Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1918, p. 7

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" we -------- BANK or TORONTO Head Office, Toronto, Canada. Capital .. ..., Reserved Funds i. .. $5,000,000 .. .. $6,555,000 THRIFT FOR CHILDREN % WN Give your son and daughter a lesson in thrift by opening for them a savings account in The lar intervals. I ? than the dollars it costs you. ' Savings accounts for small or 1 this Bank. se Fhe Bank of Toronto. The Thrift Habit, acquired by the children, will be worth Help them add to it at regu- arge sums invited at all branches of George B. McKay, Manager. RRR EEN EE ERE ERNE CORA REN LAME FOR SALE Frame House, Stone Foundation, Four Bed Rooms, Room, Summer and Winter Kitchen, B. and C. rear, on Johnson street, near Albert street, Parlor, Dining Lot 25 x 110 ft. to lane at $300 cash, balance lke rent. Apply to J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. ARE YOU SUFFERING From a weak run-down condi tion, enused by continued coughs, colds or. bronchitis? advise the use of Wampole's Prepara- tion of Cod Liver Oil It's & good general tonic and lung tissue builder. Lerge bot- ties $1.00, We would Post Ofiice. Branch > » Ontario, | Kingston 179 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers dagly: funeral designs und wedding bouquets to order, Out of town orders given special attention. AAA A AAA, a SWIFT'S Oleomargarine Brookfield Butter, Cotosuet, Lard, Premium Hams and Bacon, Bologna, Headcheese and Sausages, can be had fresh t : ' Friendship's 210 Division §t. Phone 543 { Carpenter and Builder | W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fromts and. Fit. tags. Remode ling Buildings of al} "1 BXPERIBNOR ESTIMATES Address 272 Umiversity Ave. reteset We have just received, our new goods for your Cake Puddin, New Raisins, Choice Oranges and Grapes, Mixed Candies and Chocolates and Nuts, E.H: BAKER Cor Montreal and Charles Sts. NOW THEN WAGSTAFFE'S PLUM PUDDINGS At All Grocers. FOR SALE 233 meres, 50 miles from Winnipeg, six miles from smart town; close to school; station and elevator adjoining farm; soll loamy; unimproved. Easy terms to quick buyer, or trade for elty property. G. A. Bateman, 07 Clarence street. ~ Cape Vincent - Annual Dance Wednesday, Jan. 16th A Large Number from Kingston r Expected. KINGSTON CoveredRink and O.H.A, JUNIOR. Kingston vs. Queen's Wednesday, Jan. 16th. Admission 30¢ £6 any part of the house. Game Called SAS pon. F.J. JOHNSON "The Leading Florist Designs, Wedding Bouquets oral and Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders lied prompeiy, Phone 230, 115 Brock stree ' otice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Samuel Charles, Inte of Wolfe Island. in the County of Froutenae, Farmer, DOTICE ds hereby given, purswant to vised 8 ites of Ontando, 1914, Chap, i21, (Sec. that all - erfeditors and others having eolaims against the es- tate of Samuel Chartes, who died ar about the twentieth day: of Nove ember, 1917, are required to deliver or sent by post prepaid, on or before the fifteenth day of February, 1918, to the undersigned their names and addresses and a full description of all claims and 'the nadure of the securities (if any) held by them, such claims to ™e duly venified. - y And further take motice tat immedi- ately after she fifteenth day of Febru- ary, 1818, the undersigned will proceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only for the claifhg of which he shall troduced dts Quebec Legisia Thitrsd then have recetved notice. And the said undersigned shall not be lable to any Jerson of hase atm notice shall rot have been re p vy him prior fo the said fifteenth hy of February, 1615.1 Dated at Kingston, this fifteenth; day of January, AD. "1918, ap GRAN | i { | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUA NTT OP HOUSE | At 2.30 PM. . CONTINUOUS L130P.M Daily Performance Polite Vaudeville A Five Reel Metro Wonderplay Emily Stevens in First 918. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES insertion, 1¢ 8 word. Each con secutive Insertion thereafter, halt. t ord. Minimum charge for _ -- tmaertion: 25c; three ingpertions, one 0c; ata $1; one month, $2. Alias Mrs. Jassop The Pathe News, Comedy and Other HELP WANTED Features. Matinee COMPETENT ply Geo STENOGRAPHER, AP. A. McGowan & Co. Evening 10c; Any Seat 10c Reserved, bc Extra A COOK GENERAL. APPLY IN THE evening to 18 Wellington street, Thuss. Jan. 17 ONE NIGHT ONLY The Comedy New York Laughed at for 490 Performances, smn 0 GOOD cliarge A COOK WANTED, STEADY MEN TO of stores. & Son, Lid. TAKE Apply 'A. Davis a PLAIN COOKING. Apply matron, Home for the Aged, 62 GOOD MAID, Ww stands Verdun, Montreal street. v ONE WHO ing on ~table, Brock St. UNDER. Apply LRT EE THE A Smart Show for Smart People. "The funniest comedy New York has seen in years."-N.Y. Times. As appetizing as a cherry in a cock- tail. A laugh with every tick of the clock. ing, at A WOMAN TO DO A FAMILY WASH. her own house. Apply to 70 Barrte street, or Phone 368 for appointment, EXPERIE ren. Wages. Hngwolod 'street --- ED NURSE Good Mrs. Hicks, 44 Col. Telephone 1694. Apply The show Toronto Newspapers en-|! dorsed so strongly. Prices, 25¢, 30¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50. ANOTY PE onee, Perma SRATOR WANTED AT it position, Twenty- five a week and overtime for good man py -- He Hui Transportation Brandon, Man, Provided. Seats Now on Sale. Two Nights Commencing Boys and Girls at Oberndorf- Jder's Cigar Factory, Ontario St. Friday, Jan.18th Matinee Saturday, Children 25c. - F. Stuart-Whyte Presents The English Pantomime WHY NOT" LET THE READERS OF this paper do business with you? Your advertisement in these pages would give them the opportunity to 0 80. wri AGENTS For particulars, phone or 0. te British Whig Pub. Ci WANTED. With a Company oS. Including all the favorites of "Alla- din" and a score more. Prices, 25¢, 50¢, 73¢ and $1. Sat. Mat. 25, 35, 50, 75c¢. Seats on Sale Wednesday. Griffin'S The Home of Paramount and g Artcraft Pictures. Mon., Tues., Wed. Wm. S. Hart In His Wonder Plictyre The Cold Deck Also a Fox Feature The Painted Madonna "And Our Great Serial, The Fighting Trail COMING--Thurs., Fri., Sat, The Lone Wolf A Real Sensation. "The Theatre With the Organ" Mon., Tues. and, Wed. Double Feature Bill Clara Kimball Young "The Dark Silence" er \yne, in "The Adopted Son" COMEDY REELS = Matinee 15c¢. Evening 25¢ CARRIED 300-POUND . PATIENT DOWN LADDER |: Gallant Work of Dr. Devlin, - Graduate Queen's Unver= Oharles O'Neill, Irish Nationalist member of Parlan Armagh, died on bridge. He was sixty- Motion for ; of from Confederation likely to be in- on Ry. He p Alaska produced minerals a $41, 50.500 mn 1917; accor Carry. jpounds down three feat ent for South sity at Fire. ing a patient weighing 300] storéys was the Dev- velous perience Linscott WANTED; MEN TO INTRODUCE MAN. household discovery. Ex- unnecessary. Big money. Company, Brantford, Ont FOR CHILD- References required, WANTED GENERAY, WANTED TO RENT A FARM NOT TO exceed 150 acres. Apply to AM irish, RR. No. 3, Harrowsmith, Ont. tr ------ FURNISHED FLAT OR ROOMS FOR Hght house-keeping. Address HW, Brivish Whig. 5 LARGE. RIDING stating price may be seen Office. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafanolas C. Lind- Say, Limited, 121 Princess street. SADDLE, wanted and ro Box «132, APPLY where Whig BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR bicycles to Geo, Muller, 373 Kin street. to be cleaned and stored for winter; aiso skates hollow ground and sharpened. Phone 1032, 3 TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario san Sanhect wim 2 good side line applying to Box & offce. st wy I riot con- faentiar ¥ WANTED-OLD don't matter to $15 per past and reeeivé mail. pr, Terl, Baltimore, Md. TEETH} FALSE kK pay $2 if b en 1 Send by parcel check by return 403 N. Wolte St, RENT, DWELLING HOUSE, NOT less than eight rooms. Must con- tain all modern improvements, Pos. session immediate In reply state rent and street locdtion. 1L.R.G.D., care Wihig. . WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have everything in the second-hand line for sale. 8, Shapiro, 46 Prin- cess street. Phone 1337. INTENDING PURCH ASERS OF TYPE. writers will learn of something greatly ito their advantage by first consulting me Apply in the first instance ito Box H.C, care Whig office, T+ a---------------------------------- MANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST started with a little ad this size. The cost is so little and the re- sults so big. We will Saaiy give You full rticulars. all at the office or drop us a postal today. British Whig Publishing Co. EITHER FURNISHED HOUSE on housekeeping apartments furnished of four or five rooms" ar -éftting room with two: bedrooms for officer and wife. Best references. Reply to Box 10, R.CH. A, RETA Moss, Fete du' Pont Barradks, or Hint 1688, ary & Practical | Jtomé Dress Making Specially Prepon Cement with satin Jrock with -derrons by Pictorial Review. The Tiesd Toward Fitted Effcets. gray cashmere trimmed i ured to fashion this high waist and, plaited skirt, The chemisette is of cream or gandy. The tendency taward fitted offsets is displayed in- this highiwaisted of cement gray cashmere. A shawl collar of black satin ast Bok d for this Newspaper ww with notches and center-backs even. The small "0" perforations in the chemigeite indicate the centerback. Close back seam, face and sew to 'neck edge,-center-backs even and un- derneath front along small "go" per- forations. Button in front and roll collar and chemisette as illustrated. To make the sleeve, sew lap un derneath slashed edge a notched; turn over on outside on Jars' 'O" perforations and. fell remaining edge over seam; stitch upper and free ed- ges to position. Lap to smal] "o" perforations and finish for closing. Close seam of sleeve as notched. Face cuff and sew to lower edge of sleeve "notches even; bring small "0" perfaration inc to seam of sleeve. Sew sleeve in armhole as notched, with smal} "0" perforation at shoul- LCTION GUIDE 2407 FOOT ' 3 Fa v wd 0 der seam Sing in any fulness be: tween notches. Hold the slesve to- ward you when basting it in armhple, Skirt--8lash to the lef: of cen'er front along 'small "oo" per- forations and finish for : Form plaits creasing on lines of slot. perforations, bring the folded edge nearest center-back to the centar. back. and bring the remaining folded: edges nd E i i iH "A rollin: dust. Honk accomulvies no lf - FOUND A RUBBER ON ALBERT ST. Owner may have same by ap-.. plying at 414 Albent St. PART OF WATCH FOB, WITH Amethyst setting, outside cov. ered mink. Owmer may have same by calling at Whig Office. A LADY'S LEATHER MITTEN, Dec. 17th, 1917, with fur around wrist Owner may have same by calling at 821 Princess Street. 1 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. f TISED FREE. : Anyone finding anything sod SHaning to reach the owner 'do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column frea of charge. "Found articles" does not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, etc. These, | fost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column, RED SPANIEL PUP, SATURDAY. Finder please notify owner, at 299 Earl street, STRAYED. "FOR SALE. EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Cos® . Once, 25¢; three times $06; one week, $1.00 A SECOND HAND AUTOS BOUGHT AND sold. Apply ito Bert Stansbury, 18% Raglan Road. Phone 759. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA N| TEN selections, your own choice) $30.68. . Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. C. W Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. ALSO OFFICER'S UNIFORM, SIZE. 39; pair of Strathcona boots, size Ti: both finiform and boots 4n excellent conditdon. Apply Box Lig Whig Office, SOLID BRICK HOUSE, NEW; ALL IM. provements, including stationary wash tubs, gas and electric light hot water heating; also hen house; cheap for quick sale. Apply 213 Division street. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers ody, sometimes use a little e this. LARGE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and 'dining 'chairs, buffets, china cabinets, good beds, springs apd mattresses We buy all kinds 'of second hand furniture, J. Thompson, 33% Princess street, Phone 1600, also ONTO SOUTH HALF OF LOT 3, IN 3rd Con. of township of Olen, on Jan, 5th, 1918, two biack and white vearling steers, Owner can have some by proving roperty and pay. ing expenses. Willard A. Cronk, R.R. No, 1, Parham, Ont. T0 LET OFFICE WITH ALL CONVENIENCES, G. A, Bateman, 67 Clarence street. OFFICES IN CLARENCE SY. CHAM. - bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency, §3 Brock St. Phones 326 or 621. TWO LARGE WELL HEATED, BLEC- trically lighted bedrooms op beds= room and sitting room; centrally lo. cated Apply Box Li12, Whig Office, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 tv Queen street. Phone 536; res. 989. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from ang ofe thinking vf using classified" advertising. Write or Phone us &hout i, e may be able 'to Helpryou. British Whig Pub, Co. By = - UNFURNISHED ROOMS (2) ELECTRIC light; hot and cold water, on bath room floor: about three minutes' from car Wine; reasonable to good respectable party, Address Box 121, care Wihig. - PERSONAL RETURNED SOLDIER DESIRES LADY Intend in city. Apply Box 115 Whig C oe. MARRY AT ONCE -- IF LONELY) Write me! and I will send you hun- dreds of descriptions: . congenial Beople, worth $1,000 to $350,000; Seeking marriage: (Confidential). Ralph Hyde, San Francisco, Cal. HAIR, MOLES: WARTS/BIRTHMARKS 8nd all growths and a blem. y, with. nce. Dr. 68 removed r J. Eye, Ear, Nos 'hroat and Bpeclalist, 3 t street. ent! rie! ~. FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. aca or drop a card. 22 John ", DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, 2 pr-- £1,006-FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, CENTRAL sSoocation. 3 $1,400--RRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, SLA0--FRAME, TWO TO CHOOSR from; one with stable. $LYO----SEVERAL BRICKS; ¢ ROOMS, improvements: $2,000--FRAME; 7 ments. $3,500--BRICK ; dern, 'ROOMS; IMPROVE. 10 ROOMS; ALL MO. $4.500--BRIOK; ALL MODERN; GAR. age; 3 to choose from, $5,000--~BRICK; 13 ROOMS; MODERN improvements. $5,500--BRICK; 8 ROOMS; ALL MO. J dern. 5 VERY Low PRICED to quick buyers on easy G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence. SEVERAL houses terms, FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment BSoeclety; Incorporated 1863; resident, lonel H. R. Smi ENG. vice-president, W, F. Nie kie, K.C. oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur- ; imvestment » for osits received in- allowed. . Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St, Kingston. UIVERFOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE "Fire Insurance ompany. assets J51LI37218 In addition 22 which the oyholders have security the un} mited Mability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. . Before renewi old or giving new business rates from St & B Agents. Phone 3 BUSINESS CHANCES STONS WARNING DON'S INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finan and on w fortunes Are mi n Freé trial submseri ful ce, §08 oa : DR. REEVE ' Nerve 8 t Years of experience enables me to treat difficult cases success fully. «Call, or state case by let ter. 18 Carlton Street, Toronto. dard soot RT abuts, lol or or win Address 203 Alfred street. - LEGAL ~ B. OUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER And solicitor. Law oMoe, 79 Olarence street, » ARCHITECT DENTAL E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, DDS, Offles, 258 Princess br Phone DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 638. A -------------------- et ---- SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. & BON, ARC EUTS, MER. chants Ban)" Bator Brock and Wellington 5%. an tists, 159 Wellington Atrect, Q. C, Dewar, esslstant, Phone 346. D.B., WANTED HELPERS, HANDY ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS. HIGHEST WAGES PAID. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM. - | NOT ICE--1 have mov- d to 281 Princess ted ee eit WF

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