E, Docteur's children; «$8; Standard Pub, Co,, no- | mination notices; $14.10, HW. Guess, 1 cord of wood for township, | hall, 200° feet of, lumber and labor; 131 88, John Earley & Sons, oil and LOUGHBORO. 4 | felt paper; $2. A. Blakeslee, cov- Sydenham, Jan. 14.--Council met | ering stone a $1. Fred Ruttan, at 11 a.m. and the following mem- error in dog tax; $566, township clerk bers took oath and qualification of | election expenses; $25, grant to Sick office: Charles Truscott, Reeve; |Children's Hospital, Toronto, Edward Sills, Edward Lawrence and The collector's time was extended David 'Walker, Councillors. W ilson | til Feb. 4th. The cheque of $40 ten- Knapp absent, Council adjourned |dered by F. Trousdale for licenses till 1.30 p.m. \for regular business | for two pool tables was ordered re- Applications for position of auditor turned to him. Council adjourned was received from J., H. MacNam-|to meet 'Feb, 4th, at 2 p.m., or at ara and T. FP. Lawrence. On motion, | the call of the reeve. Lawrence-Sills, they were appointed | ---- at a salary of $6 each. Applic ations | Owing to the scarcity of the men: for the position of assessor were re-| | there is a possibility of women bein Q ceived from J. 8S. McConnel and E.Fcalled to act as jurors in the courts in G. Ruttan, but the appointment was| New York city lajd over until next regular meeting. Much of the supplies for the Rus- Accounts paid: $36.80, George T.|sian army ,which pass through the Swerbrick, refund in taxes owing toy sort of uruga, Japan, are handled loss by fire: $15, Edward Barker,! exclusively by women street lights for December; $6, Canadg is shortly to have stand- Charles Truscott three trips to King- ard flour and a glandard loaf. ete AAA a a A at ar ta, 3 mnt PBHRRERC COCOK™=]] | WAS CREAT FOOD VALVE | HE food value of cocoa has 4 been proven by centuries of use, and dietitians and phy- sicians the' world over are: enthusiastic in their endorse- ments of it. It is said to con- tain more nourishment than beef, in a more readily assimi- lated form. The choice, how- & ever,should be a high-grade | ) cocoa,-- -- "Baker's *' of e course. | IT IS DELICIOUS, TOO Trade-mark on every package Made only by WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Montreal, Can. Established 1780 rx oR] Newbro's Herpicide » Aids Nature and Keeps bf Scalp > . Clean From Dandruff Reasonable sarg and effaz are all [the use of the First and Original to enable almost | Germ-Remedy for Dandruff. Herpi- any woman to have hair. When s the hair falls out is strin u- fide stops itching ot, the, scalp. Tt even, rs, brittle and gene: J the condi near] You can obtain a trial size bottle eh to dandruff. Rios is bd and booklet telling all about the hair by sending ten nd in tage or silver to Co., Dept Wei NG! GONE ip Mich aa much as the real article. et e chances? de piations biained at barber. shops and hair Dorchester, Mass. H REGISTERED TRADE-MARK a Oa the hair will grow naturally and luxuriantly, the scale-like accu- mulation must b removed and jot only prevents the out but causes wm woman's greatest charms, Bemtitt e d n of y b the reward of every woman ing | the to devote a little personal effort to dreesing paris ~~ Jeridé geniine distinction to hospital: . Each cup contains the delicate aroma of the blossoms of Japan and the flavor that comes only from te Joaves, y cured ; The Japan Tea Growers' 'Asso- ciation and the Government of Japan place: their guarantee on cach' ~~ a guarantee of absolute purity. . "Yeo is a medium ' ug incon: abieamemns of mubimedt." 18 z 3 ~Enc. Briv puis,

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