- THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, , JANUARY 11,1918. & PAGE FIVE HA J - ice a COMMENTS 3 A SOLDIER : oS Po on n ™ s' not. pre HAD SUCCESSFUL SEASON a a) Ea WINTER GOODS! - : . H (C Merriman | pet-- hikes ft would be wh for the aki se fox CONDITIONS AT THE COVER- management to get in line with the € INADA $i AMSHIP LINES HAND- I. ED RINK ON MONDAY NIGHT other places of amustment in the LED A BIG BUSINESS Sucecssor i rre-- uw | 11.1 fm------ J A. Bo d Men struggled for Admittance While' one nn { Great Activity of Munition and Other y Luties Were Made to Wait----Num- ~ Industrial Plants Had Market Ef- Dealer in | - ber of Returned Soldiers Had to . : : | fect on Freight Traffic -- Curried . | Pay. War Tax. "T° ; " y \ Three Million "Dollars of Ore. t * A returned soldier points ut that > The Canatla Steamship Lines had a great and good work is x done!" B : a very successful season, both on by the Vo ational Branch of the Mili- ht 5 \ the Upper Lakes and on the St. - . 5 tary Hos "pitals Commission in the re-| E Lawrence waterway. The great ac- MEATS, FLOUR, GRAIN | education and training of the return- / tivity of the munition and othed in- Hay and Straw, Choice Stock of ed soldier. An equally great and > [Qustrial plants, 'and ht trade, had OE mn m wm = = wm = - . 3 . Our Stock of Moccasins, Snowshoes, Overshoes, i 0 . . v > Christmas Groceries and Vege- surely as goof work could be dbne i eX demands of the expdrt trade, had i ergaiters, Leggings, Hockey Boots, 1s the tables, by a similar institution for the pur- 1 a particularly marked effect on the Phone 847. ~% pose of training some of the young] | i I | treight trafic of the Upper Lakes, Ww . men, and some of the older ones is 45 4 and kept the whole of the company's mo 611 Princess Street Fwel, in the art of being gentlemen. § ; - § | fleet working to capacity throughout | He referred to those who, by their} ¥ i if | the season, conduct Monday evening, while be-j ¥ 0 J The ships of the company handled ing admitted to the hockey match, 4 2 / appraximately. 3 3,000,000 fons of ore, made it quite apparent that thefr \ ko ; y 2,500,000 tong of coal, and nearly = gentlemanly instingts would bear a 'E / 40,000,000 bushels of grain. All these : great deal of gultivation and develop- ro 4 figures show a considerable increase wm : HURRAH ment. It is- not in accordance with a over tie best previous year in the his- the ethics of chivalry to see men y 3 Che - tory of the company. The Problem. Solved. struggling violently to gain an en- - | 4 # A feature of the season was the E ratice to a place of public amuse- RA 3 great demand for shipping for the Reduce the High ment, while ladies in the immediate Jt I ALL 1s ocean, every vessel that could be se- Cost of Living. vicinity wait to be admitted... Such Wiho is slated for the lency offcured capable of ocean service being i was the condition of affairs which the Canadian { uly for 1% : pressed into that work. The com- By Buylug Fresh Fish "We -All prevailed at the entrance to the cov- any, did its share in helping to pro- Kinds at UNFPED GROCERY, 1385 § le y p Princess Street. J |ered rink Monday night, Evidently | os SEC IR ) D vide "ships for such service, i | the rule of 'ladies firat" has no Just what the company's ships are ENEEEEEEENEREREEEERSRERERRERRNNRRRRRE TENDER HALIBLY HADDOCK yor | SAL Moy Con place in the code of those already doing in the ocean trade cannot, for HERRING mentioned. Some returned and par-| DISTRESS OF CESSE LS IN THE| obvious reasons, be disclosed. It i . x . SHRIMPS ticularly: disabled 8 aps aL Sig Ay pur *l mig » intimate eve Established 1854 ADDI FILLETS ticularly disabled solders in thei jog HAS BEEN RELIEVED, |DEht De intimated, however, that ~~ KIPPERBD HERRING waiting queue were indiscrimipftely the company's interests are being ma- largest and most complete in the city. TALL AT RIGHT PRICES" ------. Abeinethy' s Shoe Store 5 pret in jostled and pushed about. People in x axsiol. Tha \ . al terially benefited. I Delivery to All Paris of the City. this city er do well to rvs, hy Un Visa be That Commanded, At the same time, owing to the Bu . 'the same respect and deference to! + -- I Fa n keto Bsplarer) maturing of plans made some time | Marti 10 er ear - United Grocery. wounded men, so notic eable in coun- | . 0 Le ut of Salyer. ago, the company was able actually Beu foe & Co. | trie 3 other than our own. arm ei Ather Helped Situation.|to increase its carrying capacity by}; I HS Princess St. Phone 267 | "A number of returned men were : According to the latest reports re:| putting new vessels into commission, In Our Honorable Furniture and Under- ceived in the city, the sailors on the|and acquiring others by purchase {made to pay the war taxson te hows tes amers caught in the ice in the St Although there has 'been a great Furs I d taking Career. iwrence river have been secured| shortage of labor in every occupa- ~ 1 t As Age Advances the Liver Requires food. x tion, the company was fortunate not Satisfie customers who years ago Four vessels it will be remembered | only in securing competent men toll '| have bought their furniture here, when occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE which we re_on their way to the coast.| ai) the ships, but also good crews, LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION, got caught' in the ice on, December san (ho whole season was singularly starting house, i in turn have sent their child- . Genulpe 6th, ; wire. ante na taps ahi : ER Se The nevis of the sailors having se- 100, Of accidents 4s for 43 the Sore N WwW ren to buy and receive the same satisfac- ' oom ri Bi cuted food comes from Cape Chatte. 3 IN a dent snes i i Color'ass or Pale Faces wmaltinfists the sbacace of roe fn be blood: Cater's fron Pills | | Two of the steamers reported a| concerned oO '| tion that they themselves have had. saortage of food and fresh water. -- a ---------- aa] T CO change to warmer weather pack- 0 IMPROVE THE ROADS This year with our enoimous stock and ed the ice and enabled the crews to abnormally low prices, insures another get into contact with the shore, « here provisions were secured. i . ALLENB RY'S F DS [here Doms eT re way | PANGS CURVE ON MII DLE] At ghe recent large sales of twelve months' success. from Quebec and were caught in the y WILL BE ELIMINATED Raw Furs, the prices have ad- . Xie lice, oy ong onmanded by iy / vanced. materially On practically Sixty years reputation is our guarantee. Bernier; the moted Arctic explorer,| Front Road, from Portsmouth to Red- all furs, and this méans that all ' ALL SIZES has so far £0 | out of the river. don's Cornegs will Be Completed furs for next season will be ad- Reid 8 High Quality and Reid Low Prices. : ' ¢) > : | --Section Gangs Coming. vaneed in price, SARGENT'S DRUG STORE | : Even when the: roads are fall of Take advantage of our press A JAMES REID . : ; ; ® gnow drifts and wheel traffic is prac- nt low loos hid Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. 2 ik: tically impossible\A. M. Bankin, M Prices, : | The Leading Undertaker with Motor : : ; >, P., does not let up his enthusiasm : Phone 41. 5 5 whi in the good roads cause. Hé is now Hearse and Ambulance. re NN planning what will be done this grear AAA tA nN by the Suburban Road .Commissi , nN y b 8" land the Provincial authorities. ed Nhic hi Child { . With reference to the York and the . Gananoque roads, (Mr. Rankin be- jf p Ios lieves that arrangements are now be-| "lw ing made for the proper maintenance | ° trucks will convey the men and ma- terials to keep the roads in shape. Ag soon as possible the rebuilding of . There's a 'closer relationship be- these roads will commence. tween feed, poultry and dollars than wi § | - The Suburban Road Commission you may suspect. Right feed means J. J. STEWART, OPT. D| |i contin he vork stared uct FRESH babar birde guicket turns and od g > 8 > iP oF s year on the Front Road, from Ports- poi BhiGHT SPECI i PUSITE POST UFPFICLS 4 mouth to Redden's Corners. This * CHOCOLATES: ' gn. your poulify, lt uj Jupelr pou = will be. rebiiilt afid surfaced to make | advi asking A scene from "Wihich One Shall T{it a permanent piece of work. The JU or ARRIVED ad a 41s fren lot the { Marry," fhe comedy at the Grand on ding and drainage system has > . ' Saturday, Jan. 12th, bargain: matinee Era B & } 7 V t and n been completed. = > 'W. F. McBROOM 0 E R C OA 5 ere There are several roads to receive NuHSOoN'S . : 4244 Princess Street. - CAMERON (something new) d attention this year. The cross road BEAUMONT. Large Stock to Choose From. Colds Settle: = {from Redden's Corners to the Bath -On the Ki d road Win be improved by the oilmina- . \ Fase RR i e Nl neys tion of a particularly dangerous part, Also a supply of "Saturday . ree ees, near the opeek bridge. THE advice Special" at 30c a pound, * B , $1 5 to 28 Howe fhe Backaches, Rheumatic of expert none oo have looked - A Little tter . WANTED Pains and Lumbago--Relicf Comes | gver the road will he followed. § y Than the Rest When the Action of the Kidneys 5 fp vg ; 4 \ ' ; Is Aroused. There are several other places to rouse You may have been looking 500 New Customers : JOHN TWEDDELL > be attended to, including the "8 for a change in your pancake . . i nviite ] 1 ; rv n the Middle road near Lhe flour. We . peo selfs Civil & Military Tallon, 131 Princess Si, One Door Below Randoigh. Kiltarlity, N.8., Jan. 11.---1t is not in rd . This is so Boar Lhe Drug Stor: rising ee her Tech ae I for 1918. Satisfaction : only "the lungs that suffer during the E 2 have oh oil 8 > Teli I od ns G t A 1 wed | cold, dainp seasons. The kidneys are that the motor leagues have erect Ph 82 : . us Ww hen served with ma- para eed. Pply SL RT almost equally susceptible to sudden signs: and Mr. Rankin purposes to one . ple syrup ang a cup of our ste mon changes of temperature, and many a| have engineers draft plans for elim- Semeieeeteeed +4 Coffee. serious case of kidney disease has its inating the curves, - ] ; Baker's, Grocery Bon, Marche Grocery beginning with } i -- " I ipch &.c0ld, Which ses 7 vince JOR 110. a Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl Cali omnia 'anc Inuts Persons working out of doors are ; Plan Big Too Harvest. : . Princess Aud Fromenae sts. ne ns " most" likely to be victims of: such| Cape Vincent, N.Y., Jan. 10--The H ' ; ; ; trouble amd suffer from backaches,| St. Lawrence River Ice Company is enderson's z 1b. Packa es. _ lumbago, rheumatism and crippled, | BeHinE things in readiness for the an- g pd aching limbs, bit anvone is HHA to nual harvest, which it is expected, sit in a, draught or expose his back will be large this season, Never in Libb 1 to @ eurrent of cold air. {years has the river frozen over ati}. : ys Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, new x ourront of cd air. |g [etre hat US Gate, ana the tov at g fruit just arrived. 'os congestion, a clogging of these Present is of excellent quality and cf ol ? : ¢ of these stretches during the cot = : ) ou " w pe 8 ing wear. It will be' Yorked on the } Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. p i ; he : 3 « Ml | Section' gang gysteni!' and ° motor HI i ose y ] d Ir your chill is backward in setiool, he sare his or her eyesight is a e to stand the strain, "Our Fxaminat jon Tells," . filtering organs and consequent de-|® thickness that will make handling New Canned Blueberries. : rangement of the whole Se and |easy: The company has two large : excretory systems. The liver fails to) houses to fill and as in past years will also fill large comtracts for ithe rail- nes¥a ork. th bowels ocomo Sonsipated | A, (Sines Son aipers Thi 2 Te ra or 8 ocCery, _-- fuse: of Saeir direct SU com- sive em Playomnt toy Juss vemtves Morning verage ; a ) hineéd action on these organs, Dr. ; . . 4 Chant' Kidier Livor Pie: nee. of thing rot will Sancent, @s the w 'Used by discriminating people to Eat" . : | most. prompt and most lasting bene-| ~ pay J : who appreciate its true worth Good a) ] oy i fit for such derangements. They are ; Om account. of Ws ae Great Clearing Sale. positive in theiy effects aud are back- Brock vor and pleasing aroma. ed by the experience and intelligence Provost. stroat, "has muds 4 : aged ob © | great reduction in reedy-made cloth p of Dr. A.W. Chase, the famous Ré-|ing and gents' furnishings to m Absolutely Pure - : me p ; Mr. Neil A. Chiteron, Kiltarlity, (100m for his sprit goods. 8 ~ Real Quality--Prieo Beasonable | Hf I. A Bum pong: fa 3 Range NE erie Ca a ¥:lvalue in boys' ove ; / that gives Jorfect tisfaction. In he : am -glad to rec-|1g years, in blue and gray, at $3.50} | : ; ji economy, efficiency and durability i ¢ , ; mend Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver h--could not be bought wholesal ills to anywne who is sulfering| for the above price ug mle Henderson from rheumatism. For about twenty for the above p : S five years I was bothered nore or less : Trails with this affliction. I wis treated by Salé of Heavy Winter Stoekin Phones 279 30-81 Brock doctors all over Nova Scotia, am} Heavy ribbed all-wool stoc sed Stoves and when on 'business in New York, had] Soe pais, Ladies' toot] "2 : U y ry EW ftunity to consult one of thel stockings at 3%¢ pair. Corrigan's, antest specialists there; but I never EE A ani Ee ------ S i 5 ined more than temporsry relief. EA Po : | T-- : = tH | We have & numbef of ranges lr te mpotwey reli. w | i and Heaters which are in perfect] 5 ; i p 2 ; = oak $2.50. SIZES 1 TO 5. | o|msironnest of we diame. fie INGSTON EVENTS] || JH Sor own workmen. "We suarantes | © ere Only a fox of the Z and when | had taken eight boxes!] = = 25 YEARS AGO 1 Jan : them. We 'take your old stove|left: They warm a room in u few $1, 99. % Ei 1 was, to my astonishment, totally ; , | wna nn. The marked HH in part payment for a Happy minuted and they save burning u cured, 1 therefore Boar. : a 3 : ! Thought or one ot these used | big furnace fire to get a room com« | =! mend these pills 1 ; : : : 3 stoves, » fortable. P 5 BOYS' BOX KIP BLUCHERS, 1 To 5. a ison, ot storvington || atti of chee Narain: na fff Sabi, Tries W041 ah wl 1 i .d 3 doubts this testimonial township, was ed warden ®f § (SPECIAL, $250. © Slums fen 7 IS Sent om { eas ® 1 11 As : vo A - . {Rev: Jamids A. Collins. P.P., says: | 3 bd Reng | | i . == "This is to certify that 1am ef ed of horses i Kingston harbor 'while 1 at re Hi .. 7 ee.» ally acquninted with Mr. Nell A. Cam- Pig hs old $1100 wortn of Ik: Taal ' vey ; : n, and believe his statement | ani oe - ent I8 apd in North Galveston to Kings- Ee *1. fee in the harhor is twenty in- J Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver: Pills, | ches thick, It is twenty or wince one pill a dose, 25¢ u bax, 5 for $1.00, the foe was so firm. - | ; at all dealers, ofMGdmanson, Bates & |= In the western Dart of the city . The ¥ { Co. Limited. Jorguto. . De not 'be | thore ts a great deal of destitution EN Tn a | alked cap' 0 ute, people 1 fences "Viton ther Ree) good Hil Tmilations only diss ipotat. ; a fael. - i ot 3 Jooks, thet y