Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1918, p. 6

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2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY %, 1918. WOMAN ON STREET iat : a | | WITH CLOTHES AFI CWS Fr : . Postman Base Batrerty Saved oe ay ; irae ih a X the Life rs. J. E. 20 ~o ; - Glover. | Tr The Royal Fiano Eu i NN i : ee i : A | = is . h Samay | tr 3 : Mrs. J. RB. Glover, 428 Johnson It makes no difference whether it % TE. GANANOQUE 3 3 Ba street, hid a narrow escape from he- £ . ing fatally burned about nine o'clock ! 13 a high social function, an OIAPPED FROM THE WHIGS on Wednesday morning. Her clothes | + educational affair, or a great A 3 f Fe is I ] p ; 3 fi the kitchen stove and |-- 1sth in th: : MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, : , wy caught fire at th ave and artistic event, in this country the os rom Cur Own Correspondent) a 3 : she ran out of the front door scream- | o made b Ye Olde Fir amd SE ------ ; |" Dec: 3i.:~Miss Jean Bain, of the! - ia pn ing. Postman Isaac W. Doherty was! Cy plano mage by de rirme . In Briet Form the Events 1h The Royal>'ictoria Hospital Montreal, | ; x. delivering letters nearby and hearing | 1s used in nine cases out of 1 : Country About Kingston Are Told | is enjo ing a two weeks' furlough in | ; : } the screams, he threw aWay his mail e refer to the . ------) t Man | town wiih her parents, Mr, and Mrs. | x 3 pe bag and rushed to the lady's aid. w : : of Hiterest to Many. avid Bain Pi { A y \ AWilllam Rowe, having disposed of David Bain, Pine. street. . . \ Grabbing her by the arms he forced | 4 mes Nobel, of Schenectady, her down into a snaw hank and man-| N Taged to extinguish the fire which i Pit Zan was burning her clothing. Mrs. Glov- dor hls fakh in Alice township, will ry Band : , move to Pembroke. 4 a » Is spending a few days here er was fortunately not burned aboye : ---- 3 ------ & Co. ------ piv | Samuel Nobes. years, I8 dead. He had been in| Mr. and Mrs. G s i ar Mr. and Mrs. George 8. Oty, of ; $ ad fez rndgric as | Nr Sons ult. Osceora, vi | IROOM, are pening tile view ph (he a i Sagiive vas} po gy ori io pneumonia at the | yyiner, Mrs, J. Toole, King street} : : Gi - ticipated. Postman Doherty's action | age ) & So ght years Iybd Miss Lila E. Hurd, spending a oo ¢ was most. praiseworthy. 4 | H or eve, han! of the molyhde- | tew days in town with her parents £ Sette esmp------ | 8 | Ya Mite depontts | : ; : | <> as the Royal Plano, becaase it 7 Miss. Bielyn Ashton, Red-1 J iecnqrte oy oat duties is 0 TY © IN HIS PYJAMAS | : | was specially selected for the use nosis, alansed away Wednesday! "gornard Kenney, of Schenectady; Tt i : -- ta -. § of Queen Mary when in this high R the forty-thira year of her| ny, joined Mrs. Kenney here for ot Seva » # ak: ; Pitiable Case 'of Young Man | coutttry as Princess of Wales 7 | few days' wisit with his parants a EN : 4 ] i wine Ry . * William Smith, aged ninety-one| P 8, : J ; w Taken in Charge By { : . ais ie HH t. and Mrs. D. J. y a ' 7 years, dfed at the home of his son. | Qa0t. a 4 Mrs. D. J. Kenney, Mui Police. This great Canadian instrument ol H. Miller, Bethan Fe | forty- | w h his patents. Mr. and Mrs. Art fian 'the northern part of | ty ' Sou mi - Vistoria County bs ons Lose: { Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hurd, King iS : 3 PARADED STREET Miss flaw, Richaya Lloyd, Ptue Grove, on | [sory tinkiater, C.P/R. agent at] is ne A é NR uf j tk . | hasstood the test for 65 years, .In rani . . | Arccta, Sask. is spending a short 5 5 y § A most pitiable case came under tone, in action, in durabilit itis Mrs. Charles EE. Westfall passed | time &ytown with his parents, Mr, : ¥ i ? ; the notice of the police on Tuesday : Ys away in Belleville General Hospital|ana Mrs. J. C. Linklater, North \ ni ' ¢ night "about 10 o'clock when Cori 7 | recognised as supreme among on Saturday. She was a sister of ex- street hr avin er vil ! . Mayor Curtis Nogart. $ oo a B Johii Naylon and William : pianos, and deservedly bears the daughter, -- 7 cholson came acrass a young fel. ot, IL dg, " John Mosier, a boarder in a Deser-| Miss Muriel Britton, a Sts Se ea ; Jrow; about twenty-seven yéars of age, title: " World's Best Piano. . a hotel for having intoxicating | Rey, and Mrs. H. H. B / : Pe : andering along Ontario street at- prose TY Hor (part of a gallon) 'in his room, | Brockville, for the holidwy son. 4 ; 4 tired only 'in his pyfamas. He was § WwW was fined $200 and cos's. , Dr. E. L. Atkinson, Stone street, ' 4 4 A taken to the police station, where he C. . LINDSAY, LTD., The Princess Theatre, S ith's | is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. al 4 ' 4 spent the night, It. is stated that 121 Princess Street. Falls, running under the proprietor- | Dr. James Rogers, Hamilton. . hie is a dope fiend, and that this was . iid ad one! Balderson, Perth, | © Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Britton, : the cause of his wandering out in the ' a ---- hy - as closed until after the war | Almonte, were in town for a visit . below zero. weather so scantily The remains of the late Mirs Fran-| with relatives during the past week. y MAJOR JAMES F. M'PARLAND. 3 clothed ; : ces BE. Covert, a former well-known! Mr. "and Mrs. Drummond, of Who has' been awarded (he Distinguished Service Order, At the police station' Wednesday Belleville residen:, which were | Perth, were the guests Of their : morning the young man begged the buried at Belleville, died in Montana. | daughter, Mrs. J. A. Bulloch, for the Sha police cqnstables to get him some Mrs. Fred T. Ward, wife of the| past few days. that Principal' R. G. Graham of Gan-!. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. dope ME will bé cared for "hy . well known mérehant of 8'irling, was| Jan. 1.--The citizens were severely |anoque High School has resi d to] -- friends. He enlistéd with an over- struck by a Grand Trunk Expre\s and | shocked on Monday to learn that alaccept a lucrative position w fhe | Portland Township. seas battalion, but it is stated that Was seriously if not fatally injured. highly esteemed resident had passed Government, Mr. Graham has mad Reeve--W Ra aml at owing .to his being a dope fiend he & Thé Campbellford News has sus- away suddenly on Sunday evenink in ba-host of friends 'by his strict attend . ey adi Nv. 8. Reed, re-eledted was discharged Jeuded pablication. Capt, BR H.| the person of Thomas M. Cornett, | ance to business, his sterling int y targianiation). « MeKeever A RE Ree, overseas, Is proprietor. Ii is| Church street. His two daughters,|and gentlemanliness in his bearing to "mm Baar ow Sa he J 1 EW impossible to get sufficient help to|the Misses Mildred and Maiierts Cor-| one ary This means both a princi: Thompson, 3} 14 gSmith, Fhttmas TE WORLD'S NEWS FORM y it os. 5 nett, who live at home, had as uspal| pd] and an assistant arc requir or Fred Rennie om. Be Shibley, rs. Nancy Small passed away|gone to service in St. Andrew's|the local school AMV. W. Vanhase ove ius, so Roduesday at the county House of | Church andson: their return, not see-t The quarterly oficial: board and (MY: W. Vanness, C. W. Laidley Tidings From All Over Told in ge elleville, at the age of ing their father around, made a search | adult bible class of. «~ Church oe i olgihty-four ears. She was a widow for him, finding him on the bath room | have forwarded a res n : Loughboro, a Pithy and Pointed her late husband having beema farm-| floor, © Medical aid was at once sum- ciation to the Union Government for |, Reeve--John Blake, Charles 3 Way. ' er. moned but life was extinct. De-|its recent work in Truscott " . " Police Magistrate Bedford, Des r-| ceased was predeceased by his wife | manufacture, sale and t osuncillors George Green, Ed- The price of bread has been in- onto, held court in Belleville to ry a|about five years agos and leaves the | liquor ward Ls vrence, Frank MecRory, [creased to eleven cents a loaf 'in f charge against a Tyendinaga farmer {above mentioned two daughters. He| At Austin's cabar t on New y ear' eT Sor dyad mg Levi | Brockvile, | for sending adulterated milk: to.a|was for many years a valued em- eve from 9 to 12 ai. njoyable dane nh Joseph Voodru £ Levi Fifteen hundred farm tractors! cheese factory. Decision was re-|ployee of the Cowan & Britton Co.,|was held, the crowd remain to see | tison Knapp and 'Mr. Guth-Lwill be sent to_France by the food' gerved. of this town until failing health com- | the old yea safely out : : . administrator for use in increasing | The Energite Explosives Co, has |pelled his retirement. For several| Watch night services were cofiduct. | the French food crops. | & 'ceased manufacturing in Renfrew | years past he was caretaker at the ed in Grace Church on Monday even Howe dsland. Alaska is on the list of "bone-dry" | -~ N for the present at least. For abou: | Armoury during . the absence of ing by the Young Peoplels. Socicty. Reeve--John Driscoll, J. L. La-|states apd territories. Some of the | ! ; ti [ : two years the. company gaye em-|Sergt.-Major Thomas E, Bovey at the {and in Christ Church by R Wi - | Chance saloons which closed. their = doors | . afl GS rac 1Ca ' ployment to a few hundred mven and |front, and on the latter's return-from+,Cox, both drawing good attendances Cound lors John' Gillespie, Pat-{ have been operating since thé days | many girls. : overseas Mr. Cornett resigned in fa-| Wesley. Stoliker i s | Fitk Lavis, "homas Driscoll, _Johp {of the gold rush in 1898. i HM Ki Willlam = Garrett, Tweed, died |vor of the former holder of the posi-| in readiness for openi ) g |Goodfriend, jr.; John Maclfonard, William 'Parker, Ottawa, pro- ome ress : d in & } £ " Dee. 23rd. He was the town's oid- | tion. He was conneeted with thei rink in the North ward on the corner m White, hael 'MgCarthy | prietor of Parker's Dye Works, | ITY est, business man and a father in |Gananoque branch of the A. O. U. W.|of Garden and "Villiam sireet.. \i- {and Joseph Gar g dropped dead on ' Sunday night. ! errons the Methodist church. .He was born for many years, and was a member tet the season i ver 'Mr. Swiiker | Death was due to heart failure. He | 4 J in 1829. He is survived by three |of long standing in Leeds Lodge, | purposes -ercctit ¢ a dwelling honce Clarendon and Miller. was fifty-one years of age. sons, | No. 201, A. F. & A. M. there. Reeve--P, J. Wensley (acelama- At Buffalo, N.Y., on Dec, 31st fire iICharles Weaver, shoe 'dealer, Another aged and respected resi- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sword: K tion) burned the Woolworth five and ten| | New Trenton, was attacked in his shop dent of Gananoque and vicinity for a| street, left yesterday Vero ) Couucillors--J." W. Lard, James [ cent store, Main street, ind spread | Prepared Specially for This spaper By Pictorial Review and his till tapped. A neighbor | great number of years passed to rest{gpend some. itine with friend and ! Devine, R. G. Watkins, L.* Tooly {through the block to Pearl and Court hearing the row appeared and: laid | yesterday morning in 'the person of | relatives . | tacclamation). : =| streets; loss $125,000, | Out one of the thieves. He is -ia| Joseph Acton, For many years he Mrs. William Lewis, 6f Montreal, | Pak rms ep « cl 4 Belleville jail awaiting trial. resided a few miles east of the tawn, | spending the past weck here with her! almerston and Canonto, § TK {ETS : ad On Tuesday at the home of her|but for some time past Jived. here mother, Mrs. J.-J. Moore, Charles! Rbeve--David @enmill (acclama- STOCK MARKETS ~ Junior Frock of Blue Poplin adopted son, Samuel Warmington, |with his son, Harcourt Acton, Tanner | street, has returned home ition), Sando Quotations Fu ished Be Tl Smith's Falls, the degth occurred of' street, where he passed to rest. Be- mn see Conueillors Preeman -Lehnox, 8. Fura y ongard. | as notched. Center-front indicated Eliza Williams, wido® of Peter Pat-] sides this son he leaves one daughter, Registering The Germans. jJames , George Thomas, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., | by large "0" perforations. Plait terson, Toledo, and daughter-of the| Mrs. N. M. Wright, widow of the Washitigton, Jan. 2.--The week | Thomas White, all by acclamation, . Howard '8 ai Manager, : lower edge of front placing "T".on late Horatio Williams, Toledo. late Miles Wright, of this town, and|of February 4th svas set aside by the | rth - corresponding. small <0" perforations A preity Christmas wedding took | now residing at Watertown, N.Y. Department of Justice for registra-.| Sheffield. York Stocks ] . and tuck. 'Gather lower edge of back place at the home of Mrs. Henry | The funeral will be held on Thuts- | tion of the halt million unuaturalized | Reeve--.J, Edward _. ¥arrison, bi ' i > AR | N between "T" perforations. Paul, Newburgh, on Dec. 26th, | day under the auspices of. Leeds|Germens inthe continental United | (&celumation) a Open--2.45 p.m, | 8 ™. Face collar and séw to neck edge. hen hgr youngest daughter, Eliza | Lodge, No, 201, A. F. & A. M., of [States by police and postmasters, in| Councillors Joh" B. Paimadeer, AM. Smelters .. . 180 80% | Close seams of sleeve and eur as Ath Hazel (Besaje), was united in| which he: was a member of long pursuance of President Wilson's Pro j Herbert York, John J Neville, Ed- Atchison . ... .. 36% Bhi notched. Face cuff and sew to lower a ; rriage to Charles Cambridge Me- | standing. clamation directing this action adn |W ard McGuire, ali=by acclamation, B. & Q ove h27% b1 Ta : edge of sleeve with notches and r Rim, sly son 'of Sydney MgeKim,! It is with deepest regret that theo. in a Fenn CPR LLL 1390 139% y A J) seams even. Sew sleeve. in armhole 28 hy - p Cai Esta apd ' ' a" 2 2 . 3 means of minimizing the danger from | {Erie .. sn 163% 161% | Sw e 1e residents of this town have learned ®nemy sympathizers in the United | Storrington. : Marine .. ... . .: 99% 2 : | cosmo cad 7464 861 me | States. Reeve---A. McFadden. Marine pid. ! N.Y. © . 3 + { Councillors Rabt. Allison, Tho- . C. .. ly bh' 71% A J ® o. Chinese For Viadivostok, was Makin, Adam Ritchie, Robert Reading Ne we. NOY 71% | 5 : : t +l Shanghai, Jan. 2.--The North [Gibson, James Dixon. Southern Pac.. .. 83% 8314 ; IS ISe China Daily News says the sitiation es emdion Union Pacific .. . 115 113% 5. at Harbin, Manchuria, _is gerious. * ° an RE Aleohul arte v SHIGE 121% To retain your eyesight by wearing glasses made to suit YOUR The newspaper says also. thut Bol- | MAYORS ELECTED. AR. : ote fo dw. BOT 56% eyes, e¥éxamine your eyes carefully, to determine the . Sheviki disorders have ocentred at | manville--J. B. Mitchell, Te phe 82% EXACT LENSES required by your eyes, make and grind them Vladivostok," and that the Chinese, Durham="Wm. Laidlaw. Crucible el 22 "in our own workshop, and we know they are correct for you. are endeavoring 'to send troops Fond- Charles E. Montreuil. Lr Mickel rien DAY 5 { Years of experience has taught us how "to take care of there. : i 'Harriston--J. J. P¥jtchard. Ker nieots we Teo 204 | your particular case. * Soi I~ Listowel---John 'Watson, Mexican Pot... Bo 2318 | Coal Famine First Fight. | Leamington--Lewis Wigle, Rep a se vs 31 '6 © 3 ing. An entirely new line is tak for the adjustment, -- - og - 4 x Washington, Jan. 2.--'Phe rail-' J1'Original--E. H. Proulx. Th A 2 o - -R. J. RODGER : fone al ton: transportation facij-| Owen Souhd---Keith Webster. B.5 Steel 913 to - 344 "of outer. waist as noteled with small first severe test under Government [ Prescoti--F. S. Robinson. hai : } : easing in soy fulness between hoteh control in anh effort to end the coal | Perth-----James J. Hands. Afjantie Sif nr : 19% u : 6s, Hold the sieeve toward you when a 'similar situation developing in Ridgetown--J. M. SheMlon. | i : Arrange outer, waist on underbod othet districts. . | | Sandwich--E. H, Donnelly. . Canadian Stocks. C1484 : with, center-fronts, center-backs 3 ji other Brazilian .. ,. , 82 323 ret | : Sudbury Perey Morrison. 'Can. C : | | A youthful cad pretty frock of blue edges together " Tilbpry--Bruce Richardson. - Co Sent is mg Bi % soplin frimmied with machine wtitch- "py magy the skirt, join gores as { Thornbury--H. Pedwell, Dom. Steel. . . 5 5514 notched leaving left sideseam free J ; : : Walkerton--A. P. Johnston. SE bots . ay li man airplanes were put cut of ac: | i i . pe ore: 'finish for elosin 5 = : E ition yesterday vy the French. "ar! Wulkervitel-Dr CW. Hos Nova Scotia Steel . 8734 There is nothing smarter for a poo: "50 OF CF me Adjust one ji tillety fighting continues at various| Windsor--C. R. Tuson. Steel of Canada . b 52 | ljanjor frock than poplin--wool" or Bing ¢or: ront gore : { fit in Inc] 4 rE ohh War Logns, 1937 . 2 matching corresponding smal) wy» | y % . J points on the front, bfit no large in-!| Woodstock --W. 8 West. a CHICAG 4 cotton. 'This little frock in dark perforations. Stitéh about 3 el HW! tantry actions are réported. Fea TE 1 AGO GRAIN, [blue is most effective trimmed with 4% inch : - x | ' ~ ; lash along the : | 'Corn. eck is finished with a collar "°" * ;Xne of pertora. : * - . Thomas Church was re-elected lauto car of Dr. Mylks near the : jopen ni BY a colla tions: draw pockefd ¢ : 'here, We have Just what you want at mayor of Torcnto on: Tuesday by a corner of Division and Ellice streeis Open High Low .Closg| [With pointed back, the adjustment ex. (to, the Inside Sheough the the right price fe : li big majority. * .. Tuesday night. jan... 126% 126% 1261 126% | (Dloiting a new line. The twoplece 1.10 41g press. Join ent) 7 prices. : ie = : : : by May .. . 12 i ' . y i lwalst in slightly raised effect. There Face pocket lap. tusn the } eke . tam Is a lintug, for which & yard 36nch +, "7 ROTTER bn lor uted +4, USES, voile and silks, from 98¢ to $6.50. Jil ons \ 7814 14% yards 36-inch material are fjnst -pocket lap on fens Fed "special prices. Mch. ... 8 TY 77% 371 | |meeded. - front edge along doubls Bote with v : a r houider seams as Gather. skirt between =r 25¢ up ; Big Night at Y M. C: A, and 5 «@Q" "tions, Turn hem: at Jows 2 'BOUDOIR CAPS; overy price from 19¢ to $2.50. nl Jana : She ; 7 hem ix front at notch. Large "0 » ®F edge of TO in img ny crepe de chome, in a variety of cal 3 FE " 1 > # tiven to the-soldiers in the Y.M.C A Plait lower edga ofs plac. skirt to the lower ed ae : | Salchury orchettra delighted . a larg~ rforations and ta bring side seam to wu hy ! En ar whol Sonny at 98¢, $1.50 and $1.98. : i : e ; | Endience with ats selections, Rechab Pe op RB: a few very fine fur setts to clear at sacrifics prices. 1 camel | "CY sag a: number. of, the cold | on right front of outer i mateh- Walst to small "0" : dir ¥ : 1 LAA a wie | ngs. » vocal due was given by the : aiate Tanteh. per edge of front sore lan a pi and "violin "selections were given by | below the perforation and then fide seam to (he. Fequisaa-- 19 Howard and Peter Fuir. The hit of} slash between the pos #¢'> perfora. Stitch taps unde oath, Fi he a lier, comedian, who sang a number of 'glagh (to the' inside 'of to position on dress w Lt comic "songs, Refreshments were ' paste aud press. Join ent) beit over upper edge gf George Young military sécretary of wyen arge "0". perf Allon {pq * 5 oad SY : gle large "O". perfor - the Y MC. A, acted as chairman 1 Close under-arm and shoulder seams ~~ venter-front of belt. =~ = TH6 Manufacturing Optician and 132 Princess Staeet ties in the east will be given their | - Paris--C. B. Robinson, Midvaic Xia ia - "0" perforation at shoulder seam le : : = famine In New England and prevent, Petbroke--Wiiliard R. Beatty. basting it in armhale. : Ye f i farts La : = a" : wd ion Ra Sault Ste- Marie--F, HB. Crawford.' under-arm seams even; stitch lower : " : p 4 French Down Enemy Planes. a Word to the New | wiiimir 2 . ; Paris, Jan. 2.--A number of Ger- g : ne ; : : ey a r ; Walkervile--Dr. C. W, Hoare. ¥ ple Leat .. . 2 921 above jarge "0" perforation in front Se 3 t : = at 4 ; . , . each. side of line of perforaifs, : You can save time and money by shopping Loo ES ro A sneak thief stole a rug from the {machine stitching {1 self-color. The ations ang 6 { Die ano ; ; #% 125 12436 1241; | SKirt {8 gathersd and attached to the O00 VE PEE TH ages Pocket : . tr . Oats, : TET UMBRELLAS, the newest thing in this line. : ; Open High Low (lose| [material is required. For the dress perforations aud tack to positing 2 | ; ; Jan 79%, 78 on : all shades, to clear $8.50; other Ines at i / o i | . 5 ; : He : ; : al } [May ... % 76% 5% 15% Beginning the wstruction with ations: a hall "0g" a dainty rb as ; a ee. ne. : eat a : ------ 5 uy the underbody, class the underarm "CT 0 0U0rt: SUHEN. 0ipoyiie, ad J In ' Ye p wd crepe, : : i : notched. Turn A. splendid entertainment was 'perforations - indicate .center-front. skirt on small "0" pe TEA NS, ho : i Be mam d * | | ilding on New Year's night. The ing "T" on eco center-fronts and oeny APRONS, from np. 3 ; ee : Next, adjust one pocket section A 200 bring the lower fron... at ; : i . ing corresponding small Misses, Wolgir -and Seale, Piano! tions. Stiten about 1% inch above and ©rs in ékirt from be evening was Sami Harris, the. sol ions; draw the pocket throwmgh the Ishiug tonch, line the belt ang served "by the Ladies' Auxiliary | get section underneath with edges Close to the left'of con pn YX '=. Did Good Work, { Pletorial Review Junior Dress No, 7484. Sizes, 13 to Maan Millan, son of Aid © ki eons. ne : n who went to New York with] At a Jewish memorial service in; On 5 'Queen's hockey team, had the honor iMoareal the rabbi spoke of Britain | hutch {of scoring the two woals that the col- fas a second mother to tie children | glass oi ge. am, 01 in their jo 2 zame fof tagael, ry deat A with je eters, € played a'. There Is a lo list of New Year | Tek i, brilliant gime all the way through, honors for Canadian soldiers, a nor Hoste 'cla showing wonderful speed and wag i Ste Marie ang Stellton have! The debt bf | Biven a great ovation for his work. munieipali !

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