a 12 Pages | Th ¢ : Dail 1 British ! Whig Page * ~ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1818 rill SEC OND. SECTION re -- Balance of Fit Reform 2 About Practising. the four winds and their traditions}there is perhaps a happy medium that i ' Just as it is the early bird which |lost. Thus, they are losing some of {ought to be followed. Naturally it : gets the worm, so it is the early, prac- their religious fervor. In plantation|depends upon the nature of the pro- ' y tiser who succeeds in music. A well- days they had what the Southerners|gramme. At a recent musical even- known American teacher, T. Fran- called 'spirituals," Naptiamg) revivals |ing there were ten numbers each of cis Crowley, declares that a student's and the like, at which the jubilee|which was encored. Both the an- : WwW 4 best work cannot be done at the end | Songs were the chief features. Now !nounced pieces and the encores were This eek Only of the day, 'or at night when the mind their services are changed. They!unguestionably . "popular," up until is tired. .The early morning is the! seem to have lest their interest and |item number 6 when a violinist play- (a yr Ei | time to do one's practising. Practice | the /nusic its emotional quality. You fed something mote substantial and a g 8 : i at night not only produces an infer-| 80 to the south.now aad where you, lady in the next row forward remark- | for quality, but more often absolutely | once heard a clear-voiced negro lead-led to her son "thank -foriune for 3 useless and even harmfu) results. _- ing his brothers in singing 'Didn't|that," a feeling that was shared by ! i Another teacher gives this hint for | my Lord deliver Daniel' as they toiled Ia large number in the audience. Again ts est ! the study of arpeggios and broken |on the levees or in the cotton fields,|at another affair given by some & . ; chords. "I make each pupil write! You will hear a rough-yoiced crowd | young amateur talent the songs. were ; out the chord. Ye learns thus how|shouting some vulgar 'coon-song' orf{all somewhat heavy, sung in slow : : . os . Judges , ! they are built, puts fn the correct) 'negro rag' that was never written by | measured time until, had it not been Not Many Left. Inspection Invited. fingering, and in a word gets 'a|# Negro, but by some simian-browed {for an.elocutionist putting some life clear idea of the forms. Then he|white man in New York or Chicago. }into things with a screamingly funny : 7 Those best able w» "learns true muscular adustments and | And this crude white man neVer knew | reading, the whole audience would : . : ol 4 hit sensations. With such a course, I do|anything about the genuine Southern {have been wearied even unto snooz- judge of the merits of * not se¢ why the music student should i 23 he kuows le the Smgtier ing. All of these soloists were appar- . 3 i 4 play for hours arpeggios and scales)@nd patier of the Broadway darkey, {ently of a like mind with the bud- a: plano are those who i i all rigid a5 a paling fence, any more 2nd the fact that 'moon,' 'poon' and|ding fiction story writer who is said have possessed and ] Bl ; : than a writer should say the a-b-c's|'coon' will rhyme. It is too bad. It{to always have the romance end in a for an hour a day after he has once Is pernicious. They use--these songs, | suicide. T * learned them both mentally and phy-|ditties, I mean, i the London music] At the average programm'e the aud- ailors y alte t Tike .anse | halls, and the British public think|ience represent 11 sorts and condi- . ! cars and have sically It looks like good sense.j*® jence represents all sorts & ¢ = y - person i Too much routine is spirit killing. them genuine negro melodies. They |tions of men. Therefore the pro- Princess and Bagot Streets. all ut. it to every test. rian are even translated into French and |grammeé should be as varied as pos- : we y : the French le bel d 5 j ht tf 'a hi i | Comic Music in Reign of George IIL |" e Xrench people belleys an accept | sible. This is just a thought for If, at er a lifetime of steady use, a person can say "You know it\so fortunate that them as negro songs. What wonder- | young folks who have occasion to ar- aa that they know of no piano that they would prefer i" musical composers have recently ful songs the Hebrews must have had | ragge programmes and who might be . : . | turned some of their attention on|!n their days of bondage. It is a|teinpted to think that their audiences , . " to their own, then that plano must indeed be a mate for comic songs because good |Breat pity the music was not preserv init respond to the same class of used one for many " Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed good one. There are thousands of owners of the comic songs and monologues furnish|ed as well as the Phalms." "Pherg|mdsic yifat they'fhamselves would. ; 7 fine' recreation after a hard day's| Was no Compromise about Mr. Cole- Xr , J ¢ ' TG work. Until recent years music was|ridge-Taylor. He was not afrald to Curing Nerves. ) Bien Jolie Brassiere. 3 ': rlways heavy." This was the state- denounce the men who have degrad- In a western city a soldier's wife | : iti i Bob mp Ry pe pd YE ps Be Pint man n ment overheard at a popular concert ed public taste and libelled a race|was much distressed because her lit- the bust hack wiiere, It 'bee * not long since. Knowing the refer-|by their offensive and tiresome ex-{tle boy was continually fretting for 2) EN ones, prevent the full bust from ! ence to thé vale of light music to|Ploitation" of syncopated time andl his Daddy. He was naturally of a HU 0 having the appearance of flab- - ii ARNE . (BEAN JO LE: ines, eliminate the danger of : Grand or be right and the statement that it|Mawkish jingles. nervous temperament andthe bur- ) BRASS S ragging muscice and confine the Art-Hiann Hpriaht was a somewhat recent invention to sel" den of the war was upon him to such fa iu Hire tot} : flesh of the shoulder giving. a ' a ¥ \ f 4 8 . y . 5 he wrong, the writer resolved to 5 A Favorite. J an extent that he lost all interestdn 8 AR iy a. aT: atin telat: h h h th h had lit i heir bh Hook up a reference book to see really No less than twelye® editions of |his playmates and his play. There : 3 eo ET atalr and sylec: diy ey vi who, t oug they have had it in their homes for |when the periodical human craving Dvorak's Humoresque are well| was grave fear that he would fret} i ER Front. Sufplice, Bandenu, ete. Boned ith Walohn,™ the 1 i i . .g oh rnin" C$ S, @ imaelf into 7 api { AER Pi, i rustless boning--permitting washing without removal many years, prefer it to all others. . lor light music began to be catered Fawn in the Music Maps. and the mmgels ute 3 "Serious flinesh, for ae E i HR Have your Aeak'¥ show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- The Heintzman Piano is built for a lifetime. Its An interesting piece of enlighten- all seasons. ' All mankind loves it.|dinary appeals to reason never touch- A ay A : : : ment was unearthed in Pratt's His-|It 1s said that this piece has made thejed him. "Divert his interest," said| & -- tone 1s permanent and does not deteriorate with tory of music. That authority is re- Bohemian. composer better knownlthe Doctor. "Give him some special CE age. It is an investment for a lifetime with big sponsible for the statement that atter | than any of his other works, no mat-| pleasure." Fortunately the mother 3 . . . the accession of George III to thefter in what form. Probably he ex-|was in comfortable circumstances, dividends of enjoyment and satisfaction assured. throme of England There was a not-|Dected more from' his New World |but travel was out of the question. ' . * able outburst of secular music there, | Symphony or from his Stabat Mater.}[t was winter time and there were : ) 'taking the form of light operas, part-| But the public which pays its money older children. In a moment of in- B u T T E RR C. Ww LINDSAY ' LIMITED songs, glees and separate songs Of sls takes its choice of all imagina: | gpiration/ she thought of a phono- : {ballads called "catches." The au-|tive work. There are musicians who|graph and had it brought' to the . . . 9 thor of this history continues "Comic |5a¥ that Humoresque is hackneyed." cost cut Ze half ' Th WE house on the boy's November birth- . song-plays or comedies with inciden- ey mean only that they have heard | day. Immediately the laddie began . ~121 Princess St. Ee gs were exceedingly popular|it more often than usual. The criti-|to take notice. Soon he was out of ~N by using more nt y nna |in London, having a vogue like the cism is not directed against the form | bed and learning to operate the ma- r-- analogous forms in France and Ger-|of the piece, or against its rhythm| chine himself. From that day his -< many. These plays stimulated thejand melodic charms it is assuredly|health improved. He did net forget writing of detached songs, but being|Good Music which thie people have|his Daddy, but he had mhch to 'tell , o ® 9 @ ] mostly undertaken by writers not|discovered, and loved, even as they him in the weekly letters that left g broadly trainBd in composition and have discovered and loved Padere-|for overseas. "Tell him I am playing E surrounded by an afmosphere not ar-) Wsky's Minuet and a certain Prelude|'Keep the Home Fires Burning.' i : : tistically musical, had little intrinsic|by Rachmaninoff. Tell him we have 'The Old Kit Bag.'" value or beneficial influence. Good music needs only to be heard | Thus it went. The boy recovgred his a Fab] s a ' NEW SCALE "Phe development of the glee orto be appreciated. The men and wo-lappetite and the mother's ansety was I At presént prices it pays to eat Eadorsed by Great Musie- unaccompanied part-song however,|Mmell who have found the greatest[relieved. ARDISRI less butter and more Crown Syrup. fans, | ¢ was Characteristic and brilliant, |Pleasure in the player plano and the| it is probable that the burden 'of 4 q- fo 2, 5. i0.a0d 20 ad tins Choose a piano for your somewhat recalling the madrigal per- phonograph. are those who have the war is on the adults as it is on § ark arts Seal" Quart Tors home {hat posscases A pur- jod of a century and a half before {8rasped at the opportunity these in-|ine children, but self-command pre- pu ; Sa us and Slehuess 91 Yous, § Writing of this sort attracted many yeutions aftord for fearing the work { vents it from interfering with the| | I , Write for free Cook Book. Yuigk, responsive - actiem, church musicians, who brought to it}©° € Dest composers. ore and| gaily round. Still the phessure is 7 and a perfection of touch disciplined talent and often deli~ate|more the gospel of good music oy none the less. If the phono- ; THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED, I ne pnb and original sentiment. Some of these spreads. . Keener than ever beforefgraph can relieve the nerves of a. - ~ MONTREAL, hi 'Many of the worlds mont were producess of admirable solofls the critical ear. child, surely it does no less for the eBivted municinny shoose songs." ) a adult. Indeed the great thing about a. tary. re A Among the able church ehmposers} Hapny Medinm Between Exteem@® | music is its power to Tereile and fact which speaks elo- given as writers of song plays and} The Hast eh our that ever lived revive a flagging interest In 6. Te ra hot operas was Samuel. Arnold who began | could not Boge Boy with Uncle] There is no music more delightful for go to make up an instre- as composer at Convent Garden writ-| Apijah yelling in one 'ear to go faster | the home, than the songs of the great ment suitable to the mont ing in all over forty works mostlyland Aunt Arethusa howling in the ]artists as carefully recorded for this old on easy terms bye -. || comic. ' Another composer of. that| other to go slower. These words or | new wonder of invention. In the 3 day was Charles Dibdin, a choirboy.| something like them appeared under}trenches the man who ean play aj 3 . ¥ He composed" about seventy workslan illustration in a magazine article|mouth-organ or even a humble tin > a apart from his thirsty musical mono-land set one thinking. A man who whistle has laid the foundation of his | « reene ; USIC 0 logugd, which contained most of hi$| had to do with the preparation of a|popularity. If music if a necessity of . . i . famous sea songs. musical programme said some of |the battle-front, it is none the less a . " Cor. Sydenham & Princess Sts., Kingston Negra Magli oor wanted "some go to it|are in the urban and praipie homes - es eee a re ere maid) Harvey B. Gaul has been writing a} from start to finish" while others in- of this great and heroic nation. wm | Little Journey to ¥he home of the|sisted on sticking to the classical. H-- : late Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, the As in most other questions where Many self-made men are hot air Li English colored man who "made a}the two extreme views are held, products. The Telgmann School high reputation by his iriology on 2 Hiawatha. He quotes the composer Arar ~p of Music. as follows: "The negro now lives so] wpe 5 R. 0 ffi * ; y i h that he i Piano, violin and other stringed ii rite. or Tiller King Honors CP. icial their committee wanted everything on | necessity in the reserve lines-- which instruments; Elocution and Dra-|in the days of slavery. Then! the . matic Art. Fall pupils may|negrees lived their own lives to- IR Arthur H. begin at any date. Terms on ap- |getier. Now they are scattered to Harris, who plication. : hzs' been / made a Knight | : 216 Frontenac Street. NINE BOILS © 1 Commander of the Brith os} 2 : . ; Phone 1610. -|Kept Coming on Neck ite or Bl vr ee | "Your Beauty Ladies"! One After tl Other| Overseas . & oo Ke "Ladies your beauty depends on the toilet : : port, a i preparations that adorn your dressing table-- a . a ; - 4 choose them carefully. Buy the soap that is pure-- ne who has ever suffered from] | port, Dev- boda i the Scents that are natural in their _fragrance--the bolls, knows how si jonshire, Englan ri : thi ther make you teel. ok and Sjssratie es ; : Creams and Powders that ate soothing. When you think you are about cur- Hea 'of one, another seems ready tof Stoke Oraminar : rs 2 | and purgst of The She uste VINOLIA ws best ering the ser 'wites of the Gramd Trunk ind ris- is made from sweet (oi vegetable Gils--and the. delightful essences of sweet flowersdcgathered fresh and fragrant from Vinolia Liril Soap is white before adding the perfume--but the Violet Essence changes the colour 0 a natural brawny : Transport. ¥ oe All Drugsists sell Vinslia Livil Soap 10¢ a cake . e Compavy's rall] He is a member of St. James' Club. . THESE WILL PLEASE YOU : : tho. ur ih Ho ifeal; Rideau ha, Stiawaj and Royal Visolia Tooth Paste 25e. outbreak of War, the! the Mon yal Golf . : "Be 2 : of the Canadian Pacific| In 188% he married a anugiter ot H" Roya ing eas Cream 25¢ and up. Mr. Harris' services to the he Sate William B. Lambe, B.C : inolia Face wider §0c and up. La tb VINOLIA COMPANY LIMITED Losdon | 'TORONTO Paris peal i North