- » _ PAGE EIGHT ee mg The Power | .of Dollars i » _If there is any difference between hand- ing a man $5.00 and selling him one of our new and handsome $25.00 suits or over- coats that are cheap at $25.00, for $20.00, we fail to see it. - That's what we're doing here during our 20 per cent. discount sale; handing back money on grery sale we make. 'ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SHARE? If you're not, the fault is not ours. Come see the crowd of pleased buyers that attend our sale daily andnote the power of dollars. All sales for cash. Sale ends this month. Livingston's, - BROCK STREET. : If Off Your Route It Pays to W. alk. nnn nine A ud "Robinson Crusoe" To-night. ex sip at i all "the oceatt depth plaitis, stras by-man, fields tmeadows where only sharks roam around, dangerous with century old wrecks--all reels ger, with | Cowles, There chout the | moving able drama offered, i. _-- ! a a {For the Bath Every house-keeper likes nice towels, etc. : for the bath room; our stock is complete in all the necessary articles, at special prices. * & AEE BATH TOWELS, in white terry, hemmed Ty From, 25¢ to $1.00 each. BATH TOWELS, in fancy: colors, a very "large assortment of dainty patterns, From 35c to $1.50 each. | BATH TOWELS, in fancy stripes and " browh linen terry, made for good hard - wear. From 25¢ to $1.00 each. HUCK TOWELS, hemmed and hemstich- BATH ae varety.atal | lar colors, in different siz x tl Je a to $4.50 each. | ", Face Cloths and Bath Mit, Atse and 10c each. \ comer LLL tt th sthrills who plays the 1 ier latest song the ties 1 trench song, | "Take Me Back to Blighty" An- | ) h she effectively roti song ch the "A Daughter of the Sun." 5 are he home a son of the I many things { ic has as 1m wept our thing of Ve near arid real- | any also carries a » Hawatian singers and $ { the atmosphere of Ha- maintained throughout At Griffin's, Brenon's most powerful photoplay production, '"The Love Wolf," trom the book by Louis Joseph Vance, proved in every sense 1e words highly deligiytful and arthining to the exceptionally | large audience which greeted the fist presentation of 'this master- plece of the cinema art at Griffin's last evening. Besides the remark- this picture con- tains some of the most sensational feats ever recorded by a motion pie- ture camera. Amongst these is the actual destruction of a magnificent aeroplane at a cost of eight thou- sand do.ars. This occurs during a terrific fight in mid-air, which has never been surpassed 'for realism and thrill in the annals of the mo- son picture industry. To see The Lone Wolf' once is to remember it 5 Also for to-day and Satur- the great serial, "The Fatal Herbert At the Strand. . Julian Eltinge the talented female impersonator, actually has a - hand- somer wardrobe of women's gowns than most Stage or screen stars. He shows them off to good adyartage in his latest screcn success, "The Coun- tegs Charming," which delighted a large audience at the Strand last evening. Mr. Eltinge is seen as a bewitching © foreign countess, who lures men's watches, scarf pins and wallets iuto her fair ringed hands for no less a purpose than the Red Cross Fund. It's a brilliant story of fun. and high society. "Fatty" Arbuckle in "The 'Waiter's Ball," was also shown and well received. The same programme, with topical reels; will be exhibfted again "to-night and Saturdgy. The Voice of the Wire. Arrived this morning. and will be shown to-night and Saturday. Red Warren, will be séen at his best in this episode at the King Edw: ard, Usual admission. A "NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH." 2 -------- 'a Very Entertaining Comedy Pre- sented at the Grand. "Nothing But The Truth" is the i title of the rollicking and delightful | farce comedy presented at the Grand - Opera House on Thursday evening. The house was filled to capacity and the audience kept in continuous laughter at 'the intensely . amusing situations created by the working out of the story. A bet was made between Robert Bennett (played by Louis Haines) and a client, Clarence VanDusen (played by Carl Reid) that the former could not speak the trutl/ for twenty-four hours. The situation was further complicated by the fact that the money ($10,000) advanced by Bennett as. his wager did not. belong to him, but involved Gwendolyn Ralston (played by Ger- trude Fowler) his financee. + It prov- ed to be three acts of a.really good comedy, and one of the best seen here in a long time, soldiers overseas, eration with the g | ing lionse ob King street, Kir the British Whig, have not yet recelved many of the bills from the merchants. It is ad- visable that the accounts should be| as early as possible, audit- erin report made. Will the merchants who have not sent ih their, accounts, kindly do so at once, 10 Mrs. Arthur Ets, 166 Ki peirigeiiy § King 'sfreet 3 50 Men Wanted At Once - . Ta buy large sizes in Men's Work- ing Shirts, in sizes 174, 18, 18%, and , also Meive Dress Shirts in these sizes: 17%, 18, A8%, , and 20; Men's e158 in' sizes '46, 48 and 50; {the | candle-making has al | lar occupational work these are | n this wonder- | 1 Earle will | Jones, | { different | then dipped into parafin and allow- i ed to dry. | They also { Hospital, | military duty | very i John's, Qt | qualifying course. | spection duty transferred to the C.E.F. ' | The SE iL tn cot, many a re, Aeturned ir | as unti t for further mi is doing his bit for the front by rolling paper ca will light the dugouts © rades he left behind or brew Lea. In the their convalescent "mospitals ol Military Hospitals Conmumission, lrecome a popu- for the men who are too womsted by battle to do anything more strenuous at this time. It cheers the men to think that they can still do a little somc- thing to win the war, and hundreds of the new trench candles are being turned out weekly. They are made ot strips of news. paper folded and rolled tightly into sized candles. They are They are very hard to dis- tinguish and so resist draughts well, give off more heat than the wusual wax candle and burn longer, r Wi: J. McManus, roing treatjnent at the ressing se who. is Gene eial| is prof tisfactor- ily. casualties | for Oltawa on | Capt. W. J. 8. Sharpe, officer, left on Fu ee | Severial of the soldiers of .the| rrison are taking a machine gun course under Capt. J. Fraser, and! they practised on the market sc e | on Friday The exhibition pr interesting to a large number of citizens Crawford, n, Lindsay, was rters on Friday {5th a visitor at | Brewster, C.E.. St. | on Friday for the! will complete a1 Lieut. Brewster | has been living in California since his graduation from Queen's Uni-| He enlisted as a private in; Engineers, and was promoted to | the conqissioned rank a few days} ago Lieut. camp, where -- Col. G. Hunter Ogilvie, AAG, left on Friday for Peterboro on in-| Col. C. 'N. Perreau, co {of the Royal Military C retiirned from Ottawa. Capt. F. A. Palmer, who went to! Halifax shortly after the recent dis- | aster, returned to, the city on Thurs- day. | { C.A.GX., has! rank of com-| Sergt. J. V. Trainer, been promoted to the pany sergeant-major. <Lieut.<Col. P. 8. Benoit, CR.CE., | left on Wednesday for Ottawa on engineering work. Colonel R. H. Steacy, | has been | reserve of | Honorary C.M.G., chaplain services, officers. A number of the mén of the 72nd | Battery held a banquet at the Ran- | dolph Hotel on Thursday evening. { -- | The entertainment committee of the Mowat Memorial Hospital, with J. Eva, arranged a splendid ént or- tainment for the boys at that in- stitution on Thursday evening, pre- senting a well-balanced programme of great merit. At the close a vote of thanks was passed to the visitors, after which refreshments were serv- el. Those taking part were: Mrs. J. Evans, Mrs. Beacroft, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. F. Telgman, Miss Telgman, Mrs. Macpherson, W. Mack, G. E. Smith and A. E. Hunt, | { : | Fresh Fruits From Florida. ' Tangerines, Kumquats, Russet Oranges, Green 'Peppers, Grape, Fruit, Head Lettuce, ete, at Car-| novsky"s. { 1 Ban Hemstitching gor shop, 223% ® Princess street. Ready for business Friday morning. Smal orders while you wait. A DAILY MEMORANDUM Band at Palace, Rink tonight see top of paged, right hand corner, for probabilities. "Robinson Crusoe" Grand, day and 2.30 Saturday, - Sepior O.H.A. -game, covered $45; Quen's vs. Deptals. a 8.15 Fri rink, a DIED. GUMMER ~"At Inverary, Jan. 17th, 2 1918, Re becca Gummer, aged eighty- three years. Funeral will take 1 p.m. fram her 'late residence, Friends and acquaintances Teapostfully' invited to attend. GOUL Dein "Winnipeg, on Jan. 11th, 1918, Mrs. Geo. Gould, dmaghter of the Nate Edward Marchand, for- merly «of Kingston. Tuneral took place at Winnipeg, FUREOPTE On January 18th, 1918, sh Turcotte, infant son of Mr. ry rs. Wilfred Turcotte, 34 Main street, aged twenty 1 hs. Bring In your hemstitching to Sin- HN place Saturday at i ST WE HAVE PREPARED | A LIST OF SPLENDID OF - FERINGS, WHICH SHOULD PROVE OF GREAT INTEREST TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS, AS THE PRICES QUOTED BELOW REPRESENT A LARGE ING. 600 1 'White Bath Towels This is without exception the most serviceable towel you can buy today, close and firmly made, and a splendid quality of Turkish Toael. 25c¢ each. 300 Whie Bed Spreads This is an extra fine quality of re spread. will launder well and give excellent wearing satisfaction. Large size, 74 x '80 inches. Saturday y2 50 each. Size 21 x 42 inches. 900 0d T Table Napkins Saturday ap AA a It In half dozen lots; in all linen, linen and cotton. This is an excellent opportunity to secure good napkins at such low prices. sizes, 20 in. x 20.in. Every one is patterned and comes in three 21 in. x 21 in., 22 in. x 22 in. The prices are $1.00, $1. 25, $1. 50, $1. 75, $2.00 a half dozen. Joh Laidlaw & Son uglonn Excellent Week End Specals a Sumber. of pals of. women's g shows | in patent, and vici kid leathers, in sizes 2}, 3, 3} and 4, at ices. | Present day value $6.00. - Suleprice $2.79. exceptionally * Colored Satin Slippers. » . Men's Wool ret: iY sizes 46, of The Lion 48, 30. 52. and 34. ton. * --~MAJOR TAX HAY BEITH