" & THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1918. T j { quently a military spirit consists of free verse, and that is 3b bad that | both . mental and moral gu one will take it as a gift. PAGE FOUR ro THE BRITISH , WHIG/ home? Compulsory rationing 1s 85TH YEAR. now being resorted to in England, : and of food sup-|which influence the condition of mre eae plies is obligatory in Canada. Notlin war far more than material cir- : the conservation effort against a ats-- toy ONCE MORE: PRODUCE MORE, plans ought soon to be laid for smal lot gardening in Kingston and thei. surrounding district, In this way an abundant supply of fresh vegetables will be assured, and land now » devoted to market gardens could be used for grain crops. This year the idea ought to be not merely to. grow potatoes, but to. gTOW good potatoes and all kinds |' of vegetgbkes. last year hundreds of Kingstonians did a little gardening for the first time! This year their experience will be of value and the resu'ts should be'in proportion to their efficiency. Greater production offers the only permanent solution of the food problem, which is bound to 'become more serious with every passing month. Every available square yard of vacant land in the city eat I uon) 00 | should be cultivated this year. The One year, If not paid in advance $1.50 | whole world 'is facing a food famine, One tear, to United States 1.50 ¢ dhol in Iv hoaverts * x and three mionths pro rata. and much privation can omni} > = ed by every man and woman doing their utmost to produce more Sruit and vegetables. "We 'at home must live more and more on perishable foods if our armies and our allies overseas ate to be supplied with the Mood stuff than can be best exported, viz., wheat, bacon, canned meats, ote. This duty is owing not only to ourselyes but to those who are facing our enemies in Europe. jealousy for its honor and sacrifice in| This is the View of a Parent Iie i its canse, a sense of public duty back-| garding Pupils. ed up by mortal conviction and clear | Jn conversation With the Whig 4 i + | parent voices wing sugges- insight---without these there can Pe] Arent ie 1ollo g gges no national unity. : "For the past two months since Discipline; is essential. Without! the opening of tive rink it has been habits of, and subordination' to, su- ™Y privilege to be closely connected Bric AUthOFILY binati 1! with the pupils of the schools. From pe ri or an rority, combina on an | what 1 have heard from a few of tie unity of effort are impossible. parents and the pupils themselves Neither ever be fit to!in their conversatiohs I gather they command others until he has learned how to obey. : ig 5 A -------------- is -- Published Dally nnd Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING <0. IMITED. Leman A. Gui Editor and Managing-Director. can a 'man are not learning as rapidly as they . might. Of course, this is in no way | the fault of the teachers; the blame is on the pupils themselves. They go not set their minds and thoughts on the work, and it seems hapd for them to steady themselves down.to they think of others enjoying them- selves at the rink. . "According to the way the time- tables of the different forms are ar- ranged, a number of pupils are al- Telephones! Bastness Qos Job Office : SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) year, delivered in city .. year, if paid in advance . One year, by mail to rural off} year, to United States vital factor in mil- tary spirit. Without t#at firmness of spirit which enables men to face | danger and even death without fear, | the tactical value of an army is of A general who is confl- dent of defeating the enemy when he meets. him may venture on manogu- jowed to leave early and nearly. all vres which it would be madness to at-| go to the rink; consequently others are tempted and very often will | leave without permission. To over- come all this, and to have thé pup- ils get every benefit of their school- Courage Is a 4 . % . - (Quebec Chriordicle) é . morsel of food, noi an ounce of jcumstances, : ; - ag an te one : as her native > energy, mot a cent of our earnings} "National unity alone will enable a ps8 Hap tel pele als as He! nauy - A 5 ed x 3 £ : at ait BONES atson, 3urstall, ghould be wasted in Canada to-day. | nation to.face disasters unflin hingly i Swift, Landty and Panet at the | ; provide. front; Turner in England; Joly de| . us, and every must be made |the sinews of war in the e ha hnsto d 4 ah : deprivation, - ndti ; . dothing Y Australia; and Lessard in Canada ' to safeguard p arms, ammunition, food and cle We shall be glad to hear of any city self 'tends only tp enervate the mili- | squal that record of service. it tary spirit of a nation. The political | there 8 any room for doubt to latively . % > alitatively. * practical patriotism of its' citizens. | ®t"! ly there is none qualitatively. to live or dié for the state, a spirit of . 3 ae . : ! A » . . . - , . Genuine English Melton. Splendidly Tailored; Light, Medium and \ The (City Af, Quebec can claim n Dobell, Strenuois, trying days aré ahead ©of land unappalled. Wealth will form of | Lotbiniere in India; Johnston 1m disaster and defeal. but history tells us that wealth by il=;; the British Empire which can | Me A ' health of a people is reflected in fhe | Quebec having done" its bit quantit- nn S dal 0 S . eal Without true patriotism, a readiness | MINDS NOT ON WORK. § 7 2 . Dark Grey and Good Blacks. Sizes 35 to 44. little worth. MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE R. Bruce Owen 123 St. Peter St. TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE F, C. Hoy ... 1005 Traders Bank Bldg. UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: F.R.Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave. New York P.R.Northrup, 1610 Ass'n BME. "hicago s nabitrbes sos ifiohd iaiobbilos soeratetspiiel orn published of the tempt against a superior adversary. Endurance is element which goes a long way toward build-! ing up morale, for; ffacking that pow-|ing, why could there ngt he some er of continuing under pain, hard-| arrangement made to have. the . TR + . { schools open at 8 a.m. and cloge at re ship and distress without bein ver-| > : + ; I ut being over 3 pm. I feel quite certain that if | the pupils were approached on this matter they would all willingly Le at school on hour earlier. I refer more to the Collegiate Institute than to the public schools, as the students of the K.C.I. are more for skating than studying. In a}l probability | Sale of Men's Rubbers ried out with more interest and + earnestness than the past." @ y 1 VS | Province, is at present Paotechow, . wisi ; ; on the Hoang-Ho, west of Ningwufu, and the villages surrounding it. The : natives are dying by scores in the streets. Appeals for help are being| ; sent broadcast by the American doctors, recently sent into the pro- : 3 also' an We believe these to be the best overcoat values on the market. Lditor are agtual name Letters to the sonly over the writer, Attached is one of the qprinting offices in Canada, come, the long marches and exer- tions necéseary to securing a strategl- cal advantage or surprise (with its | patent moral results) cannet be ac- | complished, 2 And lastly must be deter-| minatiolf Commanders without that quality of mind which reaches defi- nite conclusions and 'persists in any- thing undertaken, cannot. expect to maintain that moral equilibrium which is even of greater importance than the spirit of their troops. best job The elrculation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authentlenfed by the ABC Autié Bureau of Circulations. HOME A SOURCE OF HAPPINESS. In 'Magistrate Farrell's Police Court yesterday a young woman, whe once claimed Harrowsmith as her home, was charged with theft. She testified that she did ot'live at home, as she could not get along with her there AA AAA AANA reese "Lenine has close shave," sfys a newspaper headline, Then he can't patronize the same barber we do, that's all. Dying From Pneumonia, Fengchen, Shansi Province, Chi- na, Jan, 18.--The hot-bed of the pneumonic-type plague prevalent here and in other parts of Shansi mother. 1t is only another of the many, many instances of the sorrowful mis- take that both children and parents often mpke--a mistake which ren- ders impossible that happiness for which we are all searching. The simple story teaches a on. \ PUBLIC OPINION Meeker Than Moses. (Albany, N.Y, Knickerbocker) They tell us the Sultan of Turkey The home, of all places in the}lS & modest man. With all those wives, it is no wonder he knows all world, ought to be the- source of{ghiut his shortcomings. truest happiness to parents and chil- i ------------ dren alike. It ought to be pervaded A London View. by an air of perfect confidence ané (Liondon Advertiser) There are now the two parties, understanding. Unionist and Liberal. It is not, as But it too often fails im its mission, some papers 'would make it appear . . and its members are driven out into} the Liberal party which has vanisl- Hundreds of tons of onions are! the world on a quest for what they ed, but the Conservative. apoiling in British Columbia for lack think is happiness. of a market. Makes one recall fond There is a volume of pathos in the memories of the good old days when 'simple statement of this young girl @teaks smothered in onions were ob- | that she wanted happiness but that 'tainable." she had to go away from home to get it. > There are meatless days and wheatless days, but when are we go- ing to get profitless days for the profiteers? hd AA A AAA ONAN NSININ never! Every shop and faftory has | its roll of honor prominently posted near the entrance, Each family its | "armchair" military expert. Every- | one watches that bit of ground in, | France measured in kilometers for | which the Canadians are desperately struggling. Vimy ridge is familiar An old trapper states that the last half of the winter will be mild. Let's hope the last half of his prediction may be true. do big 0 American Sees ¢ Canada at War _-Simonds Quits Tribune. a New York, Jan. 18.--Frank H. Simonds, of the editorial staff of the > . > .| to man: H iltonis New York Tribune, who since the EO GRAPHICALLY, Hamil-| y a Hamiltonian to whom outbreak of the war has gained a ton, Ont., is Zar from the, EE Tl Toa, wide reputation as a military critic, western front; geographi- | and the evening newspapers had has severed his connection with that cally it is near our border, black headlines reminiscent of Au- paper, a few miles from Buffilo, writes| gust, 1914. Expecting something Morgan G. Day in the Springfield Re- unusual, I bought a paper and read that the Canadian publican. . And ye oie west from Dadians 'had taken Hl Springfield brought me infinitely No. 70. Somewhere on the fifth page the news pf the Russian collapse nearer the war---almost three years nearer. And it is precisely because was announced, but what was the hill 70! Hamilton approximates 'the size " vince to investigate the plague con- ditions. . ~J ted < ! During last year 920 saloons in Chicago went out.of business. Inas- much as some 6,080 saloons remain, the people of the windy city will still 'be able to 'irrigate' occasionally. Save Coal Run your fires by the ther- mometer; many places are kept at a temperature of 75 or 80 de- grees when it has been proven that 68 degrees, with proper hum- idity, is un healthful temperature. Maintain a normal, even tem- perature in your home, store or building, by the use of our guar. . an teed é 'Tyco' ' Thermometers DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess Street. Phone 343. : : Jolin Bdward Prady, eldest son of the late Michael uirady and of Mrs, Brady, Brockville, died on Sunday] after a long illness, Of No Monetary Value. Albany, N.Y. Argus) And the only thing free now is Rippling Rymes NEW YEAR TROUBLES On New Year's day I made a pledge that I would smoke no morey next morning I began to hedge, and burned up stogids four. I used to smoke just now and then, before that pledge sublime; but now, while toil- ing in my den, I'm at it all the time. 1 have all kinds of weed, I wot, in boxes, cans and jars; I smoke a pipe until it's hot and then I try cigars. To all tobacco stores I've chased, and bought up smokers' tools; the old weed has a better taste when smoked against the] rules. All smokers sometimes tire of smoke, and pipes and nicotine; they say, "Poo long we've borne the yoke of habits punk, we ween. Tobacco is a frost and blight, from which all men should steer; it brings more trouble than delight; we'll cut it out right here." And scarcely have they made their vow, and placed it in a frame, before they think they'd give a cow to play So, with a furtive, guilty air, they light up the cheroot, and granny's moral hoot. --WALT MASON. entire eastern front compared with : They know what it means--these Springfield that it at once interested | Canadians! There is no longer that me when government orders sent me hysterical swine 2 the pendulum there. With a nls ack and ort rom high hopes to : population of 100,808 { gogpair. The, o longer coulit the people, noted for its manufacfuring!gain in miles td-day and the loss in enterprise, in the heart of an agri-' lives te*morrow. The time element cultural community peculiarly remin. (20 man can tell. Perseverence and iscent of the Connecticut valley, here thrift alone, tell the story. Such Is was a chance to see how Springfield the Sanadiah spirit. d } pringfie And on' my ref might appear should the war las y.Jeturn. to. Buifale, fo } bands and banners, in a word to war threo years. How is Hamilton stand- gmaionslisn, 1 Tound myself ask- First Impressiens 'were gloomy id £3 is the 1fue petriatism} enough. Pale uniforated cripples on \ crutches were the only young men on - | the streets, The comparative quiet! Though the case mentioned at a | of the latter shows how progressive--~kondon tribunal recently--of an old ness is halted when the essential 'Sojdier of 72 who has been severely 4 livély vigor of youth is removed, | ¥ unded and is waiting his discharge Older men seemed strained and ab- {from the English army--is remark- sent-minded. Buffalo had been be~ able, it is not unique. Probably the decked with flags. On my errand--a | oldest active service veteran of the mile's walk--I found only two flags, | War is. M. A. G. White of Halifax; and one was over the postofiice. . I| WhO Was discharged, aged 79, in No- again noticed lamed men and was in- vember, 1915, after having been in formed~ that besides the hospitals | the thick of the fighting for 96 days. |, there were four sanitariums for men | Last January a professor of Leip- 4 crazed by the war. Imagine four |3i8 University, Dr. Gregory spent 'such places in Springfield! Picture, his seventieth birthday in the Ger- also, a mothdr who had been told her | Man trenches, where he was employ- son had fallen in the trenches, find- © Sweeping dungeons, while only a ing him in a: visit to one of. these few weeks ago at Colchester a white sanitariums, a crazed unknown! haired man of 60, Robert Welham, At length I reached the factory arrived from France, sent away by now. managed by a survivor of the his colonel because he was too old. first Ypres. He had been lamed and | A lieutenant of 68---a Surrey mag-. his parents. left on the Lusitania to |\strate named Webster--was killed bring him home. Both were lost. I in the big push of July last year. told myself that it must be decidedly Last April the death occurred from 'dnpleasant for him to discuss the wounds received in action of Trooper war---and here was my surprise--my FitsHerbert, "New Zealand expedi- first acquaintance with the Canadian Honary force, aged 63. There is also war spirit, : the case of Private O'Rourke, King's They. dre all--with very few" ex- Liverpool Regiment, who returned coptions-- more than wiliing, to tel] from the trenches in September, you about it. Pro-Germah propagan-| 1918, at the age of 67, : da again miscaleulated when ft} ° sneeringly hinted that Sngland was placing Canadians in the front line, {Canadians brag of it as a tribute te their gallantry, If they are to bear the brunt of the battle for the de- fense of the empire, it is so much the more 10 be proud of. They arcenot content with emphasizing that, it was a man from Ontario who fired the first gun at the Somme, but must "point with pride" to a regiment re- The cutting down of many of the} -- trees on Kingston's streets will be a| COL. WATERSON'S WAR AIMS. healthy as well as a material gain. Col. Henry Waterson, of the Louis- Letting in the light on dark places | ville Courier-Journal, is almost the has 'ever and always a wholesome sole remaining type of the militant effect. journalist of a by-gone day. Like Dana, of the N8w YorksSun; Pulitzer, of the New York World; Bfown, of the Toronto Globe, and other out- standing figures, he was bigger than the paper he represented. The per- sonal note in journalism, which was sounded so clearly by these men, is alnfost a thing of the past, so com- plex and co-operative has become the publishing business. 'Yet Waterson's voice still carries the old-time chal- tenge and rings with the old vigor. minion owes much to this road In discussing the crushing of German which blazed the trail in the ently militarism, he tells his readers that days, and did so eh to unite its no power can safely treat with the (tattered suillomonts. Hun or his allies, and adds: "Nor is this all. The Stars and > | | THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN : _ By GENE BYRNES ; The iwecent reeord cold snap, coupled, with the shortage of. coal, fas made many converts to the use of electricity for auxiliary heating. What is our Utilities Commission doing .to reap a benefit from -this movement? Soldier at 79. tad OUR BLEND . of JAVA and MOCHA COFFEE IS STILL IN THE LEAD The quality the same as always, and no advance im price. Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990. The Grand Trunk, Canada's plon- Y gor railway, will this-yeaw celebrate its sixty-sixth anniversary. The Do- the old pipe game. and dodge the hausfrau's ice cold stare, Ths hens at the Dominion Ex- perimental Farm are working over- ~_... time to beat Germany, the Ottawa . Citizen assures us. It would have been more surprizing had the Citl- . gen brought this charge against the civil servants at Ottawa. From the. Brandenburg Gate to the Schloss, Under den Linden must bloom with the Allied flags of Eng- (land, France and the United States. A representative congress of Ger- 'man democrats must assemble in Ber- lin concurrent with a world peace 4 = congress to decide the fate of the vanquished: - Wilhelm, Tirpitz & Co. WHO ALWAYS WS to 'the scaffold; the lesser ones to} HAR TRIMMED WEEKLY. "These could easily be extended by exile; independent governments to : 4 - an ° educational campaign, which {De set up in Poland, Hungary and would result in greater revenues and | Bohemia; indemnity to Belgium and ' 4ncreased profits. : Serbia. Nothing short of these con- -- ee clusions will meet the end of justice." If all the Allies were endowed with a like conviction and a resolute de- i termination to carry out their belief it will fot be long before all the | to the bitter end, the world would mmers" will be women. Theujindeed be "made safe for demo- y will fill the smoking car and |ecracy." PSE i the stories, funny and other : . ' There remains much 'that the Utilities Commission might do to encourage citizens to make good use 'of the civic plant and its services. "LM FAMOUS vieLmisT WATCH YOUR * FURNACE. ECONOMIZE IN : COAL DO NOT THREE CHURCHES COMBINE. | And Another Will Hold Services in . Schoolhouse. 'Whitby, Jan. 18. --Mayor Harper, at a meeting of officials of tde Me-- thodist, Presbyterian and ~ Baptist ||} y churehes, for the purpose of con-|(} x serving coal for public purposes LI ¥ was successful in arranging that the THIS 1S A NUISANCE © New York dress manufacturers are putting on a good many women , travelling salesmen, and it.is said ---------- 2 ---- MILITARY SPIRIT. © and been exposed to many perils. railway men of Canada! During the past few weeks they have endured great hardships "Some of them have been killed. In the peaceful * performance of their duty. Yet, true to the traditions of calling~4hey did all that duty issues confront dhe 'ope is Tighting, the ie Allied armies {dently sntrusted to look or the irst of these essentials. Is Whatever may be the weapon of the day, war remains a vontest be- tween men, a contest in which every as muscle is tried to the utmost. For which character, education and op- portunity are dominant factors. It is the art, therefore, of the man who POSIesses originalité and resource, who dares, to take risks, who thinks deeply and thinks clearly, who, when dispositions with the readiness of a 0 * n Bs safe in ab so far as possible, has foreseen and quality of brain, heart, nerve as welll war is a highly intelectual art im} accident intervenes, is not thereby | cast down, but changes his plans and |. resolute 'and reflective mind whieh} = 'eruited near Hamilton, which requir- ed three times its number in six months to maintain the standard quota! em : Yd This veteran of the early treneh warfare, however, 'did testify to the cold-blooded brutality of it all, of { which we bave heard such pumber- less tales. Tbe universal } of re- spect for the dead struck bim as the mbst horrifying aspect. While talk- a shiper. "What's the use of E= ig to a dead man," was the only fn- terruption in {he conversation. Every with the grog was shot and the pla~ toon nearby had am oxtra share, No wonder some of them are more pesaimistice bid about it. But Fae Se a gt A ing to two comrades one was LR services, after next Sunday, will be 'held in the Presbyterian church, as well as the Sunday: schools. All Saints', Anglican, already hag de- cided to close the church for the bal- ance of the winter for the same pur Le to/save coal, holding the ser- in the schoolhouse. / PBéftain 4s partly resognizing the Bolgheviki Government, / CASTORIA TL iRaskALEERNERRRE Lo "WASTE CRAWFORD Foot of Queen St. Phone 9.