Mahood's Drug Store, Also at the best druggist Warm, comfortable * gonable rates. A sients, L « $ HERPICIDE Applications at the better barber shops SHEHIIIEIIIL IVI ISIRINT 1% Told In J FROM HEADACHES MAKES LIFE MJSER ARLE. Twilight S60 S400000 S450405400 0S (Notice----Hereafter, the Whig, In common with other papers, all er Canada, wiii make a charge oO ble for 'Inserting an engagement, mar riage or reception announcement.) . . * ! i Heddaches seems tb be habitual | with many people. Sorpe are seldom, | if éver, free from it, ;suffering con-| tinually with the dull throbbings, | the intense pain, sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, on every bottle, Kingston. in all On-. | (Continued from page 3.) { Walentine and then over the whole head, varying in its severity by. the cause which brings it on. See # The varieties of headache most common are sick or bilious headache, nervous headache, headache from Miss Beth Small fs in Ottawa the | constipation, debility or indigestion guest of Miss Hazel and Miss Doris and periodical and spasmodie head- | Brown for a few days. ache, , and undoubtedly the ecause| Miss Marjorie Williams, who has' must be oved before permanent i heen visiting Miss Gabrielle Chev-' relief cj had. ° i rier, Ottawa, has returned home. Burdo: slood Bitters, "that "| Miss Phylils Knight, University avenue, entertatned informatlly at fhe tea hour on Monday afternoon. - * - The Torouto Globe says: Mrs.| been on the market for over 40 Schuyler, daughter fof}years, removes the cause of the head- Justice: B, M. Britton, may. come on} ache, and not only does this but also from New York towards the end of restores the entire system (0 healthy the week to see her sister, Mrs. Philiplection and buoyant vigor. Gilbert, and it is just possible that{ ~ {ss Emily Smith, 204 Bellwoods she may decide to go to France, in| Ave.; Toronto, Ont. writes: "1 ean- response to repeated callp for help not speak too highly of Burdock with the work of the American Wo- Blood Bitters. For two years 1 was men's' Association there. greatly troubled with violent head- . a. aches, particularly in the morning. Mrs. J. D. Reid, Ottawa, will leave| 1 tried everything to cure me until this week to spend a short time Inia friend rec ommended B.B.B. I tried New York. : Lit, and now I am completely cured." | Col. Perreau, of the Royal Military Manufactured by The T. Milburn | College, has gone to Ottawa for ai Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. brief stay. Miss Sara Gill, late principal of Sydenham school is leaving for Ar- Aington, Mass., to visit her brother,!., (nose leaders of the universities Rev. Frederic Gill, | who, before the enrolment of the England's Intellectuals. A word should bé said in reference Montreal. rooms, ref~ home for tran. Uptown 5346. 242 Mountain St. Tel, idea tonic * . For baldness that is chronie Is manifestly quite absurd. But when your is falling in quantities a ting. There's hope int word, Guarantead by The Herpicide Co, Mrs. Charles McDonnough Wood- ' p 4 u i ' { country's manhood had emptied the tock, Is the guest of Mrs. A. Pil Cieges: took their; stand, like the Christmas, agot treet. - enemy professors, ip the line of in- tellectual defense. In one respect we may take a certain pride in our who have been spending 8 few days academic representatives. On the the guests of Mrs. E. T. Steacy, King T- : o whole they have come out of the street, are returning to Halifax t0- ordeal better tham, say, the bishops morrow. : y ; "ee and the editors. At all events, when Misd Kidd, Burritt's Rapids, is the we compare their general tone with Eueat St Dep brother, Major T. Ash- that of their German COmDers, we " oe : ¢ feel that the judgment of the court a LF, Meredith King can hardly be in doubt, There was yon y PEM revealed, however, & difference of join ner husband, Lieut. J. F. Mere- ...otor and sympathy between the i h CG v t Union tW° old universities of England. The , Wp Catbiniels in alont: historians and classicists of Oxford real. pent. ' discovered an unsuspected facility in Miss 1. tne Shortt has returned pamphleteering, and very nearly to a | ee to ae her studies Man they were engaged from the be- at Queen's University, «& * ginning in stating and defending the . a | purposes of the Allies. On the other Capt. a Mrs. William Steacy, HAS NO TER- §. RORS FOR THE ER WHO You may have been looking for a change in your pancake flour... We have it. Teco self» rising pancake flour. Somply delicious when served with méa- ple syrup and a cup of our steel cous coffee. 9 Baker's Grocery Phone 1016. Princess and Frontenac Sts. | Miss Muriel Maunsell, only | of Brig.-General andwMrs. cit , | hand, the mathematicians and meta- i dye de Lo physicians of Cambridge furnished past week of Mr. and Mrs. Qéorge intellectual leadership 'or the inor- Laplante Pembroke Ti Ry against 'the war policy. Oxford, Do Edith Rees Gananoque, has | from Gilbert Murray to L. P. Jacks, left for Toronta, and will enter the is orthodox and confident about the Conservatory of Music. ; | British 'case and the only tolerable Miss Gent urn hag been in 'end of the war; while Cambridge, emptied like all other universities of © 1 Totante St er Jay from, he rod . ifs youth, bas in Bertrand Russell the i 2 Devon- | most uncompromising of non-resist- = Te Duke and Ducbist SF Wash- ers, in Lowes Dickinson' the most phil- ington, accompaniad by Sir Ceell osophical and persuasive advocate of Spring , who will be their guest peace without victory, 'and in the for a shokt time. Lady Spring-Rice conductors of "The Cambridge Maga- is expected to come to Ottawa later. | gine' the most resoluté band of 5 4 8 demic internationalists. The rea- The engagement is announced of sons for the contrast between the two daughter ancient seats of learning mig \Maunsell, | be hard to divine, but perhaps we Ottawa, to F. Gait, Winni-| may pe content to recall that long peg. The marriage will take place aso Kant remarked upon the ten: on January 16th, .| deney of scientific studies toward in tellectnal remoteness from the pas- slon of contemporary affairs." -------------- Canadian Inventor Appreciated. The British press, and not least the medical Journals, are speaking in warm appreciation of the Quain . 2 ozone apparatus invented by Mr. J R. Quain, formerly of Ottawa, who 18 IS BILIOUS now. resident in London. In nis } sarlier days Mr. Quain Was manager / of the Ottawa Telephone Company A ATED and founder of the Ottawa Athletie' . Snes Association. His apparatus is now being employed in the military hos- If mot, we earry : grade, along with a full stock of choice groceries, at Look, Mother! If Tongue is Coated pitals after a long testing in which Give "California Syrup of Figs." its value has been amply demon- | x : strated. The latest instalment of its use is at the Ontario Hospital at Orpington .nd the Canadian, Hospi- tal at Cliveden, Major rge Stoker, C.M.G.. RAMC., of Queen Alexan~ "Hvery mother realizes, after giving her children 'California Syrup of Pigs, that this is their ideal laxa- tive, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the i AAAS $°| those of cavities and sinuses in the dra's Hospital at Millbank, writes as | tender little stomach, liver and bow- follows in the Lanest concerning the | els without griping. , ication: When cross, irritable, feverish or "The cases were for the most part breath is bad, stomach: sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, 'femur and tibia, It is the experience give a teaspoonful of this harmless of those who have seen a great deal of war surgery that sueh cases ob- stinately resist treatment and are apt to remain unhealed for months and all the foul, 'consti bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again, When its little years. The trea t consists of the application of ae to the affected , - This ozoniser. p system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indiges- ; ¥ ber, a "in- | side cleansing' should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep *'Califor- nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a si w. Ask your drug- ck child tomorro gist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs,' which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grownsups printed on the Jbottle, Be- wate of. counterfeits sold here, 80 don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California pany." stimulant and deter- increased Sow of blood to gr (2): 1t is a ger- i destroys all hb chy (3) As the} fp oH = a "fruit laxative," and in a few hours | 5: WEDS BRITISH ARMY OFFICER IN PARIS bi Miss Marion Barbara Cavstai the Comte and Cointesse Maurice of the late Jabez A. Bostwick 5 _ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1918. and of Mrs. --Snwetnt Puotographs No X. B. Service rs, stepdaughter and daughter of de Perigny and granddaughter Bostwick, of New York, was married in the British Embassy Church at Pais recently to Lieutenant John de Pret; First tenant de Pret is the stepson Life Guards, British army. Lieu and son of Colonel John Fowle and ..! Mrs. Fowle and a'grandson of the Compte de Pret and of Baronne de Caters. ¥ 4 OORT ner Bary &Practical Home Dress -Lerrons by Pictorial Review. Making i 3 id { Speciawy Prepared for this Newspaper | | | Picturesque Frc 7314 A removable front and dack sec- tion which ives an apron effect sup- plies a novel touch to this dregsy little frock. It is fashioned of challis, trimmed with either lace or braid. ee a--as------------ ep wim ta Three things that are necessary to make a froex for a girl all "that it should be: it must be simple, stylish and picturesque. Little designs that look rather like separate waists with skirt joined under wide belts are nu- merous among the advance models. A removable front and back is fea- tured on this dress of dark red chal 1is. It is tucked at the shoulders and closés at the center-back: The sleeves and apron tsimming may be out- lined with braid. or lacé dyed to match the challis. Medium size re- quires 5 yards 3é-inch material, with 7 yards of braid or lace for the trimming. There is a lining which Is very simple to make, then comes the waist. Close underarm and shoulder seams as notched. Turn hem iu back at notches. Large "0" perforations indicate centerback. = Gather lower. pictorial Werlew Dress No. 1916. 81 Ever notice' how a small boy de Fig Syrup Com- lights in standing under a big safe that is being hoisted to the top story of a building. : : nw ror Girls the Seasons Rule. edge between "T" range on lining, ter-backs and even. : Close the 'sleeve seam as notched, underface lower edge, sew armhole as notched, small "o" perforations; center-fronts, corresponding ar- can: edges per sleeve in. | toration' at shoulder seam, easing in | any fulness Take the skirt next, and close back | seam from large "0" perforation to lower edge and finish edges aliove the perforation for closing. Tarn hem at lower edge on small "eo" perforations. Gather at upper edge between wp perforations and sew to lower edge of waist, centerfronts and centerbacks "aven, small "o" perforation at top of skirt at ander-arm seam. > Before attempting any arrange: ment of the .removable front and back, stiteh 'the trimming about the edges. Then form tucks in front and back, creasing on slot perfora- tions and stitch 14 inch from folded dges. Close shoulder seam as noteh- ed. -Slash through the fold at center- back, from neck edge to single large "0" perforation and finish the slash. ed edges for closing. Turn hems' at side and lower edges of front and" back on small "o" perforations; gath- er at waistline along double "oo" perforations. Adjust removable front and back to position on dress match- ing shoulder seams and neck edges; draw gathers and tack . over lower edge of waist with side edges over the single large "O" perforations In lining front and back. The girdle comes last. Form tucks, creasing on slot perforations and gather 13; inch from folded edges; gather the left end between "T" per- forations and draw gathers to de sired size. Adjust girdle to position on dress, center-fronts and center backs eve:; bring upper edge of gir- dle to single small "o" perforation in removable back. Large "0" perfora: tion 'in: girdle indicate center-front and small "o". perforatioms, cenrers back. Close girdle on left side. Ges. 8 to 14 years. Price, 15. cents. When a man refuses to argue with a woman she considers it is a sort of acknowledgment of her mental su- periority. | i . Y | i Color'zss or Pale Faces taiyjofevs 'Liver Requires occasional slight stimuistion. - * ARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. A a satis be Wook Carter's Iron Fills Te ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Charm Tea IN PACKAGES. . Black, Green and Mixed. 'Packed in Kingston, by ------------------------ Ey rn | In time of need n upon t conditions which cause head- ziness, languor, nausea and constipation, At is so safe, so sure and ¢ speedy as Dag tpt i EE Be t : | GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. toning and stre: women have found them the system, and for regu- lating the stomach, liver and bowels. These famous pills are entirely vegetable and contain no harmful or habit-forming & i with entire confidence for they cause no unpleasant after-effects, and will not fail you ph Per Lapcashire, England. America. In boxes, 25 cents. ------------ It marks a big step in a man's develop- ment when he comes to realize that other men can be called in to help him do a better job than he could do alone. We believe we can help you get better results from your advertising. JOB DEPARTMENT BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING Phone 292. Specializers on Pivect by Mail CO., Ltd. Literature. s A oman's + Yroblem How to Fed Well During Middle "Life Told by Three Women Who period of a invites | remember rene RY