Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1918, p. 11

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THE COUNTRYSIDE TUESDAY, JAN Supply in the village is | about exhausted. "Born on Saturday, | January Hth. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter « Mills, a danpghter, : TAMWORTH. Jan.-9.---Rev. Mr. Reid of Syden- ham willpreach in the Methodist church Sunday evening next. The Sunday school entertainment of Christ church was held Wednesday evening in the village hall. = Paul Wayhill has mysteriously disappear- ed. Stanley Clitherow is visiting in the east, William Hunter of Mani- toulin Island is visiting his mother, brother and sister. Mr. Vanluven, | Kingston, visited friends here over! | Sunday last. Ovef twenty are em- ployed at the knitting mill and new hands are coming every day. The management expect to have 100 hands by spring. Mrs. John Johnson is on the sick list. on SHIP CAPTURED? 0.A.C., Guelph, have returned to city. Miss Margaret Carly Jas charge of the Ripley scheol: Miss { Belle Morris, Ottawa, is home for 'the holiday season. Mrs. Driscoll" and Miss Discoll are guests at C. J. Pennock's. Mr. and Mrs. Connell, Eganville, are guests at EF. Hallu- day's. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam MeGuire a daughter. The ice is being harvested for the coming | season, . Dr. Hamilton anid wile, | Westport, were recent guests at P. J. Fahey's. Ains Bros., Forfar, are opening a general store. in the shop vacated by B. Kelsey. Frontenac SUNBURY. Jan. 11.--On election day the j front men carried off the laurels. The new council meets on Monday. The two local factories, Cold Springs and Sunbury, shipped the last of the season's cheese on Wednesday. There were some one hundred and fifty boxes in all. Sawing machines are making good time cutfing firewood in this locality, Harry Shannon purchased from Dudley Shannon the {old Craig propérty. Joseph Me- | Grath's second son John, who nas been very ill of pneumonia is con- valescent, + Missing Three Months Said to be in Tl Enemy's Hands, Toklo, Jan. 15.-- The officer of a Duteh merchantman arriving at Na- Sasaki reported that the steamer Hitachi Maru, missing for three months, was captured by the enemy en route io Delago Bay from Col ombo, and converted into a cruiser, The passengers, he asserted, were all taken prisoner. The Japanes 'Admiralty. does not believe the report, although the loss of the ship has been known. I7)s COUGHS. COLDS BRONCH FS. All Dealers & ove 3 5 9 74 Jogo . JUNETOWN » Jan. 9.----Robert Mulvaugh return- ed on Satutay from a visit with friends in New York State. Mrs. A. E. Summers and Master Albert Sum- mers, of Mallorytown, and Miss Lula Warren, Lansdowne, were recent visitors at John A. Herbison's. Mr. and Mrg. Herbtre Chant and child- ren, Of Herbtre, Sask., are guests of Mrs. J. D. Bigbord., Miss Lily Morris, | Athens, was a visitor at Robert For- tune's one day last week, Norris Fer- guson and J. Nunn, spent Monday last in Lansdowne. Miss Gertrude Scott has 'been engaged to teach Poole's Resort School for the coming year. Capt. John Guild, of Kingston, was visiting at Eli Tennant's. Mrs. John Summers and children; and . Miss Ethel Neil, of Ottawa, were guests of Mrs. John A. Herbison. Misses Evelyn and Kathleen Earl, Warbur- ton, spent part of last week with their grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Purvis. "William Tennant of | Neidpath, Sask., who is here visiting | his sister, Mrs. Jacob Warren; spent the week-end with friends in Broock- ville. Born, to Rev. and Mrs Wil SWITZERVILLE, Jan. H.--The Red Cross meeting was held at J. H. Craig's. Besides pe€Rind goods for the Red Cross. a large glantity was packed for the Halifax sufferers. Mrs. A. Miller is spending the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Mitchell, of Michigan. Jorn to Mr. and Mrs, Earl Craig, a son. Miss L. Woodcock and Roy spent a few days in Tamworth, C. M. Spafford is taking a few weeks' course at Guelph Agricultural Col- lege. A few from here went to Cam- den" East to hear LeRoy Kenny, the For camedian Mrs. M. F. Wilson at. tended the funeral of the late Frank Young at Marlbank, Mrs. E. Craig LIFE s visiting at J. Wales!, Napanee. J T ie iE Yorily pi ll ACCIDENT spent a day. last week at A. Parrott's, FIRE Charles McKim ,of this place, and Miss Bessie Paul, of Newburgh, were INSURANCE. J. B. COOKE married during the festive season. 7 332 King Street. Mrs. Switzer, of Desmond, is visiting Phone 5038. Renldence S842, For Women's Ailments : FE A sa {abla regulating medic . i in_ three Fa 8 NE. 83 per bot o ; No. Sold all dag ¥ on _ecolpt ad pamphlet. A THE COOK MEDICINE C6 TORONTO. ON". (Farmarty Windesp' 3 Dr. Martel's Female Pills have been ordered by physiciansand sold by reliable Druggists everywhere for over a quarter of a century, don't accept a substitute. TARIO WHITE _FISH AND TROUT ll Al Kinds of Fresh Fish. MYER'S CAVE, Jan, 10,--The recnt snowstorm has left the roads in a bad condition. The council was elected by acclama- tion: Charles MacGregor, reeve; reorge Head, B. Hawley, A. Meeks and W.' Cuddy, councillors. S. Scott and Miss Vanmier were ' week-end vigitors at Hillcrest. Miss Mary Meeks is at T. D. Perry's. School has started with Miss N. Keegan at the helm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac- Gregor spent Sunday evening at Joseph Perry's. Percy Kitig' was af Sunny Side Sunday afternoon. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Delyea, a son. " » COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Wood's The Great Tones sad invigorates Bervite stein, makes new "ZEALAND, Jan. 8. ~The Armstrong bros, are sawing wood at Charles 'Whitaker's. The patrons of Zealand cheese fac: tory are to hold a meeting on Thurs- day in the factory. The ice is good | an Sitar, Wake Jor Sriving. Ralph lian Purvis, a daughter (Margaret short time, has been. called Lo Ottawa | 2lizabeth), on January 3rd. Born, to don the khaki. Miss Myra Gid-' 0 Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, a dings, visiting her brother at Silver | Taughter, on January 7th. Miss Lake side, has returned to Ottawa. |Joy¢e Foley, Lansdowne, is nurse in The Misses Mabel and Jessie Garrett | Attendance at Rev. William Purvis', at A_ Parrott's. Mrs. Pennell is with her daughter. Mrs. C. H. Amey. Percy Shorey ,df "Hamilton, spent the holidays at his home. Mrs. A. Par- rott had the misfortune to burn her arm very badly Miss Etta Lewis, Peterboro, and M. Lewis, Brock- ville, spent the holidays their ome, NI, in at Fine for Taffy and Fudge. iy Sold in 2, 5, 10, 20 Ib. tins and Perfect Canosa Bl Seal Quart Jars. VILLAGE OF CATARAQUL -- Presentation to J. M. Cooke by Sun- EL & Write for free Cook Book, LIMITED, MONTREAL, 17 A Little Better Than the Rest You may have been looking for. a change in your pancake flour. Wé have it. Teco self- rising pancake flour. Somply delicious when served with ma- ple syrup and a cup of our steel cut coffee, Baker's Grocery Phone 1016. i Princess and Frontenac Sts. The Telgmann School of Music. Plano, violin and other stringed instruments; 'Elocution and Dra- matic Art. Fall begin at any date. plication, 216 Frontenac Street. e 1610, Have Your Car Over- hauled and Stored for the Winter AT THE 'Central Garage, Ki asad a ED, WALSH ~ . Proprietor. pupils may Terms on ap- ~ and Evelyn McCharles, after spending | their holidays at home, have returned to Toronto. Visitors: Mme, Thomas Garrett, R. G. Garrett, and Herbert Bouck, at J. A, Conboy's. Archibald Gray was elected Reeve and S, Bourk. J. Thomson, R. McVeigh, H. Sargent: councillors. OROSS LAKE Jan. 9.--The farmers this vicinity are hauling cordwood and pulp wood to the station. John A. Newton was elected a councillor by & fine majority. John Parker, a much respected resident of this place, passed peacefully td® rest on the 3rd inst. The remains were placéd in the Arden cemetery, De- ceased leaves a widow and two daughters, Some of the boys from , arownd here are being called to the | colors. If they are as good at Ger- | man-hunting as they are at fox-hunt- ing there will be something doing when'they get in the trenches as there are some fine shots leaving this place for Kingston. '. Miss Gertie Newton has returned home from Calabogie, suffering with blood-poi- soning in her hand. Mrs. M. Eaton of Belleville, visited her brother, John Arney of Dead Creek last week, Mr. Arney had not seen his sister in twenty years. Mrs. C. Brooker of Kaladar is at Fred Loyst's, Dead through | 'bush. The people of this vieinity are Harry Franklin and Master Taylor Franklin spent Wednesday@n Brock ville : CHAFFEY'S LOCK. Jan, 8.--Many people have not sufficient eoal on hand, and are un- able to procure it. Even wood is hard to get. Laborers canmot be had in this section to get it out of 1he getting in their. ice, as it is an abun- dant harvest. The annual' school meeting was held, and the new teach- er is William Kerrush. Miss Lillian Fleming entertained a party of her young relatives and friends on Wednesday last. The evening was Spent in games and dancing. Miss Richardson entertained a number of young people on Tuesday last at skating. After skating a dainty re- past, was served. James Richardson, Dean Starr and Miss Agnes Brown, Kingston, are visitors of Miss Rich- ardson, "Fettercairn." John and E. J. Foster, Watrous, Sask., are visit- ing at W. H. Fleming's. Harry Fleming has resumed his course at Queen's University, Kingsgon. The school at 8.8. No, 4 has reopened with A. Dillon, Morton, as-teacher. The attendance is not large, as con- tagious diseases are prevalent in this section; Mrs. William Riley is con- val g after a severe attack of quingl, Many of the young people cont: ate having a good time at the party to be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening next. Mr. King, Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting at Philfp Brady's. Francis Regan has' returned fo Kingston after spending t ing the winter with Mrs. parents in Victoria, B.C. Mrs. John Ward spent the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. S. Knight, Sunny- side, Queen street church, Kingston, on Sunday evening. fred Baker and som, Cohn, have re- day School. Cataragui, Jan. 8--The public school has re-opened with Miss Segs- worth, Hartington, back teacher, tion foreman here. ed in Ernesttown. gone to Kingston to spend a short time Knight is staying 'with his son, Dr, A. Knfght, in Rochester, N.Y. J. Wise, who spent New Year's here with her parents, has returned Cloyne. spent Christmas with Corpl. J. Rowe, in Kingston. Master Arthur Smith week to school at Pert Hope. again as Erwin Hunter is now sec- He formerly liv- John Berry has with relatives. Archibald Mrs. to W. Rowe their son, Mr. and Mrs. is returning this P. T, Ward and family are spend- Ward's Rev, E, R. Kelly preached in Mr. and Mrs. Al- urned home after spending Christ- Miss 'On New Year's eve James Cooke was presented with a beautiful chair by the Sunday school hers in recog- nitnon of his services as superintend- ent, : STOLEN AUTO FOUND. Farmer Who Bought It Stopped Pay- rent on Cheque, the holidays at home. ed ptt Creek, Se ------------ 1 Leeds MORTON Jan. 8.--Born on Dee. 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. J. White, a daughter. Miss Lennox and Addington Amy Coon has returned to her school at Lyn after spending the holidays with her parents. Miss May Wiitse has returned to her school at Athérby after spending a couple of weeks with her father B, Wiltse, Miss Estella Sly has returned home after spending a few days with friends at ones Falls, Miss Hazel Wiltse spent aturday with friends in Ganan- ogue. Miss Bertha Wiltse spent a few days with friends in Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sly and. daughter 'Bay church. Frederick friends in Argyle, Hagerman, . BATH. cJan. 10.--Rev. Mr. McQuarrie 1§ visiting Lindsay. near Rev, 'Mr. Seymour is con- ducting special services in Parrott's Mr. and Mrs. J: B. Howell were ig the accident on the G.T. Railway at Collins Bay on Mon- day night, but escaped injury. Mrs. who under- | wefit an operation in Kingston Gene- rdl Hospital! is improving nicely. x spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Tye, Seeley's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. O. Jones, Chantry, spent. a couple of days last week in 'the vil- lage. S40 nt. There were }. running for the reéveship, J. P, Barker and J. Moul- ton. Barker polled 176 votes and Moulton only 6. Mrs. John Gal- lagher, Harrowsmith, has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. A, Gallagher, J. P. Ripley has a gang of men' get- ting out ice for Mr. Ogden's cottage, Mrs. Lyons, Lyn, who has been visi ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W, H. Holto reby i, rned 'home. Mrs. C. Siy is Visiting * her daughter in Brockville. = Frederick © Thomson friends in the village. W. Murphy, Smith's Falls, were in the village pn, Monday * fhe_ week-end ' visiting | {Chase Dead Creek, Jam. 9.--Constable John Hayes, of Arden, has' located ihe Ford car that was stolén from Torontd recently" at' Dead. Creek, where the driver, a young man of a nearby village; sold it to a well- known farmer for ome hundred dol- lars, payable by cheque. The farm- er smelled something ° wrong and Siopped payment of the cheque at the bank in less than two hours from the time he gave it. There are a couple of warrants out for the ar- rest of the thief,.but he has made good his escape for a while. ? Farmers Organize to Co-operate. Napanee, Jan. 12--A meeting of representative farmers of the county was held on Jan. 5th for the purpose of organizing the Richmond Farm. ers' Co-operative Association, Limit. ed, About seventy-five farmers were present and the following ~ farmers were elected directors: H. C. W. Mil- ler, M. N. Empey, Ernesttown; R. D. Martin, J. N.Rose, Richmond; George 5. Chambers, E. H. Sills, North Fred- ericksbury; Thomas Gould, Adolphns- {town At the conclusion elected their officers: : President--G. 8. Chambers. Vice: President--M. N. Empéy. Secretary-Treasurer--FE. H. Sills. Ekecutive--G. S. Chambers, M. vy. E. H. Sills. : Manager--S. S. S. McKim. Auditors--G., B. Curran, Clarence Spafford. is the directors N I on Mon- deilce of her son, Earnest Watts, El- gin. The funeral was held on - nesday, Jas. | County Council for 10:8. . Picton Jan. 12.--~The following gen- tegen will compose the Princ wc " e ancl for 1918: Ti x t, Hory, A hase, W. illiam, Fox. H. Clapp, bhon, Pete Collier 0. W ani ey. ] are divided mas with Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cairns, at Hamilton. Maud Harpell, Toronto,. is. visiting at her home here. W bie 'Elgin, Jan: 8.--The death of-Mrs. ; 4 John Watts, sr., occurred , Dee. 30th, 1917, at. the resi-- ¢ Ed- RE , JW. What | The gum nearly everybody likes more than any . other chewing . gum is Adams Black Jack. A -

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