\ ji : + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31918. A ---- --DGESIS at AY, J S (News From Eastern. Ontario | »" - was " ry WILTON FARMERS ORGANIZE. | PEMBROKE HERO IS | HOME FROM FRANCE |Pte. Vaillancourt Received V. C. For Bravery--Bayonet Wound in Leg at Vimy AITKEN SETTLED CRISIS. Canadian -Crédited With Big Part in| + the Asquith Affair, ! Lively interest is evoked | publieation of a book entitled George and the War." The author styles himself an independent Lib- eril, and gives a fascinating dceount of the crisis last December resulting | in the fall of the Asquith Cealition Ministry, and .the substitution of Lloyd George as Premier. According to this anonymous author "the gen- tleman who had most to do with these events was Sir Max Aitken, described here as a rich Canadian 'news aper proprietor "with the! secret of personal diplomacy, who brought Lloyd George, Bon.r Law, and Carson together, There were 'breakfasts, dinners, suppers and numerous conclaves with Aitken as host, go-between, and in- telligence officer." Regarding the description of Ait- ken as a newspaper proprietor, it is generally undérstood that he once had a large interest in"The Globe, an |! evening paper, published in London, and now has an interest in The Daily Press, a halfpenny morning paper, The Saturday Review, discussing editorially the sale of honors debated in the House of Lords lately, Says: "Curiously enough the peer- age which has excited the most ad- verse comment was notoriously not given for money. Mr, Maxwell Aitken before the general election of 1910 was unknown to the press and public of this country. In 1911 he was created a Knight, in 1916 pro- moted to a Baronet, and in 1917 made a Peer. An inquiry was made as to why the fountain of honor bad played so plenteously upon the Can- adian financier who had taken no part in the proceedings of Parliament nor so far as was discoverable, in any of those branches of public life where activity is frequently reecpng- 1 nized by a title. With Lord Beaver- Kennicatt 05. | brook's reputation as a financier we ; {Mexican Pet .. . . 8 , era | are not concerped. We may assume - | Rep. Steel ! og 4 | that Beaverbrook has employed no 'U. 8, Steel methods that are not tolerated, and, the Middleman's Profif. ¥ Wilton, De The | Sunday school tM ¥ annual | C urldy tree of dhe | i odist church held on Chri 8 | ' Was a decided spccess. . Te { programme was splendid i prepared in a short time. The flag ! GANANOQUE © 3idrill given by seventeen young lad- Bn {15 was worthy of special mention. =eesd |The proceeds amounted to over 1349. € in the | 'Lloyd a . The Royal Piano It makes no difference whether it is a high social Hunction, a educational affair, or a great artistic event, in this country the piano made by Ye Clde Firme 1s used in nine cases out of tea. . We refer to the Heintzman & Co. -- Art Hiano as the Royal Piano, because it was specially selected for the use of Queen Mary when in this courttry as Princess of Wales. This great Canadian instrument has stood thetest fo "5 years. In tone, in action, in aurability, itis recognised as supreme among pianos, and deservedly bears the title: " World's Best Kgano. C. W. LINDSAY, LTD; 121 Princess Street. rss 1 | NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, Pembroke, Dec. 31.--Pte. Vaillan- court, V.C,, who was decorated by the King for excaptional bravery un- { der fire, arrived here from overseas, "| having been sent home as the result {of a bayonet wound received at Vimy | Ridge. He is visiting with his sister, { Mrs. Ben Dupont, and will rémain here until January 6th, when he will j report at Kingston te undergo an op- i eration on his leg. Eas sold his tarm to! Pte. Vaillancourt is very reticent ona, and gives | regarding the deed for which he re- |-ceived the coveted V. C Asay Our Own Correspor dent) Jan, 4.--The funeral oi late Capt, | In The, aM © 3 Sigs eiiito f { Thomas M. Cornett, who passed Vay | Chris suddenly on Sunday evening last, was shoulder. Dr. Mabee, Odessa set the e--Full, of Interest to Many. held yesterday afternoon to Ganan- | roken member, _ Mr Stover is do- At Broekville bread has been ad-1paue cemetery. Rev, C. E. Kidd con- ing micely. vanced to eleven cents g load. ducted the Service at the house and| James Davey has Mrs.. William . Knowles, - T rg Lodge Ny 201 AR 5 a Nive Snider, of Ve se. 23rd, aged sevent 00 charge of service a ue va v ossession in Mar Sed on Dus 38a 1 ¢ i» ent "The local troops of Boy Scouts at-|" The RFE. Mar y has organized | ! He was three times wounded--first. Methodist. : tended in a body, {again for the winter months, and | with shrapnel « and gas, following F. BE. Graham has A complimentary" banquet wag ten- | will meet every Friday evening at] Which he was blind Jor a time, and president of the Brock dered to ex-Mayor Dr. Fergus J. O 5 the Presbyterian church. Good | again by a bullet ai St. Eloi, and a cial Travellers' Associa FL. Connor at the Provincial hotel last| programmes have been prepared. |ally witli bayonet at Vimy Ridge. ~~ Wolfe is secretary. jeévening by the members of the town| Miss B. -B. Moore, teacher Were, | STOCK MARKETS ~Mrs. Andrew Sinel ed, fell |council, who have sat with him at the! spent the holidays at her home in| - - on the ice Wedn hang cll board for several ypars pdst.| Chesley, in Bruce County. Mr. and | Quotations Furnished by" Bongard img out her washin ke he § Slight ee momal of thelr re- Mrs Ebridge Babcock are visiting | Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., t ar 8 rist ard and appreciation of his serv ces, iin amilton. ' , Soff arm aq Sis-wrist. science handsome club bag was presented{ About one hundred fri Howard 8, Folger, Manager. er of Newburgh high school, with a neatly worded address, iand Mrs. Kenne 8 gay tendered her resignation, to R. G. Graham, ex-principal of Gan-{them a variety rat their home effect Feb, 1st anoque High School, has gone to Ot- lone evening last week An Almonte and F Liberal {tawa to enter on his new duties in| The farmerg of this Club has organize with p, [the Civil Service Department. organized a farmers co-operative McCallum as president and F. J.| A union service uf the fongrega- | club for the purpc of buying and Hogan secretary-treasurer Grace | selling direct, 'eliminating the Capt. H. J. {tions of St. Andrews and rth and Capt. Alex | ehure hes was held in the lecture hall | middleman's profit Over ander Young are in Renfrew from |of the latter church last evening and | members have joined already overseas. The former will remain, [Was largely attended, Rev. C. E. Kidd | two carloads of feed are ordered. the latter going back. | pastor of St. Andrew's, was in charge. Two hay presses are operating in Robert Wilson farmer {Another union meeting will be held the vicinity and drawing presse? hay died on Saturday as a result of per-|in St. Andrew's Church this evening |is the-order of the day. nicious anemia. He wus born in in charge of Rev. W, 8. Lennon. Among the Christmas visitors | Scarborough, Eng in 1852. | Mrs. J ; F. Hunt, Stone street, has | were noticed Stanley Giles and fam- James Gillespie and Miss Elma [gonesto; Toronto for a visit with her|ily, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. + Welsh, bethr<'of Sifgleton, re | grandson, Charles K. Lattimore. Asselstine, Chatham; A. F. Miller quietly married by Rev M. (Mrs, E. Valleau, spending some and family, of Sandhurst, at Robert Boudreau at the manse at Westport {time in St, Catherines with relatives, Miller's; Miss Grace Asselstine, on Wednesday. tis in town for a. visit with Mr. and Kingston, and Miss Gretta Assel- On Christmas Day Mrs. Andrew J. Sword, King street, stine, Wesley, at their father's, N. of Lieut. W, L. Smith, Madoc, and Donald Root of Macklin, Sask, a A.. Asselstine's. Mrs. Birdsall. Chi- Miss Edythe G. W. Roberts, Tweed, |former proprietor of the hakery now atgo, at her brother's, Harvey Mill took place at the 'home of the conducted by Messrs, Robeson &|John Burleigh, Toronto, at his sist bride's mother. Roberts, has arrived in town for a er's, Mrs, Charles Stover's; Miss Utah ! L 0 On Dec, 31st Miss Mabelle Evelina | visit with relatives. Ray Amey, Odessa, at L. H. Perry's; Midvale . f successful,' approved in the city of Miller, youngest daughter of late| Samson Davey and granddaughter, Atlant le London, nor do we know if the John: Miller and Mrs. Miller, Belle- Miss Violet Robinson, of Hamilton, Am. Li Knighthood and Baronetcy were paid ville, was united in marriage to Rus- are visiting relatives here. Several for. We are ready to suppose they sell Stanley Marshall, Iroquois' Falls, from here attended the tea meet- were not. The facts about the peer- Ont. ing at Odessa on Christmas night age are common knowledge it was Benjamin Files, Watertown, N.Y., and also the concert -at Harrow- certainly not given for cash. At a dled on Friday aged sixty-eight years. critical juncture Aitken brought He suffered from heart failure. He arles Stover had the misfertune li on ice near his barn on tmas night and dislocate his In Brief Form the Events Country About Kingston Are Told o wee been elected lle Commer De anid br nds of My. New York Stocks, Open--2.4 vicinity have | 81 m. Smelters Atchison 8B. & O. CoPIR | Erie Marine { Marine ptd N.Y. C x4. Reading "ais Southern Pac Union Pac. Alcohol Am. Loco .. Anaconda Beth. Steel Crucible 'an Inter. Nickel been Thurlow, "ph the marriage 8 831% 44% 102 101% Gulf Lugar Brockville Fuel Administrator, Brockville, Jan. 3.--Town Clerk Dewey has been appointed fuel ad- ministrator- of Brockville. Mayor Wright has secured an option on a Canadian Stocks. 'Brazilian . . smith during the holiday week. Can. Cement and | . | | | | 1 | | was born at Newburgh, Ont, where he resided for 50 years. A wife and five daughters and three sons sur- vive. One daughter is Mrs. George McGill, Centreville, Ont. Michael Ryan, Ashdod, whos el death. occurred on Saturday aftey an illness of three weeks, for some Years held the office of clerk of tue township of Bagot and Blythfield, and also served for some time +3 | Téeve and county courcillor. Mr. Ryan's gge was seventy-eight years. Lanark Independent Loses Deposit, Smith's Falls, Jan. 2.--Dr, Hanna, the Unionist candidate in Lanark, was elected by a 'majority of 2,460 over 'his nearest opponent, A. C. Caldwell, Laurierite, according the statement submitted by Return- ing Officer Wilson McCue. The re- Salts were: Dr. Hanna, Unionist, 8.020; A. C. Caldwell, Laurierite; George A. Burgess, Independent, 657. The latter will lose his deposit. Mr. Caldwell escaped a forfeit by only fifty votes. to Gananoque's New Teachers, Gananoque, Jan.. 3.--The- vacan- cies on the high school staff caused by the registration of R. G. Graham, head master, and A. J. Millhouse. science master, have been filled by the appointment of Jj. J, Bell, of large supply of wood on the outskirts of the town, and if a shortage of fuel comes he will seek the co-operation of the forestry depot in supplying citizens with wood. Gets Ottawa Position. Gananoque, Jan..2.--After a ser- vice of tweaty pears, R. G. Graham, principal of Gar oque High School, has resigned, and will go into the civil service, having received an' ap- pointment in the office of the Co- missioner of Taxation, Ottawa, Military Medal For Pte. Mains, Bfockville, Dbe. Word Has beeu received here taat Pte, Thomas T. Mains, a young Lajisdowne man, who went to the front two years ago, has been awarded the Military Medal. " > A pretty marriage was solemnized in Trinity church, Oak Leaf on Dec. 27th, when Dr. Thomas Reginald Whaley, Alsask., Sask., son of Mrs. Henry Whaley, Delta, and Miss Ger- trude' Emeline Johnson, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Johnson, were united in marriage. Pte. R, H. Bone, Belleville, is now reported killed in action on Nov. 6th. He was with the 155th Battalion, Crossing on the ide is being made between Brockville and Morristown, N.Y Elora as principal and Miss Gordon, of Toronto, as assistant teacher. a To retain your eyesight by wea eyes, We examine your eyes EXACT LENSES required by y in out own workshop, and we Years of experience your particular. case, Thousands of draftees have report- ed for duty in Canada. v ring glasses made to suit YOUR carefully, to determine the our eyes, make and grind them know they are correct for you. has taught us how 'to take care of R. J. RODGER Manufacturing Optician and Optometrist. Word Just a the right prices. NOVELTY UMBRELLAS; the FANCY BLOUSES, voile snd SILK UNDERSKIRTS, all sha . special a HANDKERC COLLARS, up to $2.25, CAMISOLES, in silks and ors and pric Sie TEA APRONS, from SCARFS; FURS; a 250 up. See our wool searfs : few Very fine ' 136 Princess St. Kingston's i ren's newest thing in this line. sliks, from 98c to des, to clear $3.50; other Ines at prices, HIEFS. AN prices from a dainty gift, in organdy, corduroy; pique and erepe, BOUDOIR CAPS: every price from 19¢ {o 82.50, crepe at 98c, fur setts to clear at sacrifice prices. --. - Call in and look around, High Class 132 Princess Street to the New Year Shopper You can save time and money by shopping here. We have just what you want at. * . { 5c up, An holly: boxes, % de cheue, in a variety of col- $1.50 and $1.08. Opp. Randolph Hotel J i ae 5 dint eet SEE 2 : Ffin.-see'y | | Cobourg, Dec. H drew's P STELLA ON THE MAP AGAIN, Nin Connection With Mainland Makes The People Happy. Stella, Dec. 31.--Connection with the mainland is now made safe by the severe cold weather. The different roads are being marked off and farm- ers have been going to the city with feams for a few days. D..H. Smith is running the Stella-Kingston stage this winter again. He commend d his trips on Saturday. The merchants were out of many articles here and they will now be able to replenish their stock. The blacksmiths have been very busy all week, Shoeing horses, the road being so slippery, While H. §. Patterson was skating near his own place on Wednesday last] he discovered a rowboat lying under the bank. Upon gloser examination it was found to contain a Rair of shoes. The boat was partly filled with ice and snow. On inquiry for the own: er it was found to have been lost from the steamer Maggie L. of King- ston, while passing down the bay late in the fall. The school meetings were held in the different schools on Wed- nesday last. Appointing of trustees and other business wa% transacted, A, Blakey, butcher, Kingston, was on the island last week. Mrs. R. P. San- ders spent Christmas day with friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton (spent Christmas with J, Lewis, Par- rott's Bay, « Visitors: --J. Marshall and little daughter, Ottawa, at Mrs. J. Mar- shall's; Pte, H. Neilson, Kingston, is spending a few days at ber home here; Miss V. Eves, Kingston, at Mrs. J. Bell's; A. E. Sanders, Cataraqui, paid a flying yisit here to see his DAr- ents on Christmas day. ' At the last meeting of Court Stella No. 653, C. D. 'F, the following officers were elected and installed: J, P. ranger, Jas Strain; chief ranger, Wesley Brogqn; V. chief ranger, Sam- fiel Fleming; rec.-sec'y., Cecil Gigson; y., William Fleming; ' Edward Scott; chaplain, William D. Sanders; S.W., William McCormick: J.W., Herman Willard; 8.B., James Killpatrick; J.B., Richard Connor; conductor, H. 8, Patterson; court de- .puty, John Glenn: BROCKVILLE PAPERS MERGED. Recorder and Times Have Amalgamated. Brockviile, + Jan. 2~--~Announce- ment was made here that the Records ar and the Times had become amalga- mated, and the business will bé under aie management, The two papers will be published until January 26th, when they will be united at the Re- corde and Times. It has long been felt here that the field, was limited for two bright and active journals, and that sooner or later some such action was 'inevitable. © The details Become of the transaction were not given out, } ~but it is rumored that Hon, George P. } Graham, who has long been connected! with newspaper work in eastern On- tario, will be the head of the new organization. : ' | LIEUT.-COL. BEATTIE'S POST. "Major G. 0. Fallis Succeeds As As. { ' sistant Director, 31.--It is stated here that Lient-Col. Wm. Beattie, HOM . formerly pastor of St; An- resbyterian Church here, has (vecolved an important appointment on the lines eof comminication in li and that Majo= G. O. Fallis sutceeds him as Assistant Director of Chap- taips: © : - Death of George McCullough. Ccbourg, Dec. 31.--George Me- h, a fopdher well-known resi- f this town, died®n Brandon Hospital, after an operation hich wis deemed imperative. son, Dr, George McCullough, resides at. Min. I vest. His ; Ww - hore, itis expected, by © Maj. -Gen. Watson, be- 'War Loan, 1937 Jan treas,,| way that several trees fell across fhe Ltheir duty and were only too pleased | who was employed at Clement's Inn. Coures a KCB. Ho i: the Senor of the Quvhee Chronicle. Lr Can. Steamship Con. Smelters .. Dom, Steel Maple Leaf . Nova Scotia Steel. Steel of Can CHICAGO GRAIN, Corn. High Low May Open. High Jan, 3 1% Meh. May ... DRAF ALMOST TO A MAN At the Ontario Military Head- quarters in London, Toron- to and Kingston. (Canadian Press Despatch) B Toronto, Jan. 3.--Reports from all over Canada, including Quebec, say that the draftees warned to. re- port for military service to-day are obeying almost to a man. At the headquarters of the three Ontario military districts, Kingston, Toron- to and London, a large percentage of the men appeared and were sworn in and uniformed before the noon hour, when they were expected to report, 0 A G T! Brockville' Mayor---John A. Aldermen South Ward---J. M. Robbie, H, W. = Council, Derbyshire. North Ward ington Throop. Centre Ward--J; I Frank IL. Tooker. East Ward--w Dunn. West Ward ~Jeremiah Curtin, 8 Vinberg -R. W. Vout, Well- Chrysler, H. Osborne; T. J L. How Belgians Escaped, ._ According to a telegram from Havre, where the * Belgian Govern- ment is femporarily-Jocated, about' 150 Belgians "have syceeaded in crossing the frontier into Hollane¢ and freedom in a curious manner, The German military authorities had decided to have certain trees cut down because they interfered with | the view cf-the sentries placed along the barbed wire fencing and the cable which, charged with a strong olectrie current, prevent persons from esecap ing from Belgian territory. Ope hundred and fifty inhabitants of Sel- zaete were requisitioned and ordered to work at cutting: down the (rees. The improvised tres-cufters sue ceeded in doing their work is such barbed wire and the electrified cable, and made a wide, safe opaning. Ther they proceeded to {ra Sipe. selves.to - Duteh territ, 'om- A ' to desert, bag and baggage, : : et nr 2 a Had Experience, dere is one of Mr. Pett Ridge's Stories. It was in the e#fly days of nead movement: of woman sullrage, when by the magistrate's orders a number of "enthusiasts" weat to Holloway jail. Among thers Was a most excellent 'charweoman A sympathetic was held on | their release, ai: which the chairman | spoke in sloquent terms. ° "Here you | have." he remarked, "a ¥ of de- {icately. nurtured, ea: ke womeh who for Lloyd George gether and formation of the government, mediary service which in a big city deal commission in cash and shares. this political 'deal rewarded by a seat in the hereditory branch of the Legislature. defensible transaction? blame attached to Beaverbrook. was right to take what h for intervenient influence. real author, whose Revolutionized,"" "Estabelle." "Fil and Filippa," "Bud and Bamboo," butes poems to the Septembér, Oe- tober, and November issues of Wind- sor Magazine, London, cover Canadian scenes, the poem in Ni umn's Silence." Oh! cloying slumber, dense and fm- Unloose Like the high Flourish above the Igor of the year, fed fair, . Blue-eyed tossmile sweet through a Departing glory leaves the world for- orn; E'en as the moon, above the Delian shrine Forsaken, through these barren Selds or of corn 4 A pallid light, a sorrow half divine, Falls on the silent, moody wilderness; Wgrilhooly. No haryest bells, . young, v No music of the ringing seythe, is heard; Almost a god's distress Hangs o'er these valleys, where of oid wa 4 The fluted tralia in caring for returned soldiers. Every plan advanced by Senator E. Australian soldiers, fore the Australian support of the Repatriation Bill is al- ready in effect in : training of of disabled men, ire permanently helpless. artificial limbs, Jt Canada .h agencies for rei ind industrial life, dd an the River Scarpe, vietory goes to General ng, the Canadians' former Commanoiae the X06 2eeted to left the Canadians, - led by a Canadian ae Tr Tr yng's i ughie Venturous en! you pcs Bam & indon y Corps. "traops as the Flylug law Drovides . person Aabteer Toa a motor Umits, 'marine sre United States recruiting, Bonar Law to- rendered possible the present coalifion It is a kind of inter- is rewarded by a handsome In the broker was Is that a We see no He e could get A Canadisn's Poem. John Stuart Thomson, the Mont- ks are "China "The Chinese," and others, contri- All of them ovember issue being entitled "Aut- * minent, rother of Death and leagued with his designs, 8 thy spell awhile from: the world, shent f all its clinging glories, moss and vines, nes, 3 nd. clematis 'robed like a holy bride: pines, that in serener air rant us a breath al o life awhile, or lingering blossom beguteous tear, laughter of lovers 8 sung, joyance of a summer bird. ------ Canada Leads In This. Canada has set the pace for Aus- . Millen for the repatriation of the in 'a speech be- Parliament Canada. Senator Millen advocated: An employment buréau for refurn- men, - Qurative workshops for vocational men. Trade schools for the re-edaecation Permanent homes for the few who Sanatoria for the tubercular, A factory for the manufacture of Thé Military Hospitals Commission as established. all these nstating men in eivil vm al Canadians in Tanks, 'Canada wilt be intensely interest- in' the splendidly Successful attack The credit of im are some Dominion Stag officers 80 with him when he uniy was who, since" , Joined The tanks "the German de- bundreds of ad- Canadians. This ke through the, have in them becording 'as popular with The New Brunswick motor vehicle age 'shall drive a Shall drive a vehicle within the provincial : 48d a sub-| make Bn. tour of the 0 stimuiah Briiibs A Bri Ao the Royal palace of La Gary &Practical Homé Dress Making Lerrony © 4 Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review Maternity Dress in Blue Poplin. the right front at tween the 2 large " - and finish the edges underarm. anc notched. Face ° nack and front ed center-hacks and even. Arrange outer body, center-frontg, der-arm seams ang corresponding edges even; sow lowe edges together as far as the single small "o' per foration in outer waist and 1 » outer front fres forward of the per- foration. Slip the extension on left front through the sia in: righ front and fasten at back ilusty ted. terfront be perforations slash. Close der seams as and sew to of outer waist, notches st on under terhadks, un as form a plait in rossing on slot perforations, bring folded edge to small "g" per. forations, stifeh along fold:d edge. Close seam of leave 23 notched. Sew gleeve in apnhole as notched with small "op" Perforation seam easing in any fulness bet the notches. Hold the sleave you hen, basting it in the ou NOW, join the skirt ores as th. ed. Slash to the left or i bétween sdoyuble small "00" perfori.. gleave, and n toward. rmhiole, Blue poplin attractively and ger viccably developed {ute a maternity costume. Builois, a deen satin col. lar and belt of scl/'material trim the cesign. + A material that is both serviceable and meat for a maternity - dross is blue poplin. It is attractive made up after this mode, with light from Of 'Waist siasfHod so that the left gide may bs slipped through fn sash ef. fest. The open peck Is finished with 4 colar having de=p points at tha {ront, while flare cuffs and buttons SHDPly the detalls of the one place sleaves. The two piece Skirt Is plait. ed In groups of threz with panel box. plaft effect fn front. In medium size the model requires' 6's yards 36-inch material, vith 74 vards 36-inch lining for the gaderody. As a foundation, the underbody i very simple to make. Close under. arm and shoulder seam as notched. veste: tions and fnten the edg Jor Big Form plates © Of £104 perforation: el. edges to prvi. aed ba adjustsd 15 poet: of. skirt, 5. yout ter-fronts center. y Cen pper edzos even, Ta notches and foration in g1ay indicate, 0. bor a TD SAT O86 ox Tages Por{orations and % Inch then hem the front. If the otal der pigs added.it may be made of\organdy or chiffon, It is folded through the eent'r on line of small "6" pertora. tions, tien adjusted 'to po-itfon on the: uaderbody fromf, fiig sual fo" perforations at der and single large '0 being brought togzther. Taek, ang lap vestee as lllustrated om under. body. ra ' slash edge, formiy at he se of and close, terhaciy plait, at htt ls tron u The rollgr 4g trimineg Match the sigs Te. make the outer waist, bittony with ey, - ; Spanish Palace Burned. (Canadian Pros Despite; Madrid, Jan. 2 Pitre "shes grata