SOME OF OUR BEST SELLERS Be Sure and Get One or 'More of These Ten-inch Double Disc Records -- 85¢. 3 3 * Comic Talking--"Levinsky at the Wedding" --2 parts--A2310. Popular Songs -- "Hawaiian Butterfly' and "Would You Take Back the Love -- A2226. "Joan of Arc" and "For Your Country"---A2273. "Somewhere inp France (is the lily)" and "When the Great Red Dawn"--A2408, "When We Wind Up the Watch on the Rhine" and "The Old Grey Mare" --A2382. i ~ "Pack All Your Troubles" and "All the Boys in Khaki" ~--R2966. "Sunshine of Your Smile" R2944. and "When Irish Eyes" -- Patriotic ~ "Life in a Trench in Belgium'--2 parts--A2410. *#Arrival of the British Troops in France --32 parts-- Al672. "Departure of the American Troops' and "Arrival of the American Troops in France --A2354. March -- "Hip, Hi, Galop' and "Christmas Morning at Clancy's --~A2402, Twelve-inch Double Disc Records -- $1.50 Quartette -- "Day With the Soldiers" and, "De Golden Wed-~ ding' -- AD497. = "Hetty Lee Waltz") and "Sunshine of Your Smile"'-- Ab921. # "Cecile" and "On with the Dance" --A5584, "Millicent Waltz" and "Love's Memories' --A5635. "Irish Waltz" and "Geraldine Waltz"'--AG5689. "Maid of My Heart" and "Hawaiian Medley"--A5787. "MammyW Jubilee Medley" and "Trail of Lonesome Phe"--A5502. ' Dance Come in and get a complete 'catalogue of Columbia Records, TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, '88 Princess St. . Phone 529 _ ll! convenience ill at Ottawa. lt Canadiens. t Toronto. }| Canadiens. fil! Ottawa. A 5 TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. S. OBERNDORFF ER, Maker, Kingston. oy of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. © 807 Princess Street. | Telephone 1931. # a NT ----. ~ { HAVE YOU ANY PROPERTY TO SELL 7 1 " If so, list it with us. ; . We can find you a purchaser. Bots 1 J. K. Carroll Agency, Phone 68, 56 Brock St. BRINGING UP FATHER MONUMENTS "In The 'WON'T ACCEPT MORE THAN 10 PER CENT. TAX il | The U. 8. Government Refuses Ten Cents Per Ticket on Baseball Passes. Previous to the meeting at Cin-| cinnati Presidgnt Tener , had ap-| pointed a committee to consult with Government officials relative to the | Paynient of war taxes on passes. to baseball games. At the meeting of this committee was empowered to ji widen its scope and to include the entire war tax problem as it will concern baseball. . For the sake of the "National League originally desired to charge ten cents war tax for passes. Inasmuch li as a pass is rated as a 75-cent seal the Government officials refused to ll agree to accept more than 10 per | cent. of this amdunt. ing yesterday it was definitely agreed that only 10 per cemt. of each ticket sold as well as each pass given would be charged for. taxes, but the committee was ~th- structed to comsult the Government officials and then map out the best possible system to c#llect this tax without inconveniencd to the public. At 'the meet- | He old Federal League peace agree- ent likewise came up'at the meet- {ing of the National League members. li It was stated unofficiflly but re- lj Hably that the Federal League will lil be paid shortly and finish written insofar 'as the National League concerned. 1s NEW N.H.L. SCHEDULE. Opening Game in Toronto; adiens the Visitois, The new N.H.L. schedule Can» is as i! follows: Wednesday, Jan. 9---iCanadiens at il! Toronto. Saturday, Canadiens. Monday, Jan. 14--Toronto at Ot- tawa. - Wednesday, Jan. 16.--Ottawa Toronto. - Saturday, Canadiens Monday, Jan. 21.--Canadiens Ottawa. i 'Wednesday, Jan. Canadiens. 1 Saturday, Ottawa. Monday, Toronto. Wednesday, Jan. Jan. 12---Ottawa at at Jan. 19.--Toronto 'at . 23. --Ottawa at Jan. 26.-Toronto at Jan. 28---Canadiens at 30.--Canadiens Saturday, ii Canadiens. Feb. 2.--Toronto at Second Half. Wednesday, Feb. 6.--Canadiens at Ottawa: ; , Saturday, [Feb 8.--Torbato at | Canadiens. 4 ! Monday, Feb. 11.--Ottawa at To- | ronto. | Wednesday, Feb: 13. Toronto at Ottawa. i Saturday, Feb." 16.--Ottawa at Monday, Feb. 18.--Canadiens Wednesday, eb. at 20. --Toronto at | Saturday, Feb. 23m-Qttawa Toronto. Monday, Feb. at 25.--Canadians at Wednesday, Feb. 27.--Ottawa {| Canadiens. : Saturday, March 2.--Canadiens at' at t| Toronto: , Wednesday, Mareh 6.--Ton nt Ottawa, Only at EAST SHOULD AWAKEN. The Coast League Discards Old Pens | . ™ alty Rule. Official 'referees of Pacific Coast Hockey Association have been noti- fied of a change in penalty rules to become effective immediately. In the past substitutes have been per- mitted to 'immediately take the places of players receiving major fouls of ten minutes or over, but #e- cording to the new rule promulgated by President Frank Patrick, Ho sub- stitute will 'be permitted for three minutes following the offending player's arrival at the penalty bench. President = Patrick _ furthér an- nounced that next sealon a delayed penalty system would be introduced in coast hockey which will preclude any possibility of there being less than six players of a team on the ice at all times. J Sinn, Carry Their Own Uniforms. A movement is en foot that ap- pears to have the backing of every club manager in the major leagues, that is, to abolish the travelling trunk of the ball player. It is pian- F 'to have the players roll up their {uni bats and other baseball paraphernalia and carry the bundle as they did years ago, thus eliminat- Year's day war | WINS ROAD RACE FOR SECOND TIME Jack Ross of Olds Has Strong Hold Now on Calgary Herald Trophy. iberta, won ary Herald second time on New Harper Miller. of Cal- gary, finished fully a quarter 'of a mile behind for second position, and Billy Miller and H. A. Bennett tied for third place Tt was an ideal day for the Mara- thon. and a, crowd of several thous and people tyrned out to witenss. the annual classic, . Aunjoinobiles. fitlow- ed the runners all the way around, and, driving close 'together, the life of cars stretched for well on to a mile and a half, ! Ross won the racy fast year as well after a clode finish with Patton, of the 191st Battalion. Providing he Jack Ross, of Olds. the eleventh annual ( road race for the | BIG IN STATURE: captures the eveht next season, Ross will own the haidsome trophy donat- ed hy the Herald. The time for the race was 39.0: over the course;--which extends six and a half miles. Js lly Poyle Back to Giants. farry Doyle will probably be at second base. for New York Giants again next wear. A trade is now under way whereby Oharlie Herzog will go to the. Boston Braves and Doyle will return to New York. Doyle was traded to Chicago in { the. deal that brought Heinie Zjm- merman {o the Giants. He was only recently traded to Boston with Catcher Art Wilson for Pitcher Ty- ler, of Boston. Herzog has made it clea: tha® he does not, want to play with the Giants next year, and the trade for Doyle is expected to 80 through. * AD Mayor "Jee" Lally. Congratulations are due "Joe" Lally, the famous Cornwall lacrosse veteran, referee and - all round sportsman, who was the hero of a hot mayoralty contest in his home town yesterday. Joe was elected by a substantial majority. The fdrmer N.L.U. president has followed muni- cipal politics for many years and his great popularity was indicated by the big vote he polled. en pair to sell. ing at this sale for... : Ing 'that mach, baggage for the rail- to handle. TE hd * Sale price, per pair. . » . . Sport THAT'S ABOUT ALL Fulton and Willard Tallest, Heaviest Pair Ever Matched. uld Jess Willard and Fred Ful- ton meet for the Red Cross, as pro- posed, they will be the two tallest and heaviest men that ever came wgether for the world's heavyweight cham- pionship. Willard will stand six feet seven 'inches in height, and will weigh about 300 pounds. Fulton will stand six feet five and a quarter inches jm height, and will weigh 218 pounds. Jeffries and" Johnson were perhaps the two biggest men ever to battle for the heavyweight grown, but com- pared to Willard and Fulton, Jeffries and Johnson were dwaris Jeffries stood six feet in height, and Johnson six feet and one-half inch. 2 Australian Ladies to Swim. Fannie Durack, the "erack Aus- tralian 'lady swimmer, holder of all world's records from 50 yards to a mile, will be seen in Victoria next summer, when the P. N. A. swim- breast stroke. Tea tables, £10.50 to $20.00; oak and mahofany. * Tea Waggons, walnut and mahogany; - signs. latest period de. Jardinier. stands in oak, walnut and mahogany. Parlor Tables and Library Tables. R. J. Leading Undertaker wv titi Reid 2 Phone 577 A ming championships Vancouver. ~ W. H. Davis is the authority for this statement. With her will be Mina' Wylie, another Ausstralian star, who holds 'the world's cham= pionship for ladies for 100 yards' The local sports are held =a: £1 eo t % -- ne FEN So somewhere promoter has' received definite as- surance that these girls will appear here froin Bill Unmack, viee-presi« dent of the Pacific Coast Swimming Association, who represents the Australian Swimming Association in the arrangements for their tour on the continent. » "The National Smoke" Righteen million "Bachelors" sold annually in Canada. Every time you breathe, someone. in Canada, "Bachelor" cigar. Discriminating smok= is "lighting a ers appreciate quality. TORONTO AND MONTREAL is F We Do As We Advertise Us eyes. Get your boy a suit and overcoat dur- . ing this great sale. en's grey working hose, only 2 doz- ._15¢ e have a few more o - working sweater coats which we are sell- Out. - If You Have Never Been a Lion Customer Before This Is Your Greatest Opportunity to Test You Can't Spend $13.50 To Better Advantage Than Here and Now During this great clothing sale beca what you get that counts, and in this for the actual evidence before ments, and then fail to do them justice, spection. These suits and overcoats w irig on every $13.50 bush, not even wh use it will bring you so much for so little. After all it's case it is much more than seems believable were it not We could use this whole page to describe these gar- but weprefer to have you judge them after critical in- hich we are selling at $13.50 are not to be found grow- en the season is all but over. afford to pay more we earnestly urge you who have clothes to buy t fore you're a day older. You And so, even jf you can 0 see "ll find them all we represent them to be. these garments be- - Li ; An exceptionally good grey sweater coat for boys, price $1.00. . sizes 26, 28, 30. Sale inns We have just.received some English corduroy trousers, full peg. Get a pair. Young men's Trench Suits, with the disappearing belt. Sale price vs 347 and 349 $13.50 By EORGE MeMANUS. : ! 1 : BY LOLLY - now: ; sf CHANCE To NEAR QUT- MACGIE 19 TALKIN T0 & HAVE You A ~ PATIENT Now? NOT JUST AT PRESENT. F NOU HEAR or ANY » WHO WANTS A "WILL s ME KNOW > LEY - .