20TO SOR : Kingston's Reliable Fur House 149 to 157 Brock St. Achievement Through Your Windows and Arve drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to yom. Ripg 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Oat. Glasses. Ex~President Roosevelt was awkward and stapid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see ! as much as other boys, fe tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec eee ia}ist's advice. Consultation tree. A Friend in Need 'When the fire comes a reliable insurance policy is the friend in meed that protects the owner from loss, Registered Optometrist. 342 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE ; At the Golden Lion Grocery The best thing to have is FIRE INSURANCE it conts little to carry, but isa mighty comfortable thing to have. Examine our plans and get our rates. Learn what we give you and what it costs you. You'll he free from anxiety with ane of these policies as your best friend. HONEY Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... SRG J.S. R. MCCANN S6 Brock St. Phone 426 oy 621, Evaporated Apricots ... ... Sweet Cider ... ... W. R Mckea & 0 Golden Lion Grocery "os o A Spinto Ba of Children' S Covered withia fine quality sill, in very pretty shades of pink, pale blue, cream . | broidered by hand in a large number of dif. 1. ferent styles. Regular price $4.50, Sale 1S Asselstine D.0.S § Fancy Clover In one pound sections, 25 cents each. s+» 10e, 1234c; 18 Ib. | Without grounding. Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs tor 1 ase. | R or PROPER WHARF SITE INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES "AND ITEMS GENERAL INTEREST. \ DEEPER LOCATION IS NECES- OF 1 SARY, MARINE MEN SAY. | Board of Trade Public Wharf Questions==To Ask the Gov. ernment_ for the Old Bridge Tim- a i ber. od Happenings In the City and Vicinity - =What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Ring up 645 for all kinds unfer- Caing 1 mented wines. of Clarence W. Swain, piano tuner, 100 Clergy coated "at tue Street west. Orders left at McAu- yn a eld ley's, or phone § : from tn A new bungalbw « St) "lowned by Mrs. R, Walke evidence presented to the board sold to Noel Burnside by Capt, John Donnelly ar J. M. Gamje tne present plans Il undbube- be completely changed and =a new location Mayor Hughes f f the proposs Discusses \w i giree wrong, was aeeting ol Board oi on 'thursday night, and tue lin & Son. Two men were arrested Thur aight for being drunk. In wit on kFriguy morning they manded for a week. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We carry two expert turners and ol assure entire satis- i faction. C. Lindsay, Ltd. andl J PRR was arrested to-day De- ged with ceiling a_ bots of works and buy | Wwhiskey to a man Sho was in re lioe the bridge and wiin cotirt for being drunk whart at the foot of} Cheritf y Young ic Clarence seet, the not to ex Geddes, of Si, $30,000. The Kingston Cop-| &'1¥ on Eriday uetion company, , through Ald an JEivor hres George C. Wright, offgred the ston Low is the ti fill the cribwork. TXe mayot sai piano tuned. We carry two expert hat he anted members, of the tuners and will assure hL aL, ne an dedob Sa C. W. Lind Joard of Trade accompan) At the annual n | CIVIC delegation to Ottawa to } Kingston Industrial c {out if the material in the bridge] tion Friday afternoot Manager could be purchased at a reasonable Bushell reported (that there was a price The conference with thelgurplus of $1,327.45 { Minister .of Public 'Works was plan A. 'D. Barr and W. J. Thompson, ned for next Wednesday. Burridge, towuship of Bedford, at- | J. M, Campbell tended the Conservative convention would come held in the City Hall on Thursday $30,000 é fernoon, and remained in the city | until the following da We will rent you a "plano, and at end of six months if you fod lke purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- ehase price, and arrange easy terms {on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. William Cook, superintendent | th e Dominion Textile Company, has | been elected as the representative lof the separate school board on the Board of Education. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like bel selected 3{ presented ti story ot He outlined | the need of a public wharf, The gov- ernment was calling for tenders fur { the removal of the temporary cros ing over the Cataraqui river the city proposed to 80 to the partment Public | the material in | it erect a public re of and -Constable Thomas were ir with Gebrge years for theft, time to have your cost Lo faction to 1 find asked: 'hat re back [rom in a propositi the g of his kind?' lohn that mn Donnelly followed by sayin the proposed location fw: 1s not the place for wa whart All Pp | the water inside of martello tower is | too shallow and would have j out 150 yards to 20 further to gen into the ehten-foot channel which would be h considering. The Welland canal had a twenty-five-foot draft The coal vessels, ete., would be ua {able to use such w hart and therefore | it would be useless except for the | smaller craft e ten and twelve. | purchasing instrument we will al- | fogt-draft vessels which have been | jow the 6 months' rental on pur- | in/use in these waters have since the| chase price; and arrange easy terms | war been sent to the seaboard, an don balance, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. | marine men now know that they will] Ring up 645 for sweet cider. { be replaced the deeper-draft| Allen H. Blackaby, superintendent | boats. ' of agencies of the Oddfellows' Re- Mayor Hughes, lief Association, is seriously ill at | questions raised, stated that the) Teronto. Mr. Blackaby was ordered | citizens wanted a public wharf, The| south some time ago, but the eol- motor hoats from the island¢ was! lapse came before this could Qe ar- | one consideration The Wolfe Is-| ranged. {land people want it for their ferry| | steamer. Thé city would need it} | for itgelf at times, to prove~which he| cited the case of the schooner whieh, | two years ago, of i e } 3 ts | | by n answering tho The Quinine Thyt Does Not Affect Head. Because of its tonic and laxative brought municipal| effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine" can coal here and, owing to lack pf|be taken by anyone, without causing wharf facilities, had a heavy charge Bervousness or ringing in the head. | of demurrage against the city. [There is only one 'Bromo Quinine." Charles Livingston spoke {EW GROVE'S signature is ont box. | merchant who was affected by the} 30% i island trade. He said that the mayor) should be. congratulate' og his} stand, as a Important Notice. We strongly urge all intending pur Elmer Davis said that Kingston' §| chasers, who have not already taken position had been a matter of ad-| advantage of this it Clothing Sale, verse gomment. A public wharf, Mr. jade so, as it means dollars to you. Davis contended, would be available] The «Ki ck thing House, 347 King for the landing of a barge by a citi-| ng ton zen, and would take away the nance of that citizen being "held up" by| the present owners of the wharves. Capt. Donnelly replied that he wad not against the idea of a public] wharf. He. was against the plan tv Build one which would give accom- modation only to boats which drew less than nine feet of water, particu-! . larly when the city could get revenus| from @ proper structure, Ald. Wright said that the was being launched solely benefit of the city. If the water at. the wharf did not prove deep en-| ough the place could be dredged. { | Ci 'apt. Donnelly remarked that the 17 package freighters were the revenue! producers, aud they drew thirteen to founteen feet of water. At times they can barely get into Swift's whare! Latest Magazines. Green Book, American, Cosmopoli- tan, Ford. Owner, McCall's, Top Notch, People's. Illustrated World, McClire's, etel, at The College | Store. Open nights, plan for the; PRE-INVENTORY FUR SALE Of all odd Jackets, Muffs and Neck Pieces seconded by J. Loé¢kett, "that the president In LF Oliver Chown and C. Livingston ibe delegates from the Board of | Trade to join the civic delegation at | Ottawa in regard to the purchase ofl nl material for the public whanf, | i J. M. Campbell closed the discus-| i sion by saying: "You are absolutely | flinging your money away by bulild-| {ing such 4 wharf." i W. F. Nickle said that the loca-| tion of the wharf would be determin- ed later. In the meantime the'tim- ber could be secured. With this the discussion closed to the satisfaction of everyone, - . . J. Carson moved, " JOSWPH MORRIS CHOSEN As President of the Trades and La bor Council, At a meeting of the Trades and Labor Council, held on Thursday night, Joseph Morris, of the Tailors' Union, was elected president, suec- ceeding Brnest Cain, who ably pre- sided during the past year. The Council had a visit from E. N.| 'Compton, of the Department of ¥.a- bor at Ottawy, who delivered an ad- dress on matters of interest to trades unions. N We have marked down to quick' cleaving prices all odd coats, mufls or setts -- lines Grip Follows The § LAXATIVE BROMQ QUININE Tablets taken in time will Prevent Grip. 'BE. W. GROVE'S signatare on box. 30¢ St ! Held a Box Socal. t pleasant time was spent in the 503 hall last evening, when a box social was held under the auspices of the Daughters and Maids of £ng-{}l land = Benefit Society. 4 short if] musical programme was given before the boxes were aactioned off. A presentation was made to. Brother and. Sister Stephen. who were mar- i ried recently. Bringing Up Father. A limited supply of this Popular} Me Bogk received to-day ati Book Store Price R. Davison and Bert Talley, Pic-lll tan, are in Kingston on a d A ripe: ; Wisi THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 18, 1918. Ven Bringing Up Father, Special Price 25¢ Cosmopolitan, Book, Picture Play, Motion Picture, Book, Top Notch, Raijlroad"Man's man's Home Companion. We have been able to secure a limited. number of this popular book by Geo. McManus: 98 pages of clean humor. 'February Magazines Now On Sale. American, Ford Owner, McCall's Photoplay, Illustrated World, People's Wo- , Snappy, Blue McClures. Green The College Phone 919. Open Nights Book Store, Phone 319 =e od) S-A-V-I-N-G Br 48 Only Ladies' Skirts. Navy, black ard tweeds, broken sizes up to 28 waist band. Priced up to $5.50%ach. Satur- day snap, $2.95 Ladies' White Flannelette Gowns; all sizes, Special $1.00 up. Only a Dozen Ladies' Coats Left--T'weeds, and black. If you can wear up to size 38, a bargain awaits you, $10.00 and up. 100 yards of Pailette Silk -- Rich, lustrous black, 36 inches wide; guaranteed all pure silk. Wholesale price today, $1. 35. Book {| On the bargain counter Saturday $1.25. (Limit of 6 yards to each buver. ) Remnant Sale A table full of wool dress goods in lengths 2 to 6 yards. Every piece a bargain that cannot be duplicated. rid Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE B A At | goes BUILDERS SUPPLIES weg A WORTHY CAUSE. y Subscripi.ons Néeded For Needy | Portsmouth Family. The municipaiity of . Portsmouth | has suggested that the Whig receive | and acknowledge subscriptions for | the relief of Mr. and Mrs, Hearn, | who lost their home and all their} furniture by fire on Thursday night. | The Whig gladly assents to this. | James Halliday .. $5.00! British Whig .. 'P. MH. Richardson .. .. i... A Friend of the Seldiers .. .. Rey. J. O. and Mrs. Crisp . Df. J. W, Edwards .. . Louise Rebakah Lodge No, 10 8S. Hicks, Sydenham S. ..°.. No Name Fp W. F. Inman .. 0.6.8 .....: Little Gertrude .. A Friend .. From Two Friends .. .. LH N. Prof. D. H. Marshall G. Krause .. Mr. and Mrs, I. H Nolan EI Miss E. Pound . For Benefit of Hearn Family. From a Friend .. A Friend .. Miss J. Alder . Pte. H. Barnett. MB XK... Street ..'.. x Mrs. C..Porter .. .. .. ., Kenneth Smailridge . . Miss Mary E. M. Jucas axean To Power Users We have a large stock of Wood Split Pulleys, in assorted sizes. They can be bushed to "Ti large or small shafts, and can be put dn place or removed very quickly. 1's. ANGLIN & C0. Woudwarking alary y Lums Bay & bor arte. Streets, Kingston, Ont. y Office one Factory ne 413. t foes Lumber. Con! snd Weed ~oed ---- ~ NTN br. A. E Freeman. Inverary . Rodger Bartes, RR. 1, Kings- 10M. i. aaa David ail. William Pillar». ....- Mrs, Henry Wiskin . . 'Mrs. Jack Turner .. All the Way From California. We have Stang. Lemons, celery, caulifiowers, red beans, Gas in Dessrome has Desh ads vanced to $2 'per thousang fost v af AVORITE Week End ra 30c Lb. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE japiries ok pa RU SOR Ne ? . ~ igo The Harmonola The basic patents, which gave one or two talking machines a monopoly for years, expired some time ago. Since then numeraus machines of merit equal te the original makes have appeared at greatly reduced prices. Foremost among these is the HARMONOLA---completely Can- Adian, plays any type of record without extra applinnpes, wolid ' mahogany, full size eabinet and at two-thirds price of older types. Let us dé¢monstrate the Har. monola for you. PRB BBB Ot B73 Pn BB Smith Bros. Jewelers , p=---------- Qrders taken for HUDSON | SEAL COATS W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. Resting Is Orie. of the : Problems of the Day. Why not own your own home? We can sell you on easy terms: A semisdetached dwelling on Ordnance St, (near Park) with electric light, improvements, large yard, in Al condition, for $2300. A detached frame on Lower Bagot St, with 7 rooms, im- provements, Workshop and barn, for $2100, A new byick bungalow 'on i Quebec street with, Farnack; fi light, 'good cellar and yard, for $2230. See us for bargains, | E.W.Mullin & Son Cor: Johnson and Divisian Stim. Phones 538 1458, a R Na 14 T= Cea Stores 33 Yer 1 'S STOR - j-- pp-- pa Phage og gah a A SERVE YOU